Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 290 – Culumon’s Rescue

Yamaki Mitsuo POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I watch as the members of the Wild Bunch continue to work tirelessly trying to create a program that will allow us to safely bring those kids back from the Digital World making full use of the Hypnos' facilities I offered them.

Suddenly, I hear Daisy-san as she asks after she finishes rewriting the code of the Ark's structure, "How about this?"

We all stop to look at the result and I have to admit that I'm quite impressed by what I see so much so that I can't help but honestly think, 'Not even I could have done a better job... As expected from one of the creators of the Digimon and one of the brightest minds on Network Science...'

At the same time, I notice a clearly frustrated Jian-yu-san as he sits in front of his computer with his hands behind his head and complains, "How long will it take to process? It's so slow!"

I move over and watch the screen, and I immediately notice that the computer is stalling as the processing bar moves back and forth while Babel-san calmly comments, "Nothing we can do about it. Those calculations are complex, after all."

Seeing that, I can't help but feel once again defeated as the processing power isn't enough and say, "So this is all we can do, even using the Hypnos System..."

I pause for a moment to think about the best way to improve the situation, and after a couple of seconds, I come up with a few drastic but effective solutions and say, "Then we'll need to..." but before I can continue, Babel-san interrupts me and says, "Don't worry about that."

Shortly after he said that, a chiming sound is heard coming from the computer that Babel-san is using and he immediately sits down and starts tapping the keyboard while saying, "We're getting help from friends all over the world."

Hearing that, Daisy-san walks over with a fond smile on her face as she says, "That brings back memories from when we helped each other create the Digimon." but Babel-san quickly rebukes her as he continues to analyze the data he just received from one of his friends, "You can get nostalgic later. The children's fate is in our hands." making Daisy-san's fond smile change in a confident one as she says, "I know."

Meanwhile, Jian-yu-san who is still waiting for the calculations to be done lets out a sigh and looks at the main screen where the overall progress of the Ark is shown and says, "Just wait, Jianliang, Shaochung, and everyone! We'll rescue you with this ark. Hang in there until then!" 

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

After the situation with Zhuqiaomon settles down, Jianliang moves closer to the two Holy Beasts hovering above us and asks, "Could you finish what you were saying earlier? Who is this true enemy?"

In response, Qinglongmon honestly explains, "We don't know what it is. Not even its name, for we have not been able to contact it. However, its purpose is clear. To elminate us Digimon."

Hearing that, a curious Ruki can't stop herself from asking, "How long has it been here?" making Qinglongmon answer, "Since the beginnings of the Digital World. However, it eventually vanished. It hid in a deep place."

Confused by this last piece of information, Takato repeats, "A deep place?"

In response, Qinglongmon's eyes start to shine in a bright azure light as the water around the collapsed Suzaku's Gate is vanished by Qinglongmon's power revealing the bare sea floor.

At the same time, a drawing of a big black full circle appears on the ground in the middle of the revealed circular area as Qinglongmon explains, "This is your human world, the Real World."

Shortly after he said that six other concentric circles appear around the full circle as Qinglongmon continues, "From there, one must go through six layers to reach the Digital World's physical layer."

After he said that, a seventh concentric circle appeared, but this one was much bigger leaving a much wider space between it and the sixth circle, and then, Qinglongmon said, "This is where you all arrived at first. That was the whole Digital World when it was created. In this place, our ancestors and the DigiGnomes lived. And... the true enemy."

At this point, Qinglongmon takes a long pause likely remembering the events of that time and after a few seconds, it continues, "However, at some point, the true enemy vanished from the Digital World. The true enemy created its own world outside of the Digital World."

Suddenly a dark shaded area appears much further away from the seventh concentric circle maybe to indicate the fact that the Holy Beasts know nothing about that "world" nor they are able to reach it as it is likely outside this Digimon Tamer Universe basically what it is representing is the Digimon Multiverse as a whole, not that someone will outright say what is it.

Then Qinglongmon continues with its story, "With the threat of the true enemy gone, the Digimon were at peace. As we evolved, the Digital World grew creating new, different worlds."

As Qinglongmon is saying those words, many smaller circles appear in the area between the seventh circle and the dark-shaded area.

Shortly after that, Qinglongmon concludes its introductory lesson on Multiverse 101, "Also, those of us who achieved the highest level of evolution created this domain, maintaining the order and stability of the Digimon and the Digital World."

While it is saying that, another thicker concentric circle appears right before the dark-shaded area, the eighth and last one representing the Realm of the Holy Beasts.

Shortly after that, Qinglongmon adds, "However, this evolution had an unforeseen consequence. It caused the true enemy to awaken from its slumber."

At this point, Zhuqiaomon, who was silent until this very moment, explains a detail that the group was missing until now, "The Digi-Entelechia is that which allows Digimon to evolve." making Qinglongmon add, "Although it is essential for the Digimon, it had to be hidden in order to stop the true enemy."

The upset Zhuqiaomon can't hold itself back from rebuking Qinglongmon again and says, "Still... Turning the Digi-Entelechia into a Digimon was absurd!"

In response to that, the dragon Holy Beast immediately explains itself, "That was not my doing!" making Zhuqiaomon ask with an annoyed shout, "Then whose?"

Right at that moment, a swarm of DigiGnomes flies between them with innocent smiles on their face as if what is happening has nothing to do with them making Takato exclaim as he notices their presence, "The DigiGnomes!"

Shortly after this, a second group of DigiGnomes brings the ghostly figure of Shibumi here, who comments, "I wanted to see what was going on in the Holy Beasts' domain with my own eyes, and before I knew it, the DigiGnomes had brought me here." 

Hearing that, Takato finally realizes, "So the DigiGnomes make wishes come true. Qinglongmon's, Mizuno-san's, and even mine!"

Then, quickly after realizing that, Takato approaches Shibumi and asks, "Mizuno-san, who's that "enemy" who was with the Digimon when the Digital World was created?"

Shibumi looks at us and after a few seconds of silence he says, "D-Reaper... An early program designed to eliminate useless data from the network. So that's what the Four Holy Beasts fear..." then he mutters in a very low tone, "How foolish... they still do not have a full grasp of the gravity of the situation even after all this time..."

Shortly after Shibumi says that Hirokazu steps forward and asks, "Are they strong?" making Shibumi look at him like he suddenly grew a third head before he says, "They? The D-Reaper is an individual entity, wherever it is. It's just a primitive program without actual intelligence or feelings... Or, it should have been."

Hearing that last part, Takato repeats and further asks, "Should have been? Then, it's different now?" making Shibumi calmly reply, "If it was still like that, the Four Holy Beasts wouldn't have anything to fear. Something must have happened to the D-Reaper, something like... outside... " 

Shibumi then suddenly pauses and mutters in a very low tone, "Huh? It seems that the time with this host is over..." before Shibumi suddenly disappears much to the surprise of everyone else.

At the same time, hearing his last words and combining that with his sudden disappearance and the information I already possess, allows me to have a somewhat clear picture of what happened, 'It looks like Shibumi awakened from his coma... and whatever was there with him returned back. But before doing that, he clearly implied that there is something strange and suspicious behind the activities of the D-Reaper...'

While I think that, Takato runs up to the place where Shibumi disappeared and yells, "Where did he go?" before he starts to look around searching for his ghostly figure.

At the same time, Jianliang also looks around searching for him and calling out his name, but I soon stop and tell them that he is no longer here and also point out that the DigiGnomes are now flying away as they fulfill his wish. 

Ryo POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

We listened to Xuanwumon's warning and his story about the true enemy and chose to not join the ferocious battle that his happening deep within the valley in front of us, and because of that, we are now simply standing here with Xuanwumon to witness the battle that could decide the fate of the Digital World. 

It is not like we can actually see what is going on as the valley is very, very deep, and Baihumon and whatever it is fighting are too far away to allow us to see anything at all, but even with this immense distance, the aftershocks of the battle can still be clearly felt which is astonishing. 

Suddenly a very powerful shockwave passes through us while the whole earth starts to shake and shortly after, the ground under my feet crumbles apart making me fall, but luckily Cyberdramon acts quickly enough, using his wings to fly, catching me and bing me up.

Meanwhile, shocked by what just happened, I continue to look down and see dozens of white flashes followed by other shockwaves that cause more parts of the area to crumble down

Seeing such a scene hints to me that the fight grew in intensity once more and can't help but exclaim, "What the heck is going on down there?" 

The very intense fight continues for some more time, until it stops all of a sudden, so sudden that I in fact start to worry about if something has gone wrong and mutter, "What happened?"

Shortly after that, I heard Xuanwumon's voice as it said, "It's calmed down." making me ask, "What happened to Baihumon?"

In response, one of Xuanwumon's heads looks down into the dark valley and says, "Baihumon is..." but before it can reply, an immense figure jumps out of the valley and lands a few meters away from us making the whole earth shake because of its size and weight.

The figure is an enormous white tiger with blue stripes, with four red eyes that look through a blue mask with white stripes and pointing ends at the sides. 

It wears spiked collars on its back legs and on its tufted tail, and metal guards on its front legs. 

Just like its fellow Holy Beast Xuanwumon, its body is encircled by twelve DigiCores.

(Image Here - Baihumon)


Seeing its fellow Holy Beast standing in front of it, Xuanwumon calmly comments without hiding the clear relief in its tone, "I am glad you have made it back, Baihumon."

At the same time, unable to hold back my curiosity, I bring out my D-Ark and use the Digimon Analyzer on Baihumon to find out more information about it and read out loud, "Baihumon. Ultimate Level. One of the Four Holy Beasts who protect the Digital World, it guards the West and possesses the attribute of steel. Reigning since the age of myth, it is a legendary being like the other Four Holy Beast Digimon, and its strength is said to equal that of a god. Also, although it is the youngest of the Four Holy Beast Digimon, its power is the greatest among the four. Its immortality and tremendous power are brought forth through its twelve Digicores. Baihumon is a neutral being just like Qinglongmon, and it isn't someone who will generally become an ally. Its Special Move is a wave emitted from its mouth which converts the opponent completely into metal (Kongou). The victim of this technique is unable to move while their body rusts, but they are unable to die until they have completely rusted away." 

Shortly after I read that, Baihumon lets out a weak roar before its limbs give away and the tiger Holy Beast falls ou the ground making the earth in the immediate surroundings shake once more, but now that it is closer to me, I notice the various wounds on its body that narrate just of fierce the battle it had with that unknown enemy was.

While I look at Baihumon's body as it weakly lies on the ground, Xuanwumon looks over at his fellow Holy Beast and says, "It appears he has used all of his power."

Hearing that, I can't help but comment, "Even Baihumon lost all his strength against this enemy, and that was just to hold it in place..."

In response to my words, Xuanwumon then says, "You seem to have come here looking for a fight, however... Baihumon risked its life to create this seal, and it will not be broken easily." following that, Cyberdramon adds, "I don't feel the enemy's presence here anymore. Let's go." 

Hearing that, I don't hesitate to jump on Cyberdramon's shoulders and as my partner starts to fly toward our next destination as he chases after his fated enemy, I look back at Xuanwumon and yell, "Looks like the true enemy appeared. We're going after it!"

As we quickly fly away, I hear the voice of the immense two-headed turtle Digimon as it says, " So the enemy's closing in on the Digi-Entelechia..." making me think, 'Digi-Entelechia? What is that...? Oh well, I will find out whatever it is once I get there if it is really that important...'

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

After Qinglongmon's info dump and Shibumi's sudden appearance and disappearance, Zhuqiaomon senses the appearance of the D-Reaper, and Qinglongmon tells us that Culumon may need our help and takes us to where Culumon is via a giant flying cloud.

On our way there, something joyous happens as Leomon's Digitama in Juri's arms hatches, and from it comes out Frimon a Baby II Level Digimon and one of the possible previous forms of Leomon.

Frimon is a Digimon with a feline tail and snout but no nose, he has yellow eyes and a crest made of membranes to imitate a mane that he also uses as armor to defend himself. 

(Image Here - Frimon)


The small Frimon looks up at Juri and says, "Juri... sorry... Leomon not strong enough... Juri sad..."

Seeing the small Frimon in her arms and hearing his broken words, tears of joy and relief start to fall from Juri's eyes as she hugs Frimon tighter telling him, "I'm sorry too! Because I wasn't a Tamer good enough I almost lost you forever." 

Shortly after saying that, Juri starts to cry even harder but soon the small Digimon gently reassures her by caressing her face with his small tail, something that makes Juri giggle and cheer up.

At the same time, Hirokazu brings up his D-Ark, uses the Digimon Analyzer on Frimon, and reads out loud for everyone to listen, "Frimon. Baby II Level. A Lesser Digimon possessing a frill on its neck. Its frill was made from a hardened portion of its hairs, and by covering its body with the frill when danger approaches, it can be used as "Armor" to protect its body. Since it is extremely full of curiosity, it has a habit of responding to anything that moves, but because it also responds to its own tail, it chases after it, and is often observed spinning in place. Increasing the centrifugal force in its long tail (Shippo Binta) is a power in itself, and it occasionally seems that even a Child Digimon will instantly faint if it is hit cleanly."

After that, the group starts to surround and talk with Frimon and Juri for the rest of the journey until we finally arrive at our destination.

Qinglongmon takes us to a deep canyon that is basically the huge, bottomless hole in the middle of the domain of the Four Holy Beasts, and shortly after, lets us down on top of a floating rock.

As soon as we are out of Qinglongmon's cloud, Jianliang looks down and asks, "Is Culumon down there?" followed by Terriermon who comments, "It is really deep."

Soon, I notice the presence of red blobs that are slowly rising up from deep within the hole, and I'm not the only one as Takato also notices them and asks, "What are those things?" 

But before anyone can answer, one of those red blobs touches a nearby floating rock that instantly disappears leaving nothing behind, shocking Takato who exclaims, "I-It disappeared!" followed by Jianliang who adds, "It's like it was instantly erased from existence."

Shortly after that, a worried Hirokazu asks, "So there are lots of those bubbles here?" followed by Kenta who also asks, "Will Culumon be okay?"

At the same time, Qinglongmon looks at those red blobs as they slowly float up and comments, "It has reached this far..." followed by an upset Zhuqiaomon who shouts, "True enemy, do you intend to taint our sacred land with darkness? You will pay!" before it dives into the canyon without any hesitation.

As Zhuqiaomon dives into the depth of this almost bottomless gorge, Qinglongmon explains, "That Culumon you are searching for is what allows us Digimon to evolve. However, the enemy has come to the Digital World searching for the same power."

Hearing that, a worried Jianliang asks, "Then, wherever Culumon is...?" but before he can conclude the question, Qinglongmon already replies by saying, "The enemy shall be there as well."

While the kids continue to discuss Culumon's situation with Qinglongmon, Ryo, and Cyberdramon arrive catching their attention.

Ryo jumps down from Cyberdramon onto the floating rock and immediately greets everyone, relieved of the fact that they are all together and fine. 

Suddenly, Zhuqiamon returns from the bottom of the canyon much to the shock of Takato and the others as its wings are gone, obviously erased by the D-Reaper making Qinglongmon comment, "The enemy's power is not to be underestimated. Whoever touches our enemy shall be reduced to nothing."

At the same time, witnessing Zhuqiaomon's state, Jianliang comments, "They really disappeared..." followed by Terriermon who adds, "If this is what happened to Zhuqiaomon, then no one in the Digital World will stand a chance!"

At this point, I decide that it is time to make a move and without missing a beat, my Digimon Incarnation steps forward catching the attention of Takato who calls me out, "Aegiochusmon?"

Takato's voice catches everyone's attention and all their eyes focus on my Digimon Incarnation who looks back at them and says, "It is way too dangerous for you guys to descend into this canyon to recover Culumon... So I'll go there in your place..." 

My Digimon Incarnation steps on the edge of the floating rock and comments, "But before doing that, I have to change in a more suitable form... Mode Change!"

Shortly after that yell, my Digimon Incarnation burns and makes the Spiral Cosmo within the Digicore explode which results in the Digicore unleashing an incredible surge of Cyborg-species attuned Data that generates a pillar of blue light that covers my Digimon Incarnation's figure.

Soon the pillar of blue light fades away revealing my Digimon Incarnation's new appearance, the changes aren't too drastic but still substantial as the difference between this and the previous form is still noticeable. 

First, the hair changed color becoming cyan, and the same thing happened to the fur of my goat legs that from brow also became cyan.

But the most drastic change is the armor covering the upper body that became more mechanical in appearance and is of a blue color with yellow details, furthermore, the left arm became much bigger and heavily armed.

In addition, the wing on the back became mechanical and much bigger compared to the previous form.

This is the Mode that my Perfect Level Digimon Incarnation takes when it leans toward the Cyber-species Data within my Digicore, a form that I will call Aegiochusmon: Blue, which means that the form that leans toward the Dragon-species Data within my Digicore will be called Aegiochusmon: Red from now on.

(Image Here - Aegiochusmon: Blue)


Jayr (Aegiochusmon) POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

While everyone is surprised by my Mode Change, Ryo brings up his D-Ark, uses the Digimon Analyzer, and starts to read out loud, "Aegiochusmon. Perfect Level. A God Man Digimon which synthesized the abilities of various species, using a humanoid body as a base. This synthesis of species is said to have resulted from the pursuit of the ultimate state, or omnipotence, dramatically altering its appearance to match its surroundings. This form is composed of data taken from the Cyborg-species, so the Cyborg-species data lying dormant within its body focuses itself on its upper body, particularly its left side, centered upon the crystal in its chest. It is equipped with a release for the characteristic power of the Cyborg-species, and a lock-on function which doesn't miss its designated target. Its gigantic left arm, the "Mechanization Powered Arm", has the ability to attach and detach, and is able to independently pursue and attack a locked opponent. Its Special Moves are firing a beam from the fingertips of the "Mechanization Powered Arm" (Penetra-laser), and flying and slashing the opponent with the wings equipped to its back (Wing Cutter). Furthermore, it can charge energy in the palm of the "Mechanization Powered Arm" while it's still attached, then release it in a charge at the enemy (Powered Ignition)." 

Hearing that, a confused Jianliang asks, "What is going on? He clearly changed but he is still at the Perfect Level...?"

I smile and explain, "This is Mode Change, an evolution-like ability that is available to certain Digimon species that have multiple forms, or "Modes." When a Digimon undergoes a Mode Change, they transform into another mode of that species, this does not change their Evolution Stage but it does change their abilities."

After explaining that, I don't waste any more time and jump into the canyon, spread my mechanical wings and activate the trusters on my back quickly speeding up toward Culumon before more of the D-Reaper can surface from the bottom of this almost bottomless gorge.

On my way down, I destroy all the red blobs I encounter by firing countless beam from the fingertips of my gigantic Mechanization Powered Arm that despite its hefty size has quite a bit of speed and agility. 

Even more so considering the fact that has a range of movement way wider than the organic arms I'm used to as it has the ability to attach and detach to independently pursue and attack a target just like a funnel from the Gundam Franchise. 

Something that makes me almost giggle like a fool as I feel like I became a Zeong and I have to put a serious effore in holding back from quoting the great Char Aznable and yell, "I came here to laugh at you!" 

With the Mechanization Powered Arm clearing the way by spamming Penetra-laser to erase the blobs of the D-Reaper, I quickly find Culumon, and once the cute Digimon is in my arms, I quickly fire a concentrated beam from the fingertips of my gigantic Mechanization Powered Arm ariming at the walls of this gorge to cause a collapse and temporarily block off the surging blobs before I start to fly up to return back to my Main Body's group.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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