Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 231 – The Other Champions 7

Aletha Longbottom POV - Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Universe, Japan - AD 2095

I raise my head and look at the many students sitting all around me, all of them focused on the screen in front of their eyes, all of them wearing the same uniforms which are mostly white with some color of blue-green as they try to crap up as much knowledge for the upcoming final exams.

Then I look at my own uniform which is exactly the same as theirs, which is comprised of a one-piece white gown that has a collar and a dark tie with a white cross that is at stomach level of the wearer, the gown also does not have a sleeve and exposes the shoulder of the wearer which is otherwise covered by the blue-green coat. 

The blue-green coat is also used to differentiate the Course 1 and Course 2 students with the emblem located at the side of the shoulder and left chest. 

Right now, I'm sitting in the Magic Study classroom as I continue to try to go through the pre-programmed lesson installed in the faculty computers while my mind continues to wander, 'I can't believe that after finally defeating Voldemort after much struggle, saving the Magical World, graduating from Hogwarts, and being forced to travel to another universe, I'm once again back to school... It is really true what Grandmother Augusta says: "You never stop learning! Even I, at my age, still learn new things every new day... well except for Charms, but those things are useless anyways." Of course, the last part can be ignored as Grandmother is notably known to really sucks at Charm and so she has a personal aversion to it...' 

I'm currently a student in a school called First High School, a National Magic University Affiliated High School located in Hachioji, Tokyo in Kanto in a Universe I only knew as fiction in my previous life. 

First High School is an upper-level, magic institution known to send over a hundred graduates who either enter the University of Magic or enroll in a Magic Technical Institute of Specialized Higher Training every year and an elite school that churns out the largest number of excellent Magicians and Magic Technicians. 

First High also boasts the most difficult entrance examination among the Nine High Schools and as such this is a school where only elites are accepted, right at the start of enrollment, the students are already divided into high achievers and low achievers, and such division is given the name of Course 1 or Course 2 students. 

Course 1 students, referred to unofficially as 'Blooms' at First High, are the students who topped the entrance exam for the Magic High School, primarily scoring higher in practical skills which are considered more important than theory and carry heavier weighting in the exam scores.

Meanwhile, Course 2 students, mockingly referred to as 'Weeds' at First High, are people who succeeded in entering the Magic High School, but were lacking in practical skills compared to their Course 1 counterparts. 

Due to the lack of teachers, they are forced to learn with the use of computer lessons rather than an educator, moreover, due to the second courses incorporation into the school being rushed the school was unable to get the school emblem embroidered on the extra uniforms in time which caused the two courses to unintentionally have distinctly different uniforms and were subsequently left different in following years, something that obviously caused further division among them. 

First High currently accepts 200 new students per year, and both Course 1 and 2 will have 100 students each, furthermore, there are 4 classes of Course 1 students and 4 classes of Course 2 students. 

The main reason behind the existence of Course 2 students is because the current magic education is a trial-and-error thing and accidents, which go beyond the level of minor mishaps, can easily happen directly through magic slip-ups from practice training and experiments. 

Students sometimes lose the ability to use magic after such accidents and so are forced to drop out, and such vacant places are filled up by Course 2 Students as replacements. 

Although accidents resulting in deaths or handicapped bodies have been eradicated due to an accumulation of know-how, the number of students who drop out and are unable to use magic is not small.

I have been a student of this kind of institution for almost a full year, and so I'm also trying to cram up everything as the final exams are getting closer, of course getting accepted into this place wasn't so easy, I needed to find a way to create a valid identity in their databases, make it official, learn Japanese and everything needed to pass the dreaded Entrance Exam, plus a bunch of other things and being fairly good at Occlumency didn't help at all.

Thinking about Occlumency I can barely hold myself back from scoffing out loud in the middle of the class while internally complaining for the umpteenth time, 'I still get over the fact that all those fanfics wrote about Occlumency is just pure bullock! Merlin's beard! When I just started learning it, I thought it was a quick way to omnipotence that could be learned in a few months and granted me abilities, like idetic memory, perfect recall, extreme focus, and increased intelligence... But, not only it was ridiculously hard to learn, it also simply did what it proposed to do, detect and protect the mind from outside invasion, and help mask or hide one's memories if one is capable enough. Still useful but in no way as overpowered as I have read in my previous life, especially considering that capable and dangerous Legimens are as rare as phoenixes, as until now in my life I only encountered the big 3, Dumbledore, Snape, and of course Voldemort of which only two are still alive and relatively harmless.' 

Another problem was that I also had to be careful with my usage of magic to not be exposed to the authorities and less savory individuals or organizations, and to do everything needed I had to confound, charm, and obliviate a bunch of both muggles and magicians, and I even had to use Imperio a couple of times to get out of nasty situations, but that was something I had to do.

"*Yawn*..." I once again yawn as I try and fail once again to keep my focus on the screen in front of me, at the same time, my mind wanders back to the reason I'm here in the first place, 'During the Random Battle I was quite unfortunate to end up in a pure, normal technological universe without any superpower or magic, and that made me truly realize just how vulnerable I'm without my Magic to protect me. In that state I was just as defenseless as any non-trained and unharmed average human, basically, any hint of a threat to my life could have killed me. Luckily the Champion I encoutered in that world was a good and kind guy...' 

At this point, I remember the guy I encountered in the last Random Battle, 'Jawo Tirr a green-skinned Twi'Lek from the Star Wars Universe. That guy could have easily killed me even if he, just like me, didn't have access to Force abilities. The reason for that is that he still has his Jedi training and lightsaber to rely upon even if he can't use the Force. But he didn't do that, and he simply spent the year we were locked in that bland universe keeping me company and talking with me about the difference between Magic and the Force, which we realized weren't much. Let's not forget that he also had the always reliable Astromech droids R2-P8 of the legendary R2 series with him, famous for their adaptability and capacity to always save their partner Jedi's ass when they are in deadly trouble. They are basically the plot armor of the Star Wars Universe. The truth is that I had no chance to survive if he wanted me dead...' 

I shake my head to disperse those depressing thoughts, and once again try to focus on the screen in front of me, 'Anyway the reason why I chose to travel to this Universe is quite simple... it is to learn about this universe's method of using magic and how they perfectly combine magic with technology. Especially since, if I'm right, the technology of this world would enable me to somewhat bypass the limits imposed by the rules of the Universes by turning part of my magic into pure advanced technology... but that is still a work in progress as the Magic System of this world is quite complex, more so because it is so tightly fused with science and technology... but in this year the gains I made are already enough to fully revolutionize my home universe...'

While thinking that, I can't help but look at the ornate silver bracelet on my right arm, this is my Casting Assistant Device, also known as CAD which is a spell support processor.

This device incorporates synthetic materials, such as artificially manufactured Neurons, that convert Psion signals into electric signals, using the Psion from a magic ritual, also called sequence, to produce a collection of electronic magic, the Activation Sequence.

CADs allow the processing of all the necessary components for magic in a single moment, in detail, these devices help accelerate the invocation of magic, as well as provide stability.

CADs replace traditional tools such as spell chants, talismans, magic staves, tomes, hand seals, magic circles, and other traditional methods of invoking magic, it is a tool of necessity for any modern Magic Technician, and well, with it I can cast magic way faster than anything I was even able to do with my wand, but of course, with it comes the disadvantage that I can only install a limited number of Activation Sequences and all of that have a pretty standard power compared to what I'm able to do with my wand.

But the strongest advantage is that with the CAD, is that with it I can theoretically still be able to use magic even if I find myself in a Universe without magic because even if the Psion, or more commonly my Magic is sealed and unusable within my body by the rules of the Universe, I can still take advantage of it to power the technological part of CAD and the Activation Sequence installed in it. 

But at this point, this is all still a theory as I haven't tried to see if it works yet as I want first to be able to build my own CAD, and then I want to see if I can fuse the method of building CADs with the methods of creating wands of my own world, trying to get the best of both worlds, but at the moment it is still a faraway goal, and so I have to focus back on the most pressing matter, learning everything I can about the Magic System of this world, and after that, I'll leave this universe and head toward the Negima Universe where I'll be able to learn even more powerful magic.

Ledram Vassago POV - Street Fighter Universe, China - 20xx

I'm walking through the busy Huangpu District of Shangai with my Peerage taking full advantage of the Vassago Clan's Trait which is related to Divination to find the treasure I need the most at the moment to enhance my power even more, a new member for Peerage, and who obviously is going to be a woman and lover just like all the others.

I take a moment to once again admire them starting with my Queen, Elsa of Arendelle, a beautiful young woman, with a tall and slender build, blue eyes, rosy cheeks, thin pink lips, a small nose, long, platinum-blonde hair, and pale skin with a light dusting of freckles, she is an extremely hot and powerful Ice Magic User, moreover, she's got killer pipes entertaining us all with her songs in our leisure time.

I was able to convince her to become a member of my Peerage when I traveled to the Kingdom Hearts Universe to claim a Keyblade for myself, a very useful and powerful weapon, which can not only used as a blade and to cast powerful spells and even extend and enhance the blade using my power of Darkness, but more importantly, is the main power of the Keyblade, the ability to seal or open basically anything from the barriers between worlds, as well as to "lock" a world's Keyhole, to even unlock one's own potential or even lock an enemy ability or energy, in simple words, as long as one "heart" is strong enough with it you can basically do anything.

Obviously, I used this, I used the Keyblade to both "lock" my home universe, protecting it from the invasion of other Champions keeping my family safe from them, and also to fully unlock my potential and that of my Peerage.

Then I look at the very first member of my Peerage, my Bishop, Tsubaki Shinra, a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye, she is a skilled Magic User and user of the Sacred Gear Mirror Alice.

She has been with me for the longest time, and she is also the one I trust the most among all my women, she is also an extremely efficient secretary as she is the one that manages most of the matters at home, and as the saying goes, when there's something to do, the secretary will do it, when there's nothing to do, do the secretary.

After that, my gaze moves to the extremely hot and enticing, Kitani Reika, my other Bishop, a tall young woman in her mid-20s with short blond bob-cut hair and blue eyes, with sizable breasts, dressed in a white lab coat with a one-piece black dress underneath, and shiny black high heels, an expert in all kinds of Dark and Sex magics. 

I was able to make her a member of my Peerage by destroying the deal with the Devil she made to save her life, which corrupted her mind to evil, it was quite easy as I simply made her a Reincarnated Devil and killed the Low-class Devil she made a pact with, which in turn made her very grateful and loyal to me, at the same time, breaking her pact with that Devil also made the good and kindness she previously had buried inside resurface.

I'm quite happy of being able to have her in my Peerage, not only because she made our sex life a lot more intriguing, especially since she is literally the queen of edging because she can magically stop you from cumming when she rides the shit out of you, but also because in my previous life, I had quite a bit of a crush on her and always felt bad about her backstory and ending.

After that, my gaze moves to the newest member of my Peerage, Sara Connor, the former Champion of Light, a beautiful and slim young woman with long black hair and brown eyes, Demi-God daughter of the Greek God Apollo of the Percy Jackson Universe, she is quite strong too as she grew up training her gifts in Archery, Photokinesis, Vitakinesis to the highest level possible.

We meet in the last Random Battle as opponents in the universe of the anime/manga Goblin Slayer, but neither wanted to actually fight the other, her reason for that was quite fun too, she saw Elsa and quickly dropped all hostilities, she even openly admitted that Elsa was her favorite Disney Princess and that she even had a slight crush on her as a kid, meanwhile, I also didn't want to hurt her because she was a beauty. 

And so, with neither of us having any desire to fight, we spent most of the year trapped in the Goblin Slayer Universe, exploring the Four-Cornered World together, killing Goblins and other nasty monsters, and simply having fun together, fun that many times transformed into full-blown orgies as me and the girls are quite open about that. 

In the end, we fell in love with each other and she decided to join my Peerage becoming a Reincarnated Devil-Demi-God Hybrid. 

Quickly after looking at Sara, my gaze moves to the last and most accidental member of my Peerage, my only Pawn, Aika Kiryuu, she accidentally summoned me some years ago and since I had nothing to do at that time, I chose to answer her summon, but when I appeared in front of her, she quickly used her innate ability, Size Scouter, to calculate my "manhood" size just by looking at me and without any hesitation she wished that I took her virginity in exchange for her eternal servitude.
Finding her cute, on a whim I consented to her request and ravaged her for hours before offering her my Pawn Evil Piece to reincarnate her into a member of my Peerage as Reincarnated Devil.

Currently, she is the weakest among my Peerage, but she has quite a good aptitude for magic and is currently learning under Reika, whom Aika likes to refer to as "Onee-sama" for very obvious reasons.

With these five incredible women by my side, I now have 10 Evil Pieces left in order to fully fill up my Peerage, 1 Knight, 2 Rooks, and 7 Pawns, and exactly for that reason I choose to travel to this universe, the Street Fighter Universe, because I'm pretty sure that I can find the perfect women to grant the Rook Evil Pieces here.

At this point, I can't help but grin while thinking, 'And this is the reason why we are in China because when one talks about Street Fighter, the first thing one thinks about is... THICC!' 

This is all I can think of as my eyes land on the truly enticing figure of the woman a few kilometers away from here as she is teaching a group of kids, she is, of course, my target, Chun-Li.

She is a truly beautiful Asian woman, around 1,70 meters tall, with brown eyes and black hair styled in her classic ox-horns hairstyle, but her buns are unadorned and her bangs are more kempt and out of the way of her forehead, she also wears her iconic qipao but now that I take a closer look at it, it resembles a cheongsam with a pale blue as the primary color, with and the right short sleeve of her dress, as well as her leggings, being her signature blue, which enhances, even more, her very muscular thighs, and black Chinese toe shoes. 

Design patterns of the sky, clouds, birds, and water run all along her dress, with sky blue being the main color on the outside of her outfit, gold serves as the primary color for the inside of Chun-Li's cheongsam, almost inverting the outside colors of the Chinese dress.

(Image Here - Chun-Li)


After a few seconds I regain my senses and continue my train of thought, "...I mean Chun-Li! A true Martial Arts Master and very likely the strongest woman in this world with good mastery over Chi, moreover, she is quite the beauty too! She is obviously my first choice and most perfect candidate for the Rook Evil Piece, but she isn't the only one as this world is full of high-quality powerful women, Cammy, Decapre, Elena, Ibuki, Juri Han, Makoto, Poison, R. Mika, Rose, Sakura, and many other, in fact, if possible I can even use a few of my Pawn Evil Pieces with them.'

While thinking that, I don't hesitate to walk toward Chun-Li and her students with confident steps, at the same time, meeting her for real further increases my desire to make her a member of my Peerage.

Paul Greyson POV - Invincible Universe, Earth - 2005

No matter where I fly, it's chaos, all around me is chaos, death, and destruction as an all-out war is currently going on all over the planet with all the superheroes of the planet led by my big Brother Mark, also known as Invincible, and my father Nolan, known as Omniman fighting against the relentless invading force.

Moreover, they aren't the only ones fighting by our side as even all the available Viltrumite and other alien races of our universe were all forced to let go of every past and present grudge to join forces against these overwhelming invaders, but it is not time to care about that as I'm flying around searching for my target and finally, I see it.

I stop in mid-air and watch as Thragg in the distance is being split apart by the razor-sharp claws of a giant, monstrous humanoid robot with insect features that remind me of a bee or a wasp, especially its thick torso formed by the bee's head, I can't help but think in despair especially as I look at the bloodied razor sharp claws, the same claws that killed her, 'Why!? Why!? Why is everything going to shit!? Why now!? It's that thing's fault!! It has to pay!!'

At the same time the same robot ignores my presence and continues to search for another target with its vicious, shining red eyes as it fires countless purplish energy beams from a Gatling gun that came out from the forearms of its other arm which rips apart anyone unlucky enough to come in contact with them and what is worse is that this isn't the only malicious robot attacking us, but there is a whole army of them, and seeing that these robots are capable of transforming into both vehicles and animals, I can also easily identify them as Transformes, which means that this is an invasion from another Universe.

But those aren't the only force invading my home universe, I also notice that Dad and Mark are also engaged in a fierce fight against a couple of men from another alien humanoid species, like the Viltrumite, they too look extremely similar to humans, like the Viltrumite, they too can fly, they are very strong, fast, and durable, but unlike the Viltrumite, these people also have many other capabilities, they can shoot a very hot laser from their eyes, they can blow a breath so cold that is capable of freezing pretty much everything, and many other cheat-like abilities, but the most important of them all is that they can get stronger the longer they are exposed to the light of a yellow sun, these are the original overpowered alien race, the Kryptonians.

Watching my dad and brother fighting against those Kryptonians while being unable to push them back, I can't help but change my first intentions and quickly rush to help them, but at the same time, I also briefly think about everything that happened after my loss in the Random Battle to this point, 'After my loss against Reviriel, the elf, even if she prefers the terms Quendi, from the Lord of the Ring Universe, I lost my Blessing and with it, my place in this competition and even more important, the ability to return back to my own universe. Luckily Reviriel spared my life and was even kind enough to use her precious chance to visit another universe to bring me back to mine...'

At this point, my sight gets a little misty as tears threaten to fall from my eyes as I remember her, 'And like that Reviriel spent this last year with me and my family, helping out with the superhero job, while also tirelessly working toward warning all the forces in this universe about the threat that the invading Champions could pose... It was difficult, but she didn't give up because she didn't wish for all the living beings in this universe to suffer because of the greed and ambition of the other Champions, and in the end, she was able to slowly convince everyone about the danger. I stood by her side protecting and helping her in every step of her endeavor, at first I did it to repay the kindness she showed me, but then, the more time I spent with her, the more I realized just how incredible she was... and now, she is gone, gone before I could tell her about my feelings!'

Using all that anger I punch the Kryptonian that was fighting my brother, but before I can say anything, I hear the same hateful mechanical voice as it laughs and yells, "Huahahaha! I got what I wanted from this place! Now it's time to leave, but don't worry! I'm not so cruel to make you grieve about your loss because soon... Everything will end!!"

I look at the insect Transformer and see that he brought out a strange cylindrical object and started to input its purple energy into it, which makes it release a blinding beam of light.

Soon after, the nearby space rips open and an immense mechanical planet slowly emerges from the rift, it is so big that it covers the sun making the world fall into an ominious darkness, and I quickly realize that the mechanical planet is in fact, the very ultimate boss of the Transformers Universe, Unicron, a godly being powerful enough to destroy a multiverse.

Just as I'm about to yell a warning, a strange green portal appears under my feet and starts to swallow me, at the same time, I hear the somewhat familiar but also different voice of Angstrom Levy as he says, "This universe is doomed, if you truly want to avenge it, to avenge us all, you must find allies powerful enough to face such impossible monster. You are the only one with both a will and a body strong enough to survive such a perilous journey! Godspeed, Unbreakable!" 

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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