Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 134 – Messed up!! Ascension!?

Jayr POV - Earth, Beharma region - 1007 AFA-SW

After dealing with the Beastmen attacking this village, I quickly focus on my senses to check if there are other nearby threats for the people living in this underground village, but luckily there aren't.

And so, once I made sure that there are no other danger, I jump out of the cockpit and hurry to check on the people of the village, and as expected, what awaits me there isn't a pretty sight.

Even if I came as soon as I realized what was going on, the Beastmen were still able to cause much death and destruction, buildings crumbling, the wail of the wounded, corpse and bodies butchered by the hail of bullets, the grieving people who lost their family, friends, and lovers.

Seeing this scene, I let out a sigh, and quickly move to help them, I start by using my telekinesis to lift the wreckage and rescue the people buried under it, at the same time, I take hold of all the people that need medical attention and bring them closer to me while yelling with a Spiral Power enhanced voice, "Don't panic! This is my doing! I here to help!" to make sure that the situation doesn't degenerate because of my sudden actions.

Once I gathered all the wounded, and even those that were already dead by a few seconds, I start to use my Spiral Power to cast Restoration Magic to heal them and Spirit Magic to make sure that the souls of those whose bodies just died didn't pass on while I'm healing their bodies.

After saving the lives and bringing back the most recently dead, I let out a sigh thinking, 'This is the most I can do. I can carelessly revive those that are dead for more than a couple of seconds, as in that case the soul already moved on. But those that just died are fair game... After all, taking someone away from the claws of death who died for a couple of seconds is something I did even before I was reincarnated and gained logic-defying powers. This shouldn't alert the Antispiral, especially since I used even less Spiral Power than a berserk Simon unleashed when Kamina was mortally wounded.'

Saving everyone I could, I don't wait for them to thank me, and quickly get out of the village, then I jump back into my unnamed Gunmen resulting from the union of Cratergann and the Gurren-type lion-faced Gunmen, and quickly open a big black swirling portal that leads into my Soulbound Territory.

After that, I use my telekinesis to grab the other Gunmen on the ground around the village and throw them into the portal and then I make my Gunmen jump into the portal.

Then I get out of the still unnamed Gunmen and move into my villa to prepare my dinner and rest, deciding to check on the Gunmen tomorrow.

Jayr POV - Jayr's Soulbound Territory - 1007 AFA-SW

After a good night of sleep, I get up, take a shower, and have a healthy breakfast, then I get out of my villa and finally carefully look at the union between Cratergann and the Gurren-type lion-faced Gunmen, and remain stunned on the spot.

The new Gunmen is around 12 meters tall, almost the same size as Gurren Lagann and Lazengann, the color of its body is mostly grey-white like Cratergann and of course, there is the lower yellow lion face with the three-pointed Glasscutter on it, I also notice a crest on top of Cratergann's head that wasn't there before.

(Image Here - Combined Gunmen)


But that isn't the reason I'm surprised by its look, no, the reason is because now that I take a good look at it, this Gunmen looks slightly familiar, like I have seen something similar before.

And realizing that, I try to remember where I have seen something similar, and mutter while holding my chin with my right hand "Well, for sure I saw it in my previous life... wait! That shape, that color, and the lion on its chest..."

Then suddenly the almost brainwashing intro of the opening song of a certain anime I watched in my previous life in my childhood that I quite liked as it is still one of my favorite ones, and as that song resounds in my mind, I immediately realize why this Gunmen looks so familiar.

My eyes open wide as I point at it with my finger and exclaim, "Holy...! It looks like the Gunmen version of GaiGar from The King of Braves GaoGaiGar!!"

Realizing this, my gaze moves from this Gunmen to the other 3 damaged ones laying on the ground and I instantly mutter, "No way... There is no way that these three Gunmen can also combine to form a Gunmen version of GaoGaiGar is there?"

But the more I look at the four Gunmen, the more I notice how they strangely seem to fit together as a whole unit, their color pattern, their shape, and their functions, all seem to complete each other.

Realizing this, I quickly use Restoration Magic to repair all the damage these Gunmen received with a happy and childish grin on my face, while at the same time, I start to give them the name that seems to fit them best, using the same one as GaoGaiGar's Gao Machines.

The King Kittan-type will be the Liner Gun, the smallest skull-like Gunmen will be the Protect Gun, while the last one with the spiral pattern on its hands will obviously be the Drill Gun.

Meanwhile, I will call the Gurren-type Gunmen with the lion face after the mecha that formed the main body, the Galeon, and following this pattern, I will call the combined unit using a mix of the naming pattern of both animes, its name will be Crater Gar.

After that, I jump into Crater Gar to try and combine all of them, but suddenly stop as I realize what my reckless behavior could cause, "Wait! If I truly combine with multiple Gunmen... Could the resulting Gunmen become a galaxy-sized Gunmen like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, especially since my Spiral Power is way stronger than Simon and the other combined... if so I could seriously destroy my Soulbound Territory!!"

I continue to study the possibility as I mutter, "Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann was first formed when Simon combined his Spiral Power with the others. And the size of it isn't something that Simon could control, or more specifically the size is the result of how much Spiral Power they all outputted... So it shouldn't be a problem to combine them if I keep my Spiral Power at reasonable levels... In any case, if something wrong is about to happen I can always stop."

Realizing this, I don't hesitate any more and input my Spiral Power into Crater Gar while yelling, "Final Fuuusion!!" and see on the dashboard that the spiral gauge quickly fills to the brim.

In response, Crater Gar jumps and spins around while releasing green Spiral Power from all its opening forming a tornado around itself.

After that, Drill Gun, Protect Gun, and Liner Gun go through some particular changes as they grow in size until a copy of them burst out, then they start to spin around Crater Gar.

First, the two Drill Guns rush below Crater Gar, who then releases a couple of drills from its feet piercing the Drill Guns, which quickly start to change shape while releasing some excessive parts that start to float around and quickly after that pull them toward its feet as it starts the assimilation process.

But as Crater Gar is about to assimilate and combine with them, I notice that the Spiral Power needed to do so is more than I thought, a hell lot more.

And as I input the needed Spiral Power, I notice a familiar green flame-like mane of Spiral Power appearing on top of Gar Cratergann's head, and at the same time, I feel its and the other Gunmen's bodies increasing in mass and size, at the same time, I enter in a strange state as I feel the Cosmo within my body churning as and a brand new awareness of the Cosmo opens itself to me.

But despite the euphoric feeling of omnipotence, I instantly stop the assimilation process and retire the drills connected to the other Gunmen while stopping immersing myself in that strange state, at the same time, I make Crater Gar softly land on the ground.

Then I let out a sigh and mutter, "Okay... it is clear that I underestimated my Spiral Power and the combination with a perfectly compatible Gunmen. It seems that the Final Fusion is at the same level as Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. A galaxy-sized robot capable of destroying a Multiverse, it seems that state is also able to push my awareness over Cosmo, in fact, I felt very close to awakening my 9th Sense just now, but the cost would have been destroying my Soulbound Territory, something that I know for certain is a very bad idea because I would have not only killed the Nymphs but I too would be dead for good, lost my Blessing, and my eligibility to take part in the Battle Across the Omniverse... Oh well, at least this means that I can now push myself to at least compete a little with the Antispiral, in case it is needed. I'm growing closer and closer to its level of power."

After that small little setback, I sit in the cockpit of Crater Gar for a few seconds to reflect on my knowledge of Cosmo and compare it, with what I just learned in that few moments of enlightenment, and realize, "It seems that I was wrong and misinterpreted some of the aspects of Cosmo, especially the later stages, the 8th Sense doesn't give me awareness over the rules that make up the Universe, no, what it grants is a complete control over your own soul, making it also stronger, and this stronger soul makes one more aware of the rules of the Universe and those imposed by the gods, and this is why a Saint with its 8th Sense awakened can oppose them."

Then as I continue to reflect on what I gained in that slight instance, I mutter, "Meanwhile, the 9th Sense is the deeper, more complete, and purest knowledge of the Cosmos that grants one the Cosmo of the Gods making the individual who awakens such awareness reach Godhood..."

After that introspection, I look at the dashboard and say, "Now that I think about it, I never tried using the Spin-enhanced Spiral Power while piloting Cratergann... I'm kinda curious to see that happens..."

And so, I grip the handles and after taking a deep breath, I focus on the Golden Rectangle and input a small amount of the Spin enhanced Spiral Power into Crater Gar, and watch as the spiral gauge on the dashboard starts to get filled with green with trace gold energy.

Everything seems to be going fine, the controls of Crater Gar work flawlessly and the power behind each move is increased by at least 10 times, but then I notice that the gauge on the dashboard continues to constantly fill, until all of a sudden, the spiral gauge starts to distort and crack as the green with traces of gold energy starts to seep out as a golden cloud of energy reminiscent of electrostatic discharge appears all around the cockpit, and suddenly my Spiral Power starts to run out of control.

At the same time, I notice the drills expanding out from all the holes and Crater Gar's body begins to also crack with the same kind of energy seeping out, and suddenly, the Cratergann disconnects itself from the Galeon and crashes on the ground as even more cracks begin to form on its body while the energy seeping out seems to form some kind of small galaxy that grows bigger and bigger each passing second swallowing everything in its path.

Meanwhile, the Cratergann can't withstand this kind of energy and is starting to break down and crumble, I try to cut off the connection between us, but I'm unable to do so, hell, I'm not even able to let go of the handles as my now out of control Spiral Power seems to keep us connected and is also pushing my being way above its limits as cracks being to form on my body, and even my soul and core as the familiar crippling pain almost knocks me out.

But knowing the gravity of the situation, I grit my teeth while withstanding the incredible pain, I can only shout out in frustration, "Dammit!! The death flag strikes again! I fucked up again! I'm causing a fucking Spiral Nemesis!!!"

Realizing this, I try everything to stop this process even using my Cosmo and Magic Power to contain the Spiral Power, but the berserk Spin-enhanced Spiral Power keeps interfering with everything I try to do, the only thing I was able to do was open the cockpit cover to take a breath of fresh air to try to calm down, but that doesn't change anything.

And just as I'm about to panic once more, the Crateris Cloth appears in front of me and equips itself on my body, then it starts to channel my Cosmo and Magic Power to envelope the Cratergann, at the same time, it tells me its idea and intention.

Shocked by its bold plan, I can't help but shout, "Are you crazy!? I don't know what this could do to you!! You could very well die as well and get thoroughly destroyed with no chance to recover!" but in response, the Crateris Cloth simply pulses with power, while using the Cosmo connection between us to tell me that it fully believes in our capability of pulling it off.

And so with a grin, I yell, "Okay! Let's do this, partner!!" and so I use my full focus to input my berserk Spin-enhanced Spiral Power into the Cloth connecting with me and Cratergann, then I flare my Cosmo and Magic Power to the maximum making the Cloth take its God Cloth Form, but even in this state, crack being to form all over the Cloth as the overbearing Spiral Power seems to overwhelm even its astonishing defenses.

Then I input my Cosmo and Magic Power into Cratergann and instantly blue and red energy appears in the distorted spiral gauge worsening the state of both the Cratergann and the dashboard as now my Cosmo and Magic Power also wreak havoc into them pushing them to break down even faster, but at the same time, I notice that the Spiral Galaxy is also distorting as it gets tainted by the colors of my Cosmo and Magic Power.

Then while withstanding the crippling pain I carefully wait for the right moment, focusing all my senses as I have to act at the perfect moment and the window to act is almost impossibly small.

Seconds seem to turn into eternity as the cracks continue to spread all over the Cloth and the Cratergann, even my own body and soul are starting to break down but I use the Dark Resurrection technique to forcefully keep them together.

And the moment I was waiting for finally comes as the Cratergann fully breaks down into millions of small pieces leaving behind only the Drill Core, as expected, the God Cloth and my body are able to last longer than it, the former thanks to its sheer durability able to take on even blows able to easily destroy a universe, and the latter thanks to the Dark Ressurection that keep regenerating my body.

At the same moment, Cratergann broke down, I instantly cast Creation Magic, while pushing every piece of the Cratergann plus the Drill Core into the Crateris Cloth that start to glow in a mix of blue, green, red, and gold glow as the cracks start to recede showing that the procedure is about to succeed, but still, there is the danger of the berserk Spiral Nemesis messing everything as my body continues to breakdown.

And so I close my eyes and enter once more into my Core and see that the endless tri-colored pillar is distorted almost beyond recognition with the same golden cloud of energy reminiscent of electrostatic discharge all around it, that represents the energy produced by the Spin.

Seeing that, a frown forms on my face as this isn't the result I expected or wanted, the four energies in my body are once again unbalanced, divided, and in conflict.

Just as I'm about to try and suppress the power of the Spin, the glowing Crateris Cloth in its Constellation Form appears beside me and says, "Wait! Don't suppress it! I understand your hurry to fix this mess, but that hastiness and impulsiveness are the reasons why you are in this situation in the first place. Since you learned that you are about to become a father, you became way too careless and impulsive in the desperate attempt to increase your power so that you could protect those you hold dear."

Hearing what the Crateri Cloth just said, I take a deep breath as I realize that it is telling the truth, 'The Crateris Cloth is right! Since Tio and Saori got pregnant I have had this almost crippling fear of not being strong enough to protect them and our kids, no matter how much I try to deny it, it is true that I made some careless and hasty decisions... This can't continue any longer!' and force myself to calm down and listen to what it has to say.

Then, feeling that I started fixing my attitude, the Crateris Cloth adds, "Now that you are once again calm, we can finally take care of this little issue. Now that I also truly came in contact with the Spiral Power and the Spin I realized the reason behind our current situation."

And without waiting for me to ask, it explains, "Your Spin isn't strong enough to contain the infinite power and potential of the Spiral Power. This is because despite having mastered the Golden Spin, the resulting rotation still isn't a truly perfect one. And so it can't act as the mixing agent you intended to merge all your energies into one, moreover its presence caused your energies to get out of balance once more. It was fine when you just used a little to enhance the Spiral Power because its power was irrelevant compared to your Magic Power, Cosmo, and Spiral Power. But when you tried to use it with Cratergann the quantities of the Spin energy started to match those of your other sources causing all of them to go berserk starting the Spiral Nemesis."

As soon as it explained all this, I realize what it mean and the solution for this problem and exclaim, "The Super Spin!! But that can only be achieved on horseback!!" once again, the Crateris Cloth corrects me, "You are wrong. Dear Athena, sometimes you can be so clueless... What you call Super Spin is only the result of two Golden Spins produced by two beings working in harmony merged into one. Which means that you don't need a horse to work but only another being that can produce a Golden Spin working in harmony with you."

I reflect over everything it just said and realize that what the Crateris Cloth said could be true, then I let out a sigh and say, "It could work... But the problem is that there isn't-"

But the Crateris Cloth interrupts me and says, "You are the strongest, smartest, and most stupid Saint I had since the Age of Myths. Remember a Saint never fights alone! Not only Athena and their fellow Saints watch over him, but also his own Cloth. It is a Cloth's duty to watch over, protect, and fight together with its Saint as they protect Athena and fight for peace, love, and justice. Since the first time, you donned me almost 6 years ago, I was always by your side, watching you grow, train, fight, suffer, win. I taught you what I could, and I also learned from you."

And as the Crateris Cloth said this, I feel another rush of very familiar energy all over my being, then I notice that on the distorted pillar, a new golden cloud of energy reminiscent of electrostatic discharge appears all around it, then slowly the newly formed cloud of golden energy merges together with the first one making it grown in power and intensity to a scary degree, this is the Super Spin, a truly perfect rotation emitting an infinite amount of energy

As I look at it with my mouth open wide, I hear the Crateris Cloth's voice as it says, "What are you waiting for? Come on! Work with me just like you have always done! Let's fix this mess."

Hearing that, a confident smile forms on my face, then I focus all my attention on my energy sources, I infuse the Super Spin into the Spiral Power, which turns into a fully gold color, at the same time, its power increases an untold number of times.

But this is only the start, as the Super Spiral Power starts to swallow both the Cosmo and the Magic Power, becoming something more than the combination of all four energies and changes into a clear pure golden energy, which seems to contain countless small stars within it, strong and immense, the likes I have only ever felt from a few beings, and more important under my total control.

And with the formation of this new energy, I once again enter the same strange state of a few moments ago that grants me a whole new awareness of not only Cosmo, but also Magic Power, Spiral Power, Spin, and even the rules of my current reality, I feel that if I desire, I can warp it to my needs and desires, create matter from nothing, create life, I am a God.

And that isn't the only thing, I also feel my body changing in ways I never thought possible, and all of a sudden, I hear a very familiar draconic roar, but for a moment, I don't understand its origin until I realize that I'm the one roar as even the Magic Advent of the Dragon Lord fully merges with my being.

After I realize all of this, I look at the straight pure golden starry pillar, and with a thought, I will it to change, and in an instant, it transforms into a big clear golden cup that is protected by the statue of my Dragon Form, and around it, an ancient Greek temple similar to that of Athena is being formed.

Then I hear the Crateris Cloth's voice as it says, "Congratulation, Jayr! You just took a step into Godhood! Quite far away from the almighty omnipotent God, you want to be, but at least right now your Divinity is just a tad bit weaker than Poseidon, Hades, and Athena while your combat power is truly something astonishing."

I let out a sigh and say, "Yes. I'm a lot stronger than before. But for now, I have to refrain from using my godly power too much. After all, if I mess up and my control slips I could very well destroy all life in this universe, now I understand why Athena, Hades, Poseidon, and the other Gods in my universe only unleash their full divine might when they are donning their God Cloths, it protects them as much as it helps in controlling and restraining their Divine Cosmo."

After that, I take a look at my Core and instantly notice that it has changed, now it looks even more lively and real, moreover, different from before which was divided into three sources of energy, right now it looks whole, united, and perfect.

Done checking my Core, I will myself out, and once again, I'm back in my body, which isn't breaking down anymore, and take a look at the Crateris Cloth which is still in its God Cloth state, and see that the outside appearance didn't change much if you ignore the now Silver Core Drill embedded in its chest.

Then, after looking at it in silence for a few seconds, with a heavy heart I finally ask, "Did everything go as expected?"

Suddenly, the Crateris Cloth shines with the same pure golden energy, and the next instant, I find myself once again sitting inside the cockpit of the Cratergann.

Then a mechanical voice replies, "Yes, I was able to fully assimilate with the Cratergann, the slight sentience residing within it happily choose to fuse with me... Now I can turn into a Gunmen whenever I want."

Indeed, this was Crateris' crazy idea, to fuse the Cratergann into itself so as to gain the ability to channel Spiral Power, and possibly the ability to transform into a Gunmen, and with it, help me control and channel the berserk Spiral Power.

Hearing that we were successful, I jump out of the cockpit and look at the Cratergann and see that its outside appearance didn't change, but now it has the absurd durability of the Crateris Cloth, after all, it is the Crateris Cloth.

While I'm looking at it, the Crateris Cloth in its Cratergann form moves its arms, and so I ask curious, "How does it feel? And should I call you Crateris or Cratergann in this form?" and as it lightly jumps on its place, it replies, "You now? It feels strange to have working limbs, but it isn't bad, and now I can help you more... Anyway, when I'm in this Gunmen form you can continue to call me Cratergann, it isn't like my name changes too much."

Then Cratergann looks at me and asks, "So... How is your new energy? And how are you gonna call it?"

I raise my hand and generate a small clear pure gold spinning drill and say, "Well, I'll keep it simple and call it Spiral Cosmo, it is basically an energy that I can use for everything, my Cosmo Techniques, Magic, Power the Gunmen, or even warp reality can do it all, It can also swallow other energies systems to gain their characteristics and unique abilities... Moreover, if I want I can easily change it into Cosmo, Magic Power, Spiral Power, or Spin Energy with a single thought."

And as I say this, the golden drill changes into the aftermentioned energies without problems, before once again turning back into a golden spiral.

Then I look at Cratergann and ask uncertainly, "What happened to the mini-type Gunmen? It had a slight sentience right?"

Cratergann looks back at me and with a smile on its mechanical face, it replies, "Well, the sentience it had back then was at a very, very basic level. But I can tell you that it was happy to find you and travel with you and even happier to merge with me and become something more... No, I'm happier that I became a better partner that will be able to stay by your side without holding you back."

Then it adds, "But I have to say that it had a quite interesting history. Did you know that these small Gunmen were created by an advanced ancient civilization that mastered the use of Spiral Power? But then that Civilization choose to strangely halt their own evolution and purged themselves of Spiral Power and deemed useless they threw away all Gunmen like it."

Hearing that, I suddenly exclaim, "Wait! Wait! You're telling me that the mini-type Gunmen were created by the Anti-Spiral tribe in the first place!!? Then how the hell did they end up on Earth?"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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