Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 230 – Time Reversal

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Alubarna - 20 GAP

The return trip to Alubarna from Rainbase was not as quick as the first one for a few very simple reasons, I was not only very careful to not disturb Robin, Hancock, Sandersonia, Marygold, and Koala, but I also took advantage of that time to briefly oversee Hancock, Sandersonia, Marygold, and Koala's memories so that I can deal with their issues in the best way possible, of course, I didn't go over in full details to respect their privacy as much as possible, but that little that I have seen was sickening, that pig not only daily abused them for years since they were very young, especially Koala, but to make them even more docile and compliant to his filthy desires, he even kept them under the effect of the same drug that he used on Nico Robin almost constantly, turning them all into something that is just a little bit more than an empty husk that only wish to be used by him.

But even while still going through all their memories, the return trip only took a couple of minutes at best meaning that I was already about to reach my destination, the Alubarna Palace.

Soon, I fly through the open window and find myself back into the main dining hall of the Alubarna Palace where an anxious King Cobra, a stoic Igaram, and worried Terracotta, Pell, and Chaka, in addition to a way more relaxed, Vivi, Nikita, Zandeer, and the rest of my family were waiting for me.

As soon as I step inside, King Cobra, Igaram, Pell, and Chaka quickly stand up with their bodies very rigid, but before they could say anything, Eri quickly complains, "Oh come on, Jayr! We just accepted Alvida into our family! Don't you think that bringing back five more women so soon is just a little bit too much!?" and quickly after that I hear her whisper in a very low tone which still can't escape my sense, "Maybe I should make half of the populace of this world disappear, it is a small price to pay for making sure that not too many unworthy bitches constantly aim for what is mine..."

At the same time, Alvida comments, "Ara, ara... considering our man's endless stamina it seems almost natural that we need many more sisters on our side..." followed by Tio who nods while cradling a sleeping Kharna and adds, "Indeed, as amazing as it is, it is indeed true that even this one is unable to keep up with husband if he truly puts his mind to it!" then Nikita jokingly comments with a grin on her face, "But even still, bringing back 5 unconscious women seems a little bit too much for me..."

At this point, I can't help but let out an annoyed grunt before I say, "Hmpf... I would be really grateful if you all do not make me appear like some kind of insatiable lustful fiend who can't wait to put his hands on all the beautiful women he lays his eyes on, especially not in front of people who aren't part of our family or close friends as I am not completely shameless yet..."

While saying that, I can't help but throw a glance at King Cobra, Chaka, Terracotta, and Pell, and see the two head guards and Igaram's wife looking at me with a judging expression on their face, meanwhile, Igaram who spent some time with us is simply watching with an amused expression, and King Cobra is secretily smirking while giving me a thumb up which makes me comment in my mind, 'As expected of the man who told the Straw Hats where the women's baths were so they could peep at Nami and his daughter only to get knocked out from Nami's dreadful Happiness Punch and thank her for it... my man...'

Quickly after that, Saori with a sleeping Galen in her arms steps forward and says, "I agree with Jayr, and more importantly, it also puts us in a bad light, making it look like we only stay with Jayr because of something crude like sex..." followed by Seika who nods and adds, "That's right! The reason we are together is simply that we love him, he makes us feel safe, and that all together we were able to forge connections stronger than we ever thought possible..."

At the same time, I point at Hancock and the others floating behind me and declare with a tone that fully conveys my resolution in order to change the topic, "More importantly, these women aren't potential lovers, I have no such thoughts about them as they are my patients that went through an unimaginable hell for many years, something they would likely never recover from if I don't do anything. They need my full attention and care and nothing else."

At this point, a heavy silence falls in the main dining hall as many quickly understand the meaning behind my words, at the same time, the whole palace starts to shake for a few seconds as Zandeer unconsciously releases his Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure) as easily he recognizes the women behind me and makes two plus two, but then he restrains himself and simply asks, "It was the Champion, right...?" to which I simply nod, and then, Eri asks after him in a very enraged tone, "Is he dead? Did he suffer?"

I let out a sigh, and then explained, "Not by my own hand as there was a third unexpected variable which took advantage of my carelessness, but I made sure that his every last living moment was full of incalculable suffering, regret, and despair to the point that if someone didn't kill him there was a very high chance that the pest would end his own life in the hope of making it stop..." to which Eri simply nods and comments, "Good enough... but I would have liked to play a little bit more with his soul..."

After that, I look at Seika and ask, "Can you please take these girls to a quiet room and watch over them while I report to King Cobra what happened at Rainbase and the current situation?"

Seika nods and moves toward me to take Nico Robin and the other from me, while at the same time, Terracotta says, "I'll help and lead the way... after all, you aren't familiar with the palace." followed by Nikita, Eri, and Alvida who also don't hesitate and quickly move to help the victims of the Champion of Wood.

Once they all have one of the patients in their arms, I say to Seika, "Thank you. You don't have to do anything at the moment as I already made sure that they won't wake up before I'm done with their treatment... just watch over them. I'll come and start their treatment as soon as possible."

Hearing that, Seika silently nods as she acknowledges my words, and then with great care she, Nikita, Eri, and Alvida gently carry the Boa sisters, Nico Robin, and Koala out of the main dining hall under Terracotta's lead.

Once they are gone, I turn my head, look at King Cobra, and start by saying, "Now that the most pressing personal matter is on its way to be resolved, it is time to finally talk about what matters the most for the Royalty of the Arabasta Kingdom... the aftermath of the chaos that sparked in the city of Rainbase that threatened to envelop the whole island."

That instantly makes King Cobra, Vivi, Igaram, Pell, and Chaka bring all their attention to me as if fearing missing any crucial detail of what I'm about to say.

Seeing that, I nod and without wasting any more time I start to report, "First of all, let's start with the information that you all were hoping to hear the most. The whole situation is now under control, Crocodile and his active Officer Agents were almost all defeated and captured..."

Hearing that, the most involved parties quickly let out a sigh of relief, especially Vivi who comments, "That's good... it is finally over..."

At the same time, Koby, who stood in silence until now, asks, "Most of them?" making me explain, "Yes, most of them, because the situation was pretty chaotic when I arrived, Crocodile's casino, the Rain Dinners, already collapsed from quite some time and buried under its rumble I only found a single living person, this means that either those missing Officer Agents weren't present or that they were already dead before I even arrived."

Following that, Zandeer smirks a little and says, "And another thing that Jayr didn't say is that among the women he rescued there is also another very important member of Crocodile's organization. She is the woman he was carrying in his arms, her name is Nico Robin and she was basically Crocodile's right hand. But don't worry, she isn't actually a bad person and was just forced to use him to protect herself and possibly have a chance to fulfill her dream." then he looks at me and adds, "By the way you did a good job in helping her. After all, if there's anyone who doesn't love Nico Robin, we have to be sure to check their pulse, because they might not have a heart at all... Every true fan will only wish her the best, after everything she went through."

At that moment, we look at each other in the eyes and without any hesitation we simply fist bump each other and nod while the other watch in confusion for a few moments.

After that brief instance, I continue with my report, "Just like I've said, when I arrived at Rainbase there were already many casualties, and unfortunately the dead weren't only among the members of the Baroque Works and the Marine but also among the civilians but at the very least they were concentrated in the area were most of the fighting took place, the center of the city around the oasis, the Rainbase Lake, and a little bit beyond that area, but nothing more." 

Hearing that, both King Cobra and Igaram nod with grave expressions on their faces already expecting something like this, King Cobra even comments, "This is already a lot better than what I expected when I first learned of this..." 

At this point, I scratch my cheek a little and say, "Well, continuing with the report, I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't do too much, as soon as I arrived, I noticed a pig taking advantage of the chaotic situation to abuse a drugged woman, and so I wasted some time in punishing him, in the meantime, Admiral Borsalino arrived and swiftly dealt with the members of the Baroque Works and then started to fight Crocodile who until that moment was occupied fighting with another individual. Moreover, in my righteous fury, I kind of kicked the pig toward them... In the end, the tired and already wounded Crocodile was defeated by the admiral, and the pig was killed by the individual who was fighting Crocodile... Oh! By the way, the pig was the World Noble that started all this mess..." 

Hearing that both King Cobra and Igaram exclaim out loud, "Dammit!", "It's over we are finished!" but I quickly interrupt them and continue, "Wait! Wait! I'm not done yet! Anyway as you can expect the death of the World Noble, especially in front of his eyes, did cause the admiral to go on a warpath as he wanted to raze the city to the ground in an attempt to make sure that no one involved in the death of the World Noble could escape. But luckily he focused his attention on me and I simply kicked some reason into him, making him change his mind and focus on what actually is his duties while also making sure that Arabasta won't be further implicated in this mess. After that, I made sure to repair all the damages caused by the various battles and also healed everyone in the city before returning back. At the moment, as we are speaking, Admiral Borsalino is quickly heading toward the city of Tamarisk with the prisoners where his ship is waiting for him."

At the end of my report, King Cobra, Igaram, Pell, and Chaka let out a sigh of relief while Vivi quickly thanked me for the help I had given her country, then King Cobra's expression turned serious as turns toward Pell and orders, "Pell, your most important priority is to head back to Rainbase to fully comprehend their current situation, help the citizen, and more importantly, lead the guards to make sure that no one takes advantage of this period to cause further unrest among the people. Is it clear?"

In response, Pell gives his salute and says, "Yes, my king!" then without wasting any more time, he quickly transforms into his full animal form and flies out of the window to fulfill his king's orders. 

After that, we leave King Cobra to discuss the matters concerning the kingdom with Igaram and Chaka, and under Vivi's lead we all head toward the area where Terracotta and the others took the unconscious Hancock, Marygold, Sandersonia, Koala, and Robin so that I can finally focus on "healing" those 4 poor victims of that bastard Champion of Wood and also check on Nico Robin to make sure that she is truly fine.

Once inside the room that Terracotta prepared for Hancock, Marygold, Sandersonia, Koala, and Robin, I'm greeted with the sight of Seika, Eri, and Terracotta carefully watching over and taking care of the unconscious girls by wiping the dust and the sticky grime gathered on their bodies with a clean, wet cloth while Alvida and Nikita are leaning on the opposite wall watching over them. 

Seika and the others quickly notice our presence and stop what they are doing, and quickly after that, Seika moves closer and starts to give me her conclusions about the patients' status, "From the few tests I was able to do, I can confirm that physically all five of them are perfectly fine and healthy, but that is to be expected as you have very likely already dealt with all their physical issues, isn't it? This means that their problem is more likely to be a mental and emotional one, is that right?"

Hearing that, I let off a tired sigh before nodding, and then I reply, "That's right... and it is quite the severe and deep-rooted issue that will require a very drastic and unorthodox solution too."

At this point, a curious Vivi asks, "Just what could have happened to them...?" making Zandeer snort as he comments, "Whatever usually happens to pitiful people like them when they fall in the hands of those pig-like Celestial Dragon, especially those with twisted desires..."

Zandeer's reply, immediately makes Vivi's face lose all its color while Gad also snorts out loud while commenting, "Some human scum are just way too disgusting... And thinking about the fact that through the years countless Fish-man and Merfolk fell victim to those sick bastards too makes me wish to rip them apart one limb at a time!"

At the same time, Koby also asks no one in particular, "How could the Marine allow something like this to happen...? Do they truly believe that allowing this kind of evil to continue unpunished like this is truly the best way to maintain this delicate balance and state of peace?" to which Saori replies, "Because they probably really believe that some level of order needs to exist and even if the World Nobles are toxic waste, the World Government itself is an organization meant to protect the people and govern the world. The Celestial Dragons have a smaller part in that than many people think, they just get to act however they want. Moreover, you forget that the Marines aren't the only "tool" available to the World Government nor the most powerful, and I'm also sure that the Admiral aren't actually the true "Greatest Military Power" they have at their disposal. After all, it is impossible for any kind of ruling body to basically rule over and govern most of the world for such a long time using only the military power of an institution like the Marines. The situation is very likely more complex than we that watch it from the outside actually realize."

At this point, I clap my hands to gather everyone's attention on me while also stopping this discussion from continuing, and once I feel everyone's eye on me, I quickly say, "Please, can all of you stop discussing this topic here? Right now there are 4 patients who need immediate help and another one that needs to rest. I'd like to ask everyone but Seika and anyone else who wants to help to leave this room to give the patients the privacy and peace they need, please."

Everyone listens to my request and nods and soon most of the people quickly start to leave the room one after the other, in the end, the only ones remaining excluding the patients and Seika are Terracotta, Eri, and Vivi.

Seeing that, I nod and start to walk toward the first, closest patient I'm going to "heal", Boa Hancock, as I stop right beside her body which is lying on the comfortable bed installed in this room, Seika suddenly says, "You still haven't told me what is your plan to heal these women..." 
Hearing that, I take a deep breath before I explain, "You see these four women are in a very bad state... in fact, it is almost a hopeless one... they have gone through years of unimaginable physical, mental, and emotional abuse which was further worsened by an overdosage of some very powerful aphrodisiac drugs. All this turned them all into almost soulless puppets, barely able to function as a living being. In their current state, even if I fully heal them returning them to their sanity, the most likely result will be an instantaneous mental breakdown... and that is the best scenario possible among the many." 

As they listen to my words, everyone's faces become very grim, and Vivi is even biting her lips with such force that she is about to draw blood, but before this depressing mood can further infect them, I continue, "This is why I choose to use the most brutal, direct, and absurd solution to give them a chance to have a long, happy, and fulfilling life. I'm going to thoroughly erase everything they have gone through... but I'm not going to simply remove their memories of their nightmarish experience, nope that won't nearly be enough. I'm going to make sure that everything they have gone through never happened in the first place... at the very least technically speaking..."

At this point, the gender-bent version of Igaram and his wife, Terracotta comments, "But to do something like that one should be able to turn back time... and that is something impossible, no one can do something like that... It's simply impossible!!" which makes Seika loudly gasp in response because Terracotta's words help her in understanding my intentions.

At the same time, hearing that, I simply smirk and declare, "That's exactily what I'm going to do! I'm going to fully turn back their body, mind, and soul's time! Turning it back to the point in time in which they were just captured and enslaved, before they went through that hellish experience, basically it will be like nothing ever happened to them. This is the most perfect way to ensure that they would not only have a happy and fulfilling life from now on, but more importantly, a happy and worry-free childhood!" 

Then, before they could say anything else, I start to fully focus on my first patient, Boa Hancock, I gently put my hand on her head and start to control the Spiral Cosmo within my body, which starts to quickly seep into Hancock's body, filling it to the brim, leaving nothing touched by it, then it seeps even deeper touching and enveloping her soul, but I don't stop here and focus even more, making my Spiral Cosmo seep even deeper, making my Spiral Cosmo touch and envelope the core of her being, this is to make sure that what I'm about to do will truly erase every little trace of what she and the others have gone through.

Once my Spiral Cosmo seeped in her whole being leaving nothing untouched, I don't waste any more time and cast the Restoration Magic, "Kairos Peripeteia (Time Reversal)!" 

The effect is instantaneous as Hancock's body starts to shine in a bright green light, so bright that it make it impossible to look at her figure, at the same time, the bright green womanly figure lying on the bed starts to quickly go through some change, her height is descresing, the enchanting curves of her body are getting smaller and smaller, basically, she is getting younger and younger each passing second, of course, this change doesn't stop only to her body, but her mind, her soul, and even her core are going back in time erasing everything that happened in these years.

After 15 seconds pass, I stop channelling the Restoration Magic Kairos Peripeteia (Time Reversal) and soon the bright green light covering her body fades away showing now a cute 12 years old Hancock peacefully sleeping on the bed, at the same time, I quickly check on her, carefully checking her body, mind, soul, and core to ensure that everything is fine and I'm glad that everything is perefect, right now, lying on the bed in front of me there is a perfectily healthy 12 years old Hancock, the one that was just captured by the slavers.

Seeing the unbeliviable result in front of her eyes, Terracotta can't help but exclaim, "T-This is impossible! He... He really turned time back...!!"

At the same time, with one successful case, I don't wast any more time and quickly move on to the next patient, the middle sibilings of the Boa Sisters, Boa Sandersonia.

Once I'm standing right next to her, I don't hesitate and put my hand on her head and start to control my Spiral Cosmo to envelope her body, soul, and core, and then I quickly cast Kairos Peripeteia (Time Reversal), making her body shine in a bright green light as it gets younger and smaller each passing second until 15 seconds pass and I stop channeling the Restoration Magic, making the light produced by the magic fade away, which reveals a 11 years old Sandersonia.

After that, I don't stop and move over to the youngest one of the Boa Sisters, Boa Marygold, and once again go over the same process before casting once again Kairos Peripeteia (Time Reversal) causing her body to shine in a bright green light as it gets younger and smaller each passing second until 15 seconds pass and I stop channeling the Restoration Magic, making the light produced by the magic fade away, which reveals the body of a 9 years old Marygold.

In the end, only the most serious case remains, Koala, the main reason behind the severity of her situation is because she was 8 years old when she ended up in that pig's hands, but what is worse is that she was only 5 when she was captured and sold as a slave, which means that she basically spent 16 of her 21 years of life as a slave, making that kind of lifestyle fully ingrained in her at this point, which means that depite the fact that she is the youngest one among that bastard's victim, she is also the one that has to be under the effect of Kairos Peripeteia (Time Reversal) the longest.

After checking one last time, the Boa Sisters, I quickly move over Koala's bedside and quickly go over the same process needed to procede before casting once again Kairos Peripeteia (Time Reversal) causing her body to shine in a bright green light as it gets younger and smaller each passing second until 16 seconds pass and I stop channeling the Restoration Magic, making the light produced by the magic fade away, which reveals the very small body of a 5 years old Koala.

Done with this final procedure, I turn to Seika and say, "It's done, now we only have to wait for them to wake up... Once that happens, we will have to explain to Hancock and her sisters what happened as they are mature enough, of course, it won't be the full truth, but we also won't lie, we will simply tell that we saved them from the slavers, that they were gravely ill, and that their current condition is the result... we will also tell the same to any other person that asks, maybe only to their guardian we will tell the truth. However, Koala situation is a lot more delicate..."

At this point, Seika interrups me and says, "Don't worry, Jayr. I'll take care of that." making Terracotta follow, "Leave it to us... A woman's touch is perfect for this kind of situations." which makes me gratefully nod, knowing that they are truly the best for this kind of situation.

Then Vivi suddenly asks while pointing at Nico Robin, "Wait! What about that woman over there?" to which I reply, "She is mostly fine. She is only exausted by what she has gone through in Rainbase... In fact, she should wake up on her own tomorrow. Anyway, we should focus on these poor girls for now..."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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