Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 280 – The Group Reunites

Jayr(Aegiomon) POV - Digital World, Distorted Area - 2001

After warning Terriermon and Guilmon about the dangers of eating unknown Data, we all start to hear a particularly lousy singing that is quickly getting clearer and clearer as the ones singing are approaching our position.

Hearing that atrocious singing approaching us, Takato exclaims, "Somebody's coming." making Jianliang wonder, "Who could it be, in a place like this?" while Juri guesses, "Maybe it's Pucci-sensei's group!"

Soon, from around the corner, we see the figures of Hirokazu and Kenta calmly walking across the streets of this monochromatic, distorted town.

The two also notice our presence and Hirokazu starts to wave at us while saying, "Hey, Takato! What a coincidence!"

In response, a happy Takato yells, "Hirokazu!" before the two groups run toward one other and Takato says, "I never thought I'd find you here!" followed by a relieved Jianliang who comments, "Good thing you found this place."

At the same time, Juri notices the figures of Ryo and Cyberdramon walking over and asks, "Who's that?" making Hirokazu proudly reply, "I'm glad you asked! I'll introduce you! This is the legendary Tamer, Akiyama Ryo-san!"

In response to that, Ryo humbly says, "Stop that, It's nothing special."

Takato is thrilled to be meeting Akiyama Ryo himself as he runs closer to him and exclaims, "Eh? That Akiyama Ryo? For real?" then he points at Cyberdramon and continues, "Then, that one over there..."

Ryo looks back at Cyberdramon and introduces him, "My Digimon Partner, Cyberdramon."

Hearing that, Takato moves closer to Cyberdramon and comments excitedly, "And I'm looking at it so closely..." but soon he regrets it as Cyberdramon starts to growl scaring Takato who takes a few steps back as he asks, "What? Is he mad?"

Ryo calmly walks next to Cyberdramon and starts to pat his arm to calm him down as he answers, "Don't worry! Cyberdramon is just looking for his arch-enemy. But I doubt he's here."

Meanwhile, I hear a curious Terriermon ask Jianliang, "Who's that?"

Hearing his partner's question, Jianliang calmly answers, "A Tamer who disappeared after the Card Battle Tournament last year, Akiyama Ryo. There was a rumor that he had gone to the Digital World, but... I never thought I'd really meet him here."

At the same time, Kenta notices my presence and asks, "By the way... who is he?" making Juri answer, "He is Aegiomon. A nice and kind Digimon we encountered some time ago. He helped us when we were in trouble. After we explained to him the reason behind our presence, he decided to come with us until we find Culumon and safely return back to the Real World." 

After that, Juri notices that Ruki and I are missing and asks, "Huh? Hey, what happened to Ruki-chan and Pucci-sensei?"

At this point, Kenta seems a little downcast as he explains, "Ruki got mad and left on her own, and Pucci-sensei who didn't want to leave her alone followed after her after telling us to follow Ryo..."

Hearing that, Takato quickly walks up to Hirokazu and asks, "Hirokazu, did you say something weird to upset her?"

Something that makes me almost snicker while thinking, 'Well, one thing is sure, Takato knows his friends very well... even if he wasn't there, he quickly understood what happened...'

At the same time, Hirokazu weakly tries to defend himself, "N-No..." and then Ryo steps forward and declares, "It's... probably my fault."

But Hirokazu quickly denies it, "It's not like that! Ryo-san, it's not your fault!"

At this point, Jianliang asks, "Did something happen?" making Kenta admit, "Hirokazu kept talking about how Ryo-san is better than her at Card Battles, and Ruki got upset."

Hearing that, Takato comments, "Right. Ruki does take pride in her skills..." while Jianliang says, "But she worries me, even if she's with Renamon, Pucci-sensei, and his Digimon Partners."

But Juri quickly reassures him, "I wouldn't worry. I'm sure Ruki-chan will be fine. She's strong, after all! And Pucci-sensei is even more!" making Takato admit, "Indeed... I have never seen him, V-mon, Wormmon, or Patamon struggle or worried... It is like everything is always under their control and no problem is insurmountable for them, it is very reassuring. I wonder if this is what it means to be an adult...?" 

At this point, Ryo adds, "I just met Pucci-sensei not too long ago. But I can confidently tell you that he is a very strong Tamer. So I wouldn't worry about them. I'm sure that you are going to meet them again soon... But if you get caught in a light pillar, you'll end up somewhere crazy, so you better be careful."

Hearing that last part, Jianliang nods and admits, "Yeah, we're already sick of them."

After that, Takato asks Ryo if he's seen Culumon, but Ryou hasn't seen him at all. 

Takato then further explains that Culumon might be the key to evolution, and tells Ryo about how the Devas kidnapped him.

But learning about the Deva's attack on Shinjuku worries Ryo about his family, so he asks if anything's happened to his hometown in Kyushu, and Takato replies that nothing has happened.

Our group runs into a castle, which Ryou explains is a good resting spot with bedrooms. 

At this point, the kids finally notice that they're not really that hungry for some reason, and Ryo tells them that eating isn't a necessity like it is in the real world. 

In the middle of the night, a bunch of Knightmon begin patrolling, but Ryo is unfazed and falls asleep easily while the others are surprised at his blasé attitude.

At the same time, Takato, unable to sleep, looks through his bag and finds a letter from his mother, telling him how he's grown up and that she's left a good luck amulet with the letter, and asking him to have a safe trip and return safely. 

Juri sees that Takato is upset and guesses what happened, and Takato, seeing Juri worried about him, says that they'll definitely find Culumon and return safely, he tells her that he's happy that she was able to come along with them.

The next morning Ryo leads our group to a spiral staircase making a surprised Takato exclaims, "A staircase?"

In response to that, Ryo simply declares, "We're going down here." which confuses Jianliang as he wonders, "Eh? Shouldn't we go up?" but Ryo calmly explains, "Even though we see the Real World up there, we have to go down." 

Hearing that, Juri can't help but comment, "That's a bit hard to believe." but Ryo smiles brightly as he cheerfully says, "You'll see what I mean if you try going."

After saying that, Ryo starts to descend the spiral staircase with Cyberdramon and our group follows after him.

Soon we reach the familiar large expanse of barren desert that is the lowest layer and Kenta comments, "You were right, we're back... what a weird staircase."

But then Jianliang catches the sight of the figures of Makuramon and an Eastern Dragon Digimon flying in the distance seemingly chasing after something, and he isn't the only one as Juri exclaims, "It's Makuramon!"

Without wasting any time, Takato starts chasing after them while yelling, "Culumon could be there!" with everyone else following after him.

As we are running, I focus a moment on the eastern dragon Digimon, who I recognize as Majiramon, another member of the Deva.

Majiramon is a Digimon with the appearance of an oriental dragon. Its body is covered with dark green scales, while its belly, neck, and palms have a golden color, it has white hair and whiskers, red eyes, and golden horns. 

Only the torso is covered with violet and brown armor, and on his tail is a strip of red horsehair, but the hairs at the end of its tail are silver, it has six limbs, two arms, and four legs and each limb has three fingers.

(Image Here - Majiramon)


While I'm studying the new Deva, I hear Juri reading out the information of Majiramon on her D-Ark, "Majiramon. Perfect Level. One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Dragon. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Qinglongmon, it is extremely calculating and hates to even lift a finger if it won't benefit itself. However, if it realizes that something will benefit itself, it will want to poke its head in no matter what the thing is. It has a habit of putting a price on everything, and expressing various matters by their cost in money. During the battle, it shoots through the opponent with the Bǎo Shǐ, which are the hairs of its tail and whiskers transformed (Incidentally, one Bǎo Shǐ is worth ¥5,000). Its Special Move is disappearing into the center of a swirl of light summoned in the sky, then firing 108 shining Bǎo Shǐ, burying a horde of opponents in just an instant (Vedhaka)."

Soon Makuramon and Majiramon take notice of our group, and at the same time, Cyberdramon, who once again goes berserk, and charges after the two Digimon making Ryo yell, "Cyberdramon!" before he mutters, "Whenever he sees a strong enemy, he won't even listen to me. It's no use..."

Once close enough, Cyberdramon stops and spreads its arms wide before it swipes them in front of its body briefly ripping open the fabric of space whenever its claws pass, then it gathers such destructive energy between its two hands and fires an energy wave at the flying Majiramon while yelling, "Erase Claw!"

Cyberdramon's energy wave hits Majiramon but it isn't strong enough to actually damage it, which tells us quite a bit about the Deva defensive power as such an attack is usually powerful enough to partially delete the opponent's digital structure.

At the same time, Makuramon clearly annoyed by the fact that we interrupted their search for Culumon, looks at us and yells "The acts of some fools can turn one thousand years of history into dust. Majiramon, eliminate them!" before he jumps down from Majiramon's head and gets away from the battlefield.

After Makuramon jumped down, Majiramon didn't hesitate to roar and fly up in the sky before disappearing into a swirl of red light in the sky from which it fired 108 shining red arrow-like beams at Cyberdramon, who under this assault fell on his knee making Ryo yell in worry, "Cyberdramon!"

After this attack, Majiramon comes out from the swirl of red light and dives toward Cyberdramon with the intent of finishing it off.

Seeing Cyberdramon struggle under Majiramon's attacks, Leomon charges in, and at the same time, Takato and Jianliang also send in Guilmon and Terriermon and evolve them via Option Card. 

Leomon jumps up positioning himself in front of Majiramon as he pulls back his right arm.

The next moment, Leomon yells, "Juouken!" and with a punching motion he launches an aura in the shape of a lion's head from its fist which hits the Deva in the face, but Majiramon doesn't even flinch in response to that attack and continues to dive toward Cyberdramon.

Quickly after Leomon, Galgomon tries to stop the Deva by attacking it with his Dum Dum Upper, an uppercut combined with its technique Gatling Arm, so that it can deliver a close combat punch with the increased power of the bullets fired by his vulcans, but this technique isn't able to do anything to stop or even slow down Majiramon.

Following Galgomon's attempt, the last one to make a move is Growmon who develops plasma along one of the blades on his elbows, then slashes with it to unleash an intense energy blade that flies toward Majiramon, but again, the energy blade simply bounces off from the Deva's scales.

Seeing that their attacks can't do anything, Takato exclaims in panic, "Their attacks aren't working!" followed by Jianliang who comments, "It is too strong!"

Meanwhile, Majiramon breathes golden flames from its mouth and scrotches the ground forcing Growmon, Galgomon, and Leomon to disperse, before it lands in front of us making the kids panic even more.

At this point, I decide to make my move, I manipulate the Data within my body to generate powerful electricity from my arms, gather enough energy within my powerful goat legs, and without any hesitation, I jump toward Majiramon's face as a worried Takato behind me yells, "Aegiomon!"

I arrive in front of my target and with a smile on my face, I call out the name of the Special Move imprinted in my Digicore, "Stun Beat Blow!" delivering a powerful electricity-enhanced punch as Majiramon dismisses my attack just like it did for everyone else before.

But as soon as my fist impacted onto the left side of its face, I enjoyed the sight of its eyes growing bigger as I felt its powerful flesh giving way to my fist and its head starting to turn, in addition to that, I also feel the electricity released from my fist run into its body numbing it and dulling its movements making even more difficult for the Deva to move its body in a way to reduce the impact and power of my attack.

In the end, Mejiramon can only shout in pain and disbelief as I follow through with my punch and send its mountain-sized body crashing to the ground. 

Of course, Majiramon isn't the only one surprised by what just happened, as the kids behind me also express their surprise, disbelief, and awe about the scene they just witnessed.

"Awesome...! Do you think he would let one of us become his Tamer?"

"Where does he hide all that power in that small body?"

"H-He sent Mejiramon flying with a single punch when Leomon, Growmon, Galgomon, and even Cyberdramon weren't able to do anything against it..."

"Oh my god! I dismissed Aegiomon before for his cute appearance. But he looks even more powerful than Ryo-san's Cyberdramon!"

"Well, the Digimon Analyzer did tell us that Aegiomon conceals within unquantified power... but this... this very impressive, almost unbelievable."

"I've encountered many powerful Digimon in these 10 months or so... but Aegiomon is truly exceptional... This is good. At least I don't have to use the Device Card as I don't want to use those wild cards if possible."

While the group of kids marvels at my feat of strength, I don't give Mejiramon any time to recover and with decisiveness, I kick the air as if is solid ground with such force that I start to dive toward the Deva still stunned on the ground by the combined effects of the impact and the electricity released by my Stun Beat Blow.

As I'm quickly diving toward my target, I start to spin my body in mid-air to gather even more power and moment while at the same time, I manipulate the Data within my body to reinforce my legs even more, and then, once I'm about to hit Mejiramon, I yell "Iron Trust!!"

Soon after calling out the name of my Special Move, I hurl a devastating spinning hoof kick with my right leg that creates a very wide crater on impact and instantly obliterates Mejiramon's body into motes of Data that I stealthily gather, purify, and use to reform the Digicore and Digitama before quickly teleporting it to my Main Body where I'll send it to the Village of Beginnings in my Soulbound Territory. 

At the same time, seeing me easily defeat Majiramon, Makuramon doesn't hesitate to flee from the area as fast as possible.

But just before the kids can enjoy the victory, Cyberdramon lets out a growl and continues to act violently, forcing Ryou to use his D-Ark to create an energy whip to try to restrain him while yelling, "Cyberdramon! Wait!" 

Seeing that, Takato asks, "What's wrong with Cyberdramon?" making Ryo explain, "He's dying for a fight! He wants to find another opponent. He'll keep fighting until his instincts are satisfied. Cyberdramon is that kind of Digimon."

While Ryo is saying that, Cyberdramon continues to growl and it is clear that he is barely restraining himself from running out on his own, in fact, from time to time, I also feel that his hostility is briefly directed at me, but then it quickly vanish as he focuses on Digimon who are further away from here, it almost feels like he is having a battle with himself.

Soon, Ryo concludes his speech about this situation, "When he's like this, nothing can stop him! We split up here. You guys search for that Digimon called "Culumon" and save the Real World. I'd really like to help, but I can't until he settles down."

At this point, Cyberdramon can't hold himself any longer and starts to rush ahead with Ryo following after him as we all salute him and wish him well.

Zhuqiaomon POV - Digital World, Domain of the Four Holy Beasts - 2001

Sensing what just happened in the Lowest Layer of the Digital World, I can't help but let out a sigh and comment, "Another one of my Deva has been defeated by those disgusting humans and the treacherous Digimon that chose to stand by their side."

At this point, I feel my rage simmering as I remember all those that failed until now, "Kumbhiramon, Vajramon, Mihiramon, Majiramon, Sandiramon, Indaramon, Pajiramon, Sinduramon, and Sinduramon... 9! Already 9 Deva meet their end at the hands of those humans! I'm left with only 3 of them!!"

I quickly reing in my rage as this whole realm started to shake and it is foolish to damage everything in my fury as this will only further help our real enemy.

After calming down, I start to think about the current situation and my next move, 'At this point, it is clear that the Deva aren't powerful enough... every single one of them that I sent to retrieve the Digi-Entelechia has failed. The Digi-Entelechia is fundamental for us, we have to use its power to further evolve so that we have a better chance of repelling our true enemy. I need something more powerful than them if I want to recover the Digi-Entelechia and eliminate those humans and their traitor Digimon.'
Thinking once again about those humans and their Digimon, I can't help but feel my rage simmer once more, 'How dare they work together with those humans! The same humans who created our greatest enemy! The enemy who almost destroyed the whole Digital World before and that we were able to repel only after great sacrifices! The enemy that is once again threatening the lives of all the Digimon! How can they even rely on humans to evolve after they have done all that to us!? It's portentous!! I can't allow this to continue any longer! I can feel it! Our true enemy is starting to move once again! I must do whatever it takes to protect the Digital World from it!' 

Finally, I resolve myself to follow Caturamon's suggestion and create a better and stronger Digimon that will follow my orders, Digimon fully capable of eliminating those humans and their Digimon once and for all without giving them any more chances, I need merciless hunters with the ultimate combat power.

With that resolution, I do not hesitate anymore and start to use my influence over the Digital World to gather as many data packets as possible. 

After all the data packets gather together in front of me forming a messy amalgamation of Data, I also do not hesitate to ask some Digimon within my realm to willingly sacrifice part of their Data to me so that I can create the most powerful hunters possible.

Once I have all the ingredients, I quickly get to work and soon the messy amalgamation of Data splits into two parts as I create the Digicores.

Shortly after that, a storm of Data appears in front of me as the figure of two Digimon start to form around the two Digicores.

At the same I watch the shadowy figures of the two Digimon that can barely be seen within the storm of Data, I command, "Once you are complete, I want you to search for the Digi-Entelechia and bring it here. In addition, I want you to eliminate the humans that call themselves Tamers and their traitorous Digimon!"

Jayr (Aegiomon) POV - Digital World, Lowest Layer - 2001

After the battle with Majiramon, we find a cave and use it as a place to rest, and soon after they decide on the orders of those who have to stay up as guards, the kids and the other Digimon start to sleep while I focus a little on my Godly activities in other universes. 

At the same time, after searching around for some time, my Main Body's group finally finds another exit to the Gears Area and ends up in a strange forest, where I find a bunch of DigiGnomes flying around, and after walking for some time, we also find a place to rest. 

In the middle of the night, as I continue to answer some prayers and give some guidance, Takato wakes up Guilmon so they can switch guard with Terriermon and Jianliang and hear him wonder where Ruki and I are before he focuses on watching the surroundings.

The next morning Takato and Jianliang decide that the best thing to do is to return to the spot with the flag in the hopes of finding us, and on our way there Hirokazu and Kenta muse that they're not getting along very well with Ruki, but Juri says that she likes her. 

Hirokazu and Kenta attribute Ruki not liking them to the fact they don't have Digimon partners, but Leomon says that they'll probably find them soon, although he soon reveals to Juri that he just wanted to keep their hopes up.

After walking for a few hours, the group arrives at our destination and finds that the flag is gone, and Guilmon catches Culumon's scent. 

Realizing that Culumon must have escaped the Deva and taken the flag, Takato concludes that Culumon must be looking for them as well, but suddenly the environment in the Digital World starts to go haywire as freak storms appear all of a sudden.

This strange storm that is affecting this area makes me remember that at this point, because of what happened in Shinjuku, a bunch of government agents look over the scene at the Hypnos headquarters, investigating what's left after Yamaki was removed from his position, and then they carelessly reactivate the systems, causing Shaggai to start up and resulting in this storm.

To avoid more light pillars, our group takes refuge in a nearby cave found by Guilmon, and once safe Leomon says that the world has become strange ever since the storms began. 

At the same time, the communicator that Yamaki gave Takato begins to light up, and Takato sends an email telling him that we're doing well.

After doing that, those crazy winds in the Digital World stop, and the communicator turns off making Takato wonder if his email went through.

Meanwhile, my Main Body is now exploring the area with Patamon, Wormmon, and V-mon leaving behind Ruki and Renamon to rest. 

I still keep some of my senses trained on them and sense that Ruki finds the DigiGnomes and asks Renamon what the strange creatures are, in response, Renamon says that they're not Digimon before going off to find food. 

After some time, when Ruki complains that she's thirsty, the DigiGnomes suddenly grab Ruki and lead her to a lake, but the appearance of a large wave suddenly scares the creatures away and Ruki is pulled down the stream. 

Sensing that, I start to run toward her, but I don't hurry too much as she is about to be saved by none other than Culumon.

Before they can fully celebrate their reunion, Renamon suddenly arrives and pushes Ruki and Culumon away as a tidal wave catches hold of them, I also jump in the wave with my Digimon fully knowing that it is, in fact, a gateway to the Lowest Layer and indeed the wave suddenly turns into a powerful gayser that sends us flying out of this area and back in the sky of the Lowest Layer. 

Ruki's stress over Renamon's safety and Culumon's presence makes Renamon evolve into Kyuubimon, who saves them and points out that they're back in the part of the Digital World they first arrived in, of course, because of their panic, they do not notice that I simply floated down beside them.

After they calm down, we start to head back toward the place where Hirokazu and Kenta planted the Digimon Tamers flag.

At this point, Guilmon senses that Culumon is coming towards our group, and we're soon reunited with my Main Body, V-mon, Wormmon, Patamon, Ruki, Kyuubimon, and Culumon. 

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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