Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 286 – Digital Hazard!

Yamaki Mitsuo POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

After the Hypnos and Shaggai reactivation fiasco that happened a few days ago, I was reinstated in my previous position as the head of the Hypnos Organization thanks also to the support of the Chief Cabinet Secretary.

Thanks to that, we are once again monitoring all activities of the network, including those related to Digimon that now than ever are considered of maximum priority and importance, especially after what happened in Shinjuku where a single one of those Digimon was able to lay waste of everything in its path and our military force proved to be completely ineffective against it. 

But that isn't the only thing we are currently focusing on, as we are also working together with the members of the Wild Bunch to find a way to safely bring back to the Real World the kids that are currently stranded in the Digital World and from what I heard from Jiang-yu-san they have recovered the data of the blueprint of an old project that they theorized called the Ark, which should be able to not only connect and find them through their D-Arks but also reach and bring them back to the Real World.

Suddenly an alarm sounds inside the Command Center of the Hypnos System as Reika reports, "An abnormal data expansion is taking place in the deepest layer of the network!"

Hearing that I immediately grow worried as this is one of my greatest fears and mutter, "The worst crisis... Is it a Digital Hazard?"

At the same time, I also notice the same symbol is now covering all the space of the internal dome, which we use as a projection screen to show the visual representation of the current state of the network as Onodera Megumi adds, "It's the worst we've had. I-It'll affect the Real World, too!"

As I continue to watch this ongoing crisis, Jiang-yu-san rushes inside asking, "What's going on?" to which I honestly answer "We don't know. An enormous power appeared in the Digital World's deepest layer. The layer itself is being shaken."

Hearing that, Jiang-yu-san quickly asked me, with clear worry in his tone, "How are Jianliang and the others?"

I shake my head and after taking a few moments to think about it, I say, "We can't contact them. But I'm sure this is related to their actions."

At this point, Jiang-yu-san can't help but lament, "Why? Why now? I've been working with my friends from all over the world to create an Ark to rescue the children... I can't believe we won't make it in time!" 

I look at the distraught father and try to reassure him by saying, "I believe in them. So far, they've managed to do things that no one among us could ever do." making him look back at me and say, "Yes... you're right."

But then he looks up and adds, "But... This irregularity..." leaving the rest unsaid as we both understand just how dangerous something of this magnitude can be.

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

Megidramon continues to roar forcing Chimairamon to take a few steps back as Megidramon's mere presence is starting to affect the Digital World in such a way that it is slowly starting to collapse, which is absurd and scary on many levels.

As this is happening, I quickly rush to the distraught Juri's side and give her Digitama in my hands while saying, "Take it."

Juri with tears in her eyes looks at me and asks, "W-What is this...?" and with a comforting smile on my face, I reply and explain, "This is Leomon... well, his Digitama. I wasn't able to heal him in time, but I was still able to save him. Only because of the heavy damage he received, he degenerated back to his Digitama state and will take some time to return back to his Adult Level. But at least he is still alive."

Hearing that, Juri's shaking hands quickly move toward the Digitama in my hands as she asks in a hopeful tone, "L-Leomon...? Is it true...?"

In response, I nod and say, "It's true. Use your heart to feel it and you will immediately recognize him."

Juri takes the Digitama from my hand and slowly hugs it and as her D-Ark beeps, she mutters with joy and relief in her tone, "Leomon! He is here! I feel him!" 
Soon after that, I hear Megidramon roar once again and rush toward Chimairamon as the two start to fight and also hear Jianliang as he uses the Digimon Analyzer on Megidramon and says, "Megidramon. Ultimate Level. An extremely wicked Digimon that is the most evil among Dragon Digimon. It is one of the Four Great Dragons Digimon alongside Qinglongmon, Goddramon, and Holydramon, but its personality is so fiendish that it doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to the other three. Although it is a rare species that isn't even known to be extant, and its very existence is a "Digital Hazard", its powers were sealed away by some sort of "force". However, it is said that a great amount of damage will be exerted on the Digital World when its powers are awakened. It has a body made from Chrome Digizoid. According to one theory, Megidramon and Chaos Dukemon are the same being, and it is said that whether that wave of terror is projected as a dark knight or as a dark dragon depends on the observer. Its Signature Move is a powerful shock wave that is called the "howl of hell" (Hell Howling). Its Special Move is its "Megiddo Flame" which reduces everything to ash. He really is an Ultimate Level..."

At the same time, I see a shocked Takato as he watches Megidramon overwhelm Chimairamon pushing it onto the ground and muttering, "That's Guilmon? The Digimon I came up with? I wanted to defeat it... Because I wanted to kill it... Guilmon... Ah!"

But soon he stops as the earth starts to shake while enormous fissures appear all around on the ground caused by Megidramon's rampaging power which is damaging and destroying the very structure of the Digital World.

At the same time, Kyubimon, Guardromon, and Rapidmon get away from the rampaging Megidramon and move to help, Kenta, Hirokazu, Ruki, Jianliang, and Shaochung bringing them away from the most affected areas.

Meanwhile, I quickly move toward the still-shocked Takato and lightly slap the back of his head to snap him out and say, "Get yourself together, Takato! Even if he looks very scary and is clearly out of control, the one over there is still Guilmon! The same Guilmon who is your friend and cares for you! Your Guilmon!"

Takato looks at me and stutters, "B-But... Pucci-sensei..." but I interrupt him and continue, "Snap out of it! This isn't even the first time that you have seen something like this happen! There was Terriermon when he first evolved into Galgomon also lost control. Or more recently there is also Ryo's Cyberdramon who also is a very aggressive Digimon and often loses control. But despite that, in both those cases, the Digimon in question still cared for their Tamers. Megidramon is the same. He still cares for you and after he calms down a little your voice will surely be able to reach him if it comes from the bottom of your heart." 

While I'm saying that, I also take a look at Megidramon as it tries to bite Chimairamon's head off and think, 'The only problem is that at the moment, Megidramon is too lost in his wrath that was further amplified by Takato's anger and the subsequent evolution to the Ultimate Level and now won't listen to anything unless the target of his anger is destroyed or he is severely weakened...' 

Suddenly, Makuramon and Caturamon disengage from their battle with Jewelbeemon and EXV-mon, teleport next to the struggling Chimairamon's side, and say. 

"Chimairamon! What are you doing? Why are you wasting so much time? You are clearly powerful enough to easily kill all those Digimon back then... Why did you get rid of them immediately as we kept the stronger ones busy?" 

"If you continue this fight, not only will our gods' realm be destroyed, but the whole Digital World as well!" 

But Chimairamon ignores them and simply mutters, "Kill..."

Then before Makuramon and Caturamon could say anything else, two of Chimairamon's four arms moved away from Megidramon's head and grabbed the nearby Makuramon and Caturamon making the monkey and dog Deva stuggle in its grasp as they yell in panic.

"Wh-What are you doing!? You are but a mere Digimon created by the power of our god to follow our orders! A simple soldier!"

"We are servants of God, a Deva! You must...!"

But before Mukaramon can finish, Chimairamon roars and closes its hands crushing Caturamon and Mukaramon's heads and turning their bodies into motes of Data that it then quickly loads into its body making Chimairamon powerful enough to push back Megidramon, much to the shock of everyone else watching this scene.

At this point, I realize that it is time to stop playing around and grabbing my D-Ark, I start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into the D-Ark as I yell, "Holy Angemon! Jewelbeemon! EXV-mon! It's time to go all out! Ultimate Evolution!!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform it into Data, sending it to my Digimon Partners through our bond.

In response, their bodies start to shine so much that they generate pillars of colored light that completely mask their evolving bodies as they call out. 

"Holy Angemon, evolve...!"

"Jewelbeemon, evolve...!"

"EXV-mon, evolve...!"

Soon after that, the pillar of lights fades away as my Digimon Partners fully evolve to their Ultimate Level and call out the name of their current form. 

"... Goddramon!"

"... Bancho Stingmon!"

"... Exceed V-mon!"

Goddramon has the appearance of a massive island-sized oriental dragon with a human torso. 

He has golden fur on his back and silver on his belly, black and red markings on his chest, a reptilian face with a gray beard and mane, and he has six white and gold wings. 

He also has one red and one blue bracelet, a Sacred Ring on his left arm, and his face covered by a mask with two horns, gray and red. 

(Image Here - Goddramon)


Bancho Stingmon is a tall insectoid with a humanoid body structure and green eyes. 

His body is covered in a red exoskeleton and has long purple hair at the back of his head, he has talons on his feet, two drill-based "Spikes" under each of his wrists in golden gauntlets with longer ones over his fists, and red claw-like fingers on his hands. 

He also has a pair of two insect-like wings on his back and two long red and dark red-striped antennae on his head. 

He wears a dark purple symbolic Gakuran with short cupped sleeves and black baggy pants. 

(Image Here - Bancho Stingmon)


Exceed V-mon has the appearance of a massive, winged, quadrupedal, western dragon with a white mane, five sharp blade-like horns, one on its nose, two in front of two ear-like appendages on his head, and two at the sides of his jaw. 

He has blue skin with a white underbelly and jaw, a pair of crossed golden rings around his upper body, and two more of the same crossed golden rings around the long tail. 

The yellow V mark on his head became more refined, while two more sharp blade-like horns appeared on his shoulders and on his knuckles. 

The first pair of wings are located at the shoulder and are massive and of a dark gray color, while a smaller pair are located closer to the tail, are smaller, and of a much lighter tone.

(Image Here - Exceed V-mon)



As soon as they complete their evolution, I don't waste any more time and quickly give my instructions, "Goddramon, you take care of Megidramon weaken or knock him out before he destroys the Digital World! Bancho Stingmon, Chimairamon is yours! Exceed V-mon, work with Aegiochusmon, and bring down Mugendramon once and for all! Quick, the more time we waste the more damage the Digital World will take!"

At the same time, I hear the kids and the Digimon who just witnessed this scene, commenting about the evolution of my Digimon Partners with wonder awe, and relief in their tones.

"Incredible... Pucci-sensei's Digimon can all evolve to the Ultimate Level..."

"This is amazing! So many Ultimate Levels!

"Are you telling me that he was holding back the whole time!?"

"No really. Patamon, Wormmon, and V-mon always used just the level of power needed..."

"Thanks to them I will be able to return back to the Real World and safely hatch Leomon's Digitama."

"I'm so glad! As long as Pucci-sensei is with us we will be safe..."

"Why did he just tell Goddramon to attack Guilmon?"

Quickly after that, Ruki uses the Digimon analyzer to identify one of the Ultimate Level forms of my Digimon Partners, "Bancho Stingmon. Ultimate Level. An Insect Digimon that is full of pride and lives by constantly overpowering those around it. It prioritizes its own pride out of everything else, and its high-ranking pride is said to be first-rate among all of the Digimon. If someone says or does something that damages its pride even the slightest bit, it will never forgive them, regardless of who the opponent is. It is said that it acquired the title of "Bancho" through its uncompromising pride. Its symbolic Gakuran was minutely sewn with the shells of various insects, giving it a very firm structure. Its Special Moves are skewering the enemy with the drills on both of its arms (Bloody Finish), releasing Kiraichū that self-destruct on enemies (Bakuraiten), and shattering the enemy's face with a headbutt (Redbutt)." 

After her, Jianliang also uses the Digimon Analyzer and starts to read out the information projected by his D-Ark, "Goddramon. Ultimate Level. A God Dragon Digimon with six hardened wings and a body that shines gold. On its arm is the proof that it is a holy Digimon, and it is considered a kind of Holy-species Digimon from where it wears its Holy Ring. Goddramon is one of the "Four Great Dragons Digimon"; the four of them are Goddramon, Holydramon, Qinglongmon, and Megidramon. Also, the tiny dragon Digimon sealed within the vambrace on Goddramon's right hand is called "Amon of Red Flame", who governs over "Destruction", and the one sealed within the vambrace on its left hand is called "Umon of Blue Thunder", who governs over "Regeneration" to attack its opponents. Its Special Move is exploding its holy spirit, instantly mowing down the opponents in every direction (God Flame)."

Hirokazu also doesn't hesitate to do the same as he yells, "Hahaha! Finally, I too can use the Digimon Analyzer! Let's see... Exceed V-mon. Ultimate Level. An ultimate Ancient Mythical Dragon Digimon that is thought to have existed in ancient times. It is the ultimate evolution of XV-mon's natural power. There are few who have said to have seen its appearance, but it has not even been entirely confirmed if it actually exists. It is said that it has unmatched power among all the Dragon Species Digimon to the point that the only rival was the equally ancient Ancient Greymon whose abilities were later passed on to many of the "Dragon Digimon", such as the Greymon-species. Its Signature Move consists of generating beam blades from its claws able to cut through anything (Force Blade). It Special Moves consist of surrounding itself in an aura of Dark Matter shaped like a dragon, then ramming against its target annihilating everything in its path (Death Impulse), and firing an extremely powerful energy wave from its mouth that reduces everything it touches into nothing (Exceed Extinction). Woah!!"

As this is happening, my Digimon Partners quickly start to follow my instructions as Bancho Stingmon and Goddramon quickly fly toward Megidramon and Chimairamon who are still focusing on each other, while Exceed V-mon heads toward Mugendramon.

Bancho Stingmon is the fastest and the first one to reach his target and without any hesitation on his part, he blows Chimairamon away with a flying kick before quickly chasing after it while saying "It's time to end this, Chimairamon!"

Quickly after that, Goddramon also closes into the enraged Megidramon tackling the fellow Four Great Dragon into the ground, then he says, "Sorry... I'm going to put some dirt in your eye!" before he starts to rain down punches on Megidramon's face hoping to knock it out, or at least weaken it enough to for Takato's voice to reach him while Megidramon tries to break out from Goddramon's assault.

On the other hand, Mugendramon immediately notices Exceed V-mon approaching it, not that it is difficult as it is a quite massive blue dragon that does not go unnoticed, and so, it forces my Digimon Incarnation back by firing missiles from all over its body before it turns its body toward Exeed V-mon and unleashes its most powerful Special Move, the Mugen Cannon by firing superdreadnought-class energy waves from its two cannons. 

In response, Exceed V-mon quickly gathers his energy as the crossed golden rings closest to the tip of his tail start to shine in a golden light, followed by the next set of crossed golden rings wound around the halfway point of the tail, and the last largest set wound around his upper body which also start to shine, before opening its mouth and roaring, "Exceed Extinction!" unleashing an extremely powerful golden energy wave from his mouth.

The two energy waves clash against each other with none able to overpower the other reminding me of the classic clash between energy waves in Dragon Ball style while at the same time, I also grow more serious and get closer to the kids making sure that I can erect a barrier to protect them all while thinking, 'Luckily the energies are concentrated in the energy waves and do not spill out because both their attack have enough power behind it to wipe out a whole universe in a single blow... luckily this is the second highest layer of the Digital World making capable of enduring quite a bit of punishment before collapsing and the three of the Four Holy Beasts are also doing their part in reinforcing this plane and the whole Digital World... Anyway, this can't continue, I have to quickly make a move and finish this...'

Coming to that conclusion, I immediately decide to make my move as my Digital Incarnation rushes toward Mugendramon's exposed back while forming a two-meters-long pile out of lightning, jumps high in the air and with a swift strike, impales the enemy with it from overhead, driving the lightning pile into Mugendramon's cannons while yelling, "Lightning Pile!" before quickly jumping out of the way.

Because of that, Mugendramon's cannons explode causing the interruption of its energy wave and as a result, Exceed V-mon's energy wave quickly advances toward its target until it directly hits Mugendramon disintegrating everything it touches, leaving behind only a little more than half of Mugendramon's body intact and a huge, bottomless, circular hole behind it as Exceed V-mon's energy wave erased everything in its path until my Digimon Partner decided to interrupt it. 

As what remains of Mugendramon's body falls on the ground while its body starts to slowly disperse in small motes of Data, at the same time, Bancho Stingmon catches up with the blown away Chimairamon in mid-flight, grabs Chimairamon's head with both his hands and pulls his head back to gather more momentum then he trusts his head forward to deliver a powerful headbutt and calls out, "Redbutt!"

Bancho Stingmon's forehead impacts Chimairamon's face hard enough to shatter the Kabuterimon's helm that covers its head making Chimairamon roar in pain and crash on the ground.

This scene also makes me wince a little as Bancho Stingmon's technique in delivering a headbutt is awful, at least from a human point of view, 'Not only does he use the forehead instead of the harder part of his skull that is located just slightly above it. But he also aimed a what practically is the hardest part of the enemy's head instead of the softest one... Well, at least those would be problems if Bancho Stingmon had a human body, but he is only humanoid, and most of his body is covered in tough, hard exoskeleton...'

While I'm thinking that, Bancho Stingmon doesn't give Chimairamon any chances as he quickly finishes off the enemy using another one of his Special Moves, Bloody Finish, which consists of skewering the downed Chimairamon with the drills on both arms causing Chimairamon to mournfully roar as his body also starts to slowly disperse into small motes of Data.

Seeing that both Chimairamon and Mugendramon are no longer a problem, I focus back on Goddramon and Megidramon's battle, and I'm not the only one as Exceed V-mon, Bancho Stingmon, my Digimon Incarnation, and everyone else also moves close to me watching the battle between the two members of the Four Great Dragons. 

I also noticed that while I focused on Exceed V-mon and Bancho Stingmon's battles, Takato got very close to them as he continued to call out Megidramon trying to snap him out of his frenzy state while Goddramon continued to slug Megidramon with a rush of punches, one punch after the other while yelling, "Muda. Muda. Muda. Muda. Muda!"

At the same time, Bancho Stingmon shakes his head and comments, "I knew that this was going to happen sooner or later... There is no way that our dear brother, the "Digimon of Culture" was going to miss the opportunity to pull off something like this." followed by Exceed V-mon who adds, "At least this time he didn't change his name in Diodramon like he did the last time we tested our evolution to the Ultimate Level... That day I thought I was so ashamed that I wanted to find a hole and bury myself in it... Sometimes I still hear it... "Patamon, warp evolve...! ... Diodramon! Wryyyy!" It was awful." 

Hearing that I can't help but smile a little while thinking, 'It wasn't that awful... I found it funny! Furthermore, it isn't that wrong, Dio is the Italian word for God so in a certain sense that is still his name...' 

While I'm thinking that, something changes as Goddramon stops raining down punches on Megidramon who in turn stops struggling and closes his eyes. 

At the same time, Takato runs over and hugs Megidramon's head as he says, "It's all my fault. I really loved Digimon. I always thought it'd be great to play with a real one, not just on the Internet or with the card game. So it was like my dream came true. What I wished became real, like magic. But then we experienced many things together, some good, some bad. And I realized that it wasn't magic at all. In the end, we both got angry and lost ourselves in our desire for revenge. But... This... this isn't right... You have never wished to destroy everything! My friend always fought to protect me and our friend! Please, don't lose yourself, Guilmon!!"

In response, to Takato's cry, Megidramon slowly opens his eyes which shine in bright red light for a brief moment before the light fades away and Megidramon slowly mutters, "Ta... ka... to..." making Takato yell back, "Guilmon!"

At this point, I clearly sense that Megidramon's power stops rampaging and harming the Digital World as it becomes contained within Megidramon's body where it simmer ready to burst out whenever needed a sign that Guilmon's kindness and good nature reined in the ferocious and vicious nature of his Megidramon form bringing it under control.

After that, Megidramon slowly stands up and gently nuzzels his head against Takato's body as he says, "Takato... I'm sorry... I scared you again..." but Takato shakes his head and says, "It's not your fault! We both were angry for what happened to Leomon and lose ourselves. But deep down I knew that no matter how scary you become, Guilmon will always be Guilmon, my friend."

Admiring the bizzare sight of a ferocious looking Megidramon as he gentily nuzzle his head on Takato's body, I can't help but smile while thinking, 'Well... this truly isn't what I expected to happen... I expected that Takato and Guilmon would evolve together to form Dukemon like it happened in the anime, instead it seems that Guilmon's got his Megidramon form under control...'

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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