Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 221 – Chaos at Arabasta 7

Daz Bones (Mr. 1) POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP (At the start of Alfred's attack)

I'm climbing up the stairs to reach the floor where the room assigned to me by the assistant manager of the casino Rain Dinners is located to rest while my other fellow Officer Agents decided to carelessly waste their time and energy on useless frivolities, it seems that they simply do not understand that in our line of work, we have to be always ready to any eventualities and the best way for that is to always be cautious and at top physical and mental condition. 

As I calmly climb up the stairs one step at a time, I can't help but think back at what I have learned during the previous meeting with my fellow Officer Agents and my now not-so-mysterious boss, 'It was very surprising to find out that the mysterious boss of the bounty agency Baroque Works is, in fact, the member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas, Crocodile.... well, not that this fact changes anything, I agreed to follow his orders when I joined the Baroque Works, he is my boss now that's it, his real identity and purposes don't matter...'

Still, as I walk into my room, I can't help but smirk a little while thinking about what is going to happen next, 'But I have to admit that the idea of taking control of this country, overthrowing its king, and being part of those who founded a power who aims to rival the World Government is a quite interesting and amusing experience... I can't wait to test my limits through these challenges and see what sights I'll be able to see beyond them.'

Once in my room, I quickly check the surroundings to make sure that it is safe, I also make sure to map out the various escape routes depending on the situation I could encounter, this is a habit I developed through my years working as a bounty hunter in the West Blue, after all, even if that place is quite peaceful compared to the Grand Line, it is still quite the dangerous and lawless place to live and you'll never know when you are attacked by a pirate who tries to counter kill you, a fellow bounty hunter who simply wants to eliminate the competition, or greedy corrupted marines who wants to keep the bounty you earned for himself.

Done with all the security checks and with pre-planning possible escape routes by taking a good look at the floor my room is located and even it's surroundings outside, I simply lie on the bed and close my eyes as I rest my body and my mind, of course, I'm still wide awake and ready to react at any instance of danger, but this is enough to rest for me and recover my top shape, and it will also help in making sure that tonight my sleep will be very light in case of a sudden nightly attack, something unlikely but it is always better to be ready for it. 

But all of a sudden, as I'm resting on the bed, I feel that the whole place starts to shake and I instantly open my eyes, jump up from the bed, and raise my guard as I start to carefully check my surroundings and quickly notice countless tentacle-like roots piercing through the floor and the walls destroying everything in this room as various plants and trees start to grow out of them, quickly turning this place into some kind dense forest, at the same time, I notice that some kind of gaseous substance is being released by some of the plants which starts to slowly fill the area.

Seeing that, I instantly realize that this place is under attack, and without any hesitation, almost on instinct, I decide to use the most extreme of the many pre-planned escape routes.

I hold my breath and quickly activate the power of the Devil Fruit I have eaten, the Supa Supa no Mi (Dice Dice Fruit) a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that enables my body to gain characteristics of a steel blade to attack opponents with, making me a Full-Body Bladed Human.

I run toward the wall and turn my fingers into blades, cross both hands over my chest, and mentally yell, "Atomic Spar!" before slashing forward with a downward "X" motion, instantly slicing the plants, vines, trees, roots, and wall in front of me into many small square pieces, then I don't stop jump through the sliced wall finding my self on the other side, which is in fact, the outside of the casino as my room was the most outmost room of the floor.

But as soon as I'm outside, I notice that even the outside of the casino is being overthrown by trees and plants as they quickly grow to cover the whole pyramid structure turning it into a dense forest, but luckily I also notice that outside there isn't any plant that produces that dangerous substance.

At the same time, as I continue to fall, I once again use my Devil Fruit's powers to turn most of my body into steel blades, and so, thanks to the momentum of my fall, I easily slice through the trees and plants standing in my way and safely crash on the bridge thanks to the hardness my body gains in this state which makes me impervious to harm.

This bridge is the one that connects the casino built on a platform in the middle of the Rainbase Lake, the very large oasis, outright resembling a lake, located in the middle of Rainbase, and the main street of the city.

Once finally on the ground, I don't stop, but quickly get up and stealthily move to hide in a nearby building to evaluate the current situation and find the best way to act.

Looking at the casino, I quickly notice that the trees and plants that I cut a few moments ago in my escape are already been replaced by new ones, making me theorize that this unusual attack is likely the result of a Devil Fruit ability.

As I continue to watch over the casino, I realize that I was able to hide just in time, as I see a group of people calmly walking out of the forest covering the building a few seconds after I took my position.

The group is made up of five young women surrounded by a dozen guards dressed in medieval armor, with pointed helmets and the armor covering their chest and arms, wearing aqua green pants and armed with spears.

More importantly, among the women, there is one dressed in a thick white suit with medal-like knobs which supply her with oxygen to save her from sharing the same air as commoners. 

The collar of her suit has a flower-like pattern with lace at the top. The flower pattern on her suit repeats at the sides of her skirt, and her hair inside the bubble is styled upwards, forming a curl above her head, just like the man that just killed that bodyguard, she wears a veil over the lower half of her face and light orange tinted shades over her eyes, and she also wears heart-shaped earrings, all this makes it quite easy to identify her as one of the World Nobles, more commonly called Celestial Dragons.

While I am watching them, I also notice that the plants, vines, and trees that make up the forest act in an unusual way, they almost seem to make way and even protect that group of people, further confirming my theory that this forest is the result of a Devil Fruit ability, moreover this behavior tells me that this group of people is somewhat connected with the one behind this attack.

At the same time, another commotion attracts my attention as countless marines rush into the clearing in front of the casino and start to surround the building-turned-forest, all wearing tense and serious expressions on their faces.

Seeing that, I start to once again analyze the situation, 'Something about this feels off... Usually, the Marine doesn't react so fast and for sure not in such force, this looks like almost all the sailors located in Rainbase are gathering here, and more importantly the presence of Celestial Dragons is also quite concerning... Just what is going on here?'

At this point, the voice of the person in charge catches my attention as he yells, "Let me remind you all why we are all here! A few minutes ago, we received the report that a World Noble, Saint Alfred of House Manmayer was assaulted by a member of the Bounty Hunter Agency known as Baroque Works! Moreover, we learned that this organization is actually under the control of a member of the Seven Warlord of the Seas, Crocodile, who actually planned to use this organization to overthrow the rightful ruler of this country Nerfertari Cobra, and even locate a weapon to oppose the World Government!" 

His words cause even more tension and unrest among the ranks while at the same time, I finally realize the gravity of the situation but soon, the man in charge yells, "Silence!!" bringing once again order within the ranks as he continues, "As you have certainly realized the situation is indeed quite delicate. Now, our orders are quite clear. We have to make sure that no one gets out of that casino and buy enough time for the Admiral to arrive! But more importantly, effective immediately, the bounty hunter agency known as Baroque Works is an enemy of the World Government! All its members are to be captured or killed on sight! And the status of Seven Warlords of the Sea of Crocodile is officially revoked!"

Hearing that, my gaze turns sharper as I prepare for the unavoidable fight, at the same time, the group led by the young Celestial Dragon woman continues calmly walking until they stop in front of the person in charge and ask in a condescending tone, "Are you the one in charge here?"

The man turns around, and I finally identify him as a Marine Captain, who in the meantime instantly realizes her identity and replies with a salute, "Yes, ma'am! I'm Captain Booter the one in charge of Rainbase Marine Base, ma'am! Do you have any orders?"

The young woman then lazily says, "It is more of advice coming from my esteemed brother, Saint Alfred of House Manmayer... I suggest that you equip yourself and your man with a breathing mask before you rush inside the casino... You see, that forest that covers the building is the result of my nii-sama's ability, and there are plants inside that release copious amounts of pollen which will turn anyone who breathes it into a horny beast unable to control himself or herself."

Hearing that, I let out an internal sigh of relief while thinking, 'Luckily I reacted in time... even if thanks to the Supa Supa no Mi (Dice Dice Fruit) I'm very resistant to physical attacks to the point that I'm unbeatable in a fight, such nasty means are still able to affect me, what is worse is if that pollen is so powerful that I lose control of myself, I won't be able to use my powers to harden my body leaving me at mercy of the enemy which could then easily kill me...'

But then I focus back on the most pressing matter, 'I have to find a way to help my boss tide through this difficult moment. I have to wait for the perfect opportunity to attack so that I can reduce their numbers and cause some chaos among their ranks... Maybe if the opportunity presents itself I'll even take that Celestial Dragon woman hostage to secure a way out... Of course, for that I have to be also careful of the Admiral that is about to come here, after all, no matter how strong I am, an Admiral is still a force I have to be wary of...' 

Saint Alfred POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP

Seeing the horrifying, disgusting, unholy scene in front of my eyes, I can't help but mournfully exclaim in distress while seriously regretting my previous decisions while trying to hold in my urge to throw up everything I have eaten today, "Urg- Oh god please, I beg you! Someone, anyone, please help me! I need to bleach my eyes!! And maybe even a memory wipe!!"

In front of me, there are two people and a gun-dog affected by my Horny Pollen fucking like mad rabbits, one is an ugly tall, and fat man, he has big lips and dirty blonde hair, and all the fat of his body is jiggling as he lets out some pig-like grunts while he is thrusting his hips into his partner, a fucking ugly stout, old woman with red hair, which squeals like some kind of hellish spawn from the DOOM games as she enjoys the care of the fat dude nailing her from behind and the gun-dog ravaging her mouth, making me wish to meet some Eldritch Horror out of the mind of H.P. Lovecraft instead of looking at this.

The scene is so disgusting that I can't move my eyes away from it as I remain stunned in place while thinking, 'Maybe I should have thought about this with a lot more attention, focus, and care... At first, it seemed a good idea to flood this place with the Horny Pollen, one of the abilities of my Devil Fruit that I developed to turn Hancock, her sisters, and Koala into my perfect sex toys. After all, its very strong effects in a closed environment guarantee that at the very least most of the people in the building would be incapacitated to busy trying to relieve themselves to put up any kind of meaningful fight... I even had the hope of finding a helplessly horny Nico Robin, Zala, or the loli Miss Goldenweek so that I could easily capture them and enjoy relieving them of their pain... But for sure I didn't hope for THIS to happen!!' 

At first, everything went according to the plan, using the K.A.R.E.N. Tactics I was easily able to provoke someone affiliated with this establishment into attacking me and so put the blame on Crocodile's organization while forcing the Marine to act according to my wishes, then to buy enough time for the Admiral to arrive and deal with the toughest opponent while also preventing my preys from escaping, I used my technique Lost Woods, which basically created a dense, labyrinth-like forest which took over this building and its surroundings, I even made sure that the roots grew in such a way that collapsed the hidden underwater tunnels that could be used as an escape, and as icing on the cake, I grew the flowers to spread the Horny Pollen throughout the whole building to incapacitate as many people as possible and make my conquest even easier. 

Then taking full advantage of the situation caused by the combination of Lost Woods and Horny Pollen, I started to hunt down my prey while killing anyone who succumbed to the Horny Pollen, draining them of all their fluids and turning them into Wood Golems, which are basically corpse parasitized by plants under my control smart enough to follow my orders, stronger than the average person and very hard to kill, the perfect mob for time-consuming jobs like searching for someone, cleaning, or even disposing of useless slaves.

But now, seeing the gruesome sight in front of me, I'm starting to second guess my previous choice, but then I remind myself of my objective, the best waifu Nico Robin as she begs for me to fuck her and quickly regain my clarity, then without any hesitation, I control some nearby root to impale the eldritch mess in front of me, draining them of all their fluids, turning them into empty husks. 

Then under my command, the roots started to invade their bodies, taking over everything, and quickly they started to change before my very eyes, their bodies started to fill once more as from the roots that took over their bodies all kinds of saps started to flow which transform them, their skin becomes bark-like, their stature changes becoming taller and leaners, their hands become like claws as branches and moss start to grow out of their bodies, basically they look very similar to the Flower Colossi of the Marvel Universe, as I admit used Groot as reference to make the Wood Golems. 

Once their transformation is complete, the three new Wood Golems quickly stand up and start to follow my orders as they move out to search and hunt down and capture any living being trapped in this building. 

After that, I too continue to walk around searching for my targets while thinking, 'I hope that the Lost Woods and the Wood Golems can delay Crocodile long enough for the Admiral to arrive, after all, for everyone else in this place I have thought of a way to deal with them, only he is the one who is truly dangerous for me and I have no confidence in my chances against him.'

I start to walk up a set of stairs as I continue that train of thoughts, 'The main reason for that is that his Devil Fruit can be considered a direct counter of mine, especially with its ability to drain liquids from its victims which can seriously harm me and affect my own regeneration. But even more important, I consider the main difference between us. It is hard to admit it but I truly have next to no talent in fighting, after all, even after all these years, I wasn't able to awaken my Haki no matter how hard I train. Moreover, it isn't like I have much experience fighting in the first place, as I did not need it... on the other hand, Crocodile is a true boss-like character, he is the very first big threat that the main character of this world, Luffy, faced, with many years of experience fighting against all kinds of opponents in all kind of situations and the only reason he lost is basically because of plot armor because from what I remember Crocodile owned him the previous 2 or 3 times they fought. I truly don't like the odds between us that is why I made sure that an Admiral takes care of this mess while I focus on capturing my new toys.'

Suddenly I stop as I sense a huge number of plants, trees, flowers, vines, and roots under my control quickly dying and being destroyed in very quick succession, more importantly, the destroyed plants are the ones that invaded the basement of this building, from that, I instantly realize that Crocodile made a move, as he is the only one capable of affecting such a large area, moreover, the speed with which he destroyed everything also confirms my fear that his Devil Fruit, the Suna Suna no Mi (Sand Sand Fruit) is almost a direct counter to mine.

This realization, makes me raise my pace as I now run up the stairs putting as much distance between me and Crocodile as possible, after all, my victory condition isn't to defeat and kill him, but just to buy enough time for the Admiral to come and deal with him.

Of course, while I'm running away from Crocodile, it doesn't mean that I'm moving around this building randomly, nope, I'm moving with clear purpose as I'm heading toward the area where I feel some of my plants and even Wood Golems being destroyed which indicates that within the building some people were able to fight off the effects of the Horny Pollen, which it wouldn't be so surprising because a simple mask over the mouth and nose is enough to block the pollen from entering the body and affect the victims, so those smart and quick enough should be able to deal with it, like the Nico Robin, Mr. 3, Mr. 1 and maybe Zala, also known as Miss Doublefinger. 

This is why I'm heading toward one of those areas because it is very likely that I'll be able to find one of my secondary targets, or even Nico Robin over there.

At the moment, there are actually two such areas, one is located on the ground floor, and the person in question is basically quickly mowing through everything that stands in his way, which makes me believe that this individual is, in fact, Mr. 1 because with his Supa Supa no Mi (Dice Dice Fruit), there is very little that the Wood Golem and the environment can do to stop or harm him, especially if he covered his face with a mask, so I simply ignore him and focus on the area on the upper floors, where the rate of destruction is much lower, making it quite possible for it to be one of my targets. 

Of course, on my way there I continue to kill and turn into Wood Golem all the people I find, whenever they are mating like animals, fapping without control, or even trying to relieve themselves with the nearby plants, meanwhile, I notice that the widespread destruction caused by Crocodile is quickly heading toward the smoothly advancing Mr. 1 meaning that the two will soon join forces.

But at the same time, I'm also quickly getting closer and closer to my target, and now as I'm about to meet her, the only thing that keeps repeating itself in my mind is, 'Please let it be Nico Robin. Please let it be Nico Robin. Please let it be Nico Robin. Please let it be Nico Robin. Please let it be Nico Robin...' 

Finally, I arrive just in time to see another of my wandering Wood Golems being destroyed, unfortunately, it isn't Nico Robin as the Wood Golem is being destroyed into many pieces by a rolling spiked ball that looks almost like a sea urchin.

After destroying the Wood Golem, the spiked ball loses all its spikes and turns into a tall, slim young woman with curly dark-blue hair, thick lips, dark green eyes, pale skin, and a curvaceous figure, which starts walking toward me using her most memorable feature, the over-exaggerated way she walks, as she notices my presence. 

As the girl swings those sexy hips way too much, which makes raise in me the desire to hold her from those sexy hips and ride her from behind until I fill her cunt with my seed and she passes out from pleasure.

She wears a short long-sleeved jacket with beige-colored fur brims, a bikini top describing an unusual spider web-like pattern across her abdominal area, low-riding pants, and platform sandals, it is clear that she is one of my secondary targets, the sexy Zala, codename, Miss Doublefinger, and what is even more interesting is that she isn't wearing any kind of mask but she is still able to maintain her reason which is quite impressive as she should be like a bitch in heat unable to control herself.

Once she is a few meters away from me, Zala sensually smiles and says, "Oh my... I finally see some other living person instead of those scary tree men... and you are quite handsome too... what do you say if we find a nice safe space to enjoy a very satisfying hour together? You know? This place made me quite hot and bothered~ so much that I almost can't stand it anymore~ I really need something hard and big inside me~!"

Hearing her invite, I already feel my cock getting harder, and with a smirk on my face I walk toward her and reply, "I'm in! I promise I'll you experience a pleasure you have never felt before in your life, and that you will never forget-." but before I could finish, Zala's smile turns from a sensual one to an evil one as she yells, "Double Stinger!" turns her hands into single, large spikes before stabbing me multiple times in rapid succession leaving huge holes in my body, then she says, "Idiot! Like I would believe that someone is able to calmly walk through these pollen-infested corridors without any protection and still be sane... the only one that can do so is the one behind this attack."

Hearing that, I smile and reply, "You are quite smart..." shocking her as she exclaims, "That is impossible! You should be dead!!", I smirk and use my powers to create a tree hand from under Zala which quickly grasp her body and immobilize her, of course, I make sure that it is hard enough to withstand the piercing power of her spikes, at the same time, I also make my body regenerate.

And as Zala's expression turns into a horrified one, I grin and say, "Welcome to my collection, Zala. Don't worry, I'll make sure that you won't be able to live anymore without me, and I'm going to enjoy every moment of it... but that is for later as I have more pressing matters to focus on at the moment..." while thinking, 'And with this I got one, only the loli and the holy grail remains...'

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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