Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 291 – The Real True Enemy Moves

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

After my Digimon Incarnation dived down the almost bottomless abyss to rescue Culumon and started to eradicate all the D-Reaper blobs standing in his way. 

Qinglongmon also notices the change and comments in an impressed tone, "Oh... He stopped the true enemy's advance... That is quite an impressive display of power."

Hearing that, Zhuqiaomon acknowledges it by letting out a humming sound before it says, "Indeed... Despite the fact that he is at the Perfect Level, his sheer power is already more than comparable to the strongest of the Ultimate Level Digimon. If we want to repel our true enemy we will surely need more Digimon like him."

After some time, my Digimon Incarnation returns with Culumon in his arms much to the joy and relief of the kids, and then, now that Culumon is rescued, the group doesn't waste any time and quickly retreats back close to the Suzaku's Gate with Qinglongmon and Zhuqiaomon where they kids finally relax as Culumon is finally safe and back with them. 

At this point, Jianliang smiles and comments, "Well, now we can go home." making Takato nod and agree while Guilmon adds, "Guilmon wants to go home!"

But suddenly, the earth starts to shake as far off in the distance, the D-Reaper's red bubbles erupt like a geyser from within the gorge erasing the glass-like tear structure together with four different stone arcs connected to it that is suspended above the almost bottomless canyon.

Seeing this scene, Zhuqiaomon stares at the gorge and declares, "No matter what happens... I shall protect this world!"

At the same time, Cyberdramon let out a growl and said, "I can feel it. It's moving again." making Takato ask, "W-We'll have to fight again? Will the D-Reapers appear?"

Shortly after Takato asked that the geyser-like D-Reaper erupts again shooting up in the sky with such force that it starts to pass through the various layers of the Network and starts to even affect the Real World, and then it recedes back for a few moments before it erupts again. 

Watching those continuous eruptions, Ryo comments, "That damm D-Reaper... It's like it's scaring us on purpose just to enjoy itself."

Meanwhile, Shaochung is indeed getting scared by what is happening but soon Lopmon walks up to her and says, "Fear not, I am with ye."

At the same time, as the D-Reaper continues to erupt and recede, a huge two-headed snake-head turtle Digimon who I easily recognize as Xuanwumon, the Holy Beast that guards the North, approaches asking, "What was that commotion? Is it doing something again?"

I also notice the presence of an enormous white tiger with blue stripes, which is obviously Baihumon, the last of the Four Holy Beasts and the one that guards the West.

In response to Xuanwumon's question, Zhuqiaomon lands in front of them and says, "Indeed. The true enemy is willing to attack us at last."

Hearing that, Baihumon further asks, "Has the time come for us to make our resolution?"

In the end, Qinglongmon joins its fellow Holy Beasts and tells Culumon, "You, who bears the Light of Evolution. Digi-Entelechia. I always believed that we should not pursue any evolution out of boundaries... and as such I wished for your light to be sealed away. The Ancients made my wish a reality and gave you the shape of a Digimon. However... We are out of time."

Hearing that, Culumon doesn't hesitate to leap toward the four Holy Beasts, spread its wing-like ears, and flies in the middle of them making a confused Terriermon ask, "What's with Culumon?" which makes Jianliang reply, "I don't know..."

As Culumon continues to slowly rise up, Takato also asks, "What's going to happen?" making me explain to them, "Culumon is about to do its part to protect this world."

Soon Culumon is floating above the four Holy Beasts looking down on them as Xuanwumon starts by saying, "To protect our land..." followed by Baihumon, "To protect our people..."

Then Zhuqiaomon requests, "Please give our light back to us!" followed by Qinglongmon who asks, "Digi-Entelechia... no, Culumon. As a Digimon, you were granted a soul. At this time, what is your wish?" 

In response to their pleas, the cute Digimon honestly replies, "Culumon wants to do what he can, culu." before he closes his eyes and joins his hands together as he slowly starts to spin in place four times before the mark on his forehead starts to shine in a golden light.

Then as I this spectacle in awe together with the kids, Qinglongmon requests, "Ancients, grant Culumon his wish!"

In response to Qinglongmon's request, countless DigiGnomes start to swarm around Culumon until they join together and a faint figure that glows in an assortment of colors in the rainbow spectrum appears behind him, the figure shape reminds me of a humanoid Culumon more or less, making me theorize that it is likely one of Culumon possible future evolutions.

Soon after that figure appeared behind him, Culumon shouts, "Shining Evolution!" unleashing a blinding rainbow-colored light that spreads and lights up the whole Digital World. 

The power of that rainbow colored light causes every Digimon in the Digital World to evolve to their Ultimate Levels and then, the evolved Ultimate Level Digimon gather around Culumon so that they can help fight the D-Reaper making the kids and their Digimon exclaims.


"A lot of Digimon appeared!"


"The Light of Evolution guided them."

Excited from seeing all those new and powerful Digimon gathered together, some of the kids even use the Digimon Analyzer on some of the Digimon that are constantly appearing one after the other to identify them.

"Griffomon. Ultimate Level. A fusion Digimon which possesses the head, wings, and forelegs of a Bird Digimon, and the body of a Beast Digimon with a snake-like tail attached to it. Although it is able to fly about the skies with its wings, it is said that it usually inhabits desert regions and mountain caves. Also, Griffomon's offensive power is extremely great, and because it makes sport of enemies with its keen movements, it is difficult to analyze any way to defeat Griffomon. To make the best use of those abilities, it serves as a guard defending against illegal penetrations of the Internet, and is used for the security of confidential information. Its Special Move is producing an extremely high-frequency sound wave, which obliterates the opponent's data structure (Supersonic Voice)."

"Hououmon. Ultimate Level. A holy Digimon that possesses four wings that shine gold. It is the head of all Bird Digimon, and is said to be the one that presides over Holy-species Digimon. While Holydramon is the ultimate form of Beast Digimon, Hououmon is the ultimate form of Bird Digimon. As proof that it is a Holy-species Digimon, it draws holy power from where it holds its two "Holy Rings", and it is understood that the power possessed by Hououmon is unfathomable. Its Special Move is solemnly flapping its four wings, causing it to rain golden grains (Starlight Explosion). It is said that those who suffer this technique have all of their wickedness purified."

"Pukumon. Ultimate Level. A British Punk Digimon that was born when Britain's strongest hacker caused a mutation in a computer virus in which they had poured all the knowledge they possessed. Although its size is small, it has a rebellious personality that contends for first place even in the Digital World. It can't help picking fights, no matter whether the opponents are stronger or weaker than itself. Although settling disputes with fist fights is considered its normal style, it has a Special Move "Needle Squall" as its ultimate weapon, in which it launches its super-hard spines all at once from its metal head made from Chrome Digizoid."

Suddenly, I hear Juri exclaim, "Ah!" and turning my head toward her I notice that Frimon in her arms is also evolving as his body is shining and growing bigger.

Soon the light fades away revealing his new form, he now has the appearance of a lion cub with a tuft of red fur and a Holy Ring around his neck.

(Image Here - Liollmon)


Seeing that, I quickly bring up my D-Ark to use my Digimon Analyzer and read out for Juri, "Liollmon. Child Level. A Holy Beast Digimon which has a golden coat. There seems to be very few surviving individuals, so its existence was not confirmed until recently. It is a Digimon with very intense territoriality, so it doesn't show mercy to those who enter its territory, even if they are the same species of Digimon. When it is on alert, the hair on its head becomes tinged with static electricity, and it is said that it produces a sound when threatened. Its Special Moves are cutting the opponent to pieces with its sharp claws (Lio Claw), and aiming at the opponent's vitals with its fangs (Critical Bite). Although "Critical Bite" has the explosive power to take down even Adult Digimon with a single blow, its success rate is low." 

Hearing that, Juri hugs Liollmon and says, "I'm so glad you evolved again, Liollmon... You are still very cute in this form."

In response, Liollmon shakes his head and says, "I'm glad too... I can't wait to evolve again to my Adult Level so that I can better protect you." 

At the same time, some other kids like Kenta and Hirokazu also recognize some of the Digimon that are arriving thanks to their previous knowledge making them exclaim.

"That's Boltmon!"

"That one is Plesiomon!"

"And that's... um... Gran Kuwagamon! And... and..."

"Woah! Those are War Greymon and Metal Garurumon!!"

Looking at this scene, I can't help but smile slightly while thinking, 'I have to admit that I too am moved by such an impressive sight, after all, these are all Ultimate Level Digimon and their combined force is more truly something that very few universes in the Omniverse can repel.'

While I think that, an excited Takato yells, "They're all Ultimate Digimon! They all evolved and came here to fight the D-Reaper!"

Shortly after Takato says that Culumon's body stops releasing that rainbow-colored light and an exhausted Culumon starts to fall toward the group, but he is quickly caught by Ruki who gently says, "Great job, Culumon." 

Guilmon also praises the cute Digimon by saying, "Culumon, you're an amazing Digimon." which makes the exhausted Culumon smile.

At the same time, Takato asks, "But what happened to the DigiGnomes?" making Jianliang answer, "They used their bodies to spread Culumon's light to all those Digimon."

Hearing that, Juri comments with a sad tone in her voice, "So they granted Culumon his wish..."

Suddenly something impacts the ground behind us creating a small crater, and curious Kenta heads over to check what happened and notices that a Digimon is buried in the ground making him mutter, "What's this?"

Kenta then helps the Digimon by pulling it out from the ground and is surprised by his appearance, so much so that he exclaims, "Huh? This Digimon is an Ultimate too?"

The reason behind his surprise is that the Digimon in question is very small, and has a very cute and harmless appearance, the name of this Digimon is Marine Angemon.

Marine Angemon is a small, pink Digimon whose body looks like that of a small seal, but it ends up as a floating spirit and has two long ears and wings. 

It has green eyes, a red heart-shaped mark on its chest, and a Sacred Ring around its neck. 

(Image Here - Marine Angemon)


In response to Kenta's question, Ruki brings out her D-Ark and uses the Digimon Analyzer before she read out loud, "Marine Angemon. Ultimate Level. A rarely-sighted Fairy Digimon that inhabits the Net Ocean. Although it possesses the name "Angemon", biologically, it is actually of a completely different family from the Angemon-species. The ring worn around Marin Angemon's neck is called a Holy Ring, and it is thought that there is some sort of connection between the ring and holy Digimon as Digimon such as Tailmon or Angewomon have been observed wearing the ring. The letters engraved on the ring have yet to be deciphered at present. Although it generally dislikes combat, its Special Move "Ocean Love" makes all of its opponents lose their fighting spirit, allowing it to attain victory as a result." 

MarineAngemon stares at Kenta for a few moments before it immediately latches itself onto Kenta's leg making him yelp and ask, "W-What? You came here to fight, didn't you?" 

Hearing that, Marine Angemon let go of his leg and again looked at him making Kenta further question him, "Shouldn't you go with the others?"

In response to his question, Marine Angemon dives into Kenta's chest as if hugging him making Kenta comment, "What a weird Digimon..."

Shortly after saying that, Kenta gently grabs Marine Angemon and sends him over to the other Ultimate Level Digimon while saying, "Come on, you should go over there!" making the reluctant-looking Marine Angemon fly toward the other Digimon.

Yamaki Mitsuo POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

I'm standing in the command center of the Hypnos Organization as I continue to monitor the situation while listening to the news reports coming from the various television channels.

"Reporting from above the West Shinjuju area, Which has been ordered to evacuate due to multiple earthquakes. This mysterious earthquake's epicenter and magnitude cannot be calculated by any computer. Could they be related to those giant creatures who appeared and wreaked havoc in West Shinjuku?"

While listening to that news, I continue to unconsciously flick open and close the silver Zippo lighter I always carry with me while thinking, 'If we're being affected this much, how are they doing on the other side?'

Shortly after thinking that, I stop playing with my silver Zippo lighter, hold the communication earpiece's microphone closer to my mouth, and ask, "What's the status? Have you finished the transport yet?"

On the other side, I hear Jiang-yu-san's voice as he replies, "We're almost done... just a little longer." that is quickly followed by McCoy Robert-san's agitated voice as he barks orders, "Daisy, run another check! Babel, Curly, get the path calculations done!"

Hearing that, I can only anxiously wait as I resume to flick open and close the silver Zippo lighter keeping the communication channel open and listening to their chatter as they try to work as fast as humanly possible while also making sure that there are no errors in their work. 

After what almost seems like an eternity, I once again hear Jiang-yu-san's voice as he yells, "The Ark is finished!" which makes me let out a sigh of relief while the people around me start to cheer and clap their hands.

Meanwhile, hearing that, I do not waste any time, and quickly send an e-mail to the communication device I've left with the kids to give them the good news. 

At the same time, I yell to Reika to contact the children's families and tell them that their kids are about to return back from the Digital World.

After some time, Jiang-yu-san joins me as we start to install the Ark program into the Hypnos system so that we can use its massive memory to send the Ark into the Digital World.

While we are waiting for the installation process to be done, Reika returns and says, "I contacted the children's families." making Jiang-yu-san thank her for her work.

Reika remains standing in place and asks, "Can I ask you something?" making Jiang-yu-san reply, "Yes, what is it?"

Having his permission, Reika doesn't hold back her curiosity and asks, "What is the Ark, exactly?"

In response, Jiang-yu-san calmly explains in simple words, "It's a long-planned interface that connects humans and the network. It was now revived as a ship to rescue our children."

While he was explaining that, I noticed that the installation process was complete, so, I started to input the commands while also preparing the counter program that I would send to the kids so that they could match the timing, and then I grabbed the microphone of my communication earpiece and give further instructions to the kids that will be automatically written and sent to their communication device, "First, a trail of light should appear. Go to where that trail ends. The Ark will appear through it. I'm sending you the counter program."

After that, Jiang-yu-san takes my place and starts to work on the Ark program with his friends of the Wild Bunch while he speaks what is going through his mind out loud, likely a habit he has to keep himself focused on what he is doing, "It took us three weeks to calculate the Ark's flight path. If they don't get there in time, I don't know when we'll get another chance. Make sure you don't miss it!"

Jayr - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

While we continue to watch as more and more Ultimate Level Digimon join the Four Holy Beasts, suddenly, Takato receives an e-mail on his communicator making him exclaim, "It's from Yamaki-san!"

Hearing that, Jianliang rushes toward him and asks, "What is it?" making Takato read the e-mail out loud, "The Ark is Finished. Get on it and come home."

In response, an excited Kenta asks, "We can go home?" followed by Ruki who asks, "But what's the Ark?" making Jianliang explain, "It's a transport. Mizuno-san made us board it the other day."

Curious, Guilmon looks at Terriermon on Jianliang's shoulder and asks, "A transport?" making Terriermon jump on top of Guilmon's head and reply, "It's a ship. I got on it too!"

At the same time, Shaochung picks up Lopmon and starts to run around while cheerfully shouting, "All right! We're going home!"

Seeing that, Jianliang smiles and says, "Yes, we are all going home." followed by Takato who says, "Yeah!"

A few minutes after that first e-mail a second one arrives and again Takato reads it out loud for everyone to listen, "First, a trail of light should appear. Go to where that trail ends. The Ark will appear through it. I'm sending you the counter program."

Shortly after Takato finished reading that, the screen of the communication device changed showing the number 40:00 which quickly changed to 39:59 the next second.

This tells us that we have around 40 minutes to find what Yamaki called "the trail of light."

At the same time, Ruki asks, "We have to find that trail of light before the counter reaches zero?" making Takato exclaim in panic, "Only forty minutes left!"

At this point, we quickly move toward the group formed by Qinglongmon, the other Holy Beasts, and the Ultimate Level Digimon who came here to fight off the D-Reaper and tell them about the message we just received.

While this is happening, I hear Terriermon asking hi Tamer, "Hey, Jian, shouldn't we fight too? But if we miss this chance... We don't know if we'll get another one."

At the same time, Qinglongmon understanding the reclutance of some says to reassure them, "Tamers. We, the Digimon, shall protect the Digital World. You may go back to your world." followed by Zhuqiaomon who says, "Digimon that evolve with humans... I have yet to accept your way of living. Still, if that is the path you chose, I shall no longer question you. You may go with these humans!"

Hearing that, Lopmon kneels down and says, "God, I cannot express enough gratitude for your lenient judgment." followed by Terriermon who jumps down from Jianliang's shoulder and lands in front of Lopmon before casually waving his hand and saying, "Thank you, God!"

Shortly after that, Jianliang looks at me and suggests, "Pucci-sensei, I think that we should go back to the place where we first appeared here. We'll search for the trail of light there."

Hearing that, I smile and say, "Good idea, Jianliang. The lowest layer is the closest to the Real World and very likely the place where we can find the trail of light."

After I said that, Qinglongmon called out, "Culumon." before it said, "From now on, you may live like a Digimon." in response, Culumon smiled brightly while declaring, "Culumon is a Digimon!"

Qinglongmon raises its head to the sky while saying, "Farewell, Tamers!" before summoning another cloud that envelopes our group and sends us off, and as we start to fly away, Takato yells, "Goodbye, Four Holy Beasts!"

But as we head off, however, the D-Reaper suddenly erupts again and a single one of D-Reaper's bubbles insidiously leaves the cluster that pierced through the sky, broke through all the layers, and is now heading to the Real World, and touches the cloud, erasing it completely and making us all fall to our possible death much to the kids and non-flying Digimon's fright.

As the kids start to scream in panic, I do not hesitate to use my Telekinesis to grab all their bodies and stop their fall making it look like it is my Digimon Incarnation who is doing this as I say through that body, "Don't worry! I got us all... Do not agitate as I will safely bring everyone back to the ground!"

In response, Takato and the others start to thank and compliment me, well, my Digimon Incarnation to be more precise, but it is the same thing.

"Thank you, Aegiochusmon!"

"We are very lucky that you are on our side..."

"I don't want to even imagine what could have happened if we hadn't met you."

But as I slowly bring the kid and the Digimon back toward the ground, I suddenly hear a strange creepy laugh.

Shortly after that, I notice a dark rupture opening in the space close to us, in fact, it opens right in front of Cyberdramon, and from it, a small black orb shoots out at faster-than-light speed and before I can react, it hits Cyberdramon pushing him away from us it.

All happens so fast that none of the kids actually realize what happened while most of the Ultimate Level Digimon are still distracted by the D-Reaper's last eruption, the only ones that notice that something is wrong are the Four Holy Beasts.

Then the orb quickly expands and imprisons Cyberdramon within it without actually harming him. 

Seeing that, I quickly start to gather my Spiral Cosmo to break Cyberdramon out of that prison, but the next instant something incredible happens within the orb, and it happens in an instant, so fast that I can't actually do anything but watch as I realize that the time within that orb is extremely compressed with means that within that orb, time is moving much, much faster than the time outside it.

Inside the orb, Millenniumon suddenly appears and grabs Cyberdramon with his four arms using each hand for each one of Cyberdramon's limbs, holding him in place in a crucifix pose, then one of Millenniumon's phantasmal arms swipes Cyberdramon forcing something out of his body and causing Cyberdramon to revert back into Monodramon, his Child Level form.

Monodramon is a small purple dragon with metal claws and golden plates on the pronghorn, horn, shoulders, and backs of the hands. 

He has two red stripes starting from his shoulders, and on his arms, he has small bat-like wings.

(Image Here - Monodramon)


Meanwhile, the thing that was forced out of Cyberdramon's body appears as a purple shadow enclosed in a crystal. 

This shadow has two heads with red eyes, one resembles that of Mugendramon and the other that of Chimairamon.

Thanks to the fact that I've played quite a few Digimon games in my previous life, I can easily recognize that thing as Moon Millenniumon, and because of that, I know that shit is truly about to hit the fan.

(Image Here - Moon Millenniumon)


The reason behind that conclusion is that as soon as Moon Millenniumon was ejected by Cyberdramon's body, it rushed into Millenniumon merging into one being.

Shortly after that, Millenniumon's body starts to shine in a bright light, and at the same time, it goes through tremendous change, growing even bigger until it touches the border of the black orb. 

Then the light fades away revealing its new form, a form that I recognize as Zeed Millenniumon.

Zeed Millenniumon appears as two spirits with draconic features that wrap around themselves, they have one arm each and form a single body. 

The purple one resembles Mugendramon's features, while the brown one resembles Chimairamon. 

In addition, there are four green bands hovering around its body that from what I can sense act as some kind of restrain for its power. 

(Image Here - Zeed Millenniumon)



I can only watch everything that happened within that orb without being able to interfere in any capacity as it happened so fast that from my point of view it almost all happened at the same time in a single moment, the only reason I could actually follow what happened is because nothing can escape my 9 senses through the use of my Cosmic Awareness no matter how impossibliy fast it is happening.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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