Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 287 – Another One?

Yamaki Mitsuo POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

After a few, long, tense minutes, I feel much more at ease as I notice that the situation starts to calm down as the warning signs all over the internal dome start to fade away.

At the same time, a very relieved Megumi reports, "The anomaly in the deepest layer of the network has subsided." followed by Jiang-yu-san who, still worried about his children, asks, "Are they safe?"

In response to that question, I honestly reply that I start to feel more and more disappointed in the current capacities of the Hypnos System I created even more so as I continue to realize that in the end it is useless and can't help us in any way making it only good a somewhat roughly observe the situation before I exclaim, "We can't even know what's going on. I rejoiced after we built all this junk... I was such a fool."

As I'm feeling very dejected, Jiang-yu-sans tries to reassure me and says, "It all begins now, Yamaki-kun."

Hearing that, I push away my personal feelings and focus on the more pressing matters as I ask, "How long until the Ark that you Wild Bunch are creating is ready?" 

Jiang-yu-san sighs and replies, "The basic design is done, but there are too many calculations to be done."

Listening to those words coming out of Jiang-yu-san's mouth and hearing the almost resigned tone he is saying them, I do not hesitate to offer, "Please use the Hypnos mainframe."

Jiang-yu-san looks at me and says in a grateful tone, "Thank you. We have to hurry. Those children may be saving this word without even realizing it."

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

Seeing that Megidramon is now calm and able to control himself, the kids start to move toward him and Takato with the Digimon following after them, and noticing that I and my Digimon Partners do the same as we all gather around Megidramon and Takato.

Soon, the loudest among us, obviously Hirokazu and Kenta, start to admire Guilmon's Ultimate Level form and comment about the recent events without caring about their surroundings.

"I was worried for a moment, but in the end, everything worked out fine..."

"What are you saying Kenta? I fully believed that we were going to be fine!"

"My god... Guilmon's Ultimate Level looks very scary..."

"No way! It looks awesome! And did you see how powerful he is? He made the earth shake only with his presence and was playing around with Chimairamon!"

"Pucci-sensei's partners are very, very strong, too!"

"Indeed. Goddramon, Bancho Stingmon, and Exceed V-mon are all very impressive. They basically dominated the whole fight! I can't wait for Guardromon to also evolve to the Ultimate Level. I'm sure he is going to be just as awesome as them!"

"Damn it! I want my Digimon Partners too! I'm truly the only one without a Digimon Partner! Even Jian's little sister who just arrived in the Digital World already has a partner! Just how more pathetic can I become?"

At the same time, Megidramon's body starts to shine and shrink, and when the light fades away, it reveals the form of an exhausted Guilmon who sighs and sits on the ground.

Seeing that, Takato hurries and hugs Guilmon before he asks, "Guilmon! How are you feeling? Are you okay?" which makes Guilmon reply, "Guilmon is very tired... and also very worried..."

After saying that, Guilmon makes a somewhat long pause before he explains, "While Guilmon was in that form... The whole time Guilmon felt a very strong desire to destroy everything in front of him ignoring everything else... and even after Guilmon was finally able to hear Takato's voice... Guilmon struggled to hold himself back... I worry that if I evolve into that again I may harm Takato and other Guilmon's friends."

Hearing that, Takato smiles and says with confidence as he holds Guilmon tighter, "It doesn't matter. I know that even if you lose control I will be able to bring you back just like I did today. Because I believe in my best friend! I believe in Guilmon! No matter what happens I'll always be with you, Guilmon! So all Guilmon as to do is believe in our friendship."

In response, the tired Guilmon smiles and says, "Yes! Guilmon will believe in Takato!"

Seeing this scene, Juri sighs and comments while holding Leomon's Digitama tightly, "I'm so glad that Guilmon-chan is fine too..."

Ruki notices the Digitama in Juri's arms and is part worried and part curious about Juri's state, she asks, "Juri... Are you okay? What's with that Digitama?"

Juri smiles wryly and says, "Thanks for worrying. While I'm sad about what happened, I'm still fine as the worst thing I imagined didn't happen."

She then gently caresses the Digitama in her arms and answers Ruki's other question, "This is the reason I'm fine... After all, this is Leomon's Digitama. Pucci-sensei was able to save him, but because of the heavy wounds he received, Leomon was forced to revert back to this state..."

Hearing that, Jianliang can't help but exclaim, "It is true!? I thought that Digimon reverted back into Data when defeated?"

At this point, Kyubimon looks at the Digitama in Juri's arms and says, "I have never heard of something like this happening... but something similar did happen to Guardromon who degenerated back to his Adult Level after healing from the heavy wounds inflicted by Orochimon... In addition, I can clearly feel Leomon's familiar presence in that Digitama. It is very weak, but it is without any doubt him." 

Hearing Kyubimon's words, everyone let out a sigh of relief glad of the fact that Leomon didn't actually die, but just as I was about to focus on our next step, I suddenly heard Jianliang's voice as he yelled, "Pucci-sensei! Look! Something strange is happening!"

I immediately turn my head and look at where Jianliang is pointing and notice that something is going on with Chimairamon and Mugendramon's bodies.

The damaged bodies of the two defeated hunters of the Holy Beast Zhuqiaomon are still slowly dissolving into motes of Data just like the last time I saw them before focusing on Goddramon and Megidramon's fight, but now I notice that, strangely, the motes of Data released by the bodies of Mugendramon and Chimairamon are all gathering in one point in the middle between the two as if attracted by one other.

Seeing that strange scene, Hirokazu asks, "Pucci-sensei, what is going on there?"

In response, I immediately try to use my Spiral Cosmo to take control of those motes of Data, purify them, and use them to form a couple of Digitama to send to the Village of Beginnings in my Soulbound Territory. 

But as soon as my Spiral Cosmo touches those motes of Data, an incredibly powerful force of will within those motes of Data repels my Spiral Cosmo preventing me from doing anything to stop what is happening making me realize that the two hunters aren't fully defeated yet and that the two are in fact about to do something else.

After coming to that conclusion, I continue to carefully look at that ongoing process and answer Hirokazu's question while also warning the others, "I don't know. But for sure, this isn't something good. Be careful, everyone. I feel that we still aren't out of danger as Mugendramon and Chimairamon may have another nasty surprise for us."

At first, the process is somewhat slow, but the more Data of the two Digimon gather in one place the faster the process becomes, to the point that Mugendramon and Chimairamon's damaged bodies are dissolving faster and faster.

Before I can do anything, their bodies dissolve completely leaving behind only that turbulent mass of Data.

After that, the turbulent mass of Data starts to take a shape that vaguely reminds me of Chimairamon, but much, much larger, then from within that turbulent mass of Data, the combined, somewhat distorted voice of Mugendramon and Chimairamon can be heard as it says, "Almost complete... not good enough... Searching... Something important is still missing... Searching..."

After saying that, the turbulent mass of Data solidifies, taking the form of the singular most scary Digimon species ever created, not for its appearance, massive island-like size, or ferociousness, but for its sheer power and overpowered abilities that have the potential of fucking up the whole Digimon Multiverse, a freaking Millenniumon.

Its appearance traces that of both Chimairamon and Mugendramon, its body is black and brown, it has four arms and two legs like Chimairamon, and its head is also similar to his own, but with a blue mane. 

Overall it echoes features of the Digimon that make up Chimairamon, but in a more homogeneous way, as one body and not pieces of other Digimon attached together. 

On its back, it has Mugendramon's cannons and its back and arms are covered with a kind of flaming "ghost" that resembles Mugendramon's features. 

(Image Here - Millenniumon)


Seeing the new Digimon that appeared from the combination of Chimairamon and Mugendramon's Data, makes the Digimon and kids behind me exclaim in both horror and distress.

"It isn't over yet!?"

"What kind of Digimon is that!?"

"He feels even scarier than Megidramon!"

"It's not over yet! Be careful!"

"Dammit! Guardromon, Kyubimon, Rapidmon, and Guilmon are too tired for another fight! We have to rely on Pucci-sensei's Digimon and Aegiochusmon!"

"Takato! I don't have any energy for another fight!"

"Jian! I'm truly scared of that Digimon!"

"Stay behind me, Ruki! Something about that Digimon feels incredibly wrong!"

At the same time, Ruki doesn't hesitate to use the Digimon Analyzer on her D-Ark to identify the Digimon, but after a few seconds, she exclaims, "Error!? What is going on here!? This is the first time that something like this happened!" 

Hearing that, Jianliang tries with his own D-Ark and gets the same message, he comments, "Error? That is strange... Sure the Digimon Analyzer isn't perfect as the Deva took some time to analyze at first, and Guilmon for some time gave us a "No Data" message... but "Error" never appeared before..." 

At this point, I use my own D-Ark to activate the Digimon Analyzer function, and thanks to the fact that my D-Ark is connected to my own knowledge and Yggdrasil's database, I easily get the information needed and read them out loud for everyone to listen, "That is Millenniumon. Ultimate Level. An Ultimate Composite Digimon that has fused the overwhelming power possessed by Mugendramon and the data of various powerful Digimon possessed by Chimairamon. It is said to be impossible to defeat, and at present the unclear cause of its fusion is being ascertained, but it is unlikely that any clues will be found. Its Special Move is creating a different dimension with compressed time, and it can keep an opponent in that subspace for an eternity (Time Unlimited)." 

Hearing that, Kenta can't help but exclaim in panic, "Impossible to defeat? Does it means that we are doomed!?" followed by Hirokazu who yells, "No way!" making me shake my head while thinking, ''The reason why the Millenniumon species is said to be impossible to defeat is because of its bullshit ability to manipulate Space-Time and through that can travel between time and is trying to destroy all eras and worlds, which are infinite. So, not only is he able to move through space-time, but he also has the power to destroy infinite worlds and existence itself. In addition, it can also shape the various universes of the Digimon Multiverse however it wants thanks to its immense power. But the most annoying ability is that it will be revived across space-time every time Millenniumon is defeated.' 

At the same time, I look at Millenniumon as it stares at us without any intention of attacking and think confused by the events happening in front of me at the moment, 'What is going on here? Sure, my presence in this universe would surely affect some things and change others... The presence of Chimairamon and Mugendramon while unexpected can still be easily explained with them taking the place of Impmon...' 

While I think that, I suddenly notice Millenniumon looking somewhere else before muttering, "There... Possible match found... Further observation required..." and then suddenly disappearing in a flash of light.

What is even crazier in this whole situation is that Millenniumon didn't simply disappear from our sight likely teleporting somewhere else, but it also disappeared from my Cosmic Awareness which likely means that at the moment it is very likely in a hidden dimension of his own creation, making me think, 'Luckily, Millenniumon teleported away... To deal with that kind of opponent I would be forced me to pull out a few of my trump cards and maybe even get personally involved with my Main Body, something that I don't wish to do, unless absolutely necessary. But more importantly, why is freaking Millenniumon here of all the Digimon!?'

But soon after thinking that, the words that Millenniumon said a few seconds ago come to my mind, and a new theory forms in my mind, 'Wait a minute! From what Millenniumon said about not being complete yet or something along those lines, it is possible to deduce that this particular Millenniumon recently used the most annoying ability of that Digimon species which enables Millenniumon to be revived across space-time every time it is defeated... It specifically chose this particular Digimon Tamers Universe because it has all the conditions needed for a revival thanks to my presence that changed the "canon" events. It is even possible that Millenniumon itself is the one behind the creation of Chimairamon and Mugendramon as it made use of the gap left behind by Impmon to in some way manipulate Zhuqiaomon into creating those two hunters...'

At this point, my mind moves even faster as I continue this train of thoughts, 'After all, the Holy Beast had a really wide range of choices for its hunters many of which are just as powerful as Mugendramon and Chimairamon, but way less "chaotic" or difficult to control. Hell, Zhuqiaomon could even request the intervention of some Royal Knights as it wouldn't be the first time that some of them would use some less savory means for the safety of the Digital World like Dynasmon who will serve a lord who shares and embodies its own sense of justice with deep, unquestioning loyalty, or Lord Knightmon who is faithful to what it regards as "justice" over the concepts of good and evil and utilitarian and unparalleled in its ruthlessness in executing its duties, willing to resort to rule by force and killing off the weak to ensure peace, or even Craniummon who is a perfectionist and will follow all orders to the letter... And these are all just a few of the many, many choices available. But no, Zhuqiaomon chose specifically Chimairamon and Mugendramon the only two Digimon that have a clear connection with Millenniumon, if that isn't suspicious enough to be a worrying sign then I would just fool myself by burying my head in the sand.' 

While all that goes through my mind, the kids and the Digimon let out a sigh of relief, happy about the fact that Millenniumon went away without a fight, and as a minority of the group wonders why Millenniumon left, mainly Jianliang and Ruki, the rest are just happy to have survived through that crisis.

Seeing this scene, I smile while Bancho Stingmon, Exceed V-mon, Godddramon, and my Digimon Incarnation all degenerate back to Wormmon, V-mon, Patamon, and Aegiomon before we quickly gather together to rest and decide how to continue with our journey toward Zhuqiaomon's red crystal palace.

Ryo POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

After separating from Takato's group, I continued to travel with Cyberdramon as he hunted down and fought all the powerful Digimon to sate his unquenchable thirst for a fight as we continued to search for his "fated enemy".

While wandering around, we fought in many different areas and worlds and many different and powerful Digimon among which were an Etemon, a Giromon, a Cerberumon, some Infermon, a Knightmon, a swarm of Mamemon, an Okuwamon, and many others, and in the end, I don't know how exactly, we ended up in this strange place, with our feet submerged in water and a very expansive mountain range in sight and nothing else around us but more water.

Seeing that, I can't help but look around and ask Cyberdramon, "Hey... where are we?" but Cyberdramon lets out a low growl, and looking at him, I notice that his whole body is now shaking as he looks around.

After a few seconds of silence, Cyberdramon simply declares, "I feel it... the most powerful enemy we've ever seen is nearby... could it be my fated enemy?"

Hearing that, I can't help but exclaim, "What?" but Cyberdramon ignores me and slowly starts to walk toward the mountain range as I repeat what he just said as I have a strange sensation about this, "The most powerful enemy... we've ever seen?"

After saying that, I steel my resolve to see this through and without any hesitation, I follow after Cyberdramon as I check my Digivice and my cards and prepare for our next fight that if Cyberdramon is right is going to be our toughest one yet. 

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

As we are resting in the area in front of the bridge that leads to the Suzaku Gate I suddenly hear Jianliang as he yells, "You can't!" quickly followed by Shaochung's voice as she stubbornly yells back, "No! I'm going with you!"

Exasperated, Jianliang shouts, "Don't be selfish! You just went through a lot of danger! It might be even more dangerous where we're going!"

Hearing that, Shaoghung asks, "And Lopmon?" making the cute bunny Digimon explain in a calm tone, "I shall go, in order to avoid further battles." which makes Shaochung hug Lopmon while screaming, "No!"

In response, Lopmon continues to calmly explain, "It may be pointless, but Zhuqiaomon may heed my words."

At this point, Shaochung proposes, "Then Terriermon can stay here. You were hurt, right?" but Terriermon simply smiles and says, "Momantai! That was nothing! I have to go too!"

Hearing that, Shaochung starts to cry, "No! Don't go!" making an exasperated Jianliang yell, "Don't cry!" but soon he realizes that trying to make his little sister see reason is useless, ruffles his hair in frustration, turns around and says, "Let's just leave her and go."

As Takato tries to say something against this option, Shaochung stops crying and moves toward her big brother saying, "I'm going too..." but greatly annoyed by his little sister's antics, Jianliang forcefully turns back toward Shaochung making her fall on the ground yelling, "Shut up!"

At the same time, he raises his hand as if he is going to slap her but stops as he realizes what he is about to do and quickly lowers his arm before saying, "You... You're being too unreasonable! Listen, we have to go, but you can't come with us! To be honest, you'd just be in the way!"

Hearing that, Shaochung starts to cry once again, and seeing that, Takato tries to make Jianliang calm down by saying, "Jian, It's fine! Shaochung can come too." but then Hirokazu quickly proposes, "Just leave her with me, Juri, and Kenta. I'd like to go with Guardromon too, but it's fine. I'll stay here with Kenta and Juri, and we'll look after Leomon's Digitama and Jian's sister. Right, Kenta?"

In response, Kenta seems surprised for a few moments before he nods and enthusiastically says, "Right! Well, we can't leave the girls alone. We're guys and all."

Jianliang seems to like the idea and relax as he says, "Thanks." followed by Ruki who adds, "So you can be manly sometimes." making them both yell back, ""Shut up!!""

At the same time, Jianliang looks at his little sister who is still sitting down on the ground crying, and asks, "Shaochung, wait for me, okay?" 
At this point, I step forward and say, "Jinaliang, I can understand your feelings but in your desire to protect her and keep her safe you are actually losing sight of the big picture and actually putting her in even more danger."

In response to my words not only is Jianliang stunned, but the other kids and their Digimon Partners are too, and while they are too stunned by what they just heard, I calmly walk toward Shaochung sitting on the ground and pick her up as Patamon does some funny faces to cheer her up.

Soon the shock produced by my words passed, and Jianliang asked, "What do you mean by that, Pucci-sensei?"

I look at each one of them and start to explain, "First of all, a Tamer is most protected when his or her Digimon Partner is by her or his side just like a Digimon is at his strongest when it is together with its Tamer. Separating Shaochung and Lopmon is already a pretty big mistake because they won't be able to rely on each other if one of them is in danger."

At this point, Jianliang is about to say something, but before he can do it, I continue, "But that isn't even your biggest oversight. You don't want Shaochung to come with us because you are afraid that something could happen to her, even more so because we are going to meet Zhuqiaomon, one of the Holy Beasts, and the one behind the Deva and the Hunters, right?"

Seeing him nod, I smile wryly and say, "Well, while your desire to keep your little sister safe is admirable, you are making a pretty big mistake. You see, Shaochung is the safest when she is with us, not only because you, her big brother, are watching over her, but also because there are many more people and Digimon willing to help you in protecting her... first among them all your partner Terriermon who clearly cares for her just as much as you care."

Hearing that, Jianliang looks at Terriermon standing on his shoulder who lightly nods at him with a smile on his face before he looks back at me as I add, "But more importantly... did you forget about the actual threat posed by Millenniumon? You know the incredibly powerful Ultimate Level Digimon who seems able to teleport anywhere whenever it wants and that is composed of the Data of two very scary and powerful Digimon whose greatest objective in life seems to be nothing more than hunt and kill us? What do you think would happen to Shaochung if she was attacked by Millenniumon with only Kenta, Hirokazu, Juri, and Guardromon by her side?"

Hearing my question, Jianliang's face pales considerably as he realizes the gravity of the scenario I just described him, and he isn't the only one as Hirokazu and Kenta shudder at the idea of facing Millenniumon alone while Takato comments, "Dammit! I forgot about that!"

In the end, I'm able to steer them away from the most common horror movie trope of separating the group only to end up slaughtered one by one by whatever happens to want them dead and they all decide that it is safer if we all move together. 

After that small episode, Lopmon directs the group to Zhuqiaomon's castle, and we head towards the location stopping right in front of the long bridge standing over the bottomless abyss as it points at the crystal palace and says, "That red structure you see it the Suzaku Gate, Zhuqiaomon's palace."

Seeing just how far away the Suzaku Gate is, Guilmon asks, "Do we have to walk?" but Lopmon starts to run toward the bridge while saying, "Fear not."

We all quickly follow after Lopmon and after taking a few steps on the bridge, we all stop and quickly after, the group is enveloped in a big transparent bubble that hovers above the bridge's deck that is made up of floating stones and quickly flies across the bridge making Guilmon comment, "Pretty nice, huh, Takato?" 

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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