Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 254 – Guilmon is Born!

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I'm stuck in the overcongested traffic of the overpopulated district of Shinjuku and all around me, the only thing that I can hear are the cars honking and people complaining and yelling at each other. 

Despite the fact that I'm actually driving a bike there isn't even enough space for me to drive in between, something that makes me sigh as I mutter, "Haa... if there is one thing that it is truly a pain in the in living a "normal life" is without doubt dealing with the traffic caused by the morning rush hour."

While saying that, I also pull out my D-Ark and quickly use one of its most mundane functions, the one that displays a clock, and see that it is 7:30 AM making me comment, "It was a lot better when I had to arrive at school very early in the morning. But since the chaos of the first days of school is over, it is no longer required for the teacher to arrive so early in the morning, now the homeroom teachers must arrive at 8:15 AM at most. Meanwhile, for teachers who deal with a single subject or are some kind of assistant, they can even arrive as late as 9:00 AM and no one will actually care, well, as long as the teacher in question doesn't actually have a class before that time..."

At the same time, I also think back about this last period, 'A few weeks passed since the day I tried the Card Slash function of the D-Ark and had that brief encounter with Ruki. The morning after, I met with Nikita and Zandeer as usual during our morning training, where as it often happens, Agumon started its regular spar with V-mon. Everything went as usual with V-mon gaining an advantage over Agumon thanks to the regular training we do together, until Agumon with Zandeer's help evolved into Greymon. But before Greymon could gloat for the obvious advantage over his rival, I and V-mon surprised him with the Armor Evolution. After that, Fladramon and Greymon started their fight once again, and in the end, it was won by Fladramon. After that, I explained to Zandeer and Nikita about the Card Slash function and told them about how it works and its advantages. Needless to say, after that day they too started to collect the cards of the Digital Monster Card Game.'

I put the D-Ark back in my pocket as my mind continued to wander, 'The next period of time was quite peaceful, nothing too out of the ordinary happened. Very few Digimon actually realized into this world, and those who did nearby were quickly taken care of by Ruki and Renamon, while those a little out of reach were dealt with by Nikita, Zandeer, Blucomon, and Agumon. But I know that this is simply the calm before the storm, because slowly but surely the arrival of Digimon into this world are becoming more and more frequent. A clear sign that the events depicted in the anime are about to happen...'

Suddenly, while I'm thinking that, I sense a small Digital Field quickly opening directly above me, and in response, I quickly look up and see the usual thick fog that surrounds a Digital Field forming right in front of a nearby skyscraper. 

But just as quickly as the Digital Field formed, with the same speed it also receded as the thick fog also dispersed, and at the same time, I noticed a small, cute white creature with large eyes and comparatively small limbs floating in the sky. 

Its ears, usually short, are at the moment extended as it is using them to fly, and on its forehead bears the Zero Unit, which manifests as the gem-like "Crystal Matrix".

Obviously, that small creature is a Digimon and not any random Digimon, but it is Culumon, the "Catalyst", the physical incarnation of the "Digi-Entelecheia", otherwise known as the "Light of Evolution".

(Image Here - Culumon)


Looking at the small Digimon who is looking at its new surroundings with both curiosity and fear, a smile forms on my face while thinking, 'So Culumon left the Network and Realized in the Real World... This means that the events of the Digimon Tamers anime are finally starting... the period of calm is now officially over and the storm is about to hit the universe hard.'

At the same time, I started to weigh the possibility of meeting with Culumon and putting it under my protection, but in the end, I concluded that it is better to simply let it enjoy and experience the world by itself, and just watch over from the distance to make sure that nothing happens to it, not that it needs protection all that much, after all, in the anime Culumon was able to always come up unscratched by all its encounters, it even safetely escaped from a Perfect level Digimon and survived multiple encounters with the D-Reaper, something I'm pretty sure has something to do with Yggdrasil as the D-Reaper didn't hesitate to delete basically anything else it came in contact with, well, exluding my student Juri who was the vessel it used to reach the Real World.

Basically, Culumon is too cute to be harmed in any way or capacity, which means that it has the strongest plot armor among all the Digimon and Tamers.

While my mind continues to wander, the congested traffic start to move again, and I take advantage of the small opening created between the cars to weasel my way through and leave this damned traffic behind before I snap and directly teleport to my destination.

Takato POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I slam the MetalTyranomon card on the board while explaining, "With this Option card, Darkranomon evolves to Perfect level as MetalTyranomon!" which instantly makes Kazu complain as he puts his hands on his head as he realizes that he lost this game, "Aw man, that is overkill! I can't believe you pulled it off with that card!"

Hearing that, I chuckle as I swipe the Option Card on the Card Reader to tally points and the scores, "Heh... I just came up with it." quickly after that, the Card Reder confirms my victory as the screen indicates 117.3184 points.

After that, Kazu quickly gathers his cards and places them in his box before he jumps down from the deck of our hideout, which is basically a blob monster-shaped tower connected to a tail-shaped slide located in the playground of the park, runs out, and then after a few seconds, I hear him yell, "Hey, Takato! What's the hold-up? We're gonna be late!"

Hearing that, I quickly look out and see him running on the spot in a hurry, I yell back, "Wait up, Hirokazu!"

After saying that, I forget about ordering my cards for the moment and simply grab them and randomly place them in my box, but just as I'm about to grab the last handful of cards, the box falls from the deck onto the ground spilling out its content.

Seeing that, I can't help but exclaim, "Aw, nuts..." but soon, among the cards falling on the ground, I notice a strange blue card among them.

I quickly jump down and pick up the blue card, I take a good look at it and mutter, "I don't remember having a card like this..."

Curious about its effects, I don't hesitate to swipe the card in the Card Reader, but as soon as I swipe the strange blue card, the card releases a strong light that blinds me.

At the same time, the Card Reader generates some static electricity that lightly shocks me, "Ahhh!" which makes me unconsciously close my eyes and let go of both the card and the Card Reader to cover myself with my arms.

After a few moments, I open my eyes and ask to no one in particular, "W-What was that?"

I look down at the Card Reader on the ground and see that it is now releasing some smoke and exclaim, "I-It broke!" but just as I'm staring at the Card Reader, I remember that if I don't hurry, I'm going to be late for school and yell, "Ah! O-Oh no!"

I quickly move to gather all the cards and place them in my box, before hiding the box in the usual spot next to Kazu and Kenta and taking my bag, "I'm late!"

After that, I start to run at full speed while yelling, "Gotta run! Gotta run!" 

But in the end, no matter how fast I ran, I ended up being late and Asanuma-sensei punished me by making me stand out of the classroom for the rest of the class.

After some time, I hear Asanuma-sensei's voice as she asks, "Are you really feeling sorry for being tardy today?" making me instantly reply, "Y-Yes ma'am! I-I've learned my lesson..." as I hear all my classmates chuckling at my expenses.

Then seeing that Asanuma-sensei is focusing back on writing on the blackboard, I bring out my notepad from my pocket and sit down on the floor as I start to draw my own original Digimon, something I've been working on for quite some time while muttering, "He's gotta be red! That's a given color for the strongest fighter! His offense power rivals that of Agumon's, the strongest of all Child Levels. Except he's even stronger than that! His special attack is-"

But suddenly I hear a familiar female voice that asks, "Is that a Kaiju?"

I continued to focus on the drawing while replying, "W-What are you talking about? This is a Digimon-" but then I suddenly stopped as I realized why the voice was so familiar because that was the voice of Asanuma-sensei.

Indeed, I soon see her shoes appear in front of me as she says, "Takato-kun... You aren't feeling sorry at all, are you?" making me slowly look up as I try to reply, "N-No... this isn't..." but realizing the futility of coming up with an excuse, I get up and start to bow while saying, "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!" as my classmates basically laugh out loud at my plight. 

After that, Asanuma-sensei further punished me by making me write a reflection essay after class and not be allowed to leave until I completed it.

Because of that, I'm now sitting on my seat with my notebook open looking outside the window as everyone else is leaving school, and in the notebook I have written only two and a half lines before my mind once again starts to wander back to the incredible Digimon I'm creating.

Unable to hold back, I once again bring out the notepad with all the information and details I was able to write until now and looking at it, I smile and mutter, "His name is Guilmon. A Virus attribute Reptile."

But all of a sudden, a yellow dog sock puppet with a red mouth, pink ears, black nose, and dark brown eyes appears in front of my eyes followed by a loud, "WOOF!"

This snaps me out of my daydreaming and unconsciously makes me yelp, and stand up in attention and say, "I-I'm sorry! I-I'll focus on my essay, I promise!"

But soon I hear a girlish laugh and focusing on it, I see her, Juri moving toward her desk and searching for something and saying, "O-Oh... it's just you Katou-san..."

Juri then pulls out something from under her desk and says, "I forgot my recorder. Woof!" before she leaves the class, but soon after she is gone, the yellow dog sock puppet appears once again from the other side of the door, and as it moves its mouth, I hear Juri's voice as it says, "Woof, woof! Write that reflection essay or she will get mad again! Woof!"

Then I watch as she runs down the stairs with a smile on my face while thinking, 'How cute..." but suddenly I hear the voice of a familiar man that says, "Ah, puppy love! How nice... the rite of passage that everyone has to go through... I still fondly remember very well all my childhood crushes..."

I turn in the direction of the voice and see a very tall and imposing man with wild dark blue hair and deep green eyes who seems able to look right in your soul, dressed in a conservative and businesslike white shirt with a light grey suit and pink necktie, light grey, well-pressed, pants, a dark brown belt with a normal buckle, and a pair of brown shoes as he walks in the classroom with a smile on his face.

He is our new English Teacher Pucci-sensei, I admit that at first, I was a little scared of him, after all, I had never seen someone so huge in my life, I almost thought that he was some kind of humanoid Digimon like Leomon, but soon he revealed himself to be a quite fun and easy-going Teacher, all his classes are always fun and interesting, so much that it became the favorite class of many of my classmates, in fact, many girls in my class seems to like him a lot, he even seems to be very well-liked by the other teachers too.

Looking at the teacher as he walks into the classroom, I quickly greet him and ask, "P-Pucci-sensei! W-Why are you here...?"

In response, Pucci-sensei leans his body against the wall and replies, "Well, I heard about your punishment from Asanuma-sensei but since she was too busy grading your class homework, I decided to give her a hand and watch over you in her place. So focus on your essay now... after all, the sooner you finish this the sooner you can leave."

Hearing that, I can't help but nod and say, "Yes, Pucci-sensei!" then I fully focus on completing the reflection essay in front of me.

After completing the reflection essay and receiving permission from Pucci-sensei, I said goodbye to the teacher and rushed out of the school toward the park near the school to finally check what happened to my Card Reader.

On my way there, the weather quickly started to change as very strong winds started to rise, and dark clouds started to cover the sky, a clear sign that a storm was about to come.

Realizing that, I run even faster as I want to return home before it starts raining and soon I arrive in the playground of the park but instantly notice something strange as some static electricity can be seen running over the ground and the other surfaces. 

Worried, I don't hesitate to rush toward the blob monster-shaped tower connected to a tail-shaped slide, the place where Hirokazu, Kenta, and I usually hide the boxes containing our cards and where we play our games before or after school, and once I climb up the upper deck where our boxes are located, I notice that my box is shining while surrounded by strange static electricity.

Curious, I quickly grab my box and start to shake it, but the vigorous movement forcefully opens the box as the cover remains in my hands while the body falls on the ground spilling the content and making me exclaim, "Ah!"

At the same time, among all the cards that spilled on the ground, I notice a particular object among them that is covered in bright white light for a moment before it reveals itself to be a relatively bulky, hand-sized device, its shell is fully white, while the decoration and the buttons are red.

I lean forward to take a closer look at it while muttering, "What... is this?" then I slowly move my hand toward the object, timidly touching it to ensure that it is safe, and once I see that nothing strange happened with my touch, I don't hesitate any more and quickly grab it.

I quickly bring the strange device closer to me to take a closer look at it, and the more I look at it, the stronger my suspicions about this strange device get, "T-This is... Did my Card Reader turn into this?"

Then I randomly push the buttons, but all I see on the display is always the same message, "... "No Data"... huh..." 

At this point, I notice that the sun is going down, so, I quickly place everything back into the box before running back home while taking the box with me.

As soon as I arrive in front of my family shop, the Matsuda Bakery, I notice one of our usual customers walking out of the door and hear my mom's voice as she says, "Thank you for coming!" and I run past her, I also politely say, "Thanks!" making the woman cheerfully greet me back, "Hi, Takato-chan!" as I run toward the back entrance of the shop.

Once inside, I see my dad working on the dough and greet him, "I'm home!" I run past my dad and rush toward the stairs that lead to the upper floor of our home, I stop and start to remove my shoes while quickly saying, "School was a lot of fun today!"

After saying that, I rush up the stairs, but at the same time, I hear Mom yell, "Hey, Takato!"

But at this point, I'm already in my room, and once there, I quickly throw my backpack on my desk and focus on the box in my hands which I quickly open and pour its contents on the ground.

I start to quickly look through all my cards, but after a few minutes, I can only conclude that the thing I was searching for isn't there and mutter, "I-It's gone... That Blue card... from before..."

At the same time, I look at the device on the ground that spilled from the box together with the cards and can't help but feel incredibly excited and happy as my theory seems to get more and more true, so much so that I exclaim, "I knew it! Because of that Blue card, this thing changed shape!"

I once again grab the strange device and with a heart full of hope I can't help myself from voicing out my most hopeful suspicion, "Maybe... this could have..." but I get distracted by the loud sound of thunder from the outside that makes me take a look at the window just in time to see some lighting falling as a heavy rain starts to fall from the sky.

Then I once again focus back on the device in my hand and say what I was going to say before, "Maybe this could have turned into a real Digivice."

At this point, I pull out my notepad with Guilmon's drawing and all the other relevant information and mutter, "If so..." then I don't hesitate to swipe the notepad in the slot on its right-hand side of the Digivice, but just as I start to swipe the notepad something happens, "Huh?"

The notepad doesn't move anymore, no matter how hard I try, and I immediately realize what is going on, "A-Aw, it's stuck..."

Before I can try to unblock the notepad, I hear Mom's voice as she yells, "Takato, take your bath first!" making me reply with "Okay!"

I quickly place the Digivice with the stuck notepad on the desk and walk out of my room to take my bath, but just as I open the door, I hear a strange scanner-like sound followed by that of the thunder and unconsciously look back.

What I see is the pages of my notepad being swiped one at a time by the Digivice on their own, a truly bizarre sight that makes me exclaim, "What the...?"

Soon all the pages of the notepad were swiped.

I didn't hesitate to walk back to my desk to see if something changed, and indeed, something did change as the Digivice started to beep.

I notice that now there is the image of a pulsing egg on the display, and seeing that I can't help but hopefully question, "A Digitama?"

Then a big smile forms on my face as all my hopes and dreams are coming true, I pick up the Digivice and while looking at it I mutter, "Something... Something is going to hatch!" 

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I'm standing outside of Takato's house under this torrential heavy rain looking at him as he stares at his D-Ark with a big smile on his face. 

At the same time, I can't help but also feel a smile forming on my face, especially since I can somewhat understand what he is going through at the moment as I shared some similar sentiments when I received my D-Ark and Digitama. 

As I continue to look at him, I also can't help but comment out loud just to give an increased sense of pathos, "And so... Guilmon is finally born. This is the start of a quick series of events that will shape and decide the fate of this Universe..."

After saying that I sigh and comment, "Okay maybe this is laying it a little too thick but without a deep narrator voice such an iconic scene seems a little empty and even a little creepy... after all... I'm standing in front of a 10-year-old kid home watching him through his window... even just saying that makes me feel like a torrent of FBI memes is about to pour down on me..."

After confirming that everything is more or less as I remember, I quickly teleport back home, and after another training session with V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon, I go to sleep to rest for the coming days which will surely become a lot more busy.

The following day starts as usual, I get up early, train with my Digimon, take a shower, send V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon in my Soulbound Territory, drive my bike to school, and teach my classes while remaining at school until early afternoon.

After school, I follow Takato and his friends, Hirokazu and Kenta, from the distance as they go into their hideout and start to play with the Digital Monster Card Gamer, at the same time, I hear Takato explaining what he saw yesterday night in his dream, "I actually saw them! Really! Trust me on this okay? There really were Digimon fighting in that fog! Real ones! They were really-"

But soon Hirokazu interrupts him by placing his hand over Takato's mouth and says, "As if, Takato. You were in bed when you woke up, weren't you?" followed by Kazu who says, "That's right, you even said so."

Takato removes Hirokazu's hand and declares, "It wasn't a dream! I could feel it! I did... I even felt the cold, falling rain..." which makes Hirokazu snort and snicker before he says, "Takato, don't tell me... at your age..."

Kenta also starts to snicker as he adds, "No way! Did you wet the bed?!" making an embarrassed Takato yell, "I-I did not! What the heck!? Where did that come from!?"

Soon after that, Hirokazu runs out while replying to Takato's previous question, "Because you were talking about a little kiddy dream!" followed by Kenta who yells, "Takato wet the bed!"

At the same time hearing that, I can't help but sigh and comment, "What a classic way to make fun of your friends..."

While saying that, I continue to keep my senses trained on Takato as he remains in place still thinking about yesterday's events, where he connected with Guilmon for the first time and was able to witness Ruki and Renamon's battle.

Then I hear Takato mutter, "It.. couldn't have been a dream. That was a Tamer. That was... a Digimon Tamer. And this is proof that I'm a Tamer, too... Eh!?" 

Suddenly what I was waiting for happens as Takato looks at his D-Ark and comments, "The Digitama hatched. The Digitama... D-Does this mean something was born? Then where did it go? W-What is... this? This is... It's pointing toward something."

After a few seconds, Takato also comes out with the D-Ark wound around his neck as he is using it to locate his Digimon Partner's position, then, he starts to run and I calmly follow after him to ensure his safety.

As I follow Takato, I also sense the opening of a Digital Field, in fact, this particular opening can also actually be seen as it releases a pillar of bluish light but no one else seems to care about it, most likely because it can only be perceived by Tamers and those with the potential of becoming one.

Takato moves through many small passages and narrow streets until he reaches his destination, a construction site, only this time, it isn't a building, but a construction site dedicated to the underground electricity infrastructure of the city.

Seeing that, I can't help but question, "What's up with Digimon and construction site!? This is already 6th one this month! Why do they like to realize in such places so much?"

At the same time, the Digimon that Takato was chasing, finally realizes that the Digital Field fully develops followed by the usual thick fog, and soon, I smile as I see the figure of the Digimon that looks extremely familiar and say, "Good, it is indeed Guilmon."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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