Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 237 – The Temple of Poseidon

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Fish-man Island - 21 GAP

As soon as we stop in front of Krishna and the leadership of the Revolutionary Army, the Chrysaor Marina General calmly greets his fellow Marina General, "Good to see you back so soon, Sorrento. It seems that both our missions went a lot smoother than expected, not that they were so difficult in the first place..."

Then Chrysaor Krishna turns toward Saori and me, places his palms together in front of his face, bows slightly, and respectfully greets us, "Namaskar, Lady Athena, and Lord Jayr. It is an honor for me to be in your radiant presence once again."

At the same time, I hear Sabo as he whispers to Dragon, "Dragon-san, those seem the people that Krishna told us he was waiting for... they seem to be some quite important people. This is the first time I have seen him talk with as much reverence and respect in his tone as he does when he speaks about his Lord Poseidon."

In response to Sabo's words, Dragon lightly nods and then, he whispers back, "Indeed, we have seen firsthand how powerful Krishna is. For someone as powerful as him to show just that much reverence toward those two people means that either they are way more powerful than him, or for him, those two have the same standing as his lord. Moreover, did you notice that black-haired woman at the back of the group? She is the woman I ordered everyone to locate more than 9 years ago, the sole surviving Archaeologist of Ohara, Nico Robin who became known as the "Light of the Revolution" among our men." 

Meanwhile, after greeting back Krishna and briefly introducing him to our companion, I look at Dragon and his men and say, "It's an honor to meet you all, the leaders of the Revolutionary Army. The ones who lead the men brave enough to directly oppose the corrupt World Government. Nice to meet you, my name is Pucci Jayr and these people behind me are my friends and family."

Then seeing that Sabo is about to introduce himself, I raise my hand to stop him and say, "There is no need to introduce yourself, as I already know who you all are..." 

I point at them one at a time starting from the Mink and say, "Lindbergh, the commander of the South Army in the Revolutionary Army. Morley, the commander of the West Army in the Revolutionary Army. Belo Betty, the commander of the East Army in the Revolutionary Army. Karasu, the commander of the North Army in the Revolutionary Army. Sabo, the Second-in-Command of the Revolutionary Army..."

With each name I utter, I see the frown on Dragon's face grow bigger and bigger and it doesn't improve as I add, "This is almost all the leadership of the Revolutionary Army, the only ones missing are Emporio Ivankov, one of the Revolutionary Army's founding members, as well as the commander of the G Army, which covers the Grand Line who is currently enjoying his stay at Impel Down waiting for your signal to start his jailbreak, and Bartholomew Kuma an officer and founding member of the Revolutionary Army, currently a member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas that is slowly being converted into a cyborg by Dr. Vegapunk for some reason."

Such revelation obviously causes Gad, Saphir, Rubis, and Emeraude to shout out in shock for the umpteenth time, while I watch full of pride as Koby takes this shocking news calmly as he shakes his head and mutters in a low resigned tone, "After learning the truth about Jayr-san and Saori-san, nothing can shock me anymore. I learned that the world I live in is absurd and anything and everything is absolutely possible..." 

At this point, Dragon's face looks very grim, but before he can say anything, I continue, "And of course, we can't forget about the most important one among them all, the "Rebellious Dragon", the infamous Supreme Commander of the Revolutionary Army and one of its founding members, as well as formerly the captain of the Freedom Fighters. The man who used to be part of the Marines but became disillusioned with the organization's outlook on justice, and this, along with the fallout from the Ohara Incident, sparked his desire to attempt to overthrow the World Government, with his endeavors ultimately causing him to be labeled the "World's Worst Criminal". He is truly someone devoted to changing this world and its people for the better..." 

At the same time, while I'm saying that, I think, 'In fact, it seems that every member of his family is devoted to making the world better in their own ways. Dragon, of course, wants to overthrow the corrupt World Government to stop it from harming the people even more. His father, Garp tries to make the world better through the Marine, more specifically, by trying to raise a new generation of strong, good, morally just Marines, moreover, throughout the anime/manga and from what I have experienced when I met him in person, Garp gives me the impression that he is someone devoted to safeguarding the future and its endless possibilities. Then there is his son, the main character of this universe, Luffy, the man who even if he continuously yells that his dream is to be the King of Pirates and doesn't seem to think much about such a thing, it is undeniable that all his actions brought great change to the world as a whole...'

As I'm thinking that, Dragon maintains his calm, but it is clear that he feels threatened as he says, "It seems that you have quite a lot of information about us... some of which are things that absolutely no one should be able to know about..."

I simply shrug my shoulders and reply to his unasked question, "Don't worry, the reason for that is that I basically saw many instances of possible past and future events through some special means. Thanks to that, I know a lot of things, but I'm nowhere close to being all-knowing... nor do I have any desire to be as it would be incredibly boring."

At this point, Sabo steps forward and asks with a tone full of disbelief, "Is that true? I don't believe it! How is something like that truly possible!?" but before I could say anything, Dragon replies, "Yes, Sabo. It is possible as I have seen and heard many strange and sometimes seemingly impossible things. For example, even on this very island, there is a rumor of a shortfin mako shark mermaid fortune teller, she has the ability to see the future using some kind of crystal ball as a medium to look into the future and see events that are yet to come. The one limitation to her power is that she cannot predict the exact time period when her predictions will happen, but only that they will happen..."

Hearing that, I smirk a little, nod, and add, "Indeed, this world is full of many incredible and mysterious things... for example, the connection between you two is a lot stronger than both of you think..."

Seeing both Sabo and Dragon look at me with confusion and intrigue, I continue to explain with a mischievous smile on my face, "That's right your connection is a lot deeper than mentor and student. The most simple and obvious of all is that you both originate from the Goa Kingdom, but that is something that you both already knew. But there are a few that you have missed because of Sabo's memory loss. First, both of you were on the receiving end of the dreaded Fist of Love in your youth as a certain someone beat you u- *cough* trained you..."

At the same time, I can't help but smile seeing Dragon's body twitch a little as his eyes widen to show his surprise as he learns of this new information, meanwhile, Sabo is surprised to find his body unconsciously shudders without his control a clear sign that even if his mind has temporarily repressed his memories about his past with Luffy and Ace, his body still clearly remember.

I continue to look at the mentor-pupil pair as I continue, "But the most important and strongest connection that the two of you have is that the young boy that you saved many years ago, took by your side and trained for over 9 years is, in fact, the sworn brother of your son, so in a board sense you two can truly be considered a family." 

This revelation doesn't shock and surprise only Dragon and Sabo, but everyone else, especially the members of the Revolutionary Army who until this point didn't even know that Dragon had a son. 

At the same time, I take advantage of this moment of general chaos to quickly move in front of Sabo, and before anyone can react, I lightly tap his forehead with my finger and send a small thread of Spiral Cosmo into his mind to unlock all his repressed memories, of course, I also made sure that the sudden influx of memories doesn't overload his brain causing him to faint and then I quickly return back to my position right beside Saori just before anyone could do anything.

Of course, after that, everyone raises their guard as a now wary Dragon looks back at me and asks with a clear threat in his tone, "What did you do to Sabo?" but before I can reply, Sabo exclaims, "I remember everything now! I remember about Ace and Luffy! How could I have forgotten about them!?"

This immediately causes everyone to focus on Sabo who quickly reassures them that he is fine while Dragon continues to stare at me, but before the discussion can continue and they can ask something else, Sorrento steps forward and says, "This introduction has gone for far too long, I would like to ask everyone to hold back your inquiries for the moment, after all, it isn't wise to make Lord Poseidon wait for us too much and spoil his mood, especially since he has already sent someone to pick us up."

At the same time, the gates of the Ryugu Palace open and from the other side a short, rather rotund catfish merman with light blond waist-length hair, a long beard, and two large whiskers for a mustache, wearing a monocle on his left eye and an over-sized top hat walks toward us as he uses a wooden cane that has a horned design on the top to get around.

Right behind him, there are a dozen Ammo Knights who serve as the royal guards for the Neptune Family on Fish-Man Island, they wear large striped spiral shells as helmets and shoulder pads with their eyes covered by a black mask of some kind, the helmets have a spike sticking out in the front, similar to a that of a unicorn, all of them carry a tridents as their weapon of choice.

The catfish mermen lightly bows and says, "I welcome you all to our kingdom dear guests. I'm the Minister of the Left and have come here to receive you under the orders of King Neptune and the almightly Lord Poseidon, if you would please follow me as I lead you to the entrance to Lord Poseidon's domain." 

In response to his words, the people of the Revolutionary Army quickly regain their bearing and under Dragon's lead they move to follow after the Minister of the Left as he leads the way, of course, my group also moves after them, but different from them, we are a lot more relaxed, at the very least it is so for most of us as some are still nervous about meeting Poseidon, especially knowing his true identity and what he is truly capable of.

After a few minutes, we stand in front of the massive doors of the corridor that function as the entrance to the "bubble" where the Temple of Poseidon is located, the doors are made of stone, and engraved into them is a trident, the symbol that represents Poseidon the best as it is his weapon of choice. 

In front of the doors, waiting for us, there is a seahorse merman, who has ridges along his back and the sides of his face, as well as a curly orange tail like a seahorse rather than a standard merman's fishtail, his mouth also protrudes forwards like a seahorse's.

He wears a jacket with two circles and a band on each sleeve, the jacket's sleeves are very large on the end, and he carries a katana on his left hip and a trishula-like trident, that man greets us and calmly introduces himself as the Minister of the Right, the together with the Minister of the Left, they back away as Sorrento and Krishna open the massive stone doors inviting us to walk inside.

Once inside the transparent tube-like corridor, I can't help but groan seeing the almost endless ramp of stairs in front of me, and at the same time, I also mentally complain, 'Oh come on! What the fuck is wrong with these Greek Gods and their love for stairs!? It is almost like they put them all over the place just to spite me!!'

Meanwhile, I hear some impressed exclamation coming from everyone else as they look around in wonder, and notice that once inside the transparent corridor, the scenery outside the corridor changes drastically, because all around us there is an endless tunnel-like space, in which, time and space are constantly changing and clashing within it, which makes me comment, "As expected the good old Hyperdimension."

Then Sorrento doesn't waste any time and warns everyone, "Be careful. Stay always within the corridor, because you won't like the result of being exposed to what is outside." 

In addition, to further prove to them just how dangerous it is, I pick up a rock a throw it into the space outside the corridor, and then they all watch in horror as the rock is obliterated the instant it was exposed to the Hyperdimension making everyone shut up and follow after the Marina General as they lead us up the endless ramp of stairs.

Finally, after a long mind-numbing climb, we see the literal light at the end of the tunnel, and before most of the people present realize what is going on, we are now standing in front of the majestic Temple of Poseidon, then after the Revolutionary Army people and the weaker ones among my group regain their bearing, Sorrento and Krishna lead us into the temple which as they said before is an almost exact same replica of the one that was built on Atlantis.

Before long, we finally arrive at the Throne Room and see and handsome, imposing, tall man with long dark blue hair whose color reminds me of the ocean and clear blue eyes calmly sitting on the throne, but he isn't the only one in this room as I also notice many familiar faces who turned around to look at us. 

There is a large blue whale shark Fish-man, he has a stocky build similar to that of a sumo wrestler and a face that is commonly associated with various Japanese demons such as the oni, his yellow eyebrows, and sideburns are distinctly shaped like those found on such demons, in addition to a bulb-like nose and an angular lower lip pointing upwards. 

He has a lightning-shaped scar that can be seen from his left sideburn and reaching over his left eye, and also possesses two tusk-like conical lower fangs associated with Oni as well, the rest of his teeth from the upper and lower rows are pretty much the same, albeit much smaller, he also has a severe underbite, which makes room for his huge fangs.

He has long, two-toned black hair, with two long stripes, colored white, coming from the roots over his forehead and trailing down the back, a topknot, and a tuft of hair on his chin with a slight green hue, his hands and feet are also webbed, typical for a fish-man, and his limbs that are somewhat thin in comparison with his enormous girth, his gills are in between his shoulders and neck, he can only be Jinbe the man who should have been a member of the Seven Warlords of the Seas if the Champion born into this universe didn't change that with his actions.

(Image Here - Jinbe)


But he isn't the only one present here, as the whole Royal Family of the Ryugu Kingdom is also present.

I easily recognize King Neptune, a giant-sized and muscular coelacanth merman, with a red nose, small eyes, and long thick orange curly hair and beard, both his chest and arms are covered with hair. 

He is bare-chested and has matching black tattoos on both arms, which look like a spiral with wavy protrusion designs around it, wears a gold crown that resembles a tulip with jewels embedded, a golden bracelet on each wrist, and carries a gold trident with an elaborate design.

(Image Here - King Neptune)


Next to him, there is his wife, Queen Otohime a normal human-sized mermaid, her golden blonde hair is partially held up in two loops, much like her daughter Shirahoshi only shorter, with an orange headpiece, she also has blue eyes, thick eyelashes, and wore pink lipstick.

She is wearing a very long white kimono with a cream-colored carp-scale design along the hem and a sash around her shoulders that floats behind her head much like her children.

(Image Here - Queen Otohime)


Right behind them, there are their 4 children, each one very different from the other.

There is Fukaboshi, who is an enormous, muscular shark merman, with a wide chest and large arms, he has a long face, framed by wavy fair blue hair flowing down to his shoulders, a sharp and pointy nose, and a dot of some sort printed on the middle of his forehead, he has gills on his massive neck and a dark blue tail with light blue polka-dots.

Fukaboshi wears a dark garment around his waist, held up by an extremely long sash, he also dons a light blue long band, which passes over his shoulders, drawing a circle around the back of his neck, and falls down to his waist, seemingly floating behind him, and carries around a gold trident with him like his father.

(Image Here - Fukaboshi)


Right next to him, there is Manboshi, who is a rotund, stocky, and large merman, like his brothers, he has a polka dot tail, with a black variation along with white polka dots and red scales, he also has brown hair and red fins on his head.

He wears a blue hat with a dirty white stripe going across the middle of it, the stripe is serrated on the bottom side and there is a dot pattern inside the stripe, he also wears a yellow sash, like everyone else in his family.

(Image Here - Manboshi)


Then there is the last brother, Ryuboshi, who is an extremely tall and thin merman and is the second tallest of his brothers, he has wide eyes, long wavy dark pink hair, and beaverlike teeth, and also has a long purple tail with white polka dots and a red fin.

He is the only one of the princes to be clothed in the upper body, he wears a fancy robelike garment with sleeves that are puffed at the shoulders and wrists and carries two swords behind him, held in place by an orange sash. 

(Image Here - Ryuboshi)


And the last and obviously the most eye-catching one is Shirahoshi, a giant-sized mermaid, approximately the size of her father but slightly shorter than him, she has very long, flowing pink hair with a teriyaki-shaped hairgrip, and her breasts are large, even relative to her giant-like size, and much of her upper body is exposed, she has a very long light red and pink striped tail furthermore her broadly striped tail ends in a ruffle around her waist.

She wears a cleavage-baring yellow halter top covered in pearls with a strap that widens and sticks out on the back of her neck and also wears clam earrings and belly chains with a cloth hanging down in front. 

(Image Here - Shirahoshi)


Of course, such a huge size would usually make one wonder how could someone small-sized like Otohime push out a giant-sized baby like Shirahoshi, but people forget that they are Merfolk, not Humans, which means that the way they birth their progeny is different from Humans.

Fish-man and Merfolk can actually reproduce in three different ways depending on their needs, the species of the parents, and the chosen method, all of which are very similar to the methods used by many species of fish, the first one is that the female drops the eggs in the water which are immediately fertilized by sperm from the male, the second way is for fertilization to occur within the females body before she drops them into the water, while in the third and final method, the female retains the eggs within her body and the young are born alive.

While I'm studying the people present, Sorrento and Krishna stop in front of Poseidon's throne, kneel down and report, ""We greet Lord Poseidon! We inform you that we have successfully completed your orders!"" 

After that, Krishna quickly gives him a brief report about it, explaining how he used the marine life to find information about the Revolutionary Army, how he contacted the leaders and convinced them to come here to discuss their collaboration using the ability to command the Sea King and the rest of the marine life as argument to prove them that they have only to gain from this collaboration, something that makes me realize that Dragon and the other basically have next to no idea about what kind of force they are actually facing.

Once Krishna ended his report, I stepped forward with Saori following me and greeted Poseidon, "Well met, Poseidon. I hope this world is treating you well?" which made Poseidon smirk a little, before he nodded and replied, "Welcome to my new temple, Jayr, Athena and their companions."

After that, all of a sudden, Poseidon starts to laugh as he says, "Pohahaha! Now that I think about it! This is the first time in more than a billion years that you have arrived in my temple as an honored guest instead of an enemy! It is funny how a long time like this seems only a blink of an eye for us!"

Poseidon then taps his trident on the floor and the next instant, another two thrones appear beside his as he says, "Come. You are the only ones here worthy of sitting by my side..." to which we both nod and move to sit by his side to the surprise of not only the members of the Royal Family, but also Sorrento and Krishna who have never thought possible that their God could be so affable with Athena. 

Seeing that, I shake my head while thinking, 'They seem to forget that even if Athena and Poseidon "warred" for billions of years, they never actually tried to truly kill each other, Athena always sealed Poseidon in her victory, and Poseidon at most tried to kill the mortal body of Athena who would reincarnate once again after "only" 250 years or so, not Athena herself, basically what for us was a literal Holy War for them was nothing more than a family dispute, and now that it is resolved they are back to being uncle and niece.'

After I and Saori with Galen and Kharna in her hands took our place, Poseidon looked around his Throne Room for a few moments and then he added, "Since everyone is finally here we can finally talk about how we are going to take over that nasty corrupt World Government and purge it of all its filth for the sake of this world... but since this discussion will take some time, it is better that everyone is comfortable enough." 

After saying that, Poseidon once again taps the butt of his trident on the floor making a set of chairs and a table appear a few meters away from the throne, then he says, "Take a seat we have a lot of things to discuss about..."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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