Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 255 – School Invasion

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

The Digimon that Takato was chasing, finally realizes as the Digital Field fully develops followed by the usual thick fog, and soon, I smile as I see the figure of the Digimon that looks extremely familiar and say, "Good, it is indeed Guilmon."

At the same time, I see Tatako, who just recovered from the expansion of the Digital Field and the thick fog that followed quickly after, starting at the still somewhat hidden figure of Guilmon and muttering, "W-what? What happened? What is that? Huh? C-Can it be...?"

Soon the excess fog clears fully showing the Digimon appearance, cementing the fact, that Guilmon indeed successfully hatched.

Guilmon is a bipedal dinosaur-like creature with red scales and yellow eyes, it has three claws on each hand, two claws on the front, and one at the back of each foot, it also has two wing-like appendages on its head. 

It has white scales on its belly, and a Digital Hazard on it, it also has black horizontal lines on its arms, legs, neck, back, and tail, two black marks under its eyes, and a black triangle mark on each shoulder, furthermore, it has an inverted Zero Unit on its snout, and incomplete Zero Units on its hands and feet. 

(Image Here - Guilmon)


While I'm taking a closer look at Guilmon, Takato's eyes open wide in wonder as he looks at Guilmon as he sniffs the air and looks at its surroundings with a gaze full of innocence and says, "I-It can't be... Is this for real?!"

Takato then starts slowly moving closer as he continues to mutter, "It's for real... It is really for real! A real Digimon!"

Meanwhile, Guilmon notices a pair of rats and ignores Takato who is now slowly approaching as he says, "I-I'm the one who created you..."

But then Guilmon opens its mouth and generates fiery energy between its maws before he shoots a fireball that obliterates the rats and melts through steel in an area of around 1 meter, shocking Takato who says, "W-What?"

Then Guilmon once again sniffs the air and finally notices Takato's presence, which scares him as the boy falls on the ground while screaming in panic, "N-no way!"

Takato sees that Guilmon is now looking at him and scared he says, "D-Don't attack me, Guilmon..." but seeing Guilmon lightly opening its mouth makes Takato believe that Guilmon is about to shoot another Fireball, this time at him, and scared he covers himself with his arms and yells, "Stop! Guilmon, stop!" 

Guilmon ignores Takato's plea and slowly moves closer to him making a very scared Takato close his eyes while saying, "I-I'm not a Digimon!" but Guilmon, who is now very close to him, simply sniffs the boy before he lightly nudges him with its head.

The shaking Takato realizes that Guilmon doesn't mean to harm him, slowly opens his eyes, and takes a look at the Digimon.

The two simply look at each other for a few seconds, and then a smile forms on Takato's face as he asks, "You recognize me, don't you?" then growing bolder he says, "Of course you do! I'm the one who made you, after all... Right, Guilmon?"

In response, Guilmon moves its head closer to the boy, who in return, hugs the Digimon as he starts to laugh full of happiness mixed with relief and excitement.

While looking at this warm scene with a smile on my face, I remember a little curious detail, the fact that at first, the Digimon Analyzer of the D-Ark has no information regarding Guilmon, but then once, it evolves, all the information becomes available.

Curious about that, I don't hesitate to grab my D-Ark and activate the Digimon Analyzer function on Guilmon, which displays a Digimon Analyzer profile of the Digimon and as the image of Guilmon and its relevant information is projected from the D-Ark, I start to read them, "Guilmon. Child level. A Digimon that has an appearance like a dinosaur that still retains its youth. Although it is still a Child Level, its potential as a "Combat Species", something which all Digimon naturally possess, is very high, and it hides the ferocious personality of a carnivorous beast. The mark drawn on its abdomen is called the "Digital Hazard", which is inscribed on those that have the potential to cause massive damage to computer data. However, as long as this ability is used peacefully, it can probably become a being that protects the Digital World. Its Signature Move is destroying rocks with its sturdy foreclaws (Rock Breaker). Its Special Move is spewing out a powerful flame shot (Fireball)."

After reading that, I can't help but comment, "How curious... my Digimon Analyzer shows all of Guilmon's information without any issue despite the fact that for this particular universe, Guilmon is actually the first of its kind, directly created by Takato's imagination so there should be no information about it... Well, the only possible explanation is that since the D-Ark is connected to me, it also uses my knowledge and power to directly connect to Yggdrasil and its database instead of simply using what this universe "knows"..."

Meanwhile, Takato finally calms down and starts to return back home with Guilmon following behind him.

Seeing that everything went well, I start to head back home, but suddenly I sense another Digital Field opening and it isn't the only one that makes me sigh and comment, "Come on! Not even a minute since one of the destined Tamers encounters his Digimon Partner and everything already starts to go downhill... usually only a Digimon or two realizes in the Real World in a week in the whole world, but now there are a dozen appearing all around the world almost at the same time in a day! Can things truly escalate so much, so quickly once the plot starts?" 

After saying that, I quickly use a little bit of Telephaty to contact Zandeer and Nikit to inform them about the Digimon and their location, then I return home and tell V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon the same before I make them Armor Evolve and directly teleport to the various locations of those Digimons so that we can quickly deal with them. 

Of course, we don't eliminate all of them, only those that are feral or malicious, and of course, I purify and use their Data to form other Digitamas to send to the budding Village of Beginnings in my Soulbound Territory, Nikita also helped me a little with her magic as she gathered the Data of the Digimon defeated by Agumon and Blucomon and sent it to me so that the Data can go through the same process.

Talking about the Village of Beginnings, everything is going well, as I and the Nymphs already built the basic infrastructures, things like homes, nurseries, clinics, farms, gyms, and all the other essential things that Baby I, Baby II, and Child level Digimon could need, I also ensure that create the same rules that other Villages of Beginnings have, where the Data of deleted Digimon is sent and reconfigured into baby Digimon and then their Data is changed into a Digitama, basically what is needed to created the Digimon Reincarnation Cycle.

At the moment, it is mostly a ghost village as none of the Digitama hatched yet, something that is quite natural as those Digitamas do not have the energies of their Tamers to speed up their growth at their disposal, but the first batch of Digitama is quite close to hatching, at least this is what, Meliae's partner, who is the village leader and caretaker of the Digitamas, told me. 

Regarding Meliae's Digimon Partner, it wasn't that much of a surprise that the Digimon that hatched from the Digitama I created using the purified residual Data of DarkTyranomon and the Fangmon pack and then synchronized with Meliae's Spiral Cosmo turned out to be a Yuramon, a small round-looking infant Seed Digimon, that is entirely violet and has antennae of the same color, but is covered in shaggy white fur, leaving only its eyes exposed.

Yuramon then continued to maintain its plant theme by evolving into Tanemon, which resembles a yellow and green bulb with a leaf extending over its head and four legs.

A few days later it further evolved into Palmon, a green, bipedal, Mandrake-like Digimon with a tail and small bumps lining its back. It has large, root-like feet and foliage-like hands, each hand has three purple-tipped vines that act like fingers, and the top of its head is adorned with a pink and yellow flower with a long, yellow stamen with a red tip. 

(Image Here - Yuramon, Tanemon, Palmon)


Once Tanemon evolved into Palmon she quickly started to take a more feminine attitude and also started to refer to herself as a "she" just like V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon started to refer to themselves as "he", and she was also quite excited by the prospect of becoming the leader of the Village of Beginnings and the caretaker of the Digitamas and Baby Digimon, so much that she spends most of the time watching over and cradling the Digitamas.

Talking about the Digitamas, the mysterious Digitama within the storage space of my D-Ark that I created by mistake is also still there unhatched, if it wasn't for the fact that I can clearly sense that everything is fine and that the Digimon within it simply isn't ready to hatch yet, I would have started worring.  

After dealing with the feral and harmful Digimon that suddenly appeared all around the world, I quickly teleport my Digimon back home, but then just as I'm about to follow after them, I sense that another Digital Field just formed back in Japan. 

But in this case, I decide to not make a move and call back Wormmon, V-mon, and Patamon as the Digimon that arrived in this world had the bad luck of Realizing right into the baseball field of a little league of West Shinjuku, very close to the home of a certain ruthless, ginger-haired girl and her cold, foxy Digimon Partner.

Indeed, as soon as I arrive there, I can already see the figures of Ruki and Renamon running into the fog-covered field and stop a few meters away from the feral Digimon as Ruki removes the sunglasses she used to protect her eyes against the hazards of the fog of the Digital Field, that can temporarily blind them if directly exposed to it, and takes a look at the clearly feral Digimon in front of them.
I also take a close look at it and see that is a green goblin-like Digimon with yellow eyes, short red mohawk hair, pointy ears, two large teeth in its mouth, five fingers on each hand, and five toes on each foot, it is a Goburimon. 

Goburimon wears a pierced ring on its left ear and a light brown sleeveless jacket that is open with brown trim and has black leather adorned by metal orbs near its shoulders, it also wears a brown belt and a light brown loincloth, furthermore, it carries a wooden club with screws on it, and a metallic ornament under its hilt.

(Image Here - Goburimon)


Looking at the size of the Goburimon, it is clear that something is wrong with it as usually, a Goburimon is just slightly taller than an Agumon, but this one is almost as tall as an average adult Japanese man, which makes me realize, 'This Digimon was clearly ready to evolve to the Adult level a long time ago... but since the Digi-Entelechy became Culumon that isn't possible and so Goburimon's continued to load Data until it became too much for its body to contain that it was forced to grow unnaturally bigger, and what is worse is that this process turned Goburimon into a feral Digimon that only wishes to hunt down and load even more Data...'

While I'm thinking that, Ruki maintains her calm as she looks at the bigger-than-normal feral Digimon and simply says, "Renamon." making her Partner Digimon instantly focus on Goburimon.

At the same time, Ruki brings up her D-Ark and activates the Digimon Analyzer function, which immediately displays a Digimon Analyzer profile of the Digimon, and as the image of Goburimon and its relevant information is projected from the D-Ark, Ruki starts to read them out loud, "Goburimon. Child Level. A mischief-loving, impish Digimon with the appearance of a small oni. Cunning but lacking courage, it never acts alone; instead, it always attacks in groups while hiding in the shadows of trees or buildings. However, once outnumbered, they run away at full speed just like baby spiders dispersing. Whether to make up for it, its intelligence is a little higher than other Child Digimon. Its Special Move is throwing Mach speed fireballs at the enemy (Goburi Strike)."

Meanwhile, the feral Goburimon shouts out, "Data!" before it rushes toward Renamon with its club raised and poised for attack that makes Renamon react much faster as it jumps toward Goburimon hitting it with a flying kick square in the chest, but the attack is too light as it is unable to push back of even damage the bigger than normal feral Digimon, something that forces Renamon to jump back using Goburimon's body as springboard.

In response, Goburimon simply pats its chest confused before he grins and once again rushes toward Renamon while roaring and wildly swinging its club, but Renamon ducks under the club and quickly counter-attack with an uppercut while once again jumping back.

The attack is again unable to deliver enough damage to the feral Goburimon who once again roars as it chases after Renamon while yelling, "Data!" with its club raised ready to strike.

Goburimon swings down its club, but Renamon again dodges and counterattacks with a kick to the jaw before creating some distance once more.

Renamon attacks are still unable to damage the feral Goburimon, in fact, it only makes it more enraged as Goburimo charges once again making Renamon jump out of the way which causes Goburimon to crash against the metal fence that bends under the force of its charge.

Goburimon quickly recovered and became even more enraged as it swung down its club with even more force, but again Renamon jumped out of harm's way while the club crushed the ground with such force that gravel was flying around.

In mid-air, Renamon moves its gaze away from Goburimon and looks at its Tamer as it says, "Ruki! Option Card!"

Ruki calmly says, "Got it." before she pulls out a card from the card case attached to her belt, and also brings out her D-Ark while shouting, "Card Slash!" 

She then swipes the card in the slot on the right-hand side of her D-Ark, and once she completes this action, she calls out the name of the card she just swiped, "Boost Chip! Power 10% Up!"

The effect is instantaneous as Renamon starts to shine as all its attributes are raised, but at the same time, I sense Culumon's presence nearby which seems to react to Goburimon who also starts to shine as it yells, "Goburimon, evolve...!" 

Then Goburimon's body quickly goes through some changes and as the light of the evolution fades away, it calls out its new name, "...Fugamon!"

Fugamon is a Digimon that resembles a red or ochre ogre with long, unkempt white hair and pointed ears adored by earrings, its mouth is wide open with an exaggerated lower jaw similar to Violator from the Spawn comic and has fang-like tusks on its upper jaw like a traditional Oni. 

It wears a tiger stripe loincloth and sleeves on its left arm and right leg which further emphasize this resemblance as well as a bracer on its right arm and black belts on its left leg and it carries a large, spiked femur bone as a bludgeon weapon. 

It has a skull and crossbones on its left arm, metal studs on the knuckles of its left hand, and a scar on the back of its right hand. 

(Image Here - Fugamon)


Seeing that Goburimon evolved into Fugamon, I quickly grab my D-Ark, use the Digimon Analyzer function, and quickly take a look at the information that appears together with the projection of Fugamon, 'Fugamon. Adult Level. A Digimon whose form resembles that of the Oni from Eastern legends. It belongs to the same family as Orgemon, sporting the same violent, battle-loving personality. The attacks dealt using its well-developed muscles pack extraordinary power, and bring about absolute destruction. Its Special Move is spinning its Hone Konbou, using it to mow everything down (Evil Hurricane). Pretty Basic...'

While I'm taking a closer look at Fugamon's information, Ruki is surprised by its evolution and comments, "It evolved? How? It shouldn't be able to."

At the same time, with its newfound powers and agility, Fugamon jumps toward Renamon while yelling "Data!" and slams down its large, spiked femur bone forcing Renamon to jump back and making the large, spiked femur bone named Hone Konbou miss its target, hitting the ground with such force that creates a big crater while sending a lot of gravel flying around.

Ruki still maintaining her calm appearance, looks at Fugamon and says, "Renamon. Failure is not an option." making Renamon curtly reply, "I know. Just watch."

At the same time, Fugamon rushes toward Renamon, who quickly moves its body closer to a metal structure in such a way that the fight would be away from Ruki. 

Fugamon obviously chases after Renamon while yelling, "Data!" before it horizontally swings its Hone Konbou, but Renamon jumps out of the Hone Konbou's path making it smash the metal structure behind it, and at the same time, it delivers a powerful kick to the face which thanks to Boost Chip card's enhancement is able to stun Fugamon.

At this point, seeing that its attacks are now effective, Renamon doesn't hesitate and quickly follows through with a knee to the face and a quick series of punches that are so fast and numerous that leave behind afterimages sending Fugamon crashing on the ground.

Fugamon slowly gets up but just as it starts to rush toward its enemy, Renamon makes the first move by crossing its and yelling, "Koyosetsu!" spreading its arms wide open yo fires a barrage of sharpened leaves at Fugamon that shine like glowing glass turning Fugamon's body into a pincushion and killing it on the spot.

Looking at Fugamon as it disperses into Data that then gets loaded by Renamon, Ruki with her arms crossed comments, "It may have managed to evolve the Adult level, but our parameter is far more superior. It could never defeat us!" after saying that, Ruki smile slightly and adds, "Grow stronger, Renamon." 

Seeing that fight, I can't help but also feel a small smile forming on my face while thinking, 'Despite the clear difficulties they have in expressing their feelings, it is clear that both Ruki and Renamon actually care for each other and that their bond continues to grow stronger... Renamon throughout the whole fight made sure to always keep Ruki out of harm's way, while Ruki on the other hand, always kept her eyes open ready to act or warn Renamon of any sign of danger, and also encouraged it in her own way... Still, it is also clear that there are still some issues and doubts between them...'

After thinking that and confirming that there aren't other incoming Digimon for today, I simply teleport back home and spend the rest of the evening playing some games with Wormmon, Patamon, and V-mon until it is time to go to sleep.

Today I'm simply relaxing in the Teachers' Lounge as my classes will be held later in the day, moreover, today I'll teach only three 6th grade classes, which is a quite light load of work compared to the other days, as basically I will only have to actually work for just three hours while the rest of the time can easily be spent in looking busy, which means reading a book, helping around from time to time, and chatting with other teachers, which makes me smirk while thinking, 'Yup, sometimes being an English Teacher in a Japanese Elementary School can be a very relaxing job... after all, it is the Homeroom Teachers who teaches almost all the subject in class and takes care of all the matters regarding the class...'

While I'm thinking that, I sense the familiar presence of Guilmon entering the premises of the school which instantly makes me remember, 'Ah, that's right! The newborn Guilmon felt too lonely and bored and so came here to look for Takato causing quite a bit of panic in the school...'

As I remember that, I get up from my chair and head outside while saying, "I'm going to patrol around the hallways to make sure that no kids are skipping class or fooling around..." making a few of the teacher present reply with things like, "Thanks for the hard work." while thinking, 'While Guilmon is harmless most of the time, it is undeniable that it can also be quite ferocious, especially since it was born just yesterday and still doesn't have a good control over its instincts... so it is better to watch over from the distance to ensure that it doesn't harm anyone...'

Soon I arrive in front of class 6-2 and catch Guilmon giving one of the best impressions of Solid Snake ever seen as it walks around under a cardboard box undetected a sight that makes me almost snicker out loud. 

At the same time, a loud voice coming from the class yells, "Hey, Yamazaki!" which makes Guilmon stop in place and look like a normal cardboard box.

The voice that I now recognize a Kuwambara-sensei then continues to scold his student, "Noodle for brain, that is what you have! That is exactly why I told you yesterday to not forget your homework!"

Curious Guilmon moves closer to the classroom's door and accidentally scratches it with its claws producing a sound loud enough for everyone in the class to listen making the lesson and scolding stop, but before they can check, Guilmon quickly runs away as it continues to search for Takoto and I follow after it.

At the same time, from behind me, I hear the worried voice of one of the students as he asks, "Sensei, what was that?" which is quickly followed by the sound of the door being closed and locked, and the voice of a slightly panicky Kuwambara-sensei, who clearly noticed the claw marks on the door and tries to keep the students calm and safe, "Hem... Don't worry a-about that! We're in the middle of the class right now! Yes! No need to pay any attention whatsoever to unnecessary distractions, yes, yes..."

Soon, Solid Guilmon encounters Principal Kurosawa, who at first ignores the cardboard box, but then when it starts moving, Principal Kurosawa mistakes Guilmon for a student and coughs to catch its attention, before calling it out, "Uh, you! You there!" 

Once Guilmon stops, principal Kurosawa asks, "Which class are you a student of? What is your name?" making the innocent Guilmon reply with "Guilmon!" and ask back, "Who are you?"

The principal candidly answers its question, "I am Seiji Kurosawa- I mean, I'm the Principal! Call me Principal-sensei!" then it asks back, "What are you doing out in the hallway?"

Guilmon simply replies with, "I'm going to play with Takato." which makes the principal start to scold it, "Play? It's class time now! And take off this weird-looking box right this instant!"

Soon they start to go back and forth as the principal tries to remove the cardboard box and Guilmon holds onto it as Takato tells it to stay inside, of course, considering the difference in pure physical power between a Child Level Digimon and a regular Human adult.

The obvious result is that the Pricinpal is totally unable to move the cardboard box no matter how much he tries even to the point that his face is becoming flushing red because of the strain.

At the same time, the exasperated principal Kurosawa says, "Urg! I don't know who this "Takato" is, but as long as you are in this school, you must listen to the Principal! Is that understood!?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Guilmon candidly replies, "Okay!" and without any hesitation lets go of the cardboard box and reveals itself with a laugh and says, "Let's play, Principal-sensei!"

But of course, Guilmon's appearance scares the Principal so much that in panic crawls back until he pulls the fire alarm, which starts to ring warning everyone in the school of some kind of danger.

Meanwhile, Guilmon gets distracted by the smell of freshly baked bread that reminds it of Takato and so, while sniffing the air, it chases after the smell while I continue to calmly follow after it undetected to ensure that no one is carelessly harmed.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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