Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 209 – The Fight for the Treasure Final

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Nanatsu Islands(Na) - 20 GAP

As I'm chasing after Simon after leaving behind, Koby, and the Fish-people Gad, Sephir, Rubis, and Emeraude, I think back to everything that happened before I saved Koby, and the Fish-people's ass from certain death.

After "assaulting" the headquarters of the Simon Pirates, Fortress of Zahado, finding out the actual reason behind their actions, and reading through all the information Simon had on the true treasure hidden in this archipelago, I quickly teleported to the small rock at the center of the ring formed by the Nanatsu Islands just in time to watch Simon summon the seventh unseen island, Na Island.

At that point, I could have easily taken care of Simon and his people, but then I felt that Koby was also quickly approaching the island, and more importantly, he wasn't alone, there was a familiar person with him, a woman he knew very well, Alvida of all the people.

I don't know what twisted joke of fate was allowing those two people to meet as before I saved him Koby was forced to serve as a chore boy under Alvida and her crew for a few months after he had accidentally boarded their ship, and because of his cowardice, he would do whatever he was ordered to do without question, moreover, he was often mocked and mistreated by the pirates in Alvida's crew, basically Alvida and her pirate crew are very likely the ones that sparked in Koby his desire to be a strong marine so that he could protect the people for pirates like them.

But what surprised me, even more, was actually the presence of Alvida on the Grand Line of all the places, plus she had clearly eaten the Sube Sube no Mi (Smooth Smooth Fruit) something that shouldn't have happened yet, but that isn't what surprises me the most as Fate itself is a very real and powerful force, it exists throughout the Omniverse that binds and affects all, so the fact that some "events" are meant to happen in some ways or others isn't strange.

Luckily Fate itself isn't an omnipotent force, as it can be defied, rejected, and can even bend to the will of those powerful enough to do so or who have their support, as I and many of my fellow Champions have already done so before thanks to the support of the Blessing we have received from the Concepts which also helps us with that, even if I have an inkling that the Concept of Fate itself also allowed the Fate of this Omniverse to be more "flexible" to make the Battle Across The Omniverse more interesting.

Anyway, what surprised me the most, wasn't Alvida's presence, her unlikely team-up with Koby, or the fact that she ate the Sube Sube no Mi (Smooth Smooth Fruit), no, what surprised me the most was the change she went through in these few months, when I first met her, in my eyes, her soul was exactly like I expected to be shining in a light red color, showing her slightly evil attitude, but now her in my eyes her soul shines in a light indigo color, showing that she changed her way of life and started to genuely help people, and she did that a lot to have changed so much in so little time. 

Seeing that, I decided to not act against Simon and remain hidden so that I could follow after Koby and Alvida and let Koby gain some more experience that would surely be useful in the future, so I waited for them to reach Na Island's shores.

Once Alvida's ship landed on the shore, the pair quickly landed and started to study their surroundings, then they started to analyze the current situation, at that moment, I also learned the reason behind Alvida's change and her presence here, but what is worse is that Koby had the gall to throw me under the bus by telling her that I would gladly accept her as my lover now that she is a better person. 

While I admit that I'm very tempted by the idea as let's admit it, she is one of the most beautiful women in this world, I don't think it is right to let my lower half dictate such decisions, especially when I'm having a family vacation with the kids, and I admit I also fear Seika, Saori, Eri, and Tio's reaction to her appearance and determination, especially since I don't feel good at outright reject her as she clearly changed her way of life and went through a dangerous journey alone to chase after me which is quite flattering.

Such a situation caused me to scratch my head as I thought about this problem, 'What a mess... what should I do now?' at the same time, I brought out my inner Chinese Cultivator as I looked at Koby, 'That damn junior is courting death! He doesn't know how the immensity of heavens and earth... I'll double his training difficulty starting tomorrow!'

After I decided Koby's fate, I watched as they came up with a sound plan to deal with their enemies, I was especially impressed when Koby came up with a way to deal damage to the Logia Type Devil Fruit User Simon using some simple rudimentary incendiary bombs taking advantage of the information that old man Ko gave us. 

Then I followed the pair as they moved through the forest and once again, I couldn't help but nod proudly watching how Koby moved through the dangers of the forest, showing once again just how much of my lessons he digested, and the smile grew even bigger as Koby closed his eyes to cut off his sense of sight so that he can focus on his others senses to track down Simon and the others.

After some time, Koby was finally able to find them and was then able to successfully track them down, but before he could take advantage of the element of surprise, Alvida messes everything up by carelessly revealing their position, and quickly after that, the battle between two groups starts with the man named Zabal attacking Alvida with a deadly strike without any hesitation.

But the fight ended just as quickly as it started as Alvida's Sube Sube no Mi (Smooth Smooth Fruit) is just too broken in this kind of situation, and Alvida easily defeats him with a powerful swing of her heavy, spiky Iron Mace.

At that point, the big bad Simon finally snaps, and like the most clichè of the villains he ruthlessly kills his own subordinate for the mere fact that he was defeated by a superior opponent, not only that, but he seemed intent on killing everyone else too.

But this was a good event for me as in his blind fury, Simon revealed a piece of crucial information about his capabilities as he killed Zabal, he showed that he is capable of using a form of Magic, some kind of Symbol or Runic magic, but I don't know exactly which one as they aren't my specialty. 

I'm leaning more toward the former as to use Runic Magic one has to have not only a clear intent and understanding when forming the rune but it must also use its own Magic Power to form or carve the rune, it is quite slow magic to cast moreover their effects can vary depending by the understanding of the caster, while Symbol Magic is a lot easier, their effect is mostly fixed moreover, they are a lot less costly to use, one only needs the materials and must draw the symbols perfectly for them to work.

Despite their differences, the main weakness of these two forms of magic is the same, damage the rune or symbol in any way and they will turn into useless trash.

Anyway, the fact that Simon showed capable of using a form of magic made it more likely for him to truly be the Champion reincarnated into this Universe as even if magic somewhat exists in this Universe, I think that it is something quite rare and difficult to use considering just how few people are truly capable of using it and even that with limited success and effectiveness, like Jango with his strange hypnosis, and Miss Goldenweek, which only now I realize, uses a similar Symbol Magic, but she seems to be only able to manipulate her targets emotions. 

Coming to that conclusion, I decided to continue to watch and not act until absolutely necessary so that I could further confirm his capabilities.

As Simon was acting like a third-class villain, Koby took advantage of this moment to throw his rudimentary incendiary bomb to take advantage of the natural weakness that paper has against fire, but it resulted ineffective as Simon used his Symbol Magic to nullify that weakness by creating a wall of paper with a symbol which has the capability to absorb fire.

At the same time, Alvida took advantage of Simon's distraction to move behind him and lit her Iron Mace on fire before attacking him, but her attack ended in failure as Simon was able to react in time and capture her, using once again the fire absorbing symbol to negate her attack.

Then the Fish-women decided to fight back and released a quite powerful combined attack, but it was once again easily negated by Simon who used a water-absorbing symbol this time, then he counterattacked by launching a storm of sharp sheets of paper which made me shudder a little as I remembered just how painful paper cuts were in my past life, but then I remembered everything I went through in this life and calm down as I experienced much worse pains.

While I was going through that, the fish-man called Gad started to spin his massive weapon, a long polearm with the head of a hammer at the end, in a circular motion with great speed and power so much that a small twister formed around himself, then, once he gathered enough power, he swung his weapon toward the incoming razor sharp storm sheets generating a powerful horizontal cyclone which swept away everything in its path.

I was impressed by this technique which was unleashed with pure physical power, but even this attack was useless as Simon created a circular wall of paper in front of him, but it was different from the other ones, this one generated a quite strong Magical Barrier that easily repelled Gad's horizontal cyclone.

And seeing that made me realize, 'From what I could sense, it seems that the barrier's primary function is to reject and disperse any strong air currents, which makes sense as something as light as the paper is easily affected by such forces... I have to admit that Simon was quite crafty, he made use of that Symbol Magic to not only enhance his offensive capabilities but more importantly to cover all the innate weakness that his Devil Fruit imposed on him.'

This also made me understand why he is so arrogant because he truly has nothing to fear in this part of the world, physical attacks are useless thanks to the innate capacity of his Logia Type Devil Fruit which allows him to transform his whole body into sheets of paper to avoid damage, moreover, the natural elements that restrain or directly counter him are also made useless thanks to his Symbol Magic, then the only thing he has to fear are other Magic User, which are very scarce and mostly weak in this world from what I know, and truly powerful Haki Users which mostly reside in the New World. 

While all that was going through my mind, Simon finally decided to take his gloves off and unleashed a myriad of sheets of paper which started to quickly spin around Koby and the Fish-people forming a giant cyclone of paper, moreover, each one of these paper had a symbol drawn on them which shines brighter and brighter as I feel fire and lightning elements gather on each one of the symbols, making me realize that he is about to unleash a very big and powerful explosion, one impossible for any of the people trapped into the paper cyclone to defend.

At that point, I knew that it was time for me to act, so I quickly erected a barrier and protected Koby, Gad, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude from the constant onslaught of fire and lightning explosions, and after that, here I'm chasing after Simon as he rushes toward the tall mountain at the center of this island, under which the Ku Sivan Ruins can be found, the resting place of the biological weapon know as Shushibaruba is resting, a truly terrifying weapon for the people of this world, since it is the true ultimate nemesis of the Devil Fruits, created specifically to fight against them, or at the least this is what was written on that ancient scroll.

The reason for that is quite simple, Shushibaruba is able to negate the powers of any Devil Fruit User it touches, not only that but it grows stronger every time it eats and consumes a Devil Fruit User, moreover as long as it is active the Devil Fruits of the user he ate won't be able to reincarnate, that in itself is quite a terrifying power especially if allowed to run rampant. 

After a few seconds, I'm finally standing in front of a large waterfall in a somber mountain range which, according to the scroll I have read in the Simon Pirates' Headquarters, marks the entrance to the Ku Sivan Ruins. 

I don't hesitate and walk toward the small hidden path that leads to the entrance of the ruins, and quickly I find myself beyond the waterfall where lies a massive, ragged, dark room, it's covered in rat droppings, large bones, broken stones, and cobwebs everywhere, the only source of light, not that I truly need it since I still have the night vision granted to me by the monster meat of the Arifureta Universe, are the many lit torches affixed to the wall, very likely lit up by Simon himself, I also see warped and molten metal remnants, forgotten and butchered by time itself, giving me an idea on just how long this island and these ruins remained untouched. 

Seeing all that, I can't help but comment out loud, "Well, for sure this ruin has the atmosphere I expected from a century-old ruin, in fact, it only needs a few big ass spiders, some good old racist Nord Draugr and I'll feel like I'm actually in the Elder Scroll Universe exploring some abandoned keep or Nord Tomb... Aahh, and now I feel like playing Skyrim once again... Maybe after I'm done with this, I for sure will hunt down some Giants, as I kinda miss the Giants' Space Program... Wait! Could that absurd event happen for real in the Elder Scroll Universe!? Now, I'm tempted to go there and see it in person!" 

While my mind wanders, I don't stop and continue to move forward and further ahead I find three paths, but thanks to my sense, I already know that the right and the left ones are dead ends, so I don't hesitate and pick the middle path, especially since, I can sense that Simon further ahead as he is getting closer to the Nu Sivan Kuru chamber in the depths of the ruin where the seventh, true treasure, Shushibaruba, is resting. 

The central path has a very twisted trail that leads to several rooms and damaged rooms with all kinds of very strange and old machinery all over the place, probably they are workshops of some sort, making me realize that maybe this is actually the place where Shushibaruba was actually created.

I continue to proceed onwards, deeper into the ruin's depths, passing by various different rooms, some just like those workshops I saw before, others filled with all kinds of cages which still hold skeletal remains of countless species, and not only animals, but also Humans, Fish-men, Merfolk, Minks, Giants, Skypieans, Shandia, Birkans, and these are only the ones I can name as there are many others that I don't recognize.

By the way, the reason I can easily discern those three Sky Island Residents is only from the size and shape of the skeletal wings on their back as, if I remember well, the Skypieans possess the smallest followed by the Shandia, and right after them there are the Birkans, which compared to the other two, besides being larger, their wings point downward, but those aren't the skeletons with the largest wings, as I notice another one very different from all the other, his wings are huge like those of an angel, and look as they were capable of actual flight.

Overall, It is clear that to create something as monstrous as Shushibaruba, this ancient civilization sacrificed and experimented on countless beings.

While quickly glancing inside and studying these rooms, I continue to tread deeper into the ruin, passing by a few more passages, most of which look just like the others, and eventually, I make it to what is likely the final room, the Nu Sivan Kuru chamber. 

A massive granite door separates the path from the resting place of Shushibaruba, they have countless odd symbols all over it, somehow untouched by time and the elements but not by the large claw marks are all over it. 

The doors are slightly open, and I can clearly hear Simon's voice coming from the inside as he laughs, "Fuhahaha! Yes! It's here!! Just like that ancient scroll said!! The true ultimate weapon, Shushibaruba!! With its power, I'll be finally able to take my rightful place as the ruler of this world! Now I only have to awaken it from its centuries-long sleep by feeding it these imperfect beings and all its legendary power will be in my hands! I'll finally be able to make everyone bow before in front of my perfect existence! Even those arrogant bastards of the World Government will be forced to kneel before me and acknowledge me as their supreme ruler! Refusal will be met with death and destruction of everything they hold dear! Fuhahaha!!"

Hearing that, I can't help but internally groan while thinking, 'What the hell!? Did this guy truly do an evil monologue when no one is there to listen to him... no wait! There is someone, Alvida, and those other 3 captured Devil Fruit Users are actually there with him, so it isn't as cringe... well, not by much a the very least, but I still feel a strong secondhand embarrassment, especially when I remember some black history from my early teens years...'

While I'm thinking that, I once again hear Simon's voice as he says, "Well, before all that, I have to fully awaken Shushibaruba... and the only way to do that is to feed him some Devil Fruit User... so from which one should I start?"

At this point, I don't hesitate and step inside the Nu Sivan Kuru chamber while calmly warning Simon out loud, "I wouldn't do that if I were in your shoes."

Hearing my voice, Simon turns around and asks in an annoyed tone, "Who the fuck are you!? Another one of those inferior beings that stupidly tries to stop me from achieving what is rightful mine...?"

As he continues to rambles. I look behind him and focus on the mythical Shushibaruba which is currently in its dormant form, which is basically a big, translucent sphere resembling frogspawn, quite a disgusting sight.

(Image Here - Shushibaruba Dormant)


While I'm looking at the ancient biological weapon, Simon continues with his silly rambles, "How dare you try to stop me!? Me!? You ignorant ape!" which makes me sigh, before I look back at the enraged Simon and say in an annoyed tone, "You stupid idiot, I was just kind enough to stop you from actually killing yourself!" 

At the same time, I'm thinking, 'Especially since if he gets killed by Shushibaruba, and he is actually the Champion of this Universe, then his Blessing will be sent in a Random "Competition" Universe and used as a prize. Something that I'd like to truly avoid as my Champions' Challenge with Nikita taught me that those kinds of competition can be quite tricky. If the Competition Universe is one where there is some kind of fighting tournament like, I don't know, Tekken, Street Fighter, History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, then I feel I have a good chance of victory, but if I end up in world like Captain Tsubasa, Prince of Tennis, Haikyuu or other sports anime/manga world where the Concepts will surely restrict my abilities to that of the people of those Universe then things could not go in my favor...' 

Before he could say anything else, I continued, "I don't know where you get your confidence, but if you have read that scroll very carefully you should know that Shushibaruba will attack and consume any Devil Fruit User in its vicinity to grow in power."

Hearing that, Simon replies in a smug tone, "That's right! Isn't it perfect? I already brought 4 of those imperfect Devil Fruit Users! After consuming those four its power would surely spike and with its power under my control I will become-" but before he could repeat his catchphrase once more, I interrupt him and say, "Hey, genius! You are a Devil Fruit User too! That means that you won't be able to control Shushibaruba as it will be too busy eating you too!" 

At this point, Simon looks genuinely confused as he asks, "What the hell are you saying?" then he explains, "I'm not like those imperfect Devil Fruit Users that had to eat some stupid fruit to have some kind of pathetic power. I'm different, I'm better, I'm a superior being who was born with his invincible powers! Not some pathetic loser that had to be lucky to chance upon some lesser ones!" 
Hearing that, I begin to doubt that the person in front of me is a champion, but then I start to go over all the information I know about him and come up with a theory, 'Wait! Could it be that he doesn't know that he is actually a Devil Fruit User? After all, he was knocked out when he was fed the Devil Fruit, moreover, the Blessing does give us Champions some minor powers. Is it possible that he believes that his current powers are thanks to the Blessing and not to the fact that he ate a Devil Fruit? Could someone truly be so clueless?'

Suddenly, I hear Culture's voice in my mind as it laughs out loud, [Cuahahahah! This is too much! I can't hold it anymore! Come on Jayr just how complex are you making this? Have you never heard of Occam's razor before? The most simple answer is usually the right one! Cuahahahah!]

Hearing that I can't help but suddenly realize that I was really too focused on the "fact" that Simon is the Champion on the point that I was actually forcing the logic behind his every action to corroborate the theory that he was the Champion, instead of the more simple answer that he is likely just another good old pirate with a god complex.
At the same time, Simon yells, "It's too late! You won't be able to fool and stop me from taking what is rightful mine!"

Seeing that, I sigh, then in the most deadpan tone I can muster, I simply say, "Ok..." while stepping back just outside the entrance showing that I have no intention of stopping him. 

At the same time, I use my Telekinesis to bring the cocoon of paper containing Alvida to me as she is the only one worth saving as the other three sacrifices are clearly very shitty people as their souls shine in a dark red, almost black light, just like Simon's soul is, meanwhile I also use my Spiral Cosmo to cut off Simon's connection to it.

Of course, Simon is too focused on Shushibaruba now to notice what I have just done, as he doesn't hesitate to throw the sack, the jar, and the other cocoon into the big, translucent sphere which is Shushibaruba Dormant Form, and quickly after that, the translucent sphere starts to rhythmically pulse making Simon exclaims, "Yes! Yes! YES!! It's working! It is awakening!!"

Then Simon spreads his arms wide and proudly declares, "Awaken, Shushibaruba! Greet your rightful master!" in response a big purple tentacle suddenly comes out of the pulsing sphere and warps around Simon who instantly panics and yells, "Stop! Stop! STOP! W-What are you doing!? I'm not like those imperfect! Damn it! Why I can't transform to escape its grasp-NOOOOOO!" while I'm mentally quoting the famous meme while watching this scene, 'I have seen enough hentai shit to know where this is going...'

With that mournful scream, Simon is then swallowed by Shushibaruba, and now the sphere releases a flash of blinding light as the sounds of something big and heavy that lands on the stony floor can be heard.

The light then fades away and Shushibaruba's true form is finally revealed, and it is fugly, it is a tall and massive humanoid monster with a roundish shape with gold and purple colors, resembling an organic robot or machine, it possesses an octopus or squid-like tentacles that come out from its back and an octopus-like face, with sharp and long claws, in fact, it seems almost a smaller mechanical Cthulhu with tentacles in the place of its wings.

(Image Here - Shushibaruba)



Seeing Shushibarub not hesitate and rush toward me as it clearly aims at Alvida still in the paper cocoon, I sigh tired of all this mess, and decide to quickly end this once and for all. 

I gather my Spiral Cosmo and say to the poor rampaging biological weapon, "Sorry, this may seem anti-climatic for a last boss, but let's be honest, at my current level, I'm the last boss of this world... Torrential Rain!" 

I ignite my Spiral Cosmo, which gathers around my fist and transforms into water-like energy that twists around my fist, and with a punch, I release a massive amount of clear blue energy droplets in front of me at once that, almost like heavy rain, hits Shushibaruba with such force that it starts to crumble into many small pieces as the various energy droplets destroy everything they touch and even the wall behind it isn't spared by the onslaught, and a few seconds after that, the terrible Shushibaruba is no more erased by the countless attack I just released.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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