Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 297 – Battle for the Digimon Universe 3/3

Jayr (Aegiochusmon) POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

After leaving behind my Main Body to deal with the rampaging Huanglongmon, I continue to chase after Apocalymon who is flying toward Qinglongmon's domain located East of the gorge.

As I'm chasing after the blown-away Apocalymon, I still hear the rumbling sounds produced by my Thunderstorm Punch getting louder and louder as the continuous delayed impacts keep getting stronger and stronger without any limit to the point that the shockwaves generated as a result, they are starting to affect the very fabric of space, and as a result from it, the force of the impacts push Apocalymon faster and faster to the point that it is now flying at the speed of light.

After a few minutes, I see Qinglongmon's domain in the distance that is getting closer and closer and I also notice that it isn't that much different from Zhuqiaomon's domain which is mostly composed of a dry rocky desert, only the clear difference between the Zhuqiaomon's and Qinglongmon's domain is the presence of the immense blue cumulonimbus above the whole domain that rains down lightnings all over the domain with irregular frequency.

With one last thunderous impact, Apocalymon is sent crashing into the ground with such force that it upturns the earth causing the whole realm to crack and slipt apart into many smaller zones all around an enormous crater in the middle razing everything to the ground, even the crystal blue palace is not spared by it. 

That crystal palace was Qinlongmon's residence and it is very likely, that it was called Seiryuu Gate after the Japanese name of the Holy Beasts just like that Zhuqiaomon's palace was called Suzaku Gate.

Seeing the disastrous result of Apocalymon's impact, I can't help but feel a little sorry for the Holy Beasts as I'm not sure how much of their domains will remain after these battles while thinking, 'Damn, the name Apocalymon is for sure well deserved. Even by simply crashing onto the ground it can cause untold destruction and devastation. Well, okay, I admit that it is also in part my fault, after all, Apocalymon's giant polyhedron is the size of a planetoid which is still smaller than Huanglongmon and the moon, but an impressive size nonetheless. And when an object of that size and mass impacts the ground with that much speed... well, the result speaks for itself... a domain bigger than the Earth and more durable than a Gold Cloth is completely ruined...'

While I'm thinking that, Apocalymon slowly lifts off from the immense crater created by its impact showing little to no damage on its body, if not for the sizeable scorched, dented area of its giant polyhedron around the point where my Thunderstorm Punch hit it, but even that can't be considered a heavy damage for it.

Apocalymon stares at me with clear hate and fury and its eyes before it slowly mutters, "Unforgivable... Destroy... Everything!"

Shortly after that, Apocalymon spreads its arms and the large claws connected to the giant polyhedron with pyramidal platforms by those helix-shaped chains that remind me of the DNA structure and yell, "Darkness Zone!!"

Apocalymon then calls forth an infinite darkness that quickly expands from its body consuming and eventually reduced to nothing everything that comes in contact forcing me to envelope my body with Spiral Cosmo to protect me against the effects and in the end.

Soon, I find myself in a strange, dark, empty space where the only other thing in this area beside me is Apocalymon, who seems surprised by the fact that I am not consumed by the darkness.

At the same time, I quickly use my Cosmic Awareness to check just how much area was consumed by the darkness and I'm relieved to find out that at the moment only our immediate surroundings are affected by it.

But the area is quickly expanding and in a few minutes, the Qinglongmon's whole domain will end up totally consumed by Apocalymon's darkness and after some time the whole Realm of the Holy Beast will end up consumed if I don't stop it.

Realizing that I have no time to waste, I come to the decision of using the strongest Mode available to my Perfect Level form, not only because it is the Mode closest in power to my Ultimate Level evolution, but also because it is a natural counter to Apocalymon's attribute and abilities, and more importantly in that form, I won't have to split my focus on protecting my body from the ever-consuming darkness as I will have a natural resistance to it and that will allow me to fully focus on Apocalymon. 
Coming to that decision, I confidently smile and say, "I have to admit that after I got used to having two bodies, I quite like my Digimon Incarnation, even more so my Perfect Level form. Not only it does have an adult body, but it is also very close in power to my Main Body making it a lot more comfortable for me, and it also has a lot of transformations, and as everyone who grew up with Dragon Ball, well, transformations do have an irresistible charm. Mode: Red and Mode: Blue are incredible on their own, but the one I'm about to show you is very special... Mode Change!"

Shortly after that yell, I burn and make the Spiral Cosmo within my Digicore explode which results in the Digicore unleashing an incredible surge of Holy-species attuned Data that generates a pillar of blinding golden light that covers my whole body as the Holy-species attuned Data replaces the Dragon-species attuned Data changing my appearance and abilities to better deal with the current situation.

The first change that my body went through was that the hair changed color becoming pale blonde, and the same thing happened to the fur of my goat legs which from brown also became pale blonde, my middle horn also changed as it started shining in an almost pure golden light as a small, thin red halo appears around it.

Then like what happened the last time when I changed from Mode: Red to Mode: Blue, the thing that went through the most drastic change was the armor covering the upper body that became a lot smoother in appearance compared to the one of Mode: Red and is of a bright yellow color with red details, furthermore, arms become much thicker and the gauntlet became equipped with gear like shields something quite comfortable and familiar as it strongly reminds me of the Crateris Silver Cloth.

Following the armor, the wings on the back are the next thing to change as they become much bigger, change shape, and join together until they form a stylish, white trench coat that leaves only my gauntlet and the upper body of my armor exposed.

This is the Mode that my Perfect Level Digimon Incarnation takes when it leans toward the Holy-species Data within my Digicore, a form that I will call Aegiochusmon: Holy.

(Image Here - Aegiochusmon: Holy)


Soon after my Mode Change is complete, the pillar of pure golden light fades away revealing my new appearance to Apocalymon, and while the changes aren't too drastic they are still substantial enough to make the difference between this and the previous form still quite noticeable. 

Shortly after I completed the Mode Change, I released the Spiral Cosmo barrier around my body, and as I expected the Holy-species attuned Data of my body rejects and easily repels the consuming aspect of the surrounding darkness called forth by Apocalymon.

At the same time, as I open and close my fist to get a feeling of this Mode's capabilities, I'm unable to hold back my curiosity, so, I connect to my D-Ark on my Main Body to activate the Digimon Analyzer function to identify myself and receive the information directly in my Digicore.

Shortly after doing that, the information directly appears in my mind, [Aegiochusmon: Holy. Perfect Level. A God Man Digimon which synthesized the abilities of various species, using a humanoid body as a base. This synthesis of species is said to have resulted from the pursuit of the ultimate state, or omnipotence, dramatically altering its appearance to match its surroundings. This form is composed of data taken from the Holy-species, so the Holy-species data lying dormant within it envelops its entire body, centered upon the crystal in its chest, resulting in a clear heart as serene as a still lake. Through the shields equipped on its arms, it is able to freely transform the powerful vaccines that overflow from its body into weapons such as daggers, or even defensive walls that prevent any kinds of viruses or data from passing through. Its Special Moves are striking the enemy by causing countless daggers to rain down upon them from above (Lightning Shower), and combining its daggers with lightning to create a whip-like trail which it uses to slice enemies apart (Thunder Slash). Not only that, by expanding its impregnable defensive walls (Circlet Defense), it is able to counter the opponent's attacks by deflecting them, while adding electric sparks to the deflected attacks.] 

I quickly digest the new knowledge that suddenly appeared in my mind and I can't help myself from smirking while thinking, 'Good... just like I expected! Mode: Holy is exactly what I hoped it could be, a Mode fully specialized in fighting against evil and virus-attributed Digimon just like Angemon, Holy Angemon, and Goddramon are. With this I'll be surely able to deal with Apocalymon without being forced to evolve to the Ultimate Level, after all, it is better to keep that trump card hidden from Zeed Millenniumon along with some others...' 

While I'm thinking that, Apocalymon snaps out of its surprised state and mutters, "Enemy... Fight... Kill...!" before it starts to spin around at fast speed like a top making its huge claws swing around with ever-increasing speed, power, and momentum.

In response, I maintain my calm and manipulate the vaccine Data within my body to produce dozens of shining holy energy daggers that start hovering around the gear-like shields on my arms, then I extend my arms forward and join my hands together before slowly separating them as I start to discharge lightning between forming two parallel currents between the two arms.

Shortly after that, I will the holy energy daggers to spin around the gear-like shields as the two parallel currents between my two open hands become more and more powerful as I call out the name of this Special Move, "Thunder Slash!!"

The next moment, the holy energy daggers combine with the lightning as they get launched at the speed of light creating a whip-like trail before they easily slice through all of Apocalymon's claws and even heavily damage Apocalymon's humanoid body to the point that it ends up diced into many small pieces. 

This stops Apocalymon in its tracks as it lets out an agonizing scream full of frustration, hatred, and pain as it shouts, "ARgH! Hurt...! Pain...! Unwilling... Destroy..."

Looking at what remains of Apocalymon, which basically consists of only the giant polyhedron the size of a planetoid, I immediately realize that the humanoid form is only a part of it, albeit an important one, but only a part nonetheless, in simpler words, it is like I cut off an arm or a leg, sure, it is a very serious injury, but not a deadly one as its Digicore is located within the giant polyhedron.

At the same time, the wounded Apocalymon continues to float in this strange, dark, empty space and repeats in a maddened state as its energy becomes more and more chaotic while its body starts to blink in a nasty magenta light, "Destroy... Destroy... Destroy... Destroy... Destroy EVERYTHING!! Gran Death Big Bang!!!"

Shortly after that last shout, Apocalymon's body quickly becomes smaller and smaller as the energies within its body become even more chaotic as they get compressed, until it suddenly becomes too much as Apocalymon self-destructs in a terrifying dark purple explosion of pure chaotic energy so powerful that can easily destroy both the Digital World and the Real World.

Seeing that, I don't hesitate to act by immediately detaching the gear-like shields on my gauntlets and throwing them toward Apocalymon's quickly expanding explosion calling out the name of one of the Special Moves that got imprinted into my Digicore when I changed into Mode: Holy, "Circlet Defense!!"

The two gear-like shields quickly fly toward Apocalymon's ever-expanding explosion before one stops above it, while the other stops directly below, and then, the two shields project Holy Energy that expands to form impregnable defensive energy walls in the shape of a spherical energy barrier that completely envelopes the explosion.

At the same time, I also make sure to use my Spiral Cosmo to further reinforce the energy barrier in order to safely contain the multiverse-ending explosion within the spherical barrier.

Once I'm sure that the explosion is safely contained, I manipulate the energy barrier generated by the two gear-like shields making it smaller and smaller, compressing the explosion until it expends all its energy and fades away in a flash of light.

Shortly after that, the strange, dark, empty space created by Apocalymon's darkness starts to quickly disintegrate revealing what remains of Qinglongmon's domain and I have to admit that it isn't much as only a little bit of untouched land at the borders remains while the rest of it is only an enormous smooth crater as everything was consumed by the darkness and reduced to nothing.

Seeing that, I let out a sigh before I commented, "This is going to be a pain to fix... But well, I will worry about it later, after all, I still have to deal with Zeed Milenniumon and I'm sure that the next battle isn't going to be any less destructive..."

Shortly after saying that, I immediately start to fly back toward the central gorge while thinking, 'Maybe it is better that I do something for the next battle as I do not want to destroy the whole Digital World something that is very likely to happen if we go all out as this battle is going to be exactly like...'

Suddenly I remembered something that gave me an idea to solve that problem and exclaimed, "That's right! I can do that too! I just need some time to pull it off, but it will surely solve that issue. I can already start to work on it now and it should be ready just in time for the next battle...'

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

After briefly informing the Ultimate Level Digimon fighting against the D-Reaper and its agents of their weakness and seeing them successfully exploiting them.

I quickly chase after Huanglongmon who was blown away by the full-powered Gravity Magic, Omnipotens Dis.

I quickly fly over the ruins of what remains of the nearby Suzaku Gate, Zhuqiaomon's palace, then over the long bridge and even the Great South Gate, the area where we fought Chimairamon, Mugendramon, Caturamon, and Makuramon until I reach the dry, rocky desert that makes up most of Zhuqiaomon's domain and watch as the moon-sized Huanglongmon maneuvers its body with surprising agility as it fixes its posture and gracefully lands on the ground upturning the earth while creating a massive crater at the same time.

Seeing that, I can't help but comment impressed, "Not bad... it seems that even if it is in a maddened state, it can still make use of Baihumon's feline agility. This means that it is also very likely that it can also make use of the experiences or maybe even abilities of all its components. For example, it may have their mastery over the elements of Fire, Lightning, Water, and Steel or also all the vast fighting experience that they have gathered over the years."

At the same time, Huanglongmon immediately locks on my presence as it stares at me with its eight, menacing shining red eyes before it lets out a loud, malicious roar.

Shortly after that, a swirling dark red energy appears right above me before it instantly turns into a pillar of red lightning that falls toward me with the clear intent of completely erasing me, but with a single thought, I will the shields hovering behind to join together and position themselves above me before they easily block Haunlongmon's pillar of red lightning that has enough power behind it to completely erase something the size of a galaxy something quite easy to discern as the ground under me that was not protected by the shield is completely vaporized forming a very deep hole.

Seeing that, I quickly decide to also respond to what can be considered Huanglongmon's probing attack with one of my own. 

I urge the Spiral Cosmo within my body as I hold my hands out over my head, pointing them towards Huanglongmon with open palms, making my Spiral Cosmo fully explode and yell, "White Ice Spears!" 

Shortly after calling the name of my technique, I throw my hands down, and cross them, solidifying my Spiral Cosmo into numerous solid spears of ice, before launching them toward my target at the speed of light. 

This is one of the many techniques I used in my days as a Saint, in fact, this is a technique that Crateris itself taught me as it was created by the first wielder of the Crateris Cloth in the Age of Myths and then passed down from generation to generation of Crateris Saints, just like many other signature techniques.

The ice spears created by this technique reach the temperature of absolute zero which will surely be able to freeze or at least slow down even someone on the level of Huanglongmon, and not only that, but they are hard enough to even easily pierce through a Gold Cloth, which I think is good enough to test the durability of Huanglongmon's scales that are made up of Huanglong Ore, the ore that boasts absolute hardness in the Digimon Multiverse. 

But before the ice spears I launched can actually reach their target, Huanglongmon instantly reacts to my attack by opening its mouth and forcefully inhaling pulling the ice spears toward its mouth where they disassemble into motes of lights before being swallowed and shortly after, it fires a blast of red lightning from its mouth back at me.

Seeing that, I can't help but smirk while commenting, "Not bad... but you aren't the only one that can send an attack back to the sender... Porta!"

I quickly chant and cast the Spatial Magic I created back in the Arifurate Universe, and soon an enormous spherical hole in the space appears in front of me where on the other side one can clearly see the massive figure of Huanglongmon seen from a bird view.

At the same time, the blast of red lightning fired by Huanglongmon rushes into the spherical hole before it falls onto Huanlongmon's body with such force that makes Huanlongmon's limbs treble as it lets out a painful roar while the ground under its feet gives way making the crater even bigger. 

But shortly after that, Huanglongmon quickly recovers and stares at me with an even more enraged gaze as its body releases a heavy malevolent aura so thick that it becomes visible and it even starts to affect the surroundings as everything in its immediate surroundings becomes darker and more lifeless until it disintegrates into motes of darkish Data.

Seeing that, I can't help but frown and focus more on Huanglongmon while thinking, 'That for sure isn't a good sign... The berserk Huanglongmon will surely bring to ruin the whole Digital World with its mere presence if left unchecked. It is clear that waiting for it to get tired or keeping it busy long enough for it to recover by itself isn't a suitable option any longer. I have to hurry and find another way to purify Huanglongmon of the malevolent energy that Zeed Millenniumon feeds it without having to kill it.'

While I'm thinking that, Huanglongmon suddenly lets out another ferocious roar that snaps me out of my thoughts as it summons huge blocks of black crystals above its body that then rain down toward me.

In response, I again manipulate and make my Spiral Cosmo burn, which then gathers around my fist and transforms into a water-like energy that twists around my fist, and with a single decisive punch I yell, "Torrential Rain!!" releasing a massive amount of clear blue energy droplets in front of me at once almost like heavy rain, that quickly heads toward the incoming huge blocks of black crystals reducing them into harmless dust in an instant.

This is a variant of the omnidirectional technique that I created in my youth and that is usually used to deal with a massive amount of enemies that instead focus and concentrate all the attacks in a single direction, basically my version of Seiya's Ryuseiken or Aiolia's Lightning Plasma.

After quickly dealing with Huanglongmon's last attack, I continued to study Huanglongmon while continuing that train of thought, 'I don't think the Gold Blood is going to work as Digimon do not have actual blood so it would be useless. Using Spiral Cosmo or Anti-Spiral Cosmo to purge the malevolent energy from its Digicore also doesn't seem ideal as it could cause some irreversible damage even more so as the malevolent energy is very likely going to fight back. The same can be said about all the Ancient Magic I learned in the Arifureta Universe that while very effective against most lifeforms. Unfortunately, the Digimon are so unique that makes them much more resistant against them...'

While I'm calmly analyzing my options, an even more enraged Huanglongmon lets out a roar so powerful that the very air and earth start to shake as its body becomes enveloped in black flames so hot that affects air around so much that it starts to distort its image before it suddenly generates a massive tornado of black flames on the scale of a natural disaster with Huanglongmon as its center and then it slowly moves toward me turning everything in its path into ash.

Seeing that, I gather an astonishing quantity of Spiral Cosmo between my hands before I make it explode with a force equal to many Big Bangs to unleash one of my most powerful techniques. 

At the same time, I twist my arms and release all Spiral Cosmo while roaring "Hundred Roaring Ice Fangs!!" generating an equally massive, powerful, and turbulent wave-like vortex of Spiral Cosmo with countless ice spears within, all of them with the temperature at the absolute zero that immediately clashes against Huanglongmon's tornado of black flames which immediately loses its heat and energy in the presence of the extreme cold of my technique. 

This allows the turbulent wave-like vortex to blow away the weakened tornado of black flames and the ice spears within the turbulent wave-like vortex to pierce into Huanglongmon's body turning it into a pincushion that starts to quickly freeze. 

But the ice spears are way too small compared to massive Huanglongmon and because of that the freezing effect of the ice spears is way too slow which allows Haunglongmon to fight off their freezing effects by once again igniting its body in black flames before it is too late and become completely frozen.

Because of that, Huanglongmon fully focuses on fighting off the freezing effects which give me enough time to focus on thinking how to best remove the malevolent energy that is corrupting the moon-sized Digimon and suddenly, I relax as I remember, 'How could I forget about that!? I already have the perfect solution for this problem literally in my pocket!'

I immediately bring out my D-Ark and comment, "The D-Ark! Just like all the Digivices it has the power to release a potent light energy that can repel or damage dark and evil Digimon, and Digimon under the influence of malignant forces, more importantly, it can also purge those malignant forces from Digimon entirely..."

Shortly after saying that, I don't hesitate to point the D-Ark at Huanglongmon while feeding it my Spiral Cosmo and my desire to purge that evil energy from Huanglongon and in response, D-Ark releases a blinding white light beam that makes Huanglongmon scream in pain as a black smoke is released from its body.

Seeing that it is working, I immendiately input even more Spiral Cosmo into my D-Ark which makes the light beam even stronger causing Huanglongmon to scream even more, but then a strange sinister screech is heard that is quickly followed by a single deep and majestic voice that yells, "We are free!!"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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