Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 34 – The Other Champions

??? POV - Dragon Ball Universe, Earth, Mount Paozu - Age 772

I'm woken up by mom's voice as she yells "Gohan, Goza, Goten!! Wake up, breakfast is ready!!", and the next moment, all three of us get up from our beds, dress up and quickly move to the kitchen, where mom is already waiting with our breakfast, that is big enough to feed at least 20 people, and soon after greeting her and thanking for the food, we start to eat.

I'm the first to finish, and once again I look at my family, first, there is my younger brother Goten, he is 5 and is the spitting image of dad's childhood look, including messy, unkempt hair, same eye color, lighter-pale complexion, and a playful face, he also likes to wear the orange gi similar to dad's, minus the kame symbol, along with a dark blue long-sleeved undershirt and black training shoes with dark blue shin guards.

(Image Here - Goten)


Then there is my mom, Chi-Chi, a beautiful, light-skinned woman of slender yet curvaceous frame and average height, she has long, straight black hair tied in a high bun but she still had her hair coming down on the sides, and large black eyes, she wears a yellow uniform with a purple cloth tied on the back with turquoise pants, blue martial art shoes and also wears white Chinese earrings.

(Image Here - Chi-Chi)


Then there is my twin brother Gohan, he is similar in height to dad and inherited his hair, facial features, and dark eyes, at the same time, he has his mom's light peach complexion, his hair is short and stands on end in a spiky formation, with a single bang hanging over the right side of his forehead, having slacked off in training, he looks noticeably skinnier and leaner in frame, though still respectfully muscular, he wears a blue gi similar to the Piccolo clothing, with his obi, wrist bands and shin guards are red.

(Image Here - Gohan)


And of course, being his twin, I'm basically his spitting image, the only difference is that I didn't slack in my training, ignoring mom's protest, and another difference is that I never changed my hairstyle much since my childhood, but the longer part of my hair is cut much shorter, somewhat resembling the haircut we had when we first trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and when the mess with Cell, I'm wearing a uniform greatly resembling that of dad, the only differences between my uniform and dad's is that the sleeves are longer, my boots are a dark blue with yellowish stripes on the bottom edges and without the line running in the middle of the boots from top to bottom, and I also wear my own kanji symbol on the back, Za,  in fact right now I look pretty much like Future Gohan.

(Image Here - Goza)


I once again think about my last serious fight with a grin 'The fight with Cell was awesome...' but then I remember my mistake, 'Only I once again lost control and transformed into Legendary Super Saiyan, wreaking everything around me, and not noticing Cell about to self destruct, and so dad sacrificed like in the original to save everyone, the shock brought me back and made Gohan transform into Super Saiyan 2, and together we defeated Cell once and for all... Really I should have thought better than asking to be a Legendary Super Saiyan... Sure my power grows at a monstrous pace, but it is useless if everytime I fight and tranform I destroy and kill everything...In fact after Cell, I gathered the Dragon Ball and asked Shenron to make me able to regain control when I transform into LSSJ but he said that he was unable to do so as my power was too strong for him... So in the end I asked for a technique to reinforce my spirit, and fortunately he could grant this wish...'.

Mom's voice wakes me up from my thoughts "Gohan, Goza! Remember to study hard as you will start your highschool in the city next year", and Gohan quickly replies "Yes, mom!", full of spirit, while I simply say "Yes... I will study during the breaks... Now, I'll go and earn some easy money! By mom, Goten, Gohan!!", and before she could yell something back, I run out of the house and fly off searching for today targets while thinking 'I thought that if we had more money mom would take it easier on me and Gohan about her obsession over studying... So after the Cell Game, I became a bounty hunter, hunting down various criminal around the world, but even if we are well off now, mom still insist on us studying... Gohan likes it so for him isn't a problem, but I'm not a studious type... So I do just enough to get good grades'.

Sometime later, after eradicating a bandit group and giving them to the authorities and earning a buck of Zeni, I fly toward Bulma's house, hoping to spar with Vegeta or Android 16 something we do almost every day while thinking 'Another year and all the Champion will be able to travel to different Universes and two years after I'll be forced to leave to fight in a random Universe with a random opponent... Of course, it could end peacefully, but you'll never know I could meet someone bloodthirsty and strong... If things gets really bad, I'll just escape in the space, not many are capable of surviving there like me!'.

??? POV - Highschool DxD Universe, Underworld, Vassago Territory - 2005

Like every morning, I'm woke up by currently the only member of my Peerage, in the best way possible, with her lips around my cock as she bobs her head up and down as her tongue does the rest of the job, I open my eyes and admire her as she works on my cock, she is a young bespectacled woman with long straight black hair that extends all the way down to her knees, with split bangs and heterochromatic eyes, with a violet left eye and a light brown right eye, her name is Tsubaki Shinra and she is my Bishop.

(Image Here - Tsubaki Shinra)


Soon, I reach my limit, and I release my semen inside her mouth, and after she swallows everything, she looks at me in the eyes and after lightly bowing says in a serious and calm tone "Good morning, Ledram-sama, Lord and Lady Vassago asks for your presence for breakfast, then they would like to know if your Clan Trait showed if there are other potential members for your Peerage...".

Hearing that I can't help but click my tongue thinking about my Clan Trait 'Shit! I choose the Vassago because they were the number 3, and remember reading somewhere that there was a trait about controlling and taming dragons... Obviously, my objectives were the milf Tiamat and the loli Ophis... But instead the Vassago Clan Trait is related to Divination, especially on treasures, there is nothing we can't find as long as it exist, luckily the word treasure is kind of vague... So with it I can find what I think are treasures, Sacred Gear User, Everything that permanently enhances my strength without the need for training, and women... Thanks to this Trait I was able to find a young Tsubaki, a real deal 2 treasure in one, a Sacred Gear User and a beautiful girl, so I convinced her in becoming my bishop and trained her... In every kind of way...'.

While getting up from the bed, and with Tsubaki's help in getting dressed, I think with a grin 'And with it, I was also able to find a treasure that enhanced my strength, so much that right now I'm a High-Class Devil, without training a single day, why work hard when you can cheat your way to greatness!', after getting dressed I look at myself in the mirror and see a handsome young man with an athletic slim build, dark black short hair, and blood crimson eyes, with sharp facial features.

(Image Here - Ledram Vassago)


After admiring myself, I move to the hall and have breakfast with my parents, my father is noble looking with sharp feature black hair, and black eyes and also don a gourgeus mustace, while my mother also has noble and sharp features, a bonbuxon body, black hair and crimson eyes like mine, after breakfast my father asks me "So Ledram, tell me did you find another member for your Peerage with our Clan Trait, and after cleaning my mouth with a napkin, I reply "Yes, father... only she is kind of difficult to get... but that isn't the only problem, that loser of Diodora Astaroth also has his eyes on her, for now, he still didn't make contact has he just saw her, and still didn't know her true worth...".

Hearing that father nods and says "Well you have my support to make your move..." while mother says "It's best you hurry, It is better if she becomes your Peerage than falling for that kid tricks, I have heard bad rumors about him... Well not that you are much better... but at least you don't force yourself on them and don't break and throw them, away..." and at them I nod and reply "I'm a pervert, but I have my own rules and morals... While indulging in our sins makes us stronger, we should always have control over our urges and not get overwhelmed... now if you excuse me... I'll go and relax a little".

Once back in my room with Tsubaki, I start to grope her tits and whisper in her ear "Tsubaki, I need your help once again", and she shyly nods and says "Sure, Ledram-sama, use me however you want...", I kiss her neck and lower her panties, and after freeing my cock, and quickly inserting in her tight wet pussy, I start to ravish her while thinking 'Satan, I love this Universe!'.

??? - DCEU Universe, Metropolis - 1990

Today is the day I was waiting for, after years of stalking him since the day I came to Earth, finally the time to act as come, I'm now flying over Metropolis, using my supersenses to see and hear everything that is happing in the manor down below, the Luthor Manor, while at the same time admiring once again the powers that  I have at my disposal 'Best choice ever, not only I have all the powers of a Kryptonian, but also their longevity, it is a dream come true... Moreover, I have the chance to become the most powerful being in the Omniverse! To think that I was content to become just the mayor of a small city... Now with these powers nothing will stop me from gaining the power and authority I seek!'

Then I once again admire my body, I'm a young tall and athletic man, with short black hair and clear blue eyes, my skin tone is very tan, probably because I spent most of time near the sun to absorb as much energy as possible and grow stronger faster.

(Image Here - DCEU Champion)


Right now Alexander Luthor Sr., is beating the shit out of his genius 6 years old son, Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor Jr, and it's finally time to start my plan, I fly into the manor, appear in front of the Luthor Sr., and with a controlled tap on his chest, I stop his heart causing him to have a heart attack and die, then I turn to the young Lex and say "Are you okay? Don't worry he won't hurt you anymore...", and seeing my figure Lex asks "W-who are you? And what did you do to him?", hearing his question I think 'Time for a little acting...', and with a comforting but sad smile I say "My name is Rao-Jil, I just came to this planet, and heard your cry for help... and about him... I think... I-I killed him... I didn't know that your people were so... so fragile".

Lex looks at me for a few seconds then he says "Do not worry... He was a piece of shit anyway... I was planning on killing him myself when I had the chance and take over the business, you just made it a lot easier...", and at that, I try to hide my shock 'What the holy hell? He is 6 and already a budding supercriminal!?', then one thing led to another, and with some guided discussion, I and Lex became allies and decide to help each other in achieving our objectives.

And after preparing everything, we called an ambulance and the police, prepared a cover story for me, saying that I was Lex's cousin who came to visit, at the same time, I blackmailed and threatened everyone who was needed to create my new identity as Raul Luthor, an orphan cousin of Lex, 'With this for the next years I will work with Lex to gain control over the world, and at the same time wait for Teacher Zod and his army to come out of the Phantom Zone and join me... And with their help, I will create a empire spanning countless Universes and rule it as their God-Emperor!!'.

??? POV -  Harry Potter Universe, London - 1995

I'm once again, in this magnificent and awesome place, King's Cross Station Platform 9 3/4, where the classic and now familiar Hogwarts Express is waiting, 'No matter how many times I see it, it always bright my mood no matter what, it reminds me of all the awesome things I did and adventures I had with my friends, that I only dreamed of having before... Not even the worry about the others champions that will be able to come here in four years can lower my mood!'.

Next to me is my brother, Neville, a tall young man with a round face, and brown hair, his growth spurt was great as just last year he was still a little short and chubby, with an AlethaMimbulus mimbletonia in his arms, a gift from our great-uncle Algie, 'While he isn't as shy and nervous as the original, his passion for plants didn't change... Well, he is now one of the best of our year if you don't count Hermione... And while I'm good in theory, in practice, the thing is a little complex... Thanks to my blessing sometimes my magic as some... Let's call it random effects... Like the time I used the Expeliarmus on Lockart, while I disarmed him, it wasn't in the way I intended... As I blow off his whole arm... Or when as a prank I use the Tickling Charm, the Rictusempra on Malfoy, and instead of making him laugh, I made him orgasm while Professor McGonagall was scolding him...Luckily it doesn't happen every time... But the twins liked my version of the Charm and are still studying to recreate it... They said it was only for research but with them you'd never know...'

Neville after looking around says "It seems that they aren't here yet, let's go and occupy a compartment...", and as we move toward the Hogwarts Express, we hear someone calling us "Aletha, Neville!" we turn around and see Harry coming together with Sirius Black, with a smile on their faces, and think, 'I've read so many fanfictions that talked about how to save Sirius that I would have been the shame of all the other reincarnators and transmigrators if I wasn't able to do the same... The effect is good, Harry is still cheerful even with all the shit the Prophet and the Ministry are saying to bury the rumor of Voldycunt's return'.

After greeting each other, we get inside the Hogwarts Express and occupy a compartment, and soon one after another our friends come, first the Weasly's tribe, then Hermione, who seems a little off sitting next to me, not that the other can notice this 'She is still a little awkward, not that I do not understand her, she is probably still confused and unsure on how to act... After all, after the flop with Krum, she came to me and we spend a lot of time talking and one thing led to another and we ended up making out... I was always honest about my sexual orientation and never hid it from my close friends and family even if sometimes things got problematic, anyway that day she felt like experimenting something new, but now she doesn't know how to face me...'

I then look at the window and see my own reflection, a young and beautiful young woman with a round face, short brown hair, and grey eyes and think 'Well I will fix this... After making the pink menace disappear before she fuck things up...'.

(Image Here - Aletha Longbottom)


??? POV - Star Wars Universe, Tatooine - BBY 72

Right now, I'm using the Force to feel everything around me, trying my best to keep calm and not let my emotions lead me astray as I'm currently blinded as one of the slavers thrown a handful of sand and now they are about to attack me, soon I felt the threat and allowing the Force to guide me, I lit up my lightsaber, and move as it suggests me, and soon I feel the sound of the blasters and feel the weight of their laser as I use my lightsaber to redirect them back to my opponents, taking them out of combat.

Then once again following the suggestions of the Force, I turn around and use a force push, and the next moment, I hear the screams of my aggressors, and the sound of their bodies hitting the wall, after that I keep up my guard in case some else attack me, but not feeling anything else, I relax my guard and opening a botter of water, I wash my eyes off of the sand, and at the same time I hear my Master's voice "Good job, Padawan Jawo Tirr! It seems that you are following my teaching to the letter...".

Soon I can again see, and look at my master, a human female with tan skin, and she wears jewels on her forehead and brow hair, and eyes, she also bears the Chalactan marks of Illumination, she wears the simple, traditional garb of the Jedi Order, including a brown robe and a light tan tunic, her name is Depa Billaba, an ex padawan of Jedi Master Mace Windu.

(Image Here - Depa Billaba)


I'm her first Padawan, and I'm now named Jawo Tirr, a tall young Twi'Lek male, with green skin, two long lekku, and sharp teeth that took a while to adapt, I also have blue tiger-like stripes all over my lekku, and like my master wear the simple, traditional garb of the Jedi Order, including a brown robe and a light tan tunic, the only difference is a bright red belt that I use for my lightsaber.

(Image Here - Jawo Tirr)


After seeing that my master was fine I ask "Master Billaba, did everything go according to the plan?", Master Billaba nods and replies "Yes, thanks to your decoy, I was able to locate and recover the Senator's daughter... Now we can return to Temple in Coruscant, and continue your training... Of course, after you have your usual bragging contest with Padawan Kenobi...".

With a calm face I reply "Master, it isn't bragging, it is exchanging experiences with a fellow Padawan and friend...And usually, the one with the most mundane and useless experience has to pay for our next meal... Last time I lost because he and his Master had to calm down a horny Rancor", remembering that my master let out a small laugh and says "Ha ha ha! Yes...Master Qui-Gon Jinn said that it was one of the worst sights he had seen in all his life..." and with that, we moved back to our spaceship to return to Coruscant.

Looking at the iconic sight of the Hyperspace as we leave the cursed planet called Tatooine, 'Because if something happens in this Far Far Away Galaxy, in some way it, Tatooine is almost always connected connected to it... God! Over 12 missions and in 8 of them, we had to stop or pass through this planet... There is even an old saying "All Hyperspace lanes lead to Tatooine..."...', as I was thinking that, I hear my Master's voice as she asks "Why are your thoughts so chaotic, my Padawan? I can feel a strange urgency in you...", I let out a sigh and reply "I feel that a great trial is awaiting for me... And I don't know if I will able to survive....", my Master nods and says "Everyone faces such trials in their lives... Some are easy, others almost impossibles... But the most important thing is to face them with a clear mind... Only with a clear and calm mind will you find the hidden opportunity that will allow you to overcome them...", I nod and say "Yes, Master! Thank you for your advice".

??? POV - Doluo Dalu Universe, Star Dou Forest - 35 BTS (Before Tang San)

It's strange of fate works some times, I'm exploring the Star Dou Forest, searching for a compatible beast to become my 5th spirit ring, when I meet the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life, she has fair skin and perfect complexion with an air of noble radiance, luminous rose pink long hair, and crystal clear pink eyes, truly a jade-like beauty.

(Image Here - Bibi Dong)


She looks at me with a wary look and asks "Who are you? What are you doing here?", and with a disarming smile I reply "My name is Jian Chen, 15 years old, single, level 39 Spirit Elder..." then getting on my knee in front of her I ask "What is your name beauty? Will you marry me?", but she in a cold and calm voice replies "I'm Bibi Dong, and sorry I can't marry you, as I don't know you..." and without losing my spirit I ask "So we can start as friend!? Do not worry I'm fine with takings things slow... So are you here to find a Soul Ring too? Or are here just for training?".

Seemingly amused by my behavior, she says "I'm here to search for my 3rd Spirit Ring...", and I excited reply "Cool what your Spirit is, and your Rings configuration, this way I can tell you what is the most compatible beast and the oldest beast you can hunt to gain the max benefit possible...", intrigued by what I said, she asks what do I mean by that, and so I shamelessly copy the piece of shit's theory and explain it to her, I also add "You can surpass these limit by having a strong enough body and soul, but for the average Spirit Master the limits are these, 1st Spirit Ring, less than 423 years old Spirit Beast, 2nd Spirit Ring, less than 764 years old Spirit Beast, 3rd Spirit Ring, less than 1,300 - 1,800 years old Spirit Beast and etc.".

After hearing that she is still reluctant to tell me so I say "Let's do this! I show you mine, you show me yours..." and so I gather my Spirit Energy and summon my Spirit, and soon changes happen to my body, first from the ground 3 colorful Ring come out and spin around my body, their color is yellow, purple, purple, and from this alone I can feel her shock, then my facial feature becomes sharper, two long bright yellow antennae grew out of my temples, on my jaw grew a sharp exoskeleton that frames my face, and my arms becomes insect-like black and yellow in color, with two big venomous stingers on them.

Then I say "This is my Spirit, Emperor Killer Hornet, highly aggressive and venomous, it is also of the special Power and Agility Attacker System... It took me years to restrain my aggressiveness in this form, in fact the first time I had awakened, I almost killed the Spirit Grandmaster that helped with the awakening, as even without Spirit Rings the stingers' poison is highly lethal...".

Seeing that I made the first move, Bibi Dong then decides to show her spirit too she releases her two spirit rings 2 yellow ones, and transforms, and once transformed her legs are gone and from her waist down everything is transformed into a giant spherical body, and from this spheroid grew eight coarse long legs, those eight legs have large tufts of green fur, as well as sickening mucus constantly dripping to the ground with puffing sounds, the skin on her upper body is also be covered with a purple-black armor, and even her face is hidden by a carapace and below both eyes grow another four little eyes.

Seeing her like this I exclaim "Death Spider Emperor, huh....See we are truly compatible!!" hearing that she shows a small smile, then we both stop the activation of our Spirits and start to work together to search for a compatible beast for both, at the same time while walking through the dangerous and thick forest, I think 'To think that I met her so soon... Well, I'll do anything possible to stop her shit-like future... and with my second Spirit everything is possible, the Book of Spirits, a true cheat-like Tool Spirit, with it, at the cost of one Red Spirit Ring or stronger, I can create a Tool Spirit with all the proprieties and skill that I want... Basically with this book I can have 9 custom heaven-defying Tool Spirit...  The only limit is my imagination!!'.

??? POV - Prototype Universe, New York City - 2023

I sit at the top of the highest building in New York City, the World Trade Center, admiring the world around me, 'My world...', the clear sky, the peaceful city full of hives, infected, and evolved all under my control, gone is the noise of fighting, gone are all those selfish people that only whish to empower themselves and harm the others, gone is the hunger in the world as the infected do not need sustenance, gone is the fear of death as the infected do not grow older, and if they do die, their memories will live with me forever, gone are all the problem of this world all that is left is peace and my will as everything obeys me 'It was difficult... First I had to absorb Alex Mercer and Elizabeth Greene... Then I had to slowly move and infect every place in this world, luckily I made my Evolved, sentient infected whose job was to infiltrate the major institution and slowly ease the diffusion of my Blacklight Virus, and after 15 years I finally got control of everything in this world'.

I get up and jump down the build and as I pick up speed and fall toward the ground I yell "Now, I only have to wait for the Unigate to open so that I can move and conquer another universe and at the same time grow even stronger and more infectious... In the end, all the Universes will me mine!!" and as I loudly land on the ground creating a huge crate in the superhero pose I say "The Universes will all be under my name, Robert "Bob" Marcer!!" at the same time the infect around me roar in joy waiting for the opportunity to be unleashed and conquer another world.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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