Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 220 – Chaos at Arabasta 6

Crocodile POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP

After clearing the hallway of those annoying roots, trees, vines, plants, and especially that damned aphrodisiacs pollen I continue to walk forward searching for my target ignoring all the dried-up husks lying on the floor, which are very likely victims of my Barján but I simply do not care about them as they are inconsequential.

At the same time, even if currently I'm focusing on making sure that the ones that exposed my plan to the Marine, putting years of work into the trash, pay dearly, I also start to go over the other plans that I come up with in case something like this happened, 'Since gaining control of this country is no longer possible, I have at the very least learn what I can about the location of the Ancient Weapon Pluton, this means that I have to head to the capital of this Kingdom, Alubarna, and force King Nefertari Cobra to tell me the location of the Poneglyph hidden on this island. This means I still need Nico Robin to decipher what is written on those damned stones so I can't go wild at the moment as I could easily kill her... what a pain... I single Sables would have been enough to rid the whole building of all those annoying plants while also killing everyone in this place...'

While thinking that, I can't help but grin while I mutter, "Well... it isn't all that bad as this will allow me to enjoy myself in slowly torturing those sons of a bitch who dared to mess up my plans!" 

Then when I calmly move forward to hunt down my prey, I mutter out loud, "I wonder how the other Officer Agents are faring in this kind of situation... who knows, if they are still alive and well after this maybe I'll bring them with me, after all, this would surely prove their resourcefulness, which in turn will help me in gauging just how useful they can be for my coming endeavors, after all, I will need many useful paws if I want to fight the World Government and those bounty hunters proved to be especially useful..."

While saying that, a new idea suddenly comes to my mind, 'Wait! What if instead of a country's military power, I use that of everyone in this world? After all, the solution of the World Government of putting bounties on the heads of the people that for them are most dangerous is very effective... so why don't I do the same, use their own solution against them by putting bounties on Marine and World Government agents... sure I'll need a lot of resources, reputation, and sheer power to be able to pull it off, but if I'm successful, I'll truly be able to make the World Government bleed... It's brilliant!' 

Galdino (Mr. 3) POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP (At the start of Alfred's attack)

After the very surprising meeting with Mr. 0, the mysterious boss of the bounty hunter agency I became a member of, the Baroque Works, where he not only revealed himself as a member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas, Crocodile, but he also revealed his future plans for the organization and this country, which I have to admit are so brilliant and well thought that even a strategic genius like me wasn't able to spot a single flaw in it.

I'm now exploring this majestic building with my partner Miss Goldenweek admiring the artwork placed all over the structure, at the same time, I can't help but once again be impressed by the capabilities of our boss, 'I knew that the Baroque Works has quite a few hidden resources, but to thing that even the biggest and most famous casino in Rainbase is part of the Baroque Works' assets is quite surprising... but once I remember that our boss is in fact THAT Crocodile, everything starts to make more sense.'

While I'm thinking that, all of a sudden, the whole place starts to shake and both I and Miss Goldenweek almost stumble on the ground, but I quickly fix my balance and start to carefully check the situation and instantly notice countless tentacle-like roots piercing through the floor and the walls as various plants and trees start to grow out of them, quickly turning this place into some kind dense forest, at the same time, I notice that some kind of gaseous substance is being released by the plants which start to slowly fill the area.

I immediately realize that the Rain Dinners Casino is under some kind of attack from clearly a hostile force and that gaseous substance is for sure something bad that will incapacitate or even outright kill everyone in this place.

Coming to that conclusion, I don't hesitate and yell, "Miss Goldenweek, stay close to me!" quickly after that, I use the power of the Devil Fruit I ate, the Doru Doru no Mi (Wax Wax Fruit) a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows me, the user, to create large quantities of candle wax from my body and control it, making so that I can no be considered a Candle Human. 

I yell, "Candle House!" and from my hands, I produce a lot of candle wax to create a big box around us, I make sure that the "house" is extra thick to protect us from both that dangerous gaseous substance and from possible attacks, I also made sure to create a bottom with some wheels to both completely isolate us from what is going on outside and allow us to move if needed, then I also made sure to make some small "windows" of "transparent" wax to allow us to check the situation outside, well they aren't really transparent and clear as at most what I can see through them is a cloudy mess, but at least it is enough to understand at least what is happening in our surroundings. 

Once done, I clap my hands and comment, "This should keep us safe from whatever that thing out there is..." but then Miss Goldenweek calmly asks, "What about our air reserves, Mr. 3?" 

Hearing her question, I fix the glasses on my eyes, look at Miss Goldenweek calmly standing next to me, and simply reply, "You don't have to worry about that, within this "house" there is enough air to last us, at the very least, 6 days... this is more than enough especially considering that I am pretty sure that this situation won't last so long, after all, this is clearly the result of some kind of Devil Fruit ability, and it is pretty clear that our boss isn't the kind of guy who will take such things without retaliating. So it is very likely that we have to endure for just a little while before this situation is resolved."

(AN: Once again before someone asks, yes this is something possible if a single person is trapped in an airtight room he/she has enough air to breathe for 12 days and I too was quite surprised by this, but it seems that humans do not consume as much oxygen as I thought, simply put is more likely that you will die of hunger and thirst as without that a person can usually only survive one week.) 

Miss Goldenweek nods then she points at an empty space in this room and calmly requests, "Make some chairs and some tables, if we have to wait for that, we might as well be comfortable doing it..."

Seeing some value in her request, I once again used my Devil Fruit's power to produce some candle wax from my body and use it to create some comfortable furniture, not only did I make some chairs and a table, but I also made a couch, and a canvas for Miss Goldenweek so that she can paint something if she gets bored, and after that, I check the situation outside through the cloudy windows while from time to time I make some wax statuettes rapresenting the members of the Baroque Works Agency I met during our missions to pass time.

Bentham (Mr. 2 Bon Kurei) POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP (At the start of Alfred's attack)

After the surprising meeting with Zero-chan where he told us about his spectacularly, interesting plan to take over this poor country and build a force strong enough to oppose the World Government so that we can create a Utopia where we can live freely, I got out of the casino Rain Dinners and started to once again explore this wonderfully lively city.

While walking through the busy streets stopping from time to time to check some interesting wares on display in the booths and stalls of the many street vendors that enliven these streets, I can't help but think back at Zero-chan's plan, 'It is truly an amusing plan which I can't wait to take part in... to think that Zero-chan wants me to take the place of King Nefertari Cobra and then publicly apologize to the people of Nanohana for the "use" of the Dance powder. In addition, to confess being the cause behind the drought, I also have to point out that the possession and use of Dance Powder are illegal, so to cover "my" tracks, I will have to say that everyone in the town would be killed... truly quite diabolical but also brilliant as that will surely spark the people's rage against the crown...' 

As I'm thinking that, I'm suddenly distracted by the huge commotion going on all around me, as all the people on the streets exclaim in wonder and fear while having their gaze fixed in a particular direction, and on instinct, I also take look and watch in horror as a magnificent building shaped like a large, patterned blue and gold pyramid with a golden crocodile head at the top is suddenly enveloped in countless tentacle-like roots, and then from those roots huge plants and trees start to grow at a clearly impossible speed until the whole structure is fully covered and the only thing that can be seen is a huge, dense, forest. 

I remain stunned in place for a few seconds watching that strange scene, even if in my mind, I already realize the meaning behind it, 'We are under attack!!'

But soon, another uproar takes my attention away from the building, and this one is even more strange as I see countless marines flooding the streets, all with serious and resolute expressions on their manly faces as they quickly run toward the casino turned forest.

Seeing that, my instinct tells me that something is seriously off about this, so, I don't hesitate and quickly move toward the back of their disciplined rows unseen, searching for someone with a build similar to mine, and once I find him, I wait for the right moment and once my target passes by a very hidden alley, I pull him into it and without wasting any more time, I use an Okama Chop to strikes him in the eyes with a chop, blinding him, and follow with a Keri Pointe, in which I jump into the air and continuously kick him in the face with both feet until I kick him into a nearby wall, knocking him out.

After that, I undress him and take his clothes while also using the power of my Devil Fruit, the Mane Mane no Mi (Clone Clone Fruit) to copy his face, physique, and voice, and impersonate him by touching my face with my right hand while I keep in my mind his face, and quickly I feel my body change as I become the exact copy of the passed out marine in front of me.

Once done with that, I grab his weapon and swiftly follow after the other marines, who are too focused on what is going on in front of them to notice what is happening behind them while thinking, 'From now on, I'll hide within their ranks to understand what is happening, then I'll find a way to help Zero-chan and the others out of that situation...'

As I'm thinking that, the group of marines I'm following finally arrives in front of the casino Rain Dinners, and quickly after that, the loud voice of a Marine Officer catches my attention as he yells, "Let me remind you all why we are all here! A few minutes ago, we received the report that a World Noble, Saint Alfred of House Manmayer was assaulted by a member of the Bounty Hunter Agency known as Baroque Works! Moreover, we learned that this organization is actually under the control of a member of the Seven Warlord of the Seas, Crocodile, who actually planned to use this organization to overthrow the rightful ruler of this country Nerfertari Cobra, and even locate a weapon to oppose the World Government!"

Hearing that, I truly start to panic as I realize that the situation is a lot worse than what I initially thought, but I force myself to calm down because if I lose control of my nerves I'll very likely make a mistake and in turn, I won't be able to help Zero-chan and the others from this predicament.

At the same time, the words of that Marine Officer, who now that I take a close look at it, I realize is, in fact, a Captain, cause a lot of unrest among the ranks, some of the most experienced ones, even curse out loud while saying things like, "Damn it! Those damned bastards!! Among all the shit they could have pulled off they just had to hit a Celestial Noble!? We will be lucky if this city won't get destroyed with us still here!!"

At this point, the Marine Captain yells, "Silence!!" bringing once again order within the ranks as he continues, "As you have certainly realized the situation is indeed quite delicate. Now, our orders are quite clear. We have to make sure that no one gets out of that casino and buy enough time for the Admiral to arrive! But more importantly, effective immediately, the bounty hunter agency known as Baroque Works is an enemy of the World Government! All its members are to be captured or killed on sight! And the status of Seven Warlords of the Sea of Crocodile is officially revoked!"

I clench my fist tightly while thinking, 'This is the worst possible situation imaginable! Not only the Baroque Works is now considered on the same level as the Revolutionary Army, but Zero-chan even lost the protection that his status as Seven Warlords of the Sea gave him! Moreover, an Admiral is heading here!! I truly don't know what I can do to help everyone out of this very nasty situation...'

Just as I'm squeezing my brain cells to find a way to help, I notice a group walking toward the Marine Captain, and from the direction they are coming from, it is clear that they came out of the out of the forest covering the casino.

The group is made up of five young women surrounded by a dozen guards dressed in medieval armor, with pointed helmets and the armor covering their chest and arms, wearing aqua green pants and armed with spears.

More importantly, among the women, there is one dressed in a thick white suit with medal-like knobs which supply her with oxygen to save her from sharing the same air as commoners. 

The collar of her suit has a flower-like pattern with lace at the top. The flower pattern on her suit repeats at the sides of her skirt, and her hair inside the bubble is styled upwards, forming a curl above her head, she wears a veil over the lower half of her face and light orange tinted shades over her eyes, and she also wears heart-shaped earrings, all this makes it quite easy to identify her as a Celestial Dragon.

The young woman steps forward and asks the Marine Captain in a condescending tone, "Are you the one in charge here?"

The Marine Captain instantly realizes her identity and replies with a salute, "Yes, ma'am! I'm Captain Booter the one in charge of Rainbase Marine Base, ma'am! Do you have any orders?"

The young woman then lazily says, "It is more of advice coming from my esteemed brother, Saint Alfred of House Manmayer... he suggests that you equip yourself and your man with a breathing mask before you rush inside the casino... You see, that forest that covers the building is the result of my nii-sama's ability, and there are plants inside that release copious amounts of pollen which will turn anyone who breathes it into a horny beast unable to control himself or herself."

Hearing the young woman's warning, the Marine Captain nods and thanks the Celestial Dragon for her warning bowing at 90°, and then, he stands up and starts to order his men to start to surround the building while he requests the base to quickly deliver the breathing masks supplied by the Headquarters to deal with hazardous zones and ablities.

At the same time, a crazy and dangerous idea comes to my mind as I look at the young Celestial Dragon, 'If I'm able to deal with her guards and knock her out, I can use the powers of the Mane Mane no Mi (Clone Clone Fruit) to impersonate her and make use of her authority as Celestial Dragon to help Zero-chan and the others out of this nasty situation creating a way out for them... Yes! This could work... but it all depends on luck... because at the moment, I can't do anything but continue to play my role as a good marine-boy as she is not only protected by her guards but also by all the marines present here. I have to find a way to cause some chaos first...'

While thinking that, I continue to stay in my current character following the orders given to me by the Marine Captain, but at the same time, I carefully and discreetly look around searching for an opportunity to enact my plan.

Zala (Miss Doublefinger) - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP (At the start of Alfred's attack)

The first face-to-face meeting we had with the boss of our bounty hunter agency, was a meeting that was indeed full of surprises for me as not only we were introduced to the new Mr. 5 and his partner Miss Valentine, but we also learned of the true identity of our boss, who is in fact the member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas Crocodile, but we also learned of the Baroque Works' true purpose and the boss ambitious plans. 

After that very informative meeting, the assistant manager of the Rain Dinners, the biggest and most famous casino of Rainbase which I recently learned is, in fact, one of the many hidden assets of the Baroque Works, gave each one of us the keys to our rooms while he explained all the amenities and entertainments available in this establishment while also telling us that everything is free of charge as it will be obviously covered by our boss, one of the perks of being an Officer Agents.

At the end of his introductory speech, each one of my fellow Officer Agents went their own way to relax and pass the time, meanwhile, I decided to retire back to my room to take a hot, relaxing bath, after all, the long journey from the Spider Cafè through the hot Sandora Desert to reach this city was quite an unpleasant one and I can't wait to get rid of this sticky feeling of sweat under my clothes plus removes the annoying sand that got stuck on my skin and in my hair. 

So, once in my room, I make sure to close the door, then I head directly into the bathroom, remove my clothes, and start to fill the bathtub with hot water and soap so that it becomes very bubbly.

While waiting for the bathtub to fill, I quickly washed my clothes while being careful in removing all the sand from them, then I hung them to dry while muttering, "What a pain... I didn't bring a change of clothes with me, so at the moment this is the best solution... maybe I'll buy some spare clothes later..."

Done with that, I don't waste any more time and enter the bathtub and enjoy a relaxing hot bath while thinking, 'Our boss may be a pirate, but for sure he knows how to build a successful business... everything in this place is of the best quality possible it is incredible...'

Sometime later, after relaxing and cleaning myself, I get out of the bathtub and warp my body in a soft bathrobe as I dry my body and hair, then I pick up my clothes which are mostly dry now. 

But all of a sudden, the whole place starts to shake and I almost stumble on the ground, but I quickly fix my balance, and raise my guard as I start to carefully check my surroundings and instantly notice countless tentacle-like roots piercing through the floor and the walls destroying everything in this room as various plants and trees start to grow out of them, quickly turning this place into some kind dense forest, at the same time, I notice that some kind of gaseous substance is being released by the plants which start to slowly fill the area.

I unconsciously take a small whiff of that substance as I try to identify the substance to find the best way to deal with it, but I immediately realize my mistake as a scorching heat starts to course trought my very being which instantly causes my body to react as I feel my nipples hardening, and pussy starts flooding with fluids which starts running down my legs.

At the same time, my right hand unconsciously moves toward my wet lower lips and starts to slowly caress and rub them with ever increasing intensity while my left hand roughtly massage my right breast and teases my hard nipple causing me to moan out loud, "Ahhh~ Oooh~ Aaah~ This is~ Ohhh~ This is baaad~!"

Not even a few seconds pass that I already reach my first orgasm as a jet of fluids squirts out of my pussy leaving my legs shaking so much that they almost give in making me fall to the ground, but despite that, the fire within my body doesn't reduce but becomes even more intese which makes me realize just how powerful and dangerous that substance I inhaled truly is, and what is worse is that the substance is slowly filling this room which will enhance these effects even more.

Realizing this, I steel my resolve and force my body to obey my will instead of my instinct, then before I succumb to the effectes of this substance, I use the power of my Devil Fruit, the Toge Toge no Mi (Spike Spike Fruit), to turns my fingers on both hands into spikes before stabbing myself into the abdomen, more precisely to press on the acupoints near my womb which allows me to forcefully surpress my lust.

My Devil Fruit, the Toge Toge no Mi (Spike Spike Fruit) is a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to grow spikes on any part of their body, and turn any body part entirely into a spike, making the user a Spike Human, which not only grants me extraordinary offensive applications, but also great defensive and utility ones, especially if combined with my knowledge of acupuncture, which not only allows me to "dope" myself to increase my muscolar mass, but even helps me dealing with situations like this.

Once my lust is successfully suppressed, I don't hesitate and start to dress myself, before kicking the door of the bathroom open and walk out of my room to search for the person behind this mess and kill him, at the same time, I can't help but worry in mind, 'I have to hurry and deal with the bastard behind this attack, after all, I can't supress my lust forever, the more time passes the worse it will be, until it will reach the breaking point and will be even willing to go with anything that breathes even a camel.'

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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