Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 260 – School Invasion… Again?

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Italy, Rome - 2001

Soon after Angemon destroyed and purified Devimon with his powerful Heaven's Knuckle, I quickly made use of my Spiral Cosmo to gather together all of Devimon's motes of Data to form a Digitama before I teleport it to the Village of Beginnings in my Soulbound Territory under the care of Palmon and the Nymphs.

After I have done that, I don't waste any time and keep supporting the Digital Field a little longer as I focus on the Spiral Cosmo within my body, and then I cast the perfect Restoration Magic for this kind of situation, "Tetragrammaton!" 

In an instant, a circular, bright green energy wave is emitted from my body and quickly envelopes the whole area and whenever that wave passes through and touches, time starts to quickly move in reverse as the destroyed and broken objects start to quickly repair and reform themselves while also healing the wounded Darcmon making her comment in wonder, "Amazing..."

Meanwhile, her Tamer has a totally different reaction as she exclaims with clear confusion and shock on her face as she looks around as all the monuments, structures, and buildings, fix themselves like the rewinding of a movie whenever the energy wave released by my spell passes, "What was that? What is this? Just what is happening!?"

In a few moments, Saint Peter's Square is as good as new, well not that "new" but the new before the battle against Devimon wrecked it, I also make sure to manipulate the memories of everyone that was involved or knows about this incident, nothing too drastic, I just replaced the sudden appearance of the Digital Field and Devimon with an unexpected earthquake that caused a little bit of mass panic making the tourist to quickly escape from Saint Peter's Square, I don't even have to hack the various seismographs in the surrounding countries as the battle caused the ground to shake with enough intensity that its readings can be easily mistaken for an actual earthquake.

As soon as I'm done covering up what actually happened and fixing the damages that this event caused, XV-mon, Stingmon, and Angemon land in front of me, with Angemon exclaiming, "That was incredible! We pulled it off perfectly! The timing was absolutely perfect! A perfect evolution and fighting sequence with Brave Heart in the background! We basically pulled off an iconic classic!" 

Hearing that, I smirk while Stingmon covers his face with the palm of his hand and mutters, "That was embarrassing... I can't believe you convinced me to do it..." while XV-mon shrugs his shoulders and says, "Come on, it wasn't all that bad, the music was nice. More importantly, we enjoyed quite a good fight too. Devimon was for sure the strongest Digimon we had ever faced. At our Armor Level, we couldn't do almost anything to it..."

In response to XV-mon's words, Stingmon nods and comments, "Indeed, the Armor Evolution, in the end, is a pseudo-evolution where we draw power from the Digimentals, specifically from the Digimental's elemental attribute, which generally grants us both the ability to wield that element and other enhancement effects that in some manner tie into the element. Relying on borrowed power from Digimentals instead of our own innate power enables us to easily draw upon great power, but also for this reason the amount of power we can draw from the Digimentals is limited to around the Adult level roughly. Meanwhile, we reacted our current Adult Level form using a combination of both our own power and that of our Tamer, which while temporary, gives quite a massive power boost..."

After listening to Stingmon's analysis, XV-mon nods and says, "I agree. I also realized the same in my sparrings with Agumon, when he evolves in Greymon, he is clearly more powerful than me when I'm Fladramon, the only reason I'm able to beat him is only because he also uses flames as his main means of attack which are quite ineffective against my Fladramon form as they basically empower me... if not for that, he could have easily overpowered me, luckily he is too much of a brute to realize that..." 

While those two are talking, I notice that Angemon is calmly walking toward Darcmon and once he stops in front of her, he asks, "Hello Darcmon, thanks for your timely help. Are you still hurt? If you feel something wrong do not hesitate to tell us, after all, we will never know if Devimon left a nasty surprise behind."

In response to his question, Darcmon nods and says, "Yes, I'm fine now. Regarding my actions, you don't have to thank me, Devimon was my responsibility anyway... In fact, I'm glad that you guys were here to help... without your assistance, I would have been forced to release all the Holy Power contained in my Digicore in a devastating blast to ensure Devimon's destruction... After all, Devimon truly became way too powerful for me to handle." 
Hearing that, Angemon nods then with a smile he says, "If that is the case, then I'm really glad that my Tamer brought me here to stop that evil Digimon, after all, I would have been a huge loss for both the Real World and the Digital World to lose such a beautiful, enchanting light..."

While Angemon starts to shamelessly flirt with a baffled Darcmon, I take a moment to use the Digimon Analyzer function of my D-Ark to learn more information on all the Digimon present.

I start with Darcmon, and so, I take a quick look at the image projected by D-Ark together with all the relevant information, 'Darcmon. Adult level. A low-ranking Angel Digimon which has the appearance of a woman. It is in the advance forces of Angel Digimon, and its figure which always cuts through the vanguard to battle is said to almost be a "Goddess of the Battlefield". Its Special Move is a magnificent sword technique using its slender blade "La Pucelle" (Baptême d'Amour). She is clearly inspired by Jeanne d'Arc... I mean the sword name is La Pucelle and even her technique is in French...'

After that, the next image and information that are projected are those of XV-Mon, 'XV-mon. Adult level. An Adult Level Mythical Dragon Digimon that attained V-mon's natural power and evolved. XV-mon is a pure breed of V-dramon, and it is said that the variant species is V-dramon. The attacks it unleashes using its developed arm and leg strength are tremendous and are powerful enough to destroy a mountain of rock without leaving a trace. It is feared because it possesses such destructive power, but in reality, it has a strong sense of justice, and will not use that power recklessly. Its Signature Move is a powerful biting technique (Strong Crunch). Its Special Move is an energy wave emitted from the "X" pattern on its chest (X-Laser). Indeed, XV-mon is quite powerful...' 

After XV-mon, I move on and look at Stingmon's information, 'Stingmon. Adult level. An extremely unusual Insect Digimon with a humanoid form. It possesses nimble movements and a tough exoskeleton, defining traits of Insect Digimon. It excels in its abilities as an assassin, aiming for the opponent's vitals with its nimble movements and keen judgment, and specializes in attacks that silence the opponent with a single blow. It is highly intelligent and has great composure, along with a cool disposition. Its Special Move is a terrifying technique in which it skewers the opponent with the Spikes on both of its arms (Spiking Finish). Well, Stingmon clearly showed plenty of these qualities in the previous fight...'

And last but not the least is Angemon, 'Angemon. Adult level. An Angel Digimon with six shining wings, whose body is clad in cloth so pure white as to be divine. It is a being of perfected virtue, and although it is called a Digimon that brings happiness, when confronting evil it does not stop attacking, with extreme composure, until the opponent is completely annihilated. On the countless times when the Digital World is visited by a crisis, it is told that it descends to lead Digimon of the same genus, and Devimon, which was won over to the Dark Side, was originally of the same species. Its Special Move is striking the opponent with its fist shining gold (Heaven's Knuckle).'

Right as I am reading the information that the Digimon Analyzer has on Angemon that is full of praise, I hear Angemon as he says to Darcmon, "Hey, your La Pucelle is an incredible weapon, but mine is even better, let me show you my Holy Rod-."

But before he could continue, Stingmon quickly makes his move, as he swiftly flies behind Angemon and hits him with a powerful chop on the head sending the angel Digimon crashing on the ground while yelling, "Stop! That's too much!!" making Angemon groan while asking, "Urg...Where did my kind brother go?"

In response to that Stingmon calmly replies, "He is still here saving you from yourself... You started fine, you were a little too pushy but not that unbearable... but the last one was just too crude and bad."

Angemon gets up and with a grin on his face he asks, "What is so bad in showing her my Holy Rod..."

While saying that, Angemon opens his hand, and with a flash of light, a long, glowing, golden rod appears in his hand as he cheekily explains with a suggestive smirk on his face, "This is the holy weapon assigned to all the Angemon and Pidmon, perfect for destroying evil... look it is so long and hard... Ouch!"

That earns him another kick from Stingmon who doesn't hesitate to attack his brother before he can say something more incriminating.

Seeing this scene I can't help but sigh while thinking, 'A being of perfected virtue, huh? Even if he evolved into Angemon, inside he is still the same horny Digimon whose room is full of posters of hot Digimon in risque poses...'

While I think that, Darcmon's Tamer, the young woman named Erica walks toward me and says in somewhat awkward English, "Hello... ehm... I'm Erica Conti, Darcmon's Tamer. Thank you for your help."

Hearing that, I smile and say, "E' un piacere fare la tua conoscenza, Erica. Il mio nome è Jayr Pucci e sono il Tamer di XV-mon, Stingmon, e Angemon. Sono stato più che felice di dare una mano, dopotutto, noi Tamer dobbiamo guardarci le spalle a vicenda. (It's nice to meet you, Erica. My name is Jayr Pucci and I'm XV-mon, Stingmon, and Angemon's Tamer. I was more than happy to help, after all, we Tamer have to watch each other's back.)"

Hearing that, Erica is happy to learn that I'm Italian and that she can avoid speaking in almost broken English. 

I start to chat with her a little and learn that she recently met with Dracmon and became her Tamer and, more importantly, that this is only the second time she encountered a Digital Field and a hostile Digimon and that all this is still pretty new to her.

Knowing that, I start to teach her everything she needs to know, I tell her about the Digital Monster Card Game cards that can be used for the Card Slash function of the D-Ark, about Digital Field, Digimon, the Digital World, and other useful tidbits.

Once I have done that, I lead everyone away from here as the Digital Field and the thick fog start to disperse which will make Saint Peter's Square a lot more accessible to the people outside. 

To ensure that no one sees us I also make sure to use my Spiral Cosmo to make us invisible to everyone and everything as I very much want to avoid normal people sighting either Angemon or Darcmon considering their appearance, especially in a place like the Vatican City.

After that, I say goodbye to Erica and teleport us back to my home, more specifically, in our training area as I have to teach Angemon, XV-mon, and Stingmon how to degenerate on command, something that can be quite useful in case they need to quickly change in a less eye-catching form.

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

The morning after our little adventure in Italy, after going through the tried and tested morning routine composed of waking up V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon, having breakfast, training to maintain and slowly improve my skill and physical condition as much as possible, showering, and getting ready for my job as English teacher of the Yodobashi Elementary School, I drive my bike through the ultra-congested roads of Shinjuku in the morning rush hour holding back the impulse to pull off a feat similar to the one I saw in Bruce Almighty and part the traffic using my "Divine Powers" until I finally reach my destination.

As I arrive at school, I immediately notice a commotion as a lot of people are gathering in front of the school grounds making me immediately have an inkling of what is going on, and realizing that, I sigh while thinking, 'Haa... Another day, another Digimon-related trouble... Oh, my godly wife... They just can't stop themselves from annoying these kids daily...'

I walk closer to see what happened this time and understand what happened, and as I get closer, the voices of the students get clearer.

"What the heck happened here?!"

"Who could have done this?"

"It's all squiggly!"

At the same time, I see that the school grounds were simply full of silly meaningless draws made with chalk using a line maker, the likes that slightly remind me of Naruto's pranks which immediately jolts my memory making me remember the culprit behind this, Culumon.

Remembering that, I simply ignore the situation and calmly head toward the Teachers' Lounge to get ready for my classes while thinking, 'This trouble comes from Culumon, who is merely looking for some fun... I can definitely ignore this and focus on more important things, like getting ready for the weekend that I will spend with my family back in my home universe...'

Throughout the day rumors about ghosts start to come about, and Takato and Jianliang go along with it especially since they suspect that a Digimon is actually behind this, something that I casually reveal to them but I also inform them that the Digimon in question is also harmless and mostly up to some mischief. 

During break time, I also hear Takato asking Juri what she thinks about it, and she starts to tell her classmates that she saw something while she was in the infirmary. 

How some bottles of medicine clanked as if by themselves, and upon investigation, she saw the shadow of something small, it jumped at her, knocking her off her feet, which caused her to see footprints on the ceiling further cementing the rumors about ghosts.

After school, I rush back home, tell Nikita and Zandeer to watch over the city and quickly teleport back to my home universe to spend the weekend with my family.

Takato POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001 

I'm walking toward the school bringing Guilmon with me and as it walks by my side, Guilmon, curious by this change asks, "Why is it okay to come with you on Sunday?"

Hearing that, I calmly answer, "It's a day off." making Guilmon ask back, "Day off?"

In response, I smile and further explain, "School isn't open on Sundays." which baffles Guilmon who asks, "Then why is Takato going to school?"

I look at my Digimon walking beside me in the eyes and say, "It's my turn to feed the rabbits." but once I'm close enough, I see Iwamoto-sensei and an older teacher who I can't immediately recognize as they stand in front of the schoolyard and then I hear the other teacher complain, "They did it again, Iwamoto-sensei. Wasn't the door to the shed locked securely?"

Hearing that, Iwamoto-sensei replies, "Yes, but they broke into it." making the older teacher comment, "Now I'm certain it isn't our students!" this makes Iwamoto-sensei nod and say, "I agree."

After learning that the schoolyard was once again scribbled all over and listening to what the teachers said, I can't help but make my mind wander as I head toward the rabbit pen, 'Well, at the least they are right... there is no student behind this event. Jayr-sensei is pretty sure that the one behind those scribbles is simply a harmless Digimon having some fun and I'm quite disposed to believe him, after all, not only is Pucci-sensei a Tamer like Lee-kun and me, something I still feel incredible, but he also helped us a few times before and he is quite a fun teacher...'

While I think that, I arrive at the rabbit's pen and quickly start to feed them, suddenly, I notice that Guilmon, who is standing outside the pen, has his face very close to the fence looking at a nearby rabbit, and curious, I ask, "What are you doing?" but seeing that they are just sniffing each other with what I think is curiosity, I simply smile.

Suddenly, Guilmon sniffs the air and looks in a particular direction making me ask, "What's wrong?"

Guilmon starts to walk away from the pen as it answers, "A Digimon is close by!" making me exclaim, "What?"

I grow a little wary hearing that, and watch as Guilmon slowly walks toward a nearby roller, stops in front of it for a few seconds, and then points at the roller and says, "Behind here."

I immediately pick up a nearby broom to use as an improvised weapon, then together with Guilmon we slowly move around the roller, but soon we find a small, cute white creature with small limbs apparently sleeping as it leans its body against the roller which makes me ask, "Eh? This is a Digimon?"

As soon as I take a look at the small cute Digimon, I immediately connect it to the mischievous but harmless Digimon that Jayr-sensei spoke of.

At the same time, the Digimon opens his eyes and looks at me making me unconsciously greet him, "Hi!"

In response, the Digimon stands up and greets me back with a cute smile on his face making me exclaim, "He is so cute!"

I then quickly move to pick him up, but the cute Digimon avoids me by jumping back making me wonder, "I wonder if he's scared..."

Then I try to slowly move toward him trying again to pick it up while saying, "It's okay, don't worry!"

But the Digimon once again jumps back and dodges my attempt, and after that, he makes a funny expression before smiling brightly.

Seeing that, I smile back and say "That's right!" and move to grab the Digimon who again easily jumps back avoiding me making me ask him, "Are you playing with me? Like tag or something?"

The Digimon shakes his head while quickly repeating, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

At this point, not knowing what to do with him, I decide to contact Lee-kun and meet with him and Terriermon at Guilmon's hideout, and after that, I ask the cute Digimon to follow us. 

I meet up with Lee-kun and Terriermon at Guilmon's hideout, and while Guilmon is playing with the cute Digimon, whom we started to call Culumon because of the "culu" sounds that he makes from time to time, Lee-kun suspects that the cute Digimon is actually a stray Digimon who can't get home, something that seems very likely as the Digimon himself says that he doesn't actually know how he got here. 

After realizing that, Lee-kun brings up the idea that we should find him a Tamer, and I quickly think of my friend Hirokazu, so, we leave Guilmon to play and protect our new little friend Culumon in his hideout, while I bring Lee-kun and Terriermon to see Hirokazu in person.

We easily find him in our usual place playing with the Digital Monster Card Game cards with Kenta and Goro-kun, another of our friends who likes to play with us from time to time, but Lee-kun quickly discards him because of his reckless handling of Digimon in the card game, making me realize that he is right as Hirokazu is indeed a little too aggressive for our new cute friend.

After that, Terriermon proposes a certain Shaochung, who I learn is actually Lee-kun's little sister and so we head to his home to evaluate if she is the right Tamer for our little friend, but again Lee-kun isn't sure that she is the right choice as he feels that she is too young and that she plays too much dress up with her dolls, and I find some truth in his words. 

At last, Lee-kun suggests that the best choice would be a girl around our age, and I immediately think of Juri, but just as quickly I discard the idea as I think that she would be scared of our little friend just like yesterday when she mistook him as a ghost, as well as scaring him back.

In the end, we couldn't find anyone and since it was already pretty late we decided to return back to Guilmon's hideout, but once there, we didn't find anyone in the hideout and so I quickly ran out of his hideout while yelling, "That Guilmon! I told him not to go anywhere!"

As I'm looking around the immediate surroundings of Guilmon's hideout to search for any traces he may have left behind, I hear Terriermon suggest, "Maybe Culumon ran off and he went to look for him." which is followed by Lee-kun who adds, "I think so too."

Hearing that, I can't help but ask as grow more and more worried, "Then where can they be now?" but then I notice a very familiar thick fog enveloping the schoolyard and exclaim, "It's coming from the schoolyard!"

Lee-kun immediately understands what I mean by that and says, "Let's go!"

Hearing that I agree and start to run toward the school as fast as possible, and once in front of the gate, Lee-kun immediately comments, "It's a Digital Field! Let's go!"

I nod and say, "Right!" before we both climb over the gate and carefully run inside the thick fog that envelops the Digital Field.

Inside the Digital Field, I quickly see Guilmon and Culumon being chased by a small Digimon whose appearance is based on that of the imp, he has a huge mouth with big fangs, eyes red with blue irises, a red mane, and white fur on his chest, he is covered with gray fur except on his hands, and has four wings.

Seeing them in danger, I immediately yell, "Guilmon! Culumon"

At the same time, Lee-kun brings us his Digivice and uses the Digimon Analyzer function on the Digimon that is about to attack our friends, "Evilmon. Adult level. A Small Devil Digimon that abhors losing. For that reason, it is a coward that torments the weak with pricks, without getting into direct combat. It seems it is credited as being the source of the Dark-species Digimon that inhabits the Dark Area, but there are still many mysteries. Its Special Move is subjecting you to a nightmare that you can't wake up from using a supersonic wave it emits from its mouth (Nightmare Shock)."

(Image Here - Evilmon)


At the same time, seeing that Guilmon has trouble attacking Evilmon because he is flying too high, I don't hesitate to pull out a card from my card case and swipe the card in the slot on its right-hand side of the Digivice, and once I completed this action, I call out the name of the card I just swiped, "Card Slash! White Wings!"

Immediately Guilmon is briefly equipped with a set of wings that let him fly closer to Evilmon allowing Guilmon to attack with a Fireball, but even if taken by surprise, Evilmon is able to dodge even if by doing so he falls on the ground, then surprised, he looks at me and asks, "What did you do?" making me reply, "I gave Guilmon the added ability to fly!"

Enraged, Evilmon is about to attack but Lee-kun also makes his move as he calls Terriermon, brings out a card from his card case, and swipes the card in the slot on the right-hand side of the Digivice while yelling, "Card Slash! High-Speed Plug-In D!"

In response to that, Terriermon's movement speed increases, allowing him to run and hit Evilmon before it can fire its Nightmare Shock.

This enrages Evilmon even more so much so that it prepares himself to attack once again, at the same time I look at the cards in my hand unsure of which one to use at this moment, but then I hear the familiar voice of the Digimon Queen as she calls out, "Evilmon! Your opponent is right here." pointing at Renamon besides her.

In response, Evilmon doesn't hesitate and charges toward Renamon but I see that the Digimon Queen brings out a card from her card case and swipes the card in the slot on its right-hand side of the Digivice while yelling, "Card Slash! Alias!"

At the same time, Evilmon yells, "Nightmare Shock!" firing a supersonic wave from its mouth that hits Renamon causing an explosion that erases it from existence, and seeing that, Evilmon starts to celebrate, "I did it!"

But the Digimon Queen maintains her calm as she says, "You may think you've won, but that was just a clone. The real one is up there!"

While saying that, she points right above Evilmon and I immediately look up and see Renamon falling toward Evilmon as it releases its Special Move, "Koyosetsu!" launching a barrage of sharpened leaves at Evilmon that shine like glowing glass turning Fugamon's body into a pincushion and killing it on the spot as his body turns into motes of Data that Renamon quickly starts to load.

Then as Digital Field and the thick fog retire, Renamon gracefully lands on the ground next to the Digimon Queen who says, "There is no need to thank me. I was just after its Data."

Hearing that, I can't help but feel upset and say, "You are horrible. Digimon are living beings! How can you only want their Data?"

For a moment, it seems that my words have some effect on her as she stands in silence looking at the ground, but then she looks back at me with the same confidence as before and declares, "Digimon are just Digimon!" 

After saying that, she looks at her Digimon Partner and says, "Renamon!" and then the two turn around to walk away, but she suddenly stops and looks down at something in front of her that hugs her leg while asking, "What's this?"

I immediately realize that it is Culumon as he says, "Let's play!" making me very worried about him, so much so that I yell, "Don't you lay a finger on Culumon!" but she simply doesn't reply and walks away with Renamon behind her.

Seeing that, I cross my arms and mutter, "What was that?" but before someone can reply, I hear Culumon yell, "That was fun!" before he starts to hop away, making me yell, "Wait! It's dangerous to go off on your own!"

Culumon continued to hop away while cheerily yelling, "No, it isn't!" making me comment, "What a weird Digimon..." followed by Lee-kun who said, "Come to think of it, I've never seen a Digimon of that type before. Maybe he doesn't even want a partner!"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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