Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 232 – I’m Your Doctor!

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sandy Island, Alubarna - 20 GAP

A day passed since I used the Restoration Magic Kairos Peripeteia (Time Reversal) to treat Hancock, Marigold, Sandersonia, and Koala, the poor victims of that bastard pig of the Champion of Wood, whose unfortunate death came way too quickly, especially when I remember exactly what they went through when they were in his hands.

Luckily my treatment was successful and after a few hours the 4 girls woke up without any problems, sure, they were confused and scared as their last memory was that they were kidnapped, enslaved, and about to be auctioned off, especially Koala who started to cry loudly.

But Seika and Terracotta quickly made their move and started to comfort and reassure them, and after some time they calmed down, and Koala even started to doze off obviously tired by her emotional outburst because of her young age. 

Then Seika gave both me and Terracotta a sign to leave her alone with the Boa Sisters so that she could explain to them their current situation. 

Seeing that I discreetly left the room unnoticed with Eri and Vivi, while Terracotta took the little, dozing-off Koala away in her embrace leaving Seika alone with Hancock, Marigold, Sandersonia, and of course, a still unconscious Robin.

Once alone with the Boa Sisters, as we agreed, Seika more or less honestly told what happened to them, clearly omitting the more traumatizing parts, she basically told them that they were captured and enslaved to a very evil person and that when I found them, they were already in an extremely critical condition which forced me to use an equally extreme method to save their lives which consisted into rewinding back in time the body and mind of the patients basically made so that nothing bad ever happened to them in the first place, and of course, as consequence of my treatment they lost their memories of the last 15 years.

The reason why we chose to tell them this is because, different from Koala, Hancock, Marigold, and Sandersonia are old and mature enough to have a good understanding of the world and more importantly, enough memories of their home and childhood to realize that 15 years passed since they have been captured, and in the long run it would not do them any good to hide such truth from them, it would only bring them distress in case they suddenly realize the truth. 

The Boa sisters were reasonably confused and distressed at first when Seika told them that, especially the youngest one, Marigold, but with Seika's comfort and care they quickly got over, especially Hancock who recovered the fastest and started to quickly comfort her siblings too, perfectly showing the powerful force of will that enabled her canon self to awaken the Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror Haki). 

After that, the three girls left the room where I treated them and started to curiously explore the Alubarna Palace with Seika, Eri, and Vivi.

Once they had gone away from my sight, I went after Terracotta to check on Koala's situation only to see Terracotta and Igaram watching over the sleeping Koala with parental care and love, something not so surprising as Terracotta and Igaram sometime later, knowing that Koala has no one left in this world she can rely on, they resolutely chose to adopt her and treat her as their own daughter, and asked my opinion about that. 

The couple always wished for a child but until now they were unable to conceive and no matter how much they tried and were torn by such a result, they decided to give up on that idea entirely, but when Terracotta held Koala in her arms, comforted, and took care of her, she once again felt that strong desire for motherhood and love for the small, cute, girl in her arms, and so she quickly felt the desire to adopt the girl and talked about it with her husband Igaram, who knew the girl's past and his wife's desire, also started to feel pity, care, and love for the sleeping girl. 

Honestly, I have nothing against Igaram and Terracotta's idea, both of them are extremely good people, some of the best this world has to offer and I personally think that they both could be great parents, and it isn't like they are totally clueless as when Cobra's wife died, Igaram and Terracotta helped their king in raising Vivi, and she grew up fine and became an exceptional person. 

More importantly, Koala is truly alone in this world as I used my Cosmic Awareness to search this world for any living family member of Koala using what I sensed when I enveloped her being in my Spiral Cosmo as a basis but found none, which means that as I feared Koala's mother died many years ago.

Having reached that conclusion, I quickly told the couple that if they truly wanted to adopt Koala they could do so without any hesitation, but of course, I warned them that they must be mindful of the way of breaking the news of her mother's death and their intentions to adopt her to Koala, especially since from her current perspective not much time passed since she was forcefully separated from her mother so they must be patient and wait for the girl to slowly accept them as her new parents.

After leaving Koala to the care and the attention of Igaram and his wife Terracotta, I spent the rest of the afternoon and evening watching over Koby's daily training while also keeping my senses and Cosmic Awareness over Hancock, Marigold, Sandersonia, Koala, and the still unconscious Nico Robin to make sure that everything is fine.

From what I could sense, the Boa Sisters are quickly getting over what Seika told them about the reason behind their current situation, this is a lot faster than I thought possible, but it is probably the result of a combination of factors, like the company and care that Seika and the other girls have for them, the support that the Boa Sisters have from one other, the presence of Python who they started to worship as some kind of Godly Beast as soon as they encountered him, not that they are so wrong about that, most likely because the Kuja Tribe are snake worshipers and many of the women carry very large snakes around their necks. 

Maybe it was the fact that thanks to my treatment everything that they have gone through were erased in such a way that it can be considered as if it never happened to give them a new lease on life, even more so because the man behind those terrible experiences was killed and even the memories of the other who knew about their existence as that bastard's slaves erased, anyway, whatever the reason behind their quick recovery is, it is still a very welcomed news.

However, Koala's situation was just as delicate as I had expected when she woke up from her emotional distress-induced sleep, she was very wary of the new strange environment she found herself in, even more so when her last memories came to her mind, the memories of her kidnapping and enslavement which almost caused a panic attack, but before she could have that panic attack, Terracotta made her move and quickly showered Koala with her genuine concern, care, and maternal love which made the little girl open up to the gentle and caring woman who comforted the girl while continuously repeating that she was safe.

In the end, Terracotta spent the rest of the day staying close to Koala with Igaram coming in to check on them from time to time in those few free minutes he had from his duties as Captain of the royal guards.

After we had dinner together, we refused King Cobra's offer to sleep in the guest room of the palace and went back to our own rooms in the Athena's God Bidoof, of course, the Boa Sisters came with us and I gave them a room big enough for the three of them to comfortably use, I also brought Nico Robin with us and left her in a single room, the reason for that choice is quite simple, no matter how luxurious are the guest rooms in the Alubarna Palace, they can't compare with our own rooms in the Athena's God Bidoof in both comfort, technology and safety.

Then the moment I was dreading the most finally came, I was alone in our room with all my lovers and so, I came out clean about the incident that happened in Rainbase between Nico Robin and me, I didn't hide anything about it, I told them about Robin's drugged state, about my distraction and overconfidence, about Robin's unexpected use of her powers, my hesitation in stopping her for the fear of harming her, and of course, the result of my hesitation, of course, I also told them about what I did as soon as I realized what was happening and snapped out of my stunned state.

Quickly after that, I was ready for anything, their anger, their disappointed expressions, especially I was ready to stop Eri from summoning her Undead Army in her wrath, after all, no matter the mitigating factors and that the act itself didn't come to a conclusion, it doesn't change the fact that in some way I was ball deep in another woman's pandora box without the consent of any of the party involved, not mine, not Nico Robin's, and neither those of my lovers, and more importantly, I felt such pleasure that my mind became blank for a few moments, something I still felt incredibly bad about it, but much to my surprise none of that happened.

Instead, all of them were very calm and understanding, they even started to reassure and comfort me, each one of them in their own way, Seika simply hugged me showing me with her actions just how much she cared about me, Saori told me that it wasn't my fault and that I stopped before it was too late, Tio praised my willpower while commenting about how hard it should have been refraining myself considering my peerless Dragon-like libido, Alvida with a lewd smile even encouraged me in pursuing Nico Robin and convince her in joining our family so that we can have fun together.

But the most surprising reaction was without any doubt that of Eri, she didn't throw a tantrum, try to curse or kill Nico Robin, or even show any anger when she learned about what happened, she simply stood in silence with a wry smile on her face. 

When she saw everyone's surprised expression on our faces, she cutely pouted and started to explain, "Come on! I'm not so petty and clueless to blame an innocent woman who was overdosed with an aphrodisiac drug for something that happened outside her control, it was a simple matter of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Nor can I blame Jayr for what happened since we all know how it is when he gets horny, in fact, I among everyone else here know the best how easy is for him to lose control of himself, especially in front of a woman he is clearly attracted to, as that is something I took advantage of to worm my way into his heart... not something I'm proud of, but at that point of my life I was very unstable mentally to the point that something inside me completely broke and needed to grasp something, anything to hold myself together... and very luckily that was Jayr, who slowly put me back together with his genuine care and love, and then you all healed those cracks by giving me what I always wished for... a loving family."

At that point, Eri smiled brightly as she added, "That is why now I am very careful about all the women who approach Jayr, I just want to protect what is really important to me, my family, and I won't allow any random whore to come and destroy it. But in this particular case, there is nothing to worry about, not only because it was an unfortunate accident. But also because I know a lot about the woman in question and she already had it pretty bad and I won't take it against her for something she had no control over it..."

After she said that, Eri started explaining that once she learned that we were going to travel to the One Piece Universe, the first thing she did was to take advantage of my Seed of Culture to return to her original universe, the Arifureta Universe to carefully study our next destination.

Eri then told us how she used time dilatation magic to spend hours, days, and months carefully going over every single episode of the anime, and every page of manga, searching for further information through the net, and she even directly visited the author who draws the manga in her world who funnily enough is named Eiichirou Goda to read his mind and learn about the world they were about to explore, but of course, Eri being Eri, she focused more on the personality and backstories of various women and other dangerous characters than on the plot itself which wasn't very reliable considering the existence of the Champions.

Then she moved on to give a brief introduction of Robin's story to the other girls, she told them that Robin grew up on the island of Ohara, a hub of archaeologists, and that after her mother left when she was young, Robin was ostracized and bullied by almost everyone in her life due to her Devil Fruit powers. 

The only people who treated her well were the scholars of the island and the kind giant Saul who was shipwrecked on the shore of Ohara until one day the Marine came to execute the scholars of the island for the crime of studying forbidden knowledge and to ensure that knowledge never got out to the rest of the world, they razed the island to the ground and murdered everyone on it while Robin had to watch everyone she ever knew die as she escaped. 

With his dying breath, Saul told her to go out to sea and find friends who could protect her, yet everyone she met after escaping Ohara ended up just using or trying to turn her in so they could claim Robin's high bounty forcing her to move from one criminal organization to the other and used, manipulated, killed and betrayed whenever possible to keep herself safe while still being hunted down by the Marine, but despite all that she still retained enough kindness and goodness in her heart to subtly trying to help or save innocent whenever possible. 

As a result of Eri's narration of Robin's heart-wrenching backstory, Seika and Saori had slightly glistening eyes feeling extremely bad for the terrible experience that the young, 8 years Robin went through, while Alvida and Tio directly started to request for Robin to be added to the family.

At that point, I had to step in to remind them that despite what happened, Nico Robin isn't a potential lover, and even if I'm obviously attracted to her, I don't wish to pursue her or any other woman for that, no matter of beautiful or incredible they are, especially not when I already have 5 exceptional women by my side.

In response to my words, Seika, Saori, Eri, and Tio smiled in a way that felt both very sweet and resigned at the same time, meanwhile, Alvida loudly snorted and declared, "Bullshit! As the omniverse infinitely expands so does our harem! It can't be stopped! It's against nature!" which made all of us groan at the same time and then laugh for the absurdity of such affirmation and after that we just continued to cuddle until sleep took us all. 

Reaching this point, I stop my mind from wandering any longer while thinking about the events that followed my treatment of Hancock, Marigold, Sandersonia, and Koala, and focus back on the present. 

It is early morning, I have just finished watching over Koby's morning training, and at the moment, I am inside one of the many rooms of the Athena's God Bidoof, sitting beside the bed of the still unconscious Nico Robin carefully watching over her as she should wake up at any moment now as there are clear signs on her body that indicate her imminent awakening.

While the light of the still rising sun illuminates her enchanting figure as she peacefully lies on the bed, I can't help but think back to the unforgettable but regretful moments we shared yesterday, the lewd expression on her face, the hardened tip poking out of her purple cleavage-exposing corset, the neatly trimmed hair of her pubic area, her glistening pandora box, the feelings of her flesh walls wrapped tightly around my little brother.

But soon, I quickly shake my head to drive away those kinds of thoughts from my mind and focus on what is really important while thinking, 'Come on, Jayr! You have to forget about that! It isn't right! Remember the mantra, no horny! No horny!'

While I'm trying to reach enlightenment, at the same time, I suddenly hear a small groan coming from the person lying on the bed in front of me which makes me stop playing around as I fully focus on the patient.

The first thing I see is the usual small movement of the body of a person about to wake up, some small jerks and twitches here and there, then all of a sudden, Nico Robin's eyes snap open as she quickly sits up with a start and without any pause in her movement, she starts to study her surroundings with her eyes while still maintaining an apparently calm demeanor, but it is clear that she is ready to react at the first sign of danger, in fact, I'm pretty sure that in these few moments, she is already planning several ways to escape or ensure her safety and what is even more depressing is that she is doing all this at an unconscious level.

Seeing that, I almost can't help myself from letting out a sigh while thinking, 'Just what kind of terrible experiences she must have gone through to have developed this kind of habit?'

At the same time, Nico Robin's eyes stop roaming around the room and fall on my figure and I notice that while she continues to wear the same calm facade on her face, her pupils dilating slightly a clear sign of surprise and acknowledgment making me internally groan while thinking, 'Urg... as expected she remembers everything that happened yesterday too... It is all because that damned aphrodisiac drug created by that died-too-soon, sick bastard not only makes its victim horny to the point of insanity, but it also affects their memory, reinforcing it in such a way that makes so that the ones affected by it remember everything they have done under its influence...'

The reason I'm so sure of that is that I have seen the memories of Hancock, Sandersonia, Marigold, and Koala, they were practically constantly under the effect of that aphrodisiac drug, but despite that, they clearly remembered everything that sick bastard had done to them throughout their years of captivity, of course, some memories were clearer than others, but all of them were firmly imprinted into their minds, 15 long years of torture and abuse.

Remembering everything I have seen in their memories, makes me once again wish from the bottom of my heart that I was able to bring him enough pain and suffering to break his mind and spirit before he was killed by that Viking Champion.
In those few instances, as I'm thinking that, Robin and I continue to calmly look at each other in silence, more importantly looking at her eyes, I notice some pretty worrying signs the more time passes, her eyes are lost, worn, hollow, lifeless, basically they are the eyes of someone who give up on life. 

Realizing that, and knowing that she has no intention of making the first move, I gently smile trying to appear as harmless as possible, and greet her, "Good morning, Nico Robin." 

Then I try to reassure her by saying, "You don't have to worry about anything, you are safe here. My name is Pucci Jayr, a simple and handsome wandering doctor who is exploring this world with his friends and family." but suddenly, Robin looks at me and yells, "Why...? Why did you save me...? When did I ask you to do that!?"
After asking that, Robin doesn't wait for my response and continues, "I'm evil... the "Demon Child" Nico Robin... I don't really care if countries or the people prosper... or fall... they mean nothing to me... the only thing I wanted... What I had always been looking for was "The True History." Scattered around the world, there is only one amongst the many, the one "True History Stoney", the Rio Poneglyph..."

Then she suddenly stops and lowers her head, then she says in a resigned tone, "Forget it... It's been 18 years since I started searching for it... my last hope is nothing more than another failure. Even if you saved me back there sooner or later I would be betrayed, captured, and killed, it is inevitable... I'm tired of this kind of life... all I wanted to know was "History"... but... my dream... just has too many enemies."

At this point, tears start to fall from Robin's eyes, marring her beautiful face as she yells in frustration, "I have lost what I wanted in life! Just leave me somewhere to die! I just can't escape! My enemy is the world and its darkness! I just want to die!"

Hearing that and seeing the despair on her face, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness and anger envelope my heart, especially as I remember her yelling the exact same words in the anime in that scene that preceded one of the most iconic moments of the Straw Hats' adventure, at the same time, I also realize that she isn't actually expressing her desire for death, but that this is only a desperate cry for help.

At the same time, I start to think about the best way to help her, but in the end, I decide to go for the tried and tested method successfully used by Luffy, "Don't give a fuck and just do what it feels right for you ignoring everything else" method, or at the very least a version of that.

Coming to that decision, I move my face closer to hers, staring right into her eyes, and with a calm tone, I ask, "Why should I listen to your ranting?" 

Seeing that the shocked and confused Robin is focusing on me, I continue, "I already told you I'm a doctor, and you are my patient now. No matter what, I'll do everything in my considerable power to save your life and keep you safe until I deem you fully healed! So from now as your doctor, I forbid you to give up on living a happy life! Are we clear?"

Still somewhat surprised by my sudden change of attitude and the authority in my voice, Robin unconsciously nods, and seeing that, I smile and once again reassure her, "Good... let me remind you this, you are safe here, I won't ever consider you a burden, I will never betray or abandon you. I don't care about the fact that the Admirals, the Four Emperors, the Cipher Pol, or even the whole World Government are chasing after you. You are my patient and as such I'll protect and take care of you."

After saying that, I get up from the chair, walk toward the door, and open it while saying with still the same smile on my face, "Come with me, staying on that bed won't do you any good... I'll show you around the place that will be your home for the whole duration of your treatment and I'll also introduce you to everyone else living here." but then I remember something and add while point at another door on the other side of the room, "Oh, right! If you want to clean yourself, that door leads to the bathroom." 

Nico Robin carefully looks at me for a few seconds as if trying to uncover my true intention, before she slowly nods, gets up from the bed, and walks toward the door leading to the bathroom.

Seeing that, I smile widely and say, "Very well, I'll wait outside... Take tour time."


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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