Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 210 – Aftermath

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Nanatsu Islands(Na) - 20 GAP

I calmly look at the now empty and devastated chamber, the wall right in front of me is full of deep holes caused by the energy droplets of my previous attack, so deep that I can faintly see the light that enters from the outside, moreover I also notice many dangerous, deep cracks and fissures that keeps slowly spreading all over the walls getting bigger and wider each passing second.

This makes me realize what will happen in a few minutes, 'Damn... I miscalculated a little and now this mountain is about to collapse! I thought that using Torrential Rain would cause less damage as the technique is mainly meant to deal with a big number of enemies this, in turn, makes it possible for the overall attack power to be spread in a wider range... but, even if the power of each one of the energy droplets was small in size and power compared to my other techniques, the power that I have compressed into that small size while holding back was still enough to destroy a small city, and the excessive number of attacks still caused massive damage to the integrity of this mountain even if Shushibaruba soaked most of the damage...' 

Realizing that I quickly look at Shushibaruba's broken remains lying on the floor to check if it is truly over and quickly notice that they slowly wriggle trying to move close to one other. 

Seeing that, I can't help but sigh out loud and comment, "Of course, the freaking ultimate biological weapon has an equally freaking regeneration... At least this explains why the ancient civilization chose to put it into a dormant state instead of destroying it once they realized their mistake... They weren't able to actually destroy it so the only way to stop it was to put it back into a dormant state and hide it away leaving the future generations to deal with the mess they created! It's a classic trope..."

After saying that, I don't hesitate to once again urge my Spiral Cosmo, but this time, I use it to cast a Gravity Magic one I used quite a lot in the Arifureta Universe, so, I raise my hand and chant, "Saecularia Viverra (Worldly Pull)!!" and with it, I manipulate the attractive force to pull all of Shushibaruba's scattered pieces toward me, and once they are close enough, I quickly follow up by casting another more deadly one, "Spēlaion Mikron Bary Melan!" to create a small black swirling sphere, basically a small black hole, that swallows all the pieces, basically obliterating Shushibaruba out of existence once and for all. 

As soon as I'm done with that, the whole place starts to shake as rumbling sounds can be heard in the distance a clear sign that the mountain is starting to collapse, especially since it is pretty clear that the cracks and fissures caused by my attack keep spreading faster and faster.

Coming to that conclusion, I don't hesitate and calmly move closer to the cocoon of paper that contains Alvida, crouch down and start to free her from the now powerless sheets of paper that envelope her body, and move to pick up her seemingly unconscious body to hold her in a princess carry, but as soon as I touch her body, I realize that she is, in fact, awake, and at the same time, her two hands hold my face and she quickly pecks me on the lips.

I stand a little stunned, not expecting her to be on the offensive so soon, as I watch her slowly sit up, wink at me, and with a sensual smile on her face she says, "Don't worry, this is only a small taste, an appetizer to show just how grateful and happy I'm that you came to save my life..."

Then we both get up and Alvida moves closer and whispers in my ear, "... For the main dish we have to wait until we are in a more intimate and romantic situation..." at the same time, I feel her hand gently grasp my little brother over the fabric of my short white pants and slowly move over its whole length which causes an obvious biological reaction, making her exclaim in wonder, "Ara ara, I'm not only going to be the most beautiful, generous, loyal, and reliable woman of all the seas, but also the luckiest and happiest one! As expected of the only man capable of earning my interest and love!" 

Hearing that, I smile wryly while thinking a little dejected, 'No use denying it... I want her... with my reflexes and reaction times I could have easily avoided both the "surprise" kiss and this inopportune touch, hell, I could have literally stopped time using Restoration Magic, but I did none of that. It is clear that I'm truly attracted to her, especially once I saw how much she changed to chase after me... so let's face this head-on!'

Coming to that resolution, I quickly hold her closer in a hug feeling her warm body slowly heat up, and also gentily touch her juicy lips with mine surprising her as she opens her eyes wide, but soon the surprise fades as she closes her eyes and starts to enjoy this light chaste kiss which quickly transforms into something deeper as I feel her heart racing and her lips slowly opens inviting me in, and I don't hesitate to accept her invite.

We continued to stay like that for some time, I don't know how much exactly as I focused only on her, but I realized at this point, that the mountain was basically crumbling on us burying us under its rumbles, not that it is a problem as I'm using my Spiral Cosmo to form a barrier to protect us, but we have to get out as different from me, Alvida does still need air to survive.

After some time we separate and I watch as the confident and sensual woman in front of me blushes just like a little girl, and with a smile I say, "This is where we should stop for now... As much as I'd love to continue this, I think we should get to know each other better before we move on to the next phase. More importantly, if you truly wish to stay with me, then I hope that you'll-"

But before I can finish my sentence, Alvida regains her confident demeanor, interrupts me, and says, "I have to know your other women, get along with them, make them accept me as part of the family, and other such silly things. Don't worry I got it! I already knew about this when I asked that brat, Koby, more information about you! Such easy things won't stop me from taking what I want!" 

At this point, I simply nod back at her while also warning her that she shouldn't underestimate my lovers as they are all exceptional women in their own right, and then, I don't waste any more time in this place, and quickly teleport us out of the rumbles of the collapsed mountain and lead us back to the charred part of the island where Koby, Gad, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude are waiting for us.

As soon as they notice our presence the first among them all is Koby who yells, "It's Jayr-san! See! I told you guys that he is strong and that he would surely defeat Simon! See! Not even ten minutes passed and it is already over! Jayr-san is just too strong to lose to someone like Simon." 

Then they rush toward us, and quickly the blue-eyed Fish-woman whose name is Saphis asks, "Ne, ne, are you guys all right? We saw the mountain collapsing! It was crazy!!" quickly followed by Gad, who seriously asks in a worried tone, "What happened? Did Simon-sam- no! Simon awakened that Shushibaruba... he didn't right? You defeated him before he was able to do it?" 

At this point, I calmly start to answer their question, "First of all, yes, we are fine thanks for worrying about us. To answer your other question, I didn't actually need to even move a hand to actually deal with Simon." this seems to shock the four Fish-people as they don't seem to believe that their strong former Captain was actually so weak.

But I don't let the misunderstanding last much longer as I explain, "You see, Simon actually defeated himself." seeing everyone's curiosity and confusion, I continue, "I don't know how much Simon told you about Shushibaruba, but it is basically an ancient weapon specifically created to oppose Devil Fruit Users! Not only could it negate the powers of any Devil Fruit User it touched, but it also grew stronger each time it ate and consumed a Devil Fruit User making it so that it actively sought and hunted down any Devil Fruit User close it, moreover as long as it was active the Devil Fruits of the user he ate won't be able to reincarnate..."

At this point, Koby exclaims, "Don't tell me that Simon... that Simon didn't know about its capabilities and carelessly awakened Shushibaruba..." but Gad shakes his head and says, "No, Simon-sa-no, Simon knew about Shushibaruba abilities, he even told us about it, after all, he ordered us to capture Devil Fruit Users! Moreover, he should have been completely safe from the Shushibaruba after all, he isn't a-"

But suddenly, Emeraude opens her eyes wide in realization as she exclaims, "Wait! Don't tell me...!" making Gad, Rubis, Saphis, and Koby look at her in confusion not understanding what is going on.

Seeing that, I nod at Emeraude and say, "Yes, that is right." then I explain, "You see, Simon made a very big mistake. He firmly believed that he was different from everyone else and that he was born with his power, but both Koby and I know that it isn't actually true. Many years ago, a bandit that is now living on Itsu Island actually saved Simon's life by feeding him an unknown Devil Fruit which then he found out was a Logia Type."

At this point, Koby finally realizes what happened, "This means that Simon, who didn't know that he actually was a Devil Fruit User like the others, awakened Shushibaruba and in the end, he got attacked by it! And since Shushibaruba is able to nullify Devil Fruit Powers, took by surprise, Simon became powerless and got eaten by it, right?" 

At this point, Gad slumps his shoulders and mutters dejected, "So in the end, he wasn't a superior being, but just another greedy Human Devil Fruit User like the others, we truly got fooled good by him... And it is clear now that his objective wasn't to create a peaceful world, but just to rule over the current one and be worshipped for it. Damn it!"

I walk next to Gad and pat him on the shoulder as I comfort him, "While he wasn't the man you thought he was and the motive for his actions was very selfish, that doesn't change the fact that the objective that you and the girls strived for wasn't worth it. And while Simon didn't actually mean to accomplish it, that doesn't mean that in this world there aren't people who are actually fighting in their own ways for the same exact reasons. Hell, the first that comes to my mind is Queen Otohime of Fish-man Island. She was a quite noble and strong-willed person..."

At this point, Saphis, Rubis, and Emeraude nod and say in perfect sync, ""That's right! Queen Otohime-sama is the very reason why we all choose to fight!"" Gad also nods and says, "That's right! That was the main reason why we chose to join Simon-s- nope, Simon. We thought that while Otohime-sama tried with her soft approach, we would try a more forceful one..." 

But then Emeraude adds, "But why did you say "was"? Queen Otohime is still alive and well! She is still trying very hard to make it so that those bastards at the World Government would finally allow the Fish-Men plus Merfolk to safely live on the surface without being hunted down!" 

Hearing that, I can't help but be surprised, so much so that I unconsciously ask, "Wait! She is alive? From what I know she was shot as she was gathering signatures for her petition!?"

Rubis shakes her head and says, "You got something wrong! Sure, that did happen, it was around 7 years ago, some bastard did try to assassinate her, but she was saved by the Royal Guard Jinbe-sama! He also captured and killed the assassin, some son of a fish named Hody something he wanted to spark a war between Fish-men, Merfolk, and Human by blaming some random human for her assassination!" 

Then, Saphis who stands beside her nods and comments, "That's right! That's right! Luckily Jinbe-sama was there! I shudder just thinking at what would have happened if he wasn't there to save the Queen!"

As they continue to talk, I finally understand that this is another change caused by the presence of the Champion, 'Okay, so for some reason Jinbe didn't become a pirate but continued to work in the Naptune's army until he was promoted to the rank of Royal Guard, and luckily he was there to stop Hody Jones from killing Queen Otohime... At least, now it is clear why he isn't one of the Seven Warlords of the Seas, it isn't because he is dead, but simply because for some reason he never became a pirate in the first place.'

(AN: This is my preferred and the most logical chain of events that could happen because of the One Piece Champion's actions, basically, to successfully make Hancock and her sister fall into his hands, he made sure that Fisher Tiger was killed before he could cause the mass escape, this prevented him from returning back to Fish-man Island to narrate the horror he witnessed and went through and so also the creation of the Sun Pirates, which in turn made it so that Jinbe didn't leave the army to join his friend, then knowing Jinbe's potential abilities, it is natural to think that he would quickly rise up the ranks, and personally, I think that with someone like Jinbe by her side guarding her, Hody Jones' assassination of Otohime can't be successful.) 

Done with their explanation, I changed the topic of our discussion and asked Gad, and the girls, "Anyway, do you have any idea of what you want to do now?"

Hearing my question, Gad scratches the back of his head and replies, "Well... we talked about that for some time, and we decided to return to Fish-men Island for now, the only problem is that we don't know how to actually do it, as it isn't exactly safe for the four of us to travel alone... that's why... uhm... We'd like to ask if we could come with you...?"

I think about it for a few seconds, as I carefully look at the four of them, and see that their souls shine in a light blue color while thinking, 'Well, even if they were part of the Simon Pirates, they aren't actually bad or evil people and even while following Simon's orders, it is clear that they didn't perform any truly evil action, especially considering that the reason they joined him was that they believed that all they were doing was to create a better world where everyone could live in peace no matter their race, social standing, or power... Moreover, it isn't like they can cause any problems to the girls or the kids, not when Bidi constantly watches over them...'

Coming to that conclusion, I agree with their request, then we finally start heading back to the shores of the island so that we can use Alvida's ship to regroup with the others, but as soon as we reach the sandy beach, I instantly notice the Athena's God Bidoof closing in on the island, so I don't hesitate, and quickly teleport everyone on the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof, where Seika, Saori, Tio, Eri, Igaram, and Vivi where already waiting for us.

I quickly move to greet them and ask if everything went fine, but as soon as Eri notices Alvida, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude's presence the first thing she does is rush toward us and carefully look at them for a few moments, then her gaze locks on Alvida and mutters, "Damn it... this is serious..." 

After looking at her for a few seconds, Eri points at Alvida as she looks back at Seika, Saori, and Tio and commands, "She is basically smitten! We have a Code Red! An urgent emergency family meeting is requested! Now! I repeat, we have a Code Red! Let's go to our room, women only, Bidi make sure that no one disturbs us!"

Then she tries to grab a still confused Alvida who exclaims, "What is going- What?" but as her hand tries to grasp Alvida's wrist it easily slips off, and seeing that, Eri snorts and taps the floor with her staff, and in an instant, her shadows move on its own and binds Alvida, who is too surprised to react, then she drags her inside as Saori and Seika smile wryly, excuse themselves and follow after her. 

Meanwhile, Tio simply says, "Since for the moment she is still alive and well, it seems that a new sister is going to join us soon... Good! Who knows what kind of interesting play could we do together~!" and follows after them with a pervert smile on her face.

Shocked by the quick succession of events, Gad asks out loud, "Did any of you understand what just happened...?" making Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude shake their head as they mutter, """Gad can be so clueless sometimes..."""

At the same time, Koby also comments with admiration in his tone, "As expected from one of Jayr-san's lovers, Eri-san is just so insightful that she quickly realized that Alvida-san has some very strong feelings for Jayr-san with a single glance..." to which I can't help but agree, as I'm sure that there is no way that Eri could have known about Alvida in any other way, if she asked Noriko to follow and check on me like the other times I would have sensed her presence, the same is true if she cast one of what she likes to call "Anti-Thot" Curses on me or my clothes, but nothing of that, which means that Eri truly realized what Alvida feels for me through only pure instinct, which I admit is something incredible in some way.

While I'm a little anxious watching Eri, Seika, Saori, and Tio drag Alvida away, I decide to trust the women I fell in love with Alvida, the woman I surprisingly found myself very attracted to and whose genuine feelings moved me and made me a little too open to her advances.

Then I quickly start to introduce Vivi and Igaram to Gad, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude, and then, I give them a brief tour of the Athena's God Bidoof while also assigning them their own rooms, but the four Fish-people surprise me when they tell me that they all only need one room as Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude, are not only sisters, but they are also Gad's wives.

While Gad and his wives are getting comfortable in their room, at the same time, I command Bidi to head back to Hi Island so that we can check on Nikita's situation and also officially meet her boyfriend, the Champion of Decay, Zandeer the Arrancar.

After dealing with the most pressing issues I head back to the deck as the Athena's God Bidoof heads toward Hi Island, lie down on the floor, and relax as I enjoy the cold sea breeze and watch the white clouds in the clear sky while my mind starts to wanders first about Alvida's situation, 'I don't know if I should have done that... I truly acted on impulse back then and thought only with my lower brain, sure, she is a very beautiful woman and she clearly worked hard to become a better person, but I shouldn't have kissed her like that not when I only felt a strong attraction toward her, which is still not at the level of love, it doesn't feel right... especially since I now have Kharna and Galen... I have to repeat the mantra "No Horny" some more...'

But then I realize that this is the way all my relationship until now started, with me being strongly attracted to a wonderfully beautiful woman, spending more time with her as our passion burns fiercely, getting to know her better as we continue to get closer and then learning to truly love and care for each other from the bottom of our heart, which makes me come to the conclusion, 'In the end, Love isn't something instantaneous that happens in a few minutes like some shitty pre-heated food like instant ramen, it is something deeper and more lasting, it is like a good rich broth, the longer boil the more delicious it becomes.' 

Coming to that conclusion, I decided to not worry about Alvida's situation any longer, because I truly believe that everything will work out in the end, and I trust in the fact that if I make some kind of mistake or lose my way, Seika, Saori, Eri, and Tio will be there to help me and kick me in the right direction.

With that worrying thought out of the way, my mind started to wander in another direction, as I started to think about my incoming meeting with Zandeer, the Champion of Decay, something more urgent than my turbulent love life, 'The best scenario would be if Nikita's boyfriend directly gives up and surrenders his Blessing to me making my own Blessing rise to LV 4 which is good, well not that the additional powers of the Blessing themselves are game-changing as until now all they did was improve my mental capacity and enlarged my Soulbound Territory, but a higher Blessing LV does gives me quite a few advantages over the other Champions in situations like the Random Battle, moreover, I clearly remember that Culture told me that once my Blessing reaches a certain level then my "Authority" will allow me to ignore or even rewrite other Universes Rules and Restrictions...' 

But then I frow as I realized, 'But that is only the best case scenario, which to be honest, isn't very likely to happen as I don't think he will simply give up like that... On the other hand, there is the worst-case scenario is out of the picture, which consisted in the scenario where the Champion of Decay was a total piece of shit, and even worse a truly powerful and dangerous individual, something I'm very glad it isn't the case. Now, for sure Zandeer is a quite powerful individual especially since I have no idea about just how powerful his Resurrection actually is as the Bleach Universe's power level is quite unpredicable as some powers can be quite shitty only capable of destroying a city at most, but some rare ones are so strong that are considered OP even in the Omniversal scale.'

In the end, after thinking for a long time, I only come up with two other possible scenarios that are very likely to happen.

In one scenario, the Champion of Decay challenges me, in this case, depending on the kind of challenge we chose and our wits the situation can go either ways, not something I'm particulary fond of, in fact, if possible I'd like to avoid such scenario.

In the other one, the Champion of Decay decide to ally with me and form a Contract similar to the one I currentily have with Nikita, but since he still has his status as a Champion, it is more likely that he add some kind of clause like if we are the only two Champion left in the Battle Across the Omniverse, then we will fight each other in a non-lethal battle to decide the final winner once and for all.
I admit that I hope that he last scenario is the one that will come true, for one simple reason, that way I'll finally have a male friend to even things out a little.

Thinking that, I continue to look as the white cloud in the sky and mutter, "I truly hope that everything will end well... After all, he seems like a nice guy, maybe we could even become good friends."

Have a Wonderful New Year, Ciao!

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