Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 268 – The Second Deva

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001 

Quickly after reassuring Jianliang and Ruki that the unconscious Takato was fine, three helicopters start to fly around the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and shoot Mihiramon with their machine guns, something that makes me shake my head and sigh while thinking, 'Good luck in harming Mihiramon with that... a Perfect Level Digimon can easily withstand a direct hit from a nuke, compared to that the bullets from a machine gun are even less annoying than a bug bite...'

While I'm thinking that, I also notice that Culumon is now also standing next to Takato looking at him with a worried expression on his face before the young Tamer starts to scream "It's all my fault! Growmon! Let's fight... Let's fight once more! Together!"

As he is yelling that, Takato then moves to grab Culumon's hand but he quickly realizes that something is wrong and opens his eyes.

Takato, still lying on the ground holding the hand of the cute, little Culumon, watches the small Digimon with confusion on his face and mutters, "Culumon?"

The cute Digimon smiles back at the young boy and comments, "You are very energetic, culu." 

At the same time, Jianliang who is crouching down beside him asks, "Thank god! Are you alright?" followed by Ruki who yells, "You fainted out of nowhere and had us all worried!" 

At this point, I smile and remind them, "I already told you guys that he was fine..." but soon their attention is caught by the sounds of the helicopters machine guns still trying to gun down Mihiramon before they are pushed back by a shockwave generated by a simple swing of Mihiramon's tail and quickly after, Jianliang comments, "They are still at it... Guns won't work against it!"

In response to that, Ruki asks, "But what else can we do? Even Growmon has lost..." but hearing that, Takato slowly gets up while still clearly enduring the same pain that Growmon is feeling and says, "He hasn't lost yet! We can't afford to lose anymore! Not Growmon and... not me!"

After saying that, Takato grabs his D-Ark and cards, and one among them starts to shine in a blue light while he says, "We can't allow ourselves to think that we'll lose! A Tamer... must never show weakness!"

Then seeing the card change before our very eyes, Jianliang exclaims, "A Blue Card..." followed by Ruki who repeats, "A Blue Card..."

Meanwhile, I can clearly sense the presence of the DigiGnomes as they are affecting the Real World from the Digital World using the D-Ark as a bridge to connect and interact with this world and grant Takato's wish.

Takato gets up holding the glowing Blue Card and says, "As long as the Tamer still stands... the fight isn't over!"

After saying that, he raises the Blue Card and starts to swipe the Blue Card in the slot on the right-hand side of his D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once he completes this action, Takato yells out, "Matrix Evolution!"

Quickly after that, I hear Growmon yell, "Growmon, evolve! Megalo Growmon!" while V-mon who is sitting beside me asks, "Matrix Evolution? You didn't yell that when we evolved to the Perfect Level...?"

I shake my head, but before I can reply, it is Patamon who answers, "That's because Jayr is old school... he prefers the classic terms Evolution, Super Evolution, Ultimate Evolution, Warp Evolution, and so on..." followed by Wormmon who adds, "I prefer those terms too, they are much clearer than this vague Matrix Evolution..."

While my Digimon are calmly discussing this topic, I see Mihiramon being pushed out of the rooftop forging it to fly between the two towers of the building as Jianliang comments, "He evolved..." followed by Ruki who adds, "To the Perfect Level..."

At the same time, Takato encourages his partner while also introducing him to us, "Go! Megalo Growmon, Perfect Level Cyborg Digimon!" making me comment, "There is no need to do that... Megalo Growmon yelled his name loud enough to be heard across the whole area..."

Soon Megalo Growmon starts to fight against Mihiramon once again, and I see that Takato's connection with his Digimon Partner is still very strong as he receives the feedback of everything his partner is also feeling at the moment as his body twists and he grunts in pain as he moves his arms as if to block some invisible blows.

Seeing that, Jianliang exclaims, "Takato-kun!" followed by Ruki who asks, "Are you okay?" but Takato ignores their worried voices and fully focuses on the fight while muttering, "I can feel... your pain. I won't take another step back. I've come past the point of no return..."

His body suddenly shudders before he grits his teeth and continues, "Because... because I'm your Tamer." then as I sense their connection growing stronger and stronger, he yells in perfect sync with Megalo Growmon, ""Atomic Blaster!""

I watch with a smile as the bright red beam of energy released by Megalo Growmon paints the sky above us while obliterating Mihiramon at the atomic level, unleashing a level of power comparable to that of a Gold Saint.

After obliterating Mihiramon, Megalo Growmon jumps down from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building revealing his figure.

Megalo Growmon is a mechanized version of Growmon, he wears a massive harness possessing two energy cannons and a pair of vernier thrusters. 

Behind the harness is the metallic "Assault Balancer" cable attached and hanging down its back, while each of his mechanical arms is equipped with razor-sharp "Pendulum Blades" as well as three sharp claws. 

Lastly, he wears a metallic bit in his jaws, the harness is adorned with the symbol of the Digital Hazard, and the Digimoji on his stripes that reads, "Digital Monster".

(Image Here - Megalo Growmon)


 As Megalo Growmon uses his vernier thruster to slow down his descent, I quickly use the Digimon Analyzer function of my D-Ark to once again collect more "lore" information about Megalo Growmon, 'Megalo Growmon. Perfect Level. Possessing the name "Great Growmon", it is a Cyborg-type Perfect Digimon. As its name suggests, its body has grown gigantic, and its upper body has been metallized with the super-metal, "Chrome Digizoid". It is able to take flight with the two verniers attached to its shoulders, so it is possible for it to perform both anti-air and anti-ground attacks. In order to restrain it from running wild due to excess power, a restraining tool similar to a bit is attached to its jaw section. Also, since the "Assault Balancer" extending like a cable from its back section is extensible, it can be used to impale the opponent. Its Signature Move is cutting the opponent to pieces with the "Pendulum Blades" on its arms (Double Edge). Its Special Move is an attack fired from both of the gunports on its chest that destroys the opponent on the atomic level (Atomic Blaster). Well, that is for sure a powerful Perfect Level Digimon...'

As I'm reading the information that the Digimon Analyzer has on Megalo Growmon and thinking that, the 13 meters tall Digimon gently lands on the ground and kneels down as Takato rushes toward him and hugs one of his claws that is as big as him, then Megalo Growmon mutters slowly both because as he is under strain especially since this is his first time evolving to the Perfect Level and also because he is choked by the emotions he is currentily feeling so much that his eyes are now glistening, "Ta... kato... Thank you, Tamer... for fighting with me."

In response, Takato also starts to cry as he yells, "O-Of course I did! After all, I'm... your Tamer!"

Seeing this scene, I smile slightly while muttering, "Good for them..." but then sensing the eyes of many people focusing on this area, and among them the more familiar presences of some of my students like Hirokazu, Kenta, Juri from class 5-1, Hiroshi, Taiga, and Kuroko from 6-2 and some others from others classes, I don't hesitate to calmly walk away while using my Spiral Cosmo to hide my and my Digimon's presence pulling off a perfect Batman disappearing act.

Once I'm away from there, I directly teleport back home and continue with my day training with my Digimon and Impmon, having dinner together, and watching the first few episodes of Digimon Tamers while enjoying Impmon's shocked reactions to the existance of the many parallel universes.

Culumon POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

Yay, I had another fun day today, I encountered and played with many fun humans and Digimon and now that the sky is turning dark, I fly back to the place where I usually play with Guilmon, but as I land on one of those metal poles that produce light, I see the familiars figures of Terriermon, Renamon, Guilmon and their human partners as they talk about something.

The human boy with short blue hair and gray eyes, Terriermon's partner Jian says, "Excluding Pucci-sensei, we're the only ones who can stop the Digimon that come into the Real World and cause a mess."

In response, the young girl with orange hair and purple eyes, Renamon's partner, Ruki adds, "We'll fight. But this time, our fights will have meaning." which makes Guilmon's partner Takato, the boy with light brown hair and light red eyes yell excitedly, "Yeah, that's right! We're a team! Come over!"

Guilmon then turns around and searches for something inside those strange structures around them and then pulls out a long stick with a cloth tied to it and, draws on the cloth there are everyone's faces, even Culumon's face is drawn on it something that makes me quite happy.

Seeing what Guilmon pulled out, Terriermon's partner Jian mutters in an uncertain tone, "Digimon Tamers?" 

Guilmon's partner Takato exclaims, "It's a flag! Our flag!" which makes Terriermon comment, "How lame."

Renamon's partner Ruki sighs and says, "What I can't believe is that you thought to MAKE a flag in the first place."

Suddenly a strong wind blows that breaks the flag and makes Guilmon fall on the ground and Takato exclaims, "Ohhhh, look at what you've done."

Seeing that scene, I smile and say, "Everyone seems to be having fun, cululu!"

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

A few days passed peacefully since Mihiramon's attack at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, today is Sunday, but instead of going back to my home universe and spending some time with my family and friends, I decided to stay here and the reason for that is quite simple, another Deva has already started to cause some trouble. 

The Deva briefly made its first appearance last night in the Shinjuku Subway, but since it didn't fully Realize yet, I didn't deal with it, but that means that it will surely fully Realize today and I only have to wait. 

While I'm waiting for the Deva to make its move, I'm playing UNO with Patamon, V-mon, and Wormmon at the same time, I use my Cosmic Awareness to check the overall situation of Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki.

At the moment, Jianliang is training with his Tai Chi master as Terriermon just relaxes on the side, while Ruki is watching a traditional Japanese play with her grandmother as Renamon watches over them from the shadow.

Meanwhile, Takato just finished introducing Guilmon to his classmates and now they are going to play together as Impmon watches from the distance with a frown on his face.

Sensing Impmon presence there, I can't help but shake my head a little while muttering, "I don't why Impmon runs away every time we play UNO..." but Patamon snorts and explains, "That is mostly our fault... He is still pissed off from that time when he remained with only one card in his hand and we kept stalling him using a bunch of Skip Turn and Reverse cards until we used up all the special cards we were hoarding and V-mon draw and played two Plus 4 in a row forcing Impmon to draw 4 cards and skip his turns two more times making Wormmon win the game... And it isn't like a certain handsome Digimon made sure to switch the deck with another prepared beforehand so that such a series of events could happen..."

Hearing that, V-mon and Wormmon exclaim in sync, "You what!?" while I can only look at Patamon with a deadpan look and comment, "You are evil... The fact that you can evolve into Angemon is still a mystery to me..." but Patamon simply smiles and states, "That's because I'm a Digimon of Culture." 

Impmon POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I successfully escaped Jayr's home before they could invite me again to play that diabolical game, and now I'm aimlessly wandering around the city while my mind continues to think about the time I have spent at Jayr's home, watching closely his bond with his Digimon Partners, V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon, training with them, eating together, playing with them, having fun, watching those ridiculous animes about Digimon which I recently learned that they actually narrate of events that have actually really happened in what Jayr calls a parallel universe, something that I have personally confirmed once we watched some episodes of Digimon Tamers, and I saw a version of myself doing the exact same things I did before I had that meeting with Jayr. 

After some time, as much as I hate to admit it I realized that the truth is that I envy them, I realized this truth while watching just how much progress V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon went through even though we went through the same kind of training, those three are already able to evolve to the Perfect Level whenever they want, meanwhile, I'm still blocked at the Child Level, and the reason behind that couldn't be more clear, it is their genuine bond with Jayr that give them the power to break through their natural limits and evolve faster than any other Digimon.

I wanted that, I want that, I want to be able to evolve and become more powerful than any other living Digimon, but after watching Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02, I realized a very harsh truth, neither I nor my Tamers Aoi and Makoto are still ready for that, we are still too immature to create and appreciate that kind of bond, the greatest proof of that is the lack of a D-Ark, the true crystallization of our bond.

I already knew that truth deep inside me, it is clear as day watching what I and my parallel self did, we envy their bond with their Tamers that allows them to evolve and grow, something that we weren't able to have with Aoi and Makoto and so out of spite we focused on becoming stronger on our own without the help of our Tamers while denigrating the efforts of those kids and their Digimon working hard together.

While I'm thinking that, I continue to wander around aimlessly, and soon, I find myself jumping from tree to tree when I suddenly hear the voice of a young boy as he yells, "There you have it people! A real live Digimon. Guilmon!" and realize that wandered inside the park that became the home of that red Digimon, Guilmon.

I focus on the nearby voices, and soon I see a group of kids surrounding the boy Takato and Guilmon says with a silly smile on his silly face, "Takato's friends are my friends!"

In response to that, the boy with a cap on his head yells, "Guilmon is a secret among the kids of 5th Grade, Class 2! Don't let Nami-sense get him okay!"

Quickly after that, they all start to play together, and seeing that scene, I feel the familiar stuffy feeling in my chest, especially seeing how much fun he is having with his Tamer and his friends, and so I can't help myself from commenting, "What a bunch of idiots! Really, you're one of the worst Digimon I've ever seen. Enjoy being in the company of little brats that smell like piss, do you?"

I say that a little too loud as a girl with brown eyes and shoulder-length brown hair hears me and pointing at me she asks Guilmon's Tamer, "Takato-kun, is that a Digimon too?"

Takato looks at me and a little unsure he says, "Yeah..I think so. But it might be better if we just ignore him." followed by the boy with the hat whose name is Hirokazu who adds, "Yeah, that dude definitely has the look of a bad guy."

A little upset I look at Guilmon happily playing with those kids, snort, and say, "Man, you can't even tell that those brats are using you like a toy. I bet one day they'll make you wear diapers and feed you milk from a baby bottle!"

After that, they ignore me and continue to play, but then see the kid with the glasses stick some tissue in Guilmon'nose while declaring, "Here's Guilmon's new weapon, Guilmon Missiles!" 

Quickly after that Guilmon sends the tissues flying with a powerful sneeze making all the kids cheer out loud, and seeing that, I sneer and say, "The guy is happy to let them stick tissues up his nostrils... Tissues for Yggdrasil's sake. He's a moron, a real moron. Moron-mon."

But suddenly, I hear from behind me a voice that makes me jump out in fright, "Hey you…"

I immediately turn around and see the familiar figure of Renamon and yell, "Don't appear out of thin air like that. You scared me!"

Renamon ignores my outburst, calmly looks at me, and asks, "Are you jealous of Guilmon?"

Hearing that question, I feel quickly put on the spot as I awkwardly reply, "W-What are you saying?? You must be stupid."

Renamon continues to maintain her calm appearance as she looks at me and says, "I see. Never mind, it was only the way it looked to me. Heh."

After saying that, Renamon jumps away and upset, I yell back as she gets further and further away, "Huh…What the hell was that 'heh' for, eh!? Quit looking so smug! You're all an idiotic bunch of idiots."

Ruki POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

After the traditional Japanese play I watched with Grandma ended, we walked out of the theater and headed for the subway, once there, as we waited for the train, Grandma received a call and answered, "Hello? Rumiko? We're heading home now. Okay, see you later."

Suddenly my D-Ark starts beeping and I quickly bring it out and see that a compass appeared on the display that alerts me of the possible presence of an aggressive Digimon nearby and mutter, "A Digimon?"

The arrow stops at one precise point and I quickly look at it with my eyes and see two girls crouched down, focusing on them I hear the voice of one of them as she exclaims, "What is this thing?" followed by her friends who yells, "It's so cute!"

With a closer look, I immediately notice the familiar figure of a small cute Digimon and mutter, "Oh, Culumon." but then my D-Ark beeps even faster as the compass starts to point in another direction and I instantly realize, "It's not just Culumon!"

Quickly after that, a familiar thick fog starts to cover the whole subway tunnel, a sign that a Digital Field is opening and that a Digimon is about to Realize, so, I quickly put on my sunglasses to protect my eyes from the thick fog and start to look around searching for the Digimon's figure, "The Digimon?" 

I see a pair of big shining eyes getting closer from within the fog and immediately call out, "Renamon!" 

After that, some of the people here notice that something is wrong and quickly start to escape in panic and I start pushing my grandmother toward the stairs that lead out of here as she asks confused and scared, "W-What's going on?"

As I'm pushing her, her mobile phone falls on the ground and I stop it to pick it up, and at the same time, Renamon also arrives in front of me while a guard grabs my grandmother and brings her away from here while saying "Come with me. You must get out of here quickly!" 

My grandmother tries to stop him by saying, "But my granddaughter!" but the guard interrupts her as he declares, "It's dangerous here!"

As the guards bring my grandmother to safety, the fog gets thinner and the enemy Digimon finally reveals itself, it looks like a giant white cobra Digimon with three horns, and it wears purple armor with gold trim on its hood and underbelly with green armor connecting them and bonji on the back of its hood armor. 

(Image Here - Sandiramon)


Renamon stands in front of me and declares, "I will be your opponent."

I grab a card from my card case and my D-Ark ready to use them at a moment's notice and say, "Let's go Renamon!"

Renamon immediately jumps forward and attacks with a Koyosetsu, launching a barrage of sharpened leaves at the Digimon who easily swipes it away with its tail.

At the same time, I try to use the Digimon Analyzer function of my D-Ark but once again no information appears on it and I exclaim, "Why!? Its data isn't showing up." but after some time, the D-Ark finally projects the Digimon's image with its information, and I start to read it, "Got it! Sandiramon. Perfect Level. One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Snake. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Zhuqiaomon, it is the most cunning and cruel among the Deva. It doesn't like to decide matches in an instant, and prefers to instead choke the life out of the opponent while tormenting them bit by bit. It usually lives deep beneath the ground, and subterranean maneuvers are its specialty. During battle, it can produce a spear made of light, the Bǎo Kuí, from its mouth, and skillfully wield it with its tail wrapped around it like a hand. Although the Bǎo Kuí vanishes once it slashes the opponent, as long as Sandiramon's energy lasts, it can spit out any number of them, and they will not degrade in sharpness. Its Special Move is impaling the opponent by thrashing its body and then powerfully vomiting up a Bǎo Kuí (Krishńa). What's up with all this new information some of them do not even make sense?"

I quickly focus on the more pressing matters and mutter, "He's a Perfect Level... she'll have to evolve..."

Right at this moment, Sandiramon let out a roar before it moved toward the other tunnel, at the same time, I and Renamon got out of its way and hid behind a wall watching it as it continued to slither into the tunnel, and then, Renamon says, "I can take it out, Ruki."

I look at my Partner and trusting her, I say, "Okay!" pull out the evolution card and prepare to use it to make Renamon evolve into Kyubimon so that it can chase after Sandiramon.

Jianliang POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I'm heading back home from my training with Cho-sensei and as I'm taking the train back home, Terriermon sitting on my legs is imitating some of the moves he saw us practicing while singing, "♪Everybody was Kung Fu fighting. Those cats were fast as lightning. In fact, it was a little bit frightening. But they fought with expert timing.♪"

Seeing that, I knock him on the head to stop him and say, "Be quiet." while thinking, 'Why did Pucci-sensei teach us that song...? Now Terriermon sings it each time we come back from Cho-sensei's place after training...'

After some time, the subway train arrives at my destination and I don't waste any time and step out of the train while carrying Terriermon in my arms, but as soon as we are outside, Terriermon exclaims, "Ooh, a Digimon."

Quickly after that, I hear people screaming and see them running out of the trains escaping to safety as a huge white cobra Digimon lets out a poisonous roar that slowly starts to dissolve the train.

At the same time, I also notice a woman looking inside the train while screaming, "Taka-chan!"

I take a look and see a small child crying on the ground as the white cobra Digimon produces a spear made of light from its mouth and launches it toward the kid.

Seeing that, I don't hesitate to use the card Brave Shield, which equips Terriermon with War Greymon's Brave Shield who use it to block the spear launched by that Digimon, then I pick up the kid and run out of the train before it is completely obliterated.

After that, I hear Terriermon shout, "Jian, that Digimon is running away!"

I quickly move to take a look at the Digimon that escapes further into the tunnel, when I suddenly hear a familiar female voice behind me that yells, "I'll go after it!"

I look on the other side of the tunnel and see Ruki riding Kyubimon as they chase after the Digimon and yell, "Ruki!"

Ruki then throws me a mobile phone while yelling, "Use this can call for help!" before she and Kyubimon continue to chase after the Digimon without stopping.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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