Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 279 – The Legendary Tamer?

Jayr POV - Digital World, Lowest Layer - 2001

In response to Magnamon's appearance, Megadramon lets out a loud roar before it quickly starts to fly toward him, and once close enough, thrusts one of its metal arms forward to attack Magnamon, but thanks to his much smaller size, and higher speed, and agility, Magnamon easily dodges Megadramon's metal arm and flies toward its head before punching it with such force that sends the much bigger Digimon crashing on the ground.

Seeing this scene, I nod and yell to encourage my Digimon, "Great! Keep going, Magnamon!"

At the same time, the other spectators behind me can't help but comment in awe.

"How awesome!"

"I want to go to the Real World, find a Tamer, and evolve into a powerful Digimon too!"

"The Power of Miracle, huh?... I haven't seen such an amazing evolution in quite a long time... It brings me comfort seeing it back in the Digital World..." 


"Such a big and impressive Digimon blown away in a single punch..."

"This isn't even his final form!"

While everyone is impressed by Magnamon's display, the fight isn't over yet as the enraged Megadramon rises up once again, and with a fierce roar, it points both its metal arms at Magnamon and yells, "Genocide Attack!"

Then Megadramon starts to fire countless organic missiles from both of its arms, these organic missiles have quite a peculiar shape as they are shark-like in shape and have two arms, six red fins, a white nose tip, a mouth full of sharp teeth, but no eyes, in fact, they are quite gross to look at.
Seeing those organic missiles flying toward him, Magnamon doesn't hesitate to fly even higher not to dodge them as they are homing after him but to get further away from the ground as each one of those missiles has destructive power comparable to that of a nuke and there are dozens of them, so their explosion could easily put the kids in danger.

Once he is far enough, Magnamon stops and yells, "Miracle Glitter!" as his golden armor starts to shine in an almost blinding gold light making him look like a small shining star from this distance, and then he shines rays of burning light from its armor that hit each of the organic missiles with pinpoint accuracy causing them to explode with such force that even from that distance the shockwaves can still be felt.

Of course thanks to his exceptional defense granted by the Chrome Digizoid armor, Magnamon is completely fine as he is now diving out of the massive black cloud caused by the explosion of the organic missiles toward the roaring Megadramon who is enraged that its attack had no effect whatsoever.

But suddenly, I notice another shadow quickly closing in toward the diving Magnamon and attacking him with its claws forcing Magnamon to stop and dodge. 

The new arrival is a humanoid dragon Digimon with sharp claws on its hands and a long tail, its whole body is covered in a black rubber-like armor with very sharp blades on its forearms, four red wings, and a metal mask on its face leaving exposed only the lower half of it.

I can easily recognize the new Digimon as Cyberdramon the Digimon Partner of Akiyama Ryo, a Digimon famous for its very aggressive attitude and propensity to lose control and go berserk.

(Image Here - Cyberdramon)



I'm not the only one to notice the presence of Cyberdramon as Hirokazu yells, "What is that Digimon" followed by Kenta who comments, "Something about it scares me..."

At the same time, Ruki, as always, uses the Digimon Analyzer of her D-Ark to identify it and says, "Its name is Cyberdramon. A Perfect Level Digimon. A Dragon Man-species Cyborg Digimon whose body is clad in a unique rubber armor, with which it can endure any attack. When Virus Digimon break out on the Computer Network, it suddenly appears out of nowhere and annihilates them all. However, it is a lone warrior that is not affiliated with the group of justice, the "Virus Busters", and its true colors are shrouded in mystery. As for its unique rubber armor, not only does it have excellent defensive ability, but it also has a feature it unleashes that amplifies its offensive ability. Its Special Move is producing a super-oscillatory wave from both of its arms that destroys configuration data, completely erasing each of the opponents in the surrounding space (Erase Claw). If you suffer this attack, you are annihilated without leaving behind a single scrap of data." 

While Ruki is reading that, the battle grows in intensity as Cyberdramon focuses more and more on Magnamon who simply continues to dodge its relentless attacks, while Megadramon takes advantage of this to further attack from the distance.

At the same time, from behind us, I hear the voice of a young man as he yells, "Cyberdramon! Stop! He isn't your enemy! Control yourself! Stop!"

I turn my head and see a young man running toward us, he is an average young boy of around 14 years old. 

He has lightly tanned skin, brown hair, and brown eyes, and wears white shoes with red accents, olive green pants, dark gray leggings, a blue-gray shirt, and ties a red bandanna around his collar. 

He also wears a metal shoulder guard on his right shoulder, chrome and red gauntlet on his right forearm, and a beige glove on his left hand.

I immediately recognize him as Akiyama Ryo, a very discussed Tamer in the Digimon fandom as his story is as confusing as it is interesting, especially since it is possible that he is the first Tamer to actually travel from one Digimon Universe to another, to be more specific, if some of those theories are true, he is a Chosen Child from a parallel Digimon Adventure Universe, who for some reason found himself transported to the Tamer Universe or something along those lines I'm not too sure as I never focused too much on that particular topic.

(Image Here - Akiyama Ryo)


Hearing Ryo's words, Patamon jumps down from my head and says, "Even if Magnamon can defeat them, I don't like that those two are ganging up on him, even more so as the second Digimon lost control of himself. I'm going! Jayr, hit me!"

Hearing that, I smile, grab my own D-Ark, and start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into my D-Ark as I say, "Go, Patamon! But show some mercy! Super Evolution!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform it into Data, sending it to my Digimon Partner through our bond, and in response, Patamon's body starts to shine in the light of evolution and grow bigger as he calls out, "Patamon, evolve...!"

Soon after that, the lights faded away as my Digimon fully evolved to his Perfect Level and called out the name of his current form, "... Holy Angemon!"

Holy Angemon retains many aspects of Angemon but there are also many differences, the two pairs of wings have become four, he is also equipped with a purple helmet that is much larger than the one that Angemon uses, he has a protector on his left forearm, and a sword in his right golden bracer. 

In addition he has a golden ribbon warped around his torso that bears an inscription in Digimoji, which corresponds to the words Digital Monster.

(Image Here - Holy Angemon)


As expected, as soon as a new Digimon appears, I hear the voice of Ruki behind me as she uses the Digimon Analyzer to find more information about it, "Holy Angemon. Perfect Level. An Archangel Digimon with eight shining, silver wings. Holy Angemon's mission in the Digital World is to act as a law enforcement officer, and it has the duty of supervising and surveying the masses of Angel Digimon. Furthermore, while it usually takes the form of a priest and acts as the spokesperson for the essence of "Light", which tries to preserve the order of the Digital World, when the Digital World is shrouded by the essence of "Darkness", it changes into its Battle Mode to fight off evil. In its Battle Mode, it consigns the opponent to oblivion with the Beam Shield on its left arm and the holy sword Excalibur it wields with its right arm. Additionally, although Holy Angemon has a personality replete with gentleness and kindness when it is in Priest Mode, it takes on an austere personality when it is in Battle Mode. Its Special Move is manifesting a door leading to subspace from which there is no return, and consigning the opponent to oblivion through it (Heaven's Gate)."

Meanwhile, quickly after evolving, Holy Angemon doesn't hesitate and flies toward the berserk Cyberdramon kicking it away from Magnamon before he chases after it. 

At the same time, Magnamon focuses back on dealing with the rampaging Megadramon, he dodges another swipe of its huge metal claws and quickly flies toward its tail, grabs it, by twisting his body in mid-air and uses his immense power to slam Megadramon on the ground stunning the dark dragon Digimon.

After that, Magnamon doesn't waste any time and gathers a lot of energy between his hands which quickly transforms into a sphere of plasma, then, he extends his arms toward Megadramon and calls out, "Plasma Shoot!" firing countless shots of ball-shaped plasma that hit Megadramon all over its body causing enough damage to force the dark dragon Digimon to hide back into the ground to recover.

Meanwhile, after being kicked by Holy Angemon, Cyberdramon focuses on him and lets out a ferocious roar and yells, "Are you my enemy? Take this! Cyber Nail!!" before rushing toward him, slashing with its sharp claws generating powerful shockwaves from them that flies toward Holy Angemon.

But before Cyberdramon's attack could reach him, Holy Angemon uses his sword on the right arm to disperse the shockwaves then he grabs the golden ribbon warped around his torso and calls out the name of the Special Move he is about to use, "Heaven's Restrain!"

After yelling that, he swings the golden ribbon that lengthens and warps around Cyberdramon's body ensnaring and immobilizing the berserk Digimon, who now unable to do anything lets out some enraged roars.

Once he confirmed that Cyberdramon is under control, Holy Angemon flies back to us and throws the restrained Cyberdramon on the ground in front of us and comments, "It was a piece of cake... but that is to be expected after all..."

Suddenly Holy Angemon spreads his arms wide looking up as a Heaven's Gate manifests above him, opens up, and showers his body in holy light as he declares, "Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Holy One!"

In response to Holy Angemon's show, Hirokazu, Kenta, Hagurumon, and Clockmon all comment in perfect synch with awe and admiration in their tone, "How cool..."
Meanwhile, I can't help but let out a sigh while thinking, 'I knew that he was going to pull out something like this as soon as I saw his reaction to Gojo's antics while we watched Jujutsu Kaisen... I still can't understand how he can actually still evolve into an Angemon species considering how he usually acts, and let's not forget his ever-increasing list of hot Digimon waifu he wishes to court. In fact, if I remember well he recently added Mastemon and Venusmon to his collection of posters...'

While I'm thinking that, I ignore Ryo as he runs toward Cyberdramon to calm it down and quickly walk toward the grandfather clock, materialize a Swiss army knife in my pocket, and use it to forcefully stop the clock's hands by stabbing it into the dial causing the gears to turn again, I also use a bit of my Spiral Cosmo to make sure that no one but an Ultimate Level Digimon can pull out the swiss army knife.

After doing that, I look at Clockmon and Hagurumon and say, "With this, everything should be fine... This area should remain peaceful now."

While I'm saying that, I notice that Magnamon returned and quickly degenerated back into V-mon and let out a sigh showing that the Digimental of Miracle put a significant strain on him.

Meanwhile, hearing what I just said, both Hagurumon and Clockmon appear visibly relieved and thank me.

At the same time, I also noticed that Ryo was able to calm down Cyberdarmon which in turn made Holy Angemon degenerate to Patamon and fly back to land on top of my head with a proud and satisfied expression on his face as he was able to show off. 

After that, Ryo walks toward us and apologizes for Cyberdramon before he starts to introduce himself with a bright smile on his face as he offers his hand, "Sorry about Cyberdramon. As soon as he sees a very strong Digimon he can't hold himself from fighting it as he is searching for his enemy... Anyway, I'm Ryo, nice to meet you!"

In response, I calmly shake Ryo's hand and say, "Nice to meet you too, Ryo. I'm Pucci Jayr and those behind me are Hirokazu, Kenta, Ruki, and her Partner Renamon, and last but not least my Partners V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon."

After the introductions, Ryo takes a look at us and says, "I'm glad that you are all okay... But remember that you have to be careful. It's said that loading a Digimon who has a Tamer will allow you to reach the Real World. And many believe that legend."

In response to Ryo's warning, Ruki who seems quite irritated by his presence curtly says, "We know that already." but Ryo ignores Ruki's tone and with a smile on his face, he says, "Really? Great, then."

At the same time, Hagurumon and Clockmon quickly greet Ryo and seem quite happy to see Ryo, and from the way they are talking to him, it is clear that they know each other already.

After some more small talk with the innocent Hagurumon and the overpowered hidden Clockmon, Ryo says, "You shouldn't make the other worry. So go home."

They both agree with him, but before they leave, Hagurumon stops and blushing a little asks, "Hey, Ryo... Do you think I'll reach the Real World someday?"

Ryo decisively responds to Hagurumon's inquiry, "Sure! You'll be able to go there once you've become stronger." making an excited Hagurumon ask again, "And then, will I meet a Tamer like you or Jayr?"

Again Ryo doesn't hesitate to answer with confidence, "You'll meet one. I'm sure you will."

Hearing that, Hagurumon happily declares, "I'll eat a lot and practice fighting so that I can become strong!" which makes Ryo nod and encourage him, "Right. Good luck." 

After that, Clockmon and Hagurumon leave, and at the same time, I hear a clearly upset Ruki as she mutters, "Tanned skin. Sparkling white teeth. Refreshing smile. What's with this refreshing ray of light... It pisses me off!"

Meanwhile, Hirokazu suddenly calls Ryo out, "Um, Ryo... Ryo, was it?" making Ryo look at them and reply, "Eh? Yeah..."

Quickly after Ryo's response, Kenta asks, "Are you Akiyama Ryo-san by any chance?" to which Ryo nods and confirms, "I am..."

Hearing that, both Hirokazu and Kenta jump in joy while yelling "Woohoo!" confusing the poor guy and irritating Ruki even more.

Then Hirokazu excitedly exclaims, "All right! I'm so glad we came to the Digital World!" followed by Kenta who yells, "I can't believe I've met the legendary Tamer, Akiyama Ryo!"

In response to their outburst, Ryo awkwardly scratches the back of his head as he also comments, "Haha... I can't believe this either... I didn't expect to find other human children and even an adult here."

Hearing that, Hirokazu quickly says, "We aren't the only ones! Our friends came to the Digital World too!"

While they are talking about that, I see that the group of my Digimon Incarnation just found a strange cube cave, and decided to look for this group there. 

We're led to a dead end in a strange smaller cube within the cave, where Guilmon no longer finds Renamon's scent and Takato tells Juri that he's sorry for bringing her to a place like this, but Juri is happy to be there as Leomon's Tamer. 

At this point, the group enters a strange cube to see if there's anything about it, only for it to suddenly close up and transport us somewhere else.

Sometime later, Hirokazu and Kenta finished narrating our full story to Ryou, and in the meantime, night once again suddenly came forcing us to light up a fire and sit around it.

After hearing our story, Ryo focuses his gaze on the fire and comments, "I see... I hope you find your friends soon." making Kenta complain, "Yeah, but... we don't know anything about this place, so we keep getting lost."

Suddenly, Ryo changes the subject and asks, "By the way, what month is it now?"

Hearing his question, I quickly answer, "We are in the first half of September."

Ryo focuses back on the fire and mutters, "I see, September... Then' I've been in the Digital World for around ten months or so." making Hirokazu who heard him exclaim, "Ten months? Ten months all by yourself?"

At this point, Ryo smiles and says while looking at Cyberdramon, "That's... because of him. It's all because I met Cyberdramon. He's really hard to control. Not the kind of Digimon that can stay in the Real World. But that isn't the only reason behind my decision to come to the Digital World. You see a couple of years ago I had an accident and because of that, I lost some of my memories... memories that I feel are very important to me and that for some reason I know they are connected to the Digital World in some ways..."

While Ryo is telling us this, Ruki still seems to be irritated at Ryo's presence, and Hirokazu reasons it must be because Ryo was the winner of the card tournament that Ruki took second place in, and that Ruki only became the "Digimon Queen" after Ryo mysteriously disappeared from the real world, furthermore, Hirokazu continues to rub it in that Ruki was always second to Ryou, irritating her greatly.

As this is happening, Patamon leans his body closer to my ear and whispers, "I may have been watching too many animes lately... but after hearing about Ryo's situation, I feel like a very concerning flag has just been raised at the moment. I don't know why, but I have the bad feeling that those "missing" memories are related to some major plot that spells major trouble..."

Hearing that, I wince a little before I whisper back, "No, Patamon. You aren't the only one who has a bad feeling about what we just heard. I felt the same too, and if even I have a bad feeling, this means that it is the kind of trouble that could force us to use some of our trump cards..."

While I'm whispering that to Patamon, Wormmon, and V-mon who are all close enough to listen, the back and forth between Ruki and Hirokazu calms down, and Ryo asks, "So you don't know how to get out of here?"

In response, Hirokazu admits, "We don't." followed by Kenta who asks, "You do?"

Ryo nods and says, "You can't get out by going up. You have to take a side toute to reach the next area." making Hirokazu mutter, "I see..."

Then Ryo offers, "If you're not planning on staying, I was leaving too, so... Want to come with me?" 

In response to Ryo's offer, Hirokazu exclaims, "Eh? With you? Of course!" then he looks at Kenta and asks for comfirmation, "Right, Kenta?" making Kenta stutter, "Eh? Sure... Uhm..." 

A little unsure, Kenta looks at both me and Ruki and asks, "Pucci-sensei, Ruki, you are coming too, right?" but Ruki looks back at him and asks, "Huh? Why?"

Stumped by Ruki's tone, Hirokazu asks, "You're not coming?" 

In response, Ruki gets up and declares, "How do you know we can't get out by going up? I think we can." before she starts to walk away.

Hearing that, Ryo says, "You don't know anything... This place is..." but Ruki interrups him and says, "Let's go, Renamon."

As Renamon calmly gets up and follow after her, a surprised Ryo can't help but asks, "What's with her?" followed by Hirokazu who comments, "She really pisses me off. Just because she's kinda good with cards..."

At the same time, a worried Kenta asks, "But will they be all right by themselves?" making Ryo mutter, "If they get lost here, they'll be in trouble. Geez... how stubborn."

At this point, I also get up and say, "Don't worry... I'll go with her to ensure her safety." but before following after her, I look at Ryo and say, "Since you have been able to survive ten months in the Digital World, I believe that you can keep Kenta and Hirokazu safe."

Seeing him nod, I look at Hirokazu and Kenta and say, "Until you reunite with Jianliang and the others, I want you to listen to everything that Ryo says, am I clear?" making both of them respond in sync, ""Yes, Pucci-sensei!""

I smile and then quickly follow after Ruki's track with Patamon, V-mon, and Wormmon while thinking, 'I don't have too worry too much about them... after all, if everything goes as I remember they will quickly meet up with my Digimon Incarnation if they follow Ryo. Furthermore, I can always teleport to their position with one of my bodies in case they fall in some kind of danger. And let's be honest, it is better to follow a broody Ruki than Kenta and Hirokazu fanboying after Ryo...' 

After a few minutes, I catch up with Ruki and Renamon and tell them that we have left Hirokazu and Kenta in Ryo's hands as I couldn't in good conscience leave them alone.

In response to that, Renamon thanks us while Ruki, who is still in a bad mood because of Hirokazu's word, simply snorts but doesn't says anything against our presence.

After a few hours of aimless walking, the area lights up once again as the day suddenly comes without warning in the usual disconcerning manner, and Renamon comments, "It doesn't seem we'll find an exit." but Ruki stubbornigly says, "We will."

Then Renamon asks, "Shouldn't we have gone with Ryo?" but Ruki quickly yells, "Don't mention that name!" baffling Renamon who comments, "Sometimes I don't understand the way you think."

Hearing that, Ruki then mutters, "You don't have to understand it. If you didm it'd be annoying." 

Meanwhile, I calmly follow behind her waiting for Ruki to calm down before talking with her about her issues and help her in facing them, at the same time, I use telepathy to warn Patamon about saying insensitive things. 

Jayr(Aegiomon) POV - Digital World, Distorted Area - 2001
After entering that strange cube, my group finds themselves transported in another strange monochromatic place, where everything looks distorted. 

As I continue to calmly follow them, I hear Takato comment, "Looks like we ended up in another weird place." followed by Juri who adds, "Yeah... doesn't everything look kinda distorted?" 

At the same time, Jianliang says, "I wonder where this is..." but Terriermon quickly exclaims in a carefree manner, "Hakuna Matata!" before he says, "Whenever we are, we're still somewhere in the Digital World." 

Suddenly Guilmon finds some strange-looking food and asks, "Is this chocolate?" before he carelessly takes one and puts it into his mouth something that he instantly regrets as the food he just ate happens to be rather bitter causing him to let out a groan and make a funny expression as he comments, "It's bitter..."

Curious, Terriermon also tries one while saying, "Let's see..." but soon after he too shows a disgusted expression as Leomon warns them, "Don't eat everything you find. Who knows what kind of Data it is." 

Hearing that, Guilmon admits, "Right... you know so much, Leomon." while Terriermon comments, "But you don't know its taste until you eat it." 

At this point, I also add my own as I say, "That's true but Leomon wasn't simply talking about taste. Some Data is simply harmless even if it has a funny taste. But other can be much more dangerous despite their delicious taste, it could be a virus that will make you weaker or harm you like some kind of poison, it can even make you guys lose control and force to degenerate... You guys can never be too careful with unknow Data..."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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