Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 267 – The First Deva

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I ignore Takato for the moment and focus on the despairing Yamaki who curses out loud, "Damn it!" then he starts to punch the concrete bridge's railings while yelling, "This means... what I've done- I made a hole for them to come and go into our world freely!"

After yelling that, the dispirited Yamaki starts to walk away from the bridge as the Digital Field that is enveloping the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building keeps expanding swallowing even this overhead bridge that we are standing on, and seeing that, I don't hesitate to chase after him even more so as I sense the rage that is boiling within him and more importantly, that he is going to meet Jianliang who is also heading here.

Indeed, I soon see the two pass each other and stop after a few more steps before they turn around as they recognize one other.

Jianliang looks at Yamaki and exclaims, "It's you!" but seeing Jianliang and Terriermon makes Yamaki's boiling rage explode as he rushes toward the boy ready to grab him from his collar while yelling, "You guys are to blame!"

But before Yamaki can actually grab Jianliang, I move right next to the boy and quickly hold Yamaki's outstretched arm with my hand, stopping him while saying, "I can understand that you are upset about your most recent fuck up. But you shouldn't blame the kids for your mistakes... even more so when they are the ones running around fixing your messes."

At the same time, Jianliang exclaims in surprise, "Pucci-sensei!" while Ruki and Renamon also arrive.

At this point, Yamaki looks at me in silence for a few moments before he focuses on Patamon lying on top of my head, Wormmon lying on my shoulder, and V-mon who is latched on my back and whose head peaks over my other shoulder, and comments with venom in his tone, "You also are like those kids? Do you have any idea of what dangerous game you are all playing?"

I calmly smile and reply, "This isn't a game... not for me and neither is it for them. And trust me when I say that I am fully aware of what is happening more than anyone else... Yamaki Mitsuo-san."

After saying this, I let go of his arm and continued to stand in front of Jianliang, Ruki, Terriermon, and Renamon to protect them from another one of his outbursts.

But Yamaki simply stares at me for a few more moments before he walks away while shouting, "It's your fault! You're the one responsible for disrupting the order of this world!" making Terriermon comment, "How rude."

Ruki then asks, "Who was that?" making Jianliang answer, "I don't know... but he seems to have something against us and our Digimon."

After saying that, Jianliang looks at me and comments, "But it seems that Pucci-sensei knows him..."

I simply wave my hand and say, "This isn't the right moment to talk about that, we have more important things to worry about like dealing with the Digimon behind that huge Digital Field over there. I promise that I'll tell you what you need to know after this. Let's go now."

Hearing that, both Ruki and Jianliang look at each other for a second before they nod and say, ""Yeah.""

After that, they all start to run toward the same overhead bridge where I left Guilmon and Takato and I calmly run behind them.

On our way there, V-mon, who is still latched on my back asks, "Are you sure that we should let them deal with the Digimon on top of that skyscraper? After all, it is a powerful Perfect Level. Even if those three evolve to the Adult Level and fight together there is no way they can actually win against it."

Wormmon lying on my shoulder nods and comments, "I agree, it is quite dangerous. Even if we fight together we actually aren't a match for a true Perfect Level Digimon... At least not if we fight while at the Adult Level."
At this point, Patamon who is calmly lying on top of my head snorts and comments, "You guys still don't understand anything. This is a challenge that those kids and their Digimon have to face to be able to move forward, and don't forget that from what Jayr said, a parallel version of them already faced and defeated that Digimon. Sure, that doesn't mean that it won't be dangerous but this is why we are here, to ensure that everything goes well."

While my Digimon are calmly talking among themselves, I hear that Ruki, Jianliang, Terriermon, and Renamon are already preparing a quick plan of action to deal with the current crisis, and quickly after that, Renamon rushes ahead as it intends to scout the enemy.

A few moments, later we arrive at the overhead bridge and hear Guilmon declare as he watches Renamon running up the skyscraper, "I'm going too!"

But Jianliang rushes forward while yelling, "Wait!" stops next to Takato and Guilmon and explains as Ruki and I also arrive, "Renamon went ahead to scout the situation."

Takato notices our presence and exclaims, "Lee-kun! Ruki! Pucci-sensei!?"

Ruki brings up her D-Ark which is now projecting a display that shows a live feed of what Renamon is seeing at the moment.

After a few moments, Renamon finishes running up the wall of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, reaches the top of one of the two towers that are iconic to this building, and starts to look around, but all we see at the moment through the live feed is only the empty roof.

Jianliang and Takato lean closer to see better, but seeing nothing, Jianliang asks, "There is nothing there?" followed by Takato who comments, "But the Digital Field is up."

Ruki suddenly raises her hand and says, "Wait!" and soon a figure is seen stepping into Renamon's field of vision making Ruki exclaims, "There is it!" but then Ruki comments shocked, "What's up with this guy? I'm not getting its data! What kind of Digimon is it?"

I also lean closer to take a look and see a winged tiger Digimon with purple stripes and three horns, it wears a red scarf, purple spiked shields with bonji on its shoulders and thighs, and purple bracers on its legs, then I comment, "That is Mihiramon. A Perfect Level Digimon."

(Image Here - Mihiramon)


Hearing that, Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki exclaim in perfect sync, "Perfect Level!?"

At the same time, Terriermon jumps down from Jianliang's head and as he lands on the ground, he turns around and says, "I'm going, Jian. You'll let me evolve, right?" to which Jianliang replies with a nod and a direct, "Yeah."

But soon, Ruki declares, "No, Renamon can handle it." then she runs closer to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building while yelling, "She can evolve now!"

Hearing that, I can't help but raise an eyebrow while thinking, 'She said "She"... does that mean that now that their bond grew stronger Renamon started to identify itself as a female instead of genderless like before... oh woe me... I already feel the Rule 34 artist starting to move...'

While I'm thinking that, Takato calls out Ruki and throws a card at her while yelling, "Ruki! Use this evolution phase card!"

Ruki grabs the card and starts to swipe it in the slot on the right-hand side of her D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once she completed this action, she calls out the name of the card she just swiped, "Super Evolution Plug-In S!"

At the same time, from the distance the voice of Renamon is heard as she yells, "Renamon, evolve...! ... Kyubimon!" followed by Ruki who looks up and sees a blinding light illuminating the top of the skyscraper, she yells, "Go, Kyubimon!"

Soon the fight between Kyubimon and Mihiramon starts as the two Digimon cross one another before Kyubimon unleashes her most powerful attack the Koenryu as she creates a burning dragon out of blue flames from her tails with the intent of incinerating the enemy.

Still, Mihiramon runs straight through the burning dragon unharmed.

Once close enough, Mihiramon separates its tail into three nunchaku-like sections and strikes Kyubimon with it which sends the fox Digimon flying out of the roof.

At the same time, Ruki notices that something is wrong and mutters, "Kyubimon?" followed by Takato who sees Kyubimon flying out of the bounds of the rooftop and exclaims in shock, "No way!"

Soon, Kyubimon's body briefly shines before it shrinks as she degenerates back to Renamon as Mihiramon's single blow caused way too much damage putting Renamon out of combat.

Then as Renamon starts to fall, Terriermon rushes forward while yelling, "Jian, I'm going!"

Jianliang then doesn't hesitate to bring out his D-Ark and starts to swipe a card in the slot on the right-hand side of his D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once he completed this action, he calls out the name of the card she just swiped, "Super Evolution Plug-In S!"

Immediately after that, Terriermon's body starts to shine and grow bigger as he yells, "Terriermon, evolve...! ... Galgomon!"

Once he completed his evolution, Galgomon doesn't hesitate and calls out the name of his Special Move, "Dum-Dum Upper!" as he fires bullets from the vulcans on both his arms, before he places both arms on the ground and with an explosion he makes innovative use of his massive firepower to reach the top of the building while yelling, "Go!"

As Galgomon rises up the building, the defeated Renamon is also quickly falling down, and seeing that, Patamon jumps off my head and yells, "Jayr!"

Hearing that, I immediately understand what he wants and without any hesitation, I grab my own D-Ark and start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into my D-Ark, and say, "Got it!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform it into Data, sending it to my Digimon Partner through our bond, and in response, Patamon's body starts to shine in the light of evolution and grow bigger as he calls out, "Patamon, evolve...!"

Shortly after that, the lights fade away as my Digimon fully evolves to his Adult Level and calls out the name of his current form, "... Angemon!"

Then the angel Digimon quickly flies and grabs Renamon before she can crash on the ground, then he continues to rise up until he reaches the top of the building before Galgomon, giving him a brief glimpse of the Perfect Digimon, which gives me the chance to use the Digimon Analyzer and see if my scanning is also blocked.

But soon the image of Mihiramon staring back at Angemon is projected from my D-Ark and after that, the winged tiger Digimon's information appears quickly after, 'Mihiramon. Perfect Level. One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Tiger. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Qinglongmon, it is the biggest ruffian among the Deva, though it is also a brilliant tactician that specializes in reading the terrain. With its tremendous speed, faster than the wind when racing across the land and quicker than a sound when soaring through the sky on its two wings, it runs down the opponent. In battle, it cuts the opponent apart with its sharp fangs and claws, and it has mastered the "Bǎo Bàng", which is its tail transformed into an octagonal three-section staff. Its Special Move is striking the ground with the Bǎo Bàng, generating a shock wave over the surrounding area (Vimohana)... Indeed, I once again confirmed that I'm not affected by the same limitations of the kids thanks to my superior power and status.' 

While I'm thinking that, Angemon flies back with Renamon in his arms and gently lies her on the ground next to a worried Ruki who yells, "Renamon!"

At the same time, Takato looks at my evolved partner and exclaims, "Woah! A real Angemon! How cool!"

In response to Takato's admiration, Angemon, who despite having evolved to the Adult Level is still my Patamon inside, spreads his arms wide and with a smile on his face he declares as his body glows in a holy light, "Yes, bask in the glory of the handsome presence of the Angel of Culture. The one who will save all the damsels in distress and charm beauties the likes- Ouch!"

But before he could continue, V-mon jumps from my back and hits the back of Angemon's head with a dropkick while yelling, "We don't have the time for that now!" and Angemon easily degenerates back to Patamon before he flies back and lands on top of my head while snickering as Takato snaps back to reality.

While all this is happening, Renamon looks at the worried Ruki and says, "He is strong... Just like that man said... he is at the Perfect Level... No, maybe even at the Ultimate Level..."

Hearing that, Ruki mutters, "Ultimate?" but soon V-mon shakes his head and says, "No, that isn't possible. Mihiramon is for sure a Perfect Level Digimon, a powerful one without a doubt, but Perfect Level nonetheless..." followed by Wormmon who adds, "From what I know an Ultimate Level Digimon is a lot more powerful than what I sense from Mihiramon..."

Meanwhile, Jianliang is now looking at his own D-Ark which is now projecting a display that shows a live feed of what Galgomon is seeing at the moment, and mutters, "I still can't get his data... Just what is happening there..."

At the same time, Takato is now looking at the defeated Renamon lying on the ground as Ruki watches over her and mutters, "R-Renamon was beaten so easily..."

Through my senses, I immediately realize that the fight between Galgomon and Mihiramon started as Mihiramon is now calmly observing Galgomon studying his movement and waiting for the best opportunity to strike just like an experienced predator.

Then the sound of Galgomon shooting with his vulcans is heard and Jianliang runs closer to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building while yelling worried, "Galgomon!"

He stops as he looks up and sees the figure of Mihiramon jumping over the other tower of the building and exclaims, "What was that?" then he again looks at his D-Ark that is projecting a display that shows a live feed of what Galgomon is seeing at the moment and mutters, "I don't know what cards to use if I can't tell what type he is!"

Right at this moment, Mihiramon takes advantage of the dust cloud generated by Galgomon's attack to jump down the tower and fly unseen by its prey back to the tower Galgomon is standing, and seeing that, Jianliang exclaims, "He went around! He is behind you!"

But it is too late as Galgomon is now out of ammo leaving him exposed to Mihiramon's attack who once again separates its tail into three nunchaku-like sections and strikes Galgomon with it which sends the poor Digimon flying out of the roof as he degenerates back to Terriermon.

Seeing that, Guilmon doesn't hesitate to run toward the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building while yelling, "I'm going! I'm going to evolve!" 

In response to that, Takato hesitates for a few seconds before he also grabs his D-Ark and starts to swipe two cards in the slot on the right-hand side of his D-Ark one after the other while yelling, "Card Slash!" once he completed this action, he calls out the name of the card she just swiped, "Super Evolution Plug-In S! White Wings"

Immediately after that, Guilmon's body starts to shine and grow bigger as he yells, "Guilmon, evolve...! ... Growmon!"

After evolving to the Adult Level, Growmon is briefly equipped with a set of wings that let him fly up the building as Terriermon is falling down, but this time, neither my Digimon nor I have to make a move as Jianliang runs and catches the falling Terriermon without any problem, showing a lot more athleticism and physical condition that his age would allow, nothing too strange considering that Jianliang is the only one among the three kids that is actually a training in real martial arts as I can clearly see the traces of the Tai Chi martial arts in his movements.

Takato looks more and more worried as he looks at the defeated Terriermon in Jainliang's arms and mutters, "Terriermon was beaten too..."

Terriermon soon whispers something to his Tamer and once he hears what his Digimon has to say, Jianliang looks at Takato and yells, "Takato-kun! Our enemy always looks around first before it attacks! There's your chance!"

Hearing that, Takato nods and says "O-Okay!" before he brings up his D-Ark which is now projecting a display that shows a live feed of what Growmon is seeing at the moment and waits for the right moment to act, and once that moment arrive he immediately yells, "Growmon! Go!"

In response to his Tamer's inputs, Growmon doesn't hesitate to develop plasma along the blades on his elbow, then slashes Mihiramon with it, unleashing a devastating Plasma Blade, that is only able to push the winged tiger Digimon a few steps back without dealing any significant damage, then Growmon follows up with an Exhaust Flame as he spews out a powerful blaze with a roar, but again it isn't enough to stop the mighty Mihiramon who walks through Growmon's flames and bites Growmon on the shoulders.

At the exact same time, Takato suddenly grunts in pain as he lets go of both his D-Ark and the cards that fall on the ground and starts holding his own shoulder before he kneels and looks down at the projected image of his D-Ark which now finally shows the results of the Digimon Analyzer and mutters, "Mihiramon... Perfect Level..."

Quickly after saying that he falls unconscious on the ground making a worried Ruki exclaims, "What's wrong?" followed by Jianliang who yells, "Takato-kun!"

I calmly look at the unconscious as Patamon mutters, "He did it... It's Power of Friendship time!" followed by Wormmon who comments, "His bond with Growmon finally grew strong enough to reach the next level... but will he be able to endure the strain?"

Hearing that, I say with confidence, "Yes, now that this happened I have the complete trust in Takato and Growmon..."

After saying that, I walk toward Ruki and Jianliang who are crouching over the body of the unconscious Takato, and reassure them, "Don't worry about him... He will wake up soon, this is just the result of Takato and Growmon's bond growing even stronger, and the beginning of something spectacular..."

Takato POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001 

I suddenly feel myself in a strange place, no matter where I look, all I can see is a dark purple color and what looks like something that reminds me of clock dials with hands spinning around at different speeds, it is very confusing, so much that I can only mutter, "Where am I?"

I again feel a very sharp pain coming from my right shoulder and cry out, "Ouch..." then I comment out loud, "When Growmon got bit on the shoulder, I felt it, too..." but suddenly, I hear a familiar voice calling out, "Tamer..."

I turn around and see Growmon's figure who says, "Tamer. I did my best." but I immediately notice that something is wrong with him as a part of his right half is completely black and distorted making me exclaim, "G-Growmon!"

Taking a closer look at his state, I realize what is the meaning behind his current state and mutter, "But we still lost..."

Growmon continues to look at me and says, "Tamer, let me fight more." which makes me hesitate, "But..." but Growmon doesn't let me finish and declares and requests, "I... haven't... lost yet! I can still fight... I want to fight more, Takato! Let me fight more and more, Takato! You're my Tamer, aren't you?"

Hearing those words, I remember the defeated figures of both Renamon and Terriermon and the fear I felt, and with tears in my eyes, I yell as I hold my head with my hands, "I'm a Tamer... but I... Growmon! I've... I've been such a coward! I haven't grown a bit as a Tamer! That's why you got hurt!"

After yelling that, I push myself toward Growmon and yell, "It's all my fault! Growmon! Let's fight... Let's fight once more! Together!"

I then move to grasp Growmon's claw, but then I realize that it is strangely softer than it should be, and opening my eyes, I realize that I'm lying on the ground holding the hand of the cute, familiar figure of Culumon and mutter confused, "Culumon?"

The cute Digimon smiles at me and comments, "You are very energetic, culu." followed by Lee-kun's voice coming from beside me who asks, "Thank god! Are you alright?"

I look at him in confusion as I hear Ruki's voice coming from the other side yelling, "You fainted out of nowhere and had us all worried!" followed by Pucci-sensei who says, "I already told you guys that he was fine..."

Before I can say anything else, I hear the sound of what seems like several machineguns shooting, and looking up, I see three military helicopters shooting at Miharamon on top of the building, but soon they are pushed away by a shockwave and hear Lee-kun comment, "They are still at it... Guns won't work against it!"

In response to that, Ruki asks, "But what else can we do? Even Growmon has lost..."

Hearing that, I slowly get up while still enduring the same pain that Growmon is feeling and say, "He hasn't lost yet! We can't afford to lose anymore! Not Growmon and... not me!"

After saying that, I grab my D-Ark and my cards, and one among them starts to shine in a blue light while I'm saying, "We can't allow ourselves to think that we'll lose! A Tamer... must never show weakness!"

Then seeing the card change before our very eyes, Lee-kun exclaims, "A Blue Card..." followed by Ruki who repeats, "A Blue Card..."

I get up holding the glowing Blue Card and say, "As long as the Tamer still stands... the fight isn't over!"

After saying that, I raise the Blue Card and start to swipe the Blue Card in the slot on the right-hand side of my D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once I completed this action, I yell out the words that mysteriously appeared in my mind after I swiped the Blue Card, "Matrix Evolution!"

Quickly after I feel connected to my Digimon Partner like never before as I sense feeding him some kind of energy through my D-Ark, and at the same time, I hear Growmon yell, "Growmon, evolve! Megalo Growmon!"

Before I see Mihiramon being pushed out of the rooftop forging it to fly between the two towers of the building, at the same time, Lee-kun behind me comments, "He evolved..." followed by Ruki who adds, "To the Perfect Level..."

At the same time, I encourage my partner while also introducing him to my friends, "Go! Megalo Growmon, Perfect Level Cyborg Digimon!"

Soon Megalo Growmon starts to fight against Mihiramon once again as our enemy uses its tail to attack us relentlessly, forcing us to defend, block, and endure all its attacks.

I also feel the impacts of those attacks in my body, but while they hurt a lot, I also feel that I can endure them.

I ignore Lee-kun and Ruki's worried voices and fully focus on our fight while muttering as I talk to my partner through our bond, "I can feel... your pain. I won't take another step back. I've come past the point of no return..."

I suddenly feel another strong impact in my chest, but I and Megalo Growmon already braced ourselves for it and quickly took advantage of this last attack to take hold of the enemy's tail as I continued, "Because... because I'm your Tamer."

At the same time, I heard Megalo Growmon call me, "Takato!" which I followed by an immense burst of energy as he prepared to unleash his Special Move, and so, we called it out at the same time, ""Atomic Blaster!""

I watch with a smile as the bright red beam of energy released by Megalo Growmon paints the sky above us while destroying our enemy to the atomic level.

Yamaki Mitsuo POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001 

While riding on the helicopter trying to eliminate the threat, I can't help but watch in disbelief as the Wild One is destroyed by the bright red energy beam unleashed by that red monster, so much that I can't help but comment, "The creature that I brought into this world... was destroyed by some children... who think it's nothing but a game?"

But then the words of that stranger come to my mind and I can't help but start second guessing myself, "Maybe I'm wrong about them..."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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