Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 294 – Return to the Real World

Takato POV - Space-Time Hole, Athena's God Bidoof - 2001

We continue to follow the strange young girl who appeared out of nowhere through the long, wide, and clean corridors of this ship, and I can't help but look around in wonder as the inside of this spaceship looks more like the inside of a mansion than anything else, and I'm not the only one as I hear Hirokazu, Kenta, and Juri also exclaim in awe of what they are seeing.

From time to time the ship shakes which I admit worries me a little, but seeing that the little girl that is leading us and is around our age is very calm about it, I think that there is nothing to worry about.

After walking for some time, I hear Jian's voice as he wonders out loud, "It is just my impression, or does the inside seem a lot bigger than it should actually be?" 

But before anyone else can say anything, the strange young girl, who if I remember well Pucci-sensei called Bidi-san, cheerfully replies, "You are not wrong, the inside is indeed much bigger than the outside. The reason for that is that when Jayr-nii rebuilt me, he did so while thinking about the possibility of us hosting quite a lot of people so he decided to enchant me with Space Magic among other things giving me the ability to expand or shrink the space inside my body to my liking. I can be as big as I desire, but usually, I keep the space inside the size of a small village or so. After all, restrictive space does not go along too well with the human psyche." 

Hearing what Bidi-san just said I can't help but tilt my head as I mutter in confusion, "Space Magic?" followed by Kenta and Hirokazu who also repeat in perfect sync, "Rebuilt...?"

At this point, Jian can't help but politely ask a series of questions that have surely swarmed in his mind since we stepped onto this ship, "Bidi-san... What is going on here? Who are you? What was that armor on Pucci-sensei? And how did this ship suddenly appear under us? What did Pucci-sensei mean when he said that he wasn't a simple school teacher?"

Hearing all those questions, Bidi-san stops, turns around, and looks at us while holding her chin in a thinking pose while muttering, "Etto... what is the best order to answer those questions...?"

After a few seconds, she claps her hands and exclaims, "Got it!" before she smiles brightly and starts to answer our questions, "Well, first of all, I'm Bidi but my full name is actually Athena's God Bidoof and I'm actually the very ship that is taking you guys back to the Real World! Nice to meet you! I'm the best and cutest ship in the Omniverse! At least that is what Galen-chan and Kharna-chan tell me." 

I would like to yell that she is mocking and making fun of us, but after everything that I've experienced since I came to the Digital World, the idea of a talking and thinking spaceship isn't that absurd, in fact, it is pretty tame compared to some of the things we have witnessed and heard, even more so, considering Ryo-san and Zeed Millenniumon's story that contains other parallel universes, time travel and other things like that, things that I admit do not want to even think about at the moment, even more so when the fact that Guilmon is made up of Data already almost made me go through an existential crisis and only thanks to Pucci-sensei's words that I was able to confront the issue.

Bidi-san completely ignores our reactions to her words as she continues, "Regarding where you guys are and what is happening... Well, at the moment we are moving through a space-time tunnel that I created and are on our way toward the Real World as we speak... on that note, sorry about the constant shaking, but that Zeed Millenniumon guy has made the Space-Time continuum very messy and chaotic, but do not worry I can handle things like this without any problem. After all, Jayr-nii rebuilt me very sturdy. This whole universe could collapse onto me and I would still be fine!"

Once again Bidi-san said some atrocious and scary thing as if they do not matter at all, I mean, she just told us that she can shrug off the destruction of our whole universe, I actually have no idea of what that even means but it sounds nonetheless very scary.

Bidi-san then turns around and gives us a sign telling us to follow her as she continues, "Then your questions regarding Jayr-nii are a bit more complex, but to make you guys somewhat understand, I'm going to explain it very briefly. Jayr-nii is a very special person. When he was very young, he trained very hard to become a Saint, a title given to noble warriors that fight to protect the world under the guide and leadership of the Goddess Athena..."

At this point, Ruki can't stop herself from interrupting Bidi-san and shouting, "Are you kidding us!? A warrior fighting under the Goddess Athena? That Greek Goddess? How is that even remotely possible!?" but Jian quickly tries to reason, "Well, after everything we went through, is that really so strange? I mean, if Digimon and other parallel universes exist, who are we to deny that gods also exist somewhere..." 

Shortly after Jian said that Renamon also added, "Ruki, what he said is true. And I still remember the first time we encountered that man, he was able to move faster than I could react. At the time, I dismissed that because my mind was too occupied by other thoughts, but now that I think about it, that was pretty suspicious, after all, he moved faster than many Digimon I fought before at that point." 

Bidi-san stops in front of what looks like an elevator's door that opens up shortly after revealing that it is indeed an elevator, and then she steps into it and invites us to do the same with a simple gesture before she says, "What the serious looking boy said is right, gods do exist at the very least, it is so in the universe from where Jayr-nii and I come from."

Hearing that, we all stand still as the elevator starts rising for a few moments digesting the words that just come out of her mouth before we all shout.


Despite our reaction, Bidi-san calmly ignores it and continues to answer Jian's previous question, "Now, talking about the armor that Jayr-nii was wearing when we left, is a very special armor, it is called the Crateris Cloth modeled after the Crateris Constellation and one of the 88 Cloths donned by the Saints of the Goddess Athena. Crateris is sentient and it is Jayr-nii's first and oldest partner, which is literally as Crateris is a few million years old or so. They have been together since Jayr-nii was a year or two older than you guys and they went through many adventures and defeated many powerful opponents together among which there are warriors that can be comparable with Perfect Level Digimon, Gods, and even incredibly powerful beings capable of powers beyond your comprehension! When they fight together they are at their strongest!" 

After saying that, Bidi-san looks at Renamon and says, "So don't feel too bad about the fact that you couldn't react to Jayr-nii's speed, because if he wanted, you wouldn't even be able to see him move unless you evolve to the Perfect or even Ultimate level."

Shortly after Bidi-san said that the elevator reached its destination and the doors opened once more before Bidi-san walked out of the elevator.

We unconsciously follow after her, too stunned by what we just heard to say or do anything else.

Bidi-san leads us into a big room that looks like one of those spaceship bridges that I have seen in anime before making me look around in awe and for a few moments, I even forget about the shocking revelations that Bidi-san has been dropping on us.

Once we were in the middle of the bridge, Bidi-san looked at us and said, "Take a seat whenever you want, we are going to arrive at the Real World soon. Once there, I'm first going to fly around to check the current state of the situation regarding the D-Reaper while you contact your families. After that, I'll drop you whenever you want."

At this point, we all start to relax, but just as we are about to choose where to sit, we all suddenly hear a strange but also pleasant sound.


We all start to look around to search for whatever let out that sound, until I hear Kenta gasp and focusing on him, I notice that he is looking at something that it is moving from within his pocket.

Shortly after that, a shining bulky, hand-sized device comes out of Kenta's pocket making him exclaim in surprise, "Eh? A D-Ark?" 

Then the small, familiar figure of Marine Angemon also comes out of Kenta's pocket holding the D-Ark, whose shining light just faded away, and it immediately looks at Kenta with a bright healing smile on its face.

Seeing that, I immediately realize what happened and I'm not the only one as Kenta shouts, "I see! I get it now!"

Kenta picks up Marine Angemon and raises it up in the air while cheerfully shouting, "Marine Angemon was my partner all along! Hahaha! My partner is an Ultimate Level Digimon, Marine Angemon!" 

We start to give our congratulations to Kenta while our Digimon start to welcome Marine Angemon and after that, we decide to sit and admire the strange spectacle on the screen that shows us what is happening outside this spaceship.

Basically, at the moment, the ship is moving through a strange but beautiful green glowing space that, from what Bidi-san explained to us, is actually a corridor-shaped sub-space whose two endpoints are very close together but connect to far distant locations in real space that she created and is maintained using a special type of energy called Spiral Cosmo.

She also said something along the lines that this corridor-shaped sub-space also negates the effects of time dilation, the speed of light, and instantaneous acceleration, but to tell the truth, I do not clearly understand what those words mean but still sounds quite incredible considering how proud Bidi-san is to be able to do something like that on her own.

As I'm looking at the screen that shows the green glowing space around us, I can't help but let my mind wander toward what we are going to find on the other side and unconsciously mutter my thoughts out loud, "From what Zeed Millenniumon said, it is clear that the D-Reaper is now invading the Real World making use of Ryo-san in some way... I truly hope that we will be able to return in time and that everyone is safe... In addition, there is also the issue of what is happening in the Digital World... Zeed Millenniumon, Apocalymon, Armagemon, and Arkadimon look like very, very strong Digimon..."

In response to my words, a somber silence falls into the bridge as everyone starts to worry about the state of the Real World and what is happening back in the Digital World, but soon I hear Bidi-san's cheerful voice as she says, "You don't have to worry so much. The Real World isn't all that defenseless."

After that declaration, Bidi-san calmly looks at us as we all focus on her and explains, "From what Jayr-nii told me, you guys aren't the only existing Tamers, in fact, there are many Tamers all over the world. But more importantly, in the Real World there is Impmon-chan. For a time he lived and trained with Jayr-nii, Patamon-chan, V-mon-chan, and Wormmon-chan which makes him much more powerful than the average Digimon."

Hearing that, I suddenly remembered him, 'That's right! Impmon is still in the Real World, and he is indeed very strong. He has already helped us two times before, once against Indramon where he evolved into Wizarmon to protect his Tamers, and again against Vikaralamon where he evolved into Baalmon. Both times his help was crucial in defeating the invading Deva...' 

While I'm thinking that, I suddenly snap out of my thoughts by Bidi-san's voice as she announces, "Get ready! We are about to exit the corridor-shaped sub-space and arrive at our destination."

In response to Bidi-san's announcement, we all focus on the screen in front of us, and shortly after a flash of light, the glowing green space is immediately replaced by the familiar yet at the same time so alien visage of our hometown, Shinjuku.

Seeing the images on the screen, I can't help but grimace and mutter, "M-my god..." which is quickly followed by Juri's gasp, 

Hirokazu also exclaims, "No way!" followed by Kenta who says, "This is much worse than what I imagined..." 

I also hear Shaochung's scared voice as she comments, "Terriermon, Lopmon, I'm scared..." but the two Digimon quickly try to reassure her as Jian comments, "This seems a scene out of a sci-fi movie but it is really happening."

Ruki also can't help herself from asking out loud, "How it is possible that the situation is already so bad!?" but Renamon calmly comments, "For some reason, the D-Reaper is expanding much faster than what we have seen in the Digital World... Could Ryo's disappearance be the reason behind this? I do remember Zeed Millenniumon saying something about the D-Reaper and Ryo."

The reason for that reaction is the obvious crimson mass that is constantly growing and enveloping the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and its surroundings, in addition to the fighter jets, helicopters, and tanks, moving around shooting everything in their arsenal trying to destroy or at least contain some strange beings that are coming out of the crimson mass and seems connected to it by some kind of cable, sadly without much success on their part.

Seeing that, I can't help but comment scared, "T-They are losing... the military isn't able to do anything against the D-Reaper... Is it possible that no one can stop it..." but soon I hear Bidi-san's voice as she says, "That's not true! Let me show you! There is that Impmon-chan's Ultimate Level form, Beelzebumon, that is easily destroying the agents of the D-Reaper!"

At the same time, the screen in front of us changes showing us the image of a tall humanoid Digimon with a bird-like mask of a violet material covering the top half of its face, and platinum blonde colored hair, spiked out in the back. 

His attire is similar to that of a human biker, a tight muscle shirt, entirely black that shows its muscles and definition, a long-sleeved leather jacket over the t-shirt, and a red bandanna wrapped around the left bicep. 

He wears a pair of leather pants that are also worn, the knees of which have knee pads, and a pair of leather, steel-toed boots worn on his feet, with three spikes jutting out of the steel-toed area, the boots reach up below the knees, with a holster that contains some kind of big shotgun on the left boot. 

Finally, to complete the look, a scaly tail made entirely of steel stretched out from the tailbone and formed a hole in the leather jeans in addition to four black wings, the upper two of which are much larger than the lower two, and a large energy cannon integrated into his right arm.

(Image Here - Beelzebumon: Blast Mode)


The images on the screen show me that Digimon as he flies around relentlessly shooting at all those strange creatures connected to the crimson mass with both his large energy cannon integrated into his right arm and the big shotgun in his left hand wiping out a large number of them in just a few seconds before moving on to the next group.

As I'm looking at the Digimon Bidi-san called Beelzebumon as he is flying around destroying every swarm of agents in his path, I hear Jian's voice as he reads out loud the information produced by the Digimon Analyzer, "Beelzebumon: Blast Mode. Ultimate Level. An ultimate Demon Lord that raised its power and spirit to their utmost limits. Instead of evolving in wickedness, it maintained a calmer mental state, and its three, once-baleful red eyes have become green. It commonly demonstrates incomparable power and speed, and four jet-black wings are growing from its back. You can almost say that before the Beelzebumon that took on this figure, the opponent no longer exists. Its right arm is integrated with its Blaster, and fires powerful energy waves to disintegrate everything into atoms. Its Signature Move is firing a destructive wave from the Blaster on its right arm (Death Slinger), and its Special Move is drawing a magic circle before itself, then firing destructive waves toward the center (Chaos Flare)." 

Hearing that, an impressed Renamon can't help but comment, "To think that Impmon could become so powerful... it's incredible. He must have worked really hard."

At the same time, realizing that even if Beelzebumon is incredibly powerful, the number of enemies is just way too much for him to be able to deal with the D-Reaper on his own, I immediately declare "We can't let him fight alone! We have to help him!" but soon Jian shouts back, "Wait! We first have to inform our parents that we are back! More importantly, I have to bring Shaochung back to our parents!"

Hearing that, I realize that Jian is right and exclaim, "That's right! They must be really worried!"

Shortly after saying that, I did not hesitate to pull out the communication device that Yamaki-san gave us and immediately started to write an e-mail telling him that we had returned safely from the Digital World and that at the moment we were inside Pucci-sensei's spaceship. 

While I'm quickly writing the e-mail, I hear Kenta as he wonders in a clearly worried tone, "Do you guys think our parents would be safe in this chaos?" but Ruki quickly reassures him, "I'm sure that they are fine. As you can see that crimson mass and those strange creatures are still concentrated in the area around the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, which is quite far from the residential area where our homes are located."

Right after Ruki said that I finally finished writing the e-mail and sent it to Yamaki-san, and at the same time, Bidi-san suggested, "If you guys are so worried about your parents, once you guys reunite with them you can bring them here. I can easily keep them safe from pretty much anything the D-Reaper can throw at us and if I can't I can just as easily flee to a safe place. This way you can fully focus on dealing with the D-Reaper without worrying about them." 

After thinking for a few seconds, we all agreed that Bidi-san's suggestion was a good one, and shortly after the communication device in my hand beeped indicating that Yamaki-san's response arrived telling us that he and our parents had been waiting for us in Shinjuku Central Park.

Bidi-san immediately brings us there where we finally reunite with our parents. 

I am not ashamed to admit that I cried when I saw Mom and Dad, and I was not the only one as Ruki, Kenta, and Juri also did the same, but we didn't dwell too much on that and quickly asked our parents and Yamaki-san to follow us inside Pucci-sensei's Athena's God Bidoof as it is the most safe place at the moment.

Some parents were reluctant to follow us, even more so when they learned of our intention to fight that crimson mass to save Ryo-san, but in the end, we were able to convince them. 

After our parents decided to follow us inside the ship, they all were amazed by what they found inside, especially Jian's father, Yamaki-san, and his group.

Back to the bridge, Bidi-san briefly welcomes our parents and Yamaki-san's group on board before she says, "While you guys were reuniting with your parents, I focused on gathering more information about the D-Reaper's agents which will surely be useful in dealing with them."

Shortly after she said that the windshield turns into a huge screen that shows us the image of a small, bird-like creature with eyespots on its wings and disc-like frills on its neck and waist as Bidi-san starts her report, "This is what we are going to call D-Reaper ADR-02, the "ADR" parts means "Agent D-Reaper". It is an intelligence-gathering agent. Their attack capability is low, but their numbers are large. Their weakness is that wire, as I notice that if it is cut off, The D-Reaper ADR-02 will disperse and disappear." 

(Image Here - D-Reaper ADR-02)


The image on the screen changes to what looks like a stereotypical wraith with a cloth-like body, a pumpkin-like face, and cord-like limbs with sickles at the ends as Bidi-san introduces this other as she calls it agent, "This is the D-Reaper ADR-03. A small, offensive agent that flies four sub-agents and copies the abilities of its opponents, making it a troublesome opponent. Despite that, it shares the same weakness as the D-Reaper ADR-02." 

(Image Here - D-Reaper ADR-03)


Right after that, the images change again showing a small squid-like agent with four arms, and that is quickly followed by Bidi-san's brief introduction, "This one is the D-Reaper ADR-04. A long-distance attack agent with four arms that shoot out waves of gunfire. While their individual attack power is relatively weak, the D-Reaper seems to be able to deploy a seemingly infinite number of them to support its other Agents. But again they share the same weakness as the previous agents."

(Image Here - D-Reaper ADR-04)


Before we can fully digest that, Bidi-san moves on as the image on the screen changes again showing a medium-sized creature with a rib cage-like torso and spiral-shaped, stretchable arms, "This is the D-Reaper ADR-05. A medium-sized agent with great power. Its arms have a spiral structure and can extend in any direction to attack the enemy. In addition, it can elongate the protrusions on its elbows into tentacles that can constrict targets and heat up to the point where they can burn through metal. It is advised to take them out from a safe distance by exploiting the common weakness of the agents." 

(Image Here - D-Reaper ADR-05)


Shortly after that, the screen shows the image of a green-horned humanoid creature that Bidi-san quickly explains to us, "This is the D-Reaper ADR-06. A medium-sized agent that specializes in martial arts. It boasts a punching power that was able to push back and harm Beelzebumon who is a very powerful Ultimate Level so be careful if you encounter it." 

(Image Here - D-Reaper ADR-06)


The image on the screen changes again and this time it shows a scary, tall, lanky humanoid that has a large head and multiple mouths on it that looks like something out of a nightmare as Bidi-san explains, "This is the D-Reaper ADR-07. A large agent of the heavy land combat type. Its countless mouths stretch out to bite and attack with energy beams. Most of the damages are caused by these." 

(Image Here - D-Reaper ADR-07)


After she explains about that last agent whose appearance will likely fuel my nightmare for the years to come, the image on the screen change once more showing a large creature whose torso that unravels into a spiral and has small wings of its back. Its arms are long with large forearms. 

As I focus on the image, I again hear Bidi-san's voice as she says, "This is the D-Reaper ADR-08. An offensive agent that is even larger than the D-Reaper ADR-07. Smaller agents, such as D-Reaper ADR-04, emerge from within, giving it the majesty of a mobile fortress." 

(Image Here - D-Reaper ADR-08)


Shortly after that, the image on the screen changes one last time showing a translucent white sphere surrounded by a ring consisting of green panels and gold spheres.

The image is followed by Bidi-san's voice as she explains, "This is your main target. The D-Reaper ADR-09, a defensive agent guarding the D-Reaper's Kernel Sphere the place where Ryo is being held. Its plate-shaped active wings attack intruders with shape-shifting attacks."

(Image Here - D-Reaper ADR-09)



After Bidi-san told us everything she was able to find out about the D-Reaper and its agents, which is quite a lot, we all leave the Athena's God Bidoof and start to run toward the ever-expanding crimson mass as the battle to save Ryo-san and repel the D-Reaper finally starts.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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