Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 295 – Battle for the Digimon Universe 1/3

Jayr - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

Shortly after Bidi and Takato's group left the Digital World through the use of Perceptual Teleportation, I fully focus on Zeed Millenniumon and the three Digimon of mass destruction it has summoned, and what I sense from them is very concerning, 'All of them are totally devoid of sentience making them more akin to wild animals, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous, in fact, it is the total opposite. Apocalymon whole being is full of jealousy and despair ready to lash out at everything. Armagemon is pure destruction taken form, the phrase "Wants to see the whole world burn" describes best what I feel from it. And Arkadimon has simply an endless hunger that seeks to devour anything, in fact, it finds even the D-Reaper appetizing, and considering its ability to reduce anything to nothing but 0's and 1's of primitive Data, it could very well be capable of eating a mutated program designed to erase data. Zeed Millenniumon's control is the only thing that is stopping them from fully rampaging...'

At the same time, I hear Zeed Millenniumon chuckle and say, "Kukuku... so they were able to escape despite the chaotic flow in the time-space. Heh, it isn't like the result will change. They have even left behind those pathetic Ultimate Level Digimon, a random Human with armor, and three somewhat strong Digimon by his side. But it is useless, the only one who can stop me is Ryo and he isn't in any condition to oppose me! I have already won!"

In response to that, I calmly shout back, "I wouldn't be so sure of that. This isn't the first time that this random guy in armor found himself in such a situation against such a powerful opponent and still, he was able to come out on top despite the odds against him. And in this instance, it is an even 4 against 4, so I think our chances are quite good."

Hearing that, Zeed Millenniumon tilts its heads and asks, "Is that so?" before it smirks with both its faces and says, "In that case let me tilt the odds back in my favor..."

Shortly after saying that, Zeed Millenniumon extends its arms forward cupping its hands, and immediately after a small, black spike ball appears over its cupped hands, and while it may appear harmless considering its very small size, I feel that it gives off an incredible amount of malice energy.

What is even more concerning is that the malice energy is increasing at an astonishing rate, and in response, the dark spike ball, quickly blooms into a blood-red flower that reminds me of a spider lili and then into a few meters tall dark purple tree full of high-density malice energy.

Immediately after the blood-red spider lili turned into the dark purple tree majestic tree, Zeed Millenniumon grasped the dark purple tree in its right hand and said, "Tell me if you feel that you still have a chance after this... Dark Tree make my enemies drown in despair! Corrupt! Darkness Jogress Evolution!"

Hearing that, I only have the time to shout, "Oh shit!" before Zeed Millenniumon clenches the hand holding the Dark Tree clearly crushing it by the sound of it, and shortly after that, it opens its hand revealing a flame-like dark mass of malice energy. 

Then Zeed Millenniumon quickly flings the dark mass toward the still time-frozen Holy Beasts and once it is right between them it immediately scatters into a dark whirlpool of energy that pulls into it Qinglongmon, Baihumon, Zhuqiaomon, and Xuanwumon forcing the four Holy Beasts into fusing together and that's a very bad news because the result of the Jogress Evolution between the Four Holy Beasts can be only one. 

At the same time, as the Four Holy Beasts are being pulled into the dark whirlpool, Zeed Millenniumon's figure calmly retreats further away from the dark whirlpool of energy, and the three Digimon of mass-destruction it has already summoned as its voice resounds, "I'll enjoy watching you struggle against my best creations and the ultimate being of destruction!" 
Shortly after Zeed Millenniumon said that the dark whirlpool of energy fully pulls into it the Four Holy Beasts fusing them into a single massive Digimon that makes all the other Digimon present appear small, in fact, I think that it is more or less as big as the moon.

The Digimon resulting from the fusion of the Four Holy Beasts is a quadrupedal dark purple dragon with a long spiked tail and neck, three toes on each foot, and a claw on each toe. 

Its body is covered in very sharp and big scales that give it a very aggressive appearance.

It has eight red eyes, three on each side of the head, and two on its top with a fierce and intimidating expression on its face, adding to its majestic appearance. 

It has two long horns on the back of its head, and six large tusks on its back and like the four Holy Beasts, it also carries twelve DigiCores on its back that are enveloped in a ghostly blue fire. 

The name of this Digimon is Huanglongmon, the Digimon whose body is covered in Huanglong Ore, the absolutely hardest ore of the Digimon Multiverse making its defensive power second to none, but this isn't a simple Huanglongmon, but one corrupted by evil energy, this is Huanglongmon: Ruin Mode.

(Image Here - Huanglongmon: Ruin Mode)


Watching Huanglongmon let out a ferocious roar, I instinctively bring out my D-Ark and use the Digimon Analyzer on it and read out loud for Imperialdramon and Goddramon to head, "Huanglongmon: Ruin Mode. Ultimate Level. Supervising the "Four Holy Beasts" who protect the east, west, south, and north of the Digital World, it is an emperor Digimon who is enshrined in the center and rules the "world". Due to the angel Digimon that descended in the distant past, it was sealed in the deepest, darkest place within the earth. The Four Holy Beasts lost their rule because of this, causing a struggle for hegemony, but an equilibrium is maintained at present. This being is good but also evil, and is called the "Taiji" of light and darkness. It has eight eyes and twelve external Digicores, and its gigantic body is covered in scales of the special "Huanglong Ore." Its Special Moves are continuously disassembling everything in the Digital World, throughout eternity, into the two extremes of light and darkness, driving it into non-existence before long (Taikyoku), and generating a gigantic typhoon of an earthflow on the scale of a natural disaster (Oukai)."

Different from all the other analyses until now, this one is quite long as it includes information on both forms, "This is a form of Huanglongmon that went berserk after being imbued with malice energy. Having lost its goodness and light, it became a being inclined towards evil and darkness alone, and rampages to bring the world to ruin. According to some records, the Four Holy Beasts joined forces with the Three Great Angels and succeeded in subduing the rampant Huanglongmon. Its Special Moves are causing everything in the Digital World to be swallowed up by nothing but darkness, devoid of any light (Mukyoku), and generating a tornado with black flames on the scale of a natural disaster (Kaimeisō). Damn, that's a lot."

Hearing that, Goddramon comments, "Well, this is indeed a final battle but it is quite the annoying one... The Final Boss keeps summoning one mini-boss after the other like that annoying spider from Bloodborne! We already have the D-Reaper behind us, and those clearly evil and powerful Digimon in front of us who are perfect main antagonist material... and if that isn't enough the bad guy even takes our allies and turns them into our worst enemies? Come on! Someone nerf it please!"

At the same time, Imperialdramon also asks, "Jayr, what is that Huanglong Ore? If it is important enough to appear in the Digimon Analysis, it must be something that we should be wary right?"

I nod and briefly explain, "The Huanglong Ore is an ore of this universe that boasts of absolute hardness. Only Huanglong Ore is able to actually scratch Huanglong Ore, and because it cannot be compared with any other minerals and metals in this universe, it is impossible to measure its actual hardness. Despite this extreme hardness, its weight is extremely great, so it is not suitable for things like weapons or armor. Its scarcity is also great, so it can only be found deep underground. Also, it is said that it requires many, many years, more than those since the age of myth, in order to unify Huanglong Ore with living things, and at present from what I know there has not been any Digimon to have unified with this super-hard ore other than Huanglongmon. More importantly, the Chrondigizoit Metal and the even better Chrome Digizoid, formally known as Chrondigizoit Hybrid Organism alloy, used for the weapons and armors of many powerful Ultimate Level Digimon are both derived from Huanglong Ore, so it is indeed something we should be wary of."

Shortly after I said that, I heard roars and the sound of battle coming from behind us, and turning my head I saw the the pillar of crimson mass now releasing countless strange creatures that started attacking the Ultimate Level Digimon and at the same time, Apocalymon, Armagemon, Arkadimon, and Huanglongmon also let out terrifying roars as well before they start to move toward us.

Seeing that, Goddramon clenches his right hand into a fist that starts to shine in a holy light and asks, "Jayr... do you have a plan in mind or we just use the old and tested beat 'em up until they give up?"

I chuckle slightly before I reply, "While I'd like to use that tactic, in this case, we have to be a little more careful, after all, if we go all out here fighting those Digimon we could easily erase the Ultimate Level Digimon that are holding back the D-Reaper. So, we are going to fight each one of them in one of the four Holy Beasts separately."

Seeing both Imperaldramon and Goddramon nod, I quickly start to explain to them our plan for this battle using Telepathy so that no one hears our plans, [Goddramon, your target is Arkadimon. Its Virus Attribute in addition to its evil nature should give you a clear advantage against it, but be careful of the beam that it fires from its eyes. Lure it toward Xuanwumon's domain which is located North of the central gorge. Imperialdramon, you are going to fight Armagemon. Be careful as it is going to be a very tough opponent and you will need pure brute force to defeat it. Because of that, once you have lured him to Baihumon's domain located West of the central gorge, do not hesitate to change to your Fighter Mode and attack it with everything you've got.]

After explaining their part, I move on and inform them of what I'm going to do, [Meanwhile, my Digimon Incarnation is going to deal with Apocalymon as its dangerous ability to force a Digimon to degenerate is useless against me as I can easily evolve back quickly after by taking advantage of the Spiral Power nature of my Spiral Cosmo. My Digimon Incarnation will also lure Apocalymon toward Qinglongmon's domain located East of the central gorge. This leaves only Huanglongmon, and obviously, I'm going to deal with it using my Main Body. After all, Huanglongmon is still the Jogress Evolution of the Four Holy Beasts and it is better that they remain alive. Moreover, I am the most suited to clear away Zeed Millenniumon's corruption from it without actually killing it. Once you have done dealing with your target move on to support the others if they are still fighting if not, regroup here where we will deal with Zeed Millenniumon once and for all.]

At this point, Imperialdramon asks, [But won't Zeed Millenniumon take advantage of our focus on those battles to take us by surprise or attack the Digimon fighting the D-Reaper, or even attack the Real World?] 

But I immediately replied to reassure him, [I don't think that is going to be an issue. From what I've been able to gather, Zeed Millenniumon treats all this as some kind of sick game. Zeed Millenniumon feels a sadistic sense of joy in putting its opponents through countless trials only to face them itself in case they overcome them, in short, it likes to play with its food. This can clearly be seen in the way Zeed Millenniumon faced Ryo before, no matter what kind of advantage it had, Zeed Millenniumon never outright attacked Ryo but allowed him to climb his way up to it while enjoying his struggle and suffering. This kind of attitude is fully ingrained into its being as even at this moment it is still following the same pattern. Because of that, I'm pretty sure that Zeed Millenniumon will calmly wait for us to come to it while enjoying the suffering that its actions are causing.] 

Thanks to the fact that I'm using Telepathy to talk to them, the time it took to tell them everything was actually even less than a second as the speed of our thoughts is obviously much faster than that of our mouth, this allows us to communicate in what is basically is almost an instant.

After I'm done explaining our plan of action and reassuring my partners about their concerns, I focus on the incoming opponents and yell, "You guys know what to do and have my full trust! Let's show them the true power of a Tamer and his Digimon Partners!!"

Immediately after my rallying shout, my Digimon Incarnation and I jump down from Imperialdramon as he lets out a ferocious roar, "Positron Laser!!" before he fires an energy beam from the cannon on his back that hits Armagemon on its face making it briefly stop in place and let of a painful roar.

Soon after that, Armagemon locks onto Imperialdramon who is already flying toward Baihumon's domain located west of the gorge and starts to chase after him ignoring everything else.

At the same time, Goddramon rushes toward Arkadimon at incredible speed, takes advantage of his superior agility to move around it, and punches Arkadimon on the back of its head with a punch filled with sacred power while yelling, "God Fist!!"

Goddramon's powerful punch impacts Arkadimon's head making the gigantic Digimon slam onto the ground with such force that creates a massive crater and raises a huge cloud of dust, but that isn't nearly enough to put Arkadimon down as shortly after dozens of tentacles charge out of the cloud of dust and warp around Goddramon's body, neck, and arms.

In response, Goddramon starts to fly toward Xuanwumon's domain located north of the gorge forcefully pulling the gigantic Arkadimon with him while shouting in mock fear, "Oh shit! I have seen enough hentai to know where this is going! Damn it, Jayr! Why is the tentacle freak my target!?" 

While Imperialdramon is being chased by Armagemo and Goddramon is pulling Arkadimon away, my Digimon Incarnation, which is currently in his Aegiochusmon: Red form, lands on the ground and starts to run toward Apocalymon as I manipulate the Data within that body to generate powerful electricity from the right arm of my Digimon Incarnation, which then gathers around his right fist that is quickly enveloped in a crackling yellow orb.

In response to my approaching Digimon Incarnation, Apocalymon tries to grab me/him with its metal claws, but I/he easily dodges them all and once close enough, I/he jumps and with a punching motion shoots the crackling orb toward Apocalymon while yelling, "Thunderstrom Punch!!" 
The crackling yellow orb quickly flies toward its intended target, slamming against the giant polyhedron the size of a planetoid with a rumbling sound with enough force to push Apocalymon back by a few meters making it grund a little and leaving behind only a small scorched patch on the point of impact, but just as it seems that this is all that the attack is able to do, I smirk and mutter in perfect synch with my Digimon Incarnation.


Instantly one thunderous explosion after the other is generated by the orb that is still firmly planted against Apocalymon's giant polyhedron, and each one is bigger, stronger, and louder than the previous one, which quickly starts to push Apocalymon further and further until it becomes so strong that Apocalymon is blown toward Qinglongmon's domain located east of the gorge as I/my Digimon Incarnation chases after it.

This is the Thunderstorm Punch, a lightning-based version of my favorite technique the Tidal Wave Punch that takes advantage of my Digimon Incarnation's natural affinity toward lightning to increase its power and efficiency, and just like the original Tidal Wave Punch and the variant Avalanche Punch, this technique can get stronger with the increasing number of hits that I condense into the it. 

The one I just used is a quite powerful 10000-hit Thunderstorm Punch which is usually enough power to blow up the solar system and a few nearby galaxies, but considering that Apocalymon is still considered a Super Ultimate Level Digimon, I'm sure that this is only strong enough to blow it away and make it feel some pain. 

With the two Digimon of mass-destruction occupied with Imperialdramon and Goddramon, and the other one is being taken care of by me through my Digimon Incarnation, I fully focus the consciousness in my Main Body on the massive rampaging Huanglongmon who is quickly charging toward me, which may be pretty intimidating for everyone else but it only makes me smile wryly while thinking, 'Thanks to my battle in the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe, I now do not feel anything while an almost planet-sized dragon is rushing toward me. But I also think it is natural... after all, when someone throws what is literally a galaxy at you like a shuriken, your sense of proportions does get screwed a little bit.'

As Huanglongmon gets closer and closer, I let out a confident smile and say, "Okay, no more holding back... It has been quite a long time since we have gone all out! Let's go, Crateris! Time to activate my God Mode" 

With that declaration, I reach deep within me and fully awaken the senses that I have kept restrained until now, my 8th and 9th Sense, and in an instant, the Spiral Cosmo coursing within my body explodes and expands once more.

Shortly after that, from my body a pure golden aura that seems to contain countless small stars within bursts up, which keeps expanding and getting stronger until my Cloth starts glittering with tiny pure golden sparks, that soon become a blazing pure golden flame that covers my whole body, and I feel the Cloth covering my body transform into a God Cloth.

Once the transformation is complete, I feel something within me click and with an energy pulse I disperse the flames covering my body and finally feel truly complete and unrestrained as I now don the Crateris God Cloth which allows me to fully embrace the Divinity within me.

I give it a quick glance at the Crateris God Cloth since it has been quite some time since I had to bring it out as until now, the plain Crateris Cloth or even the Gunmen Form were more than enough to deal with most of the problems, the last time I had to was actually last year when I had to deal with Apophis, the Evil God of Chaos of the Egyptian Pantheon and his Akhu in the period shortly after my honeymoon with my wives.
Like all the God Cloth, it now covers my whole body leaving very few places exposed, and none of them are vitals, but still retains the color scheme of its previous form, Silver, Blue, and Cyan with gold ornament all over the armor.

The headpiece is slimmer and in fact reminds me a little of the one from the Aquarius Cloth, the double-layered shoulder pads became thicker and sharper, and the chest piece now covers my whole upper body and is connected to the waist piece that retains a similar shape only now protect even more, the legs pieces retains the same general shape, but now they are more refined and with more details and ornament compared to its Silver Cloth form, while the arms pieces now cover the whole limb. 

But the gauntlets are the ones that went through the greatest change as the tear-shaped shields that made up the foot of the Cup in its Constellation Form are now gone, instead, they became much larger and moved to my back taking the function of the wings that all the God Cloth have as they slowly rotate like some kind of yin yang symbol, and even if they aren't attached to my Cloth, I have the total control over them, as I can move them however I desire and use them as both shield, transform into a bow, or even use them like funnel to attack my enemies with energy beams from a distance or even directly ram them into my opponent.

(Image Here - For those who have forgotten)


After giving a quick glance to the Crateris God Cloth, I smirk and quickly rush to the side of the charging Huanglongmon, and immediately notice that Huanglongmon is still focusing on its target, and that target isn't me but the Ultimate Digimon and the D-Reaper agents fighting in the central gorge area making me realize that while Zeed Millenniumon has indeed forced the Four Holy Beasts into a Jogress Evolution and corrupted them, it doesn't have any form of control over Huanglongmon who simply wants to rampage and brings ruin to anything, something that makes it even more dangerous from a certain point of view. 

In the same instant, I realize that I also notice that it is about to unleash an attack on the Ultimate Digimon and the D-Reaper agents fighting, so, I immediately decide to make my move and force Huanglongmon's attention on me.

I raise my right hand and use one of the first Gravity Magic I came up with by shamelessly copying another famous media, and just for flair, I chant in Latin, "Dolor hic mundus cognoscet! Omnipotens Dis!! (This world shall know pain! Almighty Push!!)"
At the same time the name of the Gravity Magic rings out, I use my Spiral Cosmo to create a very powerful repulsive force, which rips off pieces of the ground and blows away Huanglongmon's very massive body toward Zhuqiaomon's domain located South of the central gorge where the fierce battle between the Ultimate Level Digimon and the D-Reaper is still ongoing.

Shortly after blowing away Huanglongmon with an overcharged Omnipotens Dis, I give a quick glance at the situation over the central gorge, and seeing the Ultimate Level Digimon struggling against the D-Reaper overwhelming numbers, I immediately send them a brief Telephatic message, [To the Digimon currently fighting against the D-Reaper to protect the Digital World. My name is Jayr and I'm the Tamer currently fighting against the Digimon summoned by the enemy that corrupted the Four Holy Beasts. I'm contacting you to inform you about the main weakness of the enemies you are currently facing. Do you notice that red cord that connected the strange creatures to the pillar of crimson mass? If you cut it, the creatures become greatly weakened allowing you to take them out easily, in fact, the weaker ones will directly disappear once the red cord is cut.] 

A few seconds after my Telephatic message, I see one of the Ultimate Level Digimon, a Metal Seadramon fire a massive beam of energy from the cannon on its snout cutting off more than hundreds red cords in a single blow making almost the same number of D-Reaper agents immediately disappears while the other that remained are quickly destroyed by some other Ultimate Level Digimon taking advantage of their weakned state.

Seeing that the Ultimate Level Digimon have started exploting the D-Reaper agents' weakness and gain enough advantage to continue to stall the D-Reaper long enough to allow me and Takato's group to deal with this, I do not waste any more time and quickly chase after Huanglongmon who is about to crash into Zhuqiaomon's domain.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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