Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 259 – Against Devimon

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Italy, Rome - 2001

Watching the devil-like looking Digimon standing on top of the Vatican Obelisk with its long arms crossed and a cruel smirk on its face as it stares down at us with its red eyes, I can't help but feel a wry smile forming on my face while thinking, 'Devimon... One of the most powerful, cruel, and evil Adult Level Digimon ever to the point that with the right conditions, it can fight Perfect Level Digimon and come out victorious. There are only very few Adult Level Digimon that are equal or even more powerful than it...'

At the same time, I also take a look at the constant stream of negative energy that Devimon is absorbing from all the people trapped in this Digital Field and think, 'Speaking of right conditions... This is for sure one of them. Devimon is clearly empowering itself using the negative energy of these people I can clearly sense that Devimon keeps getting stronger the more negative energy it absorbs each passing moment... Oh well, that isn't that much of a problem as I can't allow them to be implicated in this fight.'

After thinking that, I don't hesitate to use my Spiral Cosmo to knock out all the people trapped in this Digital Field, breaking their connection with Devimon before teleporting them out of here while thinking, 'I will deal with the aftermath of this incident later, after all, there is nothing that I can't fix with a good old memory wipe and some simple, believable cover-up story...' 

Meanwhile, the disappearance of its human batteries enrages Devimon who asks, "Where did they go? What did you do with my sacrifices!? Talk!"

But I simply smile and say, "You don't have to worry about them... You have bigger problems now!" then I ask, "V-mon, Wormmon, Patamon! Are you ready?"

My three Digimon Partner stand in front of me ready to face Devimon as they all reply in perfect sync, """Yes, Jayr!"""

Hearing that, a grin forms on my face as I grab my D-Ark, and pull out three cards from the card case attached to my belt, and then I shout, "Card Slash!" swiping the three cards in the slot on the right-hand side of the D-Ark in quick sequence one after the other, and once I completed this action, I call out the name of the cards I just swiped, "Digimental of Courage! Digimental of Hope! Digimental of Kindness! Digimental Up!"

In response, the bodies of my three Digimon all react at the same time, V-mon's whole body is enveloped in flames, Patamon's body is enveloped in a bright yellow light, and Wormmon's body is enveloped in a soft pink glow as they all yell at the same time.

"V-mon, Armor Evolve...!" 

"Patamon, Armor Evolve...!" 

"Wormmon, Armor Evolve...!" 

Then their bodies start to grow and change shape as they quickly go through their Evolutions, and soon after, the manifestation of the Digimental's power that envelopes their bodies is blown away showing their new forms as they declare their new name as tradition dictates. 




At the same time as the three Armor level Digimon appeared, Devimon also makes its move as it dives down from the Vatican Obelisk toward my Partner Digimon, before quickly stopping in mid-air and calling out the name of its technique, "Die! Leather Wing!" 

Devimon then flaps its wings to fire destructive energy from them, which forms into a dark tornado that quickly moves toward Fladramon, Pegasmon, and Carabimon with enough power to crush a normal Adult Level Digimon into motes of Data.

But before the destructive dark tornado could reach them, Carabimon steps forward spreading the wings behind his back, and starts to quickly flap them as he flies toward the incoming dark tornado at blinding speed, and then, once he is close enough, he raises his right arm and yells, "Shell Bullet Burst!"

Soon a series of explosions is generated from all three shells of the armor on his right arm that propels Carabimon forward with even faster speed making it invisible to the naked eye, then Carabimon swings his arm forward in a punching motion to unleash all of the energy in one devastating blast of pink light that clashes against the dark tornado that ends up canceling one other.

At the same time, Fladramon takes advantage of the opening created by Carabimon to unleash his attack, he surrounds his body in an aura of fire and then shoots himself toward the floating Devimon like a rocket while yelling, "Fire Rocket!"

But once Fladramon is about to hit Devimon, the devil-like Digimon quickly reacts by simply stopping the fire-enveloped Fladramon using only one hand to grab his head and stop him in his tracks while also putting out the flames on his body with seemingly no effort at all. 

Devimon then asks with a sneer on its face, "Is this all? With all that boasting I expected something more from you... I'm disappointed." before he throws Fladramon down making it crash on the ground with enough force that causes the ground below to cave in forming a Fladramon shaped crater.

After slamming Fladramon into the ground, Devimon doesn't hesitate with its follow-up attack as it trusts its right arm forward while yelling, "Death Claw!" extending its already abnormally long arm even more to pierce Fladramon and enforcing its will on his body, which means that if this technique hits, Devimon will be able to brainwash Fladramon, he can also paralyze him or can also be used to drain his opponent's life force and Data so that Devimon can empower itself even more.

But before Devimon's claw can even touch Fladramon, Pegasmon makes his move calling out the name of his technique, "Silver Blaze!" firing a holy beam from its brow that quickly hits Devimon's hand forcing it out of its intended path making it pierce the ground a few centimeters away from Fladramon. 

Devimon shrinks its elongated arm back and slowly caresses its smoking hand while commenting, "No matter how powerful I become, that annoying Holy Energy is always very annoying to deal with..."

At the same time, Carabimon takes advantage of this moment of distraction, to rush toward Devimon trying to take it by surprise, he raises his left arm and yells, "First Shell Bullet!"

Soon an explosion is generated from the first of the three shells of the armor on its left arm that propel Carabimon forward with even faster speed making, then Carabimon swings his arm forward in a punching motion unleashing a powerful wave of force, but Devimon isn't as careless as it seem as it easily react in time and parries Carabimon's attack.

Still, Carabimon's assault doesn't end here as he starts to spin to gather even more momentum and yells, "Second Shell Bullet!" generating another explosion from the second of the three shells of the armor on its left arm that is even stronger than the previous one and propels Carabimon even more, making the second punch unleash an even more powerful wave of force.

But even this isn't enough as Devimon easily catches Carabimon's fist with a single hand, stopping him in place as it mocks him with an evil sneer on its face, "Are you done? No matter how you try... a harmless insect will always be a harmless insect in front of a superior power!"

Hearing that, Carabimon smiles and says, "That may be true, but you are no superior power... and just for your information, I'm not done yet!"

After saying that, Carabimon yells, "Last Shell Bullet!" generating one last explosion from the third and last of the three shells of the armor on its left arm, only the power of this explosion and the resulting wave of force is further increased, to the point that if unleashed in a city it would very likely be able to raze to the ground several city blocks in a straight line.

Despite that, Devimon is able to endure such force without any apparent problem, the only thing that happened is that it was pushed back by a few meters and that the hand that was holding Carabimon's fist is now shaking slightly as smoke rises from the point where the palm was in contact with Carabimon's fist.

Devimon looks at Carabimon with a smirk on its face as it says, "Well, well, that wasn't all that bad. I almost felt that one, it was a good mosquito bite. Too bad that this is all that you can hope to archie-."

But before Devimon could continue, Fladramon interrupts it as he gets up from the hole in the ground, lits up his hands on fire, and yells, "Too much talking for my liking! Take this! Knuckle Fire!" shooting a couple of fireball at Devimon who hit it right in the face making Devimon grunt as it backs away a little bit more. 

At the same time, Pegasmon quickly follows after Devimon as he flies up right behind it yelling, "Rodeo Gallop!" unleashing a powerful blow with his hind legs hitting Devimon on the back of the head and shoulder sending the devil-like Digimon crashing down toward the ground, but just as Devimon is about to hit the ground, it quickly regains its bearing and lands in a perfect three-point landing with its feet wide apart and supporting its weight, one hand on the slamming on the ground with enough force to crack it while the other hand is outstretched away from its body pointing diagonally upwards.

Seeing that I can't help but unconsciously start to clap my hands while commenting, "Oh! A superhero landing! I didn't expect to see something like this here... but good execution anyway!"

At the same time, Devimon stands up from its pose and calmly comments, "Do you know? I don't think that this three-against-one fight is all that entertaining... Why don't I make this more fun, now? Respond to my summon my loyal servants! Come, Soundbirdmons!"

After saying that, Devimon spreads its abnormally long arms wide releasing a thick black cloud from its body that covers its immediate surroundings covering my Digimon's sight making them focus on it ready to react to any nasty surprise that will come out of it.

But at the same time, unnoticed by my Digimon Partners, three of the same black Digimon whose main body appears similar to an eighth note surface from their shadows and quickly fly right behind them totally soundless making it even more difficult for Pegasmon, Fladramon, and Carabimon to sense their presence. 

Those Digimon's faces have a red crest with a single white-and-red eye in the center, and they fly using two, bat-like wings that have red spots on them.

(Image Here - Soundbirdmon)



Seeing those Digimon, I grow somewhat wary as this is actually the first time, that I encounter a Digimon that I know nothing about, and so, without any hesitation, I bring up my D-Ark and use the Digimon Analyzer to learn more about them, I quickly look at the image of Soundbirdmon projected by the D-Ark and read, 'Soundburdmon. Child level. A Bird Digimon that is characterized by its speaker built-in wings. It is very cautious and usually keeps quiet, but when a suspicious Digimon draws near, it drives them away by crying at high volume. Its Special Moves are singing at full volume and sending out a shock wave (Giga Scream), and emitting ultrasonic waves to immobilize the enemy (Sound Finish). Wait! Shit!' 

Reading about the last one I immediately realize Devimon's devious plan, but just as I'm about to warn Fladramon, Pegasmon, and Carabimon, the three Soundbirdmon behind them without giving my Digimon any time to react, start to unleash their Sound Finish emitting ultrasonic waves to immobilize them, rending them an easy target for what is going to happen next. 

The Soundbirdmon doesn't waste this opportunity and unleash their Giga Scream singing at full volume all at the same time, sending out a very powerful shock wave that sends Fladramon, Pegasmon, and Carabimon crashing against one other and then onto the ground while causing the nearby obelisk to crumble.

Then from within the dark thick cloud released by Devimon, an energy ball of darkness flies out that quickly reaches and hits the downed Fladramon, Carabimon, and Pegasmon raising a very thick cloud of dust as the very ground starts to shake and the nearby colossal Doric colonnades surrounding the plaza start to crumble down. 

Soon the could of dust dispersed revealing the aftermath left behind by Devimon's powerful attack that was so devastating that it created a huge crater in the ground and forced Fladramon, Pegasmon, and Carabimon out of their Armor Level form making them degenerate back to their Child level.

At the same time, Devimon calmly walks out of the dark thick cloud toward them with a confident smirk on its face as it says, "Hehehe... In the end that is all that little insects like you are able to do. As soon as I get a little bit more serious, you all fall and crumble like a house of cards. Be reassured that soon you all your suffering will end and you will become part of a greater being."

Even if seriously hurt, V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon are still able to slowly stand up from the ground, now their situation is pretty bad as they can't oppose Devimon in their current state moreover, he also has the support of those three Soundbirdmon, that despite being simply at the Child level are capable of a very nasty form of support. 

But despite the overwhelming odds against them, the fighting spirit within their eyes is still strongly burning as V-mon looks directly into Devimon's menacing red eyes while holding his battered body and says, "It is still way too soon to celebrate your victory, Devimon!" followed by Wormmon who adds, "We are still standing and capable of fighting as we didn't give our all yet..." 

Patamon then concludes, "... But more importantly, we aren't fighting alone! Our Tamer still has to actually join in this fight and trust me, when we fight together with our Tamer there is no Digimon that is capable of defeating us!"

Hearing that, I smile and grip my D-Ark tighter as I feel that they are finally ready, and so I start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo.

Still, just as I'm about to make my move, I sense a Digimon quickly rushing toward our position followed by a human, and soon, a flying glowing figure breaks through the thick fog that surrounds the Digital Filed and quickly hits Devimon pushing it back a few steps.

Then the heroic voice of a woman is heard as she says, "Devimon! Your evil presence is no longer welcomed in this world!"

Soon the glowing light fades away revealing the figure of the Digimon who has the appearance of a warrior girl with two pairs of golden wings and blonde hair that carry a scepter in one hand and a sword in the other.

I recognize this Digimon as Darcmon a low-ranking Angel Digimon which has the appearance of a woman like Angewomon, only unlike Angewomon, this Digimon is at the Adult level.

(Image Here - Darcmon)


At the same time, the figure of a beautiful young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes breaking through the thick fog can also be seen as she yells, "Darcmon, be careful! My God... look at all the damage that they have caused! St. Peter's Square is basically ruined!" 

Her hair flows all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top and sloping backward, and she is wearing a black sweater vest and a long black skirt.

Darcmon looks back at the young girl who is very likely her Tamer and says, "Don't worry, Erica. I've faced this evil Digimon in battles many times before... I know perfectly well what it can do and it is for this very reason that I have to stop it at all cost! Even at the cost of my very life!"

Hearing that, Devimon looks at Darcmon, and with a smirk on its face, it says, "Well, well... Look at who is here. Darcmon it is funny seeing you here of all the places, it seems that you truly are my destined rival!"

While they are talking, the three Soundbirdmon quietly approach Darcmon, very likely with the intent of using the same tactics they used against Fladramon, Pegasmon, and Carabimon, but as soon as they are close enough, Darcmon doesn't hesitate to quickly turn her body around to swing her sword turning the Soundbirdmon into motes of Data with one, single, swift swing.

At the same time, Devimon doesn't hesitate to take advantage of the moment that Darcmon has her back turned to attack her by extending its already abnormally long arm toward her while yelling, "Death Claw!" 

But Darcmon seems already ready for that as she continues to spin her body after killing the Soundbirdmon so that she once again faces Devimon.

She doesn't hesitate to use her scepter to block Devimon's claw, but to Darcmon's shock, her scepter breaks under the immense power of Devimon.

So, Devimon's claw continues on its path until it pierces Darcmon's shoulder making the angel Digimon grunt in pain while her Tamer, Erica, yells in a tone full of worry, "Darcmon!!"

Seeing that Devimon smirks and says, "Do you really think I'm still the same as I was back then? Now I'm even more powerful! Muhahaha!" 

After that evil laugh, Devimon calms down and lightly comments, "Unfortunately, even with my current power I still can't brainwash you into my perfect puppet thanks to your Holy Power, that would have been an incredibly amusing and entertaining sight... But still, that doesn't stop me from having some fun making you feel all the pain I had to endure during all our previous encounters..."

But before Devimon could do anything else, Patamon yells, "Hey you Edgy-Digimon! Let go the beauty! Don't forget about us!" then he inflates himself with air and yells, "Air Shot!" expelling a burst of air from his mouth that hits Devimon right in the face, unfortunately the attack doesn't have any effect, but it is still enough to distract Devimon and make it focus back on Patamon, Wormmon, and V-mon who are still standing even if hurt ready to fight Devimon once more.

Devimon looks at my Digimon Partners and with a sneer on its face it asks, "Do you guys are in so much hurry to die?" but V-mon snorts and replies, "Nope, we are in a hurry to kick your ass!" followed by Wormmon that adds, "This time we won't fall for your tricks!"

Then Patamon looks at me and says, "Come on, Jayr! Let's show this guy what Digimon working together with their Tamer are truly able to do! Let's show him our Brave Heart!" making Wormmon mutter, "Please, no... that's so embarrassing..."

Hearing that, I smirk and immediately start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into my D-Ark and saying, "Get ready!"

Meanwhile, at the same time, I also use a part of the Spiral Cosmo to materialize an electric guitar.

As I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform it into Data, sending it to my Digimon Partners through our bond, I also start to quickly play the most iconic song that comes to my mind when I think of Digimon evolution.
Then as the sound of the electric guitar echoes in the area as I play the iconic intro, their bodies start to shine in the light of evolution they call out.

"V-mon, evolve...!"

"Wormmon, evolve...!"

"Patamon, evolve...!"

As the music continues, their bodies quickly grow bigger and change shape making Devimon exclaim, "They are evolving!? It's impossible!"

Soon after that, the lights fade away as my Digimon fully evolve to their Adult level and call out the name of their current form.

"... XV-mon!"

"... Stingmon!"

"... Angemon!"

As I continue to play the electric guitar, I take a quick look at their new forms.
XV-mon is a blue humanoid dragon Digimon with a sharp blade-like horn on its nose. 

He has a white chest and jaw, with a V on his chest, with two lines coming out of the bottom of the V to make it look like an X. 

He also has a yellow V on his head, three fingers on each hand, three toes on his feet, and small horns in place on his knuckles, in addition to a blue tail and white wings. 

(Image Here - XV-mon)


Stingmon is an insectoid Digimon with a humanoid body structure. 

His body is covered in a green and grey exoskeleton, and he has pincers on his feet, "Spikes" on his forearms, and claw-like fingers on his hands, in addition, he also has two insect-like wings on his back and two long antennae on his head.

(Image Here - Stingmon)


And at last, Angemon draws inspiration from the mythological Angel, particularly the pop culture version. 

Humanoid in body and covered in holy white clothing, he has six, white, feathery wings commonly associated with angels, long blond hair, and his upper face is covered with a silver mask that has the Christian cross. 

The DigiCode on his ribbons is written in Dijimoji and reads "Digital Monster. 

He also wears a long blue loincloth and four matching straps on his right leg and left arm attached. 

(Image Here - Angemon)


Without wasting any time, the newly evolved Adult Digimon quickly start their assault on the still stunned Devimon, the one that opens the dance is Stingmon who quickly flies toward Devimon at blinding speed, hitting it with a flying kick on the chest that pushes Devimon away from the wounded Darcmon, then he follows up with a powerful uppercut that sends Devimon rising up in the air.

At the same time, as it is usually done in these cases, I continue to play the song while singing, "♪Nigetari akirameru koto wa daremo. Isshun areba dekiru kara arukitsuzukeyou.♪ (♪If given a second, anyone can give up and run. So just keep on walking.♪)"

Showing perfect teamwork and understanding with his brother, XV-mon already started to fly up as soon as Stingmon moved, and now that he was already in position, he didn't hesitate to release his attack now that Stingmon perfectly lined up Devimon, so XV-mon yelled, "X-Laser!" 

XV-mon fires a powerful energy wave emitted from the "X" pattern on its chest that hits Devimon dead on the chest sending it crashing back on the ground and pushing it through dozens of meters leaving a trench in the ground.

Meanwhile, I calmly continue to play the guitar and sing the next verses fully confident in my Digimon's ability, "♪Kimi ni shika dekinai koto ga aru aoi hoshi ni. Hikari ga nakusenu you ni.♪ (♪There's something only you can do. So that this blue planet doesn't lose it's light ♪)"

Angemon is also flying in the air and as he looks down at the figure of the downed Devimon, he comments in a casual tone, "Gosh! I've got chills! Literally chills! Evolving and fighting with this iconic soundtrack in the background is simply amazing!"

At the same time, Devimon slowly stands up from the ground huffing, "S-Shut up!" 

Its body now shows the marks of the attacks it just received, its clothes are tattered, blood runs down its mouth, and the chest is clearly burnt by XV-mon's X-Laser.

After standing up, Devimon looks up at Angemon and yells, "T-This is impossible! How could you guys be so powerful now when you were barely able to keep up with me before!? I'm so close to the Perfect Level, there is no way that you ants can harm me!"

In response to that, Angemon shakes his head and says, "This is the power we received from our Tamer. It is the proof of the bond and trust between us. But I realize that it is useless to explain this to you, Devimon. Your heart is so drowned in evil and darkness that you won't ever understand something like this... It's a pity, I hope that your next life will be a better one."

After saying that, Angemon gathers his holy power in his fist and yells, "Time to end this. Heaven's Knuckle!" 

Angemon then shoots a beam of holy light from his fist that pierces Devimon's chest making it scream in anguish, "Noooooo!!" as it slowly starts to disperse in motes of purified Data.

While this is happening, I play and sing the last part of the masterpiece written and sung by Ayumi Miyazaki, "♪Tsukame! egaita yume wo. Mamore! daiji na tomo wo. Takumashii jibun ni nareru sa. Shiranai pawaa ga yadoru haato ni hi ga tsuitara. Donna negai mo uso ja nai. Kitto kanau me your brave heart!♪ (♪Seize the dreams you had! Protect your beloved friends! You can become stronger. Unknown power dwells in your heart, when its fire is lit. Any wish, it's true. Will surely be me your brave heart!♪)" 


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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