Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 288 – Joint Progress

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

As the bubble that enveloped our group continued to move toward our destination, the palace of Zhuqiaomon, one of the Four Holy Beasts, called Suzaku Gate, Jianliang looked down and muttered, "That Shaochung... Why did she come to the Digital World?"

Everyone hears that and looks at him while Lopmon calmly suggests, "To meet me?" followed by Ruki who comments, "Maybe."

Quickly after, Shaochung herself says with a big smile on her face, "That's right! I wanted to see Terriermon so much! Then I found Lopmon and had a lot of fun!" but this agitates Jianliang even more as he starts to raise his voice again and shout, "There's no reason for Shaochung to be here!"

At this point, Takato says, "But we can't do anything about it..." making Jianliang yell, "That's why! We have to rescue Culumon and go home soon! I'm sure our parents are really worried on the other side!" but then he realizes that he lost his temper again and apologize, "I'm sorry..."

His words do make the kids think back at their parents as Ruki says, "I wonder if my family's worried..." followed by Juri who looks down while gently caressing Leomon's Digitama and mutters, "I don't think my father will be all that worried about me..."

At the same time, Takato says with an encouraging smile, "I think they'll be fine. Pucci-sensei talked to them through e-mail after all."

Surprised, Ruki looks up and asks, "What? What do you mean?" which makes Takato tilt his head and ask back, "We didn't tell you? When we got separated, we contacted the Real World through e-mail."

I nod and reassure them, "Indeed, I wrote an e-mail addressed to each one of your parents, reassuring them of your safety and current state. So you don't have to worry about them too much."

Then I look at Juri and say, "Juri. I already told you this before, your father truly cares very much for you, the way he usually acts isn't out of malice but because he himself doesn't know how to handle the family problems after his first wife, your mother, passed away... Trust me when I say that he would easily face Millenniumon if that means keeping you safe and happy..."

Hearing that, Juri lowers her head, holds Leomon's Digitama tighter, and lets out a soft, "Un..." but I notice the hint of a small soft smile on her face making me understand that my words are having an effect on her.

After a few moments of silence, Jianliang looks at me and asks, "Pucci-sensei... How can you always be so calm and have everything under control like that? How can you maintain your calm at any given moment? How can you always have the right answer to any problem? Is there some kind of secret behind it? Can you teach it to me?" 

Before I can reply to his question, Kenta answers in my place, "Isn't it simply because he is an adult? I mean... that is usually how it is..." but Hirokazu quickly argues back, "No way! Not all adults can be as reliable as Pucci-sensei! Just look at Mori-sensei! He is also an adult too, in fact, he is even older than Pucci-sensei but there is no way I would have felt any safer if he was here with us instead of Pucci-sensei."

Hearing that, Kenta looks down and mutters, "Actually now that I think about..." followed by Takato who comments, "That's right... Neither Mori-sensei nor Asanuma-sensei would have been able to maintain their calm and lead us like Pucci-sensei did..."

At this point, I calmly explain to everyone, "There is no secret or quick way for that. The answer to all that is training and experience. You see my grandfather from my mother's side is a soldier, the kind of soldier that went through and experienced many harsh wars and battles. When I was young, very young around five years old, my grandfather started to train me, he not only taught me how to fight and defend myself but also how to survive in the wild. It was very harsh and difficult training, as my grandfather would at times leave me alone in a wild forest or other dangerous place to fend for myself. But thanks to that experience and his teachings, I learned to maintain my calm under pressure and stressful situations."

After listening to my story, all the kids are looking at me in shock with their eyes and mouth wide open, until Hirokazu yells, "Your grandpa left you alone in a forest at the age of five? Are you kidding me!?" followed by Kenta who comments, "That's way too brutal..." 

Ruki also nods and says, "That's a really spartan way to train your grandkid... and I thought that my grandmother was strict."

This last comment makes me snicker as I say, "Heh... Funny that you said that, as my grandfather is actually Greek and more specifically from Sparta and his ancestors were true Spartan Warriors." which once again surprised the kids.

We stop this discussion on that funny note as the bubble is quickly traversing the bridge and approaching the immense Suzaku Gate.

As we are about to reach the Suzaku Gate, I hear V-mon comments in a low tone, "Jayr... If we are going to encounter Millenniumon again, I feel that Wormmon and I have to work together and use that evolution if we want to actually have a chance against it."

Understanding that we are about to talk about a sensitive subject, I do not hesitate to use my Spiral Cosmo to warp the kids and the other Digimon's perception of what is happening in this bubble, after all, they are too close to us, and can easily pick up our conversation, even more so if one considers the enhanced senses of the Digimon.

At the same time, what V-mon just said is quickly followed by Wormmon who adds, "I agree with V-mon, from what I felt our normal current Ultimate Level are in no way strong enough to have a decent chance against that monster, especially considering the fact that in its current state, Millenniumon is still incomplete and it is likely to become even more powerful if it becomes complete... Meanwhile, in our usual Ultimate Level, we are already weaker than Patamon-"

Hearing that V-mon lets out a groan and says, "Wormmon, please don't remind me of that! I truly don't want to remind to Patamon that Bancho Stingmon and Exceed V-mon are weaker than "Diodramon"... Don't you remember what happened when we just learned of that? He started to preach that the only reason he was stronger was that he was a true Digimon of Culture and then pulled off that ridiculous "holy" speech while imitating one of his idols...'

At this point, Patamon joins the conversation by repeating what he said on that fateful day, "Always remember these words: Work hard, study well, have fun, and eat and sleep plenty with a bunch of beautiful partners by your side! That is the True Culture way! We must master the art of peace in addition to the art of war! The Concept of Culture will be with you... always!"

And just like that day, Patamon's body shines briefly in a holy light as the entire Digimon Multiverse hums in resonance with those words before everything instantly returns to normal like nothing happened.

The same thing happened that day, as Culture took quite a liking to that speech, so much so, that it made sure that the speech was in some way canonized throughout the whole Omniverse becoming words of power through which one can actually call upon the power of the Concept of Culture. 

After that, Patamon gets serious and says, "Back to the important topic, the current Millenniumon is already incredibly powerful as it is, but just like Frieza that isn't even his final form. It is scary to imagine just how much more powerful it can become when it becomes complete."

I nod and say, "I agree. Millenniumon will be without doubt our greatest enemy in this universe and for sure we will need to do that if we want to defeat it... but for now, we have to focus on the present, after all, a Holy Beast also isn't an opponent we can dismiss..."

After I said that, the bubble that is carrying our group arrives at its destination and pops out of existence as soon as our feet touch the ground, and quickly after that, we arrive in front of the doors of Zhuqiaomon's palace, the Suzaku Gate.

Seeing the imposing structure, Takato looks up and asks, "This is Zhuqiaomon's palace?" followed by Guimon who comments impressed, "It's huge..."

Soon after that, the door of the gate opens on their own surprising most of the kids, but then we don't waste any more time and enter the palace. 

Once we are inside, all of the Digimon are put on edge by Zhuqiaomon's presence, and for a very good reason as it is very imposing, something of the likes I have only felt a few times in my life from the beings that are at the level of Hades, Poseidon, Antispiral, and Zeus basically from beings very close to the top, beings with powers are capable of affecting multiple universes. 

Noticing that immediate change and tension in their partners, the kids ask with clear worry in their tone. 

"Guilmon, what's wrong?"



"Are you okay Guardromon?"

The only ones not heavily affected by Zhuqiaomon's presence are Lopmon, Wormmon, V-mon, and Patamon.

Lopmon because it is a former Deva, and is clearly quite used to its former lord's presence, even more so as it was guarding the gates of its palace.

Meanwhile, my Digimon Partners are used to my own presence which is in fact quite a bit stronger than the one produced by Zhuqiaomon so they do not have any problem with that.

Renamon then explains what everyone is feeling, "I feel it. I feel an overwhelming rage. It's so fierce that I feel as if I'd be crushed if I let my guard down." 

After giving the Digimon a few moments to get used to this, we continue our advance as Lopmon leads the way, and soon we arrive in front of another closed door.

Seeing that, Lopmon steps forward and requests, "God! Please heed my words!"

In response to Lopmon's plea, the doors slowly open on their own letting us see what the scenery hidden on the other side of the doors, an immense circular room with a single, big stone braizer in the middle of the room, and burning within that braizer is an impressive huge, red flame. 

We all step into the immense circular room as Lopmon mutters, "God..."

Soon after Lopmon mutters that the huge, red flame starts to move, expand, solidify, and take shape as a deep regal voice declares, "I am Zhuqiaomon. I protect the Digimon's world, as one of the Holy Beasts.

Zhuqiaomon looks like an immense island-sized red and yellow bird with four shining red eyes, four huge wings, and two smaller ones, two legs that end with three very sharp talons, a long dragonic tail, and as all the Holy Beasts a total of twelve Digicores outside its body, six floating around its neck and six around its tail.

From its overall appearance and theme, it is clear that Zhuqiaomon, the Holy Beast that guards the South, takes after the mythical Vermillion Bird of the oriental culture.

(Image Here - Zhuqiaomon)


The kids are clearly intimidated by Zhuqiaomon's imposing appearance and presence as their bodies are shaking as they comment.

"Th... This is the Digimon's god?"

"B-Bigger doesn't mean better..."

"T-That may be true... but it also doesn't mean that it is worse..."

"M-M-Maybe this was a bad idea..."

At the same time, I calmly bring up my D-Ark and use the Digimon Analyzer on Zhuqiaomon reading out loud for everyone to listen, "Zhuqiaomon. Ultimate Level. One of the Four Holy Beasts who protect the Digital World, it guards the South and manipulates incandescent flames. Reigning since the age of myth, its existence has passed into legend, and it is extremely difficult to track down. Also, it is difficult to overthrow with the power of an ordinary Ultimate, and its power is set as the highest authority among other Digimon, so it is surely the epitome of a god. Zhuqiaomon's temperament is the roughest among the Four Holy Beast Digimon, and it incinerates anything that approaches it without reason. Its Special Move is a swirl of flames comparable to the prominences which jet out with a solar eruption (Kouen)." 

At the same time, Jianliang looks at his little sister hiding behind me, gathers his courage, steps forward, and yells, "Where's Culumon? Return him!"

Hearing that, Zhuqiaomon reigns in his anger and says, "Return him? Where else would I return him but here? This is where the Digi-Entelechia belongs."

The way Zhuqiaomon called Culumon confuses both the young Tamers and their Digimon Partners as they ask.


"Is he referring to Culumon?" 

At this point, Jianliang steels his resolve as he mutters, "I have to take Shaochung back to the Real World. To do that, I have to rescue Culumon. I... I have to do it!"

But soon, both Takato and Ruki put their hand on Jianliang's shoulder to catch his attention as Ruki asks, "What do you mean, you have to?" making Jianliang look at her and Renamon by her side and mutter, "Ruki... Renamon..."

Then Takato also reminds him with a smile on his face, "You mean we have to, right?" making Jianlinag turn his head to the other side as he says in a moved tone, "Takato... Guilmon..."

Then Hirokazu and Kenta also join the group standing right behind the main trio as they say.

"Don't forget about us! I and Guardromon will always watch your back!"

"Even if I'm not a Tamer yet, I will also help you guys however I can."

At this point, a more confident Jianliang looks back at the imposing Zhuqiaomon and says, "That's right! We have to do it! Let's go, guys! Evolve straight to the Perfect Level!"

But before they can act, I step forward and say, "Stop it! Guilmon, Renamon, and Terriermon are still too tired to take on someone the likes of Zhuqiaomon."

Then I raise my D-Ark and with a smile on my face, I say, "Furthermore... there is no need for you guys to do anything. As your teacher is my duty to deal with a stubborn fool who want to harm their students... V-mon! Wormmon! It's time to unleash all your potential!" making them both jump forward and yell in perfect sync, ""Yeah!""

As my Digimon stand ready, I start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into my D-Ark as I say, "Wormmon! V-mon! Let's go! Evolution!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform it into Data, sending it to my Digimon Partners through our bond, and in response, their bodies start to shine in the light of evolution and grow bigger as they call out. 

"Wormmon, evolve...!"

"V-mon, evolve...!"

Soon after that, the lights fade away as my Digimon Partners fully evolve to their Adult Level and call out the name of their current form. 

"... Stingmon!"

"... XV-mon!"

Seeing that, the kids behind me are confused so much so that they exclaim.

"Stingmon!? XV-mon!?"

"Why are Pucci-sensei's Digimon only at the Adult Level?"

"Why is Patamon still standing on top of Pucci-sensei's head? Is he hurt?"

"Did something happen during the previous fight?"

"True potential? What is that guy talking about?"

My smile grows bigger as I inject even more Spiral Cosmo into my D-Ark, but this time, Stingmon and XV-mon's Digicores start to sync up with each other as I call out, "It's not over yet! Let's do this! Jogress Evolution!!"

At this point, the bodies of Stingmon and XV-mon start to shine and get attracted to each other as they call out.



""... Jogress Evolve!""

Soon after that, XV-mon and Stingmon merge into one, single, more powerful body whose power and presence is much more than the simple addition of the two parts, and shortly after the new Digimon calls out his name, "... Paildramon!"

Paildramon is a fused form of XV-mon and Stingmon, combining features from a Dragon and Insect type. 

He wears the latter's exoskeleton as armor on the thighs, arms, and torso, and the "X" symbol can be partially seen. 

His face is concealed by a red and black helmet with a crest around the eyes and he has two pairs of wings and the "Desperado Blaster" cannons are located on its lower midsection.

(Image Here - Paildramon)


As soon as Paildramon's is revealed, Hirokazu and Kenta can't help but exclaim, "It's Paildramon!!" followed by Ruki who brings up her D-Ark to use the Digimon Analyzer to identify him and reads out loud, "Paildramon. Perfect Level. A Dragon Man Digimon which Jogress-evolved from XV-mon and Stingmon. It has distinctively retained the components of its Dragon type base, and has acquired the power possessed by Dragons and impregnable defensive ability with the shell possessed by Insects. Even more than its power, it finishes off enemies with its keen movements. With deep, unquestioning loyalty, it is even willing to lay down it's life for its master. Its Signature Move is unleashing a rush with the Spikes extending from the shells on both of its arms (Esgrima). Its Special Move is an energy wave fired from the two organic cannons that are extended from its waist (Desperado Blaster)."

At the same time, Paildramon starts to fly toward the immense Zhuqiaomon who declares, "You are not the one we must fight against!" before spitting a stream of fire from its mouth.

In response, Paildramon dodges the stream of fire and counterattacks by firing an energy wave from the two organic cannons that extend from his waist while yelling, "Desperado Blaster!"

But the energy wave hits Zhuqiaomon's body without causing any damage to the Vermillion Bird Digimon who snorts and says, "It's useless. Only the strongest survive, and that is us. We do not need humans' power anymore, and yet..."

At this point, Zhuqiaomon opened its beak and again spit a stream of fire from its mouth, but this time it aimed the stream of fire in our direction, forcing me to move my Digimon Incarnation and create a barrier to endure the attack head-on to protect us making my Digimon Incarnation grunt in pain as I feel the force behind Zhuqiaomon's attack. 

But it is clear that Zhuqiaomon is still holding back, after all, it is a Holy Beasts, one of the most powerful Ultimate Level Digimon, and even if that stream of fire it is unleashing is powerful enough to destroy a planet, it is nothing more than a casual attack.

As my Digimon Incarnation endures Zhuqiaomon's punishing attack, the Vermillion Bird Digimon continues with its speech, "Our world is on the verge of destruction due to the disaster you humans created!"

At the same time, the kids behind me start to panic as they feel that the situation is getting more and more dangerous.

"This isn't good! We're finished if this keeps going!"

"Renamon! Let's evolve to the Perfect Level and help Paildramon and Aegiochusmon!"

"Sorry Ruki! But the damage caused by Chimairamon is still affecting me. I'm not sure how much of my power I'm able to bring out..."

"Terriermon! How about you!"

"If it is needed, I will fight no matter what!"
"Maybe I could make Guilmon evolve into Megidramon again... but in this kind of situation, I don't know if it is a good idea..."

"Lopmon! I'm scared!" 

Hearing that, Lopmon shakes its head and mutters, "Without the power to evolve, I am beyond powerless."

At this point, Zhuqiaomon stops its attack and says, "Lopmon! You are the only Deva left. I now give you the chance to return to my side. If you do so, I shall forget everything that happened." but Lopmon quickly answers, "I have somewhere else to return to!" making Zhuqiaomon mutter, "Fool."

Lopmon stands in front of Shaochung and declares, "There is one who I wish to accompany now."

Hearing that, Zhuqiaomon says in a disappointed tone, "Then, you shall die as well!" before it opens its beak to attack once again, but before it can spit another stream of fire from its mouth, Paildramon yells, "Don't forget about me! Wire Punch!"

After yelling that, Paildramon extends his fingers on cables that wrap around Zhuqiaomon's beak and shuts it close preventing the Vermillion Bird Digimon from attacking.

But even if Paildramon's maneuver was able to momentarily stop its attack, Zhuqiaomon's beak doesn't remain closed for long, as its immense power forces Paildramon to let go as Zhuqiaomon shouts, "It's useless! I won't be stopped by something like this!"

After yelling that, Zhuqiaomon flaps its wings, creating a powerful gust of wind that sends Paildramon crashing against the wall with such force that he becomes embedded into the wall. 

Seeing that, I can't help but sigh and mutter, "It seems that even if Paildramon's fighting power is more or less at the Ultimate Level class, it still isn't enough to face powerhouses on the level of Zhuqiaomon... Oh well... It seems that it is time to stop holding back. Paildramon are you ready?"

In response to my question, Paildramon frees himself from the wall and after shaking his head he says, "Yes, Jayr! While it is interesting to test our fighting skills against an overwhelming opponent... It gets frustrating when all your efforts are fruitless. Let's kick it up!"

Hearing that I nod and again inject my Spiral Cosmo into my D-Ark as I yell, "Ultimate Evolution!!"

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform it into Data, sending it to Paildramon through our bond.

In response, his body starts to shine so much that it generates a pillar of colored light that completely masks his evolving body as he calls out, "Paildramon, evolve... !" 

Soon after that, the pillar of light fades away as Paildramon fully evolves to his Ultimate Level and calls out the name of his current form, "Imperialdramon!"

Imperialdramon has the appearance of a western dragon just like Exceed V-mon, even the size is mostly the same, he has blue skin and tail, but different from Exceed V-mon his torso and huge legs are covered with black and gold metal armor, he has red wings, a white mane and a head covered with white, red and black metal shielding, and a cannon on its back.

Overall he has a very fierce appearance and imposing presence worthy of one of the most powerful Ultimate Level Digimon.

(Image Here - Imperialdramon)


Imperialdramon's apparence is greeted with great enthusiasm by the kids behind me, especially Hirokazu and Kenta who are looking at him with star in their eyes as they exclaim.

"Incredible! It's an Imperialdramon! How awesome!!"

"When I saw XV-mon and Stingmon Jogress Evolve into Paildramon, I already thought that this could have been possible... but seeing it first hand is a whole other thing! This is the legendary Imperialdramon!!" 

At the same time, I hear Takato as he uses the Digimon Analyzer and reads out loud in a excited tone, "Imperialdramon. Ultimate Level. An ultimate Ancient Dragon Digimon that existed in ancient times. There is a clear distinction between it and other Digimon in terms of existence or ability. Also, Imperialdramon is called the Dragon Mode, but there seems to exist a "Fighter Mode" that is able to liberate all of its power. However, it is said that that form has never been seen. Due to its immense power, controlling it is next to impossible, and depending on how it is raised, it may become a savior or a god of destruction. Its Special Move is firing super-massive dark matter, swallowing everything in a dark space (Mega Death). This technique is a terrifying ability that completely annihilates everything within a radius of a few hundred meters around the impact-point of the dark matter." 

Meanwhile, Imperialdramon once again stands in front of Zhuqiaomon and shouts, "The warm-up is over! Now it is time for the real thing! Get ready, Zhuqiaomon. This time I'm going to bring you down!" 


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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