Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 241 – Loose Ends 2/2

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, New World - 21 GAP

Standing on the "Fire Cloud" a few meters in front of me is indeed Kaidou of the Beasts, renowned as the world's "Strongest Creature", the Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates and one of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World.

He looks at me with an amused expression on his face as he laughs and then says, "Worororo! It has been quite some time since the last time someone dared to challenge me like that! Very interesting! But before the fun starts let's see if you are at least worthy of facing me!"

Quickly after saying that, Kaidou releases an extremely potent burst of Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror Haki) which causes a shockwave effect that blows away all the nearby clouds as he tries to overpower my will with his own as well as applies incredible pressure to my body. 

All this simply washes over me without having any significant effect as I'm way too used to a much higher level of pressure as I daily train my body within an actual black hole, moreover, I'm used to facing the overwhelming presence of incredibly powerful entities like Poseidon, Hades, and Antispiral, which makes Kaidou look like a harmless child in comparison.

But the same can't be said about Koby beside me as he is clearly struggling to face the imposing will and presence of one of the strongest people in this world, but even if he is sweating profusely and his breathing is hurried and disturbed, I'm glad to see that he is still able to withstand such levels of Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror Haki) with both his body and will.

At the same time, seeing the effects his probing with the Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror Haki) had on us, more specifically the lack of it on me, Kaidou lets out a loud laugh and says, "Worororo!! This is quickly getting more and more amusing!!"

After saying that, Kaidou grabs his signature weapon, Hassaikai, and says, "Now let's see how you fare against this... Raimei Hakke!" and then, he jumps from his "Fire Cloud" charging toward me at a quite fast speed for the people of this world, but for me he is quite slow, so much so, that I take a few moments to take a look at his weapon.

Hassaikai is a giant, heavy kanabo befitting Kaidou's size, which is apparently made of a solid black metal, with a round cross-section, and features sharp spikes along its upper, bulkier half, the latter tapers somewhat toward the slenderer, spikeless handle, which itself ends in a suspension ring that serves as a pommel.

While I'm looking at the weapon, Kaidou draws close enough and so, he swings his Hassaikai horizontally with devastating force using only one hand to strike me, but facing the incoming giant, heavy kanabo, I simply smile and raise my hand to stop the advancing weapon in it tracks and block Kaidou's attack.

Soon the kanabo hits my open palm and the resulting clash generates a shockwave so strong that the sea under our feet was so affected that generated a huge, powerful tidal wave that would have likely devastated both Onigashima and a good part of Wano if I didn't use my Spiral Cosmo to forcefully calm down the water.

At the same time, Kaidou takes advantage of the rebounding force of our clash to push himself back to his "Fire Cloud" and gain some distance from me and once he safely lands, he starts to laugh loudly and comments, "Worororo!! Amazing! What kind of monster are you!? This is the first time that someone is able to take on and withstand a Raimei Hakke with such ease using only his physical body and a single hand at that! Neither, Linlin, Edward, or even Xebec were able to do so! It's great! I finally found someone else I can go all out with!" 

While saying that, Kaidou's body starts to go through some changes as he transforms into his hybrid Human-Beast Form, first his body grows much bigger, and at the same time, blue scales grow on his arms, outer torso, back, and legs as well as six horns on his head, claws on the hands and feet, and a long serpentine tail, this is obviously the power of the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu (Fish Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon) the Mythical Zoan Type Devil Fruit that allows its user to transform into a hybrid and full Azure Dragon at will. 

After transforming into his Human-Beast Form, Kaidou yells, "Let me have the honor of knowing your name before I unleash all my might and kill you... a warrior like you deserves to be remembered by everyone."

Hearing that, I simply smile and say, "My name is Pucci Jayr... but you don't have to worry about me being forgotten after all, it is impossible for you to kill me..."

As soon as I finish saying that, Kaidou grins and says, "Good!" before he wields his weapon, Hassaikai, two-handed, and then he jumps into the air from his "Fire Cloud" and quickly spins his weapon above his head as he imbues it with Haoshoku Haki, making it exude black lightning. 

He then, while descending, swings his club down with great force while yelling, "Take this! Kosanze Ragnaraku (Conquered Three Worlds, Attracting Hell)!!!"

But once again I simply raise my left hand and grab his quickly descending weapon, stopping it in place only, different from before, this time I infuse my Spiral Cosmo into my hand to ensure that the clash between my hand and Kaidou's weapon does not produce any aftershock and only a slight muffled sound.

I smirk as I watch Kaidou's eyes wide in shock, but before he can say or do anything else, I raise my right arm, and then as I burn my Spiral Cosmo to use one of the many techniques I learned many years ago, I point at Kaidou and let my Spiral Cosmo explode while calmly calling out the name of the technique, "Freezing Coffin..." 

Soon Kaidou is quickly encased in a big block of clear ice whose temperature is -273.15°C, the Absolute Zero, then I say "Good luck trying to get out of this. Not only is this block of ice's temperature at the coldest Absolute Zero but the ice itself is also empowered by my own Spiral Cosmo making it extremely durable and everlasting, it is basically impossible for anyone in this world to break out from it with his own strength. And even for those outside is quite impossible to break this, as one needs to have a level of power capable of obliterating a Galaxy and enough control to also not obliterate the body encased within the ice... well, maybe dropping this into the sun will work in melting the ice, but at that point, Kaidou would also be gone..." 

At the same time, I use my Telekinesis to keep the block of ice containing Kaidou's huge frozen body floating beside me while thinking, 'It is foolish for someone who has gained just a little bit of the powers of Dragons to hope to harm or even kill me... especially since I have a minor Divine Domain that is related to Dragons thanks to merging the Metamorphosis Magic, Advent of the Divine Dragon Lord into my being, which makes it possible for me to have some level of dominance over Dragons, in fact, as soon as Kaidou appeared in front of me, I felt that I could have easily forced him to submit to my will with a single thought...'

While thinking that, I slowly start to descent toward Onigashima to deal with the rest of the Beast Pirates, but of course, since I don't want to waste too much time as I have still a few other places to visit, I simply stop a few meters above the island with the frozen Kaidou beside me.

Once I'm at the right altitude, I use my Cosmic Awareness to sense every single living being on this island and quickly divide them into three groups, the fully evil pirates, the good-natured pirates who have a chance at being good, and the prisoners, and then without any hesitation, I unleash a powerful wave of Spiral Cosmo to knock out all the evil pirates, then I teleport all of the evil ones to Impel Down, while mentally apologizing with Magellan and the other wardens to keep them so busy today.

After that, I descend on the island and start to free the prisoners while explaining to those remaining on the island that the Beast Pirates are no more as I have dealt with Kaidou and most of the others sending them to Impel Down.

Surprisingly among the prisoners I found Yamato, the daughter of Kaidou who thinks of herself as a man, who was sent there as punishment for destroying a prized dragon statue belonging to Kaidou last year. 

Yamato is taller than an average human, standing at 2,63 meters, she has long, white hair that is bound between orange rods into a ponytail at the back, which fades into aqua green and then blue the further down it goes, and ends in rectangular locks similar to Kaidou. 

Yamato also has large, orange eyes with prominent eyelashes, wears gold hoop earrings on both ears, and has horns on the top of her head which are mostly red, but gradually become more flesh-colored toward the base.

Her current outfit is a sleeveless white garment with a diamond-shaped design on both sides and an indigo, wisp-patterned bottom half, a pair of red hakama pants and sandals, and wears a large purple and white nio-dasuki behind her back.

(Image Here - Yamato)


Once I freed her from the exploding handcuffs on her wrists, she quickly declared her desire to free Wano from the tyrannical rule of Korozumi Orochi the treacherous shogun of Wano, and started to gather the people on the island who wanted to do the same.

Seeing that, I let out a sigh as I remembered what I had seen in the anime and the manga and decided to add another small stop, so, I told Yamato to not worry about Orochi and started to fly toward the Flower Capital, the center of the country, and where the shogun Kurozumi Orochi resides, currently the only prosperous place in Wano, due to the shogun's affiliation with the Beasts Pirates.

I reach my new destination in just a few seconds and once there, the first thing I do is search for the only one who can take care of this country after I have dealt with Orochi and his men, Kozuki Hiyori, the daughter of the late Kozuki Oden and Kozuki Toki and the younger sister of Kozuki Momonosuke, the only one who currently has the right to rule over Wano who is currently hiding her identity working as an oiran of the tayu rank, the highest of all, with the name of Komurasaki.

But as a twisted joke of fate, as soon as I reached the place in the Red-Light District where Hiyori works, I found her in the company of my other target Korozumi Orochi, the current Shogun of Wano, as he watched enchanted as Hiyori played her shamisen to entertain him and the other guests of the estabilishment.

My gaze first lands on Hiyori, she is a slim woman of average height who holds a strong resemblance to her mother with long turquoise hair that reaches her waist, blue eyes that are distinctively slanted at a downward angle and she wears fuchsia lipstick on her prominent lips.

She is considered the most beautiful woman in all of Wano where her beauty is so unfathomably great that people can barely look directly at her, legend says that her looks alone are enough to make people faint, go blind, and suffer severe blood loss via nose bleeds.

(Image Here - Kozuki Hiyori)


As she is disguised as Komurasaki, she wears a geta to make her look very tall, her hair is extremely adorned with multiple flowers and pins attached to it, and an extremely opulent red furisode kimono that sparkles in the sunlight with the sleeve adorned with a peacock and flowers on it, she also has red-painted fingernails and wears a kitsune fox mask while playing the shamisen so people, and especially Kurozumi Orochi, cannot see her crying in grief and rage as she stands in front of the man that tortured her father and was behind the destruction of her family.

Then my gaze moves to Orochi who is a rather large man with a big head and stocky build, he appears to be balding, with his dark purple hair being mostly seen on the sides and back of his head, and he had a long topknot in the back, as well as a thin mustache that stuck upward, his two upper canine teeth are longer than his other teeth and are blunt. 

He wore a gold kimono with a fan-shaped pattern on it, a blue robe with flowers on it, and a crown on his head.

(Image Here - Korozumi Orochi)


Seeing my target here, I don't waste any time and quickly interrupt Hiyori's performance by casting the Dark Magic Pain Overload targetting Orochi, who immediately starts to roll on the floor while mournfully yelling in anguish as the Dark Magic makes him experience all the injuries and pains he suffered in his life until now amplified by 100 times, at the same time, I use my Spiral Cosmo to protect his mind to prolong his suffering as much as possible.

Of course, such sudden change caused quite a bit of chaos and panic, but I forcefully calmed the situation using my overwhelming power as I introduced myself to Hiyori briefly explaining to her the situation, I also took time to quickly dispose of all of Orochi's guards and hidden forces some were taken care by Koby, who couldn't forgive how these people reduced this country and treated its people. 

While I am calmly updating her about the recent fate of Kaidou and the Beast Pirates, the existence of Yamato who idolized her father and who now wishes to fulfill his dream, about what will happen in the near future, and of course, about her brother who is still alive and will soon appear, two hours pass by and by now Orochi stopped screaming and tossing around as he simply lies on the floor as his body continues to unconsciouslily twich as it is ravaged by the pain caused by the Dark Magic, but his eyes are now devoid of all signs of will as his mind completely broke, not that I feel any kind of pity for him as he fully deserves such fate as in my eyes his soul is pitch black full exposing his devious nature, so once I feel he suffered enough, I don't hesitate to freeze his body with a Freezing Coffin before shattering it into fine pieces with a flick of my finger.

After I explained everything to Hiyori, she decided to reveal herself to the people of Wano and gather the Nine Red Scabbards, minus a certain Kanjuro who "mysteriously" disappeared in a freak accident as he was swallowed by a black hole that appeared out of nowhere, and with their help take the mantle of Shogun working together with them to restore Wano to its former glory and even beyond until her brother returns and is ready to take his rightful place.

Anyway, once I ensured that Wano was on the right track to recover from the abuses of Kaidou, the Beast Pirates, and Orochi, I left with Koby heading toward my last destination, where I'd find three of my targets at the same time. 

This time, my targets aren't on an island, but on a ship in the middle of the turbulent waters of the Grand Line, and not any ship, but a large battleship with a white cachalot figurehead, indeed, I'm talking about the Moby Dick, the main ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Looking at the ship from afar, I can already see the three persons of interest in various places on the deck of the huge battleship, Portgas D. Ace, Marshall D. Teach, and Edward Newgate.

First I take a look at Ace, and he is just as I remember, a tall muscular young man with curly black hair, sporting rather childish freckles that he inherited from his mother while his facial features are almost akin to his biological father Gol D. Roger in his youth without his mustache.

Ace's tattoos are among his most remarkable, trademark features, he has a tattoo on his back of the Whitebeard symbol, purple bones formed in a cross behind a purple skull with a white mustache, which is quite recent, in fact, from the color of his skin, I'll say that he received that tattoo yesterday or even the day before that. 

Ace has another tattoo on his upper left bicep that spells "ASCE" vertically, the "S" crossed out is a tribute to his "dead" friend Sabo as that's his Jolly Roger.

He wears his iconic orange hat, and while his upper body is bare he wears black boots, black knee-length shorts with an eyelet-studded orange belt, and a blue pouch belted around his left leg, he also wears a short second belt with a large red "A" on the silver buckle over his right hip, but left it unfastened and threaded the free end along the back of his shorts. 

A dagger in a green sheath hung at his left hip, and on Ace's left arm, he wears a Log Pose and a red and white striped bracelet around his wrist, an orange elbow guard. 

(Image Here - Ace)


Then my gaze moves to Teach, an extremely tall man with dark skin, he has a massive build as his body is round with relatively thin limbs, a prominent lipped mouth with several broken or missing teeth, a pronounced crooked nose, and a very large and hairy chest and torso, long, thick, woolly black hair falls down the back of his neck, underneath a black bandanna, and a small scruffy black beard grows around his jawline.

Teach wears an open-buttoned white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, green trousers with black line patterns, a yellow sash around his waist, and classic black swashbuckler boots complete with large bronze buckles.

(Image Here - Teach)



And at last, I take a look at Whitebeard who is sitting in the middle of the deck, he is an abnormally large man, with a height of 6,66 meters, but unlike other large-sized humans I encountered until now, he is well-proportioned. 

He has a long face that is full of many wrinkles, especially around his eyes, because of his advanced age, and many scars running along his chest and is very muscular. 

He wears a black bandanna around his head and adorns himself with a white captain's coat, which hangs loosely from his broad shoulders and bears his Jolly Roger symbol. 

He is also bare-chested and wears light, loose pants tucked inside his large black boots, and a dark pirate sash around his waist, he is currently on oxygen and attached to several medical sensor machines, due to the health issues concerning his age and many wounds he received throughout his career as a pirate.

(Image Here - Edward Newgate)


Once I confirmed the presence of my targets, I quickly descended and landed on the ship without hiding my presence, which obviously caused everyone present to raise their guard, especially a tall, lean, muscular, blond-haired man with a rather sleepy look on his face and some stubble around his chin, who quickly moved in front of Whitebeard to protect him.

He wears an open purple jacket and a light blue sash adorned with an elaborate golden-yellow belt around his waist, dark gray knee-long pants, and black sandals, and on his left leg he wears what appears to be some sort of straw decoration, he is Marco The Phoenix, 1st division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates.

(Image Here - Marco)


But before they can do anything, Whitebeard raises his voice and says, "Stay your hands, my sons! He isn't someone you can face, moreover, if something like him wants us dead, there is nothing we can do to stop it..."

The reason why he is able to say that is that I didn't restrain my presence in any way to give him a little hint of what I'm capable of.

Then as the members of the Whitebeard Pirates look agitated after hearing Whitebeard's words, I calmly explain, "Do not worry, I'm not here to harm the Whitebeard Pirates... There are three reasons for my presence here. First, as a greeting gift, I will heal old man Whitebeard's body so that the only way he could die is because he ends his lifespan or he is actually killed..."

As soon as I finished saying that, the members of this pirate crew once again become agitated, this time for a different reason, Marco even asks me if I'm telling the truth, and in response, I simply smirk, before moving in front of Whitebeard so fast that no one can react, and with a simple tap of my hand, I infuse my Spiral Cosmo into his body quickly healing him before stepping back to my previous position and say, "Done."

Whitebeard immediately notices the difference as he rips off everything attached to his body to monitor his condition and stands up and he starts to look at his body in wonder while an astonished Marco checks his condition.

After a few minutes, I cough to catch everyone attention and say, "Now, the first reason I'm here is to simply say something to your new recruit, Portgas D. Ace." 

Soon everyone turn their head and looks at Ace who calmly steps forward, and then without wasting any time, I quickly tell him that his sworn brother Sabo is still alive and well, something that gives him quite the shock after I show him a proof that I'm telling the truth, even more so, when I tell him that he was actually saved by his other sworn brother's father, and that the only reason he didn't try to contact him was that he had lost his memories until recentily, after that, I also give him Sabo's Vivre Card.

Done with that I look back at Whitebeard and tell him my second reason, "The second reason is to actually kill one of your "sons", one who won't hesitate to break your rules and even betray you in the near future for his own greed and ambition..."

Then after saying that, I don't give anyone the chance to react as urge my Spiral Cosmo and cast the Dark Magic Sagitta Magica, Series Obscuri, generating dozens black projectiles of pure destructive magic, that quickly blast Teach apart without giving him any chance to explain himself.

Of course, such swift execution cause all of them to raise their guards, at least until I raise my palm and create a projection showing the main "events" caused by Blackbeard, the killing of Thatch for the Yami Yami no Mi (Dark Dark Fruit), the capture of Ace, his plot against Whitebeard, needless to say that after showing that quick series of images, no one was upset about Teach's fate, some even wanted to have a chance to kill him themselves. 

After they all calm down, I tell Whitebeard the last and most important reason, I start by telling him about what is about to happen to the World Government, the deal I reached with the Marine who decided to take the side of the new government body, and of course, about me subduing the pirate crews of the other two Emperor sending both Big Mom and Kaidou to Impel Down, after all that, I finally ask him to keep control over what happens in the New World so that no innocent faces trouble because of the upcoming chaos, I especially remind him that Poseidon's Marinas, who he already had a taste of, will also patrol around and swiftly deal with any troublesome and dangerous factor without any mercy.
In the end, Whitebeard promised me that he will gather all his divisions and allies and ensure the safety of the people living on the routes of the New World, and after that, I flew away with Koby, heading toward my last destination.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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