Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 229 – End of Chaos

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Rainbase - 20 GAP

Soon after my leg clashed against the staff of the Champion's huge double-headed axe, I watched as the young man slowly took a few steps back and stared at his throbbing arm as he commented, "This kind of speed and power isn't normal... it isn't normal at all! There is no way that someone living in this world is capable of that! You are a Champion too!!"

At the same time, Borsalino gets up and says, "It seems that the two of you are somewhat connected... Not that I care too much about that, but I won't allow any of you to get away from this island even if I have to destroy this whole island to do so!"

After saying that, Borsalino fully morphs his body into light and rushes toward us trying to attack us by surprise, but just as he is reforming his body between, I urge the Spiral Cosmo within my body and lightly kick the ground and move at the speed of light, I stop right in front of him at the same exact time as his body fully reformed itself and simply say, "Sorry, but I can't allow you to do that... By the way... Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?"

Then without wasting any time, I quickly raise my leg and throw hundreds of lightspeed kicks to tap his body in several places with my right foot while coating the tip of my foot in Spiral Cosmo to be able to touch him, and in an instant, Borasilo falls with his back on the ground unharmed, but unable to move a single muscle, of course, I also made sure to stop his bleeding so that he doesn't die for something like bloodloss.

At the same time, the Viking Champion takes advantage of this small opening to once again attack me, but he is still too slow, and I easily counterattack with a roundhouse kick, which he is still able to react to and defend using his weapon, but this time, I use my Spiral Cosmo to enhance the power behind my kick which sends him flying toward the platform in the middle of the oasis where Crocodile's casino was standing despite the successful block.

Borsalino remains lying on the ground looking up at me with a stunned expression on his face unable to say anything else as he is unable to move at the moment. 

More importantly, he isn't the only one shocked by what just happened as all the marines around us stopped everything they were doing and started to stare at us with the very iconic Enel-like shocked expression with their mouths wide open, eyes that appeared to burst out of the orbits, and snot running down their noses as a strange silence falls on this area.

This is a very understandable reaction on their part, after all, Borsalino is an Admiral, and the three admirals are those crowned the World Government's "Greatest Military Powers" held to be not only the strongest active Marine officers, not counting the Fleet Admiral, but the strongest individual fighters that the government at large can bring to bear. 

As such, they are respected and feared throughout the entire world, moreover, the only individuals considered capable of defeating them in single combat are fellow admirals as well as the Four Emperors, the strongest pirates in the world.

As seen in the anime and the manga, the mere presence of just a single admiral was enough to induce a mass panic on the island and make its entire pirate population flee, and now one such individual is seen being easily defeated by an unknown individual, it is obvious that they are so shocked. 

But even if they are considered some of the strongest people in this universe, compared with the warriors living in my home universe, the admirals are way too weak, in fact, if I should give them a rank based on their actual strength among the Saints of Athena, they would be at most at the Silver Saint level, very barely at that too, a level of power I reached before I even was 10 years old.

I think I'm even being too generous with that, as many Silver Saints have enough power to easily destroy the moon, yes even someone weak like Crow Jaiman can actually produce that much power if he desires as that is the minimum level of power needed to be chosen by a Silver Cloth and granted the rank of Silver Saint, on the other hand, the admirals at most can destroy something the size of an island or maybe even a continent and that too only with the help of their Devil Fruits whose abilities can be unpredictable, but also easily overpowered with a Cosmo strong enough.

Basically, the admiral could have been a threat somewhat to the 8-year-old Clothless me, but even like that my chances of winning would have been greater than those of losing, but to the current me, who is much, much, much stronger than before, fighting the admiral is akin to bullying, there is just no comparison between us. 

Looking at Borsalino lying on the ground as he looks up at me with a stunned expression on his face, I take advantage of his current state to say, "Don't worry, I'll take care of that problem for you... just stay there..." then I gently lie Nico Robin on the ground, and chase after the Champion I just sent flying.

Once I arrive on the platform, I see the Champion standing in front of the unconscious figures of Zala and Mikita with a smirk on his face, and seeing him focused on them, I don't hesitate to quickly use my Spiral Cosmo to cast a Spatial Magic and raise an impenetrable barrier around us to not only protect the people from the aftermath of this fight but also to prevent him from escaping, the result is that this platform is now fully separated from the rest of this universe and can even be considered a separated dimension.

Of course, such big action catches the other Champion's attention, who turns around and looks at me with a confident smile on his face, and then he says, "This is fun! It has been quite some time since I met someone who can make me serious... I'll grant you the honor of knowing my name. I'm Age Svedson, the Asgardian God of Destruction! The one who will erase your existence! Now die!!"

Age doesn't waste any more time and quickly launches himself at me with speed equal to that of my fellow Gold Saints, and starts to throw a quick series of light-speed punches, but I'm easily able to block and parry all of them and even counter-attack with a powerful punch to the stomach that sends him sliding back to the wall of the barrier.

But then Ages lets out an enraged roar and fires a powerful dark purple beam of light from his eyes that is quickly heading toward my head, at the same time, I can feel that those beams are made up by a combination of concentrated destructive energy and his own Divinity.

Seeing that, I don't hesitate to condense my own Spiral Cosmo around my right fist which is quickly enveloped in a clear blue water-like orb, then with a punching motion, I shot the orb toward the sea and yell, "Tidal Wave Punch!" shooting the orb toward his beam.

Soon the water-like orb clashes with the purple energy beam, but it is clear that even if my Spiral Cosmo is strong and condensed enough to avoid instant destruction, the power behind the beam is still stronger and Age realizes the same thing as I see him smirking, at the least it is so until I smirk back I mutter, "Boom..."

Instantly from the water-like orb, thousands of delayed strong impacts came one after another, slowly pushing the beam back, and as the number and strength of impacts increased, but in response, Age also increased the output of his beam making it stronger and stronger and slowing down the advance of my attack.

Even our surroundings start to get affected by the increasing power of the clash between our attack as the wreckage and the platform between us simply get vaporized and erased out of existence, the only places intact are those behind me and Age, even the Spatial Barrier is getting affected by our exchange as it continuously cracks and distort the more the power behind our attacks increases.

But even with the increase in the power of his beam, it still can't keep up with the exponential increase in power of my Tidal Wave Punch which is quickly becoming too much for him to handle as his beam continues to get pushed back, and suddenly he yells, "Okay! This is way too much hassle than it is worth! I have already completed my primary objective... So bye, bye!"

After saying that, he yells and increases the output of his beam even more which stalls my technique for a few moments, but at the same time, he stops emitting his beam, and without any hesitation, he takes advantage of that small opening to turn around, grabs both Mikita and Zala, punch the weakened barrier, breaking it open which forces me to focus on containing the clashing energies to not destroy this world.

At the same time, the Age's body is enveloped in a bright white light before he disappears from this universe together with Mikita and Zala.

Seeing that, I quickly disperse the chaotic energies generated by our clash and mutter, "He escaped... I can't pick up his presence anywhere in this Universe, so it is very likely that he went directly into his own Soulbound Territory, after all, this isn't a Random Battle where its utilization is limited..."

After that, I return back to the still paralyzed Borsalino and unconscious Nico Robin, and once I pick up Robin again, I focus on Borsalino to look at his soul to evaluate the best way to deal with him.

The result is quite surprising as Borsalino has a gray-colored soul, a color just as rare as the white color which represents a pure individual, for the simple fact that it is way more common for people to lean more toward either of the two sides of the spectrum, evil and good, very few are stuck perfectly in between them, at least this is what my experience, which isn't a lot to tell the truth, taught me until now.

The grey color indicates Borsalino is a true neutral individual, which makes it kinda more difficult to evaluate his behavior, goals, and intentions.

From what I can understand, true neutral individuals may act in their own self-interest, but they also strive to maintain a sense of equilibrium and impartiality in their actions, and from what I understand, true neutral characters are often seen as indifferent to moral and ethical concerns, focusing instead on maintaining a harmonious balance in the world.

Indeed, I admit that conforms to Borsalino's attitude in the anime/manga, he looks upon everything else as facets of the system, thus, each aspect such as the evil and good of things must be retained in balance to maintain the status quo, for things as they are cannot be improved upon except temporarily, and even then but superficially. 

He will keep his word if in his best interest, he may attack an unarmed foe if he feels it necessary, he will not needless kill, but may harm an innocent, he may use torture to extract information, but never for pleasure, he will never kill for pleasure, only in self-defense or in the defense of others, he will help those in need if it is in his best interest and works well alone or in a group. 

He responds well to higher authority until that authority attempts to use the law to hamper his ability to pursue his own self-interest, he will follow the law unless breaking it is in his best interest and he's reasonably sure that he will not be caught, he will never betray a family member, comrade, or friend unless the situation is dire. 

This all can even be seen in the way he carries out justice at his own pace and in a noncommittal way, his own motto is "Unclear Justice" which seemingly represents the gray area between Moral and Absolute Justice to allow Borsalino to operate with greater freedom.

I remember that by his own admission, the admiral considers himself like a "cog in a machine" who simply acts as ordered, allowing him to shuffle off personal responsibility and justify certain actions on his part as just him following orders.

Indeed, with no qualms about carrying out any orders given to him, Kizaru has acted more callous than the highly moral-bound Aokiji and Fujitora, yet does not go out of his way to achieve justice to as thorough an extent as extremists like Akainu. 

In general, Kizaru seems inclined towards missions that do not require significant work, as he went to deal with the issue on Sabaody due to expecting it to be over quickly and became annoyed when Rayleigh interfered.

The admiral also seems to shift objectives on a whimsical basis, as seen on Sabaody when he went from initially looking for Sentomaru, per the original goal of his mission, detaining the Straw Hats, to then committing to an unrelated fight with four Supernovas, yet after defeating them simply disregarded their capture upon being given a new instruction.

Indeed, the more I think about it, the more Borsalino's behavior and actions seem to fit with what I'm currently seeing which makes me realize that it will be quite easy for me to defuse this situation, especially with the show of force of a few moments ago. 

Coming to that conclusion, I quickly say, "That guy is gone, he won't cause any more problems... And don't worry I'm not going to do anything to you and these marines here, I don't want to harm you, I'm not your enemy. And more importantly, it is in your best interest that you do not make me your enemy, not you, nor the Marine, and neither the World Government would like the result of that... especially since the only end result would be the complete destruction of the World Government and the death of all the scummy World Nobles after all, I'm only waiting for a pretense to clean this world of its filth once and for all. Trust me when I say this, if I want to do something no one in this world can stop me!"

To make sure that my words won't be mistaken for meaningless bragging, I urge the Spiral Cosmo within my body and stop suppressing my presence for a few seconds, and the result is immediate as Admiral Borsalino's eyes start to shake as they open wide in horror as his Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki) is "blinded" by the size and power of my "aura."

But just as fast I quickly suppress my presence once more, at the same time, I add in a lighter tone, "But you don't have to worry too much about that... After all, the only thing I'm interested in is simply enjoying an exciting adventure with my family and friends while simply helping those I met during our journey. I have no intention of doing something as boring as erasing the World Government from the face of this world."

While I'm saying that, I can't help but feel a smirk forming on my face as I'm actually thinking, 'And it isn't like I actually need to worry about it too, after all, the World Government and the World Noble are basically already doomed. Furthermore, I've already made sure of that by bringing Poseidon here. My uncle-in-law may have softened quite a bit now that he isn't in a bad mood thanks to his strong affinity with this world and the fact, that he isn't bound to a human vessel anymore... but one can't forget that his temper is legendary, after all, he did wage war with Athena over the control of the land since the age of the first men until just a few years ago when we finally appeased him by offering this world as his new domain. And more importantly, Poseidon is clearly aware of what kind of shitty ruler the World Government is, and will very likely make his move once he and his Marinas are fully ready.' 

At the same time, I once again tap Borsalino's body to make him able to move again and say, "So, what you have to do is simply continue with your duty, making sure to capture and imprison any pirate and those responsible for this mess, take care of your men and bring back with you that World Noble girl and her guards, but you don't have to care about these slaves and of course forget about seeing Nico Robin... pretty easy, right?" 

Hearing that, Admiral Borsalino, who regained his movement, and his calm and almost noncaring attitude, slowly gets up from the ground as he asks, "What are you going to do with them?" to which I reply, "I'm obviously going to free them, make sure that the nightmarish experience they went through won't stop them from having an happy and fulfilling life, and give them a place they can call home. Moreover, to make things easier for you guys, I'll make sure that the World Noble girl won't even remember that they exist in the first place. This way you won't have any problem, after all, the World Noble girl won't miss something she doesn't even know exists in the first place."

Then looking at Admiral Borsalino nodding, I add "Another thing, when you give your report about this situation, if the Fleet Admiral Sengoku gives you some problem about the death of that World Noble guy, you can tell him that I said that there was nothing you could have done to prevent his death because if that guy didn't kill him, I would have been the one to kill him with my own hands. Fleet Admiral Sengoku knows about me and has some hints of what I'm capable of, so he won't blame you for that little thing as long as you can ensure that Crocodile and his ilks will have a long permanence at Impel Down and maintain the Marine's strong reputation among the people." 

After saying that, I take my gaze away from Admiral Borsalino and look around, and then, seeing the state of destruction of the various buildings, plants, and basically everything else all around me caused by the various battles that took place in the center of this city, which is now in a completed ruined state, I comment, "I think that it is better to fix this whole mess before I focus on the more important matters..."

Coming to that conclusion, I don't hesitate and focus on the Spiral Cosmo within my body, then I cast the perfect magics for this kind of situation, "Tetragrammaton! Heaven Turning!!" 

In an instant, a circular, bright green energy wave is emitted from my body and quickly envelopes the whole city and whenever that wave passes through and touches, time starts to quickly move in reverse as the destroyed and broken building starts to quickly repair and reform themselves, the plants and building turned into sand by Crocodile also quickly start to return to their healthy state, also the wounded and injured people start to heal as their wounds as they close on their own, and much to the surprise and shock of everyone who is witnessing this, even the dead are returning back to life, well not all of them, only the innocent and good people.

This is the result of Tetragrammaton is a Restoration magic variant, a magic which restores all destruction regardless of whether it was organic or inorganic matter, the perfect magic to quickly take care of all cases of widespread destruction like this one and of Heaven Turning a Spirit magic that picks out the souls which were good and innocent using spirit magic and carries out converging-attachment of the souls that were in the process of dispersing causing the revival of these individuals.

Of course, Heaven Turning does have some limits, after all, if too much time passed the soul will simply disperse or move on depending on the various universes' rules which will make it impossible for those people to be revived, moreover, the body itself must be in a perfectly healthy state for this magic to be successful, but this last limit is quite easy to bypass using Restoration Magic. 

These limits are something necessary as they make sure that I'm still able to revive people without actually fighting or breaking the natural rules of whatever universe I'm visiting as that can have very dire consequences on its habitants if I'm not careful, after all, reviving someone after he or she died for only a few minutes is something that even mortals with enough skills and capabilities are able to do and so still within the rules itself, I myself did such thing many times in my previous life when a patient went into cardiac arrest which is basically a state of death and I, the other doctors and nurses made it beat again, this magic is just a more extreme version of that which means it is still within the most common "rules" of the universes.

While all this is happening, at the same time, I hear the voice of Admiral Borsalino as he comments in a low tone and tries to make sense of the current situation, "How scary~ not only he is as fast as me, but he is also fixing everything almost like he is turning back the time, and what is even crazier is that he is bringing the dead back to life too... What kind of unknown Devil Fruit has such immense powers? It is even a Devil Fruit power? He seems to be able to do just about anything... Just what the hell are you?" 

Hearing that, I turn my head to look at him, smile widely, and simply reply, "My name is Jayr Pucci. I'm 18 years old. My house is currently a ship that I built with my own hands one piece at a time with love, drive, and passion. I'm not married yet but I have several beautiful lovers and two cute children. I work as a wandering doctor helping and healing anyone who needs assistance, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get six hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about 5 to 6 hours of extremely intense exercise before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. I then awake as refreshed and recharged as a newborn child, ready to take on the day's challenges. I can assure you there were no issues at my last check-up as I'm way beyond healthy. For as long as I can remember, I've done everything in my power to live a productive life that allows me to pursue a lasting inner peace. This may be a foreign concept, but I choose not to concern myself too much with winning or losing, life's troubles, or enemies who bring sleepless nights. That is how I cope with this exciting life we find ourselves living. It's what brings me happiness in a world fraught with assholes, hardship, and misery. Of course, if I were ever to engage in combat, I would win the battle without question."

While saying that, I can't help but shudder a little while thinking, 'What a chill! It was quite some time since I last used Yoshikage Kira's monologue as a model for my introduction... no matter what the baffled and confused reactions I get are always so interesting and amusing...'

As Admiral Borsalino remains stunned in place with his mouth wide open and his sunglasses seem about to fall off, I turn around and walk toward the still unconscious World Noble girl, kneel next to her body, and gently lie Nico Robin's body on the ground before touching her head with my now free hands, and then, I don't waste any more time and send my Spiral Cosmo within her body and into her brain and soon I start to erase every memory regarding Hancock, Marygold, Sandersonia, and Koala, luckily there aren't many as this girl named Shalria didn't care very much about them, and most of the times she spent together with them was mostly during this last year as they were sailing toward Arabasta, she only regarded them as her brother toys which she allows him to use when she is too tired to engage in sexual acts with him.

Learning about that last bit of information, I really don't know how to react as I sarcastically think, 'It seems that many World Nobles practice incest to keep their bloodline "pure"... What a surprise...' 

But at the same time, I also decided to lightly heal her psyche so that instead of remaining in a coma for a very long time, this state would only last a few days at most, the reason for this change is very simple, through her memories, I learned that she is still very young and personally, I don't feel good bringing needless harm to one her age, instead, I put on her a simple but effective curse that will make her feel pain anytime she thinks about doing something wrong or evil, hoping that she gets the chance to change and become a better person, of course if that doesn't happen and she becomes a fully mature evil adult, then the curse will kill her.

Once I'm done with erasing all the memories of Hancock, Marygold, Sandersonia, and Koala from her mind, I quickly move and do the same to all the remaining guards, which luckily is even easier as their memories of the girls are even fewer. 

After that, I quickly pick up the still unconscious Nico Robin, get up, and tell to Admiral Borsalino who was watching over everything I was doing with a curious gaze, "I'm done here, both the World Noble and her guards totally forgot about the existence of the slaves, moreover to make things easier for you and the people of this island, I have also made sure that she will remain unconscious for around a week the same for her guards. I'm going now, have a pleasant day!" 

Admiral Borsalino lazily nods and says, "Farewell... I hope to never encounter you as my enemy for the rest of my life..." 

Then he quickly starts to direct the nearby sailor in using Seastone Handcuffs to bind all the Devil Fruit Users of the Baroque Works, in addition, among them I also notice the figure of a still, unconscious woman dressed in Crocodile's clothes, she has the same hairstyle as Crocodile and even the same scar, only she is a gorgeous woman.

(Image Here - Crocomom)


Such strange but also somewhat familiar sight stuns me for a few seconds, and then as sudden realization actually hits me, I can't help but mentally scream, 'OH MY GOD!! That's Crocomom!! My Restoration Magic must have restored him to her original gender! Crocodile is really a woman!! Wait! Could the Crocomom theory also be true!?'

Seeing that, I silently force myself to remain calm, and then I use my Telekinesis to grab the bodies of Hancock, Marygold, Sandersonia, and Koala, and without wasting any more time, I quickly fly away heading back toward the city of Alubarna while thinking, 'Better forget about that shit, I don't want to know... Better focus on returning to the palace. Once there I'll have to report everything to Cobra and then quickly fix Hancock and the others' situation... and let's not forget about the mess with Nico Robin... oh dear, this is going to be a very long day...'


Have a Nice Day!

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