Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 257 – Round Two

Nikita POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

Reading what the Digimon Analyzer tells us about our opponent, Blucomon comments, "It is an Adult level, huh... It seems that we have to go all out this time." in response, I smile and ask, "That's right! Blucomon, are you ready to finally become an adult with big sister's help~?"

Blucomon can't help but let out a groan as he comments, "I truly can't understand from where your love for speaking in such a misleading manner comes from..."

In response, I smirk and reply in an innocent tone, "I don't know what you're talking about~"

At the same time, I bring up my D-Ark, focus my Aura and Magic Power into it, and say, "Get ready, Blucomon!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Aura, Magic Power, and Emotions, transform it into Data, and send it to Blucomon through our bond, and quickly after that, his body starts to shine as he calls out, "Blucomon, evolve...!"

I watch as Blucomon's body grows bigger and transforms, and soon, after his evolution is complete and the light fades away, the newly evolved Adult Digimon reveals himself as he yells, "... Paledramon!" 

Paledramon is a bipedal dragon Digimon with blue skin and red eyes, his head, limbs, and tail are completely covered in ice with blue claws and metal armbands around his arms along with white bandages around his legs. 

He also has two ice wings with a blue claw at the end, in addition, there is a large white fur covering most of his torso with three white hexagons on the center of his chest. 

(Image Here - Paledramon)


At the same time, as Paledramon gets used to his new body since this is the first time that Paledramon actually evolved, I also take advantage of this moment to use the D-Ark's Digimon Analyzer function that immediately projects a hologram of Paledramon's figure with all the needed information that I quickly start to read, 'Paledramon. Adult Level. A Digimon that evolved from Blucomon. Its large wings of ice allow it to fly at high speed, even in foul weather. Changes in temperature due to the environment no longer affect its body, but when facing hot Digimon such as Meramon, its body will melt just like its Child form, causing its power to decrease. It has a strong sense of camaraderie, so if a Digimon whom it has teamed up with falls into a crisis, it will try to help them out regardless of the risks. Its Special Moves are freezing the enemy with its breath (Ice Age), and charging from the sky as if it were a giant block of ice (Meteor Hail). Not bad... Not bad at all...'

Once he completed checking his new body, Paledramon turned his head to look at me, and with a grin, he said in a manlier voice, "Hehe... If before I was simply cool, now I'm handsomely cool! I'm ready to kick some serious butt!"

Hearing that, I smile and reply, "Nope, you are right about some, but very wrong about others! You are handsomely cute! Hihi! Now go and show that Monochromon who is the cutest Digimon!"

In response, Paledramon flaps his wings as he starts to rise up and says, "You mean who is the coolest!" then with another flap he rises even higher and at a very fast speed, so fast that he generates a sonic boom that causes Monocromon to stop its rampage and warily look around.

But just before Monochromon could locate Paledramon, his voice was heard as he called out his technique name, "Meteor Hail!" 

Quickly following Paledramon's voice is another sonic boom as he charges from the sky as if he is a giant block of ice, crashing into Monochromon from above with such force that the ground under Monochromon's feet cracks under the impact and gives in forming a small crater while also sending gravel and dust flying around.

But despite Paledramon's strong opening attack, Monochromon remains standing even if in pain showing just how strong its defence and endurance actually are.

At the same time, the enraged Monochromon lets out a loud wrathful roar as it moves its head to slash Paledramon with its as hard as diamond horn, luckily Paledramon makes use of his superior mobility to avoid the attack and flies away with a single flap of his wings.

But Monochromon's furious offense doesn't end here, as it quickly positions its body so that it faces the retreating Paledramon with a lot more agility than its bulky body would suggest, opening its mouth wide while yelling, "Volcano Strike!" 

Instantly Monochromon spits out a powerful flame shot from its mouth that quickly heads toward the still retreating Paledramon, something that worries me a little as Paledramon as I yell, "Watch out!" 

The reason behind my worry is that while changes in temperature due to the environment no longer affect his body now that he is at the Adult level, that immediately changes when facing hot attacks like the one that Monochromon just unleashed as they will still cause his body to melt just like its Child form in a hot environment, causing his power to decrease putting Paledramon in danger.

In response to Monochromon's attack and my warning, Paledramon swiftly dodges the burning flame heading toward him by diving down and landing on the ground, but it seems that this was within Monochromon's plan as it started charging toward Paledramon to spear the foe with its horn as it calls out, "Guardy Tusk!" as soon as it unleashed its Volcano Strike.

Seeing that, I'm about to make a move and cast some spell to help Paledramon, but just before I can do that, I notice that Paledramon waits until the last moment to open his mouth wide and call out, "Ice Age!"

Unleashing from his mouth a bluish breath that envelopes the charging Monochromon freezing it into a block of ice together with everything else in its surroundings, then without any hesitation, Paledramon grabs the frozen Monochromon and with a flap of his wings, he flies up with it at very fast speed generating another sonic boom.

Once he is at a high enough altitude, Paledramon dives down toward the ground, gaining more and more speed and momentum as he spins his body, and then, once close enough to the ground, he releases the frozen Monochromon sending crashing into the ground with such force that it raises a huge could of dust and gravel that is then quickly dispersed by a single flap of Paledramon's wings revealing that the frozen Monochromon was broken into many small pieces by the impact.

Quickly after that, the broken pieces of Monochromon disperse into countless small motes of Data that I gather and conserve using a spell so that Jayr can turn it back into a Digitama.

At the same time, Paledramon lands in front of me, and with a deep voice he says, "Fatality! Flawless Victory!" making me sigh and comment, "Aah... Maybe I shouldn't have played Mortal Kombat with you... Sub-Zero is really a bad influence for you..." 

Yamaki Mitsuo POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I am finally about to arrive at the location of the latest activity of the Wild One that we tracked using the tracer a couple of days ago, Shinjuku Central Park.

At the moment, most of the agents are securing the perimeter of the area, while the specialized personnel is actually studying and reporting through the radio, "Investigation under at the fountain area in Shinjuku Central Park. No traces of anything out of the ordinary so far." which is quickly followed by the operators back at the headquarters who say, "Center acknowledges."

A few minutes later I also arrive at the interested location, and as I walk around searching for anything that could be of relevance, my mind wanders back to everything that led me here, 'I worked on other government projects before but never encountered something like this I never ever thought that it could be possible. It isn't out of arrogance that I can honestly say that I'm one of the smartest people currently working for our government. After all, I am the one responsible for designing the Hypnos system, which keeps a constant watch over the Earth's electronic communications network, secretly monitoring and recording information, and also the one that acts as section chief to the organization named after my own creation. But soon after the creation of this organization, we became aware of those things existing autonomously within the network, and protocols were immediately established to deal with these faulty "programs" which were given the codename of Wild Ones, as they began to Realize into our World. Those faulty programs are clearly the embodiments of chaos and disorder, a danger to humanity and I will do everything in my power to destroy them once and for all!'

While I'm thinking that, the team continues to examine the battlefield as I walk around and unconsciously flick open and close the silver Zippo lighter I always carry with me even if I stopped smoking quite some time ago as Reika doesn't like it, especially since it helps me focusing on what is important and not on my urges that originate from my former bad habit.

As I look around, I notice quite a few signs of battle all around, from that bent fence to that tree that seems to be damaged by what looks like an explosion, which while concerning aren't the worst kind of damage I have seen caused by those faulty programs. 

All of a sudden, I notice something stuck on the ground in the middle of the area, and without any hesitation, I walk toward it as I continue to flick open and close the silver Zippo lighter, once close enough, I realize that it is some kind of card.

I calmly pick it up and start to take a closer look at it, 'Heavy Metal? Isn't this a card for that popular trading card game for kids from Bandai... Digital Monster Card Game if I'm not wrong... What is it doing here of all the places? Is it connected to the Wild Ones? If so what connection does this card have with those faulty programs? Could the wild ones have come in contact with some humans? Are they in danger?'

While all these questions continue to swarm around my mind, I calmly walk back to my car to return to the headquarters and study this new clue. 

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I leave the Teachers' Louge and start to head toward class 5-2, Takato's class, and more importantly my last class of the day.

As I arrive in front of the class's door, I can easily hear Asanuma as she talks to the students, "... And so, our current standard of living relies heavily on the network and cannot survive without-"

But right at that moment, the bell chimes signifying the end of her class much to the joy of the kids.

In response, Nami lets out a sigh and complains in a very low tone that I can still easily pick up, "Why do my lesson plans never go according to schedule?" before she cheers herself up and says to the class, "That's it for today." which makes the Class Representative shout, "Rise! Bow!"

Soon after, the doors open and Nami walks out, and greets me before she heads toward the Teachers' Louge to rest and prepare for the next class.

Meanwhile, I don't immediately enter the class but wait outside to give the students a break time of between 5 to 10 minutes to rest their minds so that I can have their full attention for the next 45 minutes or so.
While waiting outside the classroom, I can't help but focus on what Takato and his friends are talking about while Hirokazu loudly says, "I think I'll compete in this year's tournament." followed by an excited Takato who adds, "Great! I want to sign up, too!"

But then Kenta says, "But a lot of strong contestants are going to be there." which makes Hirokazu remember something, "Oh, speaking of strong players, one of them happens to live around here."

Curious, Kenta asks, "Huh? Who? making Hirokazu calmly reply, "The Digimon Queen. She got second place in last year's tournament."

In response to that, Kenta can't help but question, "Someone as strong as that is a girl?" making Hirokazu exclaim, "You'd better believe it! She uses her Digimon to attack ruthlessly! Even the high school students freak out from her unmerciful assaults!"

At this point, Takato seems to connect some dots as he asks, "About that Tamer?" making Hirokazu focus on him, "What is it, Takato?" as Takato continues with his question, "Does she live nearby?"

Slightly confused, Hirokazu replies, "Yeah... I think her school is east of the train station." making Takato fall into deep thoughts as he very likely connects the Digimon Queen title with Ruki, especially considering his personal experience with her and Renamon.

Suddenly, I hear Juri's voice as she comments, "I think tarot cards are a lot cooler." but Kenta quickly counters, "You can't battle with tarot cards! The Card Battle is a man's game!" making Juri comment, "I think that's awfully discriminatory."

I also can't help but groan a little while thinking, 'Luckily Nikita didn't hear that, she would have likely destroyed the poor Kenta until he became a crying mess... That woman is generally good in all kinds of games, but when it comes to card games she becomes a monster, the only reason I was able to beat her in the Champions' Challenge was because I was able to limit her selection of cards... in any other time we played without any limitation she destroyed me with a long-ass series of one-turn-kills and first-turn-kills... and she isn't any worse in the Digital Monster Card Game of this world, as she took quite a liking to it once I introduced the game to her...'

While I think that, Hirokazu asks, "How about I coach you? Then you can compete in the tournament, too, Katou! Steal the Digimon Queen's glory for us!" making Juri respond simply with, "Don't be silly." 

Right after that, some girls call Juri out and they they all walk away from class as they head toward the bathroom together while happily chatting as I continue to wait for the time for my lesson to start.

After my class, the school is over and the students start to rush out like convicts happy to leave their prison while I head back to the Teachers' Lounge to quickly write the class report and lesson plans for my next classes.

After I'm done with that, I leave while greeting my colleges and the rest of the personnel I encounter on my way to my parked bike.

As I'm heading back home, I let out a sigh as I sense something through my Cosmic Awareness and mutter, "Come on! Can't those kids stay still for a couple of days? Not even my kids are this problematic and they can literally destroy half of the world with their current powers! Luckily, they are quite close by..."

I turn left and head toward a nearby underground parking lot, I stop my bike in front of the west entrance and immediately catch the sight of Guilmon running into the parking lot quickly followed by Takato while I sense the presence of both Ruki and Renamon making me comment, "And here it comes... Guilmon vs Renamon, Round 2... that girl sure is relentless..."

I calmly wait outside as I keep my senses focused on what is going on inside to make sure that nothing too bad happens to both the Tamers and the Digimon.

I sense that Guilmon and Renamon are already facing one other as Guilmon is once again failing to restrain its more feral instincts, at the same time, I hear Ruki as she explains, "Digimon are drawn to each other. That's because Digimon other than itself exist only to be fought and destroyed." making Takato comment, "Well, I don't like that! I don't want Guilmon to fight for no reason!"

I nod as I agree with him on that while thinking, 'What Ruki just said isn't exactly right as while there is some truth in what she said that is only because of their basic instinct in seeking further evolution, it isn't like they need to battle and kill each other, or even they want to as many Digimon lives in peaceful communities even in cases like the basic settings of this universe that is a little darker and more ruthless compared to the other parallel universes.'

While I'm thinking that, Ruki rebuts, "Reason? I'm telling you that there is no reason! This is just what a Digimon does! Renamon will fight with that Guilmon, and then Renamon will evolve. Those are the rules for Digimon."

Hearing that, Takato asks with horror in his tone, "You mean you want to absorb Guilmon? I'll never let that happen!"

Right at that moment, I sense that Guilmon and Renamon started their fight, and noticing the same, Takato yells, "Don't do it, Guilmon! Guilmon!!"

But Guilmon doesn't listen to his Tamer and attacks Renamon without hesitation and soon the sound of an explosion is heard as one of Guilmon's fireballs destroys one of the parked cars.

While the two Digimon are fighting, I notice the figure of Lee with Terriermon as they also head toward the underground parking lot very likely with the intent of stopping the fight, they are so focused on their objective that they don't even notice my presence, but they aren't the only ones, as I also sense the familiar presence of another small creature who also reached the underground parking lot, of course, that creature is a Digimon, and more specifically it is Culumon.

Seeing them rushing inside, I mutter, "If I remember well... things are going to get a bit chaotic in the next few moments. Maybe it is better that I call one of my Digimon Partners as a backup, after all, being a Tamer can be explained more easily than the other option of me being a godly being from another universe..."

Coming to that conclusion, I open a portal to my Soulbound Territory and send a telepathic message to Wormmon, V-mon, and Patamon, asking who among them is interested in making sure that a trio of newbie Digimon and their Tamers don't harm themselves, and soon, Wormmon is the one who jumps out of the portal and lands on my bike while saying, "I'm here, Jayr. Patamon and V-mon thought that I was the best suited to containing those Digimon without harming them... At least that is the excuse they came up with as V-mon prefers spending time in the high-gravity area to train and Patamon prefers spending time watching that new anime you showed him... Jujutsu Taisen or something like that..." 

I nod, smile, and gently pat Wormmon's head as I say, "It's fine Wormmon, you know how your brothers can be, especially since I told them that I only needed one of you to come to deal with this. Thank you for coming, you are absolutely the perfect Digimon for this kind of situation."

While I pamper Wormmon, I also hear Jianliang as he shouts, "How about you just cut it out already!" catching the attention of Takato who yells, "Lee-kun!" and Ruki who follows up with, "Stop interfering! That small fry of yours is no match for Renamon!"

In response to her words, Terriermon comments offended, "How rude! Saying "small fry" is very harsh, you know!"

After that, Jianliang starts his speech trying to convince Ruki to stop, "Digimon are materializing in this world. That's abnormal, you know! It's true that Digimon exist in the Net World to fight... but that doesn't mean they need to do so in the Real World as well!"

But Jianliang obviously isn't gifted in the Talk-no-Jutsu technique as Ruki ignores his words and says, "No matter where they are, Digimon are Digimon." then she commands, "Renamon ignore him. Hurry up and defeat it."

Quickly after that, the voice of Renamon calling out its technique is heard, "Koyosetsu!" followed by Jianliang's voice who yells in panic, "Terriermon!" 

Soon after that, the sound of an explosion is heard as Lee yells, "Terriermon!!" but at the same time, I sense a big influx of Data coming from both Lee's D-Ark and Culumon which then gathers around Terriermon, and Terriermon's voice then follows that as it yells, "Terriermon, evolve...!"

Terriermon quickly absorbs all the data as its body grows bigger and stronger and then once the process is complete, it yells, "...Galgomon!"

At this point, I look at Wormmon and say, "Let's go and make sure that no one gets hurt by this..." making Wormmon say, "Yes!" before he crawls up my shoulder and I calmly walk toward the underground parking lot.

As we get closer, the sounds of bullets being randomly fired, cars exploding and the mad laughter of an out-of-control Galgomon followed by Jianliang who yells, "Stop!" can all be clearly heard making Wormmon comment, "Oh my... that Digimon lost control because the power of its evolution rushed to its head. How can it be that careless?"

Soon after that, we arrive where those sounds are coming from, and are greeted by the sigh of a bipedal lagomorph-like canine with green fur that has whisker-like markings on its cheeks and a diamond marking on its forehead under its horn, Galgomon. 

It wears a pair of mini-gun-like gauntlets with movable extremities on its tips, serving as its "fingers", a pair of D-VI'S 503xx denim jeans strapped firmly by a brown belt, and also bullet magazines wrapped around its chest.

(Image Here - Galgomon)


Galgomon is standing with its arms spread open and the mini-gun-like gauntlets still fuming as it looks at the destruction it caused while still madly laughing.

At the same time, Ruki's voice can be heard as she reads the Digimon Analyzer, "Galgomon. Adult level. A Beast Man Digimon that evolved from Terriermon and is a Hunter Digimon skilled in hunting. Despite its outward appearance, it uses attacks of unparalleled accuracy and its nimble movements to reliably bring down the opponent. Its leg strength is strong enough for it to jump sky-high, and it is also able to spread out its ears to glide. Although it usually has a cheerful personality, it gets out of hand once it is angered. It is obsessed with its cherished "D-VI'S 503xx" jeans. Its Special Moves are the vulcans on both of its arms (Gatling Arm), and getting under the opponent's bosom, then thrusting up a Gatling Arm from below (Dumdum Upper)."

While Galgomon is too focused on its evolution-induced madness, Renamon doesn't hesitate to jump on it from behind using its sharp claws to scratch Galgomon's face in an attempt to blind it as Ruki encourages it, "That's right, Renamon! Defeat it!"

In response to Renamon's attack, Galgomon starts to once again randomly fire from its mini-gun-like gauntlets destroying more cars and even part of the ceiling that comes down causing even more damage, it even almost hit its own Tamer who now hides behind a car while muttering, "This is exactly what I was trying to prevent!"

Then all of a sudden, Galgomon focuses on Ruki as it points one of its mini-gun-like gauntlets at her as it slowly steps closer, making Takato panic and yell, "Guilmon!"

Seeing the fear on Ruki's face, the guilt on Jianliang's face, and Takato's panic-stricken face, as Guilmon rushes toward Galgomon, I sigh and calmly say, "Wormmon."

My partner instantly understands my intentions and without any hesitation jumps forward while yelling, "Nebaneba Net!" 

Wormmon spits out threads of a tough, adhesive net, which quickly flies toward Galgomon and the nearby Guilmon, hitting them with such force that they are pushed away from their position until they crash against a nearby wall, holding them in place making Takato exclaim, "Who!?" while Jianliang comments in wonder, "What a power..."

At the same time, I step forward and comment, "Oh dear... you guys caused quite a mess here." 

Ruki is still too scared by what just happened and how close she was to danger to react, meanwhile, Jianliang and Takato exclaim in shock and surprise, "Pucci-sensei!?" I look at them and with a calm smile I raise my hand and greet them, "Hello there."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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