Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 281 – Zhuqiaomon’s Hunters

Jayr POV - Digital World, Lowest Layer - 2001

With our objective of rescuing Culumon completed, the group finds a quiet place to figure out our next steps. 

Ruki quickly suggests, "Now that we've found Culumon, let's just return to the Real World." making a much more relaxed Takato agrees, "Yeah, everyone must be really worried." but then he suddenly asks, "But how do we go back?" 

At the same time, Terriermon looks at Jianliang messing around with the communicator given by Yamaki and asks, "Jian, what are you doing?"

Jianliang stops what he is doing and explains, "Nothing, it won't connect... I thought we could contact Yamaki-san for some information..." 

At this point, Hirokazu suggests, "Why don't we ask Ryo-san then?" with Kenta who calmly agrees to the idea, "Yeah."

But Ruki snorts and says, "Hmph! That guy..." making a curious Kyubimon ask, "Ruki, why do you get so upset whenever we mention that boy?"

In response to Kyubimon's question, Ruki quickly defends herself, "I'm not getting upset... It's just that everyone seems to forget that Pucci-sensei has told us that he has already been in the Digital World before. This means that he also knows a way out..."

Hearing that, Takato and the others all focus on me while Jianliang exclaims, "That's right! He did tell us that he knew how to return to the Real World..."

I'm just about to tell them a way to return back to the Real World when I suddenly sense two extremely malicious presences appearing above us and quickly approaching our position at a very fast speed, so I do not hesitate to warn them using my Digimon Incarnation body to yell, "Watch out! Something extremely dangerous is coming!"

As the group is briefly stunned by my Digimon Incarnation's sudden shout, two huge shadows fall from the sky right in front of us causing the earth to shake and raising a huge cloud of dust that completely covers their bodies while the kids let out surprised and scared shouts.

Then from within the cloud of dust, two big, bright red shining lights can be seen, and a deep mechanical voice is heard as it says, "Targets found..."

Soon the cloud of dust clears showing the appearance of the new arrival and seeing them, makes the kids behind me comment in fear and awe.

"No way..."

"Those are very scary Digimon..."

"Aren't they too big!?"

"Wait! It just said "targets"? Does it mean that they are after us..."

At the same time, I too am surprised by their presence so much so that I can't help but mutter, "Mugendramon and Chimairamon... what the hell are those two doing here?" but soon I realize, 'Wait! I helped Impmon in repairing his relationship with his Tamers. By doing so I prevented Zhuqiaomon and Deva from turning him into their personal hunting dog with the promise of power. But this didn't stop the Holy Beast from finding some other Digimon to fill that role...'

While I'm thinking that, I also focus on the two huge and malicious Digimon in front of us.

Mugendramon is a huge, imposing machine dinosaur Digimon with two big cannons on its back.

It is made from synthesized body parts of many Cyborg Digimon, Megadramon's helmet and right claw, Metal Tyrannomon's jaw and chest circuits, two of Metal Mamemon's Psycho Blasters, MetalGreymon's left claw and chest plates, and Andromon's shoulder pads while its tail is a hollow stump. 

Overall, its whole body is a weapon of mass destruction and this is even more true as Mugendramon is a very powerful Ultimate Level Digimon, in fact, by many it is considered one of the strongest Ultimate Levels.

(Image Here - Mugendramon)


On the other hand, Chimairamon can be said to have a very similar concept to Mugendramon but in the opposite direction, as it is a chimera of various Digimon. 

It has the head of Kabuterimon, the eyes and hair of MetalGreymon, the body and lower jaw of Greymon, the lower wings of Airdramon, the top wings of Angemon, the arms of Devimon, the left arm of Kuwagamon, the right arm of SkullGreymon, the legs of Garurumon, and the tail of Monochromon. 

For sure this is a Digimon made for pure combat and destruction, and for that is considered one of the strongest Perfect Level Digimon to the point that its combat power is considered on par with many Ultimate Levels.

(Image Here - Chimairamon)


While I'm taking a closer look at the two colossal Digimon in front of us, Jianliang quickly uses the Digimon Analyzer of his D-Ark to identify one of them and says, "Mugendramon. Ultimate Level. The Digital World's strongest Digimon, whose body is 100% full metal. It was built by synthesizing the parts of many Cyborg Digimon, and it is thought that all of the Cyborg Digimon produced so far were merely prototypes for the completion of Mugendramon. Its power is at a level that would overwhelm other Digimon, and it possesses an intellect which boasts incomparable throughput, but it is a purely mechanical Digimon which does not share their self-will. Instead, someone planted a program containing evil intentions within the Digicore at the center of its body, and Mugendramon is supplied with infinite power from that malice-filled Digicore. Its Special Move is superdreadnought-class energy waves fired from its two cannons (Mugen Cannon)."
At the same time, Takato follows Jianliang's example and uses the Digimon Analyzer on the other one, "Chimairamon. Perfect Level. A Composite Digimon for which each part that composes its whole, such as its arms, legs, body, and tail, was put together by synthesizing various Digimon. How this kind of synthesis was performed is shrouded in mystery. In contrast to Mugendramon, who was synthesized from the metal parts of several varieties of Digimon, it was combined from organic parts, and whether it is Mugendramon's prototype, or it was built to be used against Mugendramon, is still uncertain. However, the one thing that is known is that, because of Chimairamon's terrifying combat instinct, it is nothing but a powerful force for destruction. The deadly heat ray it emanates from its four arms is "Heat Viper". Getting hit by this heat ray is like Chimairamon's curse, a terrifying technique which is cruelly dispersed in every direction." 

While the kids are focusing on the information of those two Digimon, a very hoarse and deep voice slowly says, "Kill... We... have... to Kill..."

Then Chimairamon lets out a roar before it starts to slowly walk toward us scaring, Takato, Jianliang, Juri, Hirokazu, and Kenta so much that they freeze in place, but not Ruki who has no hesitation and matrix evolves Kyuubimon into Taomon via Card Slash.

Seeing that, I don't waste any time and yell, "Taomon! Focus on defending Ruki and the others! These aren't opponents you guys can face yet!"

In response, Taomon nods and chants, "Om!" creating a large hemispherical shield atop a yin-yang sign around herself, the kids and their Digimon leaving out only me, my Digimon Partners, and my Digimon Incarnation which is now standing next to my Main body.

At the same time, I grab my D-Ark and start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into my D-Ark as I say, "Patamon! Wormmon! V-mon! Let's go! Super Evolution!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform it into Data, sending it to my Digimon Partners through our bond, and in response, their bodies start to shine in the light of evolution and grow bigger as they call out. 

"Patamon, evolve...!"

"Wormmon, evolve...!"

"V-mon, evolve...!"

Soon after that, the lights fade away as my Digimon Partners fully evolve to their Perfect Level and call out the name of their current form. 

"... Holy Angemon!"

"... Jewelbeemon!"

"... EXV-mon!"

After evolving, My three Perfect Level Digimon starts to rush toward the advancing Chimairamon, but just as they are about to attack him, Mugendramon's eyes flash in a bright red light as it says in its deep, mechanical voice, "Found obstruction to objective... Terminate."

Then from the hollow stump it has as a tail, Mugendramon projects a serpentine tail made out of energy that swings at the speed of light toward the advancing Jewelbeemon, Holy Angemon, and EXV-mon.

Luckily my partners are already used to these kinds of speed so they all are able to react to the sudden attack in time to prepare their own counterattacks.

EXV-mon pulls his right arm back as he takes his stance to release a powerful punch, and while this is happening the four claws of its right hand close themselves with the tips touching, and quickly after that they start to spin at very fast speed forming a drill.

JewelBeemon bends his legs a little, the wings on his back start moving as they quickly gather momentum and he holds his spear with both his arms as he takes his stance. 

Holy Angemon raises his right arm and extends his purple energy sword as he prepares to swing down with all his power and force.

Then as the projected serpentine tail made out of energy is about to hit them, they all call out the names of the Special Moves they are unleashing in perfect sync.

"Drill Punch!" 

"Spike Buster!"


A few moments later, EXV-mon unleashes a powerful straight punch with his spinning drill, JewelBeemon thrusts the spear he holds at the speed of light, and Holy Angemon slashes down with his energy sword.

The three attacks clash against Mugendramon's serpentine tail made out of energy with such force that it generates a shockwave so powerful that all the surrounding rocks are instantly leveled, luckily the kids and their Digimon are still safe from the outcome of such a powerful clash thanks to Taomon's barrier, but the same can't be said for my Digimon Partners whose combined power still wasn't enough to stop the overwhelming power unleashed by Mugendramon's single attack resulting in all three of them being blown back and sent crashing into the ground forcing them to degenerate back to their Child Level.

As Patamon, V-mon, and Wormmon are lying on the ground groaning in pain, Chimairamon flaps its four wings and quickly flies toward them with the clear intent of finishing them off and I also notice that Mugendramon is also preparing for a merciless attack on Taomon's barrier and considering just how much power it can unleash which is easily comparable to some of my strongest attacks.

Seeing that, I do not hesitate to act together with my Digimon Incarnation, I instantly run beside my Digimon and discreetly use my Spiral Cosmo to heal them, at the same time, my Digimon Incarnation burns and makes the Spiral Cosmo within the Digicore explodes which results in the Digicore unleashing an incredible surge of Data, which I then use to make the body of my Digimon Incarnation evolve to the next level. 

But at the same time, I realize that I have multiple choices in the direction of my evolution, as I can make use of the latent Data within my Digicore to alter part of my attributes and abilities, basically, my Perfect Level evolution has multiple "Modes" I can change at will.

There are five major latent Data within my Digicore available for my use. 

The Dragon-species Data, which is very likely connected to the fact that I'm able to fully transform into a Dragon thanks to the changes that my being went through with Metamorphosis Magic, Advent of the Divine Dragon Lord, and my ascension.

The Cyborg-species Data, which is very likely originating from my connection with Crateris, thanks to the ability to take a Gunman Form and transform into a galaxy-sized mecha that has gained during my adventure in the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe.

The Plant-species Data, which I think is because of my connection with Nymphs as their creators and lord, and very likely also thanks to my Soulbound Territory that I like to keep very in tune with nature.

The Evil-species Data, which is very likely the result of the changes my body went through when I ate the shitty meat from the monsters of the Arifureta Universe to gain the capacity of using magic and breakthrough the limits of my human body, turning myself into a monster-human hybrid.

And last but not least, the Holy-species Data, which is obviously connected to my Divinity as God of Healing, Justice, and Dragons.

In the end, I don't waste too many moments and simply trust my instincts and go for the Dragon-species attuned Mode.

After my choice, the next instant, my Digimon Incarnation's body starts to shine in the light of evolution and grow bigger as I shout through that body, "Aegiomon, evolve...!" 

Quickly after that, the lights fade away as my Digimon Incarnation fully evolves to his Perfect Level and calls out the name of his current form, "... Aegiochusmon!" 

After his evolution, my Digimon Incarnation still looks like a satyr with his upper body looking like a young man and the lower body made up of goat legs, but now I grew much taller, if before I looked like a young boy around Takato and the others' age, now I look like a fully mature handsome young man.

My Digimon Incarnation's hair grew much longer, and the same can be said of the three horns on top of my head which are also stronger, tougher, and sharper.

The Dragon-species Data lying dormant within my Digicore manifested on the surface of my Digimon Incarnation's body, centered upon the crystal in my chest, and established itself as a red armor that fully cover the upper part of my torso, my arms, and the left half of my face leaving only the right half of my face exposed which now that I take a closer look at it, I can notice many semblance with the face of my Main Body.

In addition, my Digimon Incarnation also has some fur covering both my shoulders and small wings on my back.

(Image Here - Aegiochusmon)


At the same time, coinciding with my Digimon Incarnation evolution to the Perfect Level, the sky also turns dark as the strong winds start to pick up and the Data Stream released by the Real World globe starts to move around irregularly, all signs of a Data Storm, which indicates the activation of Shaggai back in the Real World.

But at the moment, I ignore that and my Digimon Icarnation quickly rushes toward Chimairamon as its horns unleash powerful lightings that shroud around his fists.

Chimairamon notices the incoming threat and in response, it attacks with its four arms simultaneously whose hands are enveloped in dark destructive energy. 

My Digimon Incarnation easily dodges the four arms of Chimairamon by speeding up even more and rushing into the chimera Digimon's chest, he unleashes a powerful lighting-enhanced punch while yelling, "Bolt Break Knockdown!"

With a thunderous impact, Aegiochusmon's fist sinks into Chimairamon, before the huge Digimon is blown away roaring in pain until it flies into one of the erratic Data Streams which randomly transfers the Digimon somewhere else.

At the same time, I heard the kids within Taomon's barrier comment in awe as they watched this scene while Juri used the Digimon Analyzer to identify me.

"How powerful!"

"Aegiochusmon is incredible...!"

"Wait! How was he able to evolve without a Tamer?"

"Aegiochusmon. Perfect Level. A God Man Digimon which synthesized the abilities of various species, using a humanoid body as a base. This synthesis of species is said to have resulted from the pursuit of the ultimate state, or omnipotence, dramatically altering its appearance to match its surroundings. This form is composed of data taken from the Dragon-species, so the Dragon-species data lying dormant within its body manifests on the surface of its body, centered upon the crystal in its chest, and establishes itself as armor. This armor is a Powered Suit that affects not only Aegiochusmon's defensive power but also its physical strength, drastically increasing its offensive power. Its Special Moves are commencing a rush attack with fists shrouded in the thunder produced from its horn (Bolt Break Knockdown), and shaping thunder into a pile, then impaling the opponent from just overhead to drive them into the ground (Lightning Pile). It is said that if the pile of "Lightning Pile" pierces the opponent once, the piles cast afterward will always hit, regardless from where they're cast. Also, it has a technique called "Charging Strike" which pierces the opponent's head with its horn using a high-speed charge that capitalizes on its prided leg strength. This feels incredibly powerful..." 

But I can't relax yet as at the same time, Mugendramon launches its left hand's retractable Booster Claw on a cable which is now flying toward Taomon's barrier causing the kids to panic a little.

Seeing that, my Digimon Incarnation doesn't hesitate to form a two-meter-long pile made out of lightning and launch it at Mugendramon's Booster Claw while shouting, "Lightning Pile!" 

The lightning pile clashes against Mugendramon's Booster Claw, and for the first time in a long time, I experience the feeling of something matching and even overpowering my techniques as the lightning pile is barely able to change the Booster Claw's course before dispersing showing me once more just how powerful can an Ultimate Level Digimon become as it is able to match the power of my main body and that is quite something as I fought against being able to wipe out and create an entire universe with little to no effort.

Anyway, thanks to my lightning pile, Mugendramon's Booster Claw misses its intended target making the claw bypass Taomon's barrier and luckily fly into another Data Stream which pulls Mugendramon's whole body into it before transfering it somewhere else, but not before it calmly declared before getting transfered in its deep mechanical voice, "I'll be back..."

Hearing that, Patamon who just got back to full health can't help but ask, "Is it just me or Mugendramon just quoted Terminator?"

I also am quite baffled by what just happened and so I can only reply, "As crazy as it sounds I think it just did..." 

V-mon also looks at the area where Mugendramon disappeared and comments, "Well... I don't like to admit it, but when Mugendramon said it, is a lot more scarier than Terminator...That thing hits very hard..." followed by Wormmon who adds, "What is worse is that I feel that it was just playing around with us... For sure at the Perfect Level, we are no match for it..."

While we are calmly talking among ourselves, the storm gets even worse and at the same time another Deva appears in front of the kids and says, "Foolish humans..."

The Deva is a Shisa Digimon with a white body, long blue tail, and black markings on its face. 

It wears a purple scarf, blue armor with purple trim and gold plates which have bonji on its shoulders and thighs, and purple beads around its neck, its helmet is adorned with three dark blue horns and gold eyebrows. 

The name of this Digimon is Caturamon, one of the few remaining Deva who represents the dog in the Chinese Constellations.

(Image Here - Caturamon)


Seeing its sudden appearance, Taomon asks, "Who are you?" followed by Ruki who uses the Digimon Analyzer to read out loud, "Caturamon. Perfect Level. One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Dog. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Baihumon, it looks after its fellow followers Makuramon and Sinduramon as if they were its younger brothers (as for those two, it appears they do not feel the same degree of obligation). Its sense of justice is strong, and it is unsatisfied when it can't make something clear in black and white. When all of its comrades are quarreling, it will sometimes serve as a moderator or presiding judge, changing into the Bǎo Chuí, which is itself as a gigantic hammer, and passing judgment over guilt and innocence. Its Special Move is generating a massive earthquake accompanied by a shock wave by striking the ground with the Bǎo Chuí (Śwabhojana)."

After reading that, Ruki exclaims in surprise, "A Deva!?"

Caturamon doesn't say anything else as it opens its mouth and unleashes a wave of force that destroys Taomon's barrier while also blowing the group away causing all of them to scream in panic.

Leomon quickly moves to grab Hirokazu, Kenta, and Juri, but it isn't able to grab Culumon who is then captured by Caturamon making Takato yell, "Give Culumon back!"

At the same time, Taomon once again chants, "Om!" quickly reforming the large hemispherical shield atop a yin-yang sign around herself, the kids, and their Digimon, but unfortunately because of the way they were blown away by Caturamon's attack, Takato, Jianliang, and Terriermon are left out of the barrier, and soon after carried away by the strong winds into some nearby Data Streams.

Seeing that, I do not hesitate to jump after them with my Main Body with V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon following after me and leaving my Digital Incarnation, who at this point degenerated back to his Adult Level, with Ruki's group.

Yamaki Mitsuo POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

Sometime after receiving the brief email from Takato telling us that they are safe, I also receive a call from the Chief Cabinet Secretary who quickly asks, "Yamaki. How long do you plan on staying quiet? The people here not only have reactivated Hypnos but they are also about to launch Shaggai without even understanding how it works or the risks behind it! Come back, immediately before they cause some irreparable damage! I'll take responsibility for it, just come!"

Hearing that, I understand the gravity of the situation and simply say, "I'm coming." 

Then I directly close the call and get up from my couch before calling out my girlfriend, "Reika. Get ready we have work to do!"

After that I and Reika quickly dressed up and headed toward the headquarters of Hypnos, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, and on our way there, we immediately noticed the hole in the sky above the building, an indication of Shaggai's activation, something that makes us hurry even more.

On there, we are easily able to pass through all the security thanks to the Chief Cabinet Secretary's support and arrive in front of the door of the control room just in time to hear the incompetent bureaucrat that the government put in charge of my organization as he shouts, "Okay, the test is over!"

But soon one of those amateur engineers inside reports with slight panic in his voice, "Well... we can't stop Shaggai!" making the incompetent bureaucrat exclaim, "What!?"

After that, I heard more voices as they continued with the report of the situation with more and more panic and distress showing once more their total ignorance of the systems I have created and overall incompetence.
"The system isn't responding to our commands!"

"Shaggai is out of control."

"At this rate..."

At this point, the incompetent bureaucrat starts to demand like one of those pathetic, spoiled young mansters I read about in those novels in my free time, "Do something! Stop it! Stop it now!"

Hearing that, I don't waste any more time and open the door of the control room and at the same time, I see the Chief Cabinet Secretary looking at us with a smile on his face as he says, "You finally showed up."

In response, I calmly step into the control room and declare, "This is a job for professionals. Amateurs, out of the way."

At this point, the incompetent bureaucrat looks at the Chief Cabinet Secretary and says, "I will report this." before he steps back, the reason for that is that he notices that the Chief Cabinet Secretary is completely ignoring his threat.

I also forget about the idiot and focus on the more pressing issue, I look at Reika and say, "Go to the secondary terminal and follow my instructions, after I create the codes you have to access and activate them." 

In response, my girlfriend simply nods before we both rush toward the terminals and start to input a quick series of commands to take back control over the run-out-of-control Shaggai.

After working for a few minutes while giving instruction to Reika, I shout out the last few instructions, "... Shut down resonators 2 and 4!" followed by Reika who quickly says, "Shutting down."

After that, I quickly insert a few more commands before I say, "Shaggai emergency shutdown!"

In response, Reika quickly hits the last few keys on her keyboard and declares, "Shaggai shut down."

Shortly after that, I quickly saw that we were successful as Shaggai shut down without creating any more issues which made me let out a quiet sigh of relief.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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