Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 136 – It’s Movie Time! 1

Jayr POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

As soon as the credits of the first movie of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann rolls, I hear the angry voice of Guame beside me as he yells, "What the...!? Why did I have such a pathetic death!!? It was almost like killing me was something that they remembered to do at the end. Hell! Even that pathetic Cytomander had a better death than me!!"

Meanwhile, Lordgenome is muttering, "Why do I now have the sudden impulse of punching that Simon kid in the face?" then he looks at me and says, "That certainly was interesting... But the end seems a little rushed and leaves many things unanswered."

I nod and explain, "That's true. But this is only the first of two movies... If you want I can immediately start the next one. But I think a break is needed." then looking at all the empty bowls on the floor, I add, "Moreover, I'd like to prepare another batch of popcorns, plus some other necessities, like some drinks and some other kinds of snacks as the next movie will be even more interesting."

Then I get up and say, "After all, until now we only saw the past. Next we will see the future or at least a possible version of it." quickly after, I open a portal that leads to my villa in my Soulbound Territory so that I can prepare the aftermentioned snacks.

Lordgenome POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

I look at the young man named Jayr as he disappears into a portal that leads somewhere unknown, then I throw a glance at Guame, who is once more smoking from his pipe, and ask, "So... What do you think?"

Guame let out a puff of smoke and closes his eyes something that he always does when he is thinking about something important, then after a few seconds of silence, he says, "I don't think he is lying. In fact, I don't think he ever told a single lie the whole time. And that is something scary in itself."

Curious about what he meant by that, I let out an interested, "Ho...?" and Guame who knows me the best, instantly understand the unasked question and explains, "You when I first met him and tried to put some pressure on him to scout his intention, he told me: "If I truly desire to do something, nothing in this world can stop me. Especially not a decadent warrior with barely any will to live left." That means that he is sure that no one in this place can truly be a threat to him."

Hearing that, especially the part about the "decadent warrior", a smile unconsciously forms on my face as I nod and say, "Well, for certain he isn't anything like those kids in the Dai-Gurren Brigade. First, he has fully awakened his Spiral Power, and his control over it rivals mine, and that even if I had over 1000 years of experience, but still can only admit that he is at my level if not higher from the few things he showed."

Then Guame lets out another puff of smoke and adds, "Moreover, it is clear that despite his apparent laidback attitude, he never let down his guard... He is truly a seasoned warrior, and not any warrior, but one that went through terrible battles fighting overwhelmingly strong enemies. Each of his movements is natural and flows almost like water. It is clear that he trained from a very young age."

After he said that, a calm silence falls between us, until I finally ask the most crucial question that continues to swirl in my mind, "Do you really think that he has a solution for the Spiral Nemesis?"

Guame finally opens his eyes and looks at me, then he replies, "It is very probable. Maybe the answer itself is in the next movie he wants to show us. After all, there must be a reason behind his actions than simply proving to us that he is telling us the truth."

After he said this, the same portal as before appears and Jayr walks out with a bunch of things floating behind him.

Jayr POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

I come out of the portal while using the telekinesis to carry a new set of bowls full of hot popcorn, some other snacks like chocolates and gummy snacks, like the perverted gummy bear that for some strange reason you always find in a compromising position, like a certain nice number or some other more regular one found in a certain Indian book, and of course some lights carbonated drinks.

Once I place all of them on the table in front of the comfy seats, I sit down and ask, "Are you ready to watch the second movie? I'm sure you are going to find it very interesting." after receiving a calm nod from both Lordgenome and Guame, I once again use my Telekinesis to take out the first DVD from the projector and change it to the second.

Soon the movie starts and once more it is Lordgenome's voice that gives the introduction, "Ignorance is a frightening thing. You people may believe that you are in the right... but it is I who keeps this world safe. I, Lordgenome, am the guardian of humanity." then after a close-up of his face with his Rinnegan-like eyes shining in the red light of the Anti-Spiral Power, the scene jumps to the Battle of Teppelin that is going to happen in a month or so.

Then there is a quick fast forward of Simon and Lordgenome's battle, as Lordgenome is beating Simon and Lagann's ass with his naked body as a red fire Spiral Power erupts from his scalp, before quickly moving back to the start of the battle where Simon is piloting Gurren Lagann and is about to pick Nia to meet her father.

And instantly Guame starts to complain, "Why the hell is this thing going back and forth so randomly!? It's confusing!" hearing that, I wry smile forms on my face as I explain, "Because this is only a quick summary of the battle that took place, it isn't the main focus of this movie."

And the scenes of the battle quickly come one after another it also shows a glimpse of Viral and Lordgenome talking, when Viral asked his question about the humans, and then Lordgenome with Lazengann makes its appearance.

Seeing it once more, I can't help but comment, "I admit it the Lazengann is one of the coolest looking mecha!" making Lordgenome grin as he mutters a quiet, "Hum..."

Then the scenes of the fight between Lazengann and Gurren Lagann is shown as Lordgenome in the movie yells, "Long ago, there was once a man who fought as you do. Unaware that his actions would bring about mankind's destruction!", and I notice Lordgenome and Guame slowly nodding.

After that, the scene where Simon's Lagann Impact and Lordgenome's huge giga drill clash against one other, and while the situation seems one of stall, soon Simon explodes with power and starts destroying Lazengann's giga drill.

But the Lordgenome in the movie doesn't give up and gets out of Lazengann's cockpit and starts to beat Lagann up with his own body.

Now it looks like Lordgenome's victory is guaranteed, as he looks down on Simon on the ground as he says, "I haven't had this much fun in a long time, boy. Now, back into the dirt with you!" and pick him up from his head.

But right at that moment, Simon picks his Core Drill and without hesitation stabs Lordgenome in the chest with it, at the same time, Guame and the girls yell out, ""Nooo!!"" while Lordgenome continues to watch with the same grin on his face as he munches on popcorns.

In the movie, Simon then declares as the Core Drill shines in power, "My name is Simon. Simon the Digger, leader of the Dai-Gurren Brigade. If you decide to be a wall that's standing in my way, there's something that will open a hole in you every time! And that something is my drill!" then he twists his Core Drill and releases a huge amount of concentrated Spiral Power that opens a huge hole in Lordgenome's chest.

Then the still standing but about to die Lordgenome says, "I see... Your Spiral Power outstripped my own."

After that, he starts to laugh and then he says. "I will leave you with this warning." he looks at the moon shining in the night sky and continues, "When the land comes to be overrun with ignorant apes that reach for the sky, the moon shall become Hell's messenger and destroy the world of the Spiral."

I throw a glance at Lordgenome and say, "It's nice of you to warn them about Cathedral Terra. Your old flagship, a gigantic battleship that can merge with a Gunmen into a planet buster mecha."

In response, Lordgenome drinks some homemade coca cola and says, "Hmpf. Of course that I would warn them about that. After all, if I die someone else has to take my place as the guardian of mankind."

After his last warning, the Lordgenome on the screen smiles and lets himself fall from the tower as Nia tries to reach for him but she doesn't make it in time and can only watch as he falls, then she says, "Farewell, Father. I will head towards tomorrow."

Nobody says anything as the movie continues and starts to show the scenes of the Dai-Gurren Brigade celebrating their victory, and slowly the scene that follows shows them working hard to rebuild a place for the people to live using the zone where the Teppelin once stood to build a city.

And so as the years pass mankind started to thrive once more, and I also notice some Beastmen among them.

But as the city grows bigger with surrounding smaller cities connected to it, the bigger the frown on Lordgenome and Guame's faces gets.

Then the title of the movie finally appears, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann the Movie: The Lights in the Sky are Stars.

And Guame can't help but grumble, "Those foolish apes! The Anti-Spiral are sure to show once again. And this time there won't be any mercy on their part."

Then Nia's voice is heard as she writes a letter intended for the dead Kamina, where she narrates the things that happened in those seven years after the Battle of Teppelin.

But then as the movie continues, a jet of homemade coca cola can be seen sprouting out of Lordgenome's mouth as he hears Simon's proposal to Nia, I even hear him mutter in a low tone, "That bastard..." but then he smiles brightly as he hears Nia reply, "No way!"

Seeing this scene, I can't help but think with clear confusion on my face, 'What the hell is going on here? I'm pretty sure he discarded her because she started to question him and her existence... So why the hell he still shows care? Did I miss something here? Could it be that just that little bit of reignited hope changes him so much that he already started to reevaluate his actions? What the hell!? This is a faster change of mind than one that went through Naruto's Talk no Jutsu!'

Then I realize something I suddenly ask, "Lordgenome... Is the reason you discarded all your children because you know about the Anti-Spiral Factor hidden in the genes that trigger when the human population reaches one million?"

Hearing my question, a grim face appears on Lordgenome's face then he let out a sigh, nods, and says, "That's right. The Antispiral itself told me about it. It is a hidden gene that is randomly implanted in the population through a virus. Not only that but this virus seeks to implant the gene into carriers of strong Spiral Power. The fact that they are my child already grants them a strong attitude toward Spiral Power way above the average. And if they also show a strong will, it is basically guaranteed that they will be chosen as the carrier of the Anti-Spiral Factor. That's why as soon they showed their strong will, I was forced to dispose of them as painlessly as possible. I will do anything to ensure mankind's survival."

And after he said this, we fall into silence as we continue to watch the movie, which in the meantime continued to move forward and now it shows the scene of Nia accepting Simon's proposal while the frown on Lordgenome's face grows bigger.

But just as they are about to kiss, a featureless black face appears for an instant on the moon in the background, and Lordgenome stands up and yells, "Antispiral!!" crushing the glass in his hand.

And then on the screen, the Anti-Spiral gene hidden inside Nia activates turning her into the messenger of the Antispiral, as she sends his message to all the people of the world, "Attention, humans of Earth. We Anti-Spiral have determined that humanity has achieved Spiral Power danger level two. We hereby activate the Humanity Annihilation System."

Then the Anti-Spiral messenger continues, "Usage of Spiral Power will result in the Spiral Nemesis, which will spell this universe's destruction. Simon, the Core Drill you bear is the very symbol of that destruction. Humanity's Spiral Power lay dormant when they dwelled underground, but the Anti-Spiral sensor picked it up when you came to the surface. Humanity must be destroyed. Simon, your fighting is what brought this upon you."

After that, Simon who still doesn't understand what is going on questions Nia, but as she is now the Anti-Spiral messenger, she ignores him and declares, "In three weeks' time, the moon will leave its orbit and impact the Earth. And that will be the end of it." then she adds how it ironic that the Anti-Spiral Factor was activated into a human that is Lordgenome's daughter and that now that she is an Anti-Spiral she would never be able to turn back into a human again and disappears.

At the same time, Lordgenome yells, "That bastard! It isn't ironic or totally random. But a carefully calculated probability! I studied that damn virus and know for a fact that it seeks genes with strong attunement for Spiral Power to implant the Anti-Spiral Factor."

Meanwhile, on the screen quickly after Nia went away, a Soldier Class Mugann appears, it is the basic Mugann unit, sent in great numbers to lay waste to humanity, with a very peculiar shape that almost reminds me of some kind of virtual UFO, with primarily orange with white details and lines of pink energy running across its frame.

(Image Here - Soldier Class Mugann)


Soon, Rossiu sends his forces to deal with the Soldier Class Mugann, a squadron of Grapearls, the successors of the Gunmen that were intended to be an upgraded version of Gurren Lagann, in fact, their shape is similar, but there is a huge difference between them and Gurren Lagann, they aren't powered by Spiral Power.

(Image Here - Grapearls)


And indeed, Guame who was silently watching until now, let out an exasperated sigh and says, "What the hell are they intending to do with those toys?", as we all watch as their attacks are unable to breakthrough the Mugann's energy shield and are totally unable to withstand a single Soldier Class Mugann as it clearly wreaks them with its lasers.

And Lordgenome comments, "Quite foolish... the only thing that can harm the Anti-Spiral forces is Spiral Power. They would have been more successful if they used the old Gunmen."

Then Simon arrives with Gurren Lagann and easily destroys it, however, unlike normal Gunmen that simply explode or break down when dealt a fatal blow, these mecha turn into small explosives that devastate anything nearby, causing almost as much damage as the Mugann itself can cause.

This is a result of the mecha's unstable molecular structure, which also enables it to easily teleport itself through long distances.

After that, the scenes of the aftermath of the Anti-Spiral's first attack, how the people turned against Simon and put him in prison, how Rossiu took command, and the meeting between Simon and Viral in the prison.

Then the scene shows how Rossiu created a Bio-Computer using Lordgenome's cell and started to question him about what he knew about the Anti-Spiral and possible solution, making the girls scream, "Noo! Spiral King's magnificent body is desecrated! How he dares!"

Meanwhile, Lordgenome with a grim face comments, "That Rossiu kid is somewhat followin' into my footstep, yes to a much less degree, but he too fell into despair, and is now doing anything he could to try to save what he can."

Then he raises his hand and a bright red drill made of Anti-Spiral Power briefly appears on top of his palm as he says, "If he wasn't so pathetically weak, he could have developed the same power as me..."

But something that he didn't notice as he is too focused on the movie is that there are tiny traces of green now present in his Anti-Spiral Power, which clearly shows the state of his mind, that his will to move forward and push through adversities is slowly reemerging.

I also notice that Guame next to me has his eyes and mouth opened wide in shock his gaze fixed on Lordgenome's now empty hand, as he also notices the slight change in his old friend.

Meanwhile, the movie continues and Rossiu told his plan to leave Earth using the Arc-Gurren, but then the Anti-Spiral start a new attack, and this time, the Soldier Class Mugann appears in mass and starts their attack focusing their forces on the Arc-Gurren, which is still able to set off and leave the earth.

Then the scene moves back to the prison, where Simon and Vial are calmly talking, and Simon is casually doing the same thing Lordgenome did just a few moments ago, he is generating a small bright green drill made of Spiral Power on top of his palm as he tells that he decided to leave everything to Rossiu.

At the same time, both Guame and Lordgenome let out an impressed sound at his casual display, and Lordgenome even comments, "It seems that his control over Spiral Power improved a lot compared to the start of the movie."

But soon they are interrupted by the appearance of Anti-Spiral messenger Nia, who shows them an image of the Arc-Gurren surrounded by countless Mugann, not only the Soldier Class but also Jokyu-Mugann, a Mugann that acts as a command unit, deploying and coordinating the attacks of Soldier Class Mugann, which is larger than the standard unit, with a black body covered in green lines.

(Image Here - Jokyu-Mugann)


And also a pair of enormous Mugann, one blue that appears that has a more feminine shape, called Kyu-Mugann, and another purple with a more masculine shape whose name is Kuu-Mugann.

(Image Here - Kyu/Kuu-Mugann)


Then Nia tries to kill Simon but Viral uses his immortal body to shield him, but soon she sends him crashing against the bar of a nearby cell and is about to finish him, and in response, Simon gets up and says, "Stop it, Nia. I'm your target, remember? I should thank you, Nia. I was scared. When the citizen destroyed Aniki's statue... When they mobbed the Parliament Tower, the rage in me was about to explode."

At the same time, his hand is once again shining in the familiar green of the Spiral Power, "I felt a strange power well up inside me. Just like Lordgenome. That's why I kept that power locked away. If sacrificing me was the price for peace, I was okay with it. Or so I thought. But now you've taught me that I still have work to do, Nia. Go on, if you think you can kill me, give it your best shot. But I won't die. In order to save humanity, I refuse to die." his will to fight is clearly ignited once more.

Then Yoko appears shooting at the Anti-Spiral ball of energy that Nia was pointing at Simon and making her retreat.

After that, the pilots of the Dai-Gurren Brigade appear with their Gunmen ready to run to the rescue of the people in the Arc-Gurren as they are slowly getting overwhelmed, and because of that, the Spiral Power powering the Arc-Gurren is quickly decreasing as the people inside gets more and more worried and despair starts to take hold on them.

But just as they are about to fall into despair, Gurren Lagann and the other Gunmen arrive, "Don't give up, Rossiu! The instant you give up, it's all over! Don't you remember? This drill is the drill that will pierce the Heavens!"

At the same time, I hear Guame and the drill girls cheer as Simon turns to his new co-pilot, Viral, and says, "Viral, let's do the old you-know-what!"

Then they start to chant, with Simon starting, "The Spiral Path, in which the twin paths of man and beast wind and intersect!" followed by Viral, "Join with yesterday's enemy to smash fate and grab hold of tomorrow's path with our own hands!" then together, ""Destiny Combining! Gurren Lagann! Just who the hell do you think I am!?""

At the same time, Gurren Lagann releases a strong pulse of Spiral Power that destroys countless Mugenn and soon after the rest of the old-school Gunmen join the fight and lay waste to everything in their way, amidst the cheer of the audience besides me, I even see Lordgenome discretely clenching his fist with a grin on his face.

Then as the Arc-Gurren's Spiral Power start to rise, Leeron proposes to combine Gurren Lagann with it, but the Kyu and Kuu Mugenn separate into smaller pieces and reform around them, enveloping it and attacking from all sides preventing them to combine.

But it doesn't work for long as Simon being Simon, doesn't give up and drills through the obstacle to combine with the Arc-Gurren, forming the huge Arg-Gurren Lagann which easily overpowers and destroys the combined Kyu-Kuu-Mugann by punching it into a hole of the space-time continuum, and at the same time, I hear Guame mutters as he munches on the gummy bears, "I have to give it to the Dai-Gurren Brigade, they know how to put on a show!"

(Image Here - Arc-Gurren Lagann)


Meanwhile, Lordgenome comments with a grim face, "They sure are strong and brave... but will they be strong enough to face what is about to come?"

And he is right to question that, as soon the moon transforms into a planet-sized mecha, Cathedral Lazengann, that starts attacking Earth, but Arc-Gurren Lagann moves to block its attacks.

At the same time, Computer-Lordgenome moves to hack into Cathedral Lazengann, then he tells them how to gain control of it pointing out the exact point where Simon should input his Spiral Power.

But no one cares about that at the moment, as Lordgenome yells, "Goddamit! That hacking sequence was dumb and ridiculous!! How they dare make me do something like that!"

Then we all focus back on the movie as Simon uses the Giga Drill Break to rush into the Core of Cathedral Lazengann but once there, they find Nia standing in their path with her body.

Simon full of conviction is about to ignore and crush her, but just as he is about to do it, he realizes that this is another of Antispiral's traps to make him fall into despair and stops.

That is because Nie herself is still fighting the Antispiral influence and was able to make Simon notice it, then Simon asks Nia to get away as he takes control of Cathedral Lazengann, then he gets out and talks to Nia asking what is the probability of saving her and she replies that is infinitely close to zero, but in response to that, Simon says that as long as it isn't zero for him the probability is 100% and that he is going to rescue her.

At this point, Nia's cold mask breaks and she asks if he will rescue her, and Simon promises her that he will do it and after that, Nia is recalled to the Anti-Spiral World.

But soon, Computer-Lordgenome tells everyone that he was able to pinpoint Nia's position using her wedding ring and that they can now reach her and the Anti-Spiral using Perceptual Teleportation.

Reaching this point I pause the movie, earning an angry side glance from Lordgenome and the others, but pointing at the now empty bowls, I say with a smile, "Let me prepare some other snacks. We will need them as the next part is going to be the most exciting one!"


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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