Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 270 – The Third Deva

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Kanagawa - 2001

The trip to the camp site was quite peaceful, or at least as peaceful as it can be when there are a lot of excited kids gathered together, and indeed as one can expect there was a lot of chaos, but at the very least it was the good kind of chaos filled with laughter, joy, games, and songs.

Well at the least this is what is happening in this bus, as the one behind us, the bus that contains Takato's class and another one is going through a whole other kind of ordeal as Kenta's atrocious singing is so awful that it should be considered a crime against humanity, so much so, that I was tempted of using my abilities to turn him into a mute for a few seconds until I decide on the more peaceful solution of simply restrict my sense of hearing to the level of a normal human.

After a few hours, we finally at our destination, the Kanagawa prefecture, more specifically a private forest area in Nagae, Hayama, the summer camp site that the school rented.

In this summer camp, children are going to be activity encouraged to freely explore, observe, experiment, and take part in adventurous risky play, sessions go beyond just playing, and the holistic needs of each child are considered and responded to, helping and nurturing them to follow their interests and take on new challenges, reconnect with the natural environment as they take time to learn and become familiar with our surroundings, how to work and play in harmony with the habitat, how we are all connected, how it changes through the seasons and how that impacts us.

Basically, in these two days that we will spend here, each student will have the independence to make choices about what they are interested in and want to spend time exploring, like exploring the natural flora and fauna, climbing, balancing, swinging from natural resources, or using imagination to build own structures, knife safety and wood whittling and carving, crafts and art with the natural environment, 

The students will be encouraged to make independent choices to foster independence, problem solving, and builds confidence with experimentation and appropriate risk taking which supports the development of problem solving, risk assessment, and reflection, of course, all this under our supervision, after all, it is totally ridiculous to leave a bunch of 10 years old children on their own in the wild.

Once we step into the private forest area, seeing what time it is, we quickly tell the students to prepare and have their launches, so, they separate into smaller groups, lay the blankets on the ground, and start to eat and have fun as I and the other teacher take turns to watch over them while the other also take their time to eat their own lunches.

When it is my turn to eat something, I start to aimlessly walk around, and when I find myself in a more isolated area, I don't hesitate to open a portal to my Soulbound Territory and call out my Digimon Partners, Impmon, and Bidi who quickly after walk out, and then I say, "Okay we arrived at the private forest area... You are free to explore, relax, and have fun around the area as much as you want, just be careful as a Perfect Level Digimon is going to appear tonight. If you want to return to the Soulbound Territory just ask me or Bidi. Now go!"

In response to that, all of them yell in sync, """Yes!""" before they quickly head further into the forest while I return back to take the place of Mori and watch over the students as he happily has his lunch and tries to win over Nami.

As I walk around, I notice the figure of Jianliang as he is eating "alone" in a secluded place, of course, next to him there are Terriermon and Culumon who are hidden inside a nearby tree trunk. 

At the same time, I hear him comment, "Terriermon you don't have to eat so fast, there's plenty left!" when suddenly he starts to panic a little as he yells, "Terriermon, tea!" very likely because Terriermon ate too quickly and he is now chocking on his food, but soon the crisis passes as he uses the tea to push down the food.

Seeing that, I continue to walk around, and soon, I notice Takato and his group of friends as they eat together with Guilmon, and see Hirokazu offer a rice ball to Guilmon while saying, "I'll give you one of my rice balls."

This sets off a chain reaction as Kenta also offers his own rice ball while saying, "I'll give you one of mine too." followed by Juri who says, "Eat my sandwich too."

All the other people in the group offer him their own making the Digimon look around with a smile and say, "Thanks, everyone!"

At this point, Takato finally intercedes, "No way, if Guilmon eats all that he'll have a stomach ache!" making Guilmon complain, "Stingy Takato." which makes Takato counters, "And you're a glutton, Guilmon."

Soon after saying that, the two start to stare at one other while all the other people around them start laughing finding the situation funny.

As I watch that warm scene with a smile on my face, Nami passes by and yells, "Everyone! After lunch, form teams to set your tents up."

She, of course, doesn't notice Guilmon's presence because, from her point of view, his figure is hidden by the tree he is leaning on, because of that she is unable to see him and continues to walk around to repeat the same thing to the other students she encounters on her way.

At the same time, Hirokazu stands up and says, "Takato, we'll set the tent up, so you go ahead and let Guilmon play." making the young Tamer thank his friends for their gesture before he leaves with Guilmon.

Soon all the students finish their lunch and before they start to set up their tents, I gather them all together and give them the most basic instructions and know-how in pitching a tent while also showing them how it is done as I set up the tents that will be used by us teacher, "Okay everyone, listen carefully. A properly pitched tent can protect you from adverse weather conditions and give you a comfortable night of sleep before or after an outdoor adventure. If you want to set up your tent properly you just have to follow nine basic but important steps."

I look at them as they focus on me and with a smile I say, "First step. Find a good spot for your tent. Look for flat, level ground free of sticks or stumps. If needed, brush aside rocks, branches, pinecones, and any other removable object before setting up your tent floor. Be sure to put these objects back after you leave your campsite. And don't forget to look up to ensure that your space is free of dead trees or "widow makers," the low-hanging tree branches that are about to fall."

As I tell them this, I quickly show them the area I already cleared beforehand, and then I begin to set the tent up as I continue my lesson, "Second step. Lay out the footprint. The footprint is essentially a ground tarp that protects the bottom of the tent. Once you've found a good spot, lay the footprint flat on the ground, with the shiny side up."

After properly laying the ground cloth on the ground, I move on to the next step, "Third step. Lay out the body of the tent. Place the body of the tent on top of the footprint, matching each corner of the body to each corner of the footprint. Be sure the doors are facing the right direction. Usually one has to take into account the direction of the wind, but you don't have to worry about that as this area is very well protected thanks to the mountains surrounding this valley."

I quickly finish placing the body of the tent on top of the footprint just as I told them, and after that, I move on to the next step, "The fourth step. Assemble the poles. Take the time to insert each pole carefully into the adjacent pole and make sure each pole is fully seeded in the next. Avoid letting the poles snap by themselves and avoid snapping the poles together under the force of a bungee cord. These are very important as they are the very things that support the whole structure of your tent so be very careful with this passage."

Once I quickly assemble the poles, I don't waste any time and move on with my explanation, "Fifth step. Match the poles to the grommets on the tent body and the footprint. For those who don't know the grommet is this metal ring or eyelet found on each corner of the tent. It is quite hard to miss them."

Done with that, I continue to set up the tent as I explain, "Sixth step. Attach the tent body to the poles. Raise the tent body up and secure it to the poles, using the clips. Again, nothing too difficult but if you want to be quicker, then it is better if two people take care of this process."

After that, I pick up the rain fly and start setting it up as I say, "Seventh step. Lay out the rain fly on top of the tent. Make sure the fly zippers are closed before attaching the fly to your tent poles. This will avoid potential problems with your fly's door zippers. Ensure that the door on the rain fly matches up with the door on the tent for obvious reasons. And lastly, connect the rain fly to each corner of the tent."

At this point, I pick up a rock and the pegs and slowly show the kids the next step as I continue with my explanation, "Eighth step. Stake out the tent. Choose a corner of the tent, and insert a stake into the tie-down loop. Carefully push pegs into the ground at a 45-degree angle, with the top of the peg pointing away from the shelter. To avoid bending a peg when encountering tough soil, never kick the peg with your boot. Instead, use a medium-sized rock like this one. Be careful to gently hammer the peg into the ground as you don't want to hurt yourself. Repeat this on each corner of the tent, followed by the doors and all of the guy lines."

Done with staking my tent, I move on to the last step, "Ninth and last step. Tighten up the rain fly. Tighten the adjustable straps until the fly is covering all sides and corners of the tent floor. Be sure to tension each corner evenly to make sure that the seams line up over the poles. And with this, your tent is successfully set up."

The end of my demonstration and explanation is met by an overall applause from all the students, and in response to that, I give them a slight bow as if I'm some kind of performer who just finished his successful act and is thanking the audience, then after the bow, I smile and conclude, "This is all you need to remember. If you have any questions or difficulties do not hesitate to ask for help from any of the teachers. Now go and set up your tents! The first group that perfectly sets up a tent will win this pack of delicious marshmallows that you can roast and enjoy this evening."

As soon as I finish saying that, all the students rush out in different groups and they quickly move to set up their tents, meanwhile, I calmly help Mori, Nami, and Iori the Homeroom Teacher of classes 5-4 set up their tents before we start to move around to give instructions, suggestion or outright help the other students.

As I walk around checking on the students as they set up their tents, I again hear Hirokazu's loud voice which catches my attention as he yells, "All right, done!" 

I take a look in his direction and see him and Kenta, who just finished tying up the straps of the rain fly, stand up and look at their finished work which makes Kenta comment, "So it's Takato, Guilmon, you and me in here? It's going to be a bit cramped..."
But then Kenta and Hirokazu look at each other and say in perfect sync with a smile on their faces, ""Well, can't be helped!""

Suddenly a strange cry is heard in the distance and Hirokazu looks up and sees a flock of agitated birds flying away and exclaims, "What the...?"

But I immediately sense that a very small Digital Field is emerging among that flock of birds and realize, 'Here it comes... Another Deva is about to Realize in this world, and this one is particularly devious as it restrained and compressed its Data as much as possible to the point that it almost feels like a Baby II Level Digimon despite being a fully Perfect Level Digimon, even if because of this it is momentary very, very weakened... If my enhanced memory doesn't fail me, this one should be the chicken Digimon, Sinduramon.'

While I'm thinking that, I also focus on sensing my Digimon Partners' location and see that they are enjoying themselves with Guilmon, Terriermon, and Culumon, so I decide, 'Oh well, there is no harm in letting Sinduramon recover some of its power before dealing with it. I'll just let Wormmon, V-mon, Patamon, Bidi, and Impmon enjoy themselves for today, and tomorrow we will hunt down and delete Sinduramon.'

After coming to that conclusion, I simply continue to walk around watching over the students while helping and giving suggestions to those who ask for them once all the students are done, I walk some distance away as Mori and Iori are setting up the campfire for tonight and pull out my D-Ark from my pocket, click one of the buttons and soon, the display shows me the image of that mysterious Digitama I created by mistake that is currently stored inside a pocket dimension connected to the D-Ark.

I look at the still intact multicolored Digitamon as it pulses and mutters, "After all this time, this mysterious Digitama still didn't hatch... This is very strange, Patamon, V-mon, and Wormmon's Digitama hatched very quickly, and even the Digitama that I created quickly after this one hatched already, so why is this one taking so much time...? Oh well, at the least, I'm sure that whatever Digimon is inside is healthy, at the very least from what little I can sense through my connection to it."

After some time, the sky turns dark, and as Mori and Iori lit up the campfire I start to prepare dinner for everyone with Nami and once ready Nami calls the students so that they can gather around the now lit campfire for dinner. 

Once everyone sits down in front of the campfire with a bowl of curry rice in their hands, Mori starts to narrate to the kids a ghost story to accompany their dinner, "This story takes place about ten years ago. A story that really happened at this camp site." 

While the students are listening with attention, an unimpressed and bored Nami mutters as she looks somewhere else, "Yes... Yes..."

Mori with a spoon raise continues with his story, "While we were having dinner, just like now, we heard the eerie sound of a bird, that seemed to come from everywhere."

At this point, Hirokazu and Kenta look at each other as the former mutters, "Just like before…" making Kenta agree, "Yeah." while Mori continues with his story, "And inside a tent which was supposed to be empty…"

But as he's about to tell the part about something coming out of a tent that's supposed to be empty, Guilmon and Terriermon come out of Takato's tent wanting more food, scaring the shit out of Mori who lets out a very loud scream which makes the students jump out and scream in fright before he faints.

Meanwhile, Nami, still bored about everything that is happening, mutters with nonchalance, "Yes, yes..."

After that, I take Mori's place and start to tell the kids a more light-hearted story, I tell them the story of a certain goofy inventor named Senbei Norimaki who lives in the town of Penguin Village on Gengoro Island, a very special place where humans co-exist with all sorts of anthropomorphic animals, objects, and monsters.

I tell them the story of how Senbei Norimaki accidentally created the world's first perfect android, Arale, however, as a testament to Senbei's goofiness, the android ends up being incredibly nearsighted, and is utterly goofy in its lack of understanding of humanity, how Senbei goes to the Store to buy clothes for her before taking her on a walk to see if anyone can tell she is not human, how they meet Senbei's friend Aoi, to whom Senbei introduces the robot as Arale Norimaki, before she walks into traffic and accidentally smashes a car. 

After that, I continue to tell them some of the misadventures of Arale and Senbei between the laughter of the teachers and kids who are listening. 

Needless to say, everyone appreciated the story created by the one and only Akira Toriyama, the creator of one of some of the finest stories in my previous life, among all the masterpieces that is Dragon Ball, a story that can be said to have changed and influenced the whole world. 

After dinner, most of the students go back into their tents to sleep and Mori and Nami take the first turn to patrol and ensure that all the kids are safely sleeping, at the same time, I sense that V-mon, Wormmon, Patamon, Impmon, and Bidi also go back to my mansion in the Soulbound Territory to rest.

Meanwhile, Takato, Jianliang, Guilmon, Terriermon, and Culumon go to the top of the mountain to see the view, Jianliang and Takato are happy to see the Digimon enjoying themselves, but suddenly they hear the sound of a bird and decide to check it out while leaving their Digimon to play. 

Jianliang and Takato come across the Realized Sinduramon and, not wanting to start a fight, quickly try to escort their Digimon back to camp so that it won't see them, not that it would care about them at the moment as Sinduramon begins to absorb power from all around Tokyo to recovers his state, causing blackouts everywhere, but stops once his power and Data grew to a level between Adult and Perfect Level. 

The next morning, we take the students to a nearby river where they can enjoy the morning playing in the water, and of course, we teacher can relax a little too, because of that, everyone is wearing their swimsuits, and I too decide to do the same as I put on a simple blue beachwear, of course, I chose a non-elasticated boxer for a very simple reason, there are kids present here and I'm way too gifted to wear anything else, especially the elasticated type of beach wear as they leave nothing to the imagination.

I'm the last one to arrive and as they notice my presence, everyone stops and stares at me with their mouths wide open while some of the kids comments.

"Look at those muscles! They are bigger than a Pro Wrestler!"

"I knew that Pucci-sensei was tall... but that is amazing..."

"I think I'm in love..."

"How could his usual clothes hide such an amazing body!"

"He is more handsome than a model!"

"I have to ask him how can I have muscles like that!"

"How cool..."

Soon, I arrive next to my colleagues and see Nami lying on a beach towel wearing a simple black one-piece swimsuit with her eyes closed while a charmed Mori asks, "Asanuma-sensei, should I apply sunscreen on you?" but she curtly replies, "No need." showing clear annoyance for his continuous attempts.

At the same time, Iori who is calmly sitting on the ground making sure that all the students are safe, looks at me and exclaims, "My god! Pucci-sensei, your body is very impressive! Your wife should be very happy with it! Just how much do you work out to have a body like that?"

Hearing that, I sit down on the grass, smile, and reply, "Just a few hours early in the morning and before going to sleep every single day for over 15 years." Iori nods and comments, "That takes some serious dedication... I'm impressed..."

I shrug my shoulders and explain, "It is something that I'm quite used to as I've been training since I was a young kid. You see I've learned from my grandfather how to fight and defend myself, and he was quite strict with it... But with time his teachings became a second nature for me..."

At the same time, I notice that Nami opened her eyes and is now staring at me, more specifically at my lower half with a lost expression as she mutters in a very low tone that only my enhanced sense can pick, "Damn that's very big... his wife must be a very lucky woman..." 

Meanwhile, with my Cosmic Awareness, I sense that Takato and Jianliang took the Digimon to a spot out of the way where they can swim around in the river freely, as usual Impmon taunts everyone and grows angry when Patamon calls him a Tsundere which makes Impmon splash some water at Patamon.

But Patamon dodges and the water hits Guilmon who uses his tail to splash some water on Impmon, but he misjudges the force of his tail and the wave he creates splashe not only Impmon but also Terriermon, V-mon, and Wormmon, and soon the situation degenerates into a water fight.

Takato and Jian look on amusedly, but the fun is ruined when the Sinduramon appears and sends them flying out of the water.

Sensing that, I don't hesitate to get up and head over there while saying to the other teachers, "I'm going to check on the students that are further away..."

After saying that, I quickly rush toward Takato and the others' position and as I arrive at the location, I see Sinduramon calmly standing among the trees while the Digimon are standing on the opposite shore separated by the river, meanwhile Takato and Jianlinag are standing on a nearby shore.

Sinduramon is a yellow rooster Digimon with a large comb, horns, and a long tail, its torso is encased in spherical armor with gold studs on the top and bonji on the bottom, it wears a red scarf and carries a large pestle on its back. 

(Image Here - Sinduramon)


At the same time, I hear Takato reading out loud, "Sinduramon. Perfect Level! One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Rooster. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Baihumon, it likes to quarrel and gossip above all else. With its provocative attitude, it will pick a fight with its opponent one way or another, but when they move to attack, it immediately draws its head and wings within its spherical armor. Its armor is the hardest among all of the Deva's equipment, and once it gets inside of the armor, it is absolutely protected. During the battle, it is occasionally possible to cut through the breach when it rolls around in that state. Just like Kumbhiramon, it carries the Bǎo Chǔ on its back, and its Special Move consists of unleashing an intense lightning strike from it (Púyaváha)."

After reading that, Takato yells, "Hold on, Guilmon!" followed by Jianliang who shouts, "Terriermon, wait to see what happens!"

But then a mechanical voice is heard as an owl lands on the branch of the tree behind the kids and says, "God has descended. Our god has become greater by devouring the light created by humans."

Making Jianliang and Takato mutter in confusion one after the other.

"Light created by humans?"


The owl doesn't answer but simply states, "From now on, our god will become even greater." making Takato exclaim in surprise, "It'll grow even bigger!?" followed by Jianliang who asks, "Are you threatening us?"

This time, the owl answers plainly, "It's not a threat, it is a prediction." making Jianliang repeat in confusion, "Prediction?" but at this point, Sinduramon lets out a loud cry before it starts to fly away followed by the very likely possessed owl.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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