Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 256 – The Tamers Trio’s First Meeting

Takato POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

The gym class was going very well when suddenly the fire alarm started to ring catching the attention of Asanuma-sensei, who turned around, and all my other classmates among whom there is Hirokazu who asks, "What is happening?" followed by Kenta who added, "Is it a fire?" but Toshi-kun quickly denies, "No way... there is no smoke!"

At the same time, I have a sinking feeling about what this fire alarm is actually about as a few moments ago I had the impression to see Guilmon's cardboard box on the school's grounds.

While I'm starting to panic, I hear Asanuma-sensei as she say, "Everyone, get in line and wait here! I'll go and see what is going on."

After saying that, Asanuma-sensei quickly starts to run toward the school's main building, and quickly after that, I hear Juri's voice as she asks, "What's wrong, Takato-kun?" making me immediately snap out of my state of stupor and reply, "I... I have something to do!"

I don't say anything else and quickly start to run toward the school's main building to see if what I'm dreading truly happened and as I run up the stairs the only thing in my mind is 'Guilmon!'

I quickly reach a hallway full of people from other students to teachers, and also hear some comments around that make my conjecture even stronger.

"I've heard it was a monster!"

"I think the principal's been drinking on the job..."

"This sort of thing isn't even scary enough these days to qualify as a school ghost story."

"Who believes in monsters anymore?"

"What person would ring the alarm just because he saw a monster?"

"I would, if it was real!"

Hearing all that, I can't help but mutter "Monster?" and when I finally arrive at the scene, I see the principal talking with another teacher, but I don't focus on that, what catches my attention is the familiar cardboard box on the floor, the same cardboard box I gave to Guilmon which confirms that what I was fearing for actually happened, Guilmon is here.

Realizing that I can't help but exclaim out loud, "Guilmon!" before I start to run to search for Guilmon.

I run outside the building and start to call out, "Guilmon!" but there is no response, so I continue to run around searching for my Digimon or any traces it may have left behind.

Then suddenly I hear the voice of an auntie as she asks, "What's the meaning of this? All of the bread is gone, while the rest of the food is untouched!" followed by another voice that says, "Maybe someone has taken it."

Hearing that, I don't hesitate and rush toward the nearby building that is the school's kitchen as this is clearly connected, and once there, I see the state of the kitchen as the same auntie says, "But that was all of the bread in the school!" but before they could further discuss this, another voice says, "Anyway, let's hurry and get some new bread prepared! We must make ir in time for lunch!"

Hearing all that, I can't help but feel guilty while thinking, 'It was Guilmon! What should I do? My Guilmon...'

I start to aimlessly walk around while muttering, "Guilmon... Why did you come to school?" but then an unfamiliar boy's voice suddenly asks, "You just said "Guilmon," right? That's a Digimon isn't it?"

Hearing that, I turn around to take a look at who is the one speaking to me and see a young boy with tanned skin, short blue hair, and gray eyes, he wears a sleeveless orange vest with a zipper over a black t-shirt, brown pants, black socks, gray and yellow shoes with white soles, and white wrist bands as he leans his body against a nearby wall with his arm crossed.

Hearing what he just asked me, I unconsciously ask back, "How did you know that?" but then another cute voice also asks, "This person is a Tamer?"

At the same time, a cute bipedal canine with white fur that is striped with green on its collarbone, paws, and the tips of its ears appears from behind the boy. 

Its most prominent features are its long, frayed ears and the solitary horn on its forehead, and like a dog, it has black toes and paw pads.

That creature can't be more recognizable, so much that I can't help myself from exclaiming, "Terriermon! A Terriermon... is talking!"

(Image Here - Terriermon)


Terriermon snickers at my reaction and then says, "If you and your Digimon Partner don't have a good understanding with each other, then you have no right to call yourself a Digimon Tamer!" which makes the boy chide, "Terriermon!" but Terriermon simply starts to jump around with a smile on its face while exclaiming, "Moumantai!" 

Hearing that, I can't help but feel very bad as I realize that what Terriermon just said is true, especially as I see Terriermon and this boy together, so much that as I feel my eyes itching and tears gather in them, I can on mutter, "I... I..." before I simply start to run away from here as random images of everything that happened until now come to my mind and I'm unable to hold back the tears from falling from my eyes any longer. 

At least until I stop to sniff up to stop my running nose and look up at the clear sky which makes me suddenly have a strange sensation of where I could actually find Guilmon at the moment, and so, without any hesitation, I run toward the rooftop of the school. 

I slam open the door of the rooftop and start to look around and instantly relax as I see Guilmon's figure in the distance looking up at the sky, 'Guilmon...'

Guilmon notices my presence and opens his mouth in a way that I can only describe as a smile as he runs toward me yelling, "Takato!" in response, I also start to run toward my Digimon with my arms spread open while yelling, "Guilmon!"

Guilmon then jumps on top of me yelling, "Takato!" making me fall on the ground, but I don't care about that and simply sit up, warp my arms around his neck, hug him, and mutter, "Guilmon..."

Guilmon notices that something is wrong and asks, "Takato, what is wrong?" then he brushes one of his claws close to my eye cleaning the tears away as he adds, "Your face is leaking."

I quickly use my arm to clear away the remaining tears and say "Oh, be quiet. There's nothing else to it. You'll have to stay here until I say so, okay? I'll come and get you when school is over."

Guilmon nods then it asks, "Then we play?" to which I reply with a smile and say, "Sure!"

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I watch from the distance as Terriermon snickers at Takato's reaction to its presence and then says, "If you and your Digimon Partner don't have a good understanding with each other, then you have no right to call yourself a Digimon Tamer!" which makes the Lee chide, "Terriermon!" but Terriermon simply starts to jump around with a smile on its face while exclaiming, "Moumantai!" 

At the same time, Takato is clearly hurt by Terriermon's words, so much so that he almost cries on the spot as he stutters, "I... I..." before he simply starts to run off. 

At this point, I step forward and calmly comment, "That was a bit rude... While you didn't say anything wrong, you should cut the kid some slack. After all, he just became a Tamer and his partner is basically a newborn..."

Terriermon immediately mutters, "Oops!" and freezes in place while Lee snaps and greets me with a little nervousness in his eyes, "Pucci-sensei...!" but then he finally registers what I just said and exclaims, "Wait! How do you know about Digimon and Tamers!?"

I simply smile and say in a teasing tone, "Oh, please... It isn't as much of a secret as you think. Even more so since some random student is so bold to bring his Digimon Partner into class... I mean, while Terriermon is good in its doll act, it isn't good enough to fool me. You are lucky that Mori-sensei gets easily distracted, especially when Asanuma-sensei is involved."

Hearing that, Lee seems both stunned and embarrassed as he realizes just how careless he was, meanwhile Terriermon, knowing that I found out about it, simply shrugs its shoulders and starts to wave its paws at me while saying, "Moumantai!"

I wave back and reply, "Hakuna Matata." which stump both Terriermon for a moment, but then it asks, "What does "Hakuna Matata" mean?"

I take a moment to sense Takato's situation and perceive that he is heading toward the rooftop of the school where Guilmon is now standing, before I focus back on Terriermon and explain, "It is a Swahili phrase, and it has basically the same meaning of the Cantonese phrase "Moumantai". They both mean "No worries" or "Take it easy"..."

Hearing that, Terriermon starts to jump around while saying, "Hakuna Matata! Moumantai!" which makes me groan a little while asking myself, 'He won't repeat both phrases continuously from now on, right?'

Meanwhile, Lee finally snaps out of his stunned state and asks in an uncertain way unable to find the right words, "Pucci-sensei... what...?" 

At this point, I give him a reassuring smile and say, "Don't worry... I'll protect your secret. Now, hurry up and go back to class as the situation is about to return under control and the classes will quickly resume..."

Hearing that, Lee nods, picks up Terriermon, bows lightly, and mutters, "Thank you very much." before he rushes back inside.

At the same time, I take advantage of the fact that his back is now facing me to bring out my D-Ark and use the Digimon Analyzer function on Terriermon.

Soon the D-Ark project Terriormon images with all its relevant information and I read them in my mind, 'Terriermon. Child level. With one horn growing from its head, it is a Digimon shrouded in mystery. It can be classified as a Beast Digimon from its body structure, but it's still not understood what kind of evolved form it will take on. Also, it is rumored that it is sometimes born with a twin. It's a very cute type of Digimon, and from its calm behavior it doesn't seem like a "Combat Species" Digimon, but in the case of battle, it shows that it is more powerful than it appears. Its Signature Move is generating a tiny tornado by spinning its ears like a propeller (Petit Twister). Its Special Move is spewing out a shot of superheated air (Blazing Fire). Also, it possesses great power in the Unison Technique Double Typhoon that it performs with Lopmon, its twin.' 

After reading that, I can't help but comment, "As expected... my D-Ark uses information that comes directly from Yggdrasil and it also uses some of my own knowledge... After all, this information is way too much detailed and it even mentions Lopmon... Oh, well it isn't that much of a problem..."

Once I confirmed that, I didn't waste any more time and quickly moved to help the teacher take control of the situation, I also helped the principal save his reputation by explaining to everyone that the cause behind his unusual actions was actually a form of food poisoning that caused him some hallucinations, which can be caused by some fish and toxic spinach, something that the principal luckily ate yesterday, of course, I also made sure to give him other symptoms of food poisoning and a quick homemade "cure" for it so that he can be sent back home and rest for a couple of days. 

After that, the day continued like normal as there weren't anymore Digimon Digimon-themed surprises during the various classes thanks to that the school ended on a peaceful note. 

After school, as I return back home I sense that something interesting is about to happen in Shinjuku Central Park as I perceive that Takato, Lee, and Ruki are all there at the same with their Digimon Partners, which means that the main Tamers of this universe are about to officially meet.

Realizing that, I don't hesitate to turn my bike around and head toward the Shinjuku Central Park while thinking, 'Luckily it is quite close to my current position. Watching their first true meeting should be fun and it will also help me see if my brief interactions with them changed something for the better or worse... and if I have to make a move to fix it.'

I arrive just in time to see Renamon hit Guilmon with a flying kick which sends the poor newborn Digimon flying against a nearby steel fence that bends under the red dinosaur Digimon's weight making a shocked and worried Takato exclaim, "Guilmon!" 

At the same time, Renamon takes advantage of the counterforce of her kick to jump back and land on a nearby tree, and soon after, Ruki makes her presence known right beside the same tree by saying, "Step aside, Tamer. This is a Digimon Battle."

Takato looks at Ruki and says, "You... I've seen you somewhere..." but Ruki ignores him and declares, "Renamon wants to fight." making Takato raise his head to look at the foxy Digimon crouching on the branch of the tree with a little bit of fear in his eyes, before he quickly focus back on the stunned Guilmon and asks, "Are you alright, Guilmon?"

While Takato is focusing on Guilmon, Ruki steps forward as Renamon lands behind her and asks, "You are a Tamer, aren't you?"

In response, Takato looks back at her, and touching his iconic goggles he declares, "Yeah, that's right!" which makes Ruki haughtly snort as she says, "Okay. Then let's get this over with. Since a Digital Field didn't appear, other people can see us."

But Takato still doesn't understand what Ruki means with her words and actions, and so upset, he asks, "What do you mean, "get this over with?" Why are you doing these horrible things? Guilmon was just born recently!"

Takato's last declaration surprises Ruki, who asks back, "Born recently? It's only at the Baby level?" but Takato a little stumped by the question stutters, "Um... well..." before he looks at Guilmon and says, "No, Guilmon is at the Child level. When I created him, that's what I had in mind."

Hearing that, a somewhat confused Ruki can't help but repeat, "Created?" before she decides to ignore the issue and step back she says, "Whatever. Renamon."

Seeing that I can't help but comment, "As expected of Ruki... she doesn't hesitate to start a fight."

Meanwhile, as Renamon starts to walk toward Guilmon, Takato waves his arms yelling, "Don't do it!" which annoys Ruki as she yells back, "Cut it out! Aren't you a Tamer? You should know the reason why a Digimon is born!"

Stunned, Takato repeats, "The reason?" but before he could have the time to think further about Ruki's words, Renamon makes its move as it jumps high with its arms crossed before it spreads them open to release a bunch of razor-sharp, glass-like leaves which makes Takato instinctively warn his Digimon Partner, "Guilmon, run!" 

Takato's warning comes too late as Renamon calls out the name of its technique, "Koyosetsu!" before it launches a volley of those razor-sharp leaves at them as it lands back on the tree's branch, but it is clear that this is simply a warning shot as Renamon held back its power by a lot and even missed both Guilmon and the nearby Takato.

But the attack awakens Guilmon's wild fighting instincts as its eyes change from pure innocent ones to a pair of very feral eyes and it doesn't hesitate to counterattack by shooting a fireball from its mouth.

In response to this attack, Renamon makes use of the tree's branch as a platform to jump forward and avoid Guilmon's fireball which obliterates a piece of the tree.

At the same time, Ruki brings up her D-Ark and uses the Digimon Analyzer function to identify Guilmon, but in her case, only the projection of Guilmon figures appears and no other information making Ruki exclaim, "No data? What kind of Digimon is that?" something that further confirms my theory that thanks to our unusual situation and overall knowledge and power, our D-Arks receive information directly from Yggdrasil.

Meanwhile, Renamon tackles Guilmon into the ground and the two start to roll around and struggle for dominance as Guilmon bites one of Renamon's arms while Renamon grabs Guilmon's head with her free hand with the intent of freeing itself.

Seeing the scene of Guilmon and Renamon's brutal struggle shocks and scares Takato as he mutters, "Guilmon... G-Guilmon's eyes look different..."

At the same time, Ruki opens her card case attached to her belt and picks up a card, and then she also grabs her D-Ark while saying, "You're slaking off, Renamon."

Takato notices her movement and even more so the card in her hand and exclaims, "A Digimon card!?"

Ruki starts to swipe the card in the slot on the right-hand side of her D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once she completes this action, she calls out the name of the card she just swiped, "Heavy Metal!"

The effect is instantaneous as a metal gauntlet equips on Renamon's free arm and seeing that, Takato comments, "The impact will..."

Realizing the danger Takato quickly shouts as he tries to warn his Digimon, "Guilmon! Get away! You'll get killed!"

But Guilmon is too focused on biting Renamon's arm and so, as Renamon points the metal gauntlet at Guilmon's head, Ruki comments with a satisfied smile on her face, "Winner: Renamon."

At the same time, Takato starts to panic even more as he yells, "Guilmon, let go! Why aren't you listening to me?" I get ready to make a move in case something unexpected happens and Renamon actually kills Guilmon.

But in the end, I don't have to do anything as Guilmon hears Takato's voice, snaps out of its feral state, and turns its head to look in Takato's direction, then he easily lets go of Renamon's arm and rushes toward Takato while yelling cluelessly, "What's wrong, Takato?"

At the exact same time, Renamon uses the metal gauntlet to fire a powerful piston to punch Guilmon to death, however, her punch misses Guilmon and the force of the piston firing sends her flying back.

Soon Renamon recovers and as Guilmon reaches Takato, Ruki ruthlessly orders, "Renamon, don't pay attention to him! Do it now!"

But Renamon hesitates as it doesn't want to implicate the nearby Takato in its attack and turns its head to look at Ruki silently asking for confirmation, and Ruki simply says, "Renamon! I won't forgive you if we lose once more!"

Hearing that, Renamon jumps toward Guilmon and Takato with the intent of attacking them, but just as it is about to attack, Lee's voice is heard as he yells, "Stop!"

Renamon stops, and soon after, everyone turns to look at the newcomer and see the figure of Lee with Terriermon by his side on top of a nearby slope making Takato exclaim, "It's you!"

At the same time, Terriermon runs down the slope heading directly toward Renamon, making Ruki mutter, "Another Digimon? Just how many Digimon came to this World? And how many Tamers there are?"

Soon Terriermon arrives in front of Renamon and without any hesitation it shamelessly asks, "You are strong. How long have you battled? Can you evolve already?"

Lee follows after his Digimon Partner and calmly asks, "Terriermon, why are you asking those sorts of questions?"

In response, Terriermon replies in an easy-going tone with an almost naughty grin on its face, "No reason. Hakuna Matata~!"

Lee ignores Terriermon's antics and asks Ruki and Takato, "Why are you making your Digimon fight when you're both partners?" 

In response to that question, Ruki quickly replies, "Don't ask stupid questions. It's because they're Digimon. Isn't that obvious?"

Once again Lee continues to ask as he seems to recognize Ruki, "You live on the other side of the train station, right?" then as Terriermon climbs up his body and hugs him, Lee adds, "But, how can you consider... these creatures, who live here with us, as mere tools for battle?"

Hearing that, Ruki becomes a little more muted before she says, "Not you too... I don't get what you're asking. Renamon, let's go." and walks away with Renamon following behind her leaving behind only Lee, Takato, Guilmon, and Terriermon, and soon they start to get to know each other better and become friends as they search for a place for Guilmon.

Seeing that, I nod and comment, "It seems that things are progressing well... Ruki is starting to doubt her attitude toward Renamon and other Digimon. Takato and Guilmon are getting closer... And well, Lee is still unwilling to let Terriermon fight as he is still scarred by his previous experience with Digimon Battles... But overall, it seems that they are well on their way to becoming the Tamers that this universe needs."

Once I confirmed that, I simply walked away, returned to my bike, and headed back home, on my way back, I sensed a couple of Digital Fields opening in the city, but since V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon are actually in the Saint Seiya Universe spending time with my kids, I simply decide to leave them to Nikita and Zandeer, so I use my Telephaty to contact and warn them as I reach my home, especially since I have an appointment with my wife Saori as I promised her a romantic date in this universe, a date that if I play my cards right will end in a very happy and satisfying note for both of us.

Nikita POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

After receiving Jayr's message, I and Zandeed decided to split up to deal with the possibility of feral Digimon while Jayr enjoyed his date with Saori.

As I head toward the location of one of the Digital Fields that just opened with my cute Blucomon beside me, I can't help but mutter, "I hope that the Digimon that Realized is one of the harmless ones..."

In response to that, Blucomon quickly says, "Don't worry, Nikita. Even if we encounter a feral Digimon, we will be easily able to deal with it. Together we are the strongest!"

Hearing that, I quickly grin, stop, and hug Blucomon while rubbing my cheek on his snout and says, "Of course. My cute Blucomon is the mightiest!" making him pout as it complains, "How many times I have to tell you, woman!? I'm cool! Not cute!"

But at the same time, I also notice that while he has a frown on his face and his tone seems annoyed, his tail is actually swinging back and forth like a cute puppy showing its happiness, making me smirk while thinking, 'How fun~! I got a cute, tsundere Digimon~! I just love to tease him~!' 

Soon we arrive at our destination, a train yard enveloped in a thick fog, and from within the fog, the sound of something heavy crashing against and destroying metal objects can be heard which makes me comment, "Well, it seems we got a feral..."

After saying that, I don't hesitate and rush inside the fog with Blucomon following behind me and what greets me on the other side is the sight of a dinosaur-like Digimon resembling somewhat a rhinoceros as it runs around crashing and destroying everything in its path. 

Its upper face is covered by black armor that extends into bony frills with red stripes, its greyish build is armored on the back reaching all the way to the tail with white bone armor on its stomach, its nose has a single large horn, and has green eyes. 

Looking at that Digimon, I don't hesitate to bring up my D-Ark and use the Digimon Analyzer on it, and as soon as the projection of the Digimon's figure with its relative information appears, I start to read them out loud, "Monochromon. Adult Level. An Ankylosaur Digimon with a rhinoceros-like horn growing on its snout. As its huge horn grows, it becomes large enough to account for half of its body length. The hard substance covering a portion of its horn and half its body is as hard as a diamond, and it is said that there is nothing that cannot be penetrated by this horn. Monochromon can be said to be a Digimon that excels in both offense and defense. It is herbivorous and has a relatively docile personality, but once it is angered, it will continue to unleash terrifying counterattacks from its heavy tank-like body. Its Special Move is a powerful flame shot (Volcano Strike)."

(Image Here - Monochromon)


Hearing what the Digimon Analyzer told us about our opponent, Blucomon comments, "It is an Adult level, huh... It seems that we have to go all out this time." in response, I smile and ask, "That's right! Blucomon, are you ready to finally become an adult with big sister's help~?"


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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