Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 135 – Meeting Lordgenome

Jayr POV - Earth, Teppelin region - 1007 AFA-SW

A few days passed since I messed up, caused a Spiral Nemesis, almost died again, merged all my energy sources into a single one, awakened my 9th Sense, and attained Godhood and nothing much changed, 'If I ignore the fact that I can now influence the world around me with just my will and that I'm receiving a constant flow of faith from the people living in Tortus worshiping the wandering God of Healing and Justice, Jayceon and surpringly even from some people living  in this version of Earth... and let's not forget the fact that if I focus, I can hear their prayers and even answer them if I want, plus it seems that I can also bless them.'

The curious thing about the power of faith is that it doesn't empower me, at least not in the normal sense, the power of faith basically connects me to my believers, and through it, I can bless and empower them using the Divine Domains that are surprisingly about Healing, Justice, and Dragons, all three of them gives me some new useful abilities.

The Healing Domain grants me the ability to instantly sense if someone is ill, the Justice Domain lets me recognize how evil someone truly is, making its soul appear of a certain color in my eyes, and the Dragon Domain, well it grants me authority over dragons, that and the fact that the Dragon Form truly became a part of me, making so that I can turn into a dragon without using any kind of magic or energy basically it is part of my being, it also grants me the ability that should not be named, and even the ability to use the crazy Humanoid Dragon Form that raises my physical power so much that I can rip open the time-space continuum with a punch, at least these are the ones I instinctively know of.

Meanwhile, with my blessing, those that have faith in me gain another useful ability, those that seek to heal others, they'll gain the ability that I like to call God's Eye, which enables them to diagnose a patient and determine a possible cure, if possible for their current abilities, using my knowledge as long as they look at the patient's body, those that seek to help other and bring justice, will gain the ability that I like to call, God's Judgement, with a touch they can cause various effect to an individual based on their alignments, pure evil will die, evil to guilty will feel an agonizing pain for a variable amount of time, the more evil, the longer, to neutral nothing will happen, to good people will be healed and have a healthy body free of illness through their lives, and the rare pure souls will have all the benefit of the good pulse their lifespan will be extended.

I can also simply guide my believer when they ask for help, I decided to take some time to do the last one especially when a healer encounters an especially nasty disease which they do not have a cure for yet.

The reason I take time to do this is not only because I don't want to leave an ill person helpless but also because it seems that the power of faith is able to refine my divinity making it more "pure", probably the power of faith can also be used to forcefully gain Godhood like Ehit did, but as seen the result of this is subpar at best as he was still only a slightly stronger magician compared to Poseidon, Hades, and Athena.

Another thing that I did these days while traveling toward the Beastmen capital is to spend some time playing with the Nymphs and the Crateris Cloth in its Gunmen Form to relax, slow down, and calm my nerves to take time to think over about my next moves so that I don't make the same mistakes as before, but I did decide that with my newly gained strength, I can now use a more direct approach.

And one thing that I learned is to never play chess against million year old armor blessed by the Goddess of Windsom and War with the innate ability to see into the future, you get destroyed, 100% of the times.

And playing videogames doesn't help either for one simple reason, in its Gunmen Form the Crateris Cloth is basically a God of Technology that can input commands faster then me for the simple fact that it assimilates the controller with its drills, so even if I use my lightspeed I still can't keep up with him.

Anyway, I took my sweet time to travel to the Beastmen capital flying on Crater Gar instead of directly teleporting into Lordgenome's throne chamber, enjoying the sight of this world that is still slowly recovering from the previous Anti-Spiral War while also discreetly helping the underground villages on the way for things like removing illness, making crops grow a little faster and heathier, creating nearby sources of drinkable water that will be "causally" discovered.

In the end, after a few peaceful days of traveling, sitting in the opened cockpit of Crater Gar I finally see in the distance the large drill-shaped fortress that breaks the cloud barrier, the Beastmen Capital, Teppelin.

As I'm admiring the scenery, I hear the mechanical voice of Cratergann as it asks, "So... What are we gonna do now? Sneak in? Attacking from the front? Wait for the Dai-Gurren Brigade to attack?"

I continue to look at the impossible huge structure standing in front of me and with my senses I can easily feel the presence of the Gunmen hidden inside, the Dekabutsu, an imposing Gunmen whose immense size makes the other Dai-Guns look like small toys.

At the same time, I consider the options and reply, "The last option isn't possible yet, the Dai-Gurren is still under repair after Cytomander's attack and being upgraded with the Levisphere, at the pace they are going, and I think they still need a month or so to reach this place. Attacking from the front will cause too many unnecessary deaths. As for sneaking in... it is way too easy, I can just rush in at lightspeed and get it done, but that is almost the same as teleporting inside. Way too rude. Especially since I changed my mind and don't really want to fight him anymore."

Cratergann immendiately understands my intention and letting out a sigh it comments, "Of course, you would do that. This is why you always lose at chess, sometimes, you are way too honest." I look back at him and snark back, "I lose because a certain someone can see my moves before I can even think of them." which is met with silence from my partner.

Then I take a deep breath, change my Spiral Cosmo into simple Spiral Power, and infuse it into my voice, then I yell, "Good evening, Lordgenome. My name is Jayr Pucci and I'd like to talk with you about the thing that doesn't make you sleep at night, the Spiral Nemesis, and a possible solution for that problem."

My loud Spiral Power-enhanced voice echoes all over the plain in which the towering Beastmen capital stands, scaring away all the small animals and birds that start to flee away, making me mutter a small, "Sorry..." and then wait, curious to see what his response will be.

For the next few seconds nothing happens, and so my mind starts to wander, and so I try to analyze Lordgenome's current state of mind reflecting on his actions and what I know, 'From what I have seen in the anime, Lordgenome still sees himself as the guardian of humanity and emphasize that all his actions are to ensure mankind's survival despise his apparent cruelty. On one side, he forced humanity underground, killing countless people and oppressing many others just to keep theri number under one million. But on the other he also ensured that mankind would survive no matter what happened. Even during the Dai-Gurren Brigade's rebellion, he never went on the offense, he always reacted to their attacks and always with the minimal force needed when he could simply overwhelm them with numbers.'

As I continue to wait for their response, I also think back about the images of his final fight with Simon, 'Even on that occasion he still fought back using only enough strength to match or slightly overcome Simon, when in the final fight against the Antispiral he was able to tank the Antispiral' attack and convert it into energy for Simon and the others to use at the cost of his life, which indicates that his mastery over Spiral Power is a hell lot higher than what he showed in his first fight against Simon. Sure the reason for that could be because of his arrogance and overconfidence, but it is also possible that Lordgenome grew way too tired of the current situation and simply choose to nurture Simon as he saw a trace of his old self in him and make him succeed him in his duty as guardian of mankind hoping that he could find an alternative solution to the Spiral Nemesis. Or at least I hope so.'

While I was thinking that, I finally sense some movements coming from the drill shaped Beastmen capital Tepplin.

Soon I see a big orange dome-like moving fortress, that I instantly recognize as the Dai-Gundo, the flagship of General Guame the Steady and its main form of transportation after his Gunmen was destroyed by Gurren Lagann's Giga Drill Break.

(Image Here - Dai-Gundo)


Looking at the mobile fortress as it slowly gets closer, I smirk and mutter, "It seems that Lordgenome is in the mood to talk. After all, if he didn't want to listen to me he would have simply let that little shit Cytomander meet me with his Dai-Gunten or released his whole army after me. Instead, he chooses to send his most trusted men, Guame, the only one that knows the whole truth about the Antispiral and the deal Lordgenome had with it to ensure mankind survival."

After a while, the Dai-Gundo stops some distance away from me and Gar Cratergann, and soon I hear Cratergann say, "Jayr, they are trying to establish a communication channel with us. I will connect it soon."

And indeed, inside the cockpit a screen opens that shows Guame sitting on his command chair while smoking from his pipe.

As soon as he notices me, he lets out a puff of smoke and comments, "Another human that found one of those mini-type Gunmen. Moreover, one foolish enough to come and demand an audience with his Highness the Spiral King... Why are you so in a hurry to forfeit your life, human scum?"

Hearing that, I let out a sigh and say minding my words so as to not expose the lies that he and Lordgenome told to the other Beastmen to make sure that they will hunt down the humans without remorse, "Stop it with your play Guame. I know the past that you and Lordgenome share. I know the truth behind your actions and while I can't agree with them, I still understand why he chooses to do so. So simply lead me to him, I was already polite enough to warn you guys of my presence and intention instead of simply appearing in front of him or tearing down everything in my path."

Then I raise my hand and generate a small green drill of Spiral Power on top of my palm and add, "After all, if I truly desire to do something, nothing in this world can stop me. Especially not a decadent warrior with barely any will to live left." then I quickly disperse my Spiral Power by clenching my fist.

In response, Guame narrows his eyes as he inhales from his pipe, then he release another puff of smoke and says, "Very well. I will lead you to the audience hall." I nod then I say, "Thank you."

At the same time, Cratergann separates from Galeon and changes into its Cloth form before once more sealing itself into the Core Drill which I then grab and put around my neck as a necklace, while thinking, 'With the last upgrade the Crateris Cloth can now seal itself into the Core Drill instead of the Pandora Box, something quite nice because now it is a lot easier to carry around.'

I then put Galeon into my Soulbound Territory by opening a portal under its feet and letting it sink into it, then I simply teleport into Dai-Gundo's bridge shocking Guame, who spits his pipe out and alerts the Anteater Beastmen manning it, which quickly raise their weapons pointing them at me.

I show them a harmless smile and say, "Lower your weapon, they are useless against me."

At the same time, Guame quickly recovers from the shock and quickly commands, "At ease!" then he gets down from his command chair and moves to pick up his pipe while muttering, "Damn Spiral Warriors and their bullshit powers..."

Guame then sits on his chair and commands, "Back to Teppelin! Full speed!" and once more he lit ups his pipe and starts to smoke, at the same time, I notice that in my eyes his soul is of a light purple, a mix between red and blue, indicating that while he did commit evil, he isn't a truly evil person himself, as I suspected he did it out of necessity not enjoyment, at the same time, I hope that Lordgenome's situation is more or less the same.

Seeing that, I can't help but comment, "You may have Spiral Power to keep you healthy and alive so much that as long as you don't get killed as you are biologically immortal. But smoking is still harmful to your and others' health. You should stop, or at least reduce it."

Guame looks at me with a sideglance and snorts, "Hmpf. You brat, you don't understand anything. I have lived for way too long, and don't fear death anymore. Even so, I still have many things to do and to enjoy, this is why this is simply harmless scented vapor. You know apparence matters and smoking makes me look manly, cooler, and wiser."

After that, we pass the next few minutes in an awkward silence, until we reach Teppelin the floating capital of the Beastmen.

Then Guame leads me alone into the city where we start to pass through many corridors and lifts that connect one building to another, and seeing these structures, I can't help but think, 'The whole capital is built around and connected to the Dekabutsu but it also a very flimsy structure. Probably Lordgenome chooses to build it this way so that it can be easily discarted in case Dekabutsu needs to show its true power.'

While I was thinking that, Guame explains, "We are about to reach Lordgenome's throne room." with a smile, I correct him, "You mean the tower on top of this huge Space Gunmen, the Dekabutsu's head? The docking point for Lordgenome's personal Gunmen Lazengann?"

A frown froms on his face as he looks back at me and comments, "You aren't a regular human, right? You know way too much. Oh well, you will be Lordgenome's problem, not mine. If I learned something in all these years is to never get involved in fights between Spiral Warriors. The best way to survive is to just spectate from the side."

Then he narrows his eyes and adds, "But even so. If you are a threat to Lordgenome, I will gladly sacrfice my life to help him in killing you. The only reason I didn't outright attack you with everything that Teppelin can throw at you is because my instincts tell me that you aren't after his life."

Hearing that I nod and with a smile, I say, "True I don't want to kill him... but for sure I want to slap some sense in that bald head of his." which makes Guame stumble a little.

After another couple of minutes, we finally reach Lordgenome's throne room, a basically empty place with only a spiral throne in the middle, sitting on top of the throne there is him with his head resting on his closed fist with his eyes closed, Lordgenome, a large, bearded and muscle-bound man towering at over 2 meters tall, and more important, his soul is of a very dark purple, indicating that huge amount of evil he committed, but since again it isn't either a dark red or pitch black, this means that he only had the best intention at heart, and more important, everything he did to allow mankind survival is crushing him with guilt, so it is like I thought, in his fight with Simon, Lordgenome choose to die while bringing out more of Simon's power.

All around him, there are 6 cyan skinned women with white hair and dark eyes, but in an instant, I realize that those are neither Human nor Beastmen, no, those six are a strange mix between humans and Core Drills, in fact, they give me the same feeling as my Core Drill, and realizing that I can't help but question, 'Wait! These girls are not only part of his harem but also the batteries that power up Lazengann... That means that if Nia's mother is like them or even one of them... That means that Lordgenome knocked up a part of his mecha!? Damn! That is some Zeus-level of weird shit...'

Soon Lordgenome notices our presence, and as he opens his Rinnegan-like eyes and as his gaze lands on me, he lets out an amused, "Ho oh...", then he asks in a bored tone, "For sure I wasn't expecting someone so young. But I guess it should be expected since you aren't someone from this world. So from which planet of this vast universe oppressed by the Antispiral you come?"

It seems that he think that I'm a survivor from another planet attacked by Antispiral, and realizing that, I smile back and reply honestly, "None. In fact, I'm not even from this Universe."

And his bored face disappears as his eyes open wide as he stares at me, then I continue, "Yes, I'm not from this Universe, but from a totally different one where Spiral Power doesn't even exist."

And hearing that, Lordgenome stands up while I continue my speech, "I have the ability to travel to many different Universes. And in some way, all these Universes are connected simply because if you find any form of entertainment that tells a story, it is very likely that you will find out that the Universe described in that story actually exists. And more important often the events that happened, are happening, and will happen will in some way similar or exactily as described in the story."

At this point I hear Guame beside me loudly gasp, "It's impossible!!" while Lordgenome narrows his Rinnegan-like eyes and simply demands, "Prove it!" but I can feel the anxiousness and very feeble hope in his tone.

With still the same calm smile on my face, I ask, "Do you have around 4 hours?" and under the stunned gaze of Guame, I use my Spiral Power to create a movie theater screen 30 meters wide, huge loudspeakers, and a digital projector plus some comfy seats.

At the same time, I pull out two DVDs from my Soubound Territory and many huge bowls full of popcorn that I prepared before hand.

Seeing all that, Guame can't help but ask, "What the hell is all of this for?" but before I could reply, Lorgenome answered in my place, "So you are gonna make me watch a movie? It has been quite some time since I saw one... In fact, the last time I saw one was just before the Anti-Spiral War started."

I nod and reply, "Yes, this is how I learned of your Universe's story...", then I move toward the projector and insert the DVD of the first movie, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann the Movie: Childhood's End and make it start.

At the same time, the lights in this huge room get lower, and seeing that, I simply give Lordgenome who is now sitting on one of the comfy seats with his drill harem a thump-up sign, before also sitting and offering him a bowl with my telekinesis who he grabs, leaving only a still stunned Guame standing still as he looks at the scene with eyes and mouth wide open.

But quickly snaps out as Lordgenome's voice is heard coming from the loudspeakers as the movie starts, "People ask themselves "What I am!?", "What is life?", "What is the Universe?" They go to their graves, never learning their answers. Thus is their fate."

And quickly we all watch as the intro plays out and Lordgenome's voice quickly comments on the image shown on the screen, as a few moments of the first Anti-Spiral War are shown, a young Lordgenome playing in the park with his armadillo pet Guame, and a bunch of other armadillos just as the Antispiral first attack starts.

How he found a mini-type Gunmen and lead the people of this world in the war with countless other Gunmen like Gurren Lagann and Lazengann, but another thing that I instantly notice is that among them there are quite a few familiar faces in their Gunmen version, 'Holy hell! Those are Manzinga Z, Grendizer, Getter, an Eva, a Valkyre from Macross! Basically, all the most famous mecha have a Gunmen version! Why I didn't even notice this before!? And this also explains the existence of my own GaoGaiGar Gunmen version!"

At the same time, I also notice that Lordgenome and Guame are looking at the scene with a grim expressions on their face as it brings back the memories of what they had lost to ensure mankind's survival.

And their face becomes even grimmer as the scene of the young Lordgenome meeting with Antispiral and his despair in finding out the truth of the Spiral Nemesis appears one after another as Lordgenome's voice in the movie continues its commentary.

Then we all witness the young Lordgenome fall as his Spiral Power turns into the red Anti-Spiral Power and starts attacking his former allies killing them with all his force and power so as to prevent the start of the Spiral Nemesis, and thus rising as the Spiral King.

Then the Lordgenome in the movie declares, "Humanity, hear me! You foolish species. Know terror! Terror in the face of my absolute power. Prostate yourselves before overwhelming terror and despair! Bow before the name of the Spiral King!" as his army of Beastmen oppress the human race forcing it underground.

Then the scene moves to the familiar image of Teppelin as Lordgenome comments in a somber voice, "Slumber deep beneath the surface, you foolish species. Thus is the destiny of this world." after that, the title of the movie appears on the screen.

Seeing all that, Lordgenome sitting nearby let out a sigh and says, "Just from these few minutes, I can already tell that what you told me is the truth. While many things were left out, the rest of what was shown is incredibly accurate and matches my memory of those events..."

And Guame who is eating the popcorn beside me adds, "True... But I can't help but notice that the name of this movie is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann the Movie: Childhood's End... Gurren Lagann, isn't that the name of the Gunmen piloted by those rebels?"

Both Lordgenome and Guame then throw an inquiring glance at me, and I calmly reply, "That's right! Because that's their story. They are the protagonist." as I said this, the movie continues, and is now Simon who is narrating his simple life in the Giha Village.

But soon the scene where he digs up the Core Drill and Lagann comes and Lordgenome comments amused, "Ho... His Spiral Power is strong enough to make that mini-type Gunmen reveal itself and acknowledge him... Not bad..."

We all continue to watch the movie as the events quickly come one after another, the attack of the Gozu, the coming of Yoko, the activation of Lagann and their fight, and their victory against their first opponent, Lordgenome watch it all while eating popcorn and letting out a or two comment from time to time.

Then the scene of Kamina stealing the Gurren and finally being able to move it fight comes, and Guame comments in wonder, "So that's how all that bullshit about human stealing Gunmen began!?"

After that, Viral encounters with Kamina, the start of their rivality and first ever Combination forming the Gurren Lagann in their fight against Viral's Enki and the first of his many defeats and seeing that, Lordgenome comments amused, "Hoo... So that's is how Viral's first encounter with the humans went? Now I can understand why he was so curious."

Hearing that, I look at him and curious, I ask, "Speaking of Viral, is he still going through the process to receive an immortal body?" as one of Lordgenome's girls offers him some popcorn, he nods and simply replies, "Yes..." then eats the offered popcorns.

Then they all focus back on the movie as the first appearance of the current Lordgenome and his general appears on screen, and seeing that, Guame clicks his tongue and comments, "Tch, even our meeting is exactly the same as how I remember..." then with a creepy grin he adds, "But I still look very cool and manly. Not like that young sissy of Cytomander, he is only 200 years old and thinks of himself as a wise and strong general. What a brat!"

The events following are more familiar to me because are those that I experienced myself, their first meeting with Thymilph, their victory thanks to Simon's sharp mind and quick thinking, the formation of the Dai-Gurren Brigade, and that battle, the battle where for the first time, I started to actively change the thee of this world.

Seeing Kamina, the way he fought, how he pushed himself despite his fatal wounds, that shining charisma, and sheer stupidity, Lordgenome can't help but let out a quiet laugh as he munches on popcorn, then he comments, "Hehe, that man, Kamina, reminds me a little of my younger self. It's lucky that he died before he found out the truth, or he could have ended up like me." then after a few moments looking at him as he says his last words to Simone, he adds, "...Or maybe not. The reason he fought is different from mine. I fought to protect what I could. He fought to pave the way for the younger generation to thrive. It's a shame that a man like that died."

After the defeat of Thymilph and the death of Kamina, the movie shows the scenes of how Simon was slowly falling into despair, and seeing the scene of his Spiral Power going berserk, a scowl appears on Lordgenome face as he mutters, "After everything Kamina did, this is how he ends up? He is falling into despair and about to develop Anti-Spiral Power...", while Guame comments, "Damn. We should have ended him at this time."

Meanwhile, I comment, "He isn't going to stay in that state for long. He is about to meet someone that will reignite his fighting spirit and will to move forward." indeed, the scene of Simon's meeting with Nia appears, but despise seeing her, Lordgenome still maintain an indifferent expression on his face.

But I can't help but notice his body twitch slightly, and realize in surprise, 'Now that a little bit of hope is reignited in his heart, his callousness toward the world is slowly receding and his human feelings are coming back! After all, he almost jumped on his seat when Kamina got up again and delivered is first and last Giga Drill Break, only for his mood to sour when he died. Even if he tries to hide it, he is engaged in what is happening on the screen.'

Then at this point, the movie shows something different from what happened, instead of them facing Adiane, Guame, and Cytomander one after the other, in the movie they attack the Dai-Gurren Brigade at the same time, and Guame immediately says, "Hey! That didn't happen!"

I nod and explain, "As I said, what these forms of entertainment show isn't always accurate to what happened of will happen. But you can't deny that this is something that could have happened, and even if some details are different the major points don't change much."

Hearing that, Guame nods and says, "That's right. The me on the screen even had the same intention. Showing the defeat of the rebels all over the world. So to bring down their will to rebel. Damn, even the words I'm saying to Nia are the same."

Then we all watch as Simon finally wakes up from his depressed state as he fights to save Nia and Lagann in response once more moves to his aid, and Gurren Lagann once more raises with Simon the Digger as its pilot, then he easily defeats his enemies with a Giga Drill Break and the first movie ends with the Dai-Gurren Brigade standing in front of Kamina grave getting ready to face the last enemy the Spiral King.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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