Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 261 – A New Tenat?

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

After a happy and relaxing weekend spent with my family, I'm back to the usual routine as I'm now on my way home from school after a fulfilling day of work while thinking, 'Luckily, after the trouble caused by Culumon the days became a lot more peaceful, sure, Digimon still Realized all over the world, but luckily, many pairs of Tamers and Digimon Partners like Erica and Darcmon also appeared in the areas nearby these events so I, Nikita, and Zandeer don't have to rush all over the world to ensure to those Digimon do not cause too much damage, in fact, they have grown quite bored of doing nothing so they choose to return to Nikita's home universe and prepare for the incoming Random Battle there... What is even better is that a few days passed since a Digimon actually Realized in the nearby areas causi-.'

Just as I'm thinking that I sense a Digital Field opening nearby that makes me curse out in my mind, 'What the heck!? I was just about to say that no other incident happened! It almost feels like Yggdrasil itself is making fun of me... Not that it is something possible... maybe if Culture wanted to mess around with me a little it could be possible, after all the "Host Computer" Yggdrasil is its creation...' 

In response to that thought, I only hear a simple, [Hehe...] which makes me let out a sigh before I actually focus on what is happening around that Digital Field that just emerged. 

I immediately sensed that Ruki noticed the formation of the Digital Field and together with Renamon she quickly headed there, at the same time, I also sensed that Takato, Jianliang, Terriermon, and Guilmon were doing the same. 

I also sense the presence of a Digimon emerging from within the Digital Field, and after focusing on it and searching my memory for a few seconds, I realize that the Digimon that just Realized in this world feels similar to the Allomon we encountered back in the Digital World when we first arrived in this universe and realizing that, I relax while thinking, 'Well... at this point Renamon, Terriermon, and Guilmon are all more than capable of facing Allomon, there is need for me to worry over them, I'll just keep part of my senses focused on the situation in case something unexpected happens.' 

As expected Renamon is able to take Allomon out, but not without help from Ruki, Terriermon, and Guilmon, and after that Ruki and Renamon tell the boys and their Digimon to stay out of their way in their usual cold attitude.

But that isn't what catches my attention the most about this event, no, the thing that interests me the most is the presence of another Digimon that was spectating the battle between Renamon and Allomon, the Digimon in question is small in size, and from what I can sense, it is at the Child level, making me quickly reach a conclusion, 'That Digimon clearly isn't Culumon as it feels way to different from the little buddle of innocent joy. Furthermore, Culumon is playing with a bunch of cats at the moment... This leaves behind only one other possible choice... Impmon.'

Realizing that, my mind starts to wander as I remember everything I know about Impmon, 'He is a troublemaking Digimon who spends most of his time picking on humans. In the canon timeline, he harasses the Tamers and their Digimon as Impmon seems to dislike humans, saying that no "self-respecting Digimon" would ever ally themselves with one. But later scenes in the anime would show that Impmon is, in fact, the Digimon Partner of two children and that Impmon ran away from the two after they continuously quarreled over him, treating him as if he were a toy, this brings out in his heart the desire to prove to himself and others that he can evolve without the help of his Tamers to the point that one time he even tried to fight a Perfect level Digimon to prove himself, but suffers a devastating and painful defeat.' 

I start to frown remembering that last part while thinking, 'And at this point, things go from bad to worse. After being humiliated and having his ego crushed, Impmon readily accepts the offer proposed by one of the Deva where Impmon would gain the ability to evolve, but, in return, he would have to kill the Tamers and their Digimon. He is very conflicted by this at first, remembering the kindness that they would show him despite his constant insults, but in the end, he still accepts, desperate to evolve. Impmon is granted the power to evolve to the Ultimate level, and blinded by the power, goes down a murderous path. He begins destroying virtually anything that comes in his way, eventually killing the martyr of the Digital World Leomon, triggering a battle that nearly ends in his destruction as retribution for Jesus Leomon's death.' 

Thinking about that last part, I can't help but sigh as that was the trigger that started a series of events that almost destroyed this whole universe, 'Luckily Impmon's journey didn't end there, his life was then spared and Ruki and Renamon even saved him. After being not only spared but saved by the people he had once hated and tried to destroy, Impmon eventually resolves to try and make right all the wrongs he'd committed towards others to the point that he even reconnects with his Tamers. He truly went through a lot, well at least his "canon" version did... because now that I'm here I plan to do something about it.'

While thinking that, I finally arrive home where I prepare dinner for me, Bidi, V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon and then spend the rest of the evening watching an episode of Digimon Xros Wars with them, at least until I sense that Renamon has left Ruki's home and that Impmon is nearby and so, I quickly teleport there to check the situation and have a first contact with Impmon.

I find Renamon sitting on the cable between two electric distribution poles, clearly immersed in its own thoughts as it mutters out loud, "After defeating a strong Digimon... and loading its Data, I will evolve. This is the only way..."

Hearing that, I quickly understand what is going on, 'Ruki is clearly disappointed with Renamon for not being able to evolve while fighting Allomon and getting help from Guilmon and Terriermon... she still doesn't understand that if she doesn't open up more with Renamon she won't be able to bring out their true power...'

While I think that, another juvenile voice is heard that makes Renamon jump and raise its guard as it says, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What's got you so upset? I know you! You're one of those Digimon that's being raised by a human kid, right? In other words, you're a Digimon that can't do anything without someone else's help."

I watch as a small, imp-like Digimon the size of a young child snickers as he looks at Renamon while lying sideways on a nearby light pole's lamp arm with one arm holding the head, he is of course, Impmon. 

His entire body is purple, save for his white face, green eyes, the yellow smiley face on his stomach, and the white claws on his feet, he also wears red gloves and a red neckerchief. 

(Image Here - Impmon)


At the same time, he made his appearance, I also briefly used the Digimon Analyzer to learn more information about it, 'Impmon. Child level. A Child Digimon which has an appearance like a demon's child. It loves pranks, so it enjoys seeing the embarrassed appearances of its opponents. Also, it is said that when Impmon appears, electrical appliances temporarily go crazy, so an electronic image going out of order or ceasing to function might be because Impmon was pulling a prank. Although it is a Digimon that loves mischief and malice, it never toadies to the strong but stands up to them with a strong attitude. However, the truth is that it has a lonely side. Its Signature Move is summoning elementals of flame and ice (Summon). Its Special Move is attacking the opponent with flames of darkness (Night of Fire).'

While I am quickly reading that, a wary Renamon asks the relaxed Digimon, "Does that mean you don't have a partner?" 

Hearing that question, Impmon smiles and says, "You just asked a good question. That's right! I'm not like you, unable to do anything without the help of humans! What do you think? Cool, huh? You want to be just like me, don't you?"

In response to that, Renamon remains silent as it continues to watch Impmon who, uneased by the prolonged silence, asks, "Are you even listening?" but before he can receive a proper answer, he continues, "Er, well, as long as you are still listening, that's fine. That's fine, y'know. Anyway! You guys! Oh, and by you guys, I mean you Digimon who are being kept by those humans. You're all pathetic!"

Hearing that, Renamon repeats, "Pathetic?" making Impmon confirm, "Yes, pathetic! You guys are totally shameless! Y'know, maybe you're wondering why I'm saying this, but the thing is, when I look at something pathetic, it pisses me off! Doesn't it piss you off, too? Wait, do you even know what that means? It means that I feel nasty. That it annoys me! In fact, it makes me want to puke!"

Hearing that, I can't help but shake my head while thinking, 'Listening to all that and knowing his history, it is clear that Impmon is basically at war with his own instincts and his own sense of self. Impmon is caught halfway between the "kill or be killed, becoming strong enough to survive is the ultimate goal of your life" instinct he was born with, and the domesticated ways of love and sacrifice that he's started to absorb from spending time around humans. To make matters worse, he's put himself in a position of being "half-tamed" where he's not savage enough to just tear into other creatures, absorb their data, become stronger, and fulfill his desire that way. He tries, but it's just not in him, he's become too attached to humans and other Digimon on a familial level to go back to being that way. But he doesn't want to go back to his Tamers who are at the moment just too young and "feral" themselves to handle him. One way to fix this is just to allow the events to evolve as they should, but that isn't something I want, so I will have to take a different set of actions...' 

While, I'm thinking that, Renamon stands up and says, "I can't understand what you're talking about." before it jumps down and starts to walk away.

In response, Impmon also stands up and asks, "Hey, what gives? Where are you going?" but seeing Renamon ignoring him, Impmon exclaims, "Wait! I'll give it to you straight! In other words, if it were all up to me..." 

Impmon raises one of his fingers and creates a small fireball as he continues to say, "... This is what a Digimon like you get." before throwing it toward Renamon, but the fireball harmlessly explodes some distance away from Renamon simply startling the Digimon.

At the same time, Impmon runs away while yelling, "Living like a pet to the humans is stupid! There is no point, no point! No point at all!"

But as soon as, Impmon finishes saying that, a Digital Field opens nearby making Renamon rush toward it, I also sense that a curious Impmon is also heading there at the moment so I follow after them.

I arrive at the Digital Field that opened in a small park and immediately notice that it is currently almost fully covered in spider webs, already giving away the nature of the Digimon that is already facing Renamon with clear predatory intent.

As expected from the state of the park, the Digimon in question has an appearance and design that reminds me of the "wolf spider" (Lycosa tarantula), which the Japanese call "Dokugumo" from which this Digimon takes its name. 

It has a black body, red hands, claws, and a stinger, a skull drawn on its back, an orange mane, blue skin, and a yellow guard on its head with two horns, it also has nine small green eyes while its mouth is always open and with the two hands closest to its face it constantly holds two tufts of mane, as it is walking only with six legs.

The name of the Digimon that Renamon is fighting is Dokugumon, a Digimon capable of giving people suffering from arachnophobia a heart attack.

(Image Here - Dokugumon)


Just before the fight between the spider Digimon and the fox Digimon could actually start, the figure of Ruki rushing into the Digital Field is seen as she starts to look around at the spider web-covered area and mutter, "What's this?"

Ruki's presence immediately catches Dokugumon's attention who doesn't hesitate to focus and attack the weakest and most vulnerable prey trying to capture with its spider web.

Noticing that, Renamon rushes toward her while yelling, "Ruki! Run!" which confuses Ruki who utters a, "Eh?"

Seeing that Ruki is too stunned to react, Renamon speeds up even more and with one big leap picks her up and brings her out of harm's way before it rotates its body and gracefully lands on the ground with Ruki in its arms and quickly after asking with a worried tone, "Are you okay, Ruki?" making Ruki look back at her Partner Digimon realizing that it just saved her life and mutter, "Renamon..."

But soon Renamon puts Ruki down as Dokugumon quickly crawls across its spider webs to directly face Renamon and Ruki.

Seeing the enemy Digimon, Ruki's instincts quickly kick into gears, as she grabs her D-Ark and uses the Digimon Analyzer function to grasp more information about the opponent and reads them out loud for Renamon to hear, "Dokugumon. Adult Level. A cursed Digimon in the shape of a spider, whose entire body has been parasitized by a computer virus. While it was originally a spider-type, it had a docile personality typical of insect-type Digimon; however, at some point, it was drawn into a powerful electromagnetic storm and infected by a computer virus that had been circulating around the Network. Since then, it has become but a lump of poison, or in other words a computer virus, that corrodes anything it touches. Not only that, special mention has to be given to its great movement speed, made possible thanks to its eight legs. No matter how desperately one tries to get away, Dokugumon will never be far behind, and it will not stop its chase until the opponent ceases to continue running out of exhaustion. As the opponent stops to take a breather, it brings its opponent down with a fearsome, poisonous attack launched from its vile fangs (Stinger Poration)."

Hearing that, Renamon, whose gaze didn't leave Dokugumon for even a single moment, simply muttered, "Leave it to me." 

Renamon then jumps toward Dokugumon with its arms crossed while calling out the name of its Special Move, "Koyosetsu!" before it spreads its arms launching a volley of razor-sharp leaves that shine like glass doused in light at its opponent.

In response, Dokugumon simply turns around and shoots a web from its abdomen which easily blocks and cancels Renamon's attack, and quickly after that, it turns its body around once more and fires a poisonous blast from its mouth hitting the approaching Renamon, who shout out in pain before falling into one of Dokogunemon's web placed below it which causes Ruki to yell in a worried tone, "Renamon!".

Seeing that Renamon is trapped in the web, Ruki once again yells, "Renamon!" and starts to run toward her Partner Digimon catching Dokogunemon's attention who starts to crawl toward her, at the same time, Renamon yells back, "Ruki! Don't come any closer!"

But it is too late as Dokugumon turns around and shoots a web from its abdomen which captures Ruki, making a worried Renamon yell, "Ruki!" as it starts to struggle to free itself as Dokugumon slowly approaches its Tamer.

Ruki is truly scared by the approaching spider Digimon and closes her eyes in despair, but Renamon forces itself to move and yells, "Koyosetsu" launching another volley of razor-sharp leaves, this time aimed at Ruki which forces Dokugumon to retreat while heading toward Ruki who screams in panic as she sees that Renamon's attack is aimed at her. 

But the razor-sharp leaves only cut the web wound around Ruki's body freeing her without harming her showing an incredible aim and control of its attack.

Seeing that she is free and unharmed, Ruki, who very likely misunderstood Renamon's intention, looks at her Partner and mutters, "You did that to save me..."

At the same time, an enraged Dokugumon focuses back on Renamon, and seeing that, Renamon yells, "Ruki! Use this chance to run away!"

Hearing that, Ruki yells, "I can't do that!" before she picks up a card from the card case attached to her belt and starts to swipe it in the slot on the right-hand side of the D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash! Snimon! Iron Blades!"

The card equips Renamon with metal blades on her arms that allow it to use them to free itself from the web and use Snimon's Shadow Sickle technique, a supersonic slash that sends out a blade-shaped shockwave that hits the spider Digimon but without causing any substantial damage.

Further enraged, Dokugumon leaps down from its web toward Renamon with more speed and agility than its body could indicate and bites Renamon's midsection with incredible force making Renamon scream in pain while a worried Ruki yells, "Renamon!"

Then Dokugumon throws away the heavily damaged Renamon who lands on a nearby web and without stopping, focuses on Ruki and fires a poisonous blast from its mouth, but Renamon uses all its speed and remaining strength to shield Ruki with its body taking another direct hit of Dokugumon's poisonous blast as it screams in anguish.

Shocked by that, Ruki looks at her partner and asks, "Renamon... why?" making the fox Digimon simply and slowly reply with its remaining strength, "Because I'm... your partner..."

After saying that, Renamon falls on the ground almost falling unconscious making Ruki hug its body and cry out, "Renamon..."

At the same time, I notice the presence of another small Digimon who calmly approaches the duo while everyone else in the area ignores its presence, of course, I'm talking about Culumon whose symbol on the forehead is shining as it is about to give its gift to another Digimon.

Meanwhile, the weakened fox Digimon looks back at its Tamer and mutters, "Ruki... Hurry up and get out of here..." making Ruki yell, "Renamon, hang in there!" but Renamon weakly repeats, "Hurry and... get..." before it starts to close its eyes.

Seeing that, Ruki mutters, "Renamon?" and then cries in anguish, "Renamon!!"

But right at this moment, her D-Ark starts to shine together with Renamon's body as the bond between the two truly acts for the first time and the D-Ark coverts Ruki's emotions into energy which, facilitated by Culumon's presence, allows Renamon to finally take that last step it needed to reach a higher level.

Soon after, the reinvigorated Renamon calls out, "Renamon, evolve...!" while its body grows bigger and starts to change shape.

Then the light of evolution fades away revealing the Digimon's new form as it yells its new name, "... Kyubimon!" before a shocked Ruki mutters, "You... evolved..."

Kyubimon has the appearance of a yellow fox with long, white fur on its shoulders and nine flaming tails, that of the Nine-tailed Fox inspires the overall appearance, and on its forehead and paws he has the Taijitu symbol.

(Image Here - Kyubimon)


At the same time, I who was ready for such an event, casually brought up my D-Ark and quickly read the information projected by the Digimon Analyzer, 'Kyubimon. Adult Level. A Bewitching Beast Digimon in the shape of a giant fox with nine tails. Although it is feared as a bewitching beast that brings about destruction and ruin, in ancient times, it was revered as a messenger that appeared in times of peace. It is said that even among Renamon, only those with the most outstanding abilities and who have amassed the most experience can evolve into Kyubimon. While its attack power isn't actually high, it in turn specializes in magical techniques that utilize its tremendous spiritual strength. It is said to even be able to sprint across the sky with its four feet blazing with blue flames. Its Signature Move is causing onibi to manifest, and manipulating them according to its will (Onibidama). Its Special Move is creating a burning dragon out of blue flames from its tails and incinerating the enemy (Koenryu). I don't know why I like reading this so much... maybe it is because I always liked taking some time to read this kind of info when I played games like Pokemon, Digimon, Persona, and so on...' 

Meanwhile, facing the newly evolved Kyubimon, Dokugumon lets out a roar before it turns its body and shoots a web from its abdomen, but this time, Kyubimon spreads its nine tails while shouting, "Onibidama!" causing blue demonic flames to manifest from its tails, and manipulates them according to its will to attack individually to burn all the surrounding webs into a blue blazing inferno forcing Dokugumon to jump down its web to avoid being burnt into crisp.

At the same time, Kyubimon takes advantage of this opening to leap toward the now defenseless spider Digimon and call out the name of its Special Technique, "Koenryu!"

After yelling that, Kyubimon starts to spin in mid-air as it creates a burning dragon out of blue flames from its tails that quickly heads toward Dokugumon incinerating the Digimon in one single blow and turning it into motes of Data that then gets absorbed by Kyubimon, making an impressed Ruki mutter, "Wow..."

Soon Kyubimon loads all of Dokugumon's Data and at the same time, the Digital Field and the surrounding fog disperse into nothingness.

Kyubimon then lands in front of Ruki and says, "Ruki. I evolved." in response, Ruki smiles and calls out the name of her partner's new form, "Un, Kyubimon."

The fox Digimon then adds, "This is the evolution... that you and I have both wished for." making the ginger-haired Tamer agree with that statement, "Yeah."

After that, Ruki continues to look at Kyubimon and moves her hand toward its face while saying, "You saved me." making the fox Digimon reply, "Because you are my partner."

Hearing that, Ruki stops her movement and asks, "Partner?" 

Kyubimon continues to look at Ruki straight in her eyes and asks, "Do you understand what that means?"

The two stand still for a few seconds before Ruki moves her hand forward and caresses Kyubimon's face while saying with a small smile, "I understand... But only a little." 

Meanwhile, Impmon, who is watching this scene while sitting on a branch of a nearby tree in front of me, comments, "This is why you guys make me sick!"

At this point, I finally make my move as I sit right beside Impmon and ask, "Isn't the real reason why such a scene makes you sick because deeper inside you envy them as you actually yearn to have a similar connection with your own partners?"

At the same time, I make sure to envelop our surroundings in a barrier so that Impmon's reaction doesn't actually disturb Kyubimon and Ruki's wholesome moment.

As expected, Impmon is surprised by my sudden appearance and jumps out yelling, "Who are you!?" but soon after that, he registers the words I just said to him, and upset he exclaims, "W-What are you talking about!? I'm a proud Digimon! I don't wish to become like that pathetic Digimon. I won't be a pet or a toy for some mere human! I don't need them!!"

I calmly look at the wary and agitated Impmon and with a smile, I say, "What you say has some truth. You don't actually need them to live your life and evolve. But the relationship between a Tamer and his or her Digimon Partner isn't only about "need." It is a strong and lasting bond based on many simple and pure emotions like the love one feels for his family, and trust the like you give only to your closest partner."

Hearing that, a clearly uncomfortable Impmon shouts out in rejection, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!! You don't know anything!!"

At the same time, he waves his arms launching a dozen small balls of fire at me, but I simply casually swat them away with my hand as an attack of this level is even weaker than the playful fireballs that Kharna likes to throw around from time to time.

After that, I move quickly and grab the shocked Impmon from the scuff of his neck and say with a grin on my face, "You know, maybe the best way to make you listen to what I have to say is by making you experience some tough love in Saint style... Don't worry as Digimon you should be able to survive... maybe... Oh well! My last disciple was mostly fine if just a little traumatized... so there should be no problem..."

After saying that I calmly head back home with Impmon kicking and screaming as I jump from roof to roof and from electric pole to electric pole.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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