Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 296 – Battle for the Digimon Universe 2/3

Imperialdramon - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

I'm quickly flying toward Baihumon's domain located West of the central gorge while being chased by an enraged Armagemon, who despite its gargantuan size is able to move very fast and with a surprising amount of agility being able to easily cross any kind of terrain thanks to its six, long, insect-like limbs.

As I'm approaching the very expansive mountain range that is going to be the battlefield where the battle between me and Armagemon is going to take place, I take advantage of these few brief moments of peace to let my mind wander a little about my current state, 'No matter how many times I Jogress Evolve, this will still feel a little strange no matter what. I'm neither Wormmon nor V-mon, I'm a completely new Digimon with a single more powerful Digicore. But despite that, I inherited all their memories, feelings, and experiences so in a sense I'm still them. I have the confidence, courage, and fighting spirit of V-mon, but also the cautiousness, kindness, and calmness of Wormmon. I still feel the same brotherly love toward Patamon and the love and respect I have toward my Tamer, Jayr, and more importantly, the absolute trust that I have in them...' 


I suddenly snap out of my thoughts as I hear Armagemon's ferocious roar which is quickly followed by the sound of dozens of small explosions and the swishing sound of multiple objects cutting through the air.

On instinct, I increase my speed while starting to fly in an irregular pattern dodging the energy shells that fall like rain as scattered beams all around me laying waste to the area under me.

Armagemon's attack continues relentlessly as it continues to fire countless energy shells in an endless bombardment, so much so, that it is becoming more and more difficult to actually dodge them making me realize, 'It is only thanks to the very throughout training that Jayr put us through that I am not hit yet by those energy shells, but this can't go on! The space needed to dodge is becoming less and less with each passing moment, and I am already flying at the top of my speed but those energy shells have already caught up with me! I need to do something else... I just have to buy enough time to rush into that expansive mountain range and change into my Fighter Mode.' 

Coming to that decision, I do not hesitate anymore and after quickly gathering as much energy as possible into my wings, I spread them open while shouting, "Eternal Zeal!"

With the opening of my wings, I generate a massive, maelstrom of fire that intercepts all the energy shells unleashed by Armagemon giving me a much-needed respite.

Immediately after that, I do not waste any time and take advantage of the gap I created in the enemy's relentless attack to rush toward the now nearby mountain range whose complex terrain will help me take cover from Armagemon's carpet bombing and hide me from its sight long enough to change into my Fighter Mode.

Once inside the mountain range, I quickly dive into a deep nearby valley and change into my Fighter Mode as I unleash all of my power by taking a humanoid form. 

At the same time, I notice that Armagemon's carpet bombing fully stopped and now the only sounds I hear are its enraged roars and the thunderous sound of mountains collapsing. 

Shortly after I changed into my Fighter Mode, I flew out of the valley and immediately saw Armagemon's gargantuan figure as it rams headfirst into a mountain easily breaking through it and making it collapse as if it just crashed through a glass wall, and I also notice the trail of destruction it left behind as Armagemon basically moved in a straight line crashing through every obstacle in its path. 

Seeing that Armagemon is still searching for me, I decide to help it, I raise my right arm and aim the Positron Laser equipped on it before I shout, "Positron Laser!" firing a huge energy beam from it that once again hits Armagemon right on the head exploding on impact.

But again, the smoke of the explosion quickly clears away showing that Armagemon is completely unharmed and very pissed off as it lets out an enraged roar before it starts to rush toward me. 

I only have the time to ready myself for the impact before the charging Armagemon quickly crosses the distance and its head painfully rams into my body making me grunt as its full weight is behind this blow that shakes my whole body to the core and I even feel my own armor cracking under the power of such tackle which sends me crashing against a nearby mountain with enough force that I feel the rock wall behind my give way as a crater forms around my body.

But I do not have time to worry about that or focus on the pain I'm feeling as I immediately see the tip of Armagemon's sharp scorpion-like tail quickly heading toward my head and on instinct, I manifest a sword of light from the gauntlet on my left arm and use it to deflect Armagemon's tail which pierces through the rock wall behind me, but that isn't the end of Armagemon's assault as I notice that it maws are now open and a lot of destructive energy is gathering within its mouth, the sing that it is about to emit a destructive energy wave from its gaping maw, something I'm sure I won't be able to survive.

Immediately I remember the close combat lesson I had with Jayr and without any hesitation I shoot forward through the air with one knee outstretched hitting Armagemon's jaw, and while this attack isn't strong enough to actually harm it, the impact of the blow is powerful enough to push it head up just in time as Armagemon unleashes it destructive energy wave which erases everything in its path leaving nothing behind.

At the same time, I take advantage of this opening to swing the sword of light at its exposed neck, but the energy blade isn't able to cut through Armagemon's tough skin and thick muscles and is only able to leave behind a faint scratch mark. 

In response to my attack, Armagemon pulls out its scorpion-like tail from what little remains of the mountain wall and retaliates by thrusting the sharp tip of its tail at astonishing speed aiming directly at my chest. 

Luckily, I react just in time to lean my body to the side enough to avoid a full direct hit, but the tail's sharp tip is still able to pierce through my armor and the side of my body making me grunt in pain as I feel my Data getting destroyed as it gets in contact with my opponent's tail.

But I push down the pain and raise my right arm and yell, "Take this! Positron Laser!!" firing a full power energy beam a point blank range hitting one of Armagemon's huge eyes which makes it screech in pain as it pulls out the tail from my side and takes a few steps back before it glares at me with it only remaining eye. 

Seeing how little my attacks actually affected it, I can't help but question in my mind, 'This is it? Just how tough and durable are its skin and armor!? The Splendor Blade can easily cut through the armor of most of the Ultimate Level Digimon but when it comes to Armagemon it can barely cut through the skin. The Positron Laster has enough power to easily blow up a planet in a casual strike, let's not talk about the fully powered ones I've been firing but the ones that hit the black plates are basically rendered ineffective, and the only one that was actually able to somewhat harm it hit the eye at point blank range and damaged just the eye. At this point, I doubt that even my strongest technique, the Giga Death, would be able to take it out... unless I do something incredibly reckless...' 

Suddenly an incredibly crazy but actually possible strategy comes to my mind which makes me internally sigh while thinking, 'God! Sometimes I hate the fact that I have the borderline reckless courage of V-mon and the calm analysis of the situation of Wormmon...' 

While thinking that, I quickly act and start to fly around Armagemon assaulting it with everything in my arsenal, from the Positron Laser on my right arm, to the Splendor Blade on my left, and even the Ion Blaster located inside the dragon face on the chest plate of my armor trying to annoy and aggravate Armagemon so much that it decides to unleash its strongest Special Move.

At the same time, while I'm doing that, I also focus on gathering all my energy as I get ready to unleash it at the right moment as I only have one try and if I make a single mistake, I will surely die.

After pelting Armagemon like that for a few seconds, the gargantuan Digimon lets out a ferocious roar before it opens its maw wide as it quickly gathers energy to shoot its Ultimate Flare.

As the destructive energy gathers within its mouth, I do not hesitate to swiftly dive toward Armagemon's open maw, detach the Positron Laser from my right arm, and quickly insert it into the dragon's face on the chest plate of my armor. 

Then as I'm very close to Armagemon's open maw and it is about to unleash its destructive energy wave, I emit all of my body's energy and yell, "Giga Death!!" firing an enormous a large ball of black dark matter that has more than 10 times the power of Mega Death at almost point blank range right into Armagemon's open maw. 

The enormous ball of black dark matter rushes into Armagemon's open maw just as it is about to unleash the destructive energy wave of the Ultimate Flare pushing both energies right down its throat and into its body which immediately start to inflate as small beams of black light pierce through its body.

At the same time, I immediately use what remains of my energy to create a shield of energy from the Positron Laser still connected to the dragon's face on my chest to encase my whole body before a terrifying explosion momentarily blinded and deafened me but luckily the barrier is strong enough to block most of the initial blast even if it is still powerful enough to rattle my whole being to the point that I'm almost forced out of my Jogress Evolution but hold on out of sheer force of will because I know that if I let go, both V-mon and Wormmon will be too weak to survive. 

The next instant the barrier breaks under the immense force of the explosion and the next moment I'm sent flying for more than a few minutes until I land in a body of water and blank out.

The next moment, I regain my senses feeling myself floating in the water for a few minutes before I shake off my dizzyness and slowly fly out of the water and watch the immense cloud of smoke rising in the distance, more importantly, I notice the immense empty hole in the place of Baihumon's domain, making me understand that everything was completely annihilated by the blast, quite a feat considering that this whole realm was constantly reinforced by the Four Holy Beasts' energies making it durable to an absurd point. 

I again shake my head which is still ringing while ignoring the agonizing pain that I feel all throughout my body and comment, "Wow... that was my toughest fight yet, never was an opponent able to push me so much."

After that, I stand still for a few more seconds to recover some energy to start repairing my body, before I quickly decide to head toward Xuanwumon's domain to see if Goddramon needs my help, after all, I have absolute confidence that Jayr will surely be able to defeat his opponents.

Goddramon - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

I feel more and more tentacles wrapping around my body trying to break through the skin-tight layer of Holy Energy that protects my body from the devouring power of those same tentacles as I continue to forcefully drag Arkadimon toward Xuanwumon's domain located North of the central gorge.

Feeling more and more restrained as the number of tentacles continues to increase, I can't stop myself from thinking, 'Maybe forcefully dragging Arkadimon this way wasn't as much of a brilliant idea as I initially thought... To think that I forgot the first and most important rule to survive in a tentacle hentai. Never ever, ever, ever let the tentacles grab you!'

Realizing my mistake, I do not hesitate to quickly act in order to get out of this dangerous situation before it is too late and my chastity is violated by this tentacle freak.

I immediately gather as much Holy Energy as possible in my mostly free left hand, extend all the fingers, with my thumb extended along the hand, and sharpen the Holy Energy as much as possible to create a powerful knife hand that will allow me to cut off those tentacles.

Shortly after I completed my preparations, I didn't waste any more time and delivered a series of swift chops to cut off most of the tentacle wrapped around my right arm.

Then, I gathered my Holy Energy in my right hand doing the same thing I did to my left and again, I chop with both of them to quickly free the rest of my body, mostly, the neck, upper body, and tail. 

As soon as I'm free from all of Arkadimon's disgusting, Data-devouring tentacles, I quickly grasp a few of the cut-off tentacles with both my arms and start to use all my strength to turn my body and swing Arkadimon's massive body and after gathering enough momentum, I let go and throw it toward the massive, lush forest in the distance, Xuanwumon's domain.

Watching as Arkadimon flies toward Xuanwumon's domain and quickly crashes somewhere in the middle of that gargantuan forest whose trees are tall enough to even make me feel somewhat small and in my current form which makes me think, 'Woah! I'm quite big, nothing the likes of Huanglongmon who is immense, but I can easily rival the Holy Beasts, Zeed Millenniumon, and Arkadimon but even then, those trees are way bigger...'

At the same time, I think back about what just happened, I let out a sigh and mutter, "Haa... Luckily Arkadimon is very vulnerable against Holy Energy making me the most direct counter. And more importantly, it mostly acts out of sheer instinct with no strategy or cunningness at all. If not, I would have been in a lot more trouble from that careless mistake..."

Shortly after saying that, I quickly chase after Arkadimon rushing into Xuanwumon's domain, but soon, I notice something shining in the distance from the position where Arkadimon crashed a few moments ago and quickly think back to Jayr's warning. 

On instinct, I immediately and sharply change direction moving out of the way just in time to dodge an invisible wave that reduces everything in its path into nothing but a stream of primitive Data that then disperses quickly after leaving nothing behind but the bare ground and a trail leading to Arkadimon, and very likely the reason why the ground still exist is simply that it wasn't hit by that deadly invisible waves.

Seeing that, I can't help but metaphorically sweat a little while thinking, 'That's dangerous as hell! It is one thing to hear about it, but a whole other seeing it in action! Arkadimon's God Matrix is very nasty! Luckily as an invisible wave is quite slow, so if I'm careful, I can easily dodge it...'

Just as I'm thinking that, I notice that Arkadimon is turning its body and once the eye on its right shoulder is facing me, it starts to shine in a familiar white light and the next moment, that eye unleashes a very fast beam of light.

I only have the time to move my body a little before I feel the Holy Energy protecting my body being broken through and a blinding pain shooting through my whole being which makes me scream in pain as the beam pierces through my shoulder turning everything it touched into primitive that and quickly disperse leaving behind a smooth circular hole the size of my fist in my right shoulder.

I quickly steel myself and regain my bearing while cursing in my mind, 'Damn it! That hurts!! Of course, the big bad dude has a faster variation of its most deadly attack!"

At the same time, I quickly take a look at my wound and see that everything touched by that white beam of light is gone but luckily exclusely what was directly hit by the beam of light is gone, everything else is fine making me realize, 'Good, this means that as long as I'm careful and that beam doesn't hit anything vital, I can endure quite a few of those hit... not like I want to be hit by that thing any more times as it hurts a lot, but at least, I have some margin of error...'

While thinking that, I hold my wounded shoulder with my left hand and start to move in a random pattern and away from its visual range to make it more difficult for Arkadimon to take aim using the eyes on its shoulders in order to buy some time for me to think about how to deal with this situation.

This is very effective as Arkadimon's movements are quite sluggish compared to mine making it miss a lot as it continues to unleash a barrage of invisible waves and white beams. 

But even if those attacks miss their main target, they end up hitting everything else in our surroundings wiping out all the trees around us and erasing more than half of the forest, and even the Genbu Gate is in a ruinous state as it has more than a few pieces missing and more holes than a swiss cheese. 

Soon I realize that I can't continue to dodge like this infinitely and remain on the defensive as without the trees working as both visual and physical obstruction, Arkadimon is now also unleashing a huge number of tentacles cutting off more and more space for me to dodge with the clear intent of trapping me or even directily attack me with its tentacles to devour my Data. 

Because of that, I resolve to stop running around and attack with my full force to end this battle in a single, decisive, swift strike.

Coming to that conclusion, I don't hesitate any more and start my offensive by forcing my right arm to move and clapping my hands while calling out, "Shoukan!" before spreading my arms wide.

The next moment, from the blue vambrace on my right hand a dragon Digimon made of living fire, comes out and starts to hover around me, meanwhile, from the red vambrace on my left hand, a dragon Digimon made of living electricity is released that also starts to hover around me.

Those two dragons Digimon are Amon of Red Flame, who governs over "Destruction" and was sealed into the blue vambrace on my right hand, and Umon of Blue Thunder, who governs over "Regeneration" and was sealed into the red vambrace on my left hand.

Watching the two dragons Digimon, one made of living fire while the other made of living electricity, I can't help but smile wryly while thinking, 'I still don't understand how it is possible that those two Digimon are already sealed into my vambrace, this is something that bothered me since my first Ultimate evolution... but after spending a few mind melting days trying to think about it, I decided that I don't want to overheat my Digicore worrying about it too much and will simply gloss over using Todd Howard's iconic catchphrase: "It just works!"' 

While I'm thinking that, Umon of Blue Thunder quickly touches my injured shoulder which produces a crackling sound, and soon after I see that the empty hole in my shoulder is quickly regenerating ridding me of the pain I felt every time I moved my right arm giving me back the full mobility of the arm.

At the same time, Amon of Red Flame flies away from me and starts to incinerate all the nearby tentacles in its path, before it directly rams into Arkadimon's left shoulder incenerating the eye which makes Arkadimon roar in wrathful pain, before it fully focuses its attention on it using its tentacles and shooting invisible waves in the attempt of erasing the thing that harmed it, but they are all useless as Amon of the Red Flame is too nimble to be hit by the God Matrix and the tentacles get incenerated on contact with its body.

As the enraged Arkadimon focuses on Amon of Red Flame, I gather all my energy to unleash my strongest Special Move, God Flame.

Of course, since I'm a Digimon of Culture, it is only natural that the way I'll deliver my most powerful technique is going to have quite a bit of charm and flair.

I cup my hands and draw them to my side as I concentrate all the holy energy I've gathered into a single point between my cupped hands as I slowly utter the words with a small smirk on my face, "Ka... mi... Ha... me..."

Then once I've concentrated all the energy between my hands to the point that a small sun seems to have appeared between them, I thrust my hands forward and yell, "... HI!!!" shooting a colossal golden beam of flames toward Arkadimon who only has the time to turn around before its whole body is swallowed by beam who continue on its path undettered as it pierces through the ground.

Arkadimon mournfully screechs before its body is completely disintegrated and at that point, I stop the release of my God Flame and see that it has left nothing behind but a bottomless hole in the ground as a result.

Seeing the ruinous state of Xuanwumon's domain, I let out a sigh and mutter, "We did quite a number on this place-" but I stop as a bright flash of light coming from West catches my attention and the next moment following that bright flash, the whole Real of the Holy Beasts shakes as a terrifying explosion can be seen in the distance that can easily be seen even from here despite the enormous distance.


Shortly after that explosion, I felt a weak shockwave pass through my body, clearly the aftermath of that explosion but the fact that the shockwave itself was even able to reach this far is already astonishing, because as a whole, the Realm of the Holy Beast is truly immense, I don't know exactly how much as I don't have Jayr's Cosmic Awareness, but considering that I took a few minutes flying at full speed to reach Xuanwumon's domain while in the same time I can fly around the Earth a few dozen of times is quite telling.

At the same time, I realize that the explosion is the result of Imperialdramon's battle against Armagemon, and while I'm sure that my brother is the one who comes up on top, I can't help but worry about his current state.

Because of that, I do not hesitate to seal Amon of Red Flame and Umon of Blue Thunder back into my vambraces before I start to fly toward Baihumon's domain. 

On my way there I can't help but think about that terrifying explosion and mutter, "For sure Baihumon's domain isn't in a better shape than Xuanwumon's domain, in fact, considering just how powerful was that explosion, I would be surprised if there is even something left of it. Luckily the Realm of the Holy Beasts is much tougher than any other place in the Digital World... I'm pretty sure that if we fought anywhere else, we would have very likely destroyed most of the Digital World in our fight..." 

While I'm saying that, I suddenly realize something and mutter, "Well, now that I think about it. It is very likely that our current fights are actually already spilling out into the rest of the Digital World and maybe even affecting the Real World as I'm speaking. After all, my full power God Flame did create that bottomless hole... and maybe it may have reached some other layer of the Digital World before I could cut it off... Oh well, we'll worry about it after we have dealt with Zeed Millenniumon and the D-Reaper."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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