Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 292 – The Hero and The Digimon

Jayr - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

Immediately after Millenniumon completes his evolution into Zeed Millenniumon, it doesn't waste any time in breaking out of the time-compressed black orb in which it trapped itself and Cyberdramon while shouting with a voice that is so powerful that it echoes all over the Digital World, "Finally! After so many attempts I'm complete again and free from that damned usurper!!"

Of course, the sound of the black orb, where time is compressed, breaking that is akin to that of glass shattering amplified many times, its massive body that easily rivals the Four Holy Beasts, imposing malevolent presence, and powerful voice make so that everyone notice his "sudden" appearance making the kids exclaim.

"What is that thing!?"

"How did it get here all of a sudden?"

"Is it another Ultimate Level Digimon who came to help fight the D-Reaper?"

"It's scary..."

"Ruki, be careful. I feel an incredibly malicious presence from it, the likes I have never felt before. Even Megidramon's presence appears tame compared to this Digimon. Whatever it is... it isn't friendly..."

"Is it another form of the D-Reaper?" 

Meanwhile, I also see that Ryo noticed Cyberdramon's disappearance as shortly after his attention was caught by Zeed Millenniumon, he glanced at his side to look for his Digimon Partner and immediately noticed that he wasn't by his side anymore making him exclaim and call him out, "Wait, Cyberdramon is not here! Where is Cyberdramon!? Cyberdramon!" 

At the same time, I use the Telekinesis to grab the falling Monodramon and safely bring him back to our side away from Zeed Millenniumon who, after letting out that deafening shout, is now staring at the pulsing globe above in the sky that represents the Real World with both of its heads.

Once he is close to us, Monodramon calls Ryo out to catch his attention, "Ryo! I'm here, but something terrible happened!"

Hearing Monodramon's voice, Ryo turns his head and his eyes widen as he lands his gaze on Monodramon, before he quickly asks, "Monodramon? What happened? How did you degenerate back to your Child Level?"

At the same time, the other kids also take notice of Monodramon and exclaim in surprise while Hirokazu uses the Digimon Analyzer on him and reads out, "Monodramon. Child Level. A Small Dragon Digimon that has bat-like wings attached to its hands, but is unable to fly. Despite being a Vaccine, its personality is not so much considerably rough as it is near to brutality, giving the impression that it is a brawl-loving Digimon. Even in the Digital World, this Monodramon is in the heart of most brawls enough that it seems even Orgemon is fed up with Monodramon's tenacity. Also, the horn extending behind it is said to be its weak point, but how true this is is uncertain. Its Signature Move is fragmenting the data of the area it bites, and based on the area the opponent was bitten, they collapse into malfunction (Crack Bite). Its Special Move "Beat Knuckle" is a simple bold move in which it said to assault with earth-shattering force, and wallop with its powerful claws."

Meanwhile, hearing his Tamer's question, Monodramon briefly explains, "I don't know how it happened. One moment, I was flying beside you as we were approaching the ground, the next I found myself trapped in a strange black orb and when I looked around, I noticed that everyone outside the orb was standing still as if frozen. Then, before I could actually make sense of the situation, I felt the presence of my fated enemy closer than ever, and shortly after, Millenniumon appeared by ripping open the space within the orb and grabbed me holding me in place. After that, it said something about a "Perfect match found" and other strange things like that, like it was analyzing me before swiping me with one of his phantasmal claws." 

Following a sharp gasp from Juri, Shaochung, and some of the others, Monodramon calmly continues his story, "Strangely Millenniumon's attack didn't actually harm me, but at the same time, I felt a part of me leaving my body, and my energy drop until I degenerated back to my Child Level. But what is even stranger is that after he did that, for the first time since I hatched, I actually felt at peace. I no longer felt the urge to search and fight for my fated enemy. Then, before I could bask in that peace, I noticed that the thing that Millenniumon separated from my body was some kind of strange crystal with a dark shadow within that said something about some unexpected change in this universe's intended course giving it the chance to speed up its plans for its revival before it rushed into Millenniumon causing it to evolve into that thing." 

At this point, Ruki doesn't hesitate to bring out her Digimon Analyzer and use it on Zeed Millenniumon who is still staring at the representation of the Real World while the Four Holy Beasts are carefully surrounding it and read out loud, "Zeed Millenniumon. Ultimate Level. A Wicked God Digimon flying freely between space and time, it is a king of evil that is still trying to destroy all eras and worlds. Although a Digimon will become a Digitama if defeated in battle, there are very rare occasions when it has instead been reborn from within the corpse of its data. According to one theory, when Millenniumon died in a furious battle, the dark soul it possessed was reborn as Zeed Millenniumon. Also, as for the bands which wrap around Zeed Millenniumon, it is said that they are like chains which suppress its abilities, but it is unknown who could cast such a spell on Zeed Millenniumon. However, it is foretold that if it is released from this spell, it will rain unfathomable destruction upon the Digital World. Its Special Move is "Time Destroyer", which consigns hostile opponents to oblivion across space and time. So far, no one who has been brushed off by this technique has returned alive from space and time." 

While this is happening, Qinglongmon warily stares at Zeed Millenniumon, who has finally stopped looking at the pulsing globe up in the sky that represents the Real World, and asks, "Who... What are you? What are your intentions?"

But before Zeed Millenniumon can say anything, Zhuqiaomon replies, "Wait, Qinglongmon! I feel the presence of my creations within this Digimon! I don't know what happened, but I can clearly feel the two hunters I created some time ago to deal with the Tamers... But I sensed that they were defeated by the Tamers together with the last two remaining Deva and vanished without a trace."

Hearing that, Xuanwumon comments, "Maybe, they were heavily damaged, but then the Light of Evolution unleashed by Culumon may have allowed them to fuse together into this being..." but Baihumon shakes his head and says, "I don't think so... Did you guys already forget? This one just yelled that it was finally complete and free... Furthermore, do not ignore the clearly malevolent presence and the constant heavy malice that is emitting. In my long life, I've never felt anything like it. I feel that even our true enemy pales compared to the being in front of us." 

At this point, Zeed Millenniumon starts to chuckle before it says, "Kukuku... I always find amusing just how foolish the "gods" of the various universes are. But in the end, it is a good thing after all, their predictable attitude makes it extremely easy for me to manipulate them and the various events in such a way that benefits me."

Feeling offended by Zeed Millenniumon's words, the more hot-tempered Zhuqiaomon shouts, "How dare you...!" before it flaps what remains of its wings and from them, it fires swirling flames comparable to solar prominence that burn everything in their path.

In response to that, Zeed Millenniumon chuckles again and it swipes its left arm creating an enormous tear in space-time that swallows Zhuqiaomon's swirling flames before closing shortly after doing that.

After easily dealing with Zhuqiaomon's enraged attack, Zeed Millenniumon mocks the Holy Beast, "It's a useless effort... I fought Holy Beasts like you many times before and they were never able to put any kind of resistance against me! Even the Chosen Children were powerless before my immense might! Chrono Paradox!!"

Then Zeed Millenniumon turns its body while firing two destructive atomic rays from the mouths of both its heads that hit and freeze in space-time the Four Holy Beasts rending them powerless in a single move much to the shock and horror of the kids and all the other Digimon.

Shortly after taking care of the Four Holy Beasts, Zeed Millenniumon turns both its heads to look at us as it says, "There is only one individual that was ever able to truly stop me and that was my hateful Partner! We both share the same power, which is why only He was able to defeat me. We are the shadow and the light, and neither can exist without the other... Isn't that right, Ryo?" 

Hearing that shocks not only the kids and the Digimon, but also Ryo himself, and even I admit to being surprised by that revelation, after all, even if I loved the Digimon Franchise in my previous life, I didn't know everything about it, in fact, most of what I know comes from the anime and a couple of games I played before.

Ryo stares back at Zeed Millenniumon and yells, "What are you talking about? I've never seen you before today and for sure you aren't my partner! Monodramon is my partner!"

Hearing that, Zeed Millenniumon roars with such force that the very fabric of time and space starts to tremble in response to it, "Don't talk about that usurper!! I AM your true Partner!!!" 

But soon, Zeed Millenniumon reigns in his fury and chuckles once more before it says, "Kukuku... I almost forgot. It's natural that you don't remember me, after all, this isn't the first time you lost your memories because of the effects of traveling from one universe to another. Moreover, because of what happened the last time we clashed, the way we arrived in this particular Universe was also quite different from the other ones." 

Hearing that, Ryo can't stop himself from asking, "What do you mean by that?"

In response, Zeed Millenniumon calmly starts to explain, "Well, to answer that I have to give you a little bit of our backstory considering that you forgot everything, after all, I don't want my Partner to be totally in the dark." 

Shortly after saying that, Zeed Millenniumon crosses its arms and starts to narrate, "Our story is like many others in this vast multiverse, it talks about a powerful Digimon and a Hero. The story starts when a group of Chosen Children save the Digital World defeating two powerful enemies but those in order to survive decide to fuse together to create a new more powerful Digimon, said Digimon is overwhelmingly powerful and takes over the Digital World, shaping it to its will, and taking the Chosen Children and their Digimon captive. But one of those Digimon escapes and starts to call for help. A Hero answers the call, and slowly but surely works his way up, diminishing the powerful Digimon's dark power, clearing away obstacles between himself and the powerful Digimon, and saving the trapped Chosen Children until one day he defeats the powerful Digimon." 

I have to admit that despite its monstrous appearance, Zeed Millenniumon is an excellent narrator as everyone is listening to his story with rapt attention as it continues its narration, "But that was only the start as the powerful Digimon returns after several months, and this time it decided to play a game with the Hero that defeated it before and lures it back to the Digital World by creating a clone of an enemy that the Chosen Children defeated recently, then once the Hero is back, the trap springs and the powerful Digimon creates a replica of the Digital World and traps the Hero into it, separating him from his friends. Despite that, the Hero and his friends once again defeat the powerful Digimon by chipping away its wicked power of both original and replica worlds simultaneously." 

Zeed Millenniumon's two heads focus on Ryo as it continues to tell us his and Ryo's story, "After its second defeat at the hands of the Hero, the powerful Digimon realizes that the reason why the Hero is able to defeat it is because there is a connection between them as the two share the same power and realizing that the powerful Digimon decides to gather its strength to eventually face the hero a third time. The third clash between the powerful Digimon and the Hero happens shortly after the second one as the allies of the Hero realize that the powerful Digimon is still alive and so they decide to organize a tournament to strengthen the Hero for his third encounter with the powerful Digimon. At the end of the said tournament, the Hero once again finds the powerful Digimon, and the two fight once more, and once again the powerful Digimon is defeated by the Hero, but right at the end of the battle there is an explosion, and the Hero and the powerful Digimon are blown from the normal flow of time and space."

Finally, Zeed Millenniumon gets closer to the conclusion of their story by narrating, "Because of that explosion, the Hero and the powerful Digimon take a trip through time to, supposedly, the future. However, something went wrong and the Hero was catapulted into the past, where he met a subroutine of Yggdrasil called ENIAC, after the first programmable digital computer, and a Digimon that became his partner later on. The Hero learns of the origin of the Digital World and he also learns that the powerful Digimon seeks to gain control of all realities and rid the future of the resistance he currently faces. In the end, the Hero seeks the aid of fellow Tamers and Chosen Children to help defeat the powerful Digimon. He does so with ENIAC's aid which is able to make the Hero traverse time and different realities. The Hero saved 5 chosen Tamers and their Digimon from the threat they were facing before they lent him their Digimon as thanks while fending off the Digimon that the powerful Digimon had sent to take over ENIAC's world. On the other hand, the powerful Digimon had also made clones of 4 of the most powerful Tamers and Chosen Children it had encountered until now to fight off the Hero."

At this point, Ryo and everyone else are totally entranced by Ryo's and Zeed Millenniumon's exciting and unbelievable story. 

The most affected by it are obviously Ryo, Kenta, Hirokazu, and Takato, especially the last three who gasp, let out excited shrieks, and have other similarly loud reactions whenever Zeed Millenniumon's narration touches a point of interest.

Zeed Millenniumon stares at Ryo with its two heads and says, "Eventually the Hero confronts the powerful Digimon in a world in the far future as ENIAC's last ditch attempt to save the whole multiverse before the powerful Digimon can take over it..."

Zeed Millenniumon makes a long pause to let the word sink in before it concludes, "At this point, it is pretty obvious who I'm talking about... You see during our last confrontation, you and the one you call your partner weakened me enough to allow that damned usurper to force a Jogress Evolution with me thinking that it was the only way to actually defeat me once and for all by fusing us together into a single Digimon and degenerating us back to our Digitama state." 

After saying that Zeed Millenniumon snorts and says, "Luckily I already knew that something like that could have happened thanks to my powers that allow me to see many possible futures and look at many possible universes. So, just before that fateful battle started, I used my powers to the fullest to change and set up a few things here and there across the various universes that could facilitate my revival. You know the usual things. Corrupting a couple of Archangel Digimon to cause some chaos and destruction throughout the Digital World. Twisting the mind of a human scientist in such a way that causes a war between the Real World and the Digital World so brutal that Yggdrasil itself would be forced to act. Making another powerful Digimon collects Negative energy which is then fed to an object called Code Crown to transform it into the Dark Stone which will then be used to bring all dimensions under his rule and rid the world of humans who he views as imperfect beings thanks to some mild manipulation." 

Hearing what Zeed Millenniumon just described, Patamon can't help but whisper in my ear, "Jayr, it is just me... or what Zeed Millenniumon just described sounds awfully familiar? I mean those seem like the plots of Digimon Frontier, Digimon Savers, and Digimon Xros Wars we watched not too long ago..."

In response to that, I can't help but subtly nod while thinking, 'Indeed, Patamon just took the words right out of my mouth, what Zeed Millenniumon just described sounds just like what happened to Lucemon from Digimon Frontier, to Professor Akihiro Kurata in Digimon Savers, and to Bargamon in Digimon Xros Wars.'

'Furthermore, I remember reading somewhere the theory that Zeed Millenniumon was also the one who implanted the Dark Seed in Ichijouji Ken turning him into the Digimon Kaiser and behind the creation of the Dark Masters and Apocarymon in the Digimon Adventure Universe and if those theory have a semblance of truth, it would mean that Zeed Millenniumon is in fact the one behind almost every wrong thing in the Digimon Multiverse which I am aware of.'

While I'm thinking that, the mouths of both, the Mugendramon-like head and the Chimairamon-like head, become arched as a smirk-like expression appears on Zeed Millenniumon's faces as it continues, "... Or I helped mutate a dormant program of one particular universe into an Artifact of Doom and influenced a certain government organization in that same universe, all to facilitate the creation of a device that would have the side effect of reverting a Digimon's data that would also help in reverse the forceful fusion between that usurper and me."

Hearing that, most of the kids and Digimon gasp in horror while Jianliang can't stop himself from asking, "Wait a moment! Does that mean that you are the one behind the mutation of the D-Reaper in its current state!?" 

But Zeed Millenniumon ignores Jianliang's question and continues to focus on Ryo by saying, "Back to the core of the matter. After my "defeat" you were given the option to either return to your old universe or go to a new universe. At this point, my last fail-safe measure was activated, nothing too drastic or intrusive that anyone could actually realize that something was wrong. I just amplified your thirst for adventure a bit, just enough to make you dismiss the choice to return back to your original universe in favor of the more exciting choice of visiting a new universe. After all, as I said before you and I are shadow and light, and neither can exist without the other this means that I wouldn't have any chance to revive myself without your presence in one of the many possible seeds I created throughout the various universe."

After this shocking revelation, Ryo can't help but shout, "Wait a minute! What you just said isn't possible! It is impossible that I'm from another universe or something like that! My parents are here, living in the Real World, and they are my real parents!! What are you saying makes no sense at all!!"

At this point, Zeed Millenniumon finally answers Ryo's current and previous questions, "Now that you know the "whys" and "hows", it is finally time to tell you the "what". Indeed, the ones in this universe are indeed your real parents and you are the Ryo that was born, grow up, and lived in this universe..."

Hearing that, confuses Ryo even further as he mutters, "Then..." but before he can continue, Zeed Millenniumon interrupts him and says, "But you also aren't only that Ryo! You see when you decided to travel to a new universe, you did so with a digital body and that digital body when it appeared in the new universe unconsciously sought to return to the Real World and got attracted to a "distress signal" that was basically calling for it because it was heavily damaged. Because of that, the digital body that just arrived from another universe merged with the material body of this universe becoming a single entity without any sign of rejection because, after all, they are a perfect match. Now that I think about it, the humans have a concept pretty similar to what happened to you... I think they call it Transmigration if I'm not wrong..." 

Zeed Millenniumon's words explode like a bomb in the mind of Ryo and the others, and even I have to admit that this is quite a surprising revelation for me, but in no way as shocking as it is for Ryo and the kids, after all, I have read and seen so many reincarnation and transmigration stories that I have literally lost the count, in fact, my own personal experience is already full of things like that I won't even blink if I encounter a former Demon King that was forced to reincarnate into a Human baby only to be betrayed and killed after it became a Hero and have his soul transmigrate into a pig become the most overpowered pig in his world that will then transform into a handsome Demi-Human to have his revenge or live a laid back life or something along those lines. 

At the same time, I can't help but take a closer look at Zeed Millenniumon as it calmly stares at the shocked Ryo without making any move other than freezing the Four Holy Beast and think as I realize that something feels off, 'This is very suspicious... Why is Zeed Millenniumon calmly telling us everything like that? From what I can see it is clear that Zeed Millenniumon is an evil Digimon who still didn't give up its ambition to take control the whole Digimon Multiverse and shape it in its image... So why it is so passive? The only thing it did was freeze the Four Holy Beasts when they attacked it, but then it simply started to talk... It is almost like it's wasting... time- Shit!'

As soon as I realize that, I immediately use my Cosmic Awareness to observe the situation from a higher point of view and quickly notice a few concerning issues. 

The first issue that I noticed is that Zeed Millenniumon is slowely but surely taking control of the time-space of not only the Digital World but also the Real World turning them into a true chaotic mess. 

This is already quite bad as it basically makes it impossible for everyone else but Zeed Millenniumon to easily use any space or time related abilities. 

Then there is the issue related to the D-Reaper, as a part of the D-Reaper left the Digital World and is now attacking the Real World throught the Network deleting all the data it finds crippling the digital infrastructures of the Real World while also preparing the ground from its invasion of the Real World, just like it did in the anime.

In addition to that, the D-Reaper that is present here in the Digital World is actually condensing itself into a single massive blob of doom and it is starting to produce its agents to fight off the Ultimate Digimon present here and attack the Real World en masse.

But without any doubt, the most concerning issue is the massive build up of Time-Spece energy that is quietly gathering within Zeed Millenniumon and from the slight tremble in the structure of this universe and a few nearby ones, it is clear that Zeed Millenniumon wants to rip open a portal to those universes to bring something here, and from the story it told us a few minutes ago, I already know that nothing good will come out of it as Zeed Millenniumon loves to mess around with the Digimon Multiverse and summon or create subject to test its opponents before making a move itself.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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