Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 236 – The World is About to Change

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Paradise - 21 GAP

After having lunch, we talked among ourselves and decided to simply skip our planned stop at the Sabaody Archipelago and accept Poseidon's invitation to visit him at his temple located on the fabled underwater island, Fish-man Island.

There are many reasons behind this choice, the most obvious of them is that I wanted to avoid personally witnessing and showing my kids the shit show that is Sabaody Archipelago with its countless evil pirates, slaves auction houses, and shitty World Nobles, not only because I would be unable to hold myself back from doing something to fix, especially if I see with my own eyes just how much pain and suffering they cause to other people, but also because it isn't my job to personally fix every wrong in the Omniverse.

No matter how much I want to help and how powerful I become, it isn't meaningful if I do everything by myself, it is better that I teach or inspire others to do the same and make their own world better with their own hands, this way I only have to act when something truly catastrophic happens and no one else is able to do anything to stop it.

Luckily I already have the perfect young man for this job, at the very least in this world, of course, I'm talking about Koby, a pure young man who truly wishes to protect and help others from the bottom of his heart, in fact, before I leave this universe, I plan to fully Bless him making Koby my Agent of Justice in this world just like I did with Ehit's former Apostles and many other people in the Arifureta Universe and a few people in the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe.

With the help of my Blessing as God of Justice, Koby will be able to not only always contact me whenever he needs and in whatever universe I am through prayers, but he will also gain the Eyes of Justice, a weaker version of my own sight that allows him to discern the true nature of an individual and lastly to impose a Judgement with a single touch which will have different effects based on the deeds one did in his life and will behind them.

In simple words, if an evil person is subjected to Judgement, he will constantly feel the pain of all the evil deeds he did in his life for a period of time and intensity that changes with the level of guilt of the judged of course, if the judged is pure evil he will be killed by the Judgement and his soul destroyed, I admit that for this part I took inspiration from the Penace Stare of Ghost Rider. 

However, if the judged is a good person, the Judgement won't harm the person in question, but instead, it will reward them, giving them a healthier body, healing it from all diseases and injuries, a longer lifespan, and if meritorious enough, it will even give them a chance at being resurrected from a mortal wound. 

Another reason we chose to head directly to Fish-man Island is way more simple and direct, Gad and his wives, Saphir, Emeraude, and Rubis are now very anxious to return to their home after hearing about the changes it went through from Sorrento, and so, they want to check their friends and family's situation and ensure their well-being, after all, quite some time passed since they left Fish-man Island and joined Simon in hope of creating a better and fairer world. 

Then there is the reason that Fish-man Island is a lot more interesting and beautiful location to visit compared to Sabaody Archipelago for everyone on the ship has everything needed for a fun and wonderful experience, beautiful sights, interesting and culturally important locations, the existence of a Poneglyph, less shitty people and so on. 

But the most important reason behind our decision to skip the Sabaody Archipelago to head directly to Fish-man Island is because we don't have too much time left to stay in this world as Kharna's first birthday is quickly approaching and of course, we are going to celebrate it in our home universe with all our friends and families, and then, a few months later will also be time for Galen's birthday, moreover, quickly after that I'll have my own 19th birthday and with that, I'll also able to once again use the Unigate to visit a new universe. 

I already have one in mind, one that I wanted to visit for quite some time, but never had the opportunity to because, on one hand, I had more pressing matters to take care of, like ensuring that I quickly overcome my weaknesses like my former "weak" and "fragile" plain human body, the lack of magical knowledge and capacities which could have made me very vulnerable in some magic only based universes, and of course improve my overall level of power to such levels where I only have to be wary of the real powerhouses of the Omniverse, and fear only those few nigh-omnipotent beings that are second only to the Concept themselves.

On the other hand, there is also another good reason why I refrained from vising that particular universe until now no matter how much I would have liked to, and it is a very simple reason, safety, after all, in that universe there are quite a few beings that are on par with my current level of power, meaning capable of generating enough energy to erase or create an infinite number of universes and I didn't like the risk of facing any of them back then, especially because I don't know how they could react to my presence in their universe, both the good ones and the bad ones, but now I don't have to worry about that anymore because I'm strong enough to confront them if they are hostile.

At the moment, I'm sitting on the captain seat on the bridge with Galen and Kharna in my arms, and Python lying on my shoulders as we enjoy the spectacular underwater sights as the Athena's God Bidoof continues its descent.

If I'm not wrong we are about halfway to our destination, which means that we are around 5000 meters below sea level.

The journey until now was very enjoyable and peaceful, of course, the reason for that is that the Athena's God Bidoof is just too good of a ship.

This kind of enviroment won't cause any problem to it, in fact, this ship can travel through the literal sun and still be fine while keeping everyone within completily safe.

Of course, that isn't the only reason for the peaceful journey, after all, the Athena's God Bidoof is also being escorted by the same Sea King that brought Sorrento before which identifies us as Poseidon's guests which means that no form of sea life would ever give us any kind of trouble. 

Watching the scenery outside while describing to the kids the various creatures we see from time to time, I can't help but feel a little dejected while thinking, 'What a shame... the water pressure of this level of depth is still too weak and can't be used to tortu- train Koby in the same way I did...'

Indeed, the pressure of the water at this depth is still way too weak for being of any use to the current Koby, not only because he grew a lot stronger thanks to my training, but also thanks to the innate superior physique of the human living in this world which can grow a lot stronger than those of my own world and endure a lot more punishment, it almost makes me wonder if the human living in this world are actually human or a whole other race with the same name, something that now that I think about it is a lot more likely.

While I continue to spend time and play with the kids, time peacefully passes and the Athena's God Bidoof continues her descent undeterred, 6000 meters, 7000 meters, 8000 meters, 9000 meters, over 9000 meters, and finally we reach the 10000 meters below sea level and the giant hole that goes under the Red Line at the bottom of this deep trench, and then without any hesitation, the Athena's God Bidoof follows after the Sea King that is still leading our way and enters the very dark hole heading toward the light at the end of the tunnel, at the same time, I inform everyone on the ship that we are very close to our destination and soon, everyone arrives on the bridge to admire the legendary sights of Fish-man Island.

What greets our sight is the enchanting scene of a peaceful underwater paradise, with all manner of colorful fishes and sea creatures peacefully swimming around all illuminated by the light of the Sunlight Tree Eve, a colossal tree that absorbs sunlight and transfers it to its roots, which also supply air to the ocean floor through respiration, such beautiful sight makes everyone gasp in surprise and admiration, while Gad says in a chocked voice, "We are finally back... It is just as beautiful as I remember!"

In the middle of all that, there is the fabled island that resides in a giant double-layered bubble floating above the sea floor, seemingly filled with about half water and reef and half air, it is the Fish-man Island. 

I can also see the Ryugu Palace which rests in a smaller bubble on top of the main island's bubble, a beautiful and colorful immense castle seemingly built out of coral, pearls, and shining fish scales, with an impressive eastern dragon statue built around it.

But what catches my attention the most is the bubble floating above the Ryugu Palace connected to the bubble of the Ryugu Palace by a diagonal tube-like corridor, as I find the structure built within extremely familiar and indeed, soon after that, Sorrento declares, "Welcome to Fish-man Island, the place that Lord Poseidon chose as the place where he would build his temple."

Indeed that structure can only be the newly built Temple of Poseidon, a multi-story building surrounded by stairs, featuring classical Greek architecture and ornamentation, which I admit makes me feel quite nostalgic, as not only makes me remember my adventure in Atlantis with my fellow Silver Saints, but it also reminds me of my home, the Sanctuary. 

The temple is symmetrical, with its entrance located at the center, on either side, two ships stretch to the corners, and in them, two smaller ships rather advanced, there are several rows of columns with decorated friezes at the top and the entrance gable roof and sculptures on the pediment, it also has 4 winged sculptures at the entrance which represent sea creatures like sea horses and mermaids. 

While I'm focusing on the temple, I hear Sorrento as he explains, "We made sure that the new Temple of Poseidon would be almost the same as the one built in Atlantis. Just like that one, inside, the temple includes private apartments for the Marina Generals and the servants, long stairways, and relaxing walks surrounded by water. There is also the hall of the Scales, which is a large chamber in which the armors of Lord Poseidon and his Generals are displayed on golden pedestals when they aren't used, arrayed around a central urn, which is the container where Athena sealed Poseidon's soul in a previous Holy War, something that the Lord kept as reminder." 

Hearing that, I simply shake my head as I will never be able to fully understand the thought process of some gods, meanwhile, Sorrento continues with his explanation, "The Lord Poseidon's Throne Room is located opposite the entrance of the temple, against the back wall. It can be reached by climbing a long stairway outside, crossing double doors decorated with a relief of Lord Poseidon's trident, and climbing a second steep staircase."

At the same time, hearing about those details, I can't help but unconsciously click my tongue while thinking, 'Aahh we meet again my old nemesis... Stairs!! Okay, I admit it, I'm a little traumatized, but when you have to climb up the almost endless stairs of the Sanctuary so many times you eventually get sick of it.'

Meanwhile, Sorrento continues to narrate about the temple, "The interior is vast and spartan, mostly because that is where all the Marinas gather when the Lord summons us, as the Lord Poseidon's throne is the only piece of furniture present. The wall behind the throne can rise, providing direct access to the paved road leading to the Lord's personal dwelling, a smaller temple full of everything our Lord desires. A staircase descends to a level below the throne room, to a large open hall flanked by two aisles with columns. The nave of the rear facade of the temple is ahead of the rest of the building."

As Sorrento ends his explanation, the Athena's God Bidoof is approaching the bubble surrounding the island to reach the official entrance to the island.

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Fish-man Island - 21 GAP

Thanks to Sorrento's presence we are able to easily skip the customs inspection that every ship must undergo and enter the island without any issue.

After docking the Athena's God Bidoof in the port of the town known as Coral Hill, we all finally set foot on Fish-man Island and start to calmly head toward the nearby Fish Bus Station where we board a private Fish Bus, which is a large fish wearing a hat that is able to hover over land, thanks to a coating bubble, and swim in the sea, it is mainly used as transportation to cross both terrains, the coating bubble is on its back, with seats aligning its dorsal fin and I have to admit that it is quite an interesting means of transportation.

Like that, the Fish Bus starts to swim toward the Temple of Poseidon as Sorrento briefly explains to us more about this underwater paradise with Gad, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude adding some information from time to time.

Basically, the island is divided up both by class and by species of creature who lives there, one section with many of the Merfolk living in one section of the island, one section with the Fish-men living in a special district, and another section for the richest members of sea society, which includes that Pappag guy, the starfish who is both Camie's pet and teacher. 

Poor and disenfranchised fish-men and merfolk were shunted off into the Fish-Man District to be ignored by the upper classes and preyed upon by human pirates, brigands, and slavers with no protection from the Island's military, at the very least it was this way before Poseidon and his Marinas came, now that Fish-man Island fell under their protection, all the pirates, brigands, and slavers' activities stopped with those trying to harm the people there getting swiftly executed by the low ranked Marinas patroling the districts and thanks to that, the living standards of that place is slowly getting better and better.

Class also shows itself in various living facilities, where the richer creatures live on the higher floors, closer to the light from the surface, while the poor ones live in the lower, darker areas which speaks volumes of the level of influence that Poseidon was able to quickly gather as his temple is now built at the highest point, above even the Ryugu Palace where the royal family lives.

Then there is the iconic Mermaid Cafe, the restaurant owned by Madam Shyarly in Coral Hill which is especially popular on the island not only among the humans visiting the island but even by people living here, even more so now that the Marinas visit the place quite often and ensure everyone's safety.

The cafe's employees all live in the same dormitory in Mermaid Cove and are young attractive girls who bring men to the establishment for their charm and beauty like a hostess club. 

The cafe's menu includes cake, sea fruits, wakame seaweed brulee, mozuku seaweed tarts, konbu kelp souffle, shellfish meat, scallop sandwiches, and shijimi clam pizza.

Aside from shellfish, there are no meat or fish dishes, as merfolk do not consume them.

Then Gad talked about how even though there is a distinction between Fish-men and Merfolk, inter-species marriage between the two is allowed, in fact, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude are the result of such union themselves as their mother is a Fish-woman and their father a member of the Merfolk. 

However, he also told us that donation of blood between humans and Fish-men or Merfolk has been forbidden since ancient times, so long that in fact at this point everyone forgot the reason behind it. 

Of course, Gad also told us that it is here that he learned the Fish-Man Karate, more specifically in the Fish-Man Dojo, this dojo is the pride of Fish-Man Island and many young Fish-man aspire to train there.

As they give us a rundown of everything worth noting, we also look around to admire the very curious architecture of the island.

The majority of the buildings are designed like seashells, they are built on coral reefs, and some buildings are even floating in the air with bubbles encasing them, also, throughout the island are water streams that arc through the air, allowing citizens to swim within them for transport, and with Bubbly Coral as an inner tube, people can float in the air as well.

Then as we continue our advance toward the Temple of Poseidon using the Fish-bus, Sorrento explains with a hint of respect in his tone, "Amongst Fish-Man Island, three people are deeply respected as heroes: Edward Newgate, who declared the island his territory to prevent further abduction of the island's citizens, Jinbe, who is the strongest Fish-man on the island and is also the one that saved Queen Otohime's life, and Queen Otohime herself, who continues to fight in her own way for a better future for her people and thus is loved and respected by them. But none of them can obviously compare with what Lord Poseidon and us Marinas are doing to ensure their safety and future."

After some time the Fish Bus stops in front of a big vertical tube-like corridor that connects the bubble enveloping Fish-man Island with the bubble that develops the Ryugu Palace, at the same time, Sorrento comments, "The only way to access the Temple of Poseidon is by the corridor that connects the bubble of the Ryugu Palace to the bubble that envelope the temple. Moreover, only those Lord Poseidon approves or that are led by them can actually access the corridor."

Hearing that, Gad nods and adds, "If the temple is covered with several layers of bubbles like the Ryugu Palace then it is natural, after all, I heard that the bubbles surrounding the palace are supposed to be impenetrable..." but Sorrento shakes his head and at the same time, using my senses, I quickly understand what is going on especially since I have experienced something like that before.

Realizing that, I start to explain, "No, Gad. It isn't like that, it isn't like that at all. The layers of bubbles covering the Ryugu Palace are tough yes, but not even close to being impenetrable. But those covering the Temple of Poseidon are on a whole other level, in fact, those aren't even bubbles to begin with, but are, in fact, the boundaries of a whole new separate dimension. It is basically next to impossible for anything to pass through those "bubbles". The reason for that is that the gap between them isn't an empty space filled with water, but a Hyperdimension, a great space and time anomaly that divides this world from that new Dimension created by Poseidon. Moreover, this small "gap" area actually extends for many light years and is a place where space and time are destroyed, only the Gods or people who received their protection are able to cross the area without disintegrating immediately as they are subjected to those great cosmic forces." 

In response to my words, Sorrento slowly nods while commenting, "That's right, as expected of Lord Jayr, you have immediately discerned the truth..." while at the same time, Gad, and his wives loudly gulp as Koby timidily asks, "How can you be so sure of that, Jayr-san?"

With a smile I calmly reply while looking at the door of the corridor leading to Ryugu Palace opening, "It is pretty simple, I have seen and experienced the exact same thing many years ago when I invaded the Underworld to fight against the God of the Dead, Hades who wanted to kill all life on our world. Back then I had to pass through a similar Hyperdimension to reach him... I wasn't a God yet at the time and let me tell you it wasn't a nice experience. It felt like every particle of your whole being was squeezed and pulled apart by an unbearable force at the same time while everything around you was just an incomprehensible chaotic mess... Heh, those were good times..."

While I'm telling them that, the Fish Bus traverses the corridor and we finally arrive at our destination, right in front of the gates of the Ryugu Palace.

We all get down the Fish Bus and start to walk toward the gates, at the same time, I notice that there are already 8 people standing there with their backs facing us seemingly waiting for someone, most likely us, since I can easily see a familiar young man turn around and look at us as we approach the gates.

He is a young man with a dark brown complexion, long white hair styled in a kind of crest with a semi-shaved head, and with blue eyes, and no eyebrows at all, even if he isn't currently wearing his scale, I can easily recognize him as Chrysaor Krishna, another Marina General and one of the stronger ones too, in fact, he is second only to Sorrento.

Following Krishna's movement, the other 7 also turn around and I instantly realize that all of them are familiar faces, especially the two in the middle.

One is a tall middle-aged man with spiky black hair with a widow's peak and a tattoo on the left side of his face, which is colored dark red in the anime and bright red in the manga, he has a bit of stubble on his chin, and he is dressed in a long green cloak, underneath which he wears a dark suite, he is the father of the main character of this universe, the Revolutionary Monkey D. Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary army.

(Image Here - Monkey D. Dragon)


Right beside him, there is another important character, he is a tall and muscular young man, with round eyes, short curly hair, and a scar over his left eye, and he is dressed in a long black jacket with a buckle on the left sleeve, with a blue shirt and vest, a frilled cravat, and a simple belt holding a pair of loosen light-blue pants with black boots, a pair of brown gloves, and the iconic large black top hat with a pair of blue goggles wrapped around it, he is the sworn brother of both Ace and Luffy, Sabo, the right-hand man of Dragon and Second-in-Command of the Revolutionary Army. 

(Image Here - Sabo)


Then my gaze moves to the other people present, and realize that they are other notable individuals of the Revolutionary Army.

There is a tall, muscular, and bald man who wears half of a plague doctor mask on his face, he wears an open dark feather coat that leaves his chest exposed, dark pants, and a sash around his neck, his overall attire gives him a crow-like theme and appearance, which is fitting since if I remember well, his name is Karasu the commander of the North Army in the Revolutionary Army.

(Image Here - Karasu)


Nex to him there is a tall, slim woman with fair skin, and short, purple hair stylized in a bob cut, her pale green eyes are covered by a pair of black-framed sunglasses with red lenses and tiny white spots at the bottom, and she also wears red lipstick and is smoking a cigarette at the moment.

She wears a red top hat with red goggles, a pair of red curled horns on the front, and a long and puffy white plume on the back, a red tie, and her torso is barely covered, as she leaves her cropped red jacket with pink outlines open, in addition, she has red and white striped stockings under her red thigh-high boots, her frilly red skirt is short on the front and long at the back, she is Belo Betty, the commander of the East Army in the Revolutionary Army.

(Image Here - Belo Betty)


Then there is Morley, a giant, and a newkama, as well as the commander of the West Army in the Revolutionary Army, he is a very hairy and portly giant, with a Fu Manchu mustache and a shaggy chinstrap beard.

He wears very little clothing, only wearing a short plaid skirt in addition to belts around his arms, a flower symbol on his left forearm, dark gloves, a dark bowler hat with frilly goggles on it, and a weapons pack.

(Image Here - Morley)


The last one, Lindbergh or "Lind" for short, is a cat mink and the commander of the South Army in the Revolutionary Army.

He is a short cat mink, standing about half as tall as Belo Betty. He has somewhat dark-blue cyan colored hair, a pink nose and cream-colored fur.

He wears a light buttoned shirt, light pants, dark boots, and a dark buttoned coat. He also wears goggles over his eyes that have light-blue lenses, a top hat with another set of goggles that have orange lenses and a curved rim, jetpack on his back.

(Image Here - Lind)


Basically almost all the higher-ups of the Revolutionary Army are now standing in front of me, which is a clear indication that they took Poseidon offer very seriously and it is very likely that this world is turly about to change.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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