Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 298 – The Ultimate Gods

Jayr POV - Digital World, Realm of the Holy Beasts - 2001

After that powerful roar, the purifying light generated by my D-Ark fades away once again revealing Huanglongmon's figure that has gone through some significant change.

It is still It is a quadrupedal dragon with a long tail and neck, three toes on each foot, and a claw on each toe, but now the color of its scales has changed from the malevolent dark purple to a more pleasant golden-yellow. 

It still has eight red eyes, three on each side of the head, and two on its top, but now its eyes are much calmer and do not shine in that maddened light. 

It still has two long horns on the back of its head, and six large tusks on its back, but their shape changed slightly, appearing more modest, giving it a more regal and much less feral appearance. 

In addition, the twelve Digicores that it carries on its back are no longer enveloped in ghostly blue fire but are now shining in a bright red light.

Overall, its current appearance recalls much better the mythical Yellow Dragon of the Center it takes after.

(Image Here - Huanglongmon)


As I'm studying it, Huanglongmon focuses its gaze on me and says, "Tamer... We are truly grateful for your assistance in freeing us from that malevolent influence. We are sure that in our maddened state without your intervention we would have very likely brought ruin upon everything we swore to protect. So let us once again show you our appreciation..."

Shortly after saying that, Huanglongmon gently bowed its head to show its gratefulness, and seeing that, I slowly nodded and said, "You don't have to thank me yet. After all, we still have to deal with the most pressing issues which are the D-Reaper and more importantly Zeed Millenniumon."

Hearing that, Huanglongmon raises its head and says, "You are right... Before we can fully focus on those things we have to deal with our enemies first and that isn't going to be easy. The D-Reaper is currently focusing most of its forces in the Real World making it somewhat easier to contain here. Zeed Millenniumon on the other hand... We are not sure that we are its match even in our current state... Its powers are just that frightening..."

In response to those words, I quickly reassure it, "Do not worry about Zeed Millenniumon. My partners and I will take care of that, you have to focus on helping the Ultimate Level Digimon contain and repel the D-Reaper and if possible lend a hand to the Tamers fighting in the Real World. After all, what happens in the Real World will inevitably also affect the Digital World." 

Huanglongmon agrees with me and quickly after we both start to rush back toward the central gorge but on our way there a bright flash of light coming from West catches my attention and the next moment following that bright flash, the whole Realm of the Holy Beasts shakes as a terrifying explosion can be seen in the distance that can easily be seen even from here despite the enormous distance.


Shortly after that explosion, I feel a faint shockwave pass through my body, clearly an aftermath of that explosion but the fact that the shockwave itself was even able to reach this far is already astonishing because as a whole, the Realm of the Holy Beast is truly immense to the point that it around the size of the Andromeda Galaxy which is quite a bit bigger than the Milky Way.

At the same time, I realize that the explosion is the result of Imperialdramon's battle against Armagemon, and without any hesitation, I immediately use my Cosmic Awareness to check his situation and quickly let out a sigh of relief as I perceive that he is alive, hurt, but alive nonetheless.

Quickly after that, I also check Goddramon's situation and perceive that he too also defeated his opponent and is now flying toward Imperialdramon.

Sensing that, I smile while thinking, 'Good, Goddramon can easily heal Imperialdramon with Umon of Blue Thunder. Moreover, my Digimon Incarnation, Imperialdramon, and Goddramon all defeated their opponent more or less at the same time.' 

While I think that, I hear Huanglongmon's voice as it asks, "What was that...?" making me quickly answer, "That is the result of the battle between Imperialdramon and Armagemon. Imperialdramon won, but unfortunately as a result of the battle Baihumon's domain is no more..."

At this point my smile turns into a wry one as I continue the train of thought, 'And it isn't the only one, none of the domain of the Four Holy Beasts came out whole from those battles... Xuanwumon's domain was ravaged to the point that more than half of it is now gone or become barren. Qinglongmon's domain was mostly devoured and reduced into nothingness by Apocalymon's Darkness leaving only the border areas intact. Zhuqiaomon was ravaged by my cataclysmic battle with Huanglongmon and still is in the best state. But the one that got the short end of the stick is Baihumon as its domain was completely erased by that explosion leaving nothing but a very deep hole behind.' 

In response to my words, Huanglongmon nods and says, "Do not worry about the damage that these battles are causing... As long as the Digital World still exists after this everything that was destroyed can also be rebuilt, in fact, even if this Realm is totally gone, it is a price worth paying for the safety of the Digital World as a whole." 

After saying that, Huanglongmon looks up his gaze focused on the glowing globe high in the sky that represents the Real World, and then it says, "After all, we are the ones that created this whole realm from scratch in the first place and we can always do it again."

At this point, we conclude our discussion and hurry back toward the central gorge where the battle between the group of Ultimate Level Digimon and the agents of the D-Reaper is still ongoing with both sides fighting without any reserve while Zeed Millenniumon is calmly watching everything from above with a pleased expression on its faces. 

Zeed Millenniumon notices our arrival and focuses both its heads on us while saying, "Oh...! It seems that you were able to free Huanglongmon of the influence of the Dark Tree, not bad. I had already noticed that you were somewhat different from all the opponents I faced until now. In addition, you must have used one of those annoying Digivices that the Chosen Children and Tamers always carry with them. Those things are always able to derail my plans one way or another..."

Shortly after saying that, Zeed Millenniumon raises its hands and roars, "But they won't be able to save in the presence of overwhelming power!!" 

A dark portal appears between Zeed Millenniumon's huge hands a from that portal it summons enormous meteors that quickly start to drop toward me.

At the same time, Huanglongmon is about to make a move to intercept the incoming meteors but I stop him and say, "Don't worry about that! Focus on the D-Reaper! We will deal with Zeed Millenniumon!"

While I'm saying that, the familiar voice of Imperialdramon resounds in the distance shouting, "Positron Laser!!" followed by an energy beam that hits the closest meteors making them all explode into thousands of smaller pieces and immediately after, from another direction, countless a whip-like lightning trails moe across the sky as they completely destroy all the remaining smaller pieces turning them into dust.

Seeing that, Huanglongmon nods and quickly rushes toward the central gorge to help the group of Ultimate Level Digimon fight the D-Reaper.

At the same time, Zeed Millenniumon chuckles before it says, "Kukuku... It seems that your Digimon were able to defeat the little surprises that I had prepared... Goo- Urgh!!" but before Zeed Millenniumon can finish, Goddramon closes in and delivers a powerful punch filled with Holy Power into Zeed Millenniumon's stomach taking the massive Digimon by surprise and sending it crashing into the nearby ground raising a massive cloud of dust.

Shortly after that, a dark rip in space appears in the sky and from it, an extremely annoyed Zeed Millenniumon appears roaring, "Who dares to interrupt my triumphant moment!? I was about to explain how all you did was for my own benefit!!"

At the same time, my Digimon Incarnation, Imperialdramon, and Goddramon all move beside me, and Goddramon points at himself with his thumb and cheerfully yells back, "You thought it was karma that stopped your villain monologue. But no! It was me, Diodramon!!" 

Immediately after that declaration, the whole battlefield falls into silence and I even have the impression of hearing the sound of crows cawing "Aho... Aho... (AN: For those not in the known, it is the Japanese onomatopoeia for a crow's call that can also be translated for the word "idiot.")" 

Meanwhile, a very complacent Goddramon snickers and mutters, "Hehe... I wanted to pull this off since I first evolved into Goddramon, but never had the chance to do it..." while Imperialdramon looks at the glowing globe and mutters, "He isn't really my brother... I'm just the fusion of two Digimon that came out from the same egg..." 

But soon the light-hearted moment gets broken by Zeed Millenniumon's enraged shout, "How dare you make fun of me!! I'm Zeed Millenniumon! The Wicked God!! A Digimon so powerful that Yggdrasil itself was forced to act in order to suppress my power!! And now that I'm closer than ever to my objective I won't allow anyone to stop me!!"

Then three dark orbs appear hovering above its hand as Zeed Millenniumon calms down and says, "Not that you guys or anyone else will be able to stop me... Thanks to you guys defeating those three Digimon of absolute evil that I summoned, I was able to gather their powerful, resentful Digicores full of the malice they had gathered throughout their existence. With their evil Data's help, I will surely be able to overpower these dammed chains that bound me for so long!" 

Hearing that, I can't help but shout, "Oh shit!" but before I can do anything, Zeed Millenniumon quickly throws the three dark Digicores into its mouth.

The effect is immediate as a very dark and sinister aura covers Zeed Millenniumon's massive body.

At the same time, the whole Digital World starts to shake as dark rips in the space randomly open and close all over the place even the time itself becomes fuzzy and it starts to randomly accelerate, decelerate, or even reverse itself, all at the same time, to the point that I have to envelope us in a bubble of Spiral Cosmo to make sure that we aren't affected by it and of course, the Digital World isn't the only one affected by this but the Real World too, and both seems almost on the breaking point, about to collapse onto themselves.

Seeing that, I don't hesitate anymore, and quickly decide to use the last measure I was preparing with my Digimon Incarnation for the battle against Zeed Millenniumon.

I fully focus my Spiral Cosmo thinking about my destination and shortly after a green swirling portal appears right behind Zeed Millenniumon. 

I focus on keeping the portal open as the disturbance in the space-time caused by Zeed Millenniumon is truly making this difficult even for me, and at the same time, I grit my teeth and shout, "Imperialdramon! Push it into the portal!!"

In response, Imperialdramon doesn't hesitate and quickly detaches the Positron Laser from his right arm and inserts it into the dragon's face on the chest plate of his armor, then he emits all of his body's energy and yells, "Giga Death!!" firing an enormous large ball of black dark matter that has more than 10 times the power of Mega Death. 

The enormous ball of black dark matter rushes toward Zeed Millenniumon and on impact, it explodes sending Zeed Millenniumon into the portal making all the effects of whatever its growing overpowering presence was doing to this universe disappear.

Shortly after pushing Zeed Millenniumon into the portal, I opened another portal right in front of us and said, "Let's not waste any time and follow after it... After all, Zeed Millenniumon with its control over time and space can easily come back from the place we just sent it..."

Godddramon and Imperialdramon nod and quickly follow after me as I rush into the portal and shortly after we find ourselves in a grotesque and vivid space, where mega galaxies fill the heavens in a very clear way with countless backdrop of jewel-like stars, like a painting of surrealism. 

It's a different isolated universe that no one but Zeed Millenniumon and us has ever set foot on in the entire Omniverse. 

The reason for that is quite simple, it is because this is a brane universe, also known as bulk or hyperspace, that I just created a few minutes ago and exists between the membranes of the 10h and 11th dimensions as an oscillating space-time, with a different set of dimensional axes, corresponding to a 12-dimensional reality, a universe that is created, occupied and fully controlled by me according to my every whim, and because of its existence being tied with my own this universe will only exist as long as I continue to maintain it with my energy but will vanish from reality as soon as I stop doing that. 

I obviously took inspiration from Antispiral's Universe from the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe to create this but different from the original one, mine isn't basically infinite in size, but much, much smaller, after all, I didn't have too much time to create this, and so I could only focus on making sure that this universe was as isolated as possible and with a structure solid enough to easily endure a battle with multiverse level of power.

As soon as we arrive at our destination, Imperialdramon and Goddramon start to look around in wonder as they comment.

"Wow! This place is very beautiful..."

"Indeed... but something feels off about it."

Then Imperialdramon asks, "Jayr, where are we exactly?" to which I quickly answer, "We are in what I'm going to call, the Battle Universe. A temporarily isolated universe of my creation where we can fight at full power without worrying about harming or destroying everything in our immediate surroundings as it is completely empty of life. I came out with the idea of creating this a few minutes ago so it is still rough around the edges but it will work for what we need to."

While I'm saying that, I also notice that what was happening in the Digimon Tamers Universe, is also happening here as dark rips in the space randomly open and close all over the place even the time itself becomes fuzzy and it starts to randomly accelerate, decelerate, or even reverse itself all at the same time but on a much smaller scale as I'm using my own control over this universe to fight and contain the effects of whatever Zeed Millenniumon's presence is doing to it.

At the same time, I also focus on Zeed Millenniumon's figure and notice that it has gone through some changes in the few seconds that passed since we threw it into the Battle Universe.

At the moment, Zeed Millenniumon's body is growing even bigger with each passing second.

If before, it was more or less the same size as Apocalymon which means that of a small planetoid, at the moment it is even bigger than Huanglongmon who is moon-sized, and it is still growing to the point that the glowing green bands wrapped around it are becoming more and more strained.

Then with a wrathful roar Zeed Millenniumon's head suddenly bites the glowing bands, tears of a piece of it breaking them apart before it quickly sucks up the rest like some strands of noodles.

Immediately after doing that, Zeed Millenniumon roars, "Finally!!" as the two spirits with draconic features wrapped around themselves that form its body start to twist and tighten fully merging into a single definite whole while it continues to boom in size and become more solid. 

In the end, the unchained Zeed Millenniumon transforms into a gargantuan galaxy-sized creature that resembles an easter dragon with a very menacing look. 

Its single head is the fusion between Chiamairamon and Mugendramon and it has four eyes with pure black sclera and white iris with give it a very demonic appearance.

It has feather-like scales that alternate between the brown and the purple color in a spiral-like pattern and has ten arms throughout its sinuous dragon-like body that just like the feather-like scales alternate between the brown and the purple color, in addition, I also notice the presence of some more eyes throughout its body.

But the most noticeable detail is without doubt the glowing green band spinning that can be seen within its mouth and that is very likely spread throughout its whole body if the green light that glows in the gaps between its scales is any indication of it. 

(Image Here - Zeed Millenniumon Unchained)


Watching the Zeed Millenniumon's menacing figure as it towers over us, Goddramon can't help but comment, "I'm starting to feel a little outmatched here... I mean, that is just way too big!!" followed by Imperialdramon who adds, "That's true... until now the opponents we encountered were already quite big some even as big as an island or even around the size of the moon... but this... this is... Immense... I don't even know if our attacks are going to have any effect on it."

In response, Goddramon shrugs his shoulders and says, "There is only one way to find out..." before he starts to gather all of his energy to unleash his strongest Special Move, God Flame.

He cups his hands and draws them to his side as he concentrates all the holy energy into a single point between his cupped hands and seeing that familiar posture, I immediately comment in wonder, "No way... is he really going to do that...?" 

But my presentiment turns out to be true as I hear him slowly utter the words, "Ka... mi... Ha... me..." making me exclaim, "Oh my Goddess! He is really going to do it!!"

Then once he has concentrated all the energy between his hands to the point that a small sun seems to have appeared between them, Goddramon thrusts his hands forward and yells, "... HIIII!!!" shooting a colossal golden beam of flames toward Zeed Millenniumon while I'm looking at my Digimon Partner half in admiration and half in shame. 

Admiration because he pulled off an almost perfect imitation of that iconic move, shame because I remember the times in my previous life when I tried to pull off a Kamehameha like Goku... and the copy of it that I created in my youth shortly after awakening my 6th Sense and gaining enough mastery of my Cosmo.

At the same time, the colossal golden beam of flames quickly approaches Zeed Millenniumon whose immense size makes Goddramon's beam look almost like a small shining thread, but as expected, Zeed Millenniumon easily disperses Goddramon's beam by slapping it away with one of its claws leaving behind only a very small black mark on it.

Shortly after that, Zeed Millenniumon's booming voice is heard as it chuckles and says, "Kukuku... Are you done? Now it is my turn to make you taste true despair! Unlimited Seal!!"

Then its whole body glows in an ominous green light before a set of familiar green glowing bands wrap around Goddramon, Imperialdramon, my Digimon Incarnation's body, and even my D-Ark, and almost at the same time, their bodies start to shine and grow smaller until they all degenerate into XV-mon, Stingmon, Angemon, and Aegiomon.

Through the connection with my Digimon Incarnation and my D-Ark, I immediately realize that Zeed Millenniumon suppressed the Data within their bodies to the point of forcing them back to their Adult Form and even that is thanks to their stronger than normal DigiCore and power because I'm pretty sure that any other Digimon would have been suppressed to the Baby II Level. 

In addition, Zeed Millenniumon also sealed away my D-Ark making it unresponsive to my Spiral Cosmo and emotions preventing me from using it to somewhat help my partners. 

The same can be applied to my Digimon Incarnation as my Data is also fully suppressed and even if I can use the Spiral Cosmo within my DigiCore to produce more Data, I still won't be able to evolve.

But luckily I can still use my Spiral Cosmo without any problem so my Digimon Incarnation can still put on fight.

While I analyze the situation, Zeed Millenniumon laughs evilly as it says, "Huahaha! How does it feel to have so much of your power suppressed? It's frustrating, right? Now let me enjoy your desperation as you realize that no one can stop me anymore! I've won! I'm going to destroy Yggdrasil and everything else and then I will create a new universe in my image where I'll be the supreme ruler!! I will fulfill my destiny as the Ultimate Wicked God!"

At this point, XV-mon asks, "Let's fight, Jayr! We can't let that happen! We have to do something!" followed by Stingmon who comments, "But in our current state we can't do anything against Zeed Millenniumon! Only Jayr can fight we will only drag him down..." making Angemon shouts, "There has to be something that we can do!"

Hearing that, I look at the enormous Zeed Millenniumon that is calmly enjoying the scene, and with a smirk, I calmly say, "Calm down. It's true at the moment as Digimon you guys can't do anything as your Data is completely suppressed."

Seeing them look down, my smirk grows bigger as I say, "But that's only if you guys want to fight as a Digimon. But if your will is still strong. You guys can still fight by my side... as my Partners!"

Shortly after saying that, I open four portals connected to my Soulbound Territory, and from it, four familiar Gunmen walk out, Galeon, Drill Gun, Liner Gun, and Protect Gun at the same time, under my command, Crateris transforms into Cratergann and I find myself back into the familiar cockpit.

I look back at my partners and say, "Come on get into the Gunmen, and let's show Zeed Millenniumon a sight that it will never forget!"

Shortly after that, my Digimon Incarnation rushes into Galeon and I quickly control Cratergann to jump on top of it to combine them into Crater Gar.

At the same time, Angemon yells, "Hell yeah! I always wanted to do that!" before he rushes into Protect Gun's cockpit and shortly after him, Stingmon rushes toward Linear Gun's cockpit while muttering, "To think that I forgot about that..."

On the other hand, a curious and amused Zeed Millenniumon asks, "What are you going to do with those small toys? Even an Andromon is more useful than those things..."
XV-mon enters Drill Gun's cockpit, looks at Zeed Millenniumon, and yells, "You will see!" before he also closes the cockpit and starts to control Drill Gun, something that all three of them can do as I taught them beforehand.

After all of them took their position, feeling a grin forming on my face, I muttered, "Let's go, partners! Let's give Zeed Millenniumon the full show! Spiral Drive!!"

Immediately under my command, Angemon, Stingmon, and XV-mon fully connect their DigiCores with the Gunmen, and soon, their will ignite as their DigiCores start to produce a storm of Spiral Cosmo. 
Sensing that, I smirk, synchronize my Spiral Cosmo with theirs and we all yell out. 

"""Final Fuusion!!""" 

In response, Crater Gar spins around while releasing the pure golden Spiral Cosmo, which seems to contain countless small shining stars within it, from all its opening forming a titanic tornado around itself.

After that, Drill Gun, Protect Gun, and Liner Gun go through some particular changes as they grow in size until a copy of them bursts out, and then they start to spin around Crater Gar.

First, the two Drill Guns rush below Crater Gar, who then releases a couple of drills from its feet piercing the Drill Guns, which quickly start to change shape while releasing some excessive parts that start to float around and quickly after that, it pulls them toward its feet as it starts the assimilation process.

Next, the two Linear Guns eject their limbs, which start to float around together with the Drill Guns still unused parts, leaving behind only their faces, then another set of drills comes out of Crater Gar's shoulders that just like before pierce into the Linear Guns pulling then into their place on the left and right shoulder.

Following that, it is the turn of the two Protect Guns, who after ejecting their parts, are then pierced by two drills coming out from Crater Gar's palms and pulled back as they are assimilated into the arms.

Finally, drill come out from all over Crater Gar's body as they pierces all the remaing pieces and pull them over, and soon after that Crater Gar is then engulfed in a pure golden flame of Spiral Cosmo as the process of assimilation enters it final phase.

Instantly I feel Crater Gar's body changing not only in shape but also in size quickly growing to the size of a mountain, then of a planet and even then it doesn't stop as I continue to feed my Spiral Cosmo into it and Crater Gar continues to increase in size to be able to handle all our power.

And soon, Crater Gar reaches the same size of Zeed Millenniumon who now looks at us with clear shock in its eyes as we are now as big as a galaxy. 

At the same time, I feel that it has fully assimilated all the support Gunmen into its body, reaching its ultimate form, and so I yell out as I disperse the Spiral Cosmo tornado, "This is the strongest God of Destruction! The ultimate embodiment of courage. The King of Braves! Tengen Toppa... GunCraterGar!!"

Then in perfect synch with my partners we all shout together.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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