Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 239 – Visit at the Marine Headquarters

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Fish-man Island - 21 GAP

A heavy silence falls on the Sea Forest after Robin finishes narrating the true history of this world, finally revealing the truth hidden behind the so mysterious Void Century.

Some of the things that Robin just revealed are so shocking, that I'm still trying to digest them, 'Holy shit... that was for sure... quite illuminating in many different ways... first of all, planet Blue Star was encircled by 8 smaller satellites planets, which were the homeworlds of the many different races that now live here... then for some reason that Imu caused all these satellites planets to collide against one other forming the moon forcing the species to move to planet Blue Star... the existence of this very powerful race called Lunarians... The Creation of the Great Ancient Kingdom of Dion... JoyBoy, the Warrior of Liberation with the title of Sun God... his close friends the Earth God, the Rain God, and the Forest God... The Nefertari Family was allied to the Ancient Kingdom... but more important of all, is the existence of Imu who now that I think about it is very likely to be the last boss of this universe and the origin of the Devil Fruits and the very likely existance of a Devil Fruit Tree... that is a LOT!'

While I'm thinking that, I suddenly focus on Robin standing beside me as she mutters in a choked voice while her body shakes and tears fall from her eyes, "Finally... hic... after so many years... hic... I have finally uncovered the true history... I have finally fulfilled Mom, Professor Clover, and everyone else's wish! I finally did it...!!" 

Looking at Robin like, I can't hold myself back from unconsciously wrapping my arm around her trembling shoulders to pull her closer to my body and give her some form of comfort and support, in response, Robin hugs me back burying her head into my chest as she mutters, "Thank you, Jayr... thank you for helping me in fulfilling my wish and dream... thanks for everything you have done for me... for being here with me!"

In the peaceful atmosphere of the Sea Forest, we remain hugging each other like that for quite some time as neither is willing to let go of the other, and then after some time, we separate and Robin looks at me with a pure, bright smile on her face as she says, "Thank you. Let's head back to the palace, I'm sure that some of the information we have dug up will be useful to the members of the Revolutionary Army, and I think we should at least warn Sorrento about the possible presence of Imu hidden somewhere in Mary Geoise, especially considering its presumed immortality..." 

The beautiful image of her smiling face leaves me stunned for a few moments but then I snap back to reality and finally register the words she just said, and I agree with her suggestion with a nod.

But before leaving the Sea Forest, I make sure to teleport all the replicas of the Poneglyphs to the storage of the Athena's God Bidoof to keep them as souvenirs and reminders of this adventure, and after doing that, we head back to the Ryugu Palace to inform the others about what we have found out.

Of course, Dragon and the others were shocked to learn about the truth behind the Void Century, but what is surprising is that Kuma and Bonney already knew about the existence of the Sun God, Nika because apparently Kuma is actually a Buccaneers, a nearly-extinct special race of humanoids taller than average humans but smaller than giants.

The legend of the Sun God Nika has been passed down in buccaneer folklore for many generations, as Nika is revered as a divine figure who will bring joy and freedom to the world as per Buccaneer beliefs, moreover Buccaneers are said to have committed a great crime against the world in the past, due to which they are forced to hide from the World Government to avoid persecution and if discovered, a Buccaneer and their family may be forced into slavery for the World Nobles.

But with the revelation of Void Century, it is clear that the "great crime" that they speak of was simply standing by JoyBoy's side as they fought against the treacherous 20 Kingdoms and their evil ways. 

Another thing that worried them was Imu's existence and its presumed immortality, but as soon as he heard about it, Emporio Ivankov hypothesized that Imu may instead be one of the First Twenty from 800 years ago maybe even their leader, a member of the Nerona Family named Saint Imu, who would have received the "Perennial Youth Operation" and not this incredibly powerful being that we just learned about, he even brought out a book about all the twenty World Nobles families to prove it, but in the end, we come to the conclusion that the history described in the Poneglyphs is the more reliable source between the two. 

But before they could start to panic I quickly reassured them that even if Imu really has some form of immortality, it still isn't an insurmountable problem because Sorrento's signature technique, the Dead End Symphony, in which he plays a song on his flute that is able weakens his opponent to the point that they are unable to fight back should be more than enough to deal with him or her. 

The reason for that is that the music directly resonates within the opponent's brain, meaning that even if the opponent can not physically hear the song, he would still be affected, moreover, the Dead End Climax, which is unleashed once Sorrento reaches the climax of his song, will kill his opponent by destroying their mind meaning that even if Imu is physically immortal he or she would still end up at the very least brain dead, in addition, if Sorrento unleashes all his power he is capable of even targetting the opponent's soul instead of the brains, which obviously makes this technique even more deadly.

And even in the small eventuality that Sorrento or the other Marina General are unable to deal with Imu, there is always Poseidon behind them, and at this point, no type of immortality or mysterious power can save Imu from his divine wrath, the gap between their power level is just too wide.

After informing everyone of the new information, and reassuring the members of the Revolutionary Army, I spent the rest of the day having fun and playing with Kharna, Galen, Python, Bonney, and Kuma of all the people, but I admit that it was nice seeing the always serious and intimidating Bartholomew Kuma playing and dancing with his adopted daughter with a big smile on his face, showing his kind heart and peaceful nature, making me even more disgusted of the World Government and the current state of this world that turned such kind man into nothing more than a weapon of fear and destruction.

At the very least the idea that such a corrupt and twisted World Government has its days numbered brings a satisfied smile to my face.

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Marineford - 21 GAP

I calmly walk on the turbulent waters of the Tarai Current with Koby on my shoulders as I explain to him, "These waters are the Tarai Current, a giant spiral ocean current that flows between and connects the World Government's three major facilities in the first half of the Grand Line, the judicial island Enies Lobby, the underwater prison Impel Down, and the now former Marine Headquarters Marineford..." 

As I give him a brief rundown of everything he needs to know, I can already see the very famous and iconic Gates of Justice in the distance, which is a massive structure that opens into a water current called the Tarai Current leading to either Impel Down or Enies Lobby, it looks like a large gate built into the air with the symbol of the World Government on them and declare, "We are almost there... Hold thigh!".

And without wasting any time, I start to fly over the Gates of Justice giving me a clear sight of our destination, Marineford, a crescent moon-shaped island that is composed completely of bricks and steel, with cannons on the edges. 

At the back of the island, standing large, tall, and proud is the Marine Headquarters building, the building is a large multistory ancient Japanese-stylized palace, with the base bearing the kanji for "Marines" (海軍), with the Marines symbol in between. 

Around the building's four cardinal corners, there is a small mountain with a small building on top and a flag with the Marines' symbol placed on top of the roof. 

Marineford is the island of the base of operations for Marine Headquarters, it is where Fleet Admiral Sengoku and the Admirals reside, along with many Vice Admirals and lower officers when they are not assigned to another base, while the city surrounding Marineford is inhabited by the families of Marine soldiers.

The island is situated near the Sabaody Archipelago and laid directly next to Mary Geoise on the Red Line. 

The only safe way to reach Marineford is usually through the Gates of Justice, but of course when one can fly and teleport whenever he wants and is able to make himself undetectable by basically any possible means in existence makes most of the protection and natural hazards pretty much useless. 

The reasons why I and Koby are heading there are somewhat complicated and simple at the same time, on one hand, I simply want to show Koby the main headquarters of the Marine, the place that will very likely be his new home once I'm gone from this universe, on the other hand, the most important reason why I'm here is to talk with Sengoku and the other pillars of the Marine and convince them to fully abandon the sinking ship that is the oppressive, tyrannical World Government and join forces with the Revolutionary Army and Poseidon's Marinas allowing them to maintain a form of order in the world even as it goes through the incoming changes.

At first, King Neptune suggested that Dragon or Kuma should be the ones to get in contact with the Marine.

Dragon because of his identity as the leader of the Revolutionary Army, and a former Marine could help in contacting former comrades making it more likely to be successful, while Kuma, being still a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea would find it even easier to get in contact with the upper echelons of the Marine.

But both of them quickly shot down this suggestion, Kuma explained that even if he has an "official" means to get in touch with both the Admirals and the Fleet Admiral, they are mostly one-way, meaning that the Admirals or Fleet Admiral in question, or those under their command, have to contact him first and even in that case, it is very unlikely that they would listen to the words of a "pirate" or even find them trustworthy.

Meanwhile, Dragon quickly declared that his current identity as the "Revolutionary Dragon" would make it impossible to have any kind of conversation with any of the Marines as he is labeled as the "World's Worst Criminal", he added that his former comrade wouldn't listen to any of the words he would say, and even revealed that the only person he could contact within the Marine is his father, Monkey D. Garp but he is way too stubborn to listen to reason and any attempt at convincing him would end up in a fist fight in one way or another as it has already happened many times before.

Of course, the revelation that the "Revolutionary Dragon" is, in fact, the son of the "Hero of the Marines" Monkey D. Garp shocked the shit out of almost everyone present, even more so, when they found out that despite one being a Marine and the other the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the two of them continue to regularly keep in contact.

But before the discussion could move further away from the relevant topic, I stepped forward and proposed myself as their envoy, explaining that it is something easy for me to reach and enter the Marine Headquarters in Marineford, in addition, I also told them that I already personally know both Admiral Borsalino, Dragon's father, Vice-Admiral Monkey D. Garp, and even Fleet Admiral Sengoku knows about me, moreover, different from Dragon and Kuma, I'm technically still a civilian that is on friendly terms with the Marine as I did give a hand in cleaning their messes a few times which means that they are more likely to take what I will tell them more seriously.

My proposal earned the approval of both the Royal Family and the Revolutionary Army and so here I am, flying over Marineford Bay as I head toward the Marine Headquarters building, while at the same time, I continue to explain Koby everything I know about it, "This is the Mariford Bay, it has the Encircling Wall installed all around of the island, which is composed of thick and high steel walls that emerge from under the sea, surrounding and trapping anyone who is inside the said area, these walls are resistant to even Whitebeard's shock waves, and have cannons installed in windows at the top, allowing the Marines to barrage the entrapped targets. It is a simple but at the same time effective solution against possible attacks, after all, most of the enemies that would end up trapped in this area could only arrive here on ships, making those thick and durable walls a very nasty obstacle as it makes them unable to land and if they insist on remaining in the area, they would only be a sitting duck waiting to be shot down by the cannons..." 

We calmly continue our advance undeterred as I fly above Marineford Town and continue with my lesson, "As you can see, the majority of the island is occupied by Marineford Town, which as you can note is quite a bit large, especially compared to most other towns and cities in the world. It is mostly home to the families of the Marines stationed at Marineford but not every Marine chose to move their families here, because despite being safer and more peaceful than many other towns and cities in the world, you have to remember that first and foremost, this place is the headquarters of the Marine and as such, a prime target for the most dangerous and reckless pirates. On the center of the island is an execution scaffold, and around it is a small town with trees around the area. The front of the scaffold, which is a plain and empty area, is known as the Oris Plaza, where the Ox Bell stands at the front which is one of the most important places on the island. The Ox Bell is a sacred bell that was originally on the ancient warship Ox Lloyd's. The ringing of the bell signifies the end of one year and the beginning of another. It is rung eight times to give thanks for the old year, and another eight times to welcome the new year. If it is rung twice, it signifies some sort of disaster or distress."

As I continue to teach Koby, I finally land in front of the Marine Headquarters building, and without wasting any time, I put down Koby and together we walk inside the building while everyone around us ignores our presence.

Seeing that scene, Koby can't stop himself from commenting, "As expected... Jayr-san can just walk inside one of the most heavily defended places in the world and no one can even take notice of it..." which makes me smirk as I say, "This is nothing, I just making so that these marines ignore our presence by messing with their senses... I know of people whose presence is so unnaturally thin and feeble that even Gods ignore and sometimes even forget their existence if they take their gaze away from them for even one second... Then there are people who are able to render themselves unseen and unfindable by anything, making them unable to be visually, physically, conceptually, etc. detected by any means including magic, technology, divine beings, etc."

As I continue to explain to Koby about the existence of people like J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter from the DC Universe, Yu Il-Han from the Everyone Else is a Returnee Universe, Marie Adler from the Infinite Dendrogram Universe and Meleoron from the Hunter x Hunter Universe, we advance undeterred until we reach the office located at the highest level of the building, the office of the Fleet Admiral Sengoku.

Standing in front of the closed door of the office, I quickly use my senses to check what is happening on the other side and sense the presence of 6 people and one animal.

Among the people present two are very familiar as I immediately recognize the presence of Garp and Borsalino, which means that it is very likely that a meeting between the upper echelon of the Marine is currently ongoing, and realizing that, a smirk forms on my face as I think, 'Lucky!'

I continue to manipulate everyone's senses to hide our presence as I open the door and calmly walk inside with a nervous Koby following behind me, close the door behind me, and start to take a look at the people present in the office.

I briefly look at the goat sleeping on the floor, at Garp calmly sitting as he eats a cracker, and at Borsalino who is standing together with the other two Admiral before I focus on the others.

The first one that catches my attention is a tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a mustache, his cap covers his hair, which is set in a large afro as I know thanks to the anime, he is the Fleet Admiral Sengoku. 

Ironically, despite already being an elderly man of 76 years old at this time, thereby making him a year older than Garp and Rayleigh, Sengoku displayed little to no physical signs of his actual age, with his hair still not having grayed while Garp, Rayleigh, and Tsuru all are showing signs of their advanced age, this is most likely an effect of the Devil Fruit he ate, the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Daibutsu (Human Human Fruit, Model: Great Buddha), a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a giant golden Buddha and a human-Buddha hybrid at will, in fact, it is possible that Sengoku is currently staying in his hybrid form so that he won't show any weakness to his subordinates.

He wears black-rimmed glasses and a white and gold full Marine admiral uniform that is adorned with medals, the most distinctive features of this uniform are a life-size seagull on top of his cap, and his oversized Marine coat which he wears like a cape, his coat has the kanji for justice, in blue, emblazoned on the back, and has unique colored cuffs, with his being white. 

(Image Here - Sengoku)


Then my gaze moves to the next oldest person in the office, Vice-Admiral Tsuru, a tall, thin, and elderly woman with gray hair tied in a bun who is also calmly sitting next to Garp listening to what the others are saying. 

Her attire appears to be less formal than the other high-ranking officers, consisting of an untucked shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and a tie around her neck, and calves-long pants, which makes her somewhat resemble the animal of her name, the crane, she sports earrings made of beads and wears two bracelets on her right wrist, the epaulets on her Marine coat are golden for the outer epaulets and purple with two white dots for the inner epaulets.

(Image Here - Tsuru)



In the end, my gaze moves from Tsuru to the two remaining people standing in front of the Fleet Admiral's desk.

One is an incredibly tall, slim, yet muscular man, at 2,98 meters tall, he is just slightly shorter than the other two Admirals, he has black, curly hair cut to chin length that fans out at the tips, tanned skin, and an altogether lean, long build.

His standard outfit consists of a white buttoned-up vest with a standing collar over a long-sleeved navy-blue shirt, with matching white trousers and black dress shoes accompanied by a matching white suit jacket, he also wears a yellow tie divided geometrically by black lines and a green and purple sleep mask on his forehead, he is Admiral Kuzan, codename Aokiji, the youngest of the current Admirals.

(Image Here - Kuzan)


Meanwhile, the other one is an incredibly tall, light-skinned, unusually muscular man, the most muscular of the Admirals and being on par with Sengoku and Garp. 

He's about as tall as his fellow Admirals, with a square-shaped face, very pronounced facial features, and short black hair, and stands at 306 meters tall, making him taller than other massive characters like Jinbe, who is 301 cm. 

He wears a standard Marine cap and sports a crimson, double-breasted suit, decorated with what appears to be a pink rose on his left buttonhole, unlike many high-ranking Marines, he does not wear a tie, but instead leaves his light red colored flower-patterned shirt unbuttoned, showing his muscular neck and part of his tattoo, he also wears black gloves and black shoes, he can only be Admiral Sakazuki, codename Akainu.

(Image Here - Sakazuki)



While taking a close look at Sakazuki, I can't help but be surprised by the color of his soul, it is of very deep and dark indigo, which is quite surprising as it is the same color that Lordgenome had when we first met, this means that he isn't the pure evil individual that I expected, but someone who at the very least had good intention but did a lot of awful shit fully believing that was the only way to save even more people.

(AN: I know, I know. Sakazuki is quite a complicated and discussed character, there are those that simply hate him for killing Ace and find all kinds of ways to easily label him as "evil", and those who don't care about that, but still find his actions wrong and compare him to Hitler, those who try to find the good in him, those that say that he was simply doing his job and following his orders, ensure peace and doing what he felt right, and all that in between. The reason for that is simple, as many humans there are, there are just that many opinions and interpretations of the events. At the moment he is one of the most complex characters in the series, and so it will remain unless Master Oda decides to add something to the story that makes the scale of this character tip in one direction or another. In conclusion, we all know Absolute Justice is absolute garbage, but we shouldn't look at him with just face value and say "Yeah this guy is shit". In my fanfic Akainu murdered innocents, but he didn't do that without a good reason or at the very least the intent of actually doing good and protecting many others. He didn't do that for enjoyment or to attain power. He did it to achieve peace. At least this is "my" Akainu.)

At the same time, as I'm looking at them, I hear the people inside this office discussing the most pressing matters, finding two new people to fill the void in the ranks of the Seven Warlords of the Seas left by the capture of Crocodile and the death of Simon, how to reduce the ever-increasing number of pirates, and of course, they talked about the strange movement of the Sea Kings and about finding more information about the threat of the new force emerged out of nowhere, the Marinas.

At this point, it is finally time to reveal myself, but before doing that, I make sure to reinforce everything in this office and put a barrier around Koby and the goat, after doing that, I sit on the open window with a relaxed posture and finally stop messing with everyone senses as I say, "Hello there..." causing all of them to snap their heads toward me with surprise and shock. 

In response, Akainu quickly turns his fist into magma and moves to attack me on instinct, but before he could even release his attack, I move faster than the speed of light and putting my hand on his shoulder, I use my Spiral Cosmo to nullify his Devil Fruit power and restrain his body, at the same time, I say in calm manner, "Calm down, Sakazuki. I mean no harm to you and everyone else living on this island."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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