Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 266 – Shaggai Activation!

Yamaki Mitsuo POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

It is pretty late as I can easily see the moon shining brightly in the night sky through the window as I'm riding inside a Mitsubishi UH-60JA series, a twin-turboshaft engine helicopter mostly used by Japan Ground Self-Defense Force and other off-shot government organizations like Hypnos, and as I look the task force made of elitè members of the JSD that is riding this helicopter with me, I once again remind them using the radio to contact even the other people riding the other helicopter that is flying close to this one, "Remember, we need our target alive. We must capture that thing alive no matter what. I have already briefed you about what to expect and the level of danger of these anomalies, so just follow the plan and be careful."

In response, all the members of the JSD task force whose command was given to me by the Chief Cabinet Secretary replied, ""Yes, sir!"" 

At the moment, we are heading toward the latest Wild One that Realized in the Real World with the clear intent of capturing it so that I can study its composition, and possibly use it to complete my latest program that will very likely eliminate this threat once and for all if it works as I hope.

I continue to look at the members of the JSD task force riding in this helicopter with me and think, 'Luckily, after I explained to the Chief Cabinet Secretary my definitive plan to get rid of those dangerous abominations once and for all, and requested to assign me a task force under my command to successfully pull off this operation, he quickly complied. After all, Hypnos is mostly made up of scientists, engineers, operators, and a little bit of both security personnel and field agents, and none of them is prepared for this kind of situation.'

While I'm thinking that, I suddenly hear the voice of the captain of the JSD task force who is riding on the other helicopter as he reports through our radios, "Target found. Keep on standing by, alpha bravo."

Soon after that, the helicopter stops advancing and the captain starts to bark orders following our prepared plan as I simply stand in silence to not interfere as even if I'm actually in command, I prefer to stay silent as much as possible to not interfere unless necessary as I'm not specialized in military operations.

The tailgates on both sides open up and the thick weighted ropes are deployed, the troops quickly grab the rope and start fast-roping as they quickly slide down the rope and land on the ground.

Once all the troops are deployed on the ground, I do not hesitate and follow after them, I make sure that my hands are protected from the heat of friction while descending with heat-resistant gloves. 

I grab the rope and start to slide down using my legs and feet in addition to my hands to control the speed of descent, and after sliding down for 25 seconds or so, my feet touch the ground and I quickly remove the gloves to regain dexterity and shake my hands a little to shake away the discomfort I'm feeling in them as I'm not used to this kind of actions and even with the protection of the gloves I do still feel my hands throb a little.

After shaking away the discomfort I feel in my hands, I quickly focus on the current situation and see our target in an empty car park.

The Wild One in question appears as a reptile covered in dark flames, the only things not burning are its claws and a metal plate protecting its face.

(Image Here - Dark Lizardmon)


But I immediately notice that our target isn't the only one present in that car park, as I also notice the presence of one of the kids, Matsuda Takato, is also present and right in front of him there is that other Wild One with who he plays that dangerous games of them.

As soon as I see them, I grab my communication device and order to the JSD troops, "This is Supervisor Yamaki of Hypnos. Focus only on the target. Ignore the kid and the Wild One beside him, those aren't our targets in fact we have to ensure their safety. I repeat make sure that no harm befalls on the civilian kid and the smaller Wild One during this operation."

In response, the captain of the JSD forces acknowledged my new directives before he asked for permission to start the operation, and I didn't hesitate to give it to them.

Soon the members of the task force make their move, they start by throwing a couple of small smoke screen generators that will be able to briefly blind and confuse the targets without actually harming the kid or someone else, after all, this operation is taking place in the middle of the city and we have to be as careful as possible of what means we use. 

As the smoke fills the empty car park, I hear the confused shout of Takato and his pet Wild One, at the same time, I hear the captain as he yells through the radio, "Prepare, the harpoon guns! As soon as you have a clear shot, do not hesitate!"

Soon the smoke starts to clear and I see that now the Wild One is just a few meters away from Takato trying to grab the kid, but the captain yells, "Shot! Shot! Shot!"

At the same time, I start to run toward Wild One to put myself between it and the kid in case anything unexpected happens, but there is no need as the harpoon I devised to deal with the Wild Ones works as intended as they pierce the Wild One's body and release a small scale virtual blast in its body to stun the anomaly, basically, those harpoons work on the same principle of Yuggoth only on a much smaller scale.

Soon the JSD troops start to pull the ropes which brings the stunned Wild One down. 

Meanwhile, I arrive and stop in front of the downed Wild One as I start to unconsciously flick open and close the silver Zippo lighter I always carry with me as I wait for the smoke released by the smoke generators to fully clear. 

As I continue to look down at the Wild One, I decide to try to once again warn the kid, "Digimon Tamer."

I tear my gaze away and look at the still somewhat shocked kid and continue as one of my men brings out a tablet and I start to analyze the data that the harpoons are sending us, "I believe that's what you call yourselves. There's nothing wrong with playing with cards... but keep involving yourself in this dangerous game, and your parents will send you to your room."

Takato now looks confused as he asks, "Game?" before he declares, "It's not a game..."

Hearing that, I look at Takato in the eyes and ask, "Then what is a boy like you doing out here in the middle of the night?" making the boy reply, "Some dangerous Digimon are coming into our world and-."

At this point, I don't wait for him to finish what he was about to say, I interrupt him, and ask, "What do you call that partner of yours, then? Isn't it a Digimon, too?"

Takato quickly defends his pet by exclaiming, "Guilmon is different! Guilmon is my-." but then he stops and looks behind me as my men start to pull the Wild One away, and then he asks, "W-What are you going to do with him?"

Instead of replying, I calmly look at him and to stop him from asking further questions, I decide to threaten him and say, "I could take that red monster there, too, if I wanted." something that shocks and scares the boy, but then he quickly reacts and moves in front of that anomaly ready to protect it, and seeing that, I comment, "So you aren't just a scaredy-cat after all."

After saying that, I just turned back and walked away from this place while thinking, 'Well, I warned him. Even if I let that thing be with him for now, nothing will change. After all, if everything goes as I calculated, we won't have to worry about those things any longer.'

I watch as the JSD task force and the support personnel quickly secure the captured Wild One to a sling attached to one of the helicopters and fly away toward the Hypnos Headquarters, then, I get into one of the cars used by the support personnel to also return to oversee the analysis of the wild one.

Once I'm there, I don't waste any time and quickly head toward the structure built under the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, which also houses the headquarters of Hypnos.

I arrive at the laboratory and see that they have already started to analyze the Wild One, so, I don't hesitate to reach the Head Researcher Kurosagi Saito, and ask him what they have already learned as I look at the Wild One submerged in the analyzer tank.

The Head Researcher showed me some of the preliminary test results and said, "These particles are a pattern that occurs during the Realization process when a Wild One materializes from the net."

At the same time, I hear the voice of the Wild One as it says, "Release me... I will live in this world..."

Hearing that, I snort, and as I look at the Wild One that is currently being thoroughly analyzed, I say with clear disdain in my voice, "Huh..No matter where you choose to live, you are nothing more than a program created by us humans. A.I beings that old man had once dreamed about, an imitation of real life. The fact that you appear in the Real World is nothing but an accident."

At the same time, the Head Researcher continues with his report, "The composition of its body is clearly made up of pseudo-protein. However, its molecular composition is highly unstable and fragile."

Hearing that, I snort and comment in a condescending tone, "That's to be expected from an imitation." 

After saying that, I look at the assistant researcher and nod to indicate to him to move on to the next phase, and soon the Assistant Researcher increases the oscillating wavelength within the analyzer tank to put the body of the Wild One under more stress and reports, "Quantification noise rising. The mass within the gauge is rapidly decreasing."

At this point, the analyzer tank starts to glow in a red light as the Wild One yells with strain in its tone, "Hear me, my God! Repaint this world to our ways!"

Hearing that, the Head Researcher repeats with both a confused and curious tone, "God?" but the Assistant Researcher comments in a casual tone, "It must be referring to us humans.'s disappearing."

Once I confirm that the Wild One is gone, I ask, "Do you have all of that data just now recorded?" to which the Assistant Researcher replies with, "Yes, sir." 

I continue to look at the now empty analyzer and say, "Then wipe out the last remnants of this stray."  that makes the Assistant Researcher look up at me and ask for confirmation before he obeys, "Wipe out? Uh yes sir."

I watch as the analyzer tank starts to glow in a blue light as it eliminates all the traces of the Wild One and mutters, "Wild One. Wild artificial life forms. Soon this world will be cleansed of you all."

The next day, I'm standing in my dark office in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building with all sources of lights blocked as I'm having a video conference with four of the major supporters of the Hypnos organization within the Japanese government, the State Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications Miyazaki Masaru, the State Minister for Digital Transformation Kudo Mito, the State Minister of Defense Suzuki Toshirou, and the State Minister of Finance Iwamoto Souchirou.

Miyazaki Masaru opens the conference by saying, "For now we must avoid anything that would give the impression to the public…that the network is dangerous."

Followed by Kudo Mito who adds, "It's a blessing that all media reports on the phenomenon of virtual life forms materializing or "Realizing" as you put it, from the network have been censored and suppressed at the moment."

Hearing that, I once again reminded them of the importance of my organization by saying, "Don't forget that it was all made possible by our network of surveillance system, Hypnos." which makes Suzuki Toshirou declare, "Hypnos itself must never be made public knowledge either."

At this point, Iwamoto Souchirou steps into the conversation by asking, "Who created this Digimon thing anyway?" making Kudo Mito answer, "Originally it was an open-source project in the 1980s as an experiment from several young scientists all over the world. However that project was quickly brought to a halt and the creatures created from it were limited to becoming a mere popular game among children, or so we had thought. The original virtual life forms were only able to live within a fixed local area, and that should have been purged as well."

Hearing that I nod and add, "However, these creatures have grown wild and now roam the network as if they own it. Not only that, they can also appear in our Real World with a physical body. Do you realize the potential danger they could pose upon us?"

In response to these words, all the ministers fall into silence and after a few awkward moments, I add, "The instincts of these Digital Monsters or Digimon are quite simple. They turn their opponents into data, then load it in order to increase their own data. In that aspect, we can say they are similar to our own wild animals. However, our animals have a mortal lifespan. Digimon can live as a network pocket for an indefinite amount of time. They have evolved in this way on their own. Humans created them and thus humans must destroy them."

At this point, Miyazaki Masaru finally asks, "Supervisor Yamaki. About your result-" I briefly interrupted him by reminding them of the name of the new program I created, "Shaggai, yes." before Miyazaki Masaru continued by asking, "How would it affect the network if it is used?"

Hearing that question, I don't hesitate to answer as honestly as possible, "It would cause some confusion for a short period of time. However because glitches occur within the network daily, the event will go unnoticed by most users."

In response, Suzuki Toshirou comments with clear concern in his tone, "Still that's like our country firing a weapon at the rest of the world! It may be taking place in the virtual realm, but it's still a very serious matter."

I quickly try to reassure them by saying with confidence in my tone, "Shaggai's existence will never be uncovered by the other countries."

At this point, Iwamoto Souchirou proposes, "I don't know about that. Perform a test first. You won't need our formal consent with a cover like that, right?" followed by Miyazaki Masaru who asks, "What do you say Supervisor Yamaki?"

After a few moments of silence, as I consider everything possible angle, I school my expression and tone as I reply, "Very well. I will perform the test."

Quickly after that, the video conference ends, as the videos are cut off and the blinders of my office are raised illuminating my office in an orange glow of the evening light and I can't help but comment exasperated by their usual dilly-dallying, "Cowards."

After that small outburst, I start to order my men to prepare for Shaggai's field test, then I look at my watch and mutter, "I still have some time, before everything is ready for testing Shaggai... It is better that I use this time to get in contact with that Lee Ching-yu ... after all, he and his friends are the ones behind the creation of those anomalies..."

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I'm watching over Takato as he and Guilmon rush into a Digital Field that formed in an empty car park at night, Takato and Guilmon overpower a Dark Lizardmon, the Digimon that Realized tonight, but before they can finish the job, Hypnos forces arrive and in confusion, Dark Lizardmon tries to make a grab for Takato, pleading with him to help it evolve, but is stunned and captured by Hypnos, before Yamaki arrives, tells off Takato for trying to fight the "Wild Ones" like it is some "game" to him, and departs with Dark Lizardmon, threatening Takato to stop, or he'll take Guilmon away as well. 

After that encounter, Takato takes Guilmon back to his hideout where Takato vehemently refuses the thought of Guilmon changing when he evolves and leaves in a huff, leaving a confused Guilmon behind.

At the same time, I sense through my Cosmic Awareness that back at Hypnos, the two women operators are tracking another anomaly, but soon notice the tracker going crazy, as they don't realize the anomaly is in the room with them, which is in fact Culumon that is basically trolling them as it carelessly runs around in one of the most dangerous places for Digimon at the moment without any care and despite that it is still able to move around undetected.

Meanwhile, as they look for Culumon, I also sense that Yamaki is overseeing the analysis of Dark Lizardmon, but as the tests proceed, Dark Lizardmon screams in pain and pleads to be let go, but soon vanishes, leaving only its data behind, which Yamaki then orders to be destroyed.

Sensing all that, I can't help but shake my head while thinking, 'With all this, it is clear that Yamaki is about to complete Shaggai, which means that with its activation, the barrier between the Real World and the Digital World will get even more damaged allowing the true powerhouses of the Digital World to finally make an appearance... which isn't good for humanity as Perfect Level Digimon are already way too much for entire countries to face, and let's not forget about the Ultimates above them.'

While thinking that, I return back to my home and warn Impmon, V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon about what is about to happen and tell my Digimon Partners to get ready for a possible fight against a Perfect Level, especially if the kids and their Digimon Partners aren't able to actually defeat them, and after that, we quickly head to the training area and start our daily evening training, followed by a delicious dinner, and the few remaining episodes of Digimon Adventure 02 before we go to sleep. 

The next day starts quite peacefully as I go through the usual routine, but when the sun starts to sink into the horizon painting the sky in a beautiful orange glow, what I was expecting finally starts as I sense that Hypnos' plan starts as they launch the program Shaggai using what is left of Dark Lizardmon's data as a lure to draw the Wild Ones in and destroy them through inverting the flow of the network. 

But what they don't understand is that by reversing the flow of the network they will create a digital vortex that draws in all data in both the Real and Digital World creating what is basically a tunnel between the two worlds by breaking through all six layers of the Network through the sheer amount of data gathered that will allow terribly, powerful Digimon to pass through it.

I stop and look up at the sky above the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building where a glowing red vortex appeared, and seeing that, I don't hesitate to open a portal to my Soulbound Territory and use my telepathy to call out my Digimon, who quickly after that, jump out of the portal ready to make their move in case it is needed.

Quickly after that, I directly teleported us very close to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, to be more precise, I teleported us on the same overhead bridge where Yamaki was watching his Shaggai program in action and relishing his victory over the Digimon on Earth but of course, I make sure to momentarily hide our presence.

At the same time, I also focus a little on my Digimon Partners to see if they are also affected by Shaggai and if I need to do something about it, but with a quick glance, I immediately realize that there is no need to worry as V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon are all strong enough to ignore the pulling force of the digital vortex produced by the reversed the flow of the network.

Then I focus on Yamaki, a young man with short blond hair wearing the very cliche black government suit as he removes his sunglasses and looks at the glowing red vortex and mutters, "Farewell... barbaric agents of chaos."

Hearing that, Patamon can't help himself from commenting, "That's a little too dramatic... I mean barbaric agent of chaos? What does he think we are? Some human kids?"

While Patamon and the others make fun of Yamaki's dramatic flair, the man is checking the overall situation resulting from the activation of Shaggai with his pad when suddenly, Takatao and Guilmon run over with my student yelling, "Guilmon, hurry up!"

Quickly after his arrival, I see the shadows of some of the peaceful Digimon that Realized in this world being pulled by the glowing red vortex only to be destroyed by the pressure of the vortex, and sensing that, I don't hesitate to use my Spiral Cosmo to gather their scattering Data before it is too late and use it to reform their Digicore and Digitamas before quickly teleporting them to the Village of Beginnings in my Soulbound Territory. 

At the same time, Takato, who saw the same thing, starts to question a little shaken by the spectacle, "W-What's going on here?" but before he can receive an answer, Guilmon starts to feel the effects of the glowing red vortex's pull as his Data briefly flickered, and worried calls out to his Tamer. 

In response, Takato looks at Guilmon and says, "What just happened to you, Guilmon?" making the young Digimon reply, "I feel weird... I feel pulling and boiling inside me..."

Again Guilmon's body flickers scaring Takato who falls on the ground as he asks, "What was that, Guilmon?" then he looks again at the Digimon's shadows being pulled into the red glowing vortex and mutters, "W-what's going on?"

Then seeing them being destroyed as soon as they get close to the vortex, Takato exclaims, "The Digimon are-." but Yamaki interrupts him and says as he walks closer to Takato, "No matter what the case... all foreign elements that appear in our world must be exterminated."
Hearing that, Takato stands up and asks, "Exterminated? Are you saying that hole is deleting the Digimon?"

Yamaki walks past Takato and stands in front of Guilmon, who growls as Yamaki moves his hand as if to pet him while saying, "The same goes for you! Your little playmate here isn't just a friend. It's a cheap artificial life form." 

After saying that, Yamaki starts to walk away as an offended Takato yells, "Don't talk about him like that! Digimon are... Digimon are... There are a lot of Digimon who are friends with humans! But you-"

But suddenly, Guilmon sniffs the air before he interrupts his Tamer to warn him, "Takato! It's coming!"

Hearing that, Takato focuses on Gulimon and asks, "W-What is coming?"

Quickly after that, the glowing vortex starts to glow in a deep blue light that keeps expanding further and further toward the ground.

At the same time, Yamaki stops as he receives an emergency communication, and I hear the voice of a female as she says, "Something is Realizing within the Shaggai Hole!"

Receiving that news, Yamaki exclaims, "What?" then he looks at his pad and mutters, "What's going on?" before he turns around and exclaims, "T-That can't be... That shouldn't be able to happen... at all..." 

But right at that moment, the vortex disappears and the sky splits open showing images of the Network on the other side as the Real World and the Digital World are now closer than ever.

At the same time, a voice is heard through all the electronic devices, "O humans who have created us. We obey none but our own God. Humans now exist only to aid us in our eternal evolution."

Hearing that, Yamaki looks up at the sky and exclaims, "Don't be ridiculous! Humans exist only to help you?"

In response to Yamaki, the voice continues, "This is the proof. A human has opened a gate to the Real World for us." 

At the same time, as an enormous Digital Field falls on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, Takato comments, "Our world and the Digital World are overlapping!"

I ignore Takato for the moment and focus on the despairing Yamaki who curses out loud, "Damn it!" then he starts to punch the concrete bridge railings while yelling, "This means... what I've done- I made a hole for them to come and go into our world freely!"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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