Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 228 – Chaos at Arabasta 14

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP

While I'm thinking about the complicated implications of the suicide of a Champion, I suddenly hear Culture's voice in my mind as it says, [Anyway, you don't have to worry about the Champion of Wood's situation... He is already dead.] which makes me stop in my place as I yell in my mind, 'What!? How!!? What the hell!?' 

Quickly after that, I once again hear my patron Concept's voice in my mind as it gracefully explains, [Well, let's just say that luck wasn't on your side this time... While I can't tell you the details of everything that happened for obvious reasons, I can give you a quick rundown of the events. You see, your rightful kick of fury actually launched that piece of shit in the direction of another Champion, who didn't hesitate to quickly take advantage of the golden opportunity that appeared in front of him. Furthermore, all this happened in those few moments you were occupied because of Nico Robin's situation.]

Hearing that, I can't help but internally curse and rebuke myself, 'Shit! I was way too lax, overconfident, and arrogant! Since I have defeated Antispiral things have been way too smooth for me, especially considering that in the last universes I visited, I was way too overpowered for anything to be even close to an actual threat to me! My first and most obvious mistake was to not remove my self-imposed limit on my senses and Cosmic Awareness as soon as I learned that another Champion was very likely involved in this matter. With them I could have easily known everything that was happening in this city while still playing with my kids, hell, I could have even resolved this issue remotely from there. The second mistake was, of course, that I took my sweet time playing around with that bastard, I had him in my grasp, once I cursed him and made him suffer for a while, all I needed to do was simply snap his neck and the matter would be over, I didn't need to kick him away to make him suffer a little bit more...' 

Reaching this point, Culture's voice resounds in my mind as it says, [Don't be too hard on yourself on that last point, I know what pushed you to do that. You were aware of the possibility that the curse you put on his core would, in the end, turn out to be nothing but useless fearmongering and so you wanted to make him suffer and despair as much as possible for everything he has done in this current life.] 

Hearing that, I do not have anything to say back, because everything that my patron Concept just said is true, at the same time, Culture continues, [Well, I can honestly tell you that you were right. The curse you inflicted on his core would have turned out to be useless for the very reason you thought of. At the start of this Battle Across the Omniverse, we Concepts promised to all the participants that at the end of this competition, every participant who died and did not win would have a better and more favorable "third" life but with all their memories fully erased. This means that we will ensure that all the other dead Champions among the 32 who did not win will have a next-to-perfect "third" life as a reward for entertaining us. There is no being and no power in existence that can prevent us from fulfilling our promise even boundless beings the likes your mind can't even fully comprehend can prevent that. And it is for a very simple reason, we ARE the Concepts, the only true absolute, we are everything that existed, exists, and will exist in all universes, multiverses, omniverses, and even beyond that.]

I admit that Culture's words did help me feel a little bit better about myself, especially considering that at the very least, the reason behind my actions against the Champion of Wood was sound, but that doesn't change the fact that I did take this matter too lightly, and I will have to reflect over it to make sure to not make the same mistake again. 

Coming to that conclusion, I take a deep breath and once again focus on the most pressing matter at hand, 'Even if I don't have to care about the Champion of Wood anymore, I still have to help everyone here and stop this mess from causing further casualties...'

I don't hesitate and quickly remove all my self-imposed limits on my senses and Cosmic Awareness, and instantly focus on everything that is happening in this city.

Without hesitation, I quickly use my Spiral Cosmo to destroy the rumbles of the casino under my feet and use the Telekinesis to pull to me the only person alive that was buried under them.

She is a tall young woman with short blond hair, wearing a dusty damaged yellow and orange hat, as well as a yellow dress with a lemon-like pattern which is ripped in many points, lemon earrings, and white high-heeled shoes, I can easily recognize her as Miss Valentine, whose real name is Mikita, an Officer Agent of Crocodile's Baroque Works.

Seeing her, I simply use my Spiral Cosmo to mend her wounds and broken bones but make sure that she won't regain her senses soon, and then I lie her on the ground next to the still unconscious Zala, after all, they are different from Nico Robin, both of them aren't actually good people forced to act in such way by their own circumstances and would have easily agreed to Crocodile's plan for their own selfish reason without caring about how many people they harm to get what the want, so I'll leave both of them there for the Marine to capture and punish as they see fit.

After that, with Nico Robin still in my arms, I leave behind what remains of Crocodile's casino and quickly reach the big open space on the other side of the bridge that connects the platform in the middle of the oasis where the Rain Dinners was built with the rest of the city meeting a quite awful sight.

There are way too many marines lying on the ground with all kinds of wounds on their bodies and big pools of blood under them, and unfortunately for some of them is way too late as they are already dead.

I can easily see that the most serious type of wounds are those caused by a very sharp object like a sword and seeing that most of those wounds are located on vital parts it is easy to deduce that those are the handiwork of Mr. 1, the most ruthless and competed individual of the Baroque Works who ate the Supa Supa no Mi (Dice Dice Fruit), whose real name is Daz Bones. 

Of course, those aren't the only types of injuries present, there are also many bullet wounds, broken bones, and trauma caused by what clearly looks like infighting between the sailors, which once again easily tells me that the one behind this mess was able to make the marines fight against one other something I assume is the work of Miss Goldenweek, real name Marianne, who very likely used her magic-like Color Trap.

And I can't ignore the third most common type of wounded, as I can also easily see many other sailors trapped into wax statues, knocked out by pure blunt force, immobilized with a large candle-shaped restraint or even tied to the ground with some kind jacket of wax, something that clearly indicates the perpetrator as Gialdino, also known as Mr. 3 who used the power of his Doru Doru no Mi (Wax Wax Fruit).

At the very least, it seems that Gialdino and Marianne weren't as heavy-handed as Daz Bones as all their victims are still alive, sure, some of them barely so, but even so it is clear that they showed a lot more restraint.

I continue to calmly walk as I assess the current situation and start to heal the most serious cases receiving the gratitude of all the marines present, when all of a sudden, my gaze lands on three particular individuals lying on the ground surrounded by tired marines.

One is an average-sized man with a rather frail-looking build with black messy hair, he has 3's visible on his vest design, the upper part of his glasses with cracked lenses, and one big 3 achieved through his top knot, he is obviously Gialdino, and from here, I can see only one single wound on his body, a small finger-sized hole in the abdomen area, what is that the attack that caused that wound was so precise that it didn't hit anything vital while still causing enough shock, pain, and damage to knock someone out, quite a masterful attack. 

Lying right next to him there is a teenage girl with a childish appearance, with relatively large eyes and circles of blush on her cheeks, she is fairly short in stature and wears her dark red hair tied in twin braids, her attire consists of a wide-brimmed pink hat with a green band, a dark blue T-shirt with the word "GOLDEN" written on it in orange, a sky blue cloud-patterned button-down shirt, a maroon-colored overalls skirt with the top folded down, blue striped stockings, and big red shoes with white cuffs and white soles.

She is Marianne, Miss Goldenweek, and surprisingly the only wound on her body is a very small cut on her left cheek a clear sign of clemency, it is clear that she simply passed out from the shock and fright resulting from the attack barely missing her, after all, from Gialdino wound it is clear just what kind of aim has the one that attacked them.

Meanwhile, some distance away from the pair, there is a tanned man with long, thin limbs and fingers, he is tall and very muscular and his head is shaven, his most striking feature is probably the black unibrow, right over his round eyes, big lips and the archaic Japanese symbol of the number "1" (壱) tattooed on his torso.

He sports an oriental-looking attire consisting of a sleeveless dark coat with golden edges and white motifs on the front, over very loose beige pants held up by a white sash around the waist, with some light brown fur sprouting from it, his pants were tucked inside some bandages wrapped around his calves and in part around his shoes.

He is Daz Bones, Mr. 1, and he is in a worse state compared to the other two, a clear sign that the attacker was a lot more heavy-handed with him, there is the same small finger-sized hole on the right of his chest, but the more serious damage is the left caved in part of his torso which looks like almost an imprint of a leg that basically pulverized the bones, and ruptured many organs, the situation is so bad that it is a true miracle that he is still alive, but considering the toughness and sheer life force of the people living in this world it isn't totally impossible.

Then my attention was quickly caught by another group of people, the reason for that is that I noticed that all the marines were keeping quite far away from them, avoiding the area around them like some kind of plague, but before I could fully focus on the group, my gaze locks on the person lying on the ground in a pool of blood. 

He is a relatively tall male crossdresser who wears flamboyant ballet clothes with a swan theme, is dressed in a pink overcoat and blue medieval garments, wears heavy makeup on his face, and his legs, being exposed, are quite hairy, he is Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, or how Luffy calls him Bon-chan, whose real name his Bentham.

He is in very bad shape, he is basically on the brink of death, and from the wounds on his body it is clear that he was impaled multiple times in vital spots damaging vital organs and causing many others to fail, with that kind of wound, the only reason he is still alive can only be that he is basically surviving only on sheer willpower alone, but he truly doesn't have much time left. 

Seeing him in that state, I don't hesitate and rush by his side eliciting a surprised and shocked female cry, but I don't care about that at the moment I simply stop everyone around me from moving, speaking, or causing any other disturbance with my Telekinesis and some basic spiritual pressure using my Spiral Cosmo and focus on the dying Bentham lying on the ground. 

I take a closer look at his state and don't hesitate to use my Restoration Magic to quickly heal him by turning back the time and reversing the state of his body to a healthy one, but make sure that he remains unconscious so that he won't cause any trouble or escape.

Looking at him lying on the ground, I nod and envelope his body in my Spiral Cosmo and make sure that it will teleport him to the Kamabakka Kingdom, once the requirements are met while thinking, 'I liked his character and found his interaction with Luffy funny, but I can't ignore the fact that at the moment he isn't that person yet and still chose to agree with Crocodile's plan. However, I know very well, that he isn't all that bad and is fully capable of redemption, so I will make sure that he'll pay for his current crimes but once he realizes his mistakes, he will safely reach a safe home where he can start over and be happy.'

Once I healed Mr. 2, I finally took my time to take a look at the group of people around me, the most numerous ones were some kinds of guards dressed in medieval armor, with pointed helmets and the armor covering their chest and arms, and aqua green pants, their weapons of choice are, as expected, spears.

But are the 5 females that they are protecting that catch my eyes the most, but at the same time, as I look at them, I quickly connect the dots as I'm starting to once again feel that what I did to the Champion of Wood was right even if it ended up with him dying at the hands of someone else.

All five women are quite familiar, but only four of them caught my attention the most, and not for a good reason. 

One is quite a tall and voluptuous woman, she has long orange hair with dark brown eyes, right next to her there is a woman with a head which is disproportionately large and wide compared to her body, she has a long, forked tongue, which often sticks out of her mouth, sea green eyes and wavy hair. 

The third and most beautiful one has a well-proportioned body, is very tall and slender with long black hair that extends past her waist with locks of hair that frame her face down to her chin and show off her high forehead, dark blue eyes with long, voluminous eyelashes and pale skin, she has a narrow waist and very large breasts.

The fourth one is a beautiful young woman with a slim, curvaceous, and pronounced hourglass figure, she has neat, shoulder-length orange hair, and distinctively large and round eyes.

Those four are women clearly, the Boa Sisters, Marygold, Sandersonia, and Hancock, in addition to the member of the Revolutionary Army, Koala, all of them have dead glassy eyes that fully show the damage and the abuse they received throughout the years, they look more like some kind of soulless dolls instead of actual living beings, there is no hope or will to live in them only a desperate need to serve to find some kind of solace, it is frightening, sad, and more than everything else rage inducing at the same time.

Then I take a moment to look at the fifth woman, she is dressed in a thick white suit with medal-like knobs which supply her with oxygen to save her from sharing the same air as commoners. 

The collar of her suit has a flower-like pattern with lace at the top. The flower pattern on her suit repeats at the sides of her skirt, and her hair inside the bubble is styled upwards, forming a curl above her head, just like the man that just killed that bodyguard, she wears a veil over the lower half of her face and light orange tinted shades over her eyes, and she also wears heart-shaped earrings.

I remember that she is among the first World Nobles introduced in the anime/manga together with her father and the more famous older brother who wanted to buy the mermaid Camie, shoot the Fishe-man Hatchan, and was then slammed in the face by Luffy, the event that started the very first great "defeat" of the Straw Hats under the combined might of the member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas, Bartholomew Kuma and the Admiral Kizaru.

Looking at her it is clear that she is connected to the now-late Champion of Wood and that she isn't any better as a person as in my eyes her soul too is of an ominous pitch-black color.

Seeing that, I don't hesitate to flare my Spiral Cosmo, generating a small localized wave of spiritual pressure that just like the Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror's Haki) overpowers the will of all the people around me, knocking all of them unconscious, of course, I'm very careful with Hancock, her sisters, and Koala as it is clear that in their current state, they are very delicate so I expose them on only a little bit of it, just enough to knock them out and use my Telekinesis to gently lie them on the ground, but such gentleness isn't applied on the World Noblewoman and her guards as they crash on the ground while foaming from the mouth causing enough damage to their psyche that they will likely end up in a very deep coma for quite some time.

Looking at Marygold, Sandersonia, Hancock, and Koala peacefully sleeping on the ground, I can't help but let out a sigh as I continue to check their condition while thinking, 'In their current state they are basically the same as puppets... they went through too much physical and mental abuse, in addition they have been subjected to the same substance that affected Nico Robin, the only difference between her and them is that Marygold, Sandersonia, Hancock, and Koala were subjected to it many more times than Nico Robin. It is a miracle that they were functional to being with, the almost constant exposure throughout the years likely made it so that they built up some very feeble tolerance to it. Unfortunately, when that happened, it was way too late, as they were already too far gone...' 

Coming to that conclusion, I quickly start to think about the best way to help them, 'There is no other way... even if I heal their bodies and help them regain their sanity this will only make them unjustly suffer even more. Change and replacing the memories of their years of torment with something better won't help them much as they will simply live in an illusion created by me and that kind of thing is way too frail as their soul will still find the dissonance between the body memories and the soul experience and the result of that is highly unstable, even more so if they become stronger as the stronger soul will be able to make the real memories resurface. And even erasing their memories won't be any better because I'll have to erase everything related to their terrible experience. For Hancock, Marygold, and Sandersonia it won't be too bad at most they will regress to their teens, which still isn't a good thing but at the very least manageable, but for Koala is a whole other mess because it is very likely that I'll have to erase almost everything turning her into a blank state as I remember that she was basically raised in slavery as she was kidnapped and enslaved at a very young age.'

At this point, I only have one simple but drastic solution to ensure that they will have a happy and healthy life, 'In the end, there is only one thing I can do to help them. I will fully erase this terrible experience they went through in the most simple and direct way, I will fully turn back their body, mind, and soul's time. In Hancock and her sisters' case, I'll turn them back to the time just before they were enslaved, so if I remember well, they will be around 12, 11, and 9 years old after I'm done, then I will return them back to their home in Amazon Lily. But Koala's situation is more delicate, she will be much younger than the Boa sisters, and I don't even know if her biological mother is still alive after all these years, especially considering that in canon she left her home at the age of 14 to join the Revolutionary Army which implies that something happened to her as Koala loved her very much...' 

While I'm thinking that, all of a sudden, I hear the sound of an explosion coming from the distance, and percieve a body soaring through the air and many breaking through many building as it quickly approach my position

I calmly look at incoming person already knowing what I'm going to see, and indeed, I see an injuried man as he is about to crash on the ground a few meters away from me, he is an incredibly tall, relatively slim man, he is of middle age with a moderate amount of wrinkles on his face, short curly black hair, and a very thin beard.

His outfit is quite iconic and consists of a yellow striped suit with a Marine coat draped over his shoulders like a cape, with his arms not in its sleeves, he also wears pure white shoes, gold-amber tinted sunglasses, and a dark green shirt with a mauve tie under his yellow suit, but there is a very long and deep diagonal slash wound on his torso which runs from the right shoulder to the left hip, and a lot of blood gushing out of this wound.

Seeing that, I immediately realize that this is the work of that unknown person that was fighting Crocodile, and also the one that very likely killed that ra*ist bastard meaning that he is another Champion.

I quickly use my Telekinesis to grab Borsalino's body in mid air to stop him from crashing on the ground, and gently lie him on the ground next to me, which makes the admiral who noticed what I did comment in a casual, lazy tone, "Thank you for your help, young man. I understimated that guy over there... he is a lot stronger than I thought... almost unbeliviabely so..."

I look at the direction he came from, and see the same young man in viking-like clothes that was fighting Crocodile before calmly walking toward us with a huge, bloodied double-axe resting on his shouders and a smirk on his face, at the same time, now that my senses and Cosmic Awareness are back at full force, I quickly realize that the young man in front of me is very different from everyone else in this world, his body emanates an aura of Divinity, which means that this person is in fact a God just like me, something that I further comfirm using my eyes as a God of Justice to look at his soul, which is of an omious dark gold color.

The young man who was focusing on Borsalino, quickly notices Nico Robin in my arms and the smirk on his face tranforms into a full blown smile as he laughs and yells, "Hahahaha! What a luck! Now I don't even have to serch for her, I just have to grab her from your corpse!!"

After saying that, the young man quickly rushes toward me with his double-headed axe raised moving at a speed which is very close to the speed of light, but once he is close enough I don't waste any time, and quickly raise my right leg and throw a lightspeed high kick aiming at his head, but he young man is able to reach just in time to use the staff of his axe to block my kick which generates a strong shockwave that cracks the ground around us forcing me to use my Spiral Cosmo to protect Borsalino, Robin, and all the other people around me.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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