Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 240 – Loose Ends 1/2

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, New World - 21 GAP

After calming Sakazuki, the following talk with the upper echelon of the Marine consisting of Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Vice-Admirals Garp, Tsuru, and the three Admirals, Kuzan, Borsalino, and Sakazuki went on for quite a long time and for a good reason, after all, when someone suddenly tells you that the government that sponsor and supports you is doomed to fall, the first and most obvious reaction is disbelief and rejection, especially when the cause behind such fall is something they considered just a nuisance at most, not a major threat.

Sakazuki and Kuzan even tried to attack me once again, but I quickly put them down without even moving by simply using the pressure of my own Divinity and Spiral Cosmo to prevent them from moving further and even nullifying the powers of their Devil Fruit, the Logia Type Devil Fruit Magu Magu no Mi (Magma Magma Fruit) and the Hie Hie no Mi (Ice Ice Fruit).

Sengoku and Tsuru stood still watching in shock and horror as I dealt with some of the most powerful people living in this world treating them like children, especially Tsuru and Sengoku who met me for the first time, and truly realized just how much the gap is between us.

Meanwhile, Garp, who already met me before and expected something along these lines, and Borsalino, who already got a humbling taste of my power before in Arabasta, are much calmer compared to them, but they are still surprised by my own display of power.

After they calmed down, I started to slowly and calmly explain everything to them, I started with the Void Century telling them about the chaotic times that came with the arrival of the other species, the years of chaos, the formation of the first kingdoms, and the rise of the ancient Kingdom of Dion who unified all the warring kingdom in a long-lasting alliance that brought a long period of peace and overall improvement for everyone, about how just as the thing was improving for the better, the 18 treacherous kingdoms desire to revolt only for their own greed and ambition started a new war, about how the ancient kingdom was destroyed and the World Government came to be, and how it destroyed all the improvement that the ancient kingdom established, erased all traces of the ancient kingdom from history, and started to rule over the people with an iron fist while feeding them lies about their greatness and magnanimity.

Of course, I also told them about the existence of Imu, the being behind the creation of the Devil Fruits, who is actually ruling this world making it so that the World Government, which should administered by a collegial body known as the Five Elders, is, in reality, ruled from the shadows by this mysterious sovereign known as Imu.

Making so that the World Government is nothing more than a Tyranny and that all the World Government did and will do is, in fact, not for the well-being of the people of this world, but only for the benefit of this mysterious single individual and those few that work directly under him.

After that shocking news, I started to tell them about what they were going to face if they continued to stand on the side of the World Government without mincing my words, I told them about the Marinas, their numbers and capabilities, telling them that one single Marina General is more than enough to fully raze the whole Marineford to the ground without any of them being able to do anything, and then I told them about the being behind the Marinas, about Poseidon, about his real identity and our origin, I even showed them my memories of my fight against him which shook them to the core as they have never seen or felt such levels of power. 

Even more so when I told them that the one they saw was simply Poseidon possessing the body of a mortal, and because of that his might was actually very limited.

Of course, after bonking them with the stick for so long, I finally offered them the carrot, as I started to tell them the advantages of letting the current World Government fall and working together with the one that will rise from its ashes.

First of all, I explain to them that the new government body whose name will be Blue Star Union will be different from the current World Government where the greatest authority is in the hands and for the benefit of a single individual, but will truly be in the hands and for the benefit of all the people of this world. 

The Blue Star Union will also abolish the status of "World Noble" and with it also all the privileges given to them, outright outlaw all forms of slavery, this time for real, and even stand in favor of the people and even defend them in case the leader, royalty, or ruling body of an affiliated country exploits, harms, and suppress its own people, enforcing them to change their ways or be replaced by a new king, ruler or ruling body chosen by the people.

But the most important of all is that the Marines would finally truly be able to do what they always wanted to do, protect the people and the innocents from not only the pirates, but also from those who take advantage of their position and powers to do as they please because in this new form of government, no one will be able to avoid punishment for their crimes, it won't be the shitty Absolute Justice of the World Government, which is just their means to further control and eliminate whatever they desire without rime or reason, but a True Justice, one which is meant to protect the people from evil.

While I was telling them that I also unconsciously released my own Divinity which as expected had a very strong reassuring effect on them, most likely because one of my Divine Domains is that of Justice, which is something that all these people firmly believe in their own way, so the exposure to my Divinity makes me more trustworthy in their eyes and makes my words have a stronger impact and influence, this is also the main reason why I offered myself to convince the Marine to let the World Government fall and the Blue Star Union to rise in its place.

I also sweetened the deal even more by telling them that today I would send to Impel Down 2 of the most troublesome Four Emperors and also get rid of the very tricky ruler of the underworld known as Joker who is, in fact, a member of the Seven Warlord of the Seas Donquixote Doflamingo, and also ensure that the pirate crews of all Four Emperor won't cause any trouble during the period of transition.

Thanks to all that, I was able to convince them that the fall of the World Government is in the best interest of the Marine and of all the people of this world.

This is why I'm currently walking through the streets of Dressrosa with Koby beside me, as we head toward the King's Plateau, a gigantic, crown-shaped landmark that is situated in the middle of the island, and supports the Dressrosa's Royal Palace at its top and the Toys House at its base with a lift located in its center that connects both buildings, to swiftly deal with Doflamingo and his Donquixote Pirates.

Dressrosa is one of the Twenty Kingdoms that were responsible for founding the World Government after the defeat of the Great Ancient Kingdom of Dion. 

The country is well-known for its flower fields, its cuisine, its passionate women, and its battle colosseum, the local women are prone to violent acts of jealousy, leading to a high crime rate in the country while its architecture seems to be Spanish-inspired with the buildings seem to be colorful and extravagant, and many of them have wavy patterns and checkered rooftops.

I don't waste any time exploring the island and quickly reach the Dressrosa's Royal Palace which stands on top of the King's Plateau using the secret stairway that leads directly to the top of the plateau known only by the Riku Family and all of One Piece fandom in the Omniverse.

I move with propose as I walk into the palace as I already know where everyone currently is, especially my target as he is on the first floor of the palace that has a pool which the Donquixote Pirates usually use for leisure and indeed, once there I see him calmly lying on a deck chair with a drink in hand.

Doflamingo is a very tall, light blond-haired, very lean, and muscular man with tan skin, dressed in flamboyant clothes, a clear reference to his animal theme, the flamingo, his clothes are brightly colored, a white shirt with red stripes, a green belt, and orange pants with white stripes, he also wears black dress shoes that are somewhat pointed and a pair of curved, thin white sunglasses, which appear to serve as his eyesight with red or purple lenses, but his most distinctly of all is his light pink feather coat.

(Image Here - Donquixote Doflamingo)


I walk toward Doflamingo still undetected and once close enough, I calmly greet him, "Hello there..." making his head quickly snap toward me as he asks, "Who the hell-." but before he can continue, I interrupt him, and say, "Think fast." and with a Spiral Cosmo infused lightspeed punch I instantly blow his head off without any mercy considering that his soul is pitch black.

Once I got rid of Doflamingo, I started to work on quickly helping the people of this kingdom, first, I used my Cosmic Awareness to find all the most important members of the Donquixote Pirates, and then quickly after that, I flared my Spiral Cosmo, generating a wave of spiritual pressure that just like the Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror's Haki) overpowers the wills of my targets knocking all of them unconscious. 

Among them, there is of course Sugar, the woman who ate the Hobi Hobi no Mi (Hobby Hobby Fruit), a Paramecia Type Devil Fruit that allows the user to transform living people into toys, and erase memories of their existence from others.

Once Sugar was knocked out cold, it immediately canceled out all the transformation and memory modification effects making all the toys of Dressrosa turn back into their original form, something that caused quite a bit of chaos, but luckily with the actions of the King Riku Doldo III, Viola, Rebecca, Koby and the now fully healed Kyros everything got under control.

While they got the situation under control and calmed down the people, I made sure to teleport the knocked-out Trebol, Diamante, Pica, Machvise, Lao G, Giolla, Gladius, Buffalo, Senor Pink, Dellinger, Monet, and Sugar to Impel Down leaving them in the care of the warden Megellan and the others.

The only one I spared from such a fate is Baby 5, the reason for that is very simple, I felt true, genuine pity for her, as she had been abandoned by her mother, who called her "useless" before parting, leaving her with an overwhelming desire to prove herself useful to anyone, no matter who they were. 

She is unable to turn down any favors asked of her and is delighted at the notion that she is needed whenever she is asked to do something, even if the person makes it clear that it was a mere joke right afterward, to the point of committing suicide to achieve it.

I don't feel it is right to punish such a pitiful woman, so, I decided to give her the same treatment I gave to the Boa Sisters and Koala but even more drastic as I turned her into a one-year-old baby, and then I made sure to teleport the baby Baby 5 to Amazon Lily so that she has the chance to grow up strong while also feeling loved and accepted, of course, I contacted Hancock and asked for her and Gloriosa's opinion before doing that.

Once I'm done with what I had to do at Dressrosa, I salute King Riku Doldo III, Viola, Rebecca, and Kyros wishing them the best without wasting any more time, I grab Koby and teleport to our next destination, Whole Cake Island located in the Totto Land.

The Totto Land is a massive archipelago with Whole Cake Island, which is my next target's base of operation, in its center, and 34 subsidiary islands, arranged roughly in concentric circles. Each subsidiary island is ruled by a member of the Charlotte Family as its minister and most islands are themed after food.

Whole Cake Island is a New World island under the control of "Big Mom" Charlotte Linlin, one of the Four Emperors.

The island is quite large, and until about 61 years ago, it was a regular island with several round hills, it was renamed to "Whole Cake Island" due to Charlotte Linlin and Streusen working to fulfill the former's dream, which was inherited from Carmel, and its new resemblance to a gathering of frosted cakes are due to the enormous cake buildings constructed there. 

Most buildings appear to be covered in what looks like icing. The interiors of buildings in general look as if they are partly made of icing.

The sky above the island is covered by unique purplish and pinkish clouds, and the island's special weather phenomenon of edible cotton candy snow may stem from those clouds.

As we find ourselves on the streets of Sweet City, which is the capital of Whole Cake Island, and, by extension, of all Totto Land, I once again start to calmly walk toward the largest cake building that can be found in Sweet City, the Whole Cake Chateau. 

The Chateau's exterior resembled a four-layered cake, with the three top layers in different sizes, and each layer had a different style, horizontal, vertical, slash with horizontal base, and backslash, and even if it looked like that, internally the building had more than 10 floors. 

The second layer had thin, red-leafed trees on its edges, which gave the cake shape structure the resemblance of a birthday cake with lit candles, and another tree was occasionally seen on the top layer as well meanwhile, the third layer had the kitchen's chimney on top of it across the fourth one.

The Chateau dwarfed essentially all the other buildings and landmarks of the island actually being larger than Sweet City as a whole, and is situated roughly centrally on the island, being surrounded by Sweet City and Lake Aprico. 

This time, I don't walk step inside, but stop just a few meters outside the building as I opt for a different method to deal with her and her crew, and then I take a deep breath and yell, "Charlotte Linlin! Move your fat, ugly ass and come here!!" which makes Koby complain, "Jayr-san!"

I make sure to infuse my Spiral Cosmo into my voice so that it can be easily heard all over the Totto Land, the reason for that is to let every member of the Big Mom Pirates know what is about to happen here.

Quickly after my yell, the sound of walls breaking follows, and soon after that, a big figure crashes into the ground in front of me raising a big cloud of dust.

A loud laugh full of anger is heard from within the cloud of dust, "Haaaaaahahamamamama!" then the imposing figure of my target walks out of the cloud of dust as she says, "Who dares to speak to me like that!?" 

I finally see my target, a morbidly obese woman with a chin often hidden by her torso, she has an enormous physique, standing at 8,80 meters tall, which is the largest known height for any human in this world. 

She has moderately round, orange eyes, prominent eyelashes, and wears thick purple eyeshadow, a very wide mouth with full lips sporting red lipstick, large, round teeth, and a long, thick tongue that often sticks out. 

She also has long, curly, and wild pink hair that falls halfway down her back, as well as a long beak-like nose, and plump, round cheeks.

She also sports a tattoo on her left shoulder and arm, consisting of a large, standard-shaped red heart framed by thin lines curled at their bottom ends, which all tops a far smaller heart, she is "Big Mom" Charlotte Linlin.

Big Mom wears a large pink bicorne hat bearing a Jolly Roger on the front, a pink dress with red polka dots and white ruffles on its neckline and hemline, with a wide, rippling white cape attached to its back that falls to the ground, the outfit is completed with dark blue high heels, one turquoise pearl wristband on either wrist and golden, jeweled rings on all her fingers.

(Image Here - Charlotte Linlin)


Big Mom's eyes finally focus on me, and instantly she licks her lips and says, "Hooo~ You aren't so bad... After beating you up I'll make you my 50th husban-" but before she could finish, I interrupt her and quickly make my move.

I arrive right in front of her, and before she can react, I throw a low kick at her leg making her lose her balance, and without giving her any chance, I follow up with an axe kick to the face that makes her crash on the ground with such force that the whole island start to shake as the ground cracks up, knocking her out cold.

Quickly after that, I sense another person jumping down from the top of the Whole Cake Chateau and landing a few meters away from me and the downed Big Mom.

I take a look at the newcomer and see an extremely tall, large, and muscular man standing at 5,09 meters, with short spiky crimson hair and two symmetric scars on both sides of his face, sharp and intense crimson eyes, highly arched eyebrows and prominent lower eyelashes under each eye. 

He has long legs with his thighs being equally as long as his lower limbs, and his mouth, which is covered up, but I can easily sense that it contains sharp pelican eel-like teeth and is capable of expanding to an enormous size.

The man wears a massive light ragged scarf that covers his mouth and reaches his shoulders, a torn leather vest with "CHARLOTTE" on the back that exposes most of his torso, dark gloves and pants, a belt with a skull-shaped buckle and spiked boots with spurs. 

His torso is very defined, having prominent abdominal muscles covered in pink tattoos and he wears spiked bracelets on his arms as well as knee pads with a single spike on them.

It is clear that he is Charlotte Katakuri, the second son and third child of the Charlotte Family and the elder triplet brother of Daifuku and Oven, he is also one of the Three Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates and serves as Totto Land's Minister of Flour, basically, he is one of the most important people in the Big Mom Pirates.

(Image Here - Katakuri)


As soon as Katakuri notices his mother lying on the floor, he immediately shouts in worry, "Mama! What happened to you!?" 

Hearing that, I'm unable to hold myself back from saying a joke, "Yo momma's so fat, that when she fell, no one was laughing but the ground was cracking up." but such genius joke is only met with silence and disbelief, at least until Koby sighs while muttering, "Ahhh... Jayr-san... that isn't very nice..."

At the same time, Katakuri focuses on me and asks, "Who are you? Why did you attack us?" but not wanting to waste more time than needed here, I quickly unleash my presence and seeing his eyes widen in shock and his body unconsciosly shaking in fear, it is clear that it has the effect I desired, and after that, I start to calmly explain to him everything about what is going to happen and my promise to the Marine, then without mincing my words, I threaten him to ensure that his family and the Big Mom Pirates will stay put least he wants them all to die, but to sweaten the deal, I also promise him that I will heal her "Eating Disorder".

Hearing about that, Katakuri quickly agrees and promises me that the Big Mom Pirates won't leave the Totto Land for the whole duration of the upcoming upheaval, of course, I won't simply trust his words, and immediately after he gave me his word, I put a trace of my Anti-Spiral Cosmo into his body, and told him that if he broke his word, the small Anti-Spiral Cosmo in his body will erase him and all his family member in both body and soul, but I don't tell him that for the well-being of my conscience I made sure that the Anti-Spiral Cosmo will only erase the evil ones sparing the others.

Once I made sure that the Big Mom Pirates won't cause any trouble, I walk to the downed Big Mom and in a quick succession I heal her from that "Eating Disorder", remove her Devil Fruit Powers, and then teleport her to Impel Down where the warden should already be waiting for her.

After checking this other point on my list, I say my goodbyes, rest my hand on Koby's shoulder and teleport us to our next destination, Wano Country, more specifically the region of Onigashima.

Onigashima was originally a summit of Mt. Fuji, but it became regarded as an island following the flooding of the country and now serves as the official base of operations for the Beasts Pirates, including Emperor Kaidou, the All-Stars, and the Numbers.

I instantly find myself floating over my destination, I also use my telekinesis to help Koby float beside me as we study our destination.

Onigashima is a mountainous island that is very difficult to access outside the front gate, which connects directly to the sea, allowing ships to sail in. The waters surrounding the island are apparently lined with whirlpools that make navigating around it nearly impossible unless one utilizes specialized watercraft like a submarine. 

Thunderstorms are very frequent and even blizzards can happen, sometimes independent to the rest of the island.

The island itself has a port where ships can dock, notable structures in this port include a gigantic katana piercing the ground, water spouters that resemble oni faces, and an enormous wagasa decorated with paper lanterns. 

The entrance to the port is lined with two statues depicting kitsune and a stairwell appears to connect the port to the interior of the Skull Dome in the center. There is also at least one lookout station for those who are in guard duty.

Onigashima has two mountain roads that can be used to circle the island around the Skull Dome, one to the east and another to the south. The eastern path contains a long boardwalk running over a large pond lined with wisteria trees. 

The boardwalk also leads to sections of pleasure hall in the Left-Brain Tower of the Skull Dome that are built over the water. The southern path is blocked by a large gate built between the mountains. 

Seeing all that, I opt for the same tactic I used a few minutes ago, I take a deep breath, then I yell infusing my Spiral Cosmo into my voice, "Kaidou! Move your ass and face you Divine Judgement you!!"

After a few moments, I see a tall male humanoid figure flying toward us using a "Flame Cloud" as foothold to move through the air, and I meediately realize that it is Kaidou.

Focusing on him I see that he is a middle-aged man who cuts an imposing figure due to his extreme height of 7,10 meters and the bulk of his muscles, making him dwarf normal humans.

Overly top-heavy in build, he has a well-muscled torso with wide-set shoulders, thick arms, and somewhat out-of-proportion legs, far less heavily built than his arms yet about the same length with his feet much tinier than his hands. 

Kaidou's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well and has a massive pair of gray-white, sharp-pointed horns coming out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward. 

He has a longish face with a heavy, hairless brow ridge topping sharp, often bloodshot eyes plus, a hook nose and a large, full-lipped mouth, particularly prominent being his crow's feet below his eyes, forehead lines, and laugh lines from always sneering. 

His black hair consists of an unruly, mostly swept-back mane down to his mid-back, which forms distinctly flat, rectangular locks of which some fall down near the front, over his ears, or jut upward while his facial hair is done in a wavy, waist-length Fu Manchu mustache that pairs with a spiked goatee across his chin.

Right of Kaidou's defined abs is his only scar, a massive, recessed X-shape whose upper points reach to his pectoral, given to him by Kozuki Oden. 

A tattoo of dull-red segments resembling reptilian scales, individually bordered in orange, goes from Kaidou's left pectoral down the front of his left arm, ending in correspondence to the wrist with a white, traditionally shaped skull on the lower forearm.

Clothing-wise, Kaidou dons a blue purple, feathered, sleeveless overcoat draped on his shoulders, and below a lavender, tight-fitting, a black bracelet with golden spikes above each wrist open shirt with long sleeves. 

Upholding said shirt is a thick, off-white belt of laid rope festooned with a pair of white, hanging shide in the front. 

More outwardly from below the rope hang two additional pieces of fabric: rectangular, hemmed flaps that each have, from two hemmed holes at their bottom, a short, thick, golden torus chain attached to themselves. 

Two yellow straw cords are below the shimenawa, serving as waistbands to secure a short, hanging row of thin, red ribbons. Finally, the rest of his lower wear consists of simple, baggy pants of gray-green color, tucked below the knees into simple, black boots.

(Image Here - Kaidou)

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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