Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 293 – Prelude to the Final Battle

Jayr - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

While everyone is still shocked by Zeed Millenniumon's revelations, I realize the gravity of the situation and try to snap them out of their stunned state by yelling, "Wake up! This isn't the right time to focus on that!"

Hearing my shout, Takato quickly snaps his head in my direction and says, "But Zeed Millenniumon just said that Ryo-san is-" but before he can continue, I interrupt him and say, "That's not important! Even if what Zeed Millenniumon just told us is true, that isn't our priority at the moment."

Shortly after I said that Jianliang also snapped out of his stunned state and said, "Pucci-sensei is right! Right now our most important priority is to return back home. Takato, how much time we have left before to find that trail of light?"

In response to Jianliang's question, Takato pulls out the communication device that Yamaki gave us, and looking at the counter on the display he exclaims, "T-This is bad! We only have 20 minutes left! We wasted more than half of our time listening to Zeed Millenniumon's story!!" 

Hearing that, Ruki can't help but exclaim, "Say what!? How could so much time pass? Sure it said a lot of things, but that should have taken 5 to 10 minutes at most!" 

At the same time, Hirokazu starts to panic as he shouts, "Ah! We have to hurry up and find a way back!" but Terriermon instead asks, "Shouldn't we remain here and help the Digimon fight Zeed Millenniumon and the D-Reaper?" making Jianliang reply, "No, our first priority is to safely return back to the Real World!" followed by Kenta who comments, "Moreover, the situation was already bad enough with only the D-Reaper, but now there is also Zeed Millenniumon to worry about! This is getting out of hand fast."

Right at that moment, Takato exclaims again, "Ah! The counter suddenly dropped to 10 minutes before jumping up 25 shortly after, it is going crazily back and forth!!" which makes Juri ask, "What is going on here!? Is it some kind of computer bug or something like that?"

Hearing that, I can't help but frown while thinking, 'This is clearly the result of Zeed Millenniumon affecting the time-space of this universe... at this point, I even doubt that the Ark created by the people of the Wild Bunch will even be able to reach the Digital World, even less so bring back the kids this means that to bring them back I have to forcefully rip open a portal for them. It is clear that this situation is already too much for them to handle. If the enemy was only the D-Reaper then I could have simply let the events develop by themselves with minimal intervention on my part. After all, without the despairing Juri powering it, the D-Reaper is a lot weaker and less effective than its "canon" counterpart. But now with Zeed Millenniumon's presence, things have turned really too unpredictable for my liking, to the point that I'm not even sure if I ensure their safety.' 

While I'm thinking that, I focus on Zeed Millenniumon who is still calmly watching us without doing anything yet as it continues to expand his control over the time-space of this universe and grimace as I continue that train of thought, 'The reason for that is very simple. Zeed Millenniumon isn't a normal Ultimate Level Digimon that while incredibly powerful are still at the level that I can easily manage. But the current Zeed Millenniumon is in a class on its own, as it is one of the few absurdly powerful Super Ultimate Digimon. An unofficial classification that is sometimes given to certain exceptionally powerful Ultimate Digimon who surpass the standards of power of conventional Ultimate Level. Basically, they are at the very top of the Digital World. Beings whose power is more than enough to universally affect, create, and/or destroy spaces whose size corresponds to three to five higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal model... In simple words, a level of power equal to mine and that is while Zeed Millenniumon is still in that "chained" state that limits its power...'

I suddenly snap out of my thoughts as I hear Takato's voice while he complains and asks, "This is impossible! The counter continues to constantly change! H-How are we going to find that trail of light in time?"

But before I can calm him down, Zeed Millenniumon's deep voice is heard as it chuckles and says, "Kukuku... I don't think you guys will be able to return back to the Real World... not when that little program I mutated is messing around with the human's network."

Hearing that, Jianliang asks in shock, "What!? The D-Reaper started to attack the Real World too?" making Takato, who is clearly worried about his parents and everyone else living in the Real World, exclaims, "We have to find a way to return and stop it!"

In response, Zeed Millenniumon laughs before it says, "Kauhahaha! No, the D-Reaper, as you call it, isn't attacking the Real World, yet... to do that, it needs a little ingredient before it can unleash all its beautiful destructive potential... Ah right! I almost forgot to do that!"

Shortly after Zeed Millenniumon said that its eyes briefly lit up in a white light, and at the same time, I sensed the nearby space ripple in response to Zeed Millenniumon's will and energy.

I immediately sense that the space ripples are originating from Ryo's position and in response, I do not hesitate to release my Spiral Cosmo and warp it around his body to protect him and interfere with whatever Zeed Millenniumon is trying to do. 

But it is useless because even if my energy output is equal to that of Zeed Millenniumon, its mastery over space and time is way above mine and with that advantage, it is able to bypass my protection.

As a result, Ryo's figure flickers for an instant before he disappears as he is actually teleported away from here in an instant much to the shock of Monodramon who yells, "Ryo!!" 

Seeing Ryo simply disappear like that scares and shocks everyone, and at the same time, Ruki glares at Zeed Millenniumon and asks, "What did you do with him?"

In response, Zeed Millenniumon calmly answers, "I just sent my Partner back to the Real World..." but before the kids and the Digimon can relax, Zeed Millenniumon chuckles and adds, "Kukuku... with a piece of the D-Reaper!"

At this point, its chuckles become a fully evil laugh as it explains, "Kuhehehe! I'm pretty sure that at this very moment, the D-Reaper is assimilating Ryo and using his energy to expand, adapt, and evolve. After all, in his current mental state there is no way that Ryo will be able to fight off the D-Reaper's influence!"

Shortly after saying that, Zeed Millenniumon shouts in an excited tone, "Until now, I've always been defeated whenever I fought Ryo, but it won't happen again! This time, Ryo will be on my side and nothing will stop me from winning! I'll destroy all eras and worlds and create a new one as its supreme ruler!!"

Hearing that, I can't help but click my tongue while Patamon mutters, "How devious... So not only did Zeed Millenniumon do that long speech to buy time for the D-Reaper to damage the human network but also to mentally shake Ryo so much that his defenses against the D-Reaper's influences would have been at the lowest possible all at the same time... Are we sure that Ryo is its true partner? Because I feel that it and Aizen would click well..."

In response to Patamon words, Wormmon nods and says, "Indeed, Zeed Millenniumon surely is very dangerous not only for its sheer power but also for its sharp mind... Remember the story it told us, it revealed that it was able to defeat and trap all the Chosen Children before reviving their past foes as their captors just to spite them while taking control of the Digital World. In addition, it has knowledge of multiple timelines and universes of the Digimon Multiverse and is able to manipulate them in order to increase his chances of victory or find a chance to return back from a defeat... This is truly a scary opponent to have."

V-mon snorts and says, "That may be true... but that doesn't change the fact that it can be beaten. Ryo was able to do that four times already! I'm sure that we will be able to do it too!" 

At the same time, hearing Zeed Millenniumon's declaration, Takato steps forward and yells, "No! You won't win! Because we will stop you!"

In response to Takato's words, Ruki steps beside him and adds, "We will find a way back and save Ryo!" following her, Jianliang also steps beside them and shouts, "And together we will protect both the Digital and the Real World, and all the beautiful creatures living in them!" 

A grin forms on both of Zeed Millenniumon's faces as it asks, "Kukuku... How are you going to do all that when you won't ever be able to leave this place?! You see as we are talking the D-Reaper is deleting everything connected to the human's network making it impossible for them to send over that Ark that the humans had worked so hard to create..." 

Shortly after saying that, Zeed Millenniumon spreads its arms wide open and yells, "But you don't have to worry about that so much, after all, you are all going to die here! Dimension Over!!"

Immediately the whole Digital World starts to shake as three enormous, swirling dark portals appear behind Zeed Millenniumon, some of the more fragile worlds even outright collapse under the astonishing energy unleashed by Zeed Millenniumon.

Soon after that, the three dark portals vanish and in their place, three enormous Digimon appear, and seeing them, I can't hold myself back from cursing, "Shit...! Of all the Digimon it could have summoned, why did it summon those three... Apocalymon, Armagemon, and Arkadimon..."

Apocalymon takes the form of a blue-skinned humanoid with dirty white hair, and yellow eyes, wearing a black cape with red trimming, a grey helmet with yellow markings, and a scar on its left eye. 

Its arms are long with black bands on the forearms and its hands are larger than normal hands and have red claws. 

From the waist down, it is a giant planetoid-sized polyhedron with pyramidal platforms the size of a planetoid that can bring out giant metal claws on dual helix chains. 

This is the Digimon who was the actual last boss of the original Digimon Adventure, and just like Zeed Millenniumon, it is also regarded as a Super Ultimate Level Digimon.

(Image Here - Apocalymon)


Then there is Armagemon, a gargantuan Digimon with a body resembling a wingless, violet dragonfly with black plates. 

Like other members of its evolution line, which is the Diablomon line, it has intricate markings around its eyes. 

Its head is draconic, with two horns, wide jaws, and green eyes. 

This Digimon can be considered even worse than Apocalymon, not only is its previous evolution the last boss of a Digimon Movie that was powerful enough that the Chosen Children needed to bring out Omegamon to kill it, but Armagemon itself is even worse as it was able to defeat both Omegamon and Imperialdramon and in the end they were only able to defeat it thanks to Omegamon giving what strength was left in him to Imperialdramon, transforming him into Imperialdramon Paladin Mode who, with one stab of his sword, slew Armagemon. 

(Image Here - Armagemon)


Lastly, there is Arkadimon that is another gigantic Digimon that floats in the air, and whose body is made of a gray armor from which hundreds of black tentacles emerge in place of its arms and lower body, which is dome-shaped, its head has red eyes, and a pair of long antenna made from more of its tendrils. 

Gigantic eyes also leer from what was once its shoulder blades, it also has two small black wings, and more tentacles on its back, basically the wet dream of tentacle lovers.

It is the smallest among the summoned Digimon and it can be considered the weakest among the three and not very well known, but even then, it is still regarded as a Super Ultimate Level Digimon just like Apocalymon and Armagemon that is able to easily stand toe to toe with them. 

(Image Here - Arkadimon Super Ultimate)


Seeing the sudden appearance of the three, enormous, menacing Digimon, Jianliang, Ruki, and Takato do not waste any time in bringing up their D-Ark and use the Digimon Analyzer function to identify them.

The first one is Jianliang who quickly reads out loud, "Apocalymon. Ultimate Level. A mysterious Digimon that appeared when negative thoughts gathered through dark power. None know its true identity, and whether this thing is a Digimon cannot be analyzed. Although the reason for its appearance is unconfirmed, it is thought that it seeks to purge the chaotic Digital World and return it to "Nothingness". According to one theory, there is a prophecy of Apocalymon's coming in a book of ancient prophecies. Its Special Move is generating an endlessly spreading darkness, which returns everything to "Nothingness" (Darkness Zone). It is said that those engulfed by this darkness lose their sense of orientation in every direction, and are annihilated. This is...!"

Followed by Ruki shortly after as she reads out, "Armagemon. Ultimate Level. A Super-Ultimate Digimon that was born when Diablomon's Babies fused in large quantities, causing a mutation. Diablomon had the ability to make many copies of itself, but they were characterized by having lesser abilities than the original possessed. However, by producing Babies in large quantities and then fusing them, it did not disperse its abilities, but instead was able to attain power greater than Diablomon by condensing them into one being. Also, Diablomon-species Digimon are special Digimon that are affiliated with neither light nor darkness. Its Special Moves are firing energy shells from its back into the sky, which fall like rain as scattered beams (Black Rain), and a destructive energy wave emitted from its gaping maw (Ultimate Flare). Super Ultimate...?" 

In the end, Takato also reads out the information projected by his D-Ark, "A-Arkadimon Super Ultimate. Ultimate Level. A form of Arkadimon Ultimate that grew further by absorbing the energy it generated through battle. Capable of rocking the ecosystem of the Digital World, it is now known to surpass Ultimate due to the fact that it possesses immense power. Its Special Moves are its indefensible "God Matrix", where it instantly disassembles anything into data composed of 0s and 1s with invisible waves, in addition to "Dystopia Lances", where its innumerable tentacles absorb data from Digimon and attack energy by simply touching them. M-My god... all three of them are incredibly powerful..."

After listening to what Takato, Jianliang, and Ruki just read about the three Digimon that come out of the dark portals created by Zeed Millenniumon, Hirokazu, Kenta, Shaochung, and Juri's mood worsens even more.

"This can't be true...!"

"It's a nightmare!"

"Is this truly the end?"

As the kids start despairing in front of such overwhelming odds, I let out a sigh and step in front of them while thinking, 'Now that the situation degenerated like this, there is no point in hiding my true capabilities...'

Shortly after thinking that, I tell the kids and their Digimon with a tone full of confidence, "Don't worry about them, I, Aegiochusmon, and my partners will take care of Zeed Millenniumon, Apocalymon, Armagemon, Arkadimon and protect the Digital World from the D-Reaper with the help of the Ultimate Level Digimon that are present. You guys should focus on what is happening in the Real World and saving Ryo."

Hearing that, Takato can't help but ask, "But... Pucci-sensei! H-How are we going to return back to the Real World? Zeed Millenniumon said that the Ark that Yamaki-san and Jian's father were working on won't be able..."

But before he can continue, I interrupt him and calmly say, "I understand that after everything that has just happened, you guys forgot about it, but I told you guys many times that I have a way to safely bring you back to the Real World..."

While saying that, I open a big portal to my Soulbound Territory under our feet, and shortly after the Athena's God Bidoof emerges from it.

Thanks to that, I, my Digimon Partners, the kids, and the rest of the Digimon in our group find ourselves standing on top of the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof as she starts to slowly float up from the ground, much to the shock and surprise of the kids who start to look around exclaim.

"Woah! We are flying!"

"What is this!? Some kind of airship?"

"Awesome! It's a spaceship!"

"From where did Pucci-sensei pull out something like this from!?"

I quickly clap my hand to attract their attention and explain, "This is my trusted companion the Athena's God Bidoof. The best ship you will ever see in your lives, she has accompanied me in my adventures since I was only a handsome 13 years old young man. Of course, she went through a lot of upgrades since then. Anyway, she will be the one to bring you back to the Real World." 

Shortly after saying that, I call out, "Bidi!" making the incarnation of the Athena's God Bidoof emerge from the floor of the deck right next to me with a bright smile on her face as she asks, "Yes, Jayr-nii?"

I smile back and request, "Please, bring the kids back to the Real World using Perceptual Teleportation, as at the moment, it is the only way to forcefully travel across the space under Zeed Millenniumon's control."

Bidi nods, beats her budding chest, and proudly says, "Don't worry, Jayr-nii! With me, the kids will be safe and sound!"

While she is saying that, I take a look at Zeed Millenniumon and the other three Multiverse Ending Digimon who are still calmly waiting for us without doing anything, very likely because Zeed Millenniumon is enjoying playing this game of cat and mouse with us.

Shortly after looking at them, I ask, "How is the state of your energy reserves?" making Bidi calmly report, "Overflowing! The Spiral Engine produces way more Spiral Cosmo than I'll ever need! I can basically fire off the main cannons constantly for a week and still not feel any strain!"

Hearing that, I nod and mutter, "Good... that means that I can fight with my full power without having to worry about that. It has been quite some time since I truly fought together with my Partner..." making a nearby Jianliang look at me and ask, "Eh? Fight? Together?"

Shortly after I say, I feel a small smile forming on my face as my Spiral Cosmo starts to fiercily burn within my body causing the clothes on my upper body to explode leaving me only with my pants as I call out, "Come, my most trusted Partner! Crateris!"

Under the shocked gaze of the kids and their Digimon, Crateris appears in its Constellation Form beside me in a flash of light before it disassembles itself into the various pieces of armor that quickly equip onto my body by themselves one after the other following the classic sequence of legs, waist, arms, body, shoulders, and head.

After donning the Crateris Cloth, I look at the kids who are looking at me with their eyes and mouths wide open, and with a confident smile on my face, I calmly explain, "Well... To tell the truth, I forgot to tell you one thing about me, I'm not a simple school teacher. Leave this to me."

Shortly after saying that, I ignore the stares of the stunned Jianliang, Takato, Ruki, Juri, Hirokazu, Kenta, and the curious Digimon, look at Bidi and say, "Bidi, safely bring the kids back to the Real World, and once there help them in dealing with the D-Reaper and saving Ryo..."

While saying that, I suddenly remember a small detail about the anime, 'Wait a moment! If they go to the Real World like this, the kids won't be able to use the Matrix Evolution to fuse with their partners and evolve to the Ultimate Level... which means no Sakuyamon, Saint Galgomon, and Gallantmon... Sure, Guilmon can still evolve into Megidramon, but that may not be enough...'

Realizing that I immediately steathly use a combination of Metamorphosis Magic, Spirit Magic, and Evolution Magic to grant them the ability to digitize their bodies in the Real World just like the Four Holy Beasts did in the canon, of course, without the need to sacrifice the good old doggo Digimon and make a little girl cry.

Shortly after doing that, I start to walk toward the bow of the Athena's God Bidoof with my Digimon Incarnation walking beside me and my Digimon Partners calmly following behind me as I say, "Bidi, hurry up and lead the kids and their Digimon inside and quickly head to the Real World, I clearly sense that the D-Reaper has started to its invasion of the Real World." 

In response, Bidi smiles brightly and says, "Leave it to me, Jayr-nii!" before she quickly pushes Takato's group into the Athena's God Bidoof.

I continue to calmly walk toward the bow of the Athena's God Bidoof and my attention is briefly caught by an enormous pillar of crimson mass that emerges from the almost bottomless gorge and pierces through the sky making me think, 'It seems that Ryo is outputting much more energy for the D-Reaper compared to Juri... Its expansion is much faster and way more aggressive than the one I saw in the anime. It can clearly be seen by that enormous pillar of crimson mass that emerged from the almost bottomless gorge... from what I can sense, not only is quickly expanding toward the Digital World but it is also about to produce its agents to initiate its attack...'

While thinking that, I arrive at the edge of the bow, pull out my D-Ark, and shout, "V-mon, Wormon, Patamon. Are you guys ready?"

In response, V-mon cheekly replies, "I'm always ready for a good fight! This is going to be epic!" followed by Wormmon who says, "This is going to be a very hard fight, but yes, Jayr, I'm ready too."

At the same time, Patamon lands on top of my head, and with a chuckle, he says, "Hehehe... you truly shocked those poor kids, they almost pulled off a perfect Enel's face... Anyway, I'm more than ready to Muda Muda Muda the evil out of those Digimon!"

Hearing that, I smile, jump down the Athena's God Bidoof with my Digimon Incarnation and my Digimon Partners following after me, and start to manipulate my Spiral Cosmo inputting it into the D-Ark as I yell, "Patamon! Warp Evolution!!" 

I feel the D-Ark absorb my Spiral Cosmo and Emotions and transform it into Data, sending it to Patamon through our bond, and in response, his body starts to shine so much that he generates a pillar of colored light that completely masks his evolving body as he calls out, "Patamon, Warp Evolve...!"

Soon after that, the pillar of light fades away as Patamon fully evolves to his Ultimate Level and calls out the name of his current form, "... Goddramon!"

Shortly after that, on our way down I continue to send my Spiral Cosmo into my D-Ark as I say, "V-mon, Wormmon, it is your turn! Warp Jogress Evolution!"

Immediately after my command, the bodies of Wormmon and V-mon start to shine and get attracted to each other before they join together and unleash another huge pillar of light that covers them as they call out.



""... Warp Jogress Evolve...!""

Soon after that, V-mon and Wormmon merge into one, single, more powerful body whose power and presence are much more than the simple addition of the two parts, and the new Digimon calls out his name, "... Imperialdramon: Dragon Mode!"

Shortly after evolving, Imperialdramon flies below me allowing me and my Digimon Incarnation to land on his back, as we all start to fly toward Zeed Millenniumon and its three allies, Apocalymon, Armagemon, and Arkadimon.

At the same time, I see that a huge green portal appears in front of the Athena's God Bidoof behind us, a sign that Bidi is using her Perceptual Teleportation.

Shortly after that, she rushes into the portal that closes immediately after her as she disappeared from the Digital World.

Sensing that Bidi and Takato's group were able to safely leave the Digital World, I let out a sigh of relief before I fully focus on Zeed Millenniumon and its Multiverse Ending allies as what will likely be the last battle for the safety of this universe.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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