Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 271 – Start of the Vacation

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Kanagawa - 2001

After Sinduramon let out a very loud cry and flew away followed by what is very likely a possessed owl, Terriermon and Guilmon do not hesitate to chase after it making their Tamers yell in a worried tone.



But before they can run too far away, I step forward and yell, "Wormmon! Stop those two!"

Hearing my voice, Wormmon nods before he turns to V-mon and asks, "V-Mon! Throw me!" then, V-mon doesn't hesitate to grab Wormmon and throw him high in the air in the direction of Terriermon and Guilmon.

Once Wormmon has a clear view, he immediately calls out the name of one of his Special Moves, "Nebaneba Net!" before he spits out the threads of a tough, adhesive net, which quickly flies toward running Terriermon and Guilmon, who at the moment are too focused on Sinduramon to defend themselves, and as expected, Wormmon's technique hits the pair directly completely restricting their movements as the net sticks to their bodies and the ground leaving them struggling on the ground as they try to free themselves.
All this happens way too fast and leaves Takato and Jianliang stunned for a few seconds before they regain their bearing and look at me as I calmly walk toward V-mon, Patamon, Wormmon, Impmon, and Culumon and yell, ""Pucci-sensei!""

Soon the two rush toward me, and looking at the still-bound Guilmon and Terriermon Jianliang asks, "Pucci-sensei, why did you order Wormmon to stop them?"

Hearing that question, I smile and while ruffling his hair, I explain, "Didn't you two bring Guilmon and Terriermon here so that they could relax a little and recover from the constant fighting they went through lately? I feel it is a little counterproductive to simply head off to fight a Perfect Level Digimon, even more so when V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon are present here, are more rested, and can easily deal with something at the level of Sinduramon..."

At this point, V-mon bounces on his feet and yells in an excited tone, "That's right! That's right! You can't have all the fun for yourself! I didn't have a good, exciting fight for quite a long time! Patamon! Wormmon! This one is mine! You guys remain behind!"

I look at the excited V-mon with a smile on my face before I add, "... And apparently they are also very eager to exercise themselves. So leave Sinduramon to us, you guys continue to relax and have fun... You all deserve some rest."

After saying that, Takato and Jianliang look at each other before they look back at me and nod, then Takato says, "Thanks, Pucci-sensei!" followed by Jianliang who adds, "Please, be careful." 

I look at V-mon and say, "Jump on! We will chase after Sinduramon and deal with it before it can cause too much chaos."

Hearing that, V-mon doesn't hesitate to jump on my shoulders before I start to run chasing after Sinduramon, of course, at first I move just slightly faster than a normal human, but as soon as I'm out of Takato and Jianliang's sight, I quickly pick up my speed while V-mon holding on my shoulders screams in joy as he enjoys the speedy ride. 

I run with a precise destination in mind as I already know where Sinduramon is heading, the dam located a few kilometers from here, the reason for that is quite clear as the dam contains a hydroelectric power station that is able to produce enough energy to allow Sinduramon to increase his power to the point it will become very close to an Ultimate Level Digimon.

We arrive at the dam at the same time as Sinduramon and its possessed owl, and without wasting any time, V-mon jumps down from my shoulders and yells, "I'm ready! Let's do this, Jayr!"

Hearing that, I smile, grab my own D-Ark, and start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into my D-Ark as I say, "It's time to show to this electricity-eating chicken what is a real Perfect Level like! Super Evolution!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform them into a storm of Data before sending it to my Digimon Partner through our bond, and in response, V-mon's body starts to shine in the light of evolution and grow bigger as he calls out, "V-mon, evolve...!"

Soon after that, the lights faded away as my Digimon fully evolved to his Perfect Level and called out the name of his current form, "... EXV-mon!"

EXV-mon is a larger and partially mechanized version of XV-mon, he is a massive blue humanoid dragon Digimon with five sharp blade-like horns, one on its nose, two in front of two ear-like appendages on his head, and two at the sides of his jaw. 

He has a white chest and jaw, with a thin X-shaped armor on his chest with two marks that remind me of the same X-shaped mark of his Adult Level. 

The yellow V mark on his head expanded to cover the whole middle area of his head, while two more V marks appeared on his shoulders, his hands became mechanical claws whose design slightly reminds me of the Z'Gok from the original Gundam Series with four sharp claws that seem able to pierce through anything and has missile hatches on his palms, his feet are also armored and lastly, he has two smaller additional wings bringing them to a total of 4 wings whose color turned a little bit darker than before become slightly grey.

(Image Here - EXV-mon)


Looking at EXV-mon's figure, I can't help but once again remember the information given to me by the Digimon Analyzer the first time V-mon evolved to the Perfect Level, 'EXV-mon. Perfect Level. A Perfect Level Mythical Cyborg Dragon Digimon that further enhanced XV-mon's natural power and evolved. The attacks it unleashes using its cybernetically enhanced arm and leg strength are tremendous and powerful enough to easily wipe out something the size of the moon without leaving a trace. But despite possessing such destructive power, it is very revered and respected thanks to its strong sense of justice, it is very well known that it will not use that power recklessly and will only fight to protect the weak and to come to the rescue of the Digital World should it face any crisis. Thanks to its four wings and body structure, EXV-mon doesn't lose any of its previous speed and agility despite the increase in size and power, in fact, it became even faster. Its Signature Move consists of rotating its claws at a very fast speed to pierce through any obstacle (Drill Punch). Its Special Moves are a powerful energy wave emitted from the "X" pattern on its chest armor (X-Cannon) and firing organic missiles from the hatches on its palms (Desperado Destroyer). In addition, it can also send out a high-temperature energy wave from the firing ports on its palms (Desperado Plasma).' 

While I'm remembering that, Siduramon looks at EXV-mon and lets out a loud bird cry before it flies up and unleashes an intense lightning strike from its Bǎo Chǔ which is way too fast for him and hits EXV-mon dead on target shocking my Digimon Partner whose body is now enveloped in electricity and the ground under his feet cracks under the impact of Sinduramon attack.

But before Sinduramon could let out a victory cry, EXV-mon roars back swinging his right arm to disperse the electricity running around his body before he looks back at Sinduramon and yells, "Is this all a Deva is capable of? If it is so, then I'm disappointed because I don't know if you want to harm me or give me a relaxing massage... My Tamer's single punch hurts a lot more than what you just used against me."

In response to EXV-mon's words, Sinduramon let out another bird-like cry before it dived down toward my Digimon, using its weight, the speed of the fall, and the force of gravity to increase the power of its tackle.

Seeing that, EXV-mon smirks and yells, "Good! Show me what you can do!" before he also uses his wings to fly up and rush toward the incoming Sinduramon.

Soon the two Digimon meet and crash in the middle, Sinduramon is using its spherical armor as a bludgeoning weapon while EXV-mon is using his open-clawed hands to simply push back.

It is clear that in pure power EXV-mon has the absolute advantage as he is easily pushing Sinduramon back, but the Deva doesn't give up and again unleashes an intense, constant lightning strike from its Bǎo Chǔ at a very close range enveloping both of them in electricity.

But since Sinduramon is a Digimon that feeds on electricity, this doesn't harm it and instead helps it recover some of the energy it used which is then used to further empower the lighting strike it is unleashing.

Thanks to that positive feedback the empowered lighting has an effect on my Digimon Partner who roars in pain and Sinduramon takes advantage of this to push EXV-mon back and soon the two crash on the ground raising a big cloud of dust.

A few moments after that, I hear EXV-mon's voice as it yells, "So you can do something if you put your mind to it... Not bad, but not good enough!" 

Soon after he said that a loud impact sound was heard and I saw Sinduramon flying out of the cloud of dust and crash into a nearby wall a few meters away from the point of their crash, but then it quickly dislodged itself from the wall and it continues to stare at the cloud of dust that is quickly dispersing showing the figure of a healthy EXV-mon with a content smirk on his face ready for another exchange. 

Seeing that, Sinduramon doesn't hesitate to fly up once again with the clear intent of repeating the same maneuver that helped win the previous exchange, this time, Sinduramon is flying even higher than before, as he clearly wants to hit harder this time.

At the same time, EXV-mon remains standing as he looks at Sinduramon flying higher and higher with a confident smile on his face as he mutters, "This time I should actually use a technique instead of simply fighting with pure physical power..." 

While EXV-mon is saying that, Sinduramon doesn't waste any more time and quickly starts to dive toward my Digimon Partner while at the same time, it also starts to already unleash lightning from the Bào Chù on its back.

At the same time, EXV-mon pulls his right arm back as he takes his stance to release a powerful punch, and while this is happening the four claws of its right hand close themselves with the tips touching, and quickly after that they start to spin at very fast speed forming a drill and after that, he waits for the perfect moment to unleash his attack.

A few moments later, the opportunity he was waiting for arrives as Siduramon is about to crash against him, and with a smirk on his face, EXV-mon yells, "Drill Punch!" before he unleashes a powerful straight punch with his spinning drill.

EXV-mon's spinning drill crashes against Sinduramon's spherical armor and pierces right through the armor causing Sinduramon to let out a painful cry.

Then before Sinduramon could recover, the "X" pattern on EXV-mon's chest armor starts to shine in bright yellow light as it gathers energy, and then EXV-mon yells, "Time to end this! X-Cannon!"

With that shout, EXV-mon discharges a massive X-shaped golden beam of energy with electricity streaming around it towards the skewed Sinduramon that obliterates the Deva in an instant, leaving behind only a few motes of Data that I quickly gather to form a Digitama that then teleport to the Village of Beginnings in my Soulbound Territory under the care of Palmon and the Nymphs.

At the same time, I notice that the poor possessed owl was freed from Sinduramon's influence and is now flying away continuing with her day like nothing happened.

After Sinduramon is defeated, EXV-mon's body starts to shine and shink until he degenerates back to V-mon, and then, we calmly start to return back to the site of the summer camp where we and the students enjoy the last day before we return back to Tokyo where both the students and the teacher can start to fully enjoy their 38 days long summer break.

Lee Jiang-yu POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I return home after a tiring day at work, remove and hang my coat, and walk into the living room while announcing, "I'm home!"

I see my wife Mayumi, the love of my life, a woman with short brown hair and enchanting light violet eyes wearing glasses as she is putting some shopping bags in order with our youngest daughter, Shaochung. 

A cute little girl with lightly tanned skin, dark purple hair pulled to the sides in two small pigtails, and dark purple eyes, she is wearing a white T-shirt under a pink cheongsam-style vest with yellow trimmings, dark purple shorts, white socks, and yellow shoes with white laces and soles 

(Image Here - Lee Mayumi, Lee Shaochung)


As I untie my necktie, my cute daughter runs toward me with a straw hat on her head and cheerfully asks, "Do I look good?"

I look at her and with a smile, I reply, "You look great." which earns me a big smile from my cute daughter before she rushes back to her mother while laughing, "Hehehe. He said I look good! The straw hat princess."

Then I look back at my wife and remembering about the bugs' reports we received today, I call her out "Say, Mayumi..."

Mayumi looks back and me and replies, "What?" fearing her answer I ask, "Um... did someone from my job call?" but she directly replies, "Nope."

Hearing that, I let out an internal sigh of relief as I mutter, "I see..." while thinking, 'This means that I was able to patch those strange bugs that appeared in our program... I truly can't understand what is going on lately, the network is behaving in a truly peculiar way with strange bugs, viruses, and other irregularities happening almost daily and from what I have heard from my contacts, my company isn't the only one in the sector having problems... This is worrying...' 

While I'm thinking that, my youngest son, Jianliang comes to me and asks, "Um... Can I ask you a favor?"

I nod and Jianliang then asks me to analyze a strange card he found on our computer.

Finding nothing wrong with helping my son with such an easy request, we headed to my personal office in my house, and he gave me the card reader needed to read the card's data.

I calmly search for the port to connect the card reader to my computer while muttering out loud what I'm doing, a habit I've developed through the years to help me keep focused on what I'm doing, "Let's see, this goes here... I turn it on... That should be OK."

Then I look at my son and notice the Digimon stuffed toy beside him and can't help but ask, "Isn't time you...?" but then I realize that there is nothing wrong with him being still attached to that stuffed toy, as he is 10 years old and I don't want him to grow up too fast, even more so as he will naturally let it go with time, so there is no need to force the issue and so, when my son asks, "What?" I simply say, "No, nothing."

After saying that, I focus back on my son's request, and seeing that both the computer and the card reader are ready, I ask, "So which one is it?"

In response, Jianliang pulls out a Blue Card from his pocket and gives it to me, and quickly after, I insert it into the card reader and wait to see what is so strange about this card.

After a few minutes, the computer analyzes the card and a series of codes starts to appear, which makes my son ask, "What is that?"

I look closer and mutter, "Let's see..." but the more I look at those codes the more familiar they become, and soon my eyes widen as I recognize them as the same codes created by my old friend Shibumi so many years ago, they are much more advanced than what I remember, but it is undeniable that the source behind these codes is exactly the same as those written by Shibumi.

Jianliang notices my change of expression and asks, "Is something wrong?" but I quickly cover it up by saying, "N-No, it's nothing. It's just a string of meaningless data." making my son ask for confirmation, "Really?"

I nod and say, "Yes." but then unable to hold back my curiosity, I ask, "By the way, where did you get it?"

Jianliang looks at me and replies, "A friend gave it to me."

Hearing that, I continue to look at the string of codes and mutter, "I see..." while thinking, 'This is without any doubt Shibumi's code... what is going on here...? Why is that code in this card...? Does Shibumi have anything to do with it...'

The next day, my mind continued to wander around the topic of that card that Jianliang asked me to analyze, even in the evening, while I was practicing Tai Chi, I remember the time I spent in my youth working on the creation of Digimon with the Wild Bunch.

The Wild Bunch was originally a group formed by programming students with the goal of creating artificial intelligence under the direction of Professor Rob McCoy at Palo Alto University, California. 

The members of that group were Mizuno Gorou nicknamed Shibumi, Professor Rob McCoy nicknamed Dolphin, Rai Aishuwarya nicknamed Curly, Daisy, Babel, and I whose nickname was Tao.

Rob McCoy's son designed the first Digimon, Mizuno Gorou wrote the code that allowed the Digimon to evolve, Daisy designed the devices that allowed them to communicate with the Digimon, and together we managed to create artificial beings with a desire for survival, however, eventually the university cut the project's funding and sold the designs for the Digimon characters to Bandai who proceeded to make a toy and anime franchise based off of them.

As I continued practicing, I also remembered that strange encounter that I had with that man who told me that one of my old "playmates" still hadn't grown up.

Even during dinner, this issue continues to bother me, so much that even my son Jianliang notices that something is wrong but when he looks at me, I simply laugh lightly and say, "Haha. N-No, it's nothing." 

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

After the summer camp, I returned back home and passed the next few days without changing my routine too much, the only change was that instead of working at school, I spent the days watching the Baby Digimon in the Village of Beginnings, playing with my Digimon Partners, check the Digitama in my D-Ark, or simply returning back to my home universe to spend time with my family and friends. 

This continued until one day, Impmon came to me and told me that he wanted to see Ai and Makoto again, the reason behind his change is of course the result of spending most of his time with us, and watching the various Digimon anime with us.

Learning of Impmon's wish to reunite with his Tamers, I don't hesitate to accompany him to his destination, Ai and Makoto's home.

On our way there, we encounter Jianliang, Terriermon, and Takato who are heading off to the station to continue their investigation into the Blue Card who found its way into Jianliang's hands.

Seeing that, Impmon steps in front of me and says, "Hey, hey... Where are you going today?" in response, Terriermon jumps down from Jianliang's shoulders and after landing on the ground, looks at Impmon and in a bored tone he says, "It's him again..."

This upsets Impmon who yells, "What do you mean "It's him again?" Don't get cocky 'cause you got me once during the water fight. You had that ridiculous Moron-mon on your side while I was under the assault of everyone!"

In response to that, Terriermon steps forward and asks, "Then, do you want another round?" before he turns to his Tamer and asks, "Hey, can we do it, Jian? Even a nearby fountain is fine." 

But soon, Terriermon notices that his Tamer's attention is elsewhere and mutters, "Jian?"

The reason why Jianliang isn't responding is quite simple, it is because at the moment, a few meters away from us, there is his father, Lee Jiang-yu looking at us with a shocked expression on his face.

Watching the father-son pair up close, it is clear that Jiangliang is very similar to his father, Lee Jiang-yu is of course much older and taller than his son, has longer hair that is starting to gray, and wears glasses but the other physical characteristics are almost identical, like the skin tone, eyes and hair color and even the shape of their face are very similar, obviously Jianliang features are more delicate but that is mostly because of his young age if one ignores that, the two are almost splitting images.

(Image Here - Lee Jiang-yu)



Soon both Terriermon and Takato also notice Jiang-yu's presence and look at him with a stunned expression, meanwhile, Impmon who still doesn't notice anything, starts to mock Terriermon, "You really can't do anything without asking permission, can you... You have no independence... the worst kind of Digimon."

At this point, Jiang-yu steps forward and slowly mutters, "A... Digimon? Are you... a Digimon?"

Finally, Impmon notices his presence and is so startled that he is about to attack the man, but I quickly shout, "Impmon! Calm down! What kind of weak Digimon gets scared by a human surprising him?" 

Hearing that, Impmon calms down and lowers his finger from which he was about to summon a fireball to attack the poor man, then it mutters in a low tone that only I can hear, "The kind of Digimon who experienced a sparring with a monster like you who can easily kick three powerful Perfect Level Digimon's ass barehanded without breaking a sweat... I mean is he even human to begin with? I still have nightmares because of that torture that he calls training... I swear one time I felt my DigiCore crack..."

Meanwhile, Jiang-yu continues to step forward and mutters, "It really is a Digimon!" then he looks at his son and says, "Jianliang... we have to talk."

But Jianliang panics, grabs Terriermon, and yells, "Run!" as Takato follows after him while shouting, "Lee-kun, wait!" as his father yells, "Jianliang!"

Not wanting to waste time with this family drama, I grab Impmon from his red neckerchief and using a bit of sub-lightspeed movements, I move away from this location and closer to the home of Impmon's partners, Ai and Makoto.

Soon we arrive close to where Ai and Makoto are staying, more specifically on top of a rooftop of a house near theirs, and we find the two children playing in the garden of their home.

Ai is a 4-year-old little girl with lightly tanned skin, brown eyes, and shoulder-length brown hair, which is worn in pigtails with red hair ties, she wears a pink shirt with long sleeves under a wine-colored dress and yellow socks.

Makoto is also a 4-year-old little boy with light skin, brown eyes, and brown spiky hair, he wears a white shirt with long sleeves under a blue jumpsuit with a red pocket on each side and green socks.

(Image Here - Ai and Makoto)


Watching the two kids up close, Impmon starts to get cold feet, but before he can second guess himself, I again grab Impmon from his red neckerchief and without hesitation, I mutter, "Let's do this... Leeeroooooy... Jenkiiins!" throwing him into the garden aiming right in front of the kids, and as he flies, Impmon yells outraged, "Jayr you baaaastard!!"

Soon Impmon gently crashes on the ground as I use my Spiral Cosmo to soften his impact and more importantly to not scare the kids who are now delighted to see him again. 

They promptly pull Impmon inside and start to pamper him with food and drinks, telling him that they got their mom to fix the teddy bear they tore, and that, after they'd realized Impmon had left them because of their selfishness, they had agreed to share everything from then on.

I watch with a smile Impmon as he enjoys himself with the kids until they get too tired and fall asleep hugging Impmon who watches over them with a content smile on his face, until suddenly, with a bright light, a D-Ark appears in front of them and gently falls between the sleeping Ai and Makoto a sign that they all now understand the meaning of partnership, and seeing that, I calmy retreat back home leaving Impmon with his Tamers.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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