Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 235 – Learning about Poseidon

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Sabaody Archipelago - 21 GAP

In response to Saori's words, Sorrento stands up and nods, and then he replies, "Yes it has, Lady Athena. Blue Star is a wonderful and pure world, full of life, enchanting sights, and very good and candid people... Unfortunately, just like in our former world, there are also many unsavory things as well, but at the very least, here things are much more direct and simple too. Because of this my Lord and my fellow Marinas are still very satisfied with this world."

While Sorrento was talking, I quietly moved beside Saori and then I asked the question that was roaming in my mind since I noticed that Sorrento was the person riding on top of that huge Sea King, "Sorrento, can you tell me what Poseidon and your fellow Marinas did since we went on our separate ways? And if possible, I'd like to also learn what are Poseidon's plans... Of course, if he told you that you can't reveal anything to us, or if you think that by telling us you will upset Poseidon then you can simply not say anything, I'm just genuinely curious..."

Sorrento shakes his head and says, "No, it isn't a problem at all for me to reveal that information to Lord Jayr and Lady Athena... Since the end of the false Holy War, the fulfillment of Lord Jayr's promise and the coming to this world, Lord Poseidon totally buried his feeling of rivalry toward Lady Athena, so much that we Marinas have been ordered, to show the utmost respect to Lady Athena and Lord Jayr and even to follow their orders and give our support if requested and need as long as they don't conflict with his." 

Hearing Sorrento's words, I have to admit that I was a little surprised at first by Poseidon's change in attitude, but then, I remembered that Poseidon's personality truly takes after his main Divine Domain, the sea, 'This means that he is indeed very, very moody. If he is in a good mood, then he can be one of the most benevolent Gods of the whole Geek Pantheon, but if he is in a bad mood or feels scorned or offended, then his rage and malice knows no equal, after all, he did fight Athena for billions of years because she was given the duty to watch over the Earth by Zeus while he was "only" given the rule over the seas.'

While I'm thinking that, Sorrento continues, "Anyway, to answer your question Lord Jayr, after we separated, the first thing Lord Poseidon chose to do was to find a place to build a new temple for him so that he could fully connect with this world, and also a place that could become a new home for us..."

At this point, Sorrento smiles slightly as he continues with his story, "We were very lucky as using his Cosmic Awareness, Lord Poseidon immediately found an interesting place that would have been perfect for our purposes, moreover, there was something in that place that felt way too familiar to him, mortals with a very strong connection to the seas, one that was even stronger than the one that can be found in the Solo Family, and among them there is a girl with a connection way stronger than anything Lord Poseidon ever felt before..."

Hearing that, I immediately realize what place he is talking about and who is that girl, 'I will bet anything that Sorrento is talking about Fish-man Island, an underwater island, the home of Fish-man and Merfolk, after all, I'm sure that there is no place in this world more fitting for Poseidon... This means that the girl he is talking about can only be Princess Shirahoshi, famous in the world as the Mermaid Princess, a giant smelt-whiting mermaid and the princess of the Ryugu Kingdom, as the youngest of King Neptune's children and the only daughter in the Neptune royal family. More importantly, she is the current incarnation of the Ancient Weapon which has the power to command the Sea Kings, an Ancient Weapon which is maybe not so coincidentally named Poseidon.'

While I'm thinking that, Sorrento says exactly what I expected, "The name of that place is Fish-man Island, an underwater island which dwells 10,000 meters below sea level in a giant hole that goes under the Red Line at the bottom of a deep trench. The island resides in a giant double-layered bubble floating above the sea floor, seemingly filled with about half water and reef and half air. Ryugu Palace rests in a smaller bubble on top of the main island's bubble. It is illuminated by the Sunlight Tree Eve. I have to admit that the first time I saw the island, for a moment I thought I was back at Atlantis..." 

Hearing that, Gad and Saphir seem about to interrupt him and say something, but Emeraude quickly lightly pinches them and whispers to them to calmly listen for now.

Meanwhile, Sorrento continues, "It is clear that Lord Poseidon felt the same, as he didn't hesitate to decide to build his temple there and take both the island and its residents under our protection. At first, some of the inhabitants of the island were somewhat hostile and wary of us simply for the fact that we are humans, and after learning their history I could also understand why, but thanks to the Divine presence of Lord Poseidon which made the Merfolks and the Fish-men feel natural reverence toward him, the support of the King and Queen of the Ryugu Kingdom, and the constant effort of of the Marinas in protecting Fish-man Island and its people from the pirates and slavers, we all have been fully accepted by the people and integrated in their lives and of course, they started to truly worship Lord Poseidon from the bottom on their hearts allowing him to fully integrate his Divinity to this world." 

At this point, Gad is unable to hold himself back any longer and asks, "Wait, Wait, Wait! Are you saying that Fish-man Island is now under your protection!? What about Whitebeard!? And what is this Divinity that are you talking about!? Could this Poseidon guy be someone like Simon!? Does he think he is some kind of God too!?"

But before, I or even Sorrento could reply to any of his questions, it is Robin who doesn't hesitate to say her own conjectures, "If it is what I think is... this person we are talking about could very well be considered a God. Poseidon is the name given to one of the three Ancient Weapons said to be capable of destroying the world. I have read on a Poneglyph that Poseidon has the power to communicate with and control Sea Kings, an ability that not even the most powerful Merfolk possess. This can be considered to be an extremely powerful weapon because of the Sea Kings' destructive potential to sink islands with ease, and to control such a force is to be regarded as one of the most fearsome abilities in the entire world. When guided by the will of a righteous person, such power can easily save thousands of lives, but with evil intentions, it can sink everything into the ocean..."

Hearing that, Rubis, Saphir, Emeraude, and Gad loudly gasp as they know perfectly well what kind of destructive force can the countless Sea Kings in this world exhibit, and then Robin continues, "But now that I think about it, there is something that feels off... From what I have read on that Poneglyph found on Skypiea, Poseidon is the title given to certain mermaids belonging to the Ryugu Kingdom's royal bloodline, more colloquially known as the "Mermaid Princess"... but from the way Sorrento, Jayr, and Saori talked, it seems apparent that this Poseidon is actually a man..."

At this point, Sorrento chuckles and says, "Heh. That's right, Lord Poseidon isn't a female and neither he is a member of the Merfolk race, moreover, Poseidon isn't a title, but it is actually my lord's name, however, he does have a title, in fact, he has quite a few of them which are... Ennosigaios which can be translated as "Earth-shaker", Gaiēochos which means "He who holds the earth", Kyanochaitēs translated as "Dark-haired", Pelagios translated as "Belonging to the sea", Phykios which means "Full of seaweed", and even Hippios which is roughly translated as "Horseman"."

After saying that, Sorrento looks at Gad and says, "To reply to some of your questions. Yes, Fish-man Island is now under the protection of Lord Poseidon and his faithful, loyal warriors, the Marinas. Regarding the previous protector, the pirate that you refer to as Whitebeard, we were kind and graceful enough to send my fellow Marina General, Sea Horse Baian to inform the pirates about the change, and the man named Whitebeard was wise enough to not make any trouble."

(AN: I know that Whitebeard is one of the strongest people in this world, but even at his prime he is greatly outmatched compared to any of the Marina General, using the vs battle wiki tier system, the site I use as a reference for the power level of the characters, he is at Tier 5, which is the Planetary level, meaning capable of destroying a planet, meanwhile, even the weakest of the Marina General is still at Tier 3, the Universe level, meaning capable to at the very least destroy a universe. Even the weakest known character under Poseidon, the Mermaid Thetis is around Tier 6, Island to Continent level, and she is simply a random fish transformed and empowered by Poseidon.) 

At this point, Sorrento's words make Gad, Saphir, Rubis, Emeraude, Koby, and Robin take a sharp air intake and hold their breath, especially when they think about a force capable of making Edward Newgate, the "Strongest Man in the World", the "Man Closest to One Piece", more commonly known as Whitebeard, peacefully relent, but this is only the start as before I could stop him, Sorrento drops another bomb on them with a tone full of confidence, "Regarding your last question... I forgot to tell you the most important title of Lord Poseidon, he is the God of the Seas and Earthquakes! Lord Poseidon IS a true God! Just like Lady Athena and Lord Jayr!"

Suddenly the whole bridge turns silent for a few seconds but then I hear Nikita, Zandeer, Tio, and Alvida snicker, because of course, my lovers and fellow champions already knew everything about my and Saori's status as Gods and of course, the same can be said about my kids, Python, and Bidi. 

However, their snickers are quickly followed by the shocked shouts of the only ones still in the dark who are Koby, Gad, his wives, Saphir, Emeraude, Rubis, and Robin, the only one who didn't scream but instead her calm facade crumbles as she also shows a shocked and surprised expression on their face.

Seeing their reaction, I let out a resigned sigh while thinking, 'Well it isn't a problem even if they find it out, at first, the reason why I hid this information was that I felt like it was some senseless bragging, after all, in the great scheme of things being a God isn't so special, yes depending on the way one ascended, the God in question can be more or less powerful, have more "authority" or even unique abilities and Domain that give him an advantage over the others, but it is in no way something that unique or a sure way to invincibility and omnipotence, after all, I'm the prime example of that as I was able to defeat and kill Gods even as a mortal, and I'm not the only one capable of such feat, in fact, it is a pretty common trope in the Omniverse as a whole.'

While I'm thinking that, Gad snaps out of his stunned state, and then he suddenly asks, "Wait! Wait! Wait!! Do you mean those Gods, the ones with the capital "G"!? The ones people usually pray to!? They truly exist!!?"

Hearing his questions, Saori nods and kindly replies to the shocked Gad, Koby, and the others, "Indeed, Gods truly do exist, at the very least from where we come from..."

Saori then starts to briefly explain the usual basic information about the Omniverse, the Gods, and so on, and at the end of her explanation, she says, "In the end, most of the Gods aren't that much different from mortals, the main difference is in our natural lifespan which is basically immensurable as we won't ever die unless we get killed, our higher understanding of the world and its rules, and depending on our domains, abilities, and powers the capacity to bend some of the rules to our wills..."

After that explanation, we give them some time to digest this new flood of information of course the shock is still great for Gad, his wives, and Robin, who are the lasted to join our group, meanwhile, Koby accepted it much more easily, after all, he has been with us for quite some time and has seen me do many "humanly" impossible things, in fact, after a few seconds of shock, Koby simply let out a resigned sigh and said, "As expected of Jayr-san..."

At the same time, I also notice that Robin quickly recovers her bearings soon after Koby, but now different from before there is a new excited glint in her eyes, and I immediately realize that behind that excitement there are many other emotions, there are joy, happiness, expectation, and more than anything a strong desire to explore and learn.

But then Saphir quietly asks, "Uhm... Does that mean that Jayr- Jayr-sama and Saori-sama can do all kinds of impossible things... even reviving the dead?"

Hearing her question, I sigh before I reassure her that she can talk to me as she did before and explain that resurrecting someone is a lot more common than what other people think, and that in fact, in many other worlds, even mortal have the power to revive the deceased, of course, that within a strict set of rules, the only difference is that for me those rules are a little more flexible, and I also explain to them that if I or some other God decides to push more, or even completely break those rules, the consequences can vary but all of them are quite dire, from the universe/world itself starting to fight back to exile or kill you, to even the literal destruction of the whole universe/world, and of course, such revelation shocks them even more. 

Sometime later, we focus back on Sorrento and on the main topic of this discussion as I say, "Sorry about that, we had to explain that because some of them didn't know. Anyway, back to the main topic, what did Poseidon and the Marinas do after reaching Fish-man Island, successfully building the Temple of Poseidon, and getting accepted by the people living there?"

Hearing my question, Sorrento doesn't hesitate to reply, "After dealing with all the malicious pirates and slavers on the island, we first started to secure the areas surrounding the island with the help of those creatures called Sea Kings, which didn't hesitate to swear their allegiance to Lord Poseidon just like all the other creatures of the seas, who mostly help us in doing some minor jobs or gathering pieces of information on the movements of slavers, marine, pirates, and other individuals that could bring danger to the people under Lord Poseidon or even bring harm and pollute the sea and the rest of this world..."

At this point, Sorrento adds, "Talking about that, this year we took care of a certain individual named Chedhar Clown... no... Caesar Clown! That madman performed an experiment involving chemical weaponry on an island Punk Hazard. The experiment almost destroyed the island's entire ecosystem killing many people and leaving many others paralyzed. Luckily we learned about the incident from a Panda Shark that was nearby and who passed the news to a Sea King, and so on until it quickly reached our ears. As soon as we learned of that, we sent Scylla Io to take care of both Caesar Clown and the situation he caused before it could spread and cause further damage. He was able to save most of the island and also learn more about the reasons behind the incident."

I can't help but be a little surprised hearing about Punk Hazard and Caesar Clown as I did kinda forget about him and the mess he caused at Punk Hazard, but I quickly feel relieved once I hear that the Marinas already took care of him, 'It is good that Io already dealt with him, this way I don't have to worry about his kidnapping and experimenting on children to produce that artificial Zoan Devil Fruits... the Smile, hopefully, Io has even completely destroyed any trace of SAD on the island, that particularly unique substance that Ceasar was able to produce which is one of the few things needed to create SMILEs, putting a stop to Donflammingo's plans and weakening Kaido's crew...'

While I'm thinking that, Sorrento doesn't stop and drops another bomb on us, "In the end, this last incident was the last drop that broke the camel's back as Lord Poseidon finally chose to stop reinforcing our current position and act before it is too late and some stupid mortal in his or her ephemeral ambition ruins the beautiful planet they took for granted, and since there is no other deity he has to worry over, he decided that it is finally time to take over the World Government and purge the more unsavory elements while also freeing the unjustly enslaved people, in fact, we were preparing for the assault on the heart of the World Government, the Holy Land Mary Geoise, the capital of the World Government where its top brass reside and govern." 

Hearing that, makes Koby, Alvida, Robin, Gad, and his wives shout out in surprise, ""Whaaat!!?"" making Sorrento calmly nod while he adds, "Indeed, after living in this world for almost a year, we have learned enough about it to understand just how corrupted is the leadership of this world, if things continue like this it will be inevitable that the mortal would end up to destroying themselves and the rest of this world with them. Lord Poseidon won't allow such a thing to happen as he took quite a liking to this world. And so he decided to take a more direct approach, he even ordered all the marine life to search for those opposing the World Government so that we can work together to make the take over as smoothly as possible."

At this point, Sorrento scratches his chin while muttering, "Now that I think about it, Lord Poseidon recently sent Chrysaor Krishna to contact a certain Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army to propose our help in bringing down the World Government and in exchange they will ensure that the sea and the rest of this world will be treated with the respect it deserves."

After hearing all that, I immediately relax a little bit more while thinking, 'Good! This way I don't have to personally deal with bringing down the World Government and all the shitstorms that will come after. Hell Yes! Well... for sure, I'll still have to check on this world from time to time to make sure that Poseidon or someone else doesn't fuck up, but if Dragon and his men truly become the ones in charge then it is very likely that at the very least for this generation this world would become a better place, especially since the Revolutionary Army was originally a group known as the Freedom Fighters before assuming their current name, and it is the only force in the world that directly opposes the World Government and seek to dismantle it with some form of success despite the heavy oppression of the World Government and the Marine.'
While I was thinking that, we all started to move toward the dining area because with all that talking it was almost time for lunch, and of course, we invited Sorrento to join us and just for kicks I chose to prepare as first dish the Gnocchi alla Sorrentina, an incredible Italian comfort food dish made with soft and light potato gnocchi baked in a rich and delicious tomato sauce with bubbling mozzarella cheese and fresh basil.

This dish comes from Sorrento, Italy, hence the name Alla Sorrentina, which is a beautiful coastal town close to both the Amalfi coast and Naples, and coincidentally, it is also the name of our lilac-haired Marina General guest, so it is quite fitting.

Meanwhile, to accompany the Gnocchi alla Sorrentina, I decided to use another typical recipe from south Italy as the second dish, the Pollo alla Cacciatora (Chicken Hunter's Style), "alla cacciatora" in Italian refers to dishes cooked 'hunter's style' although what hunter's style is, varies all over Italy.

This dish no matter where you are in Italy, is always simple, rustic, and wholesome made with few ingredients but packed with beautiful hearty flavours.

Any dish made alla cacciatora always contains either meat, game, or poultry, the other ingredients vary by region but carrot, celery, and onion are a must, sometimes mushrooms are added and although you'll often find tomatoes and wine in your stew they're not always added, but bell peppers and hot pepper are a must.

While I and Seika are in the kitchen preparing the meals for everyone with the help of Gad's wives, the others remain in the dining area and take their place around the table and continue to calmly chat about random topics, and with a quick sweep of my senses, I learn that Gad is particularly curious about what is happening on Fish-man Island and so he is asking many questions to Sorrento, Koby also questions him, but his questions are more centered about the level of power that the warriors of my world usually reach.

On the other hand, Robin started to ask Saori, Eri, and Tio a lot of questions about the Omniverse, and in particular about the other worlds and she seems to enjoy very much learning about both Tortus and the Earth of the Arifureta Universe, and it is basically gushing when Saori starts to talk about the billion years of history that she experienced, which are basically the rise and fall of the eight distinct civilizations that emerged in the ancient world, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Maya, India, China, Rome, Greece, and Persia, and let's not forget about the countless tribes that emerged since the appearance of the first humans.

Sensing, Robin's excited state, I can't help but think with a wry smile, 'She is so excited about the immense wealth of wisdom and information which is Saori that Robin is almost on the point of having an orgasm... almost...'

At the same time, my mind starts to focus on Saori as she continues to kindly teach everything she knows to Robin, 'Thanks to the transition from Cosmo to Spiral Cosmo her Divinity finally fully synchronized with her reincarnated body which in turn made Saori fully recover all her memories and knowledge as the Goddess Athena instead of having only fuzzy and incomplete ones while being slightly guided by her own Cosmo. Usually, such things briefly happen when Athena's reincarnated body is donning her God Cloth and will become permanent when it is mature enough to withstand such an influx of information and Cosmo, but thanks to the Spiral Cosmo that overall enhanced her whole being, it happened a lot sooner than that, after all, Saori will turn 18 years old only this year, and even then it wouldn't have been enough...' 

While I'm thinking that, we finish preparing our lunch and finally start to eat it together, having some light-hearted fun.

After having lunch, we talked among ourselves and come to the decision to simply skip our planned stop at the Sabaody Archipelago and accept Poseidon's invitation to visit him at his temple located on the fabled underwater island, Fish-man Island.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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