Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 278 – A Special Card

Jayr(Aegiomon) POV - Digital World, Lowest Layer - 2001

After I put the cursed motorcycle Behemoth under my control, I reassure the small Choromon that everything is fine, and then I slowly drive Behemoth toward the center of the Tuchidarumon Village where Takato, Jialiang, Juri, Leomon, Terriermon, and Guilmon are standing.

Once I'm close enough, Jianliang steps forward and asks, "You are the same Digimon who saved Meramon yesterday... aren't you?" followed by Takato who uses his D-Ark's Digimon Analyzer to identify me, something that I could easily block, but see no need for it.

In response to Jianliang's question, I nod, get off Behemoth, and put down the small Choromon who thanks me for saving it before distancing itself scurring as far away as possible from Behemoth and hides behind Leomon who picks it up, making Juri use her D-Ark's Digimon Analyzer to identify it, "Choromon. Baby I Level. A super-tiny Machine Digimon which has red eyes that act as photosensors. The appearance of it moving around restlessly seems very cute, but because it is carrying nothing but a simple program that moves in reaction to bright lights, if its surroundings go dark it becomes completely unable to move. The reason why is not understood, but when it is in a good mood, it discharges electricity from the tip of its tail. Its Special Move is releasing iron grains to cause temporary disorder in the opponent's AI (Jamming Powder). It flees while the opponent is confused by this technique." 

At the same time, I introduce myself to the group, "Nice to meet you all. As you just learned, my name is Aegiomon. I like to travel all over the Digital World helping those in need, scolding those that make mistakes, and eliminating those too far gone that are only a threat to the Digital World."

At this point, Leomon asks, "Aegiomon, right...? What's going on with that iron beast? What is it? Is it yours? Why was it rampaging around like that?" but Jianliang quickly corrects him by explaining, "That is a bike. But... It is too big, and when we first saw it no one was driving it..."

Before I could answer, Choromon who narrates its personal opinions and experiences, "That bike... is a frightening one! Once you get on that bike, it takes over your conscience, and all you can do is ride it forever unless someone replaces you." 

This scares Takato who exclaims, "W-What!" while Juri comments, "That's... like the Red Shoes tale." 

Seeing the confusion on everyone else's faces, Juri explains, "Don't you guys know it? When you put them on, your body moves on its own, and all you can do is keep dancing until you die."

Hearing that, I smile, put my hand on Behemoth, whose engine once again revs up making it purr like a complacent cat in response to my touch, and explain, "It isn't that bad... This is Behemoth. A cursed digital motorcycle that has its own will and takes over the consciousness of its rider if the rider in question isn't worthy of its loyalty. That small Choromon was its previous "rider", but since it wasn't strong enough to earn Behemoth's allegiance, Behemoth took control of it to find a more worthy rider. Of course, that isn't a problem anymore as I have taken full control of it, so it won't cause any more problems. It is fortunate that I was nearby as Behemoth could have caused a lot of damage if left unchecked." 

After saying that, I decide to change the subject, and feigning ignorance about their situation I ask, "But let's not focus on that for now. What are a bunch of human kids like you doing in a place as dangerous as dangerous as the Digital World?"

But before they can answer, the group is surrounded by the Tuchidarumon village inhabitants, who came out of their home once they confirmed that everything is now safe, worrying Takato a little as he again uses his D-Ark's Digimon Analyzer to identify them and reads out loud, "Tuchidarumon. Adult Level. A Digimon whose body is mostly made of earth data. It is said that it may be a mutant that was born from a mutation of Yukidarumon. As it possesses a gentle personality, it hates battle, but when push comes to shove, it exhibits the power that it usually doesn't show. Its Special Move is a heavyweight punch that is profoundly loaded with all of its weight (Great Weight)."

Takato's worries are misplaced as the Tuchidarumon are a very peaceful species, their elder invites us inside his home to treat us to food in order to thank us for helping the baby and stopping Behemoth which was terrorizing this village for quite some time. 

The food in question turns out to be a strange mud-looking substance but Juri digs in without any hesitation and finds it to be good.

After the meal, Juri goes to rest on a nearby hammock while Takato thanks the Tsuchidarumon for the food, and Jianliang asks, "Is this okay? Doing this for humans like us..." 

Confused, the Tuchidarumon elder asks back, "What do you mean?" making Terriermon further explain, "He's wondering if you could be punished by the Deva for doing this."

Hearing that, the Tuchidarumon elder tilts its head as it says, "Deva? I don't know anyone with that name. Still, there's nothing to worry about. This is a place for drifting data, the Forgotten Village. No one ever cares about our village." 

After that, we thank the Tuchidarumon elder for their hospitality and walk outside its home and enjoy the now peaceful atmosphere of the village as Terriermon and Guilmon play with the younger Tuchidarumon.

During this time, the Jianliang and Takato explained to me the reason for their presence in the Digital World, and after hearing that, I "decided" to go with them helping them in their quest acting as both a protector and a guide as I can't leave some human child fending for themselves, something the kids are very grateful for. 

After that, we spent some more time resting in the Forgotten Village where I entertained everyone by playing Syrinx before we left and resumed the search for Culumon, and my Main Body's group.

Jayr POV - Digital World, Lowest Layer - 2001

After we had left the fissure in the Desert Wind Area by riding Coatlmon and Pegasmon, we quickly found a gateway that led back to another "area" of the Digital World on top of the cliff and by walking through it, we found ourselves back to the Lowest Layer.

It was pretty easy to recognize our surroundings after all, the Real World sphere above us is much closer than before, and all around us, there are antennae-shaped rocks.

Recognizing the area, Hirokazu then suggested that we head back to the place where we first arrived in the Digital World, the place where they planted the Digimon Tamers flag as it is possible for Takato and the others to return back there, and since our current location was very close to that place, they all decide that it is worth trying.

At this point, I could have easily steered the group in the right direction, but that isn't something I want to do because if I let the events continue like this and everything goes as expected, we are going to encounter a very interesting person and I'll be able to hopefully resolve a mystery that stumped the whole Digimon fandom. 

After some time, we reach our destination and after waiting for some time, Kenta starts to wonder out loud, "Takato and the others... Where did they go?"

In response, an exasperated Hirokazu replies as he throws a rock to pass the time, "I dunno... Don't ask me." 

Hearing that, Kenta looks at his friend and rebuts, "You were the one who said we'd meet them if we waited here." making Hirokazu defend himself as he throws another rock, "I didn't say we would for sure. Just that... we might."

At the same time, I'm calmly sitting on top of a nearby antennae-like rock with Patamon, V-mon, and Wormmon, "looking" at the surroundings to make sure that no other Digimon is attacking us and to see if Takato's group is getting closer, something that isn't actually needed as my Digimon Incarnation is with them, and they are indeed heading back here at the moment only they will take a few hours or so to arrive.

Suddenly, Ruki and Renamon look at each other and decide to go off to look around and tell Hirokazu and Kenta to stay there, seeing that, I jump down from the rock and decide to suggest something different, I suggest that it isn't safe to separate and that it is better that we move together while leaving a message here for Takato's group to tell them that we are safe and indicate what direction we took, an idea that they all agree in the end.

After leaving a message in the rocks close to the Digimon Tamers flag, engraved by Wormmon using his Silk Thread, we started to randomly explore the area. 

Meanwhile, my Digimon Incarnation's group finally arrives at the place where we initially arrived in the Digital World to find my Main Body group, upon arriving they find our message engraved on the rocks near the Digimon Tamer flag, and at the same time, Guilmon sniffs Renamon's scent nearby, and we follow the scent in the hopes of finding my Main Body's group.

While this is happening, Ruki and Renamon suggest returning to the meeting point as we haven't found anything nearby and it is better not to get too far away as my Digimon Incarnation's group could return at any moment which makes me sweat a little while thinking, 'A woman's intuition is truly frightening, even at such young age...'

But just as Hirokazu and Kenta agreed to return back, Renamon looked up at the Real World sphere in the sky and warned us, "It's coming."

In response, Ruki looks at the irregular Data Stream quickly approaching us while moving zig-zag and says, "You're right... We'll be in trouble if we get sent to some unknown place again." and I play my part as I command, "Run! Hurry!"

Renamon and Ruki start to run to get away from there, while V-mon jumps on my shoulder before I run after them, but Hirokazu yells, "Wait!" as Kenta adds in a relaxed tone, "It's okay! It's too far away, so we can take it easy."

Hearing that, Ruki and Renamon stop, I also do the same while hiding a smirk, even more so as I sense a familiar "mysterious force" manipulating the Data Stream which suddenly accelerates, enveloping us and sending us to another location.

As we get transferred, I can't help but internally comment, 'Okay, Qinglongmon is for sure manipulating the events a little bit to ensure that all the Tamers get to know each other for some reason... he is even the one behind Culumon's creation...'

But suddenly I notice something a little concerning, 'Wait... Qinglongmon is a veeery old and almost too powerful Digimon who generally acts for the greater good of the Digital World. In fact, it is the main driving force behind the Chosen Children\Tamer and many events in various different universes and now I find out that it is involved in those events even more than I thought to the point that it is actually manipulating them from behind the scenes. It even has the freaking Wizard Beard! Qinglongmon is like the Dumbledore of the Digimon Multiverse!!' 

While I'm having that disturbing revelation that shattered my childhood view of that particular Digimon, we find ourselves in a strange place with a snowy ground full of rotating gears, and strangely despite the presence of snow, the temperature is still quite warm and pleasant. 

The first one to speak is Kenta, who picks up his glasses from the ground and puts them on his eyes as he comments, "We got warped again..." while Hirokazu follows after him and asks, "Where are we?"

In response to that question, Renamon stands up and says, "I don't know. But I don't think we'll get out easily." which makes Hirokazu, who just got up and cleaned his clothes from the snow, look up and comment, "I see. What a pain..."

Kanta also stands up and looks around at our surroundings, he asks, "What do we do now?" making Hirkazu casually reply, "No idea..."

At this point, an irritated Ruki loses it as she stands up and stomps on the ground while facing Hirokazu and Kenta and shouting at them, "Enough! So "It's okay, it's too far away," huh? Don't you see we just got sent to some unknown place again!?"

This outburst stumps Kenta who can only mutter, "Sorry..." but Ruki continues to unleash her grievance, "Why do I have to be caught in that light along with you guys, out of all people? I can't accept this! The only saving grace is that Pucci-sensei is also here with us! At the very least he is handsome, competent, and reliable! But you guys are unbearably casual about this whole situation and continue to drag us down!"

Hearing that, Hirokazu tries to defuse the situation by saying, "Okay, maybe you have a point, but... Don't be so harsh! Saying that won't change anything!" but Ruki is too annoyed at the moment and simply snorts and looks the other way.

Suddenly, Renamon says that she hears a strange sound making them all focus on the surroundings and soon after, Hirokazu comments, "Sounds like a clock." followed by Kenta who suggests, "We're inside a clock?" but Ruki quickly shuts him down, "What are you talking about? This is the Digital World."

At this point, I stop them and suggest that we explore the area to search for the origin of this sound, and after a few minutes, we find a lone strange grandfather clock, whose hands are spinning irregularly.

Seeing the grandfather clock, we move closer to it as Patamon comments, "Is it broken?" but Ruki gives another opinion, "More than broken, isn't the clock like this on purpose?"

After saying that, Ruki slowly moves her finger close to the dial of the clock, but when a voice shouts in panic, "Don't touch it!" she becomes startled and touches the spinning hands by mistake causing the clock to stop for a brief moment before they start to tick normally making Kenta comment, "It works." causing another voice to shout in panic, "Uhaaaaa! It's working!"

At the same time, I focus on the two new arrivals, they are both Digimon.

The one who spoke first warning us not to touch the clock has the appearance of a mechanical clock with arms and legs, a red eye can be seen from the split dial, and from the top comes out a figure dressed in black, with a red hood and gloves, green eyes and armed with a hammer. 

This figure can't be more easy to recognize, it is the one who is considered absolutely the strongest Adult Level Digimon, Clockmon.

(Image Here - Clockmon)


The other one is much more humble, it is based on a grey, brass gear with cog-like hands, it consists of a larger black and yellow gear with two openings for the eyes, one smooth and one toothed like a gear, its eyes are red, it also has another slit that marks the mouth, and on the sides, it has two smaller gears.

This Digimon is also very easy to recognize as it has been present in every Digimon season since the first one, of course not considering Digimon Universe Appli Monsters which is a can of worms that I don't want to open, the name of this Digimon is Hagurumon.

(Image Here - Hagurumon)


While I'm taking a look at them, Hirokazu asks, "And... who are you guys?"

But before they can reply, Ruki brings out her D-Ark and uses the Digimon Analyzer to identify them one after the other. 

"Clockmon. Adult Level. A Data Type Machine Digimon. It always knows the time in the whole Digital World and it is known for its peaceful disposition as it never participates in a battle. Its Special Move is generating a loud disturbing soundwave capable of destroying matter (Ear Bursting)."

"Hagurumon. Child Level. A mutant Machine Digimon shaped like a gear. There are countless gears built into its body, and the gears are constantly rotating. For that reason, if even a single gear is missing, all of the gears in its body stop rotating, and it becomes unable to maintain its vital functions. Hagurumon possesses the special ability to send a computer virus to its opponents in order to manipulate them at will, and that ability is exploited by fiendish Digimon. However, because Hagurumon itself doesn't have any sense of self, it doesn't even know it is being misused. Its Special Move is burying a black gear with a built-in computer virus within the body of the opponent, driving them mad (Darkness Gear)." 

Hearing that I can't help but smile wryly while sneakily looking at my own D-Ark and thinking, 'As expected... Hagurumon's analysis is correct, but Clockmon's analysis is basically a heavily redacted one. Clockmon's true analysis is a lot scarier than the one Ruki just read. Clockmon. Adult Level. The protector of time that governs the computer's timer. It manages the "Time" and "Space" of all computers and networks, and if it is between 1900 and 1999, it is able to freely advance and rewind time. Because it possesses an extremely dangerous, terrifying ability, it always maintains a neutral standpoint and doesn't participate in the conflict between Vaccines, Viruses, and Datas. For that reason, it is said that if it ever tilts toward either side of the balance, the Digital World will collapse. Its Special Move is destroying the "time" flowing through the opponent's body (Chrono Breaker). It is impossible for a Digimon whose "time" was frozen with this attack to recover. Holy crap... the fandom is right this Digimon is a true OP powerhouse.'
While I'm thinking that, Clockmon puts its hands over its head and starts to bemoan, "What have you done!?" followed by Hagurumon who yells, "It's all over!"

Seeing their apparent despair, Renamon asks, "What happens when you touch it?"

In response to Renamon's question, Clockmon stops its dramatic act and calmly replies in an even tone, "You'll see soon."

At the exact same moment, the dial of the grandfather clock opens up and an automated cuckoo bird leans forward calling out the hour, then the whole area starts to shake with such force that Ruki, Kenta, Hirokazu, and Hagurumon lose their balance, and fall on the ground, I also notice that Clockmon too "falls" but in its case is more like it is calmly sitting down as everyone is focusing on what is happening around them, it even throws a glance at me and winks before he continues to put on his scared act.

Seeing that scene I can't help but chuckle a little while thinking, 'Of course, one of the most OP Digimon capable of destroying the whole Digital World likes to play the fool and look like a simple Adult Level...'

While I'm thinking that, all the gears around us stop spinning making Hirokazu comment, "The moving gears stopped..." which is quickly followed by Ruki who stands up and asks, "And what happens when the gears stop?"

Hagurumon gets up and answers, "This place is peaceful as long as the gears move. But if they stop..."

Hargurumon doesn't even finish saying that as the ground once again starts to shake and a big, menacing Digimon emerges from the snow that covers the ground.

The Digimon in question is Megadramon, an orange-brown dragon with blue hair and yellow eyes, that has two tattered purple wings with some parts stitched, two arms, and no legs as its body ends in a long serpentine tail. 

It wears a black metallic helmet with two triangular horns extruding from the back of it on its head, and a black robotic gauntlet with three large metal claws on each of its arms.

(Image Here - Megadramon)


Seeing the emerging Megadramon, Hirokazu and Kenta get scared while Ruki doesn't hesitate to use the Digimon Analyzer to identify it and says, "Megadramon. Perfect Level. A dark dragon Digimon that is said to boast the strongest, wickedest power among Dragon-type Cyborg Digimon of the Perfect level. As a Digimon that was artificially remodeled by someone, it was programmed to destroy everything. It can definitely be said that its existence is the epitome of a computer virus. It can easily penetrate Computer Networks protected by strong security, and can very easily destroy and then completely reformat the host computer. Its Special Moves are firing countless organic missiles from both of its arms (Genocide Attack), and an attack that is able to cut any material to pieces (Ultimate Slicer). Perfect Level?"

At this point, Megadramon focuses its attention on Ruki scaring, her, Hirokazu, and Kenta who again fall on the ground, but at the same time, Renamon steps forward and prepares to fight it declaring, "Ruki is my Tamer!"

Shocking both Hagurumon exclaims, "What did you say!? Tamer!?" and Clockmon, who also continues to play its part as it also asks, "You mean you've been to the Real World?" something that Renamon readily acknowledges.

Hearing Renamon's admission, Hagurumon again asks, "That amazing place so high up in the sky?" while Clockmon quickly warns, "Then Megadramon will defeat you and load your data!"

Hagurumon also explains, "That's right! It's said that if you load the data of a Digimon who has a Tamer, you'll gain enough power to go to the Real World!" shortly after Clockmon adds, "There are many Digimon who'd do anything to reach the Real World!"

At this point, both Renamon and Ruki are ready to fight against Megadramon, but before they can make their move, V-mon runs ahead while yelling, "No way! This one is mine! It looks much stronger than that silly chicken! Come on, Jayr! Let's try that card!" 

Hearing that, Wormmon on my shoulder let out a sigh and says, "As expected... V-mon wasn't able to hold himself back any longer... He wanted to try that for a long time. I hope he doesn't harm himself in his haste." followed by Patamon on top of my head who tries to defend his brother knowing what we are about to do, "Wormmon! Don't be such a worrywrat. Jayr is here nothing is going to go wrong. Moreover, he told us that we are able to endure that kind of strain." 

After saying that, Patamon quickly encourages his brother, "Come on, V-mon! Make our Tamer proud, burn your Cosmo, and awaken your 7th Sense!"

At the same time, hearing V-mon's request, and Wormmon and Patamon's words, I smile and bring out my D-Ark and a very special card from my card case and start to swipe the card in the slot on its right-hand side of the D-Ark calling out, "Card Slash!" 

Once I completed this action, I called out the name of the card I just swiped, "Digimental of Miracles! Digimental Up!"

In response to that, V-mon jumps high and his body starts to shine in a bright golden light as he yells, "V-mon, Armor Evolve...!"
The golden light is so strong that completely hides his figure, but soon it fades away revealing him floating in the sky in all his glory as he calls out his name, "... Magnamon!"

Magnamon is a bipedal creature with blue skin that looks like a grown version of Veemon with three fingers on each hand, he wears armor on his face, chest, waist, arms, and feet, all of which are colored in shining gold, in addition, on his loin-guard there is engraved the Crest of Miracles.

(Image Here - Magnamon)


Clockmon, Hagurumon, Hirokazu, and Kenta are awed by Magnamon's evolution, with Hagurumon revealing its own desire to evolve too. 

Meanwhile, Ruki again uses her D-Ark's Digimon Analyzer to indentify Magnamon and says, "Magnamon. Armor Level. An Armor-level Holy Knight Digimon that evolved through the power of the "Digimental of Miracles". The "Digimental of Miracles" possesses the attribute of "Metal", and is made of the super-metal "Chrome Digizoid". It possesses not only tremendous defensive ability, but also offensive power equivalent to that of an Ultimate Digimon or even greater, and it is also a member of the "Royal Knights". Those who acquire the power of the "Digimental of Miracles" are able to overcome any predicament they fall into through that miraculous power, and as such it is appropriately referred to as a Miracle Item. Its Special Moves are firing a shot of ball-shaped plasma (Plasma Shoot), and rapidly compressing space, then immediately and explosively expanding it, sweeping away surrounding enemies with a golden laser beam (Shining Gold Solar Storm)."


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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