Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 234 – A Guest From the Depth

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago - 21 GAP

While I'm unsure of what to do, all of a sudden, the ship starts to shake as the sea starts getting agitated, at the same time, Bidi quickly reports, "Jayr-nii! My radar picked up a huge mass quickly rising from the depth of the sea! It's quickly heading toward us!"

Hearing that, I remember my past careless mistakes and don't waste any time to quickly release my self-imposed limits over my senses and Cosmic Awareness and start to focus on the incoming mass below us that Bidi talked about.

At the same time, Bidi further asks in an excited tone, "Jayr-nii! I have locked on the incoming mass. I can easily hit and destroy it with the hull's secondary cannons at any moment. Should I attack?" but I shake my head and with a relaxed smile on my face, I say, "There is no need for that, while it is heading toward us what is coming isn't an enemy or a threat but an old friend. Stop your advance and let's wait for him here, just be careful that the water movements do not rock you too much, in fact, if it is easier for you, you can also simply deploy the Spiral Ballonets to float over the water... Also, can you warn everyone that very likely we will have a guest? Furthermore, tell Saori to come to the bridge as she will probably be interested in what our guest can tell us. Ah, I almost forgot, if everyone else is interested they can come too..." 

Hearing that, Bidi smiles widely and replies, "Oky-dokey! I'll warn Saori-neesama and the others about our guest"

After saying that, she simply sinks into the floor, merging back her incarnation with her main body. 

At the same time, I also noticed a pair of cigar-shaped "airbags" are getting deployed from the deck as they quickly grow in size somewhat obstructing the sights at the sides of the bridge as they get filled with the Spiral Cosmo produced by the Spiral Engine, these two "airbags" are the Spiral Ballonets, which are needed for allowing the Athena's God Bidoof to fly.

Of course, those aren't the only function, after all, the huge quantity of Spiral Cosmo within the Spiral Ballonets isn't simply used to allow the ship to fly, but also to unlock the full capabilities of the godly Athena's God Bidoof.

To make it simple, without the Spiral Ballonets, the Athena's God Bidoof is basically in power saving mode and all the excess Spiral Cosmo produced is directily fed to Bidi to enhance her spirit further or in case is needed to heal her spirit and repair the body.

While looking at the obstructed view of the bridge windows, I can't help but comment, "Not the most practical design, but they are cool to look at, and more importantly, the Athena's God Bidoof doesn't need the direct view from the bridge's windows to operate."

Indeed as soon as I said that, the windows of the bridge go through an instantaneous change and turn into screens that show a 360° view of the Athena's God Bidoof's surroundings leaving no exploitable blindspots, after all, this is a ship built using the Gunmen battleships, the Dai-Guns as a basis, and those are battleship specialized for combat, especially in space battles where the enemies can truly attack you from all direction.

Seeing that Bidi has everything under control, I smile, get up from the captain seat, and leave the bridge while saying, "Good job, Bidi. Thanks, you are fantastic as always. I'm now heading to the deck to greet our guest..." making Bidi cheerfully reply, "Okay, Jayr-nii!"

Robin POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago - 21 GAP

The sun is slowly rising on the horizon from the est and any time now Jayr, the cute Bidi, or someone else would come to inform me that lunch is almost ready and that I can start to move toward the dining area so that we can eat together. 

I'm currently sitting on the bed of my own room in silence, looking at an interesting rare history book open in my hands, one of those I recently bought from a library located on the island of Water 7, but at the moment I'm focusing on what it is written on these pages.

I'm sure that anyone looking at the calm expression that I have on my face, wouldn't be able to guess at the storm of emotions that roiled within me, after all, if there is something I learned for sure throughout all these years is to always be careful show as little emotions on my face as possible to better mask my intentions and feeling. 

It isn't often that I, the feared "Devil Child" Nico Robin, don't know how to feel about someone, but that kind, gentle young man, however, had managed to worm his way into that category, 'At first, I was very wary of him despite the kindness he showed me, I thounght he was only another one that tried to use me for his own advantage or even simply lusted after my body, after all, that happened so many times before that I've literally lost the count, even more so, considering what happened between us... but then that wariness, however, turned into confusion when he confronted my will to die and surprise when he later introduced me to his family composed of 5 of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life, and two very cute and scarily smart children, in addition to the friends that are traveling with him. I became even more confused and uncertain the more time I spent with them.'

Not once did he try to seduce, take advantage, or have his way with my body despite him being clearly very attracted to me and his very active sexual life, he only ever showed genuine care and concern for my well-being while at the same time, he never restrained my freedom to chase after my dream.

In addition, the fact that he managed to give me access to not only the Poneglyphs in Arabasta but also to the one on the mythical Sky Island and many others we found during our journey.

Moreover, I found myself feeling incredibly protected in his presence like nothing in the world could ever harm me as long as he was close to me, something that I have never felt before, however, I found myself incredibly fond of this new sensation. 

The more time I spent with everyone on this unusual ship, the more I found myself truly enjoying each and every passing moment, I started to lower my guard around them, joke more often, play with those cute children and that small winged snake, smile genuinely, I started to feel part of the family, I felt like I finally found the people that Saul was talking about, I found I place I belonged, I found a home, I was happy.

But the more content and happy I started to feel, the more I have been dreading the possibility of my new home being once again destroyed by the World Government, of these wonderful people suffering because of me at the hands of the ruthless Marine and the agents of the World Government, 'Sure these people were strong, much stronger than ever Crocodile from what I have seen during their daily training, the various adventures we had, and some of the capabilities of this incredible ship... But just how many attacks can they endure before they start to suffer, resent me, and in the end abandon me?'

But before those thoughts could fully engulf me, much to my pleasant surprise, however, the attentive young man noticed my hidden distress and had come up with an arrangement that not even I could argue against. 

When we reached Water 7, he told me about an undercover group of World Government agents living on that island whose aim was the blueprint of the Ancient Weapon that Crocodile was aiming for, the ancient battleship Pluton, moreover, they were of the same unit that was on Ohara many years ago, the CP9 Unit.

He also told me about his plan to use me as bait to lure them out and explained what he wanted to accomplish, he wanted to not only stop those World Government agents from harming the people living on that island and prevent them from putting their hands on the blueprints, but more importantly he wanted to show me that one of the most feared assassin forces of the World Government is powerless before him and that I and everyone else are completely safe and that what I fear would never happen and that from then on I could live my life however I wanted without the constant fear of losing everything.

I don't know what possessed me, but in the end, I chose to trust his words and go along with his plan, and so, with trepidation, we started to walk around the city of Water 7 without hiding from the prying eyes of the World Government hidden in the city for a few days.

Then once we felt it was enough, I started to walk alone around the city at night while a hidden Jayr followed me and as expected, the fish didn't hesitate to take the bait as I quickly found myself surrounded by 4 masked individuals, from their body it is clear that they were 3 men and 1 woman, they didn't cut around the issue and started to threaten me to force me to submit myself and work for them, they even brought out the dreaded Buster Call and the destruction of this island of all the things.

But just as I started to waver, Jayr appeared and easily knocked them all out without even moving a single finger, after that, he led me toward the Galley-La Headquarters with the unconscious CP9 agents to expose them and warn the mayor about their plot and aims then he executed them without any hesitation.

After doing that, he led me back to the Rocky Cape, a cape located on the outskirts of the city where we docked, and once again showed me his incredible capabilities by creating a strange swirling green portal from which came out five unconscious bodies, but among them, I recognized only one, even if he was much older, I'll never forget his face, he was the man that summoned the Buster Call on Ohara.

The hair on the top of his head had turned gray from age, but the back and his beard remained black, the beard had also grown into a long and sharp goatee, and he had a small toothbrush mustache, his face had wrinkled from time as well and changed his coat to a white one. 

The others were all the other members of the CP9, plus their chief who looked similar to that man, father, and son probably, which Jayr brought there in some way so that I could have some form of closure with what happened, needless to say that none of them survived that night. 

That was the end of that story and the beginning of a new one for me as Jayr showed me with his actions that I have nothing to fear, I won't lose my home this time. 

Now that I was no longer forced to escape from the dreadful World Government and its darkness, I have my whole life to do what I always wanted to do.

With my days for myself, I spent this time getting to know my new friends better, enjoying playing and teaching new things to the kids, and simply studying every piece of history I came across during our exciting but still peaceful journey. 

But I also found the majority of my attention going to Jayr, the wonderful young man who changed my life so much in so little time.

Since the day I woke up from the events of Arabasta, where he saved me from the claws of that disgusting World Noble and took care of me afterward, I have found myself quite attracted to him.

Unfortunately for me, the young man is already taken and even has kids, and despite the fact that he has many lovers it is clear that they truly love and care for each other, so the only thing I can do is watch from the distance as he trains his body to perfection, how he spends his times with his kids and friends and enjoy those moments we spent together. 

I admit that at times it had been frustrating, especially when I would watch him lift impossibly heavy weights or spar with Koby and the others who put that perfect body on display. 

It always left me feeling hot and bothered, especially when I remember those fleeting moments of passion we shared when we first met each other, something I usually dealt with in the privacy of my room imagining all the naughty things that Jayr and his perfect body could do to me.

I still clearly remember the first time I was in the privacy of my room when I couldn't contain those feelings anymore and decided to take care of them. 

I had been furiously plunging my index and mid-finger into my tight and wet love tunnel, imagining Jayr pinning me against the wall, lifting one of my legs, and fucking me like a wild animal, all the while, his eyes never leaving mine. 

His gaze was full of love passion, and desire boring into mine, marking my soul as his the same way he was marking my body, such an image had been enough to send me over the edge in a little over five minutes, and what was even more surprising was that despite having been one of the biggest orgasms of my life, even bigger than anything my previous fantasies had ever given me, that still wasn't enough to fully satisfy me as I still clearly remember our fleeting moment of passion and yearned for more of it, something that I admit scared me a little.

The next day, I was in a daze, my brain had been repeatedly trying and failing to figure out why the young man who had saved me when I was in trouble was now featured in all my sexual fantasies, especially since I had never been that much sexually active, it had been more a necessity that something I enjoyed doing.

Though I tried to act nonchalant about it, I had been watching the young man like a hawk, watching to see if he was doing anything to me, even the slightest thing off about the apparently kind and gentle young man would have been enough for me to find a way to run away from this place and prevents him from doing something malicious to me. 

But he never did such a thing, his hands never did anything untoward, and his gaze never shifted about like he was up to something, instead, they would always remain fixed on where it was he was going or the people he was talking to, sure it sometimes roamed on various part of the bodies of his lovers, but when he looked at me his eyes were always clear, even if he clearly appreciates my figure. 

After days of observing the young for any suspicious actions and finding nothing, even I started to think that I was just being paranoid because of my past experiences, because my investigations yielded nothing, but despite that, my fantasies didn't yield in the slightest. 

So I resolved within myself to not focus on my fantasies so much, even repress them thinking that it was only my subconscious wanting to further connect with the first man who truly treated me with kindness, but the more I repressed those feelings, the stronger, more persistent, and more frequent they started to invade my thoughts. 

After about a week of this, I gave in purely out of frustration and fantasized about Jayr fucking me into submission and knocking me up, that had definitely been the best orgasm of my life right up until then, even better than the mind-breaking ones caused by that drug. 

That had been almost a month ago, and ever since, despite doing my best to act as usual around the charming young man, I have been having shuddering orgasms fantasizing about him ramming his long, thick dick deep into me every which way possible.

If this had been all there was to the situation, I could have managed, I could have done my shameful deeds in the privacy of my room and afterward pretended as if nothing had happened. 

The only problem was that the masturbation was no longer cutting it, the need and desire I felt for the charming young man was growing with each passing day such that, simple masturbation couldn't quench the fire that seemed to have been lit within me. 

Who would have thought that a simple indiscretion, while I was under the effect of that pollen, would come back to bite me in the ass so hard?

While I'm absolutely clear from all the effects of that dammed drug, even the more insidious ones, that experience left its mark.

I had the young man's cock inside me, I have felt his thick veiny cock to the most minute detail and now, every time I closed my eyes, I couldn't get the image and memories of that experience out of my mind, I also couldn't keep my pussy from growing wet and twitching with need every time I thought of it.

This left me in a quandary, unsure how to proceed from here, on the one hand, my body was extremely honest about what it desired and craved, on the other, my mind wouldn't let me even consider the young man as a potential partner. 

Getting together with an already taken man would have been bad enough in itself, but to go after one who not only helped me so much, but whose lovers, kids, and friends welcomed me with open arms and made me feel at home after such a long time just isn't possible for me.

This decision, however, left me in the awkward position of damn near trembling with need any time the young man was near and my body longing for him when he was away. 

The worst part of all this is that I'm pretty sure it isn't completely one-sided on my part as while spending time with him I did notice some signs coming from him, such as his gaze lingering on my body for a little longer, or when he looks at me with eyes full of tenderness and at times even desire before he quickly takes his gaze away and focuses back on what is happening, it is a struggle to keep the façade of normalcy despite the burning desire in my heart.

Suddenly, someone lightly knocks on the door and I hear the voice of Bidi as she says, "Hay, Robin! Jayr told me to inform you that an old friend of ours is visiting and that if you are interested you can come to the bridge to meet him. See you!"

Hearing that, I close the book in my hand and leave it on the bed as I get up, and then I leave my room and head toward the bridge curious about this "old friend" Bidi talked about, especially since I could learn some more interesting information about Jayr and his family.

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago - 21 GAP

I arrive on the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof and without any hesitation, I calmly walk toward the bow.

Once there, I look down at the churning waters waiting for the guest to make its entrance, something that I don't have to wait for too long as after waiting for a few moments and huge column of water explodes right in front of the ship, it almost looks like the result of the eruption of an underwater volcano.

But it is, in fact, simply a huge creature rising up from the depths and breaking through the waters.

The creature is a humongous purple serpentine, Sea King, with red spots and fins on its head and sides, it is one of the biggest ones I have ever seen way bigger than a mountain, it has a lot of sharp, pointed teeth, two small eyes, a big tongue, and flat nostril.

But despite its aggressive appearance, the Sea King is simply looking at me with calm eyes without any hint of malice.

The reason for that isn't because I'm doing something to keep it pacified, but most likely because of the person calmly standing on the top of its huge head.

It is a young man with a soft and delicate appearance, lilac hair, and large pink eyes, wearing a familiar dark golden armor that covers most of his body, the Siren Scale, one of the most beautiful Scales of the Marina Generals, covering him from head to toe without leaving any free space, the armor has a pair of bird wings at the back and two small wings also protrude from his helmet, he is obviously Siren Sorrento, one of my uncle-in-law Poseidon most trusted and loyal men.

Sorrento jumps down from the head of the Sea King, who is also sinking back into the waters at the same time, and gently lands on the deck in front of me, kneels down, and respectfully says, "I, the Marina General of Lord Poseidon, Siren Sorrento greet Lord Jayr. Lord Poseidon sensed yours and Lady Athena's Cosmo getting closer and ordered me to receive you and also to officially invite you to visit his newly built temple erected on Fish-man Island."

Hearing that, I nod trying to not feel too awkward about his way too respectful etiquette, and greet him back, "I received his invitation. It is nice to see you again, Sorrento."

Then I add, "But before we can continue, please rise, you don't have to kneel and be so formal with me. I don't care too much about such things. You can talk to me just like you used to."

Sorrento listens to my request and stands up but then he adds in the same respectful tone, "I'm sorry Lord Jayr but I can't do that. Not only have you ascended to the status of God reaching the same level as my Lord, but you are also my Lord's benefactor and ally. As a Marina General of Lord Poseidon, I must show to you and Lady Athena my utmost respect and be of my best behavior."

Hearing his reply I can only shrug my shoulders while thinking, 'Sometimes I forget just how stiff can be some of the warriors of other Gods in my home universe. The only reason why Aiola, Aldebaran, Milo, Mu, Shaka, and all my fellow Saints aren't so stiff with me is that they are all my friends and brother-in-arms... well, Milo is now also my brother-in-law but that isn't the point.' at the same time, I also invite Sorrento inside the Athena's God Bidoof so that we can talk some more in a more comfortable place, especially since I'm genuinely curious about Poseidon's current situation.

I lead Sorrento to the bridge where Saori, who is now sitting on the captain seat with Galen in her arms and everyone else interested is already waiting for us, and with a quick glance, I see that basically everyone is here, my lovers, Seika, Eri with Python around her neck, Tio with Kharna, and Alvida, Bidi's incarnation, then there is my pupil Koby, and my friends Nikita, Zandeer, Gad, Rubis, Saphir, Emeraude, and Robin. 

As I expected, as soon as Sorrento sees Saori, he once again kneels down on one leg, lowers his head and respectfully greets her, "I, the Marina General of Lord Poseidon, Siren Sorrento greet Lady Athena."

Of course, this very respectful form of greeting surprises Koby, Gad, Rubis, Saphir, Emeraude, who still don't know about Saori's true identity, and more of everyone else Robin, who is so shocked that even her usual calm facade breaks away probably because she connected the Lord Poseidon with the Ancient Weapon Poseidon she read so much about on the Poneglyph hidden on Skypiea without knowing that the Poseidon that Sorrento is talking about is much more powerful than any "weapon" she will ever able to imagine.

At the same time, Koby mutters in wonder, "Could Saori-san be some kind of royalty in her and Jayr-san's world...?"

Meanwhile, Saori maintains her usual calm and kind smile as she says, "You may rise, Siren Sorrento. I hope this world is treating you and everyone else well, and of course, that you do the same in return."

In response to Saori's words, Sorrento stands up and nods, and then he replies, "Yes it has, Lady Athena. Blue Star is a wonderful and pure world, full of life, enchanting sights, and very good and candid people... Unfortunately, just like in our former world, there are also many unsavory things as well, but at the very least, here things are much more direct and simple too. Because of this my Lord and my fellow Marinas are still very satisfied with this world."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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