Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 269 – Summer Camp

Jianliang POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

Ruki then throws me a mobile phone while yelling, "Use this to call for help!" before she and Kyubimon continue to chase after the Digimon without stopping.

I quickly grab the mobile phone and without any hesitation, I run out of the subway station and take a shortcut to reach the next station, hopefully, I will be fast enough to cut off that Digimon's route and trap it in a pincer attack.

At the same time, while I was running, I started to input Takato-kun's home number into the mobile phone that Ruki threw and after a couple of rings, Takato-kun's Mom answered.

I politely request, "Good Morning, I'm Lee Jianliang, a friend of Takato-kun! Is Takato-kun there?" but Takato's Mom quickly replies, "He went out with his classmates earlier this morning." 

Hearing that, I immediately say, "I see. Thank you!" before quickly closing the call, then I mutter, "He was the one all hyped up about this, and just what does he do when we really need him?"

As I continued to run as fast as possible, I suddenly remembered another person I could ask for help, so, I did not waste any more time and input his number into the mobile phone, and after the first ring, a familiar and calm male voice answer, "Hello, this is Pucci's home."

Hearing that, I immediately say, "Pucci-sensei! I'm Lee Jianliang! I want to inform you that a Digimon appeared in the subway and that Ruki is at the moment chasing after it alone! If possible, I'd like to request your help."

Pucci-sensei then replies with still the usual calm and confident tone as if everything is under his control, something that I find quite reassuring, "I see. I'll be there soon. Thank you for informing me." just before he closes the call, I hear another voice, a more youthful one that yells from a distance on the other side, "Hahaha! You won't win this time! I play the Reverse Card!" quickly followed by another one who yells, "Noooo! Damn it, Patamon! Why do you keep hoarding those cards?!!"

Hearing that last bit, I mutter, "It seems that they were having fun..." but I quickly focus back on the most pressing matter and curious I ask, "Why did a Digimon appear in the subway anyway?" which makes Terriermon sitting on my head reply, "I don't know. But at least Ruki and Kyubimon are chasing after them."

At this point, I suddenly complain, "And another thing, I can't run as fast because you're weighing my head down!"

Hearing that, Terriermon jumps down from my head and latches on my back while asking, " this better?" which makes me nod as I also increase my speed.

After some time, I arrived at the next subway station and immediately noticed that people were already running out of it in panic, and seeing that, I didn't waste any time and dodged the escaping people and ran down the stairs to enter the subway station and once inside, I see that Kyubimon is being held by that white cobra Digimon and quickly yells, "Terriermon!"

In response, Terriermon yells, "I've got it!" jump down from my back and start to run toward the enemy Digimon as I use the Super Evolution Plug-In S to make Terriermon Evolve in Galgomon.

Impmon POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

As I continue watching Moron-mon making a fool of himself, I suddenly sense that some Digimon are fighting under us, and without any hesitation, I jump down from the tree and start to run toward their position.

After some time, I reach my destination and see the figure of Kyubimon being held by a huge white cobra Digimon with the clear intent of crushing the fox Digimon, while a nearby Galgomon yells, "Hold it right there! Let Kyubimon go, you big jerk!" 

After yelling that, Galgomon shoots the Digimon with his vulcans, but without any meaningful effect if not annoy the white cobra Digimon who uses Kyubimon as a weapon to hit Galgomon which makes their Tamers yell in panic and worry at the same time. 



Seeing that, I snort and mutter, "Hmph, they're useless."

Then I quickly rush back to inform Moron-mon and his Tamer of what is happening as they are clearly too caught up in their games to notice that some Digimon are fighting right under their feet.

And just as I expected, as soon as I arrive there landing on a branch of a nearby tree, I see that everyone there is happily laughing, at least until Moron-mon starts to sniff the air and comments, "Huh? I smell a Digimon." making his Tamer look around confused.

Seeing that, I can't help but yell, "Man, how lame. You've gotten thoroughly broken in, haven't you? You didn't even realize that there are Digimon fighting right under your feet!"

Still confused, Takato asks, "Under our feet?" while Guilmon quickly starts to sniff the ground and after a few seconds he says "Here. I smell Digimon from down here!"

Hearing that, Takato asks for confirmation, "Does that mean Lee-kun and Ruki are there already?" and I immediately reply, "That's right. While you were being morons and chasing skirts, they were down there fighting for their lives."

At this point, the boy with the cap asks excited, "T-there are real Digimon fighting underground?" followed by the one with glasses who yells, "Awesome! Let's go watch!" but Takato quickly stops them, "No! This isn't a game!" before he looks at his partner and says, "Let's go join them, Guilmon!"

Takato then pulls out his D-Ark and a card and quickly starts to swipe the card in the slot on its right-hand side of his D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once he completed this action he calls out the name of the card, "Steel Drill!"

Guilmon's hands are then transformed into drills that allow him to dig into the Tokyo subway system making his Tamer comments, "All right, I'm going, too!" but before he can make his move, the boy with the cap stops him and gives him a card while saying, "Wait. Use this."

Takato thanks his friend and then jumps down the hole dug by Guilmon as his friends encourage him.

"Good luck, Takato-kun!"

"Good luck!"

"You can do it, Takato!"

"Kick its ass!"

Seeing this scene, I suddenly realized, "Why the hell did I tell them about the fight? Jayr and the others can easily deal with that..."

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

After receiving Jianliang's call, I head back to the living room and see that Bidi, V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon completed the game without waiting for me, the winner in the end was Wormmon who was able to discard all his cards despite Patamon's dirty tactics. 

They are now shuffling the cards back into the deck, but soon stop as I walk into the living room, and Wormmon curious about the call asks, "This doesn't happen that often. Was that call about work or did something happen?"

I nod and reply, "No, it wasn't about work. Jianliang called telling me that a Digimon appeared in the subway system causing panic and destruction in its path..."

V-mon blinks and tilts his head as he asks, "I'm pretty sure you told us that you were using your Cosmic Awareness to perceive everything that is currently happening in the city, so you would have been aware of this as soon as the Digital Field formed. Why you didn't tell us about it?"

Hearing that question, I smile and explain, "I did notice the formation of the Digital Field and the Realization of this Digimon but since Ruki and Renamon were nearby I didn't hurry to tell you guys about it. After all, we were just about to finish this hand. Furthermore, there is nothing to worry about as I'm making sure that no one gets harmed by the Digimon's attack."

After telling them that, I look at the three and ask, "Anyway, who among you guys wants to kick a Perfect Level Digimon's ass?" 

In response to my question, the three look at each other, and then Patamon sighs and says, "Well, since Wormmon won this last game, he is the one that is going to deal with that Digimon..."

After Patamon said that, Wormmon uses his thread to jump on my shoulder while V-mon adds as he shuffles the cards, "We will stay here and wait for you." followed by Bidi who proposes, "After you are done, we can all go to your Soulbound Territory and spend some time with Palmon, Meliae, and all the other baby Digimon!"

Hearing that, I nod and say, "Sure." before I quickly teleport to the Deva's position and arrive just in time to see Kyubimon unleashing a Koenryu.

She starts to spin in mid-air as it creates a burning dragon out of blue flames from her tails that quickly heads toward Sandiramon, but the white cobra Digimon easily takes on the attack without moving and being harmed by it as the blue flames split upon impacting its body.

Quickly after that, Galgomon also follows up with a Dum-Dum Upper hitting Sandiramon's jaw with an exploding jumping uppercut, but again the attack is only able to make Sandiramon move its head a little from the impact, but nothing more than that as Sandiramon stares down at the two Digimon with a mocking grin on its face.
At the same time, I hear Culumon say from behind Jianliang, "Culumon is scared, culu. This Digimon is kinda scary.." making a surprised Jianliang look behind himself and mutter, "Culumon?" while Kyubimon agrees, "I feel the same." followed by Galgomon who adds, "It really is a nasty feeling."

Right at this moment, a hole forms in the ceiling above Sandiramon as Guilmon and Takato fall from it yelling, they bounce on Sandiramon's body and land between the Deva and their friends before Takato chuckles and yells, "Haha... Sorry we're late!" making Ruki complain out loud, "What kind of entrance was that?"

Meanwhile, Galgomon asks, "Can you fight Guilmon?" followed by Kyubimon who admits, "We need your help."

But before Guilmon can say anything, I decide that it is time to end this and step forward revealing myself as I yell, "Don't worry, there is no need for you guys to do anything. We will take care of this, right Wormmon?" 

In response, Wormmon jumps down and says, "Yes, Jayr! I'm ready!"

Hearing that, I smile, grab my own D-Ark, and start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into my D-Ark as I say, "Let's show them how it is done! Super Evolution!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform them into a storm of Data, before sending it to my Digimon Partner through our bond, and in response, Wormmon's body starts to shine in the light of evolution and grow bigger as he calls out, "Wormmon, evolve...!"

Shortly after that, the light fades away as my Digimon fully evolves to his Perfect Level and calls out the name of his current form, "... Jewelbeemon!"

JewelBeemon is an insectoid Digimon with a humanoid body structure, his body is covered in prism-like armor that has different colors at different viewing angles and has multiple round jewels embedded in it, he has two insect-like wings on its back and two thin antennae on its head, as well as long, white hair and is armed with a spear that he holds in his right hand. 

(Image Here - JewelBeemon)


As they watch Wormmon evolve into JewelBeemon, Takato, and Ruki exclaim in surprise. 

"He evolved to the Perfect Level!?"

"It's incredible!"

At the same time, I see Jianliang using the Digimon Analyzer function in his D-Ark and read out loud, "JewelBeemon. Perfect Level. A jewel beetle-like Insect Digimon which emits a rainbow-colored radiance. Its prism-like armor, which changes color with the viewing angle, is not only sturdy but also has the effect of dazzling the enemy's eyes. As a grappling expert, it prefers beautiful battles. Its Special Move is swinging the spear it holds in its right hand at the speed of light, generating a shock wave (Spike Buster)." 

Meanwhile, Sandiramon ignores Guilmon, Galgomon, and Kyubimon to fully focus on JewelBeemon, then it opens its mouth wide and produces a spear made of light, from it and it starts to skillfully wield it with its tail to attack JewelBeemon, who uses his own spear to deflect, block, and parry the onslaught of attack.

The exchange between JewelBeemon and Sandiramon grows faster and faster with each passing moment, so much so that Kyubimon, Guilmon, Galgomon, Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki can't help themselves from commenting in shock and awe.

"Is this the true power of a Perfect Level Digimon?"

"It's so fast that Guilmon can only barely follow it..."

"Each one of those attacks is enough to defeat us in a single blow."

"This is incredible... Pucci-sensei and JewelBeemon are amazing..."

"Look at JewelBeemon... He is in complete control of the situation..."

"And he has two other Digimon that are potentially as strong as this!"

The exchange of moves between JewelBeemon and Sandiramon is now way faster than the speed of sound and this isn't their limit yet as they continue to increase their speed, but I calmly cross my arms and say, "JewelBeemon, it is time to end this show. Go and unleash your true power!"

In response, JewelBeemon yells, "Okay, Jayr!" before he deflects Sandiramon's spear once more with a side sweep, but this time he puts much more force behind his deflection so much that the tail holding the spear is blown away leaving a big opening in Sandiramon's defenses.

Quickly after that, JewelBeemon bends his legs a little, the wings on his back start moving as they quickly gather momentum and he holds his spear with both his arms as takes his stance and yells, "Spike Buster!"

Then JewelBeemon thrusts the spear he holds at the speed of light, which pierces Sandiramon before it could even react, generating a shock wave within its body that destroys its Data from within making Sandiramon roar in pain before it falls on the ground defeated.

But after that, Sandiramon starts to weakly chuckle as Kyubimon suddenly asks, "Who are you?" 

The dying Sandiramon simply answers with, "I am one of the twelve sovereigns of God, sent here to show you the power of my Lord." making Galgomon exclaim, "Eeeh, there are eleven others like you?"

But Sandiramon doesn't answer that, and with its last strength, it says, "This is not the end. It is only the beginning. Prepare yourself, you traitors who serve humans. You may have beaten me, but the rest of the Devas will punish you!" 

After saying that, Sandiramon's body scatters into motes of Data that I again quietly gather to form a Digitama before I teleport it back to the Village of Beginnings in my Soulbound Territory.

At the same time, Ruki asks, "What is a Deva?" making Jianliang comment, "I don't know... but I think they'll be different from the Digimon we've fought before. Even earlier, Culumon said-"

Before he can continue, I decide to answer Ruki's question, "The Deva are a group of twelve Perfect Digimon who serve the Four Holy Beasts. Typically in a crisis, the Holy Beasts will first send the Deva to address the situation, if the Devas are unable to handle it, only then will the Holy Beasts themselves get involved. Their personalities and skill set are often influenced by the Holy Beast whom they serve."

Hearing that, Jianliang looks quite curious as he asks, "Four Holy Beast? What are those?" 

In response to his question, I give them a brief answer, "The Four Holy Beasts are a group of four Ultimate Holy Beast Digimon who protect the Digital World and govern its stability." 

But before I can further explain that, Takato yells while pointing at the hole in the ceiling he came from, "Let's think about that later! Right now, we have to get out of here!"

I chuckle at that and say, "Well, he isn't wrong. Furthermore, today is Sunday and it isn't the right time to give you guys a lesson. JewelBeemon let's go back home."

In response to my words, JewelBeemon quickly flies back to my side before his body starts to shine and shrink as he degenerates back to Wormmon and lands on my shoulder, something that shocks Jianliang as he exclaims, "He degenerated on his own!? You can control it!?"

I don't answer that question as I'm having way too much fun playing the role of the mysterious and all-powerful teacher and so, I simply wave back at them as I walk away and say, "Bye... See you tomorrow at school! And remember to do your homework." as Jianliang yells, "Pucci-sensei! Wait!"

Once I'm out of sight, I quickly teleport back home and then spend the rest of the day having fun with everyone as we take care and play with the baby Digimon who are slowly growing under the constant nourishment of the Spiral Cosmo contained in my Soulbound Territory.

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

A few weeks passed since Sandiramon Realized in the tunnels of the subway and Wormmon evolved into the Perfect Level JewelBeemon to defeat it, and since then the world was quite peaceful as no other major Digimon-related incident happened, sure Digimon still Realized all over the world, but they were all still Adult and Child Level Digimon many of which were peaceful or found their own Tamers who started to care for them while protecting their areas from the more aggressive Digimon.

All that made it possible for me, V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon, to calmly continue with our lives without running all over the place to deal with those emergencies, even more so, as Takato, Ruki, and Jianliang with their Digimon Partners, Guilmon, Renamon, and Terriermon were able to easily deal with all the other Digimon that Realized in this area without our assistance. 

Another thing that happened during this peaceful period was that Nikita contacted me and told me that she and Zandeer had helped her sister in dealing with a certain Malivore, some kind of Golem known as Eater of the Dark created with Dark Magic, who had the nasty ability to consume supernaturals and humans into a dark, purgatorial-like, "hell" dimension designed to cleanse the earth of "monsters". 

Once contained within Malivore, the creatures' existence is wiped from the collective conscience and mainly remembered as myths and folklore, not only that, but it seems that once this golem consumes something, it is even able to absorb everything of what it consumed, basically, from what I understand that thing was basically Rimuru only instead of a slime, it was a golem.

Luckily different from Rimuru, it seems that this Malivore, despite his powers, wasn't that much of a threat, after all, everything that it "consumed" was simply trapped in another dimension, not killed or destroyed, basically it was only a sentient walking prison, a powerful one at that, but in the end that is what it was.

In the end, Nikita told me that they were easily able to deal with it thanks to the help of their Digimon Partners, Agumon, and Blucomon, even more so as they too are now able to evolve to the Perfect Level just like my partners as they evolved into Metal Greymon (Virus) (X-Antibody) and Crys Paledramon, who can already be considered powerhouses in their own right.

While I'm remembering what happened in these weeks, I continue to focus on my duty as I make sure that all the students of classes 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, and 5-4 here are present in front of the school as today is the day of this school's summer camp.

As I stand in front of one of the two buses marking the names of the students present, I can't help but think, 'Usually the Homeroom Teachers are the ones that have to present in this kind of situation, but the Homeroom Teacher of class 5-3 fell ill and is unable to take part and so, I'm now here in his place... Not that I mind it, as if this lucky coincidence didn't happen I would have done something to make sure that I would take part in this summer camp. After all, another Deva will make its appearance during it.'

While I'm thinking that, I suddenly hear my colleague Toshiaki Mori, the Homeroom Teacher of class 5-1 yell, "Okay, first group! Get on the bus."

At the same time, I look as Mori looks at the students who are getting onto the bus and comments, "Are those backpacks popular these days? They're nice. Where do they sell them?" 

I see that all the students of the 5-1 class are carrying stuffed animal-shaped backpacks, but among all these backpacks there is one "backpack" in particular that catches my eye.

I smirk watching Jianliang sneaking Terriermon on the bus by putting straps around his arms and wearing his partner Digimon like a backpack with an innocent expression on his face.

While looking at him, I hear Asanuma Nami, the Homeroom Teacher of class 5-2 yell, "Second group, please get on the bus, too!" and hear Jianliang mutter, "Seems like we'll manage somehow, but... I wonder how Takato-kun will bring Guilmon." 

In response to that, his "backpack" moves its mouth and replies, "Takato said he'd ask his classmates for help."

Quickly after that, Jianliang smiles and exclaims, "Ah, they're here!"

I turn my head to take a look at the second bus and see Takato running toward Nami who is muttering, "Once we get to the camp site..." but she stops as Takato yells, "Nami-sensei! Good Morning!"

Nami takes her gaze away from her own list and looks at Takato greeting him back, "Good morning, Takato-kun."

Takato moves around Nami while asking, "Sensei, do you know anything about cameras?" which makes Nami turn her back as she asks back, "What's wrong?"

Takato then distracts Nami while his classmates help sneak Guilmon onto the bus by saying, "The shutter is stuck." making Nami take his camera and say, "Let me see."

At the same time, Takato gives his classmates a sign and they start to march toward the bus while using their bodies to hide Guilmon, then once Guilmon is on the bus, Takato lets out a relieved sigh which makes Nami question him, "What are you so relieved about?"

In response, Takato quickly fixes his expression and declares, "I'm not relieved about anything."

Meanwhile, I shake my head and think, 'Very subtle Takato... Oh well, he is still a ten year old boy, it is normal that he has trouble hiding his emotions.' then I take one last look at Guilmon and Terriermon and think, 'Furthermore, he and Jianliang aren't the only ones who brought their Digimon Partner with them, the only difference between them and I is that they don't have a cheat like the Sulbound Territory to bring a clandestine Digimon with them.'

Hearing that, Nami gives his camera back to him and says, "I'm not good with cameras, fix it yourself."

In response, a happy Takato replies with a big smile on his face, "Okay!"

Seeing that, Nami again asks a little suspicious about his odd behavior, "What are you so happy about?" which makes Takato again fix his expression as he stands at attention and declares, "I'm not happy about anything."

Meanwhile, I also hear Jianliang mutter, "What a relief.." as Terriermon strapped on his back exclaims, "Momentai." before Jianliang says, "Come on, let's get on too."

Watching as the students orderly get on the bus, I quickly check my list once more and then follow after him and yell, "Third group! Line up and get ready to follow after the first group!"

After all the students got into the two busses, the other teachers and I also got into our assigned bus and as soon as I stepped inside, I noticed that Culumon also happened to be tagging along, hiding among some of the girls' backpacks making me chuckle while thinking, 'Culumon is truly incredible... that small, cute Digimon is able to go anywhere without rhyme or reason. I sensed its position in the most unlikely and sometimes even dangerous places, among which there are Yamaki's bedroom as he and his girlfriend were sleeping, the Hypnos headquarters, a Yakuza home, a strip club, and many others...'

While I'm thinking that, I also continue to move, take a seat, and enjoy the ride as the bus finally departs for the camping site and the students cheer loudly for the start of the summer camp organized by the school.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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