Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 227 – Chaos at Arabasta 13

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP

As he descends, I don't hesitate and raise my leg, throwing a kick right between his legs and yelling, "Lo Sciaccianoci (The Nutcracker)!!" hitting him right on his exposed family jewels with such force that he is sent flying out of the encircled area, somewhere in the middle of the city.

At the same time, I can't help but smirk remembering the look of extreme pain painted on his face as his face was twisted in a silent mournful scream, while his blood vessels ruptured from the strain, while thinking, 'Well, he still won't die from that, after all, I removed the block on his Devil Fruit powers, and since he is very likely a Logia Type User, he will be able to regenerate... but it is still very likely that he will go crazy from the pain maybe his mind will even fully break under the constant unbearable pain, after all, he won't be able to fall unconscious to avoid the damage caused by an overload anymore because his brain won't be able to shut down... anyway I'll just let him suffer for a few seconds then I'll kill him and upgrade my Blessing.' 

While I'm thinking that, all of a sudden, countless female arms start to sprout from all over my body and most of them wrap around my joints in order to prevent my movements.

Of course, this is the result of Nico Robin's Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit), and strictly speaking, it would be quite easy for me to escape this hold by using my physical strength to simply break free, but there is only a little problem with that solution, a problem that originates from the weakness of the Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit) itself.

The Hana Hana no Mi user has the unique weakness of having any damage to their sprouted body parts transferred to their real body, this means that if I use my physical strength to break this hold she has on me it will also basically break all the arms holding my body, the same damage will be also inflicted on Nico Robin, something that I'd like to avoid if possible. 

Another reason behind my hesitation is that I can't actually fully understand the reason behind her current action or to be more specific, I don't know if this action has actually any malicious intention behind it, especially since she is clearly just holding me in place, she isn't using any further strength to twist my neck and break my joints and bones.

The most likely explanation is that she has now regained her senses and some form of control over herself after all, before joining the Straw Hats, she was basically an expert assassin who grew up surviving in a very harsh and cruel world where everyone was after her, and so she probably has built a strong tolerance toward such substances. 

It is possible that now that she is once again aware, finding herself bound, obviously overdosed with an aphrodisiac, with her pandora box fully exposed, and an unknown handsome young man in front of her, I think it is natural for her to wish to protect herself against, from her point of view, a very likely threat to her person, but soon I notice the hazy look in her eyes which makes me doubt the veracity of that affirmation. 

That slight hesitation is all that was needed to make this situation take a very strange turn because while I'm standing still thinking about what to tell to calm her down and show that I mean no harm in case she is truly fighting off the effects of the aphrodisiac, all of a sudden, I feel a soft pair of hands lower my short pants and quickly after grasping and caressing my little brother, which immediately reacts to the sudden attention standing tall and ready for any action because of my lustful dragon nature.

Then before I could react, tendrils of pleasure shoot through my body as I feel a searing hot, soft, tight, and wet sensation fully envelope my little brother as if I was just welcomed inside one of my girls' pandora boxes, this sensation is then quickly followed by Nico Robin's pleasure filled cry, "Aaaah~ OooooH~ Yeesh~!!"

Then I start to feel even more pleasure because the searing hot, tight, wet hole that welcomed me starts to quickly move back and forth at a very fast pace as the fleshy walls that envelope and massage my little brother, quiver and tighten around it and I even feels sticky, wet fluids being ejected wetting my pelvis and abdomen, clear signs of a very powerful orgasm.

The pleasure I feel is so overwhelming that for a moment my mind blanks out and unconsciously my hips start to move on instinct to match the movements that bring me so much pleasure, but I quickly snap out of my stunned state, and without any hesitation, I look down to see what is going on and the most bizarre sight greets my eyes.

What I see is one of Nico Robin's arms that sprouted out of my body is holding in its hand what looks like a very ultra-realistic stroker, an ultra-realistic stroker in which I'm fully buried inside, and of course, the arm is moving back and forth in a rough, almost desperate piston motion as the ultra-realistic stroker squirts out fluids each time the tip my little brother touches its deepest part which unsurprisingly feels exactly the same as the entrance of a womb.

Looking at this scene, I can't but internally exclaim in shock, 'What the holy hell is that!? Are you telling me that the Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit) is able to sprout even such sensitive parts of the user's body in such a peculiar way... Wait! Usually, everything that happens, be it sensations or injuries, to the parts sprouted by the power of the Devil Fruit are also transferred to the actual body, does this mean... Oh, my Goddess!! Does this mean that at the moment I'm actually having sex with Nico Robin!!?'

At the same time, as I realize that, I raise my head and look at the moaning Nico Robin who despite being still bound to the ground by those wooden, root-like tentacles, her body continues to shake, twist, and twitch overwhelmed by pleasure as she moans and groans matching the furious rhythm of the "ultra-realistic stroker." 

I also notice that now the expression on her face became extremely lewd, with her eyes rolled up to the back of her head, her mouth open and her tongue sticking out as saliva drools out of it, at this point, it is clear that she didn't fight off the effects of the aphrodisiac drug, but fully succumbed to it and in her delirious state she is using me to let out everything and find some form of relief from the ever-present arousal.

Moreover, from here I can easily see that her pandora box is opening and closing mirroring the movement of the stroker-like part I'm buried inside, in addition, I can also see her groin area bulge a little and even her female juices are squirting out in perfect sync with it forming a very big puddle on the ground, which means that she is truly feeling everything that is happening to the parts that are created by the power of her Devil Fruit and that at the moment, I'm, for all senses and purposes, actually really fucking with a drugged up Nico Robin.

Realizing this, I don't hesitate to use one of the most powerful Restoration Magic that I was able to create in my free time, "He Kosmos!!" for a moment the whole world seems to lose all colors before everything returns apparently normal with only one slight difference, everything is silent, gone are the sound of the fighting that was taking place all over the city, gone are the screams of the people fleeing away from danger, gone are the sexy cries full of pleasure coming from Nico Robin, everything is completely peaceful and silent.

He Kosmos is the name I came up with for this original spell, and like most of my other original spells where I use either Latin or Greek to name them depending on the simple value of which sounds better, this one is named in Greek and can be easily translated with "The World." 

Of course, with such a name it is pretty easy to guess the effect of this spell, this is basically a Restoration Magic overcharged with my powerful, almost infinite Spiral Cosmo which makes it powerful enough to stop time in the whole universe for as long as I wish if I have the need to.

The reason why I decided to do this is quite simple, I simply couldn't let this continue any further, because for all intents and purposes this is a form of sexual assault and I won't be able to watch my reflection in the mirror if I allow this to continue, luckily I snapped out of my stunned, horny and confused state quite quickly so she shouldn't have received too much harm from those constant climaxes.

Taking advantage of the time-stopped state, I gently grab the stroker-like pandora box and slowly pull out my still-hard little brother, which is now fully drenched in her female juice, meanwhile, I also realize that the stroker-like pandora box is actually sprouting out of Nico Robin's sprouted hand instead of simply being held by it, something quite obvious considering how the Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit) actually works.

After that, I started to use my Spiral Cosmo to purge the aphrodisiac from Nico Robin's body using the connection that her sprouted parts have with her body to be able to infuse my Spiral Cosmo within her body from the distance.

While I'm doing that, I can't help but think, 'I'm sure that some degenerates in my place would use the excuse that Nico Robin did everything by herself to justify what just happened even continue to fully enjoy the experience without any problem, hell, in my previous life I have read many novels where the plot of the drugged heroine was taken advantage of by the "saint-like" protagonist. In some way Nico Robin did use the near-instantaneous nature of the Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit) to bind me and impale her sprouted stroker-like pandora box on my little brother, so technically I would simply be a victim too, but that isn't actually true. The only true victim here is Nico Robin, she is the one who was drugged almost to the point of insanity, she had absolutely no control or will behind her actions. Meanwhile, the fact I'm still as hard as Gold Cloth despite realizing what disgusting happened clearly shows my own lack of control in such situations but that doesn't excuse me. This isn't right and so I had to stop it... Well, if she was fully conscious and willing, and the girls were aware and fine with her then I wouldn't hesitate to...' 

Then something suddenly comes to my mind, 'Wait! Talking about the girls... I will have to tell them what happened and I'm sure that most of them won't mind it because none of the involved parties was at fault and I stopped it soon after it started... I think I will have to pamper Eri a lot to make sure that she doesn't enter Armageddon Mode causing this world to fall into an era of death and darkness...' 

While I'm thinking that, I finally fully purge the aphrodisiac from Nico Robin's body, and at the same time, I stop channeling my Spiral Cosmo to keep the spell He Kosmos active.

With that time resumes as normal, and instantly all the female arms spouted on my body disappear because a truly exhausted Nico Robin passes out, especially since now that she is free from the effects of the aphrodisiac and no longer in a constant state of arousal and climax she is finally able to find relief and relax her strained mind and body. 

Without wasting any time, I quickly get closer and I don't want to admit it but my gaze lingers on her exposed, still gaping, glistening, moisty pandora box a little bit more than intended, especially since the sensation that I felt when my little brother was buried within her folds are still very fresh in my mind but I shake my head to push away those distracting thoughts, then I use my Spiral Cosmo to materialize a simple pair of panties to replace the one that was ripped off by the slimy bastard.

After doing that, I free her body from the wooden, root-like tentacles that bound her to the ground by ripping them apart with my Telekinesis then I gently pick her up in a princess carry. 

Done with that, I let out a sigh and mutter, "Haa... After that unexpected and unintentional delay... It is finally time to actually accomplish what I came here to do... stop this damned mess caused by that slimy bastard..."

At this point, I finally remember about the slimy bastard, 'Wait! I forgot about him!! If I don't hurry up and kill him then it is very likely that the guy gets crazy enough that he kills himself off to momentarily stop his pain before I can actually kill him!'

Thinking that, I can't help but mentally ask Culture hoping that it replies to me, 'Hey, Culture! Can you please tell me what happens in case a Champion commits suicide? And if the Champion of Wood does it would in this particular case be considered my kill because in some way he died because of my direct action?'

Immediately I hear the voice of my patron Concept in my mind as it replies, [Well, usually if a Champion decides to end his own life it can usually go in two ways, the first one, is that the Champion designates on his own free will to who give his Blessing to, and it can be any other competing Champion, or even a person deeply connected to the Champion like a family member, lover or even very close friend. In the former case, the Blessing of the other competing Champion will be upgraded as if the Champion defeated or killed him/her/it. In the latter case, the beneficiary will become the new Champion. The second and more common way is that it will be treated in the same way as if the Champion was actually killed by someone who isn't a Champion, the Blessing will simply be taken away and used as a prize in a competition which will take place in a random universe where tournaments, sports event, competitions and such are the central theme of it, for example, the Tekken Universe, the Kuroko No Basket Universe, the Food Wars/Shokugeki no Soma Universe and etc.] 

Hearing that, I nod with a slight frown on my face because, with these Competition Universes, there are just way too many possibilities, 'Bloody hell! A tournament arc is basically a staple of many anime and manga and those are likely also considered, and let's not talk about the myriad of video games, movies, and books!'

But while I'm thinking that, I once again hear Culture's voice as it says, [Anyway, you don't have to worry about the Champion of Wood's situation... He is already dead.] which makes me stop in my place as I yell in my mind, 'What!? How!!? What the hell!?' 

Age POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP

As Admiral Kizaru is calmly floating above us, Crocodile, who is holding his bloodied stump and looking up at the new unexpected arrival, suddenly asks out loud, "What the fuck is an Admiral doing here!? I'm pretty sure that whatever I planned to do here isn't so important to make an Admiral rush over, at most I would have expected a bunch of Vice-Admirals..." then he question himself, "Is this some kind of convoluted plot against me...?"

But before I could reply to him, Admiral Kizaro, who is still floating high in the sky between the two of us, says in a sarcastic tone, "Poor you, Crocodile... You had the balls to raise your hand against a World Noble and planned to defy the World Government overthrowing this country and unearthing some kind of dangerous weapon from who knows where, what else did you expect would have happened? That we would have let you be?"

Hearing that, Crocodile glares at Admiral Kizaru and says, "As expected of the World Government, now you even start to put senseless charges on me to justify your action... I can understand that my plans were leaked by that worthless bastard over there working for you-."

But before Crocodile can continue, Admiral Kizaru interrupts him and calmly explains, "He isn't working for us... I don't know who he is... the one that told us about your plan was Saint Shalria of House Manmayer when she reported that you men attacked his brother Saint Alfred in your casino..." 

Admiral Kizaru's explanation stuns Crocodile who is clearly very confused by what he just heard, at the same time, Admiral Kizaru turns his head and looks in the distance as he casually says, "Wait a minute, I have to take care of something else before I can focus on you..."

After saying that, Admiral Kizaru points his finger, which is already starting to shine in a bright golden light, at a certain direction, then without any hesitation he launches three powerful light-energy beams in quick succession, then he lightly exclaims as he comments, "Wow... how scary~ that one is quite tough and strong willed~... excuse me for a moment..." 

Admiral Kizaru's body morphs into light as he quickly disappears in a flash, but in my eyes, it is clear that he is heading toward the same direction where he shot his light beams, and a few seconds later, he reappears in the same position as before in a flash of light and declares, "It's done, the lesser threats have been neutralized and captured... this leave only the two of you... let's end this quickly!"

Without wasting any time, Admiral Kizaru crosses his arms in front of him and yells, "Yasakani no Magatama!" he uses both hands to fire a torrent of deadly light particles covering an extremely wide area, causing extreme damage to whatever they hit, they also have great piercing properties, as I see them easily penetrating the ground and what remains of the nearby buildings before causing a fiery explosion that destroys and vitrify everything in the range of the explosion.

Facing this overwhelming number of lightspeed attacks, I continue to maintain my calm and start to swing around my trusty double-headed axe, Litlauss (Colorless), using its size, immense durability, and of course, all the Armament Haki I can to deflect the torrent of attacks caused by Admiral Kizaru's technique while thinking, 'Luckily lightspeed reaction speed is something that all the Asgardians have, of course, like always some are better than other, but as a race this is something that everyone is capable of. Moreover, it is obligatory for all the Einherjar to be capable of reacting, blocking, and deflecting such types of attacks. After all, the Einherjar were the strongest warriors under Odin, always fighting by his and Thor's side. Overall, this is pretty easy for me, and my basic Observation Haki makes it even easier.'

While I'm defending myself from this onslaught, I take a moment to use my Observation Haki to look at Crocodile's situation and sense that he is barely able to defend himself using a very thick wall of compressed sand which he constantly reinforces with more and more sand as the light explodes against it wilting the wall down and vitrifying part of it, basically, he is using the field advantage to his fullest to endure this attack barely.

At the same time, through the use of my rudimentary Observation Haki, I also notice that Crocodile is also controlling his sand to slowly and sneakily move the golden hook attached to the cut-off arm toward Admiral Kizaru's position, very likely to sneak attack him with it, maybe hoping to take him by surprise or even simply to distract him, and take advantage of that to escape.

But before he could do that, I see that Admiral Kizaru suddenly stops his onslaught and starts to form light between his hands, before he calmly mutters, "Yata no Kagami" launching a beam of light that quickly reflects off any vitrified surface in our surroundings, at the same time, he once again morphs his whole body into light merging it with this bouncing beam of light he just launched until the beam bounces to another glassy surface one last time and arrives right behind Crocodile. 

At this point, his body quickly reforms behind the still unaware Crocodile already in a kicking motion, and before Crocodile can react, Admiral Kizaru's long leg impacts with Crocodile's head sending him crashing into the ground with such force that it creates a big crater into the sandy ground while sending a lot of sand flying in the air which momentarily blocked my sight.

Soon the sand sent flying in the air falls once again on the ground showing me the sight of Admiral Kizaru calmly standing before the figure of a bloody, beaten, unconscious Crocodile as he comments, "And with this Crocodile is also neutralized... but now... what should I do with you?"

But before he could come to a conclusion, suddenly a very mournful scream is heard in the distance, "Urgyaaaaaaa!!!" one that makes a run shiver unconsciously run down my spine as it seems to convey an unfathomable pain, horror, and suffering, and it seems that Admiral Kizaru feels the same as we both look toward the direction that scream was coming from at the same time.

Then just as I'm asking, "What the hell was that?" a figure can be seen soaring toward us, until it loudly crashes into the ground between the two of us, once again sending a big cloud of sand flying in the air.

Following that, nothing else can be heard from within the cloud of sand, only the sound of a body moving in the sand, not even a groan or anything like that, it all feels extremely eerie.

Soon the cloud of sand clears and both I and Admiral Kizaru move closer to check what is going on, once there, Admiral Kizaru simply comments in a calm sarcastic tone, "How shocking~."

At the same time, he seems to bend his body a little, as if he wants to unconsciously protect something very important, and seeing the scene in front of my eyes I can fully understand his sentiment

What greets me, is the sight of a familiar half-naked young man with a pale skin tone, and ridiculous curly blonde hair styled upwards, forming a curl above his head as he constantly writhes, squirms, and rolls on the ground, if face twisted in a perpetual terrifying silent scream as he holds his lower half with both his bloodied hands, and I don't even want to imagine what kind of damage is hidden behind those hands.

Then I finally realized who was the one in front of me, 'Wait! This is the fucking Champion I was hunting down! What a fucking stroke of luck!'

Realizing that, I don't hesitate, and without wasting any time, I raise my hand pointing it to him and say, "Poor guy... let me end your suffering once and for all... may your next life be a better one... or not, it isn't like I actually care."

Suddenly, Admiral Kizaru yells, "Wait, sto-!" but I ignore him and gather my Destruction Energy in my hand, and without hesitation, I shoot a purple beam of pure destroying energy toward the still writhing, squirming, and rolling Champion erasing his body out of existence.

Quickly after that, I receive a System Message, [Ding!: Congratulation! Player Age just completed the Main Quest: Hunt Down the Champion!! You will receive your Reward as soon as you return to any universe supervised by the System. As the Player has successfully completed his Quest, you can be instantly transported back to the last universe under the system control you visited whenever you desire!]

At the same time, I hear Admiral Kizaru ask, "Do you have any idea of what you have just done? Now you just became the enemy of the whole world... And as Admiral I have no choice but to bring you down no matter what...".

Quickly after saying that, Admiral Kizaru doesn't waste any more time, and quickly fires some powerful beam of light from his finger which I easily deflect using my trusty double-headed axe Litlauss (Colorless) while thinking, 'Now that I'm free from that annoying "quest" let's play around with him a little bit more then I'll find out what happened to Mikita... and also see if I can find Nico Robin and seduce or simply take her with me.'

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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